#cuties cohexisting
greypetrel · 1 year
Hello, friend! c:
☘ for all of them
❤ for Aisling in your Fenris AU vs canon Aisling (so for both)
⚠ for Raina
Well hello friend! :D
Oh god you unhearthed the Fenris AU ahahahahahahah (no thank you sometimes I think about it still so it's always welcomed)
Tis the prompt list
⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
Raina Hawke: She runs constantly ten minutes late to everything and lives by the day. She is not a planner if not on long-term goals. A possibly dangerous situation? Oh no she will jump right in like Pocahontas. Face head-on, improvise along the way. She's good at improvising, makes her little predictable in her moves.
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
Canon Aisling: She does believe very firmly that everyone deserves love. Everyone. Romantic and platonic love are the same, reaching out and listening and accepting, and she doesn't consider one more important than the other. She stood way too much with a girl that was wrong for her: in the end Aisling broke it up, it wasn't a clean break up and things were said that they'll both regret. She never once doubted that Ydun loved her (that's why she didn't call it off before she did), and later just thought that she MAY take a small trip South to show herself that Ydun was wrong in defining her a scared fawn and a dead-weight... But then she WILL find someone else! She loves being in love! And caring for other people! And kissing and sleeping hugged! She hates sleeping alone, actually! She kinda decided Cassandra -who reminded her of Ydun, but with a "able to rethink her decisions and admit she's wrong, and also she listens to me and ask me questions about my life" bonus- was that person. It ended very badly. Cullen crept in like moss, basically.
AU Aisling: Same as above. They met that she was already with Ydun, very young, very in love with the idea of love, "I WILL give you love whether you want it or not, even platonically. è_é". It worked with him, what can I say, it's the romance with a blue mage hawke. He was... Not ready for it, and left. Which just dropped a bomb on her trauma (her main fear is Abandonment. Guess how well it played.). It left her... Disillusioned. She had love once, and she believed she loved him for real. It went how it went. She doesn't want to try again end up in the same way, once was enough, thank you. Still likes the idea of love but for others, will be happy at her friends finding it, won't actively look for it herself and turn her head if it shows up for more than some casual sex to scratch a need (will refuse to spend the night, do it in the place she sleeps in, and will leave the room first). (I haven't planned an ending, I guess it'll get better with time and finding the right person but again, I have little ideas save for the "I won't write anything that means having a triangle that doesn't end up in polyamory". No trope shaming, it's just not a trope for me.)
☘ : Does your muse believe in luck? How about fate?
Alyra Mahariel: Absolutely not, it's annoyed by the idea. There's no luck there's hard work and circumstances. Fate, to her, is just a nice excuse people have to either do nothing about situation they could change, or justify themselves, or be unsufferably sappy.
Raina Hawke: She believes people can carve their own path. If there's a fate, she believes it can be changed with enough hard work and will, the idea of a fixed destiny makes her feel trapped. She does believe in luck, tho.
Garrett Hawke: Doesn't really care about either, honestly, he doesn't know whether there's a fate or luck, he just goes with the flows. If there are, there's nothing he can do about it anyway, so you'd just better do your best and live your life, there's no point in mulling over it.
Aisling Lavellan: She believes there's some sort of superior authority that guides your path. The concept of "Guidance" is very important to her, it's what made her go for Ghilan'nain and not Mythal for her Vallaslin (it was a tie, for the Keeper). She does believe it's ever changing with circumstances tho, more than a fixed path you can't stray from. She won't like Fate in the sense of Greek Tragedies and an immutable destiny. Luck? There's no hurt in believing there is, if you'd like, whatever helps. Doesn't really believe in it herself, but won't care if you do.
Radha Lavellan: Agrees with Aisling on Fate as basically a law of consequences on a bigger scale. Is very annoyed by the idea of Luck, tho, it either takes away merit from people, or takes responsibility away from them when they were sloppy or uncaring and somehow never faced the consequences.
Pavyn Lavellan: He believes in consequences more than in fate, in truth, and agrees with Radha that the concept of luck is just there to water down things in a way that's not pleasant. He will still flirt with people using fate as a flirtatious joke, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. He's charismatic enough to pull it off, unfortunately.
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hanji-is-life · 3 years
I day dream often about a au I made, but haven't done much of it in a while...also I barely passed my essays with 2-3 so expect (VERY) mediocre writting 😖
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Where devils, humans, and angels cohexist together. Devil's considered the lowest part of society and angels the top, leaving humans in the middle.
However in this story the roles of devil's and angels are quite reverse here.
Bakuguo Katsuki a angel that grew up in the bad part of his town in a mafia group, later on at the age of 15 he gets capture by the "Big bosses" (angels with higher power) they see his potential and ask him to join them so he could use how abilities in a legal way. Baku not having much choice accepts. Age 26 is becomes one of the Big bosses himself (He strong and rich as heck cuz why not).
My devil self insert. She was born in a very low economical enviroment her family that abused her because she was the weakest in the family. At the age of 10 she couldn't take the abuse anymore and decided to leave her home for good. She later is found by human priest and decides to take the lil devil as their own, learns about God and well..becomes a ''religious devil' (ironic isn't?). 12 years later que decides to move to the city and try to make a life for herself.
Bakuguo didn't believe in love. He always thought that being in love was just a waste of time, to try to depend on someone and be all corny and shit.
'Fucking stupid' He would always say...
He had a goal to accomplish for God's sake! He doesn't have time to go and waste it in some childish fairytale-
'Um...e-excuse me?'
Bakuguo doesn't believe in love...
'I-I really hope not to bother you..but..u-um'
Love is a waste of time..
'If its ok....can..can I..draw you?'
He doesn't need it. He has only one goal in mind..
'Is just that.....you're....really...pretty so..'
And is to get this lil cutie devil's number.
Im sorry if this is cringey, u may erase this if u want 😖😖😖😖
nooo this is so cute!!!! I have a soft spot for angel/demon stories and I love this one so much!!!!! have you ever considered turning it into a comic/manga? it really has the potential!!!! the storyline and world building is so well thought out like I really do love this!!!!!
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