#cuz so far literally nothing made me feel comfortable except for my laptop
emelinstriker · 1 year
my rant of the day
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7 notes · View notes
boymeetsweevil · 5 years
MBD - 04
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Grouping: Reader x Yoongi
Word Count: <8k
Summary: Three lessons to be learned: 1) don’t read the comments. Ever. 2) Baking will never let you down. 3) Don’t tease Yoongi.
Warnings/Themes: Angst?? Heavy doses of body image and related unhealthy behaviors, low self-esteem, cyberbullying? May be triggering for some. Some suggestive content. A jealous Yoongi.
part 0, part 1, part 2, part 3
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A few more days pass through your break from work. Yoongi stayed with you the morning after coming back from the club to help you nurse your hangover, but he’d been in the dorms and studio since then. This left you with extra time on your hands.
In that time, you visited your best friend and your cousin who both lived deeper in the city, a mere hour’s ride from your apartment in the outskirts. You also got ahead on some work despite the fact that your boss gave you strict warnings about fully enjoying the break after seeing how hard you worked on the project for the quarter. But eventually you ran out work you could do and had nothing left but Netflix and the internet.
As it turns out, being alone with the internet ends up being a horrible set of circumstances. Curiosity and boredom get the best of you, and you find yourself breaking a cardinal rule.
You google Yoongi to see what pops up and get recent news about him being spotted with a lady friend. You know better, but optimism pulls you in and you’re opening up one of the articles. Apparently a fan that snuck into the VIP booth snapped a picture of you dancing with him at the club you went to a few days prior. Yoongi looks handsome with his bare face half obscured by his mask and a soft expression as he looks at you. But you let out a raspy gasp at your picture.
The only good thing about the photo is that your face is turned away from the camera, leaving your identity barely undiscovered. But your neck is coated with sweat, gleaming under the club lights. In the picture, the dance-move you’re doing is frozen, awkward and contorted, your body looks all wrong. With the powerful camera flash, you can see all the spots on your clothes where sweat had accumulated, all the spots where your amateur makeup skills failed. There’s no grace, no elegance, no dignity afforded to you in the photo.  It’s not the first time you’ve seen of yourself in a random pap site or careless photos. But it’s by far the worst one you’ve seen.
Like a magnet is drawing you there, even though your stomach already feels like shards of ice are forming inside it, you break a second cardinal rule. You read the comments.
It’s amazing that she feels comfortable looking like that when there’s a literal GOD standing next to her. I could never do that. I wouldn’t even leave the house
Why is something like this allowed when there are much prettier girls to pick from?
I don’t think Yoongi would be stupid enough to date this girl, the picture probably just makes it look like they’re together when they’re obvi not
actually I think this is the same girl in that ##0524 photo. Look (image01) same hairstyle and earrings. I think she just turned into a blimp...
Guys plz be nice u don’t know this person. Maybe she has a really great personality
so? This is what she gets for trying too hard to cling to Yoongi
Yo it’s prolly cuz she’s rich. You see those leggings? I didn’t even think they made them in that size but they’re from that brand IU wears. And they’re like $250 :0
She wasn’t even that pretty before this but now I REALLY don’t get it. Yoongi~~ there are skinnier girls who would suit u better
Load 675 more...
You slam your laptop shut before fumbling for your phone. Breathing levelly, you’re the picture of eerie calm with the exception of the way your hands tremble. You pull up your text messages to text your best friend when you stop yourself. While the company knows that you’re dating, you’re not allowed to disclose any information about Yoongi or the relationship to any third parties. To the public he’s still single despite his dating clause having expired long before you even met. And there’s no way to explain what you’re going through to your friend without bringing up your secret boyfriend’s stardom.
So who can you turn to, you wonder. You can’t tell your friends. You can’t tell your mother either. As much as you love her, she’d spill the secret in minutes out of well-meaning pride. And there’s no way you can tell Yoongi.
Taking a deep breath in through your nose, you hold it for as long as you can before shoving a pillow over your face and screaming.  All that’s left to show for the few minutes you spend screaming is the fact that you feel about 1% better and your now-hoarse voice. But the relief doesn’t last. The relief leaves room for heat to rise on your skin. Annoyance fills all your empty spaces. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and feel more anger.
Maybe you just aren’t working hard enough and people can just see that. Maybe you just aren’t being productive, you haven’t earned your spot yet. You hop off the bed and look around the room, almost frantic in your search for something to work on and actually improve.
Start with a deep clean, you tell yourself.
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Two days later when Yoongi comes over, you’re still in the process of purging your tiny apartment.
“What’s all this,” he kicks gently at the garbage bags full of clothes littering the walkway to your bedroom. You jump at the sound of his voice, having forgotten that he mentioned coming over.
“I’m just doing some tidying up. I started with towel folding videos on YouTube and ended up realizing I have a hoarding problem.”
“I don’t think having dust bunnies under your bed counts as hoarding, but okay.” He searches for some space on your bed to sit in. The duvet’s surface is also covered in a mixture of old clothes and little knick knacks you’ve had since before you graduated college. “I didn’t realize you had so many clothes.”
You watch him pick up a spaghetti string top that you hadn’t gotten around to sorting yet. He gestures towards the two trash bags full of clothes on the floor.
“Put it in that one,” you point to the one furthest from the bed.
“Is this the donate pile?” He folds the shirt almost neatly and places it on the top of the other items with a sympathetic pat.
“Uh, no.”
“Then what is it? Looks like you already have everything you’re keeping,” he peers into your stocked closet.
“That’s actually the...inspiration pile,” you explain quietly.
“It’s the stuff I'm gonna keep as motivation for me to lose weight.”
“Oh,” you’re surprised to see what looks like faint disappointment in Yoongi’s eyes as your words register. “I mean...makes sense.”
“Yeah, I mean that’s one route you could take.”
“Is there another route?”  You turn to face him fully from your spot on the ground with a confused smile. The shoes you were organizing lay unattended.
“Well, you could not lose the weight,” he shrugs.
You avert your gaze to the ceiling, as if the true meaning of his words will be scribed there. It sounds as though he’s suggesting you don’t try to get back down to where you were before the huge project your boss assigned you, but you figure that can’t be it.
“I just mean that you could donate these,” he points at the clothes in the inspiration pile. “Some of them look like they’re brand new—I’ve never even seen you in them. And you could just get some new clothes.”
“You mean like ones that fit me now?”
“Or like before.” He shrugs. “Your style was nice, I don’t know why you changed it.”
“It changed because nothing I had before fits now. So I have to wear this other stuff.” You’re talking about the shapeless sweaters and the monotonous greyscale pants.
“You don’t have to.”
He makes a valid point, but it’s a small one. Besides, there’s something else you’re digging for. “So you really think I should buy bigger clothes?”
“Yes,” he says, like it’s so simple.
“Okay...but these clothes are supposed to be there to motivate me to lose the weight. If I just get a new wardrobe, that’ll mean the motivation is gone.”
“Okay,” he draws out the syllables while waiting to hear what your point is.
“That means I’ll stay like this.”
“What do you mean ‘like this’? What’s wrong with that?”
Your fists clench at your side as you think back to the photos of you in the club. And the comments from the netizens all saying roughly the same thing. With the puzzled way he stands there and looks at you, you feel another wave of frustration rise up. Did he really not see what was happening? Was he really going to make you say it?
“Hey,” he peers down at the veins rearing against the skin of your hands. “I mean it. What’s wrong?”
He gets up like the discussion is about to go somewhere but his phone ringing loudly with the little jingle reserved for one of his producer buddies stops the conversation in its tracks. You take this as a moment to shoo him out your place before your head explodes. Yoongi looks conflicted, he truly does. Still, he answers the call dutifully and gives a few affirmative words to assure that he is going to be at the studio soon and is ready to work. The call is short, but the mood is still tense like an angry, trapped breath.
“I have, like, 5 more minutes before I have to go—”
“You know what? Never mind. You’re clearly busy with studio stuff and I’m...busy too.”
With steely eyes, you take the clothes he was trying to help you with and add them to your own pile. He picks up the few things he brought with him in his brief visit and eyes you like he wants to say more. His gaze lingers over the sides of your face like a regretful touch and you turn to the side to shrug it off.
Another beep from his phone shatters the gossamer thin atmosphere further. He sighs and pulls his phone back out before hunching his shoulders.
“Can I use your laptop to check my email really quickly before I go? They just sent me a file and I can’t open it on my—”
“Yeah, yeah, just take it with you. I don’t need it,” you cut him off and wave a hand in the direction of your computer.
He looks almost upset when he gathers your laptop in his arms with the rest of his things, but doesn’t push the issue any further. The air is too tight for anything, even a genuine goodbye. Your throat is sore with oncoming angry tears and you just want him out.
The door shuts behind him softly, in place of the usual goodbye kiss. You wait until you know he’s gone let it all out.
*** Yoongi opens your laptop when he’s in the back of the car taking him to the studio. It takes him a minute to remember your password, but he logs on with minimal difficulty and the last thing you were looking at pops up obediently.
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The rest of your break from work passes without a visit from Yoongi again. It’s not a coincidence. It’s because you turned your phone off for 48 hours and even after you turn it back on, you mute all other notifications and only look at it to check your work email and tell your friends that you’re ‘unplugging for a bit’.
In that time, you get all your clothes sorted. You burn through an entire fitness-based podcast series.  You declutter your whole apartment. But there’s still an unpleasant buzzing under your skin that doesn’t go away. Even with the reintroduction of at-home cardio and the shady water fast you did that promised a lifted mood and a loss of 2 pounds.
Then you’re home from work one day, and you find yourself pacing all around the rooms of your place. You’re fed up with bottling things up, but you don’t know what to do with this knowledge. Yes, it’s nice to realize that everything you’d been chasing wasn’t worth the torture you put yourself through, but you can’t seem to get any further. So you try baking. And when that doesn’t put you at ease immediately, you break down and call Yoongi.
Yoongi picks up immediately. Part of you is surprised because he’s been working on new mixtape stuff and when that happens he’s usually unreachable. But another part of you isn’t surprised because, to him, you dropped off the face of the earth after a near-argument and he’s still technically on break from promotions for a little while longer. There’s no reason not to be answering the phone. In spite of all this, his tone is a tentative mix of concern and relief that has you blinking in confusion before curtly telling him you wanted to talk at your place.
He arrives in a defensive cocoon of layers and squared off features. Only one of the two he sheds at the coat rack by your front door before going to find you in the kitchen, just finishing shoving dozens of muffins into the oven.
“Hey,” he says after clearing his throat to make his presence known.
“Hey.” You turn around and remove the oven mitts you’re wearing. “We need to talk about some things.”
“I know,” he chuckles humorlessly. “I saw that shit on your computer.”
Your brow furrows in thought as you recall the last thing you used your laptop for. Recollection comes eventually. Briefly you wonder if Yoongi read past the top comments. If he gave into the urge to comb through every single one to satisfy morbid curiosity. You nod.
“It definitely has to do with that.”
“Fuck what those people are saying. You don’t need to change or to—to keep an inspiration pile.”
At that, you groan. Your fingers tap on the countertop impatiently. “Can you please stop saying stuff like that?”
“What? That you’re perfect the way you are?” He spits.
“Because it’s not true.”
“Why wouldn’t it be true?”
Frustrated tears well up in the corners of your eyes because while you get that this isn’t an issue he’d ever have to worry about, part of you still don’t understand how he doesn’t get it. He’s trying so hard to be a good, romantic boyfriend that he doesn’t even see how much he misses. It’s supposed to be comforting, you’re sure, but it only infuriates you.
“Because I don’t fucking match you like this!”
He jumps at the sound of your raised voice, eyes wide. “Match me? What the hell?”
“You heard me,” you mumble.
“Yeah, I fucking heard you, but it still doesn’t make any sense. You’re not signed to some stupid contract, you’re not mandated to do anything with your body.”
“Haven’t I, though? I signed that fucking non-disclosure agreement after all. And I get a fucking angry call from your PR agents every time I show up in your pap photos, even though my face is never in them.” At this point you’re pacing again. This time it’s in tight circles in front of your fridge. “You said it yourself, you saw those awful comments. You saw how mad people get when I don’t show myself in just the right way. Those fans ripped me apart, Yoongi.” Your voice cracks and you curse yourself for being an angry crier. Crossing your arms around yourself, you try your best to beat back the tears.
“So you’re going to let a few fans tell you how to feel?”
“A few fans?” You’re close to laughter. “Try six hundred comments on one photo. Six hundred comments about the person who isn’t even the celebrity. And then multiply that by the number of times someone’s caught me at an unflattering angle or when I was bloating or when I started gaining weight back for real. Do the fucking math, Yoongi.”
That shuts him down instantly. Immediately worry replaces the incredulity. “I—how many times has this happened? Is this not the first time?”
You sigh at his ignorance. “No, but this is first time I was dumb enough to read the comments.”
“Why didn’t you say anything the first time something like this happened?” Yoongi’s face is full of distraught guilt. It’s hard for you to look at.
“What do you want me to say? Did you really want to hear me say all this stuff about some of your fans? These are people that love you. And you love them.”
“I love you, too. You know that,” he whispers, voice raw with emotion.
You can only sigh again because you do know. He does love you. He loves you perhaps too much. At this point, it seems like he’s so infatuated with you that he can’t fathom that people would have issues with you. But he’s also so in love with his career that you don’t have the heart to show him the things you’re facing. The dissonance would be too much to add to his already-full plate. And knowing Yoongi, he might do something stupid and get himself in trouble with his own fans. You’d hate to be the cause of something like that in his career.
The oven beeps and you use that as an excuse to escape the way his eyes shine as he contemplates just how much he wasn’t aware of until now.
He leans on the doorframe to watch you pull out the muffins from the oven and drop them unceremoniously onto the stovetop. The muffins are perfectly golden-brown and give off a warm, sweet scent that fills the kitchen quickly. You stand silent with your back to him, shoulders rising with the careful breaths you’re forcing yourself to take.
“Do you still love me,” his voice is small when it floats over to you.
“Ughh,” you claw at your face with your oven mitts. “Of course I do. I wouldn’t have asked you over if I didn’t. But...you have to understand that this is hard for me.”
“And what is ‘this’?
You turn and lean back against the counter, gesturing vaguely with a gloved hand. “This idol thing.” He tilts his head, not understanding. “I just mean that you have this amazing image because you’re out in the spotlight and I don’t want to sully that for you by...not looking like I should.”
“Why do you care about what other people think so much?”
“That’s so easy for you to say when people love you and you look like that. It’s different for regular people.” Your voice cracks once more as the shine lighting up your eyes breaks and runs down your cheeks. “It’s different because I’m already not deserving of you in their eyes. I can’t be regular and not look perfect.”
His hard demeanor softens at the sound of your sniffles and he comes to pull you into his chest, smoothing over your back. “Baby, there’s nothing wrong with the way you look.”
“I know that,” you sob. “I know that there’s nothing wrong with me, but you’ve seen what people say on those stupid forums. No amount of self-confidence could protect anyone from that shit.”
“Can I ask you something,” he says softly after a few aching moments of listening to you try to rein in your breathing.
“Who are the most important people in your life?”
“Huh?” You look up at him with watery lashes and he wonders how you could ever find fault with what you see in the mirror.
“Whose opinion matters to you most?”
“I don’t know,” you rub wet cheeks against the fabric of his top and think. “My boss since he pays me, obviously. And coworkers, I guess. My friends, definitely. My family, although they’re pretty easy to ignore.” He snorts. “A-and you,” you add on at the end hastily.
He gives you a sad smile when you look up at him. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“I mean...doesn’t how you feel matter? You just listed a bunch of other people.”
“Of course what I feel matters,” you say suddenly. You push back from him to clear your head. The tears have stopped flowing, though your cheeks are still wet. “I just can’t go through the world only ever hearing or caring about what I think. But I like myself, Yoongi.”
He nods seriously.
“Even if it doesn’t seem like it because I’m shy sometimes, or quiet. I like myself. But it still hurts to have people tell me they think I shouldn’t. I’m not the type of person who doesn’t react when people attempt to hurt me. That’s the part that hurts the most, I think. Knowing that it was their goal all along.”
“I get that. Or,” He purses his lips, “I think I do. I want to get it, anyway.”
You give him a weak smile because he’s cute, even in moments like this.
He squeezes your hand before bringing it to his lips. It’s not quite a kiss, just him brushing his lips against your skin while he talks. “But I still want to be there for you. And I hate that I could only guess when you were hurting.”
“I should have told you, but I was embarrassed.”
“Why would you be embarrassed?” He moves back to pull up a chair at your dining room table. His gaze is genuine and engaged as he looks to you for an answer.
“I’ve been dieting since the company approved us dating privately. This is the first time I’ve been...normal around you. I was worried you’d have this epiphany. That I’m not who you thought I was.”
“Do you remember the first night we met,” he asks all of the sudden.
“Yeah? You came to visit me at work and freaked my supervisor out. She still has that napkin you autographed.”
“That’s not the first night we met,” he shakes his head and chuckles. “We first met at my party. The one your cousin brought you to.”
“Oh, god. I hardly remember that, I was so drunk. I think I blocked it out.”
“You looked like this back then,” he smiles softly at you, memories of that night settling over the surroundings as they play out in front of him.
“Yeah, I know,” you nod softly, eyes averted.
“And you were so pretty that night too.” His gaze turns slightly salacious. “In that little shiny dress you wore—what ever happened to that?”
“You’re dumb,” you shove him with a simpering smile. He merely grins before pulling you slightly closer towards where he’s seated at the kitchen table.
“You still have it?”
“Oh my god, leave me alone.”
He leans into your space, making you duck your head to hide the way your cheeks flare up at his personal attention. Seeing you like this makes something coil in his belly. In due time, he thinks as he backs off. In due time, he’ll really give it to you. But in the meantime he behaves and doesn’t do anything more than intertwine your fingers together.
“I’m donating the clothes from the inspiration bag,” you mumble into his hair.
He pulls back and is careful to keep his face neutral. “Yeah?”
“I did a lot of thinking. And I realized that I don’t think I can say I really like myself if I keep forcing myself into this...mold.”
His brows furrow, lips pouting prettily as he focuses on following your train of thought. “So, what does that mean now?”
“So, this is me. For a long time probably, unless something major happens. I’m telling you so it can sink in. This is your out.”
“Okay,” he stands up from his chair slowly. Large, warm hands come to cup your face tenderly. “And this is me telling you I don’t want an out.”
“Okay,” you breathe out a sigh of relief so deep you don’t know where it came from.
“Glad that much is worked out,” he says before planting a sweet kiss on your cheek. “Hey.”
“Can I have a muffin?”
You roll your eyes but go and get a plate from the cabinet. He watches you carefully as you hesitate at the oven before gingerly putting two muffins on the plate. When you return to the table, you mumble something about just wanting to see if they came out good and he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he takes a bite of one of your rare instances of culinary genius. He lets out a moan that makes your eyes widen and you take a bite before nodding to yourself.
“Just open a bakery already,” he says with a semi-full mouth and reaches out with grabby hands until you get the message to leave your chair. He pulls you into his lap and you try not to feel too self-conscious as you settle your thighs on top of his own. His hand lands on top of your lap casually, large hands splaying out on top to squeeze affectionately at the softness he finds there.
You worry you’re cutting off the blood supply to his legs but he sits happily with you in his lap and even kicks a little rhythm out while finishing his muffin. You get up and he snags the untouched part of your muffin before pulling his phone out of his pocket.
There’s a stream of messages in the group chat asking about his whereabouts and what he wants to do tonight. He answers that he’s with you and the other members all complain about how long it’s been since you visited them. Jungkook even tells Yoongi to bring you over to his place since they’re having a small kickback with just themselves and your post-break workload is still light. He purses his lips and asks for a raincheck, not wanting to push you into being on just yet.
A few days pass and the messages get more and more annoying as the other members whine about not having seen neither Yoongi nor you in far too long. So during one of the last days of their break, while he’s trying to dictate a cookie recipe to you, he breaks down at the 13th ping from his phone in a short period.
“Do you want to come hang out with me and the guys tonight?”
Normally if you’re invited over, you jump at the chance because you love getting out of your apartment and you like seeing Yoongi in his element with the people he’s closest to. But you don’t jump on the invitation now because it’s been so long since you last saw the guys and you know that you looked different then.
“I don’t know,” you fold toasted almonds into the cookie dough.
“Why not?”
“You know why,” you sigh. “And as nice as they are, I don’t really want to deal with the ‘did you do something with your hair’ or ‘wow you look so different’ comments.”
“They’re not gonna say that, they’re not total assholes. Look, if anyone says or does anything stupid, I’ll rip them a new one and take you back here.”
You purse your lips while you think it over. “And then will you stay the night?”
“If something stupid happens, I’ll cancel my studio appointment and stay over,” he smiles at you, eyes crinkling. “I’ll tell them we’re on our way now.”
“I can’t leave now,” your hands flutter up as you go from 0 to 60. “I’m a mess, I need to—”
“It’s just the guys. There’s literally no one there worth impressing. I would know.”
“Fine,” you groan. “Just let me change. I’m covered in flour.”
In your room, you find yourself unsure of what to put on. You no longer have any of the clothes you used to wear when you needed to feel like you objectively looked good. But you do have the gorgeous leggings Yoongi gifted you. You switch out your current shirt for a cleaner one and slip on a pair you’ve become obsessed with.
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Yoongi punches in the code to the front door of Jungkook’s apartment while you hold the tin of cookies you made. Your fingers slip against the container due to having grown a bit clammy on the ride over. It took a heinous amount of time to wrap them in a way that would keep them warm all during the ride across the city. And now you’re nervous despite the fact that Yoongi sensed it in the car and hurled reassurance after reassurance at you.
But when Namjoon pulls the door open and greets both of you with a smile and a hug and no weird looks, you let out a tiny sigh of relief.
The guys crowd around you after Yoongi announces that you baked. Hoseok mumbles to himself about Yoongi hiding you purposefully so he could hoard your baking and takes two cookies for good measure. Jungkook says thank you politely before splitting one with Jimin. Taehyung takes two for himself and Namjoon and tells you ‘welcome back’. While the rest of the members snack, you count off the remaining sweets in the container and realize you didn’t give any to Jin.
The oldest member is standing in the hallway, drinking from a glass of water and scrolling through his phone when you find him. He must not have gotten the memo that you arrived, so you make your presence known by softly clearing your throat.
“Long time no see,” you smile at Jin.
He peers at you over the rim of his glass for a few long beats and you work to keep your smile natural. You can’t help but worry that he’s looking at the way you’ve has changed since he last saw you, chiseling away at the outside to see the familiar you he knows underneath.
“I guess it has been,” he finally says when he drains his glass. He leans back to rest his back on the wall. “Whatcha got there?”
“Oh, um, they’re just some cookies I made today. Yoongi had been bugging me about making them and I gave some to the others. I just thought I’d see if you wanted any.”
“I’ve always liked your baking.” He reaches out and plucks a cookie from the tin. A second later half of the cookie is gone. He chews thoughtfully.
“This is a new recipe, so I don’t know if it’s as good as it could be. I haven’t had much time for experimenting in the kitchen with work up until now so they might be—”
“I can only imagine how good they were when they first came out of the oven,” he finishes the rest and cuts your rambling off.
You stand there, oddly nervous, while he chews. When he finishes, he watches you fiddle with the lid so the cookies don’t get stale.
“Something’s changed about you,” Jin says finally, his eyes moving from your hair to your toes. You nearly drop the tin in your fumbling, and cringe from both the comment and your clumsiness.
“Yeah, I... gained some weight recently,” you blurt out in the hopes that it’ll be less uncomfortable if you’re the one to say it. But it’s not.
“Hmm,” Jin’s eyes rove over you more thoroughly, making you stand ramrod straight. “I don’t think that’s it. It’s something else, I think.”
“Oh. Well I don’t know, then.”
“What’s going on,” Yoongi’s voice creeps into the mix.
When you turn your head, you’re greeted with the sight of Yoongi in the doorway. He looks comfortably settled against the doorframe, like he’s been there for a while. His gaze isn’t directed at you, but at Jin, you realize. A quick glance back shows that they’re both looking at one another.
“Nothing. We were just talking.” Jin shrugs before walking over to you. A hand on the small of your back brings you with him and up to Yoongi.
Yoongi fixes Jin with a narrowed stare. “The guys were wondering where you both were. They want to play a game together.”
“We were here. No need to worry about us.”
“Well, why don’t you go in and tell them that? I’m gonna speak with my girlfriend.”
Jin gives him an amused smile before giving you a two-fingered captain’s salute and heading to the living room. It might have seemed dorky if anyone had done it, but you marvel over how cool he makes the gesture look. Yoongi turns to you then and takes in your distant expression.
“He didn’t say or do anything to make you uncomfortable, did he? Jin sometimes is a total asshole.”
“No, he—well, he said I looked different.”
“Do you want me to beat him up,” he steps forward to rest his hands on your shoulders. “Because I can, just say the word.”
“It’s really okay. He said it wasn’t just the weight. That it was something else.”
Yoongi’s lips thin as he tries to look for some other message in your words. “I don’t know what the hell that means.”
“It probably didn’t mean anything bad. Just let it go.”
Yoongi nods but takes both your hands in his to kiss them. You lead the way to the living room, feeling a little more like you can handle the night. There’s not much space with all seven members and you. You end up seated away from Yoongi, on the couch between Jungkook and Jin.
Somehow you get roped into playing some Mario game with two teams. You don’t know anything about video games, but you listen to Jungkook’s instructions carefully when you get one of the controllers because he’s one of your teammates. You’re not very good, though. Jin, your team captain, eventually has to maneuver his hands over yours so your character does the right thing.
“You sure you didn’t change your makeup style or something,” Jin asks during one of the rounds where you’re supposed to be playing against Hoseok.
The question takes you by surprise and you turn toward the sound of his voice only to realize just how close he is when he’s acting as a gaming coach of sorts.
“Uh, no. Why?”
“Dunno,” he doesn’t look at you while he converses with you. He’s watching the screen with a hawk-like focus. “You just look prettier than I remember.”
You stutter around nothing, not sure what to say. In the end you settle for saying nothing, though you do spare Yoongi a glance. His gaze must have already been directed at you because you make eye contact immediately. Knowing that he’s probably just making sure you’re having an okay time, you give him a thumbs up and attempt to make Kirby spin on the large screen in front of you.
The night stays that same level of odd. No one else does anything out of the ordinary, barring Jin. He’s strangely attentive even after you get the hang of playing enough to take full control of the controller. After that point, he still slings an arm across the back of the couch, which makes full contact with your shoulders because of how tightly packed you all are on the couch. And when he wants your attention, he makes a habit of brushing his hand down your arm and sometimes leaving it there.
You figure you just don’t spend enough time with Jin to get used to him. But you’ve seen enough interactions between him and the younger members to know how touchy-feely they are with each other. Maybe you’re just enough of an extension of Yoongi to be included in that touching. So you try your hardest not to question it. It’s just nice to know you've been accepted that much and you start to lean into the touch like you would with your own friends.
Soon enough you’re taking part in the high fives that melt into hand holding when you score a goal.
‘Quite a feat for a beginner’, Jin tells you.
Yoongi watches from across the room as your face lights up once again from Jin’s praise. You look like you’re having wholesome fun and the urge to interrupt that is what kills him. But what kills him more is the way Jin’s thumb strokes gently against the curve of your flank as he gestures to something on the screen while Jungkook takes a turn with the controller.
He didn’t think he was the jealous type, but when Taehyung orders pizza one painful hour later, Yoongi’s come to the realization that he’s much more selfish than he knew. Jin whines until you let him feed you a bite of the pepperoni pizza on his plate, knowing you’re too nice to say no. You think this is run of the mill behavior, but even Jimin raises his eyebrows at the display before peering at Yoongi’s furious profile.
The last straw, though, is when Jin wipes a trickle of grease from the corner of your mouth and waits until you’ve turned your head to say something to Jungkook before sucking the residue off. At that, Yoongi stands up abruptly, nearly toppling over the empty box that was near his knees.
“It’s getting late,” he answers the curious stares watching him trudge over to you. “We should head out now if we still want to get back to your place at a decent hour.”
“Oh,” your eyes are wide, “You don’t have to. I know you wanted to do your thing in the studio tomorrow. I should be fine on my own,” you hint back to the promise he made to stay over if the night was a bust.
“I changed my plans already, so I’ll go later in the week. Come on, let’s call a car and go.”
“I can drive you guys. I brought my car,” Jin offers suddenly. His arm is back to resting behind your shoulders. And because his fingers are close enough to graze your shoulder, they do.
“You really don’t have to,” Yoongi bites out. His stare is potent with silent accusation.
“Yoongi, why not? Jin’s place is across the bridge from mine. It actually makes some sense, and I was getting kinda tired. If we wait for a car, I might not be able to get up early enough to go to that brunch spot you mentioned.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Jin claps his hands with finality and gets up from the couch before extending his hand out to you. Much to Yoongi’s chagrin, you take his hand like it’s a genuine gesture of chivalry.
Jin somehow manages to get you to sit up in the passenger’s seat with him, leaving Yoongi to fume in the backseat. Occasionally Jin’s eyes will meet his in the rear view mirror and they’ll crinkle with impish amusement before returning to caressing your silhouette.
“So,” Jin says once he gets on the freeway. “Is our Yoongi treating you good?”
You laugh because you don’t see the game at play. “Of course he is. He’s the best boyfriend I could have asked for.” Yoongi’s resolve softens momentarily at your sincere tone. “I love him, even when he gets weird like tonight.” That comment has Jin cackling.
“You know,” he says once his laughter dwindles down, “I actually had the flu the day of Yoongi’s party. The day you guys met.”
“That explains why I didn’t actually see you there. I remember everyone else being there, though.” You gaze wistfully out the window. “I was too shy to talk to any of you guys then.”
“That’s okay. If I had been there, I would have talked to you.”
“That would have been a fun night, I bet.”
“Yeah,” he makes sure Yoongi’s looking in the rearview mirror. “Who knows how close we’d be today if I hadn’t gotten sick.”
Yoongi’s cheek nearly bleeds with force of his teeth gnawing on the inside. If he could, he’d reach forward and throttle Jin. But he’s driving so that’s not an option.
The torture doesn’t last much longer because about 10 minutes later you’re directing Jin to the parking garage of your apartment complex. The goodbyes are annoyingly drawn out and Jin manages to invite himself to brunch the next morning. All the while, Yoongi stands behind you, dying to get inside and away from the eldest member.
Finally, the door gets slammed shut before Jin can say something stupid about seeing you both tomorrow. Yoongi gives the door a smug look and then turns to catch a flash of your eyebrows raised in amusement. His eyes narrow and he approaches you slowly as you shrug off your layers in an almost too mundane way.
“What’s so funny,” he drawls. He attempts to peer at your face only for you to keep whipping it away every time he gets too close.
“Nothing,” you turn and give him your back while you smooth over your already made bed. “It’s just interesting watching you with Jin. I never really get to see you guys together.”
“What’s interesting about it?”
Yoongi starts unbuttoning his own outer layers with painstaking care, giving you ample time to twitch under the weight of his gaze. You fight to keep a smile from sneaking onto your face, but it’s too hard and you let your lips turn up in a little grin. He can’t see it, but he can hear it in your voice.
“You’re just cute when you’re mad.”
A muscle in Yoongi’s jaw jumps.
“You noticed that I was mad, huh?” He shirks off his jacket roughly, sulking in his subtle way. Luckily—or perhaps not luckily—you’ve come to recognize it well.
“I did.” Your voice is high and steady as you remove your sweater, leaving you in a soft and worn t-shirt. “I’ll admit it was entertaining. A little bit.”
“Is that so?” He hums.
“I mean, I don't know what you were mad about. But I could tell it wasn’t about something serious.”
He merely nods and watches you fidget. You peer at him through the side of your eye and see him meticulously undoing the clasp of his watch. From the way he moves slowly through the process of undressing for bed, you can tell something’s coming.
“Let me ask you something, then.”
“Is Jin still your favorite?”
“Are you kidding?”
You have to stop hunting for pajamas at your dresser and turn to him to see if he’s in fact kidding. But he looks dangerously serious, and you have to fight to keep your eyes from rolling.
“That’s what this is about? All this sulky Yoongi is because of that?”
“Just answer the question,” he shrugs his shoulders lightly.
Supposedly he’s calm and collected and not jealous, but his eyes are sharp as they zero in on you. Easily, he pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on. The steps he takes toward you are measured and slow. You still find yourself holding your breath as he comes to sit benignly on the bed across from you. It’s something he does sometimes when you’re getting dressed or undressed. Because ‘he likes the view’, he usually says. But tonight it makes you grab the first thing that you find out of your pajama drawer so you’re not leaving your back vulnerable.
“Of course he’s not my favorite anymore. I haven’t felt that way since before we got together.”
“I was just wondering.”
“Yoongi,” you sigh and pull the old t-shirt off to replace it with a sleep shirt. “When you asked me who my favorite was half a year ago I didn’t realize you were flirting with me. And I didn’t really know much about the group either.”
He nods like he thinks what you’ve said is completely reasonable and you stuff your legs through some of your yoga pants roughly. When you finish, you’re still standing defensively on the other side of the room. He looks up at you and beckons you over without a word. You feel compelled to move forward. Unsure of what would happen if you didn’t humor him.
When you’re finally approaching the V of his parted legs, he motions for you to sit next to him on the bed. You do.
“You know,” he begins slowly, “You looked like you were having a great time tonight.”
“Oh,” you blink. “Yeah, I was having fun. Even though it took a while for me to win a round. And even then I think Hoseok might have let me win.”
“Was Jin a good teacher?”
“Yeah, he was a good teacher.”
“I bet he was. He had a good student. He looked like he was enjoying himself.”
“Maybe,” you tap your finger on your chin pensively. “It didn’t seem like he hated having to show me how to play.”
“No, trust me, he was enjoying it.” Yoongi’s tone dips audibly, and you stop yourself when you realize what he’s implying.
“God, Yoongi, stop it. It wasn’t like that. He was just being nice.”
“I’ve known Jin a long time. I know what he looks like when he’s flirting. It started as soon as you walked through the door.”
“That’s crazy,” you mumble. But then you think of all the lingering touches and glances again and it clicks. “He...he was probably just trying to rile you up. Jin likes to mess with people sometimes. You’re always saying that.”
Yoongi pins you with an odd look. It’s partly amused, partly pitying. Then it turns cold. “You know, Jin’s been sweet on you since I first introduced you. The first night you met, he told me he used to date someone who looked a bit like you when he was younger, before debuting.”
“Oh my god,” you whisper again.
“You really didn’t know?” Yoongi leans in so the words practically brush against the skin of your cheek. “He was shoving himself all over you the whole night and you didn’t notice?”
You shake your head, at a loss for words. His hand finds its way to your opposite arm, pulling you closer to him.
“Hmm,” he hums in acknowledgment.
Then Yoongi’s lips are pressing gently to the skin of your neck. There’s a hint of something in the kisses that makes them feel a bit too heated to be chaste. At first you think it’s gratitude, but when you turn your head to meet his lips with your own, it’s clear that it’s not just that. His tongue snakes in between your lips, and you let it happen as you turn the evening’s events over in your memory.
“Yoongi,” you whisper between kisses.
“Hmm?” His large hands are splayed low over the swell of your back, a pinky finger just barely dipping under the waistband of your pants.
“I think I did know.”
“I think as soon as he said that thing in the car—about being in your place—I knew he wasn’t just being friendly anymore.”
“Yeah?” he mumbles against your lips.
Taking you by surprise, he pushes deeper into your mouth until he’s stealing your breath. His lips are plush but insistent. And you’re conflicted. But suddenly he’s pulling away with a damp mouth and a firm grasp on your hip.
“You knew and made me sit through all that and then invited him to brunch in front of me?” He nips at your lax mouth. “That’s not very nice.”
“I know,” you sigh.
“Don’t you think you should be punished, then?” When you pull away looking like he’s grown a second head, he shrugs mildly and like he didn’t just threaten to take you over his knee. “Or not. Your choice.”
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s3venpounds · 5 years
thank you my dewd for giving me something to do! ngl was going kinda insane and i’ll take anything over doing chores tbh also sorry if this is hella late
weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
coffee mugs usually because they hold more liquid and i use them for everything lol tea, coffee, alcohol, soda
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
lollipops, i like having something in my mouth for long amounts of time(and yes pun intended)
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
cotton candy oh my god. I have such a sweet tooth its ridiculous. I once bought 7 large bags of cotton candy from K days and ate them for the next 2 months even when they got hard and probably nasty lmao i just love that shit. even cotton candy flavoured stuff ( except vodka. thats a trap. )
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
shy, reserved, well behaved basically i was a wimpy little shit
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
I like them in glass cups so i can clean it afterwards and use it again later, waste makes me feel guilty
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
if its applied to me? pastel. I love brighter colors after i stopped wearing blacks greys and whites. they feel so good and look so nice. on someone im interested in? sportswear, formal, grunge, goth, pastel, tomboy. in no particular order. if its sportswear stuff that really highlights muscles and how toned they are just MMMMMMMM. formal is fuckkkkkkking attractive. like if the white collar shirt is unbuttoned halfway and the blazer is rolled up? or no blazer but with suspenders and the sleeves rolled up? OMG i will literally lick their collarbones idgaf
7. earbuds or headphones?
headphones, mostly because its just healthier for your ears, as much as i like earphones and use them more often i just prefer headphones cuz people usually dont bother me, i do dislike the hat hair though and how bulky they are
8. movies or tv shows?
im kind of a weeb so i much prefer tv shows with regular releases so im not waiting 6 years or something for avengers lol i need my fixxxxxxxxxxx
9. favorite smell in the summer?
after rain smell or during rain smell idk. carnival food? the ocean? just water scents i guess
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
dance or volleyball both of which im still doing to this day very happily c:
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
cereal, maybe some nutella, whatevers left over if someone cooked the night prior or just basic bacon eggs and rice. fried rice if im feeling lucky
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Emotions empty. YEET
13. lanyard or key ring?
lanyard. I’ve had the same spidergwen/ghost spider lanyard since like 2015 and i refuse to use another lol. it feels so cool to yank on the lanyard and swing it around
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
rock candy. hands down. that shit makes me nutty. like if i was an earth bender or some shit i’d make a giant club made of the stuff and smack people with it and lick it afterwards
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
the outsiders probably i mean its not like crazy favourite but like its the one i enjoyed the most out of the ones i was forced to read (i really hate being forced to do shit)
16. most comfortable position to sit in? criss cross as im doing right now lmao or sitting on one of my legs
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? ah shit I just threw them out cuz they were old af but i had these nike high tops with the little puffy thing that inflates the sides of the shoes to make it more comfortable and it was so good in the winter and summer. it like breathed enough to let my feet stay nice and cool but it also stayed warm and never let snow get in my shoes cuz they were so high they acted like boots. i wore those for like my entire highschool experience
18. ideal weather?
raining. or breezy day. wind makes me sleepy and rain makes me excited to jump around in puddles and run as if my lifes calling is pulling me towards it
19. sleeping position? 
I always sleep on my stomach. its my most comfortable position and i knock out so easily if i do. apparently its a family thing too lol my siblings all outgrew it but w.e
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? 
on a laptop or in my journal. the tapping of laptop keys makes me feel productive while writing in my journal makes me feel like itll be saved for the rest of my life
21. obsession from childhood?
psychology and the inner workings of the mind. why something thinks lowly of themselves, why someone thinks highly of themselves, how they came to this decision, why they thought to refuse this and that its really interesting to me to see peoples reasoning
22. role model?
not even a physical person but ALL MIGHT from my hero academia or boku no hero academia. yknow that phrase ? “ what would jesus do?” yeah its “what would all might do?” for me luuuuuuuuuuuuul
23. strange habits?
i dont really know any strange habits myself but im sure my friend justin knows a few
24. favorite crystal?
crystal???? uhhh i dont know much about this but i guess i would go with emerald? since its my birth stone?
25. first song you remember hearing?
a barney song. i shit you not.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
I dont really like the heat all that much. summer is just suffering to me tbh lol like what do you do when youve taken off all ur clothes, ur AC is dead and your room is the highest room in the house where all the heat gathers? nothing. you do nothing. you cry and almost get heat stroke.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
I loooooooooooove snowboarding im not good at it though but god damn its fun. specially with friends and learning together it makes me so happy seeing people grow c:
28. five songs to describe you?
fix you cold play(currently listening to this), im still here (treasure planet soundtrack) by john reznik, Good things fall apart Jon bellion, lost stars Adam levine, After Dark Asian Kung Fu Generation. is what i can say so far? i’ve got tons of songs i relate to those are the ones that just popped into mind
29. best way to bond with you?
be physical. touch me, graze me, be comfortable with me and hold up a conversation. As much as i like talking I LOVE hearing about the people im interacting with. hobbies, dreams, goals, nightmares everything. other than that? just spend time with me. any time is fine. i do prefer really deep conversations at like 3 am lol
30. places that you find sacred?
sacred to me? St. Clements park and not much else. a looooooooooot of shit has happened there. my first kiss, my worst break up, my best make up/make out, my best date. 
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
I got these leather boots that do a clack sound on pavement and i feel powerful as fuck. I got this really high quality black formal shirt from le chateau that breathes really well and highlights my figure. I have these black jeans with zippers above and below the kneecap that make me feel dope. so yeah full black lol. theres also this grey sweater i have that flows in the wing like a cape and i feel like a superhero when wind blows it behind me
32. top five favorite vines?
ok ok theres this one i cannot find again for the life of me but its like this asian guy sittin in a stall taking a dump and it cuts to an ice cream dispenser then some dude knocks on the door and the asian guy gasps and it cuts to the ice cream dispenser but goes backwards so the poop is like going back in and the asian guy goes like “ unnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhh” and shudders and i like fucking collapse a lung everytime i think about it. some of king vaders anime parodies are fucking hilarious, the dude who made that vine where “ if johnny has 23 dish soaps” and he goes “ wait why does johnny have 23 dish soaps” and he goes “ mind your business david” while playing with dishsoap lmao. OH OH and that one where the kid puts random shit on his head to signify its his mom like where he goes “ I like ya accent where ya from?” “ im from liberia” “ *in a whisper* oh my bad I like ya accent where ya from” yeah this is longer than i thought i’ll stop it here i still got like 60 questions left
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“lmao” i’ve now used to as a similar term to lol. sometimes i say it in irl like “ le mao” and i internally cringe everytime
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
pizza 73, sleep country canada “why buy a mattress any where elseee” and some spotify ads cuz theyre fucking everywhere
35. average time you fall asleep?
midnight or 10 at the earliest
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
god... uhhh.. one of those rage comics those old ass black n white memes
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
duffel bag, i am NOT organized enough for a suitcase plus duffels i can carry across my chest like a backpack
38. lemonade or tea?
oof. lemonade from k days was really gooooooood. but tea is something im always comfortable with.. ill go with tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? cake defnitely. cake tastes more mellow while meringue is like a burst of flavour right away
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
a dude OD’d during school hours or that time a dude had a seisure in class
41. last person you texted?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
jacket pockets if i wanna look badass, pants pockets if im just being a panda
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
oooof. uhh leather or bomber. leather because i love biker aesthetic too and bomber just looks comfy
44. favorite scent for soap?
i dont particularly have one but i do like old spice or irish spring
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
SUPERHERO. HANDS DOWN. fantasy second and sci fi 3rd.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
.... naked. only on days i cannot sleep at all
47. favorite type of cheese?
uhh fuck dude uhm.. toss up between cream cheese or parmesan
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
durian. I hate durian. its spiky on the outside, smells like burnt asshole but taste is redeeming
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
inside jokes with justin. just hanging out with the dude I had the best gut wrenching laughs of my life. laughs where my jaw hurt from laughing, i lost feeling in my cheeks, my face was red and couldnt stop crying. those laughs.
51. current stresses?
job security, love life, and friends who are currently getting more and more busy and cant hang out as often
52. favorite font?
IDK? Helvetica?
53. what is the current state of your hands?
dry and typing.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
People are stupid as fuck. and coworkers are dangerous thanks alex for throwing a kitchen knife at me
55. favorite fairy tale?
idk if it counts since disney always makes fairytales but treasure planet?
56. favorite tradition? 
probably christmas because i think its super important who you choose to spend it with and who you DO spend it with is a sign of how much they mean to you
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
dads abuse, my biggest break up, my friends attempted suicide
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
yknow the devil sign you make by closing your hand in a fist except your pinky and pointer finger? i can make my pointer and pinky touch. I also have been told my volleyball spikes have been really good recently. uhh my dancing I guess? singing?
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
My hero academia. hands down.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
You got the makings of greatness in you, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course! Stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when the time comes, you'll get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of! And... well, I hope I'm there, catching some of the light coming off you that day. TREASURE FUCKING PLANET BOIIIIIIIIIIS
62. seven characters you relate to?
jim hawkins, hikigaya hachiman, shoya ishida, natsuki subaru, Hinata Shoyo, Hiccup, roxas.
63. five songs that would play in your club?
oh god. uhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. learn to fly foo fighters? castle on the hill ed sheeran? man idk im not huge on clubs, just shit from like 2000′s rock bands that white person knows the lyrics to and probably screamed in their room when they were mad
64. favorite website from your childhood?
YTV when they first released those side kick things thos games were so cool except that one day where the sidekick turned into a monster i legit got scared lol
65. any permanent scars?
tons actually and i love em! they remind me that things happened and that i wont ever forget them. currently tryna get a scar for volleyball HEHEHE
66. favorite flower(s)?
i dont know much about flowers but roses and lavender is nice. and that flower in philippines where if you touch it, it like curls into itself. 
67. good luck charms?
the keychains people i’ve fallen for have given to me. like this one bullet bill keychain AB gave me when we first met in highschool. i still have it. its faded and chipped in places but i feel like it makes me feel stronger yknow?
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
birthday cake vodka. hands down. and i’ve literally tasted my own puss from an infected wound on accident
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
in philippines flies are always swarming around peoples food so what i learned was to rip up the napkin to look like that thing people used to dust the house and it keeps them away if you swing it at them
70. left or right handed?
right handed c:
71. least favorite pattern?
pattern? uhh anything disorienting i guess
72. worst subject?
math. 100% math. 
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
meatball marinara sub with like every sauce from subway
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
8. i think i have a high pain tolerance
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i dont remember.. maybe like 6?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
not a big fan of plants....
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
sushi from a grocery store. just cuz im not willing to pay 30 bucks for somewhat fresh stuff from a retaurant
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? school id funny enough
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
...what? i guess jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
console. i have a better understanding of how console plays vs computer. computer is too finicky for me and aiming is a lot harder. console i know how people on console move and how i move and how to aim. 
83. writing or drawing?
writing. if i knew how to draw though thatd be a different answer
84. podcasts or talk radio?
talk radio cuz i like to phone in and talk about my experiences lol i got to be on one actually it was dope
84. barbie or polly pocket?
uhhhhhh barbie?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
death. or atleast what happens afterwards
88. your greatest wish?
to be a hero. 
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
one time in gym class we were playing dodgeball and i slipped trying to run backwards and a dude threw a ball at me but i kicked it in a way it went straight up and i had enough time to catch it
91. boxes or bags?
boxes, much better leverage and storing is like a game of tetris!
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
lamps or overheads. sunlight has glare on my stuff and its hard to play and fairylights arent enough 
93. nicknames?
tin man, AG, metal man, poetry man, silverado, silver city, quick silver anything with silver really.
94. favorite season?
fall and winter. winter being the best
95. favorite app on your phone?
Epic seven
96. desktop background? its a picture of hinata shoyo from HAIKYUU!! doing a spike with wings on his back!
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
only 1. thats my own lmao
98. favorite historical era?
uhhhhhh shit idk. they all seemed pretty shitty tbh..........
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