greenkirbkid456u · 2 years
I lied >:) clown time!!!
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I decided to turn ollie in to a pierrot clown mostly because they were one in the dream i had also in the dream they were following somebody I forgot who to give the person balloons:). (Also if you don't like me making the arcadekitten characters into clowns then blame @cutefoxix for getting me in a clown character mood)/j
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oc-culture · 2 years
im going to talk to you about the afterlife in my ocverse/dnd campaign because i have no one else to do so with. Uh, pretty obvious but I'll be talking a lot about death and killing, also religion but not real religion and also a bit of unreality
so, when you die Rivaca (the got of spirits/souls) appears to wherever you are. From there, two things can happen
He makes a deal of sorts with you this usually goes one of two ways. One, he basically shoves your soul back in your body and you have to kill someone in return. Two, you become a ghost, unable to leave the place you died in or if you died outside, a mile within the place you died.
He sends you to the underworld pretty self explanatory, he takes you into the underworld on a boat with oars.
from here, you usually wait to be judged by the gods of the afterlife.
there are three; Hyius, Flairic and Myura
Hyius is the god representing and in charge of 'heaven'. It is't really called heaven but idk what else to name it. The top of his head is the mushroom Hypsizygus ulmarius (for lore reasons but maybe another day we'll dive into that), which is what his name is based off of. During judgement he reads off your good deeds.
Flairic is the god representing and in charge of 'purgatory'. The top of his head is the mushroom Fly agaric for the same reason as Hyius. During judgement he weighs your good and bad deeds, quite literally. He decides the weight of each deed, putting on the corresponding side of a scale, which is why the scale has become a symbol for him despite him being a minor god.
Myura is the god representing and in charge of 'hell'. The top of his head is the mushroom Mycena pura. Durring judgement he reads off your bad deeds.
People under 14 will not be sent to anywhere but 'heaven', though your actions from under 14 can definitely count against you as an adult.
Basically they're like santa. They watch your whole life and jot down anything bad or good you've done.
'heaven' and 'hell' are pretty stereotypical, I haven't worked on them too much, but 'purgatory' is pretty cool, at least I think so.
When you're sent to 'purgatory' you're usually pretty even on both sides. Flairic will tell you to wait while they discuss where you will go, and put you in there. It looks like a waiting room, if you stretched it out into infinity. There's a clock on the wall, and it never seems to go away. It stops at 11 though, and it only has a minute hand. The clock speeds up and slows down at random intervals. You start to forget things such as your birthday, the year you were born, how long you've been here, what year you died. Memories can seem like dreams. You can freely walk around and talk to people though, though some seem to preoccupied with waiting and refuse to talk
anyways yeah nobody will ever even see this in my dnd campaign why did i do all this
That is TOO cool! <3
(And I do know the feeling. For OCs, threads and roleplays I plan all sort of sh*t and it never comes up in the end. xD Or simply nobody is interested. :'()
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backwaterotter · 3 years
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First 3 attacks I did for artfight! I made a mistake deciding I wanted to animate as much as I can lol. Character's belong to: @starrysorry @ginumo @cutefoxix and @readerdragon
Gonna reblog this with a link to my artfight because tumblr is funny with links
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oc-culture · 2 years
I make characters by taking inspiration from random things I see. Like, usually I get ideas for characters from songs, dreams, or just something I fund cool. I jot them down and they stay like that until I need to make a new oc or the urge to make them gets unbearable (I already have too many ocs). I usually give them a gender, personality and gender first, draw them, name them and then maybe give them a backstory if I'm feeling like it.
How do you guys start when creating your OC?
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