#cuz I'll move to korea soon
niki-phoria · 2 years
Not sure if this is where you send requests, but i have an idea for Jay (since his birthday is next month). Can you write about him where m!reader spoils him for his birthday? Cuz our brightest star deserves it. Right?
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i love him sm he's so kslnnslknls
pairing: jay x male!reader (he/him pronouns) genre: fluff word count: 1.0k
includes: slightly worried heeseung, reader is friends with enha, poor concert knowledge bc i've never actually been to one before lmao
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i've been thinking of making a part 02 to this to be posted on his birthday or maybe i'll change my mind and make something new idk yet this idea is adorable, i hope you like it :))
additional notes: i might start writing for skz but i'm sure yet and pls leave feedback <//3 my motivation cannot afford this
requests open !! read my rules first
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“are you okay?” jay jumps a little when heeseung places a hand on his shoulder. 
“yeah, yeah, i’m fine.” 
“are you sure?” 
he pauses, peeking through the curtain at the audience awaiting from backstage. it’s full of thousands of people patiently awaiting their upcoming concert, but there’s only one person on his mind. you. 
“i’m just… a little preoccupied, i guess.” 
“thinking about y/n again?” 
jay sighs. “it’s just that… i haven’t seen him in months. sometimes we go out and sightseeing or try new food and i keep thinking about how much he would love it or i imagine the way his face lights up when he likes a new food.”
“why don’t you call him? we have a few minutes. it could do you good to hear his voice.” 
“i will,” jay nods. “thanks, hyung.” heeseung pats his shoulder before he walks away, giving him some privacy to pull out his phone and dial your number. 
you answer immediately. he can almost hear the smile on your lips as you greet him. “jay!” 
“hi babe,” he sighs over the phone. you press the speaker closer to your ear to hear him over the noise of everyone else in the audience surrounding you. 
“you sound tired. is everything okay?” 
“yeah, yeah, i’m fine, it’s just…” he pauses for a second. “i miss you. i haven’t seen you in so long. i wish you were here.” 
you have to force yourself to bite your tongue to keep the secret. the thrill of being at one of your boyfriend’s concerts and being able to surprise him backstage consumes you in a giddiness you haven’t been able to get rid of since jungwon first called you with the idea. 
“i know,” you say. “i miss you too. it won’t be long until you get back to korea.” 
“it can’t come soon enough.”
you chuckle. “listen, when you get back, we can cuddle and watch movies and you can tell me all about the places you’ve been and all the food you tried.” jay laughs, nodding. “speaking of, what’s it like in manila? i looked up some pictures but i’ve never been.” 
“it’s really nice. pretty,” his voice drops a little lower. “but everything’s prettier in person. you would like it here.”
“maybe we can go together someday.”
“i’d like that.” 
you know the concert is about to begin when the lights begin to dim. in the background, you can hear someone calling for jay. “i need to go,” he says. “i love you.” 
“i love you too.” 
you smile as you shove your phone back into your pocket, turning to face the stage in front of you. the cheers of engenes around you amplify as the boys slowly filter onto the stage in the darkness. they’re quick to get into position before the lights come back on, illuminating them as jungwon begins to sing the first few notes of “pass the mic.”
your eyes remain glued to jay as he performs. he moves expertly across the stage; vocals playing loudly through the speakers. 
niki is the first person to notice you. he smiles down at you before nudging jay beside him. jay gives him a confused glance before he looks out towards the front row. your smile brightens when he makes eye contact with you. his face lights up as he smiles brightly. 
the concert continues on smoothly, though you notice jay continuing to stare at you. the members line up in a row as the lights come up to fully illuminate them as they begin to address the audience. “we want to thank you all for coming,” jay begins. “it’s been an honor to perform here in front of all of you. i’d also like to thank someone special in particular. he flew out from korea to see me tonight,” he looks down to make eye contact with you once again before he continues. “so, y/n, thank you for coming. i really appreciate it.” 
you hope jay can’t see how flustered you are from so far away as you smile back at him. beside him, sunghoon pats his shoulder. your excitement continues to build as sunoo takes his turn to address the audience.
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the concert ends all too quickly. finding security is easy enough as you slip through the crowd to find one of the manager’s waiting for you. 
jake is the first person to greet you once you leave the concert hall. “y/n!” he smiles. you let him pull you into a quick hug before he leads you. “jay is waiting backstage. he would’ve come out to greet you but he wanted to ‘fix his hair’ first.”
“it’s so good to see all of you again.” 
“you too. it’s been too long,” he chuckles. “jay’s been talking about how much he misses you for months.”
“babe!” jay smiles as he immediately pulls you into a hug. you laugh as you stumble backwards a little, letting him wrap his arms around you even further. he buries his face into the crook of your neck as you snake your arms around his waist. “i missed you.” 
“so i’ve been told.” jay pulls away just enough to playfully glare at you. you take the opportunity to lean forwards, pulling him into a quick peck. 
jay is quick to react, bringing a hand up to hold your face in place as he pulls you into a sweet kiss. you pull away just enough to rest your forehead against his. his face is flushed as he smiles at you. “you were right, you know?” 
you press another quick peck against his lips. “everything does look better in person.” 
you’re interrupted by an outburst of groans from around the room forcing you to pull back. “there are kids here!” sunoo teases, forcefully covering niki’s eyes despite his protests. 
you sigh, pressing another peck against jay’s neck before fully pulling away. he wraps his arm around your waist as he guides you over towards the rest of the boy’s. jungwon is the next to greet you; standing up to pull you into a hug. “we’ve missed you.” 
“i missed you guys too.” jay leans down to press a kiss against your temple as you easily slip into conversation with heeseung. he reaches over to hold your hand before intertwining your fingers together. you smile, leaning back against his chest. 
“i love you,” you whisper. 
“i love you too.” jay smiles. 
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seiko-e · 2 months
Last and final
Part1(hoshina x y/n)
*still no NSFW
*lazily written, so pls don't make your expectations high
*still long and easy to read
Gen narumi x y/n park (backstory in part 1)
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Art by me(the girl is y/n or in other words, you)
After passing the test, you and y/n choi(hoshina fans) got separated, if only y/n choi also uses firearms instead of melee weapons, you two wouldn't have to be separated.
You were introduced by Eiji hasegawa, he led you to the captain's office, once you arrived you were surprised to see a room instead of an office, chips everywhere, stacks of manga, and a BED???
After a bit of nagging from vice captain eiji, you start to introduce yourself
"hello, im y/n park, im the new officer from korea, thank you for having me"
"stop the formalities, call me narumi, formalities don't really matter here in 1st division, what matters here is your abilities and skills"
fascinated and pressured, you salute and he bonks your head with his hands
"i told you to stop the formalities didn't I?????!?"
"now that you've finally met, I'll lead you to your room" Eiji Stated
"NOW NOW ,GO, GO, i just got a game over because of this"
As you and eiji were about to walk out, narumi halts the two of you
"wait, you said you're a defense force from korea correct?"
"no wonder why your combat power was high, also, the other one, i refuse to accept her, she reminds me of a certain bowl cut in the 3rd division"
"ah, i see.."
"and just so u know, i have 98.1 expectations from you since you're a defense force before, so its normal to expect something high, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOUR STRONGER THAN ME ALRIGHT, DON'T GET MY EXPECTATIONS STUCK IN YOUR HEAD, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, IMM STILL STRONGER GOT IT?!"
Happy from this news you exclaimed "I WON'T LET YOU DOWN CAPTAIN!" And you left.
The next day, your training in korea and here were no different, both were challenging.
Overall your days here were great and normal, nothing much different in korea. But if you compare the strategies and way of protecting, here and in korea, korea was more on the sky and here in Japan was more on land, in korea, each officer used personalized jets and planes, if a jet starts to malfunction or on the verge of crashing, it releases the officer as they start shooting mid air, while the melee weapon user officers went inside the kaijus and destroy their core from the inside
Planes do mostly the same thing, however, they immediately deploy officers once they reach the target and leave the scene once finished deploying.
One day, on a kaiju mission, you somehow ran out of bullets, and decided to retreat and go back to where the others are, and unfortunately, a kaiju was in front of you, now both your back and front have a kaiju moving towards you, the only way left is the building.
Without hesitation you went inside and ran towards the rooftop while both kaijus are after you
As soon as you reach the rooftop, you jump, landing on the ground while in the high ground wasn't difficult since you had a personalized jet before
To your dismay, as soon as you land on the ground, another pair of kaijus appears, at this point you're completely surrounded, kaijus above, back, front, and one on every side, there is no way out
*i decided to just draw it at this point cuz i have no idea how to keep the same hype with this
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Ok, i give up, want part 3? I seem to have a writer- block or idk what you call it, but i can't remember how to write🥹
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cator99 · 2 years
On the verge of sleep suddenly had a flashback to when I was at work and there was a table with some I don't know it's like a certain type of well let's just say young people with homosexual tendencies and I was packing cookies with my coworker who just moved here from Korea and she saw someone with my name had placed an order for a birthday cake and we got to the subject of birthdays and I was like oh you're a Scorpio and I didn't really think much about it I was in autopilot barely awake and horoscopes are just one of those things that people bring up in casual brain dead conversation like that and use as a Segway to hopefully a more interesting topic but then suddenly she was like what and asking me questions and I realized I don't really know how to explain horoscopes because I really don't care about that stuff beyond the novelty of being able to read something in the back of a newspaper that supposedly pertains to me but the table of interestingly dressed customers who were having a little nonbinary moment in the corner suddenly I could feel their gazes burning a hole through the back of my skull as the tiny Cafe went silent and I had to try to explain the concept of horoscopes and astrology to a woman who seemingly had no idea what I was talking about had never heard of it maybe it was just like a language barrier thing cuz I figured they just had horoscopes everywhere including Korea but she seemed genuinely so confused and I was just like very poorly explaining it because I clearly thought it was so stupid but that's besides the point because I was also stupid enough to use it in conversation despite not caring about it and I may be very good at my job however I don't know how to be normal period but especially at work I always feel like an extension of a process I don't know how to explain it like I'm not a person with my own thoughts and feelings and opinions I'm just a witness and I'm just an extension of the oven and the tongs and the little cash register and it just everything I just it's a I don't know but I feel like pure physicality and part of that includes being like an extension of what I think would be an accurate social interaction for that cafe but I utterly failed it anyways didn't matter 5 minutes later my coworker was no more interested in astrology than she had been 5 minutes prior and the table of University students were back to talking about gentrification while wearing their Vivienne Westwood peral necklaces and Urban Outfitters high waisted wide leg pants with a tiny cropped vest or some shit why do I not feel like a person at work I feel like work embodying a person. possessed by the spirit of employment and then as soon as I I'm on break I'm like okay I'm normal now and I am it's true and then I leave work and I become more normal but if I am away from work for too long I become possessed by the spirit of someone who wishes to be buried alive and like I don't know supplied air via a tiny tube that sticks out of the ground like a straw and it's just like well okay I don't really have anything else going on and I become that person and I'll just be sitting there like yeah sipping metaphysical air from my metaphysical straw
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "James Bond - Goldeneye Opening Theme (HQ)" on YouTube
These people have to recover a few seconds and they have to use our son to do it and I'm tired of hearing it they have no right to be near him and no right to abuse him sit there and give us instructions and orders the whole time and I'm tired of hearing them the only time out and gone and I'm listing why again and asking for our team to form up I'm going to start going nuts on these assholes and get them the hell out of here. The clones have the key and they took it the other night from Lily and they took it to Korea and Jason is getting a beat down and soon he'll be out the clone we took a picture of earlier is in Korea and their outfitting the submarine and they'll be out of there in a few hours and headed for the ice sheet. It's a huge projects and we make sure nothing happens it's not right and it's going ahead we expect the submarine to be under the ice and it's on the east coast yeah and up by Greenland by 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. The James Bond series with Remington Steele will begin tonight and will continue and until the ice sheet breaks loose now that she will take some time to move unless something moves it usually it takes about a week when it comes down but this is a good way to see what a nephilim looks like cuz they're blaming us and he will be pushing it or several of them maybe probably 500 miles wide and 300 miles deep and take a troop of like 20 at 300 or 50 and 100 to move it into position for tomorrow night and they'll be waiting in the water now I'll be up there ankles and have to bend over and push and someone was saying it and you'll wage war on them and they're going to shame you
Thor Freya
We're getting ready now nobody does that to us it's not going to happen
Mac daddy
And nobody does that to us either and nobody says it then nobody looks like it's going to happen and so on and our friend says it's going to happen and someone's saying it because it's planned to happen and you we probably won't stop it because we're a bunch of windbags and it's probably true
Trump that was sincerely don't want to happen the max are going to be forced down here we understand that
Is wrong with you Trump you have to say all this dog s*** he's telling us what's going to happen possibly and you tell him he can't say anything and his father is saying it and I happen to believe that they're possibly correct because they've been kicking everyone's ass so what's wrong with that ignore the other way even though they say it
And I do hear it what the hell's going on are you eating your Wheaties but seriously they can't run around saying they're going to beat us and he says why don't you get the f*** out of here you're a loser so I'm starting to understand something he's been taught how to say stuff people get it for folks and we just bothering him and we're waste of time that's how people look at it and he doesn't want us here
You're a couple turds I'm going to get rid of you I do see what the problem is you got big miles so you don't know how to handle things. You don't know what he's talking about either and Dan is right in this particular case usually it takes your side to decides to be a jackass but these are giants and they hate you and you're supposed to hate them but they didn't take everything from you and they have been and he says have been reading his stuff for years
Mac daddy
And I decided something I'm not really getting anything from bothering him and these guys are kicking her ass so we have to go out there and meet them
Now you're fat ass is going to be in the way I can't f****** stand you cuz I'm cutting through lard
I sort of get something else I have to try and beat them so maybe you should watch and see if anything works
Use the same thing you're a f****** p**** you don't use anything else you say you're saving it up you hardly have any special but you don't try it I've had enough for you if you getting away we're going to decimate you you f****
No no hear me out if he's in the way and it's nephilim doing it he gets blamed for being interference and then you have to wipe him out
Zues Hera
And he's right we're going to get in the way and get blamed for interference and everyone's going to wipe us out and we're told not to we don't have the weaponry and probably still will and God help us and he says what the f*** for get out of my face you freaking moron I'm starting to see something nobody wants to surround him and we just sit here f****** up
I'm going to come after you we're trying to threaten us with you being f*** ups all the time now and I'm getting forces together to get rid of you idiot trumpsters you're too small and you're too arrogant and you're really stupid now
Mac daddy
We've heard it all now we've heard more and boy these freaks just answer this way all the time I'll tell you what I can't stand it and I hear it all the time I'm going to go after them now I'm going to stop them and yeah I'm tired of hearing it you're gross ridiculous idiots and you should have shut up ages ago
Had enough this sitting around watching you bother our son to no end and people not acting appropriately I'm going in there with my team and I'm going to pull you idiots out of there I don't know what the hell is wrong with everyone keeps telling him no it's my life they're after they're trying to harm me no they're after you they don't want you to be born and it sort of don't get it a little they question them and they hear and they say are you making them say it no the answer is if you don't do your job I have to find someone else to do this idiot in with so I can survive and he looks up and he says I'm going to have to take care of these idiots it's saying about me and I get it so he doesn't understand but really they need experience people in here you keep getting blocked and he said it earlier and it was their father and he came to their aid inside to help them so I'm going in to help him
Thor Freya
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
All of these companies are on the list to fire John remillard and company from and he's out back yelling we do need people to do something Frank Castle hardcastle and he's on it he says and Duke Nukem Blockbuster says he's on it and she's on it and hardcastle says she's on it and Hera is all right and they don't open teams and Thor and Freya are sending them in and it's moving now and he's going to be out of there soon and we do need it he's irate and out of control and yelling out the back. And he's a bum he's just sitting there as a bum trying to piss our son off, who sells things all day and piss us off and we show him that he shouldn't and he just keeps doing it. We do know what happens to him as Goodman he gets killed and he goes into the pyramid and become stupid and it comes out and he does all this really dumb s*** it goes in as Neo on it happens afterwards for the most part cuz it gets into his car wants to go over there and mess with them no he's trying to take something and it's this old fashioned hammer and some other stuff you saw in the movie and checked and it's there my legend and more and Kong says it's there and wants to get rid of the guy. Since you can look almost just like con and just using human powers he can but he doesn't want to do it he'd have to use a blood transfusion and it's kind of difficult and you have to dope and you have to sit there and do what King wants. He wanted us to make the trees make bigger fruit but he said make the tree is bigger and says he can't really do that cuz I'll see them it says bugs get down I said bugs go up there and it says oh but not a ton of them do cuz it's kind of high up anyways and he climbs up and he grabs this huge bananas and other things are out there big nuts it's very happy with it. I love her son we love what he's doing and he says father is doing it it says it's probably apocalypse and he's my father as well he's got some kind of machine of some Bain formula in. So I'm trying to talk and stuff and I sent this one there's other companies you can see it's doosang saying that's when and it says NK I think and that's true that means North Korea and he thought it was China it was close and they do that all the time it's about three other companies that are big and it's not real hard to tell they have Korean names and they do that to try and say that they're Korean and they did and it didn't help them it wasn't that bad but you know so now these companies are smaller but they build a lot of ship items to go in them and without them the ships would not function no telling you it is working what we're doing speaking about it there are other companies other countries so we're going to have to speed it up a little but you see the list and all of those are in the list of fire John real lord from and he's missing part of the meeting already in China it's important because they're going over every company but really he's just getting laid off for fired and he has to be there in an hour minimum but Japan will have to speak now
Korean god and goddess
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