#cuz honesty. adhd is just like roller coaster
Kinda vent warning?
Sometimes,everything can feels like it was all screaming at you. Your works, responsibility, And all that. Its all feels super overwhelming.
Yes,you are responsible for your feelings and your works. but it's okay,Take a break,
Because you are still trying. Even if you're still stuck in that one spot,your mind is still trying it best.
You are trying your best.
Despite all the circumstances you faced
And you are somehow still there. Standings.
So really,take a break. You deserve it even if you don't think so
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Yo my name is Kieran (white boy name, I know) and I like trees
Nah jk I'm pretty sure I'm meant to talk about like
Oh nvm
Can I request a sfw matchup (I'm a pussy istg) and my pronouns are they/them or he/him. I'm attracted to males but only romantically, I'm asexual.
Insecurities: my fuckin feet idk what it is about those little fuckers but they could just not exist and I'd be happy. I don't have many insecurities except my height (I'm 5'3" kms), my ADHD, that I can't gain weight and the fact that I wear glasses, big circle things that make me look like Dwight Schrute on crack.
Likes: cookin, surprisingly. It gives me so much satisfaction when someone enjoys the food I've made. Along with that I love sugary things + things that aren't good for me, yk the drill. I love animals even if they scare the shit outta of me. I'm told frequently (though the person telling' me is usually super pissed lmao) that I'm too headstrong but yk whatever
Dislike: heights, but I love trying things that could get me killed so if you sign me up to ride a roller-coaster I am DOWN like I'll ride that mf like it's a Saturday night and I've got nothing to lose bc yk yolo. Along with that fear is: fear of feet, (who would've fuckin guessed) veins creep me out, single player video games (sprinkle in some abandonment issues and you get… an Asshole that hates playin' games by himself) and things that go bump in the night.
An extrovert but bc of my ADHD sometimes I have to stay away from everyone for a while cuz o' sensory overload, I prefer people that know how to laugh and be loud but also know how to have comfortable silence and a meaningful conversation–I'm an entp, lmao
I'm a Sagittarius, also.
Personality (dfk if I have to include this or not but yk): im a stubborn fuck, 'will fite u' attitude, In hindsight I like the idea of working in a team when actually asked to do so I HATE it like I physically cannot bring myself to watch someone whose working with me mess up. I'm spontaneous, love climbing random shit, and an insomniac so I'm usually eating cereal at 3am. If somethin seems like a bad idea/somethin the usual person would look at and go "lmao only a fucking idiot would try that" then it's 9/10 probably my idea anyway, and I am certainly doin it while we speak.
Oh shit wait I forgot, a weird thing I do: I've already mentioned this but I will climb just about anything that seems climbable, and I love to daydream but with ADHD I need to be constantly moving so the only way I can actually daydream is if im dancin' around my house or just sprinting (which, wouldn't you know it, also takes place at night).
I'm sorry this is so long lmao but i didn't wanna miss anythin' out for ya, yk? Yeah anyway I'm in love with your work and what you do, the minute I get home I'm checking tumblr an unhealthy amount just to see if you've posted anythin' or to reread what you have. Seriously, keep up the good work, brother.
I match you with…..💕MASKY💕
This might be a little confusing but let me explain my logic
I feel like you and masky would make a lovely puzzle piece match. You- sound a bit like Toby but I didn’t want to match you with him because I feel like that’s a recipe for chaotic disaster.
It might take a while to catch feelings, be patient and eat away at him. He needs to get used to you first, but when it happens it will be the most fulfilling thing in the world. Masky loves your glasses but he won’t say it, he’ll give a kind of approving ‘hmph’. And he appreciates the food you make him, praises you.
You are both sign: Sagittarius, and have about 99% trust percentage. The relationship is built on honesty and warm interactions. He likes your ‘will fight you’ attitude but he knows he’s stronger and will win arguments and such. He’ll throw you a little smirk, it’s cute if you catch it. Occasionally he’ll let you win.
He hates people who mess up in a team too! Masky kind of admirers your ‘yolo’ attitude but he worries and it comes off as grumpy. He might get frustrated too, needs a bit of space sometimes.
Masky cares for you unconditionally, protects you at all costs. You sound like you’re prone to get hurt so he would be a sort of safety net, always there when you need it. If you get sensory overloads he will take you to another room and make you take deep breaths.
Thank you! I had a lot of fun doing you, you sound like a great person/guy. And when you called me brother *tears eyed face* I rolled on the floor.
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