#havin a breakdown before work cool
emelinstriker · 1 year
my rant of the day
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only-lonely-star · 1 month
Your recent fic of the Soda mishap is my new fav fic of the outsiders! It was so funny with just the right amount of angst!
Could I request a fic with a sister reader who is the youngest curtis and develops separation anxiety with Soda after the two of them were in a little fender bender? Neither were hurt but it brought up memories of their parents dying and she can't shake off the thought that Soda not being in her eyesight means he's gone too? She refuses to sleep in her own room goes with him to work (it's summer holidays so school isn't a factor) and anytime he showers she stands outsode the bathroom door asking if he's okay periodically. Just a big emotional breakdown if she happens to get separated from him? I hope that makes sense!
Thanks you!
☁︎ The Accident ☁︎
~ Sodapop Curtis ~
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Warnings - Minor car accident, mentions of death, separation anxiety
Summary - You couldn’t imagine losing Sodapop.
Author’s Note - THIS REQUEST WAS MWAH!! CHEF’S KISS! 😽 I’m very proud of this one. It took me longer to write since I got a bit carried away, so I apologize for the long wait. I couldn't bring myself to make the ending sad, so I hope you all like how I closed the story. Thank you so much for requesting, enjoy it my loves !!
Word Count - 3.3k.
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You kicked back, finally able to rest after a long morning spent dipping in the lake with your older brother, Sodapop. It was summer break, so what better way to spend the day than being under the sun - swimming and shoving him around in the cool, crisp water? Your oldest brother, Darrel, still had work, even over the summer. Your third oldest brother, Ponyboy, decided he'd rather spend some time with his friends. Being the empath he is, Sodapop decided to drive you down to the lake to ensure you didn't feel left out. He loved spending quality time with you either way - he quite enjoyed your company.
Feet on the dashboard, you turned up the radio and sang along. You could practically feel the funky music thumping in your chest. The bass could be heard a mile away, causing Sodapop to let out a chuckle. "Havin' fun?" he asked, his eyes drifting to see you smile bigger than he ever had since the accident.
You nodded vigorously, a few stray droplets of water that remained on the ends of your hair flying onto Sodapop, dampening his skin. "Of course!" you beamed, removing your feet off the dashboard as you leaned back into your seat.
He gave a head nod of accomplishment at that. Sodapop was glad to have taken you out for a fun time for once. He would have to return to the DX again tomorrow morning, the cycle repeating all over again. "Glad we went swimmin', we could go next weekend or something too y'know..." he suggested, a grin on his lips not faltering once as he offered another trip down to the lake.
You gasped, already looking forward to it. "Really? Like - you'll actually take me again?" you asked, needing the last bit of reassurance before you could truly accept the offer.
He nodded once more, stopping at a red light to gently swat your shoulder with his knuckles. "'Course I'll take you again."
He earned another grin from you at that, proud of himself once more. Sodapop's eyes darted for the rearview mirror, noticing a red Pontiac Firebird riding up on the back of their car. "Well damn, you gonna slow down?" he asked aloud, a slight bit of annoyance in his voice. The car must have been going at least fifteen miles per hour right at the red light. You hadn't paid much attention to it until you noticed Sodapop's eyes go wide. The 'deer in headlights' gaze is the only right way you could describe it. Sodapop cursed under his breath once more, holding his hand out to press against your chest. The sound of screeching breaks against the road scared the both of you as you jerked forward. Sodapop's arm prevented you from moving around that much, but there was still an impact. You slowly opened your eyes, recovering from a wince you hadn't even realized was in effect.
"The fuck - ?!" he hollered, rolling down the window before slamming his hand onto the horn and holding it there to express his anger. Road rage was one thing, but this was totally different. Sodapop rarely acted out on his anger, let alone follow through with it and stick his hand out of the window just to flip him off.
You sat there, breath hitched in your throat as you momentarily dissociated whilst staring at the dashboard.
This was all too familiar for you. ‘The Accident’ is what still haunts the four of you to this day. Having both of your parents wind up in an auto wreck sure wasn’t on your bucket list at all.
It was the sound of the car nearly crashing that frightened you. The fact you could have obtained the same fate as your parents was such a big fear you’d been attempting to hide since the accident. What you dreaded the most was losing your brothers. Put in a life or death situation - you’d hand over your life in an instant if it would ensure your siblings would be safe.
It wasn’t until you realized you and Sodapop were pulled over with that same Pontiac behind you. Slowly returning to reality, the bearded man with salt and pepper-colored hair had his arms resting on the now rolled-down window. “She alright?” he asked, his eyes fixated on you. Your dazed expression had been permanently marked onto your face.
Sodapop scanned your face for any other emotion, but couldn't seem to detect any. He quickly turned back to the man, brushing him off. “She’s a little spooked, she’ll be alright.”
He gave a slight shrug and waved the both of you off. Sodapop immediately placed a hand on your shoulder and shook your upper half. “Gave me some cash to fix the damage…it ain’t too bad, the back is a little dented and some paint got scratched off - but that’s about it,” he explained in an attempt to snap you back to reality.
Your eyes scanned the road, still busy with vehicles buzzing around everywhere you look. Listening was easy, but trying to comprehend his words while your mind raced with panic was a difficult task.
“You sure look out of it,” he commented, moving the gearshift to head home. There was an underlying tone of concern you could easily hear in his voice.
Squirming around in your seat, you found a better position where you could see the road ahead, clear as day. Feeling paranoid was an understatement. “No, no, I’m fine,” you assured him, all the confidence you could muster coming into play. You couldn’t stand the thought of worrying him even further with your newfound state of shock.
The car turned at an intersection, a red Corvette coming at you from the left side. It was as if your body just knew what to do - curling up into a ball as your eyes closed shut. The car isn’t going to hit you. This is how normal cars drive. You weren’t hurt. Stop.
“Why are you all jumpy with me? You ain’t in any danger,” Sodapop piped up, noticing your flinch at the sight of the Corvette. “Calm down a bit, will ya?” he teased light-heartedly, unaware of the true conflict inside your mind.
“Sorry…” you mumbled in response, pushing down any remaining feelings of apprehension. “That car, Soda -…” the crack in your voice said it all, “Just scared me a bit, I guess I just don't want you to… to end up like Mom and Dad.”
The car became eerily silent, the only noise being the zooming of cars outside. The accident was a touchy subject for both of you - Darrel and Ponyboy as well. Just talking about it always darkened the mood.
“No. You’re safe, I ain’t ever gonna let anything like that happen to you,” he assured you, his voice thick with tension. He seemed to grasp onto the wheel tighter as he pulled over just outside your home. “You hear me? It ain’t happening.”
For once, he was stern. Sodapop was never stern nor agitated with you, he was always bubbly and grinning. You knew the mention of your deceased mother and father had triggered it. The accident may have been months ago, but the damage was nowhere near repaired.
“I hear you,” you mumbled shamefully, opening the car door and shutting it behind you swiftly. You stood with your hand rubbing onto your arm. The body language represented was one of dread and concern, but somehow relief. Relief that Sodapop was still standing before you - even if he was completing a mundane task.
Sodapop shut the car door as he hauled the bag of wet bathing suits through the gate and towards the front door. You followed, not once letting him out of your sight. You watched as he set the bag near the bathroom door. “Darry and Pony ain’t home yet, better shower before they come back,” he suggested, offering you first dibs with the shower.
You shook your head and stood underneath his arm, seeking some bit of comfort. “No, uh - I’ll do it later,” the words nervously fell from your tongue.
Sodapop ruffled his fingers through your hair, grinning like always. At least something felt normal. “Alright then, shower after me.”
With that, Sodapop waltzed inside the tiled room, unraveling an off-white and awfully tattered towel. Tossing it on the counter, he placed his hand on the doorknob and pushed it closed. You respected the privacy of course, but the pang of paranoia kicked in once more.
“Soda…?” you called out, the sound only a hoarse whisper. No reply.
It was strangely quiet on the other end of the door. No water could be heard running, no background noise of shifting clothes around, nothing. Your hand balled into a fist, the sound of three knocks beckoning him. “Soda, you okay?”
“Yeah…?” Sodapop responded with a confused tone, leaving the boy in deep confusion. “Are you?” he stifled a laugh at the question. He’d been gone a mere few seconds!
“I’m fine,” your voice quivered, exhaling deeply as you slid down the wall. You rested your arms around your knees and sat on the brown wooden flooring. You could practically feel the sadness washing over you. The corners of your lips seemed to subtly droop, your expression now a worried frown. A warm tear escaped from your left eye, leaving you to wonder why you were crying in the first place.
That car could’ve killed you. It could’ve killed Sodapop too - oh god, anyone but him. You couldn’t lose him. First your parents and now your brother - ?”
Wiping the stray tear away, you stood back to your feet and leaned your ear against the door, trying to make out any heavy breathing. The panic set in once more when the running water was the only sound coming from the other end of the door. “Soda, are you alright?”
The knob had been twisted, causing less water to flow from the shower head. “I’m okay - now what in the hell is up with you?” Sodapop demanded as his words echoed through your mind.
Sodapop beginning to feel a bit pestered by you didn’t seem to be an issue, you were at least grateful to have a response. “Nothing…sorry,” you spoke up, giving it a rest for the time being.
The eerie silence only led to the intrusive thoughts of Sodapop no longer being alive. This was torture at its finest. The shower seemed to drag on longer than you would’ve liked.
As the day came to a quiet evening, Sodapop had already climbed into bed for the night. Darrel could be found in the kitchen with Ponyboy baking a chocolate cake for tomorrow’s usual breakfast. Clutching your pillow and stuffed bear you’d had since childhood by your side, you crept inside his darkened room. He was lying on his front side, face buried in his pillow. A smile adorned your face once you saw him sleeping peacefully underneath the warm bedding. You tip-toed for Ponyboy’s spot in bed and lifted the corner of the sheets to slide in underneath them. Sodapop stirred and scooted further back toward his side of the bed. His eyes could make out your figure, halfway crawled into bed. “What’re you doin’?”
You were quick to reply, fully laying on your back now that he was awake. “I just wanted to sleep in here tonight…” you shrugged, the stuffed teddy a source of comfort against your chest.
Normally Sodapop would’ve urged it's best for you to not upset Ponyboy by taking his spot in bed. He felt tremendously guilty for earlier’s mention of the accident, it only made him want to ease your concern for his wellbeing. Sodapop could sense the constant fear nagging at you that if he wasn’t with you, he was gone as well. He wasn’t stupid - he was well aware. “Scoot over so there’s room for three,” he sighed softly before pulling your arm closer.
You could feel his lips curled into a loving grin against your hair. It was getting late, so it was a given that Ponyboy would walk in any moment now and settle down for the night. Your back against Sodapop’s chest provided a warm feeling inside. His arm was almost trapping you beside him from how tightly the embrace was. Feeling his heartbeat thumping against your back eased any nervousness that still lingered in your mind.
Sure enough, the hallway lights could be heard flicking off with a quick hit to the switch. A faint ‘goodnight’ was barely audible through the closed wooden door. Ponyboy twisted the knob and saw an unfamiliar shadow beside Sodapop in bed. He groaned once the realization swept over his head that it was you. “Alright, outta my bed,” he commanded with a rather sassy eye roll.
The sheets were flung off of your body as Ponyboy expectantly waited for you to leave. Sodapop squeezed you tighter against himself. “Pony, let her stay.”
Ponyboy scoffed and furrowed his brows in frustration. “Stay - ?! This is our bed, she has her own!”
Sodapop stifled a groan of his own, his hand extending to toss the bedding back over your body. “You’ve got room, either sleep with us or take her bed. It’s just for tonight...”
Ponyboy took one last glance at the two of you before plopping himself down in a huff. “You don’t even need to be here, it ain’t your bed,” he grumbled as he fiddled with the blanket that had been kicked to his side.
You felt guilty enough as is, but now the guilt had grown stronger. You exhaled softly and let your eyes drift shut. ���I’m sorry,” is all you could manage to say in response before it turned to a whole meltdown on why you needed to stay close to Sodapop.
Ponyboy’s anger subsided to a calm and aloof demeanor. He was most likely too tired to even argue it anymore.
“I just can’t go back to my room…not when Soda’s all the way in here,” you explained, your voice kept at a quiet whisper. No response from either of them. That sickening feeling of loss had begun to eat you alive yet again now that you lay awake, speaking to your unresponsive brothers.
Morning came once again, except this time you weren’t woken up to the bird’s singing outside, or one of your brothers pouncing over your resting body. It was as if your mind already knew that Sodapop had left. Ponyboy too, it was nearly ten o’clock in the morning when the lonely feeling sank back in. You sighed and propped yourself up onto the pillows, using your forearms for support.
A muffled sound escaped your lips, immediately calling for Sodapop. Obviously, he couldn’t hear you behind a closed door. You sprung out of bed, the stuffed bear falling to the floor along with you. With a swift twist of the doorknob, you sprinted down the hallway to catch sight of Ponyboy in the kitchen.
“Soda - Soda - where’s Soda?” you asked frantically, no sign of your two eldest brothers being around.
Ponyboy bit into a mouthful of chocolate cake, not caring to finish chewing before speaking, “Leavin’ for work, why?”
You shook your head without another word and scrambled for the front door, pajamas and all. You saw Sodapop buckling in beside Darrel as he slipped on a shirt. You sprinted towards the car, shouting and pleading for them to wait.
“Soda, Darry!” you called out, your hand smacking the side of the car to stop the vehicle. Darrel looked beyond frustrated to see you causing such a scene. Sodapop was filled with great concern, even as the adrenaline rushing throughout your body masked your fear. He gave a head tilt to signal Darrel to let him handle this.
“I’m here,” he replied in an assertive tone, his empathic eyes feeling every emotion you’ve felt since yesterday’s accident. He understood you better than anyone. Reaching a hand out to pull you closer, his gentle grasp latched onto your wrist. He leaned closer to you and spoke lowly, “You alright, kid? You’re scarin’ us, y’know.”
You nodded. In all honesty, you were okay now that you’d seen Sodapop. It felt like every second spent away from him was hell on earth. He could be hurt, laying out in the street somewhere - dead.
“I’m coming with you,” you insisted, tugging on the backseat door behind Sodapop. It didn’t open. Instead, Darrel’s husky voice backed you away from the handle.
“Coming with us -? No kids allowed, be realistic for once.” Darrel gave you a stern warning that if you didn’t head back indoors then you would never hear the end of it.
Sodapop exhaled sharply and glanced between you both, trying to handle the situation. He locked eyes on you, giving you the same empathic look as before. “Just…” he gave Darrel a wince before facing you again, “You got five minutes to get ready and then we're leaving.”
Your smile reappeared yet again, immediately racing back up the stairs leading to the front door. The sound of your brothers’ voices grew louder even as the distance between you and the car grew. A glimpse of the two arguing caused a bitter pang in your heart. Pushing the feeling away, you darted for the bathroom.
“She can stay with me. The DX ain’t in a bad area, she’ll be fine…” Sodapop spoke softly to Darrel, trying to reason as to why you should come along to work with them.
You settled yourself in the vehicle as it began to propel forward. The tension of the previous argument still lingered, but at least Darrel kept quiet as soon as you were in a close enough radius to hear the bickering. He wouldn’t be caught dead speaking of you like that while you were listening.
Taking Sodapop’s hand, he led you inside of the gas station in which he worked. You’d been here countless times before, bumming around with your brother’s friends as they smoked and attempted to sweet-talk any girl that passed. Sodapop and Steve never did, they would be fired after receiving complaints for doing such activities. Sodapop would always bend the rules, slipping a few snacks and whatnot into his pocket before leaving work. The DX brought back fond memories even as you stepped inside the front door, a small bell ringing overhead, indicating your entry.
“Now, I ain’t supposed to have company,” Sodapop spoke quietly, holding onto your shoulder and bending down a bit to be eye level with you, “But I couldn’t say no, I just couldn’t.”
Your eyes stung from the tears that dared to form during such a heartfelt moment. Sodapop was aware?
“Soda, I can’t lose you too,” your voice quivered as you quickly closed the distance between one another. Your arms wrapped around his neck, Sodapop immediately reciprocated the hug.
“I know, I know…” he replied as he softly stroked the back of your head, his fingers intertwining with your hair in a soothing motion. “You ain’t losin’ me anytime soon, I can promise you that.”
You willingly let the tears fall from your cheeks, landing on Sodapop’s shoulder which dampened the fabric quite a lot. He didn’t mind at all, in fact - he was glad you were no longer bottling yourself up. You squeezed him tighter, wishing the hug could ensure you’d never lose him. “I love you,” you spat out in a desperate cry.
Sodapop nodded along, the soothing motion of his hand still in effect. “I love you too y’know, a lot,” he said with a delicate tone, one he only used with you. You were his little sister and he would never let anything separate the two of you.
You just don’t stop living because you lose somebody.
It was as if the hug was the one thing you needed - the one thing that could ease your pain. Learning to cope with the death of your parents was by far the most difficult task you’d faced. Memories of the accident only strengthened your love for your brothers, clinging onto them as if you’d lose them next. Living in constant fear, dreading any separation was no healthy way to cope. The only way to cure the feeling of this overwhelming pain was to cherish your brothers like never before. And that’s exactly what you did.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
The Five Times Mammon Did Something For The Others
(And the one time the others did something for him.)
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***So the votes were mainly for # 1 and # 2 on this post. So here we are! Thank you @hangryweeb for the prompt! I've been wanting to get to this one for a while now, just didn't quite know how. Will this probably end up angstier than I intended? Most likely. But hey! If you're a regular on my blog, you know the risk your taking. -B *** Summary: Without his brothers even realizing it, Mammon has gone out of his way time and time again to make sure that they are safe, happy, and healthy, and yet no one ever seems to do the same for him. Hell, no one even thanks him for it.
1) Leviathan
The House of Lamentation was awoken by an ear-splitting wail coming directly from Leviathan's room. You and Mammon groaned as you shifted from the beanie bag chairs you had fallen asleep in that night, and glanced over to the source of your disturbance. Levi was practically sobbing over his computer as he frantically clicked the refresh button. "No, no, no, no, no!!! I can't have missed it! Come on! Please!" From around him, you could see a large red bar covering the upper quarter of his screen, reading "sold out". You rubbed your groggy eyes and pushed yourself onto your feet to approach the distressed demon. "Levi, what's wrong?" Levi growled and punched his desk, causing Mammon to jump to his feet, ready to defend if needed, and you to take a step back. "The ultra-ultra rare, limited edition, Ruri-Chan doll that was only for sale today is sold out! I've been waiting MONTHS for its release, and I set an alarm and everything!" Levi's bottom lip trembled as tears formed in his overly tired eyes, "B-But I must have slept through it due to the all-nighter we pulled watching The Seven Lords last night," he squeezed his eyes shut as his hands wove their way through his hair gripped tightly onto the purple locks. "Gah! I'm so stupid!"
You rushed over to Levi, and gently placed your hands on his to carefully pry his hands from his hair. "Hey, hey! Levi, listen to me. You aren't stupid. You had fun last night, right? You probably just forgot. It happens to the best of us. Can't you see if it's for sale somewhere else maybe?" Levi's tears poured heavier down his cheeks. You could feel your heartbreak at the exhaustion and disappointment that laid behind them. "It's not for sale anywhere else. The developers were the only ones releasing the doll, and they only made 200 of them. If I wanted to get one now, I'd have to go to some kind of underground auction, but even then it'll be disgustingly overpriced and-" he was cut off as several broken sobs tore their way through his throat and he squeezed tightly onto your hands. "I can't get it. I won't be able to get it now." You pulled Levi into your arms and glanced back at Mammon. The second-born had a strange look on his face before he caught your stare. He smiled awkwardly at you and gestured to the door. "You seem to have this under control, MC. I'm gonna let the others know that Levi isn't really dyin'-" "Yes I am! My soul has been shattered, never to be rebuilt again!" "-and that he's just havin' another nerd breakdown," he sighed and walked towards the door. "You look after him; I'll look after the others." "Wha- Mammon!" but it was too late. Mammon had already taken off. You spent the next few days comforting a "grieving" Levi and worked on trying to get the otaku back onto his feet, but nothing seemed to be working. You were running out of ideas on ways to cheer him up when his bedroom door swung open. Mammon stood in the doorway, shades on, collar popped, looking almost too casual and nonchalant for it to be genuine. "Hey. I just got back from an auction, and when I thought I was bettin' on some super cool diamond-encrusted watch, it turns out I got the numbers mixed up and betted on some lame doll," he chucked a pink box at Levi, who fumbled before catching it. "You collect toys, or whatever, right? I figured you'd get more use outta it than me." Levi's breath hitched as he looked closely at the box. There in his hands, still in the original, unopened packaging, was the ultra-ultra-rare, limited edition Ruri-Chan doll. What's more, according to the label and authorized signature on the back, this was the factory floor test model making it even more valuable! "This...This isn't some 'lame' doll, Mammon!!! This is the Ruri-Chan ultra-ultra rare, limited edition doll test model, and you just thew it like it's trash?!?!" Mammon shrugged and pushed off of the door frame. "Does that mean it's special or something? It's just a toy." "Just-Just a toy?" your eyes widen as Levi set down the doll and burst into his demon form. "JUST A TOY?!?! MAMMON!!!!" You caught a glimpse of his face breaking out into a wide, satisfied, grin before he took off fleeing from a rampaging Levi.
2) Satan and Belphegor
"I know it was one of you two! This whole trap has one of your pranks written all over it! Now admit that you had set up a prank to harm me, resulting in the shattering of an ancient, irreplaceable vase, and perhaps I will go easy on your punishment." Satan glared up at Lucifer. "How can you be so certain it was one of us?" Belphie shrugged, "I was stargazing all night and Satan was helping me with some research on astrology. We were in the planetarium all night. It couldn't have been us." Lucifer scoffed and crossed his arms. "You seriously expect me to believe that? Your only alibis are each other." Satan growled and curled his hands into fists. If the prank had gone as plan and hit Lucifer instead of that stupid vase they wouldn't even be having this discussion. Lucifer sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look you can either come clean or-" "Wait, are you guys talking about my Coin Fairy trap?" Everyone whipped around to see Mammon looking uneasily between the three of them. Lucifer scowled and raised an eyebrow at him. "You're what?" Mammon glanced at Satan and Belphie. A strange shine of certainty flickered through his cyan eyes before he focused back on Lucifer. "Ya know, the Coin Fairy! Geez, I thought everyone knew about it." Lucifer looked up the ceiling murmuring under his breath in impatience. "What in the seven rings are you talking about, Mammon? Whatever it is, please get to the point. I am in the middle of something here." "Okay, okay! Since ya don't know, I guess I don't mind tellin' ya," as Mammon spoke, he slowly and casually moved himself in between Lucifer and Satan and Belphegor. "Ya see, I was readin' one of those human world books that MC has the other day, and it was goin' on about this story of a fairy that comes and just gives people money if they leave a small bone under their pillow! Pretty neat huh?" Lucifer looked at Mammon as though he had two heads. "Are you talking about the mythological creature of the Tooth Fairy?" Mammon put on a complexed expression on his face while one of his hands rested on his chin. "Nah. I'm pretty sure it was called the Coin Fairy," without Lucifer realizing, one of Mammon's hands went behind his back and began to gesture for Satan and Belphegor to leave. The two younger brothers looked at each other, and then at Mammon. He had to be wanting something in return for this. Surely he wasn't such an idiot to put himself in front of Lucifer's wrath without anything to gain. He had to be doing this for something. Regardless, the best course of action for the two of them at the moment was to take advantage of the situation and leave. As the guilty party began to make their way out of the room, Mammon continued his story. "Anyway, I figured I'd try catching it. Why would I just take one stupid coin when I could get it to give me its entire stash! Am I right? So I, and don't get mad or anythin', but I took a tooth from that skeleton you have up in your room and set up this trap to catch the fairy!" There was believable excitement in Mammon's tone, but just as Satan was leaving the room, he noted how Mammon shifted his weight on his feet, clearly ready to run, and the slight tremble in his hands. "You guys said I trap went off. That means I caught it, right?" "MAMOOOOOOON!!!" There was a yelp from Mammon before the white-haired figure took off through the House of Lamentation, leading the angry Lucifer away from Satan and Belphegor. That night he was strung up on the chandelier. If anyone noticed that he hadn't complained once the entire night, they didn't say anything.
3) Asmodeus
Asmodeus slammed the dining-room door behind him as he stormed into the room and threw himself into his chair. He began to aggressively scoop small portions of food onto his plate as silent tears rolled down his cheeks. His brothers exchanged glances with one another before Satan spoke up. "Is everything alright, Asmodeus?"
Asmo scoffed and glared at him. "Yes, Satan. Everything is perfect. It's wonderful. It's just fan-fucking-tastic!"
Everyone leaned back at the sheer amount of anger and sarcasm that radiated off of Asmo's broken voice. The fifth born growled and violently stabbed a piece of broccoli with his fork. "Why would I even want to model for Devil Style anyway?! It's not like I need them, or anyone for that matter! I'm fabulous without them! I don't need them! Or those stupid haters on DevilTube! Or anybody!" His growls turned into a shriek as his fork bent beneath his hand. Asmo let out a fury-filled scream and threw the fork across the room before storming out, cursing to himself as he did. Everyone stared at the place where the demon once sat in silence. "So...should we go after him?" Beel asked through a mouthful of food. Lucifer sighed and dismissed the thought with a wave of his hand. "No. He's too upset right now. I'll check in on him later. Just...let him get it out of his system." Satan rolled his eyes at Lucifer's words and grabbed Asmo's abused plate. "I'm going to pack this up for him so that, at the very least he'll have something to eat later." "He won't want to eat. You know that." Lucifer only got flipped off from Satan, in response, as he left towards the kitchens. You awkwardly sat in the tension-filled room and looked at a surprisingly calm Mammon. "Does this happen often?" Mammon shrugged and took out his D.D.D. "Every now and then. Mainly when Asmo hasn't been getting the amount of praise that he'd prefer from his fans or if things aren't really going his way. He doesn't take rejection well." A glance down at Mammon's device told you that he was opening up DevilTube. You frowned and looked at him. "Is there anything we can do to help?" Mammon paused and looked at you. There was a knowing smile graced his lips, though a certain kind of sadness lingered in his eyes. "Trust me, MC. Everything will work out. I promise." A couple days later, the dining room doors slammed open once more as a humming Asmo practically waltzed into the dining room. As he reached your chair, he scooped you up into his arms and brought you into an impromptu dance with him. You giggled at the demon's antics. "Asmodeus, what's got you in such a good mood?" He laughed brightly and kissed your cheek before setting you back down into your chair. "Well there has been a movement within my fans lately, of them defending me against those monstrous haters and I've been practically swimming in praise. Which, can you blame them? Look at me, I'm perfect."
Satan smiled and rolled his eyes as Asmodeus leaned onto his chair and dramatically flicked his hair. "So they've come to their senses then?" "Yes! And they're not the only ones! You are looking at the new cover model for Majolish!" Everyone congratulated and cheered for Asmodeus, Beel even got up and mentioned something about Demonous. But while everyone celebrated, you blinked at Asmo in shock and looked over at Mammon confused. Mammon stared at his plate with a sad little smile while playing with his food. You leaned over to him. "Mammon?" you whispered. He glanced up at you. "I thought you were the new cover model for Majolish? You had been talking to me about how excited you were about it all week?" Mammon dropped his gaze back to his plate. "There's other gigs. Besides, it's not that big of a deal. Asmo needed it more than I did." You opened your mouth to protest but were dragged into the party by an over-excited Asmodeus before you had the chance. Throughout the night, you kept glancing back at a notably melancholy Mammon.
4) Beelzebub
You and Beel were tearing apart the locker room frantically searching for the missing red duffle bag. "I'm sure it's here somewhere! It's gotta be!" You exclaimed as you quickly opened and closed lockers. Beel groaned and shook his head. "We've been looking for a half hour now MC. The team'll be almost done warm up now. I must've forgotten my gear bag at the House," he sighed as his shoulders dropped in defeat. "Come on. You have to get out of here before warm-up ends, and I have to tell Coach that I can't play this game." You gave him a sympathetic smile as you closed a locker door and followed Beel out of the locker rooms. As the coach caught sight of the two of you, he frowned and waved you both over. "Beelzebub, care to tell me why you're not in uniform?" Beel looked down shamefully. You gently placed a hand on his back in support. "I forgot my equipment Coach. I'm sorry." The Coach's eyes widened. "I'm sorry, you forgot your equipment?! Beelzebub, this is the quarter-finals!! What am I supposed to do without my best defenseman out there, huh?!" Beel winced and looked at his coach apologetically. "I know. I messed up. I can make it up-" "And just how do you plan on doing that?! Huh?!" The coach swore as he ran a hand through his blading hair. He shook his head before his eyes fell on you. His gaze hardened and his jaw clenched. "You know, Beel's been getting all kinds of distracted since you started showin' up to our practices and games."
Beel's head snapped up as the coach started to address you and he quickly stepped between the two of you. "Now hold on just a-" Beel never got the chance to finish his sentence. The sound of squealing tires and the scent of burning rubber filled the air. A streak of bright yellow ripped into the parking lot next to the stands and drifted to a stop. A wide-eyed Mammon popped his head out of the golden convertible's window, and he waved to the two of you. "Hey Meathead!!" He called out to Beel. He reached one hand into the car. "You forgot your stuff!" Single-handedly, Mammon grabbed a red duffle bag from inside the vehicle and biffed it over the fence into the field. The coach stared at the bag and Mammon in shock, while you grinned and waved at Mammon. "You're a lifesaver, Mams!"
Though you couldn't hear him over the roar of his car's engine, Mammon stuttered and blushed before waving off your thanks and tearing out of the parking lot. As Beel got ready for the game, he smiled softly at the handful of protein bars, shakes, and his special "pre-game" trail mix that Mammon had apparently thrown into his bag for him. That smile grew even wider once he was out on the field, and he noticed a yellow convertible watching from the parking lot.
5) Lucifer
Lucifer let out a long tired sigh and let his head fall onto his desk as he held his glasses in one hand. He had been doing nothing but paperwork for the past 48 hours and wanted nothing more than to sleep. He could barely keep his eyes open and head up, and yet he knew that he had to stay awake. It was his turn to cook supper, and if he didn't act soon, Beel would go on a rampage. He propped his head onto his arm and peered over at his phone. It was extremely tempting to just order take out from Hell's Kitchen, but after 48 hours of nothing but coffee, energy drinks, and princess poison apples, Lucifer knew he was in dire need of real food. With a groan, he pushed himself out of his chair, cracking several joints as he did. For the first time in at least five hours, he walked away from his desk and left his office. As Lucifer dragged himself towards the kitchen, the sent chili spices flooded his nostrils as a symphony of something boiling and pots clattering reached his ears. Fearing that he had been too late, and Beel had already begun to destroy the kitchen, Lucifer used what little energy he had to rush towards the scene. When he arrived, he was surprised to see Mammon cooking on the stove wearing the "kiss the chef" apron that Asmo had bought but seldom used after Lucifer banned him from wearing it in the buff. Lucifer's eyes widened as he spotted the extra-large pot of chilli that Mammon seemed to be making, and the bowl of salad that he had set out another counter. He blinked at the sight several times before clearing his throat. Mammon merely raised an eyebrow at him. "What? Ya gotta problem with what I'm makin' for dinner? Chilli ain't good enough for you, your highness?" The eldest frowned and glanced at the calendar, double-checking that it was in fact, his day to cook. "That's not the problem. The problem is that it's not your day to cook. It's mine." Mammon froze and whipped around to look at the calendar with almost comedic exaggeration. "What? No way! It's my day!" Lucifer huffed and tiredly pointed to the day's date on the calendar, which clearly had his name written on it. Mammon stared at it for a moment. "Huh. Guess I got the days mixed up," he glanced back at the pot of chilli and chuckled. "Well, supper's basically cooked already. No point of lettin' the food go to waste. I might as well finish up in here, and you can cook another day." Too tired and too relieved to argue, Lucifer grunted and left the room, missing the smirk that Mammon gave his retreating form.
+1) They take care of him
You fretted around the kitchen with a worried frown on your face, and lightly trembling hands. You quickly and carefully gathered select items; Hell-Sauce Noodles, a bottle of water, a tall mug of extra dark hot chocolate with whip cream, and a few random bags of comfort foods. With the tray loaded, you urgently began to make your way back to Mammon's room when you almost ran into Asmodeus. The Avatar of Lust quickly caught you and your tray and chuckled at your clumsiness. "Where's the fire, darling? What's got you all hot and bothered?" You huffed in impatience and glanced around to make sure nothing fell off of the tray. "Mammon's having a bad day. I'm putting together a comfort package to help make the day a little easier." Much to your surprise, your words weren't returned with a look of concern or even shock. Instead, Asmodeus began laughing loudly and nearly doubled over in effort. You frowned as you felt anger in Mammon's defence bubble up within you. "Oh sweetie," Asmo breathed as he wiped tears from his eyes. "Mammon doesn't have 'bad days'. It's just not him. He's probably just faking to get you to dote over him," he smirked and plucked one of the chocolate cover strawberries from your tray and popped it into his mouth. "Wouldn't you rather pamper me? I'll make it worth your time." You snarled and tore yourself away from Asmodeus. "Seriously? Your not even going to pretend to be concerned?" you scoffed in disgust at Asmo's shocked expression. "You seriously disgust me sometimes, you know that? He does nothing but look out for you guys and try and help you and this is the thanks he gets?" Now Asmo looked even more confused. He opened his mouth to retaliate but was interrupted by Lucifer. "What's going on in here?" Asmodeus rolled his eyes and gestured to your tray. "Apparently Mammon is having a 'bad day'."
Lucifer tensed at Asmodeus's words and looked over at you with analyzing and serious eyes. "Take me to him." You sighed heavily and nodded, leading the way towards Mammon's room as Asmo squawked in protest. As you arrived, you gave Lucifer a stern look before opening Mammon's bedroom door. Sitting in the dark, trembling, tangled in the blankets of his bed, was a teary-eyed, clearly shaken Mammon. His head snapped up at the sudden noise, as he looked at you and his brother with wide frantic eyes. Lucifer inhaled sharply at seeing Mammon so distraught, while you sighed and moved into action.
You gently placed the tray on the side table and sat down beside him, placing a delicate arm around his quivering shoulders. "I'm sorry," you whispered softly to him. "He followed me here. I can make him leave if you want?" Mammon simply whined and placed his head on your shoulder. Lucifer moving forward caught your attention. You glared at the eldest, daring him to say something bad about the demon in your arms. Lucifer's eyes pooled with pity and guilt as he knelt down by the bed. The words that came out of his mouth weren't mocking, or harsh, or judgemental. Instead, he only said one word: "Nightmare?" Mammon let out a choked sob and nodded as he clung on to you tighter. Lucifer nodded and sat down on Mammon's other side, silently pulling him in close. You watched in near awe, as Lucifer's expression shifted into one of familial protectiveness and held a softness that you had never seen him bear to anyone, let alone Mammon. As though something inside of him broke, Mammon collapsed into Lucifer's arms letting out heart-clenching wails as he clung onto his older brother's cloak. Lucifer's arms tightened around him as he curled in around him. "Your always taking care of us," Lucifer spoke gently, running a hand through Mammon's hair. "Always being strong, taking the brunt of everything, sacrificing yourself for the others," the eldest closed his eyes and just held his younger brother for a moment. "Let us take care of you for once." Your lips parted in shock at the sincere, emotion-filled scene. Mammon gave the smallest of nods as he seemed to curl into himself even more. Lucifer sighed and glanced over at you. "Will you get the others? Tell them Mammon needs their help." You frowned deeply at the instructions, "But Asmo-" "Was deflecting and jealous that you were putting your attention elsewhere. I assure you he would've had a very different reaction if he knew you were serious," Lucifer smiled gently at you. "We may not act like it sometimes, but we do love and care for each other. Just...tell them he had a bad nightmare. They all know better than to joke about that." You weren't sure if it was the desperation or sincerity in Lucifer's tone, or maybe it was the way that for the first time since you found him screaming this morning, Mammon was finally starting to calm down, but you believed Lucifer.
You reluctantly let go of Mammon and went to get the others.
Just as Lucifer had said, each of them took the news with grim seriousness. Asmo paled and looked like he was going to be sick when you told him. When you returned to Mammon's room, you found him asleep in the middle of a cuddle pile, surrounded by his brothers with a small smile on his face. You chuckled and leaned against the doorframe. You had always thought that Mammon's actions towards his brothers went unnoticed, but seeing them all like this, told you otherwise. They all knew exactly what Mammon did for them, and they were all extremely grateful for the brother that they adored. ***There ya have it! We get some fluff! We get some angst! We have some comfort! Honestly, this fic kinda has it all. 😅 I hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you so much @hangryweeb for the great prompt! It was a treat to write once I realized what I wanted to do with it! *** Taglist: @thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @simeonspebble @victoireshaven @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @yukihaie @justtiarra @mammoneybb @obeys-world @poly-bi-mf @armycandy10 @burrixino
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chickenmcstucky · 3 years
meet me in the hallway
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Bucky Barnes x reader
Light angst, fluff || 5.1k
Your bad day gets worse when your less-than-friendly teammate catches you having a breakdown over your shitty morning.
A/N: So this is the second work I’m posting, but actually the first I wrote. Inspired by my own bad morning, lol. Nothing like a little cathartic writing. I’d love feedback!
You had to physically stop your whole body from tapping along with your impatient foot. If you didn’t get out of here and back to your sunny balcony soon, you might actually die of frustration. Sure, the whole sunny day stretched out in front of you, waiting, but it was the principle of the thing. Wasting sun is sacrilege to you. Still, the young woman behind the counter was only doing her job as she gathered your prescription and searched for the coupon you asked for. Why was healthcare so expensive?
As your body cooled from the workout you’d finished just before hopping over to the pharmacy, your thoughts wandered to the lazy hours of writing, tanning, and listening to music you had planned for the day. The team was between missions and somehow the stars aligned and your time off brought gorgeous weather and some much-needed you time. The thought relaxed you as the woman finally rang up your total; as you swiped your card you put your Starbucks order into the app and prepared to finally get home and enjoy your day.
That is, until the card machine gave a deep chirp and the cashier informed you your card wasn’t covering the entire purchase. You balked - how could this happen? The insurance debit was loaded up for the year, ready for any medical purchases. It rarely ran out so early in the year, and it was just April! Your brain scrambled to make sense of it. Had the account rules changed and some of your purchase didn’t qualify? No, that couldn’t be it, you’d done this same process just a few weeks ago.
Your cheeks bloomed with heat as you realized the declined card was the only one you’d brought with you, convinced it would be a quick errand and seeing no reason to bring your whole wallet for the short trip down the street from the Tower. Fuck. And there were people behind you; you shuddered to imagine what they might be thinking of you in your sweaty workout clothes as you stammered to the cashier you’d have to come back. Just fucking great. You felt your good mood at the prospect of a sunny day slipping as you left the store as quickly as you could, trying to save a little face.
Making your way around the construction - why did they need to close the entire sidewalk? - you hastily headed back to the Tower to grab your wallet from your personal quarters, wondering all the way how this could happen. Why do the simple things always have to go wrong? Rationally, you knew this wasn’t a big deal. You would just pay the balance out of pocket and deal with the insurance later. But it was embarrassing and annoying and just plain inconvenient. Sure, you had the time and the money to spare, but why couldn’t things just work how they’re meant to? Your swirling thoughts brought you through the private lobby of the Tower and to the elevators that led to the personal floors; angrily jamming the button for your floor, you whipped out your phone to check the balance on the insurance card.
Your jaw literally dropped as your eyes caught sight of the balance. There was more than enough to cover the charge at the store! Now you were really upset. Jesus, why was this happening to you? Stupid, simple nature of the occurrence aside, you felt tears of frustration welling to the surface as you berated yourself internally. Why did you have to be lazy and only take the one card? If you’d just taken your whole wallet and been prepared, you could’ve saved yourself so much humiliation and frustration. And time. You’d brought it on yourself, you always did. Your frustration with the pharmacy and your anger at the insurance company quickly turned to annoyance at yourself and your lackadaisical ways. Why were you like this?
You shoved yourself further into the corner of the elevator, letting your head fall back against the wall as it ascended to the personal floors. You could feel your face was still ripe with embarrassment, your throat thick with unshed tears. God, why did everything have to make you cry? Embarrassment, anger, and frustration brought tears to your eyes more often than not, while sadness rarely wet your eyes. Of course, no one else knew that and you felt like a dramatic cry-baby every time you got teary-eyed in front of your teammates and friends. You were an Avenger, dammit! As the elevator signaled your floor and the doors whooshed open, you could only hope the walk to your room would be deserted. You wanted to make a quick exit before anyone saw your despair.
The hope was short-lived. You walked out of the elevator with your gaze on the floor, and smack into a well-muscled chest.
“Oh, sorry,” you mumbled, trying to scoot around the body without making eye contact.
“Walk much?” and if that wasn’t the last voice you wanted to hear. Of course, your card gets declined and you get humiliated to tears, and not only could the universe not provide you a painless return to your apartment, it also brought you face to face with Bucky Barnes. You were hardly in the mood to deal with him on a good day, let alone today. He rarely acknowledged your existence except to quip mockery at you, it seemed. At first you thought he was just like that, but you soon realized he was perfectly funny and friendly with the others, if quiet. So it was something about you; what, you didn’t know. And you’d accepted it. You didn’t need him to like you, honestly. His attitude towards you might have brought you to tearful rages sometimes, but only in the quiet solace of your room where you could freely wonder why he despised you so. His devilish good looks and killer smile didn’t help. Avoiding him was the best strategy.
“Can you just not?” you snapped at him as he blocked your way down the hallway, apparently hellbent on making sure you knew he was making fun of you. As if you weren’t painfully aware of how he felt about you. It didn’t help your girlish crush, the little voice in the back of your head always telling you maybe he was mean because he liked you. Bullshit.
“Whoa there, no need to get in a twist doll. Was just havin’ a little fun is all. What’s got you so worked up?” you heard the teasing lilt to his voice but the question forced your eyes to his anyways. God, the asshole was smirking, those gorgeous blue eyes glinting with mirth. Horrified, you felt tears welling up in your eyes again because the universe liked laughing at you, apparently.
“God Bucky do you ever fuck off? Honestly,” your voice broke on the last word as tears threatened their way out of your glassy eyes. “Just leave me alone, why do you always have to be so mean? What did I ever do to you?” the words tumbled out before you could stop them, your anger and hurt getting the better of you.
Realizing your outburst, you floundered in the hallway as Bucky looked at you with a confusing mixture of shock and hurt on his face. Did he really have the audacity to be upset with you? After the way he’s treated you, so often making jokes at your expense? In the back of your head, you knew the jokes weren’t that bad, nothing more than you’d say in a harmless rib against your other teammates. But they were your friends; Bucky was a menace. Not knowing what else to say as the shocked silence stretched on, you averted your eyes from his now stony face and tried to will your tears - and your anger - away so you could get what you came for, finish your errand, and try to salvage the rest of your day. How did things go so wrong so fast?
You didn’t notice as Bucky’s expression morphed from hurt to cocky as he prepared to deliver his next blow.
“Oh, woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning I see, sweetheart.” His smiling tone grated on your nerves - of course he was still making fun of you even after you yelled at him for just that. He couldn’t just be nice, could he?
“At least I sleep in a bed,” you spat, meeting his eyes once more. You knew it was a low blow, immediately regretting it as a pained expression flitted across his face. You sighed - only you could end up feeling guilty for dishing his own mockery back at him after months of his unanswered jibes. “Sorry,” you muttered, your eyes falling closed in shame and frustration at your inability to contain your emotions.
“Yea, okay, I probably deserved that,” you stopped yourself from mocking his ‘probably,’ refusing to dig a deeper hole for yourself, though the eye-roll was unavoidable. “I guess I’ll get out of your way then,” Bucky acquiesced, his voice quieter now.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw his flesh arm reach out as if to pat your shoulder, but he jerked it away as if he hadn’t meant it to move. He hesitated as he half-turned away; why wasn’t he leaving, and since when did Bucky get so unsure of himself? Usually he moved with a sure swagger that riled you right up knowing he thought so highly of himself. Of course, you knew he probably didn’t do it on purpose; your inner feelings about someone had always colored your observations of them and Bucky was no exception - sometimes you manufactured your dislike, but it was inescapable. He infuriated you.
Your head swirled with anger, leftover humiliation, shame at your words to Bucky, and confusion at why he was still in the fucking hallway. You stuttered, mouth moving without your permission but no words forming.
Bucky glanced back at you, and your downturned yet clearly turmoiled face brought an unseen soft, caring look to his chiseled face. It hurt him to see you upset, though you were unaware. He didn’t know why his words to you always came out so biting. He knew how to act around the rest of the team but for some reason you brought out his inner turmoil and apparently his coping mechanism was to just make fun of you. Was he protecting himself? But what did his feelings matter when he had so clearly hurt you? His heart broke realizing that your lack of response to his mocking over the weeks wasn’t good-natured but instead was silent hurt. Fuck, he’d fucked up.
“Honey, why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?” the softness in his voice was so foreign and surprising to you that you jerked your head up, meeting his eyes in shock. “Maybe…I can help,” he gestured awkwardly.
You must’ve pulled a face at that, because his head immediately rolled back as he quipped out, “what, is it so surprising I can be nice?”
“Well…yeah,” you half-whispered, your mouth once more speaking without your mind’s permission. Suddenly you couldn’t meet his eyes anymore, your gaze falling anywhere but his soft blues. Once again you felt shame flood through you, even though you had told the truth - it was shocking to see Bucky offer kindness, at least to you. Had you somehow misread him so horribly? Fuck, there were the tears of frustration again. As if you weren’t embarrassed enough, this time a few actually fell, carving their way down your burning cheeks as your breath hitched.
“Shit. Okay, please don’t cry sweet girl, I’m sorry. I know I’m an asshole. I - I don’t -,” he cut off, not knowing how to explain. At his saccharine tone and the pet name - this time caressed with gentleness rather than thrown with cocky disdain - you broke as tears fell down in rivulets, your body wracking with silent sobs. Why were you such a mess today? Sure, you wore your emotions on your sleeve, but even you could control yourself more than this. Bucky’s sudden softness had caught you off guard. Where on earth was it coming from?
Unsure what to do as you exposed your raw nerves to him like this, you wrapped your arms around yourself as Bucky twitched in front of you, hesitating before once more reaching out to you, with purpose this time. He tugged at your shoulders until you were pressed into his chest, hiding your face in his faded blue henley. You felt the tension bleed out of you as he slowly brought his arms around you, his flesh hand running up and down your back in comfort.
“Hey there, it’s alright,” he cooed quietly, “it’s okay. We can figure it out. I’m sorry sweetheart, I’m sorry.” It was tearing him apart, seeing you cry. You’d never reacted to his jokes like that, at least not to his face. He wondered how often you held your tears in until you escaped to your room, and his heart fractured. He hated who he turned into around you. He’d fix it, he had to. A pretty girl like you shouldn’t cry over a stupid guy like him.
You finally hiccuped to a stop, the tears no longer falling as his sweet ministrations calmed you down. Before more embarrassment over your breakdown could set in, Bucky grasped your shoulders and set you away from him so he could look you in your eyes.
“Now, you tell me what’s going on. I’ll fix it,” his hands gripped you tighter with his last words, assuring you. His sudden change of heart, while shocking, was strangely believable. You trusted his conviction that he wanted to help you.
Sighing shakily, you sniffled and began to explain. “It’s stupid really, Bucky. You don’t gotta worry,” you deflected, walls going back up even though you longed for his comfort, his friendship that you hadn’t allowed yourself to crave.
“Little darlin, it ain’t nothing if it makes you this upset. Please talk to me,” his soft eyes pleaded with you, the kindness floating in their depths piercing straight to your heart. Your resolve - built less from stubbornness now and more from niggling shame at letting him see to your core - crumbled.
“It was just gonna be a quick run to the pharmacy - I needed a refill - and then I was gonna come back here and sit in the sun and try to just enjoy my time off alone but my fucking card got fucking declined even though it has enough money and God, Buck, it was humiliating. And then I came back to get my wallet and -,” you cut yourself off, unsure, not wanting to accuse Bucky of making you cry. He had, but it was the whole situation that had really gotten you going. You didn’t want to point the finger at him when he was being nice for once.
Your sudden silence clued Bucky in to the rest of the story quickly enough, though he took sweet pause at the nickname that had slipped from your pretty mouth. He had the grace to look a bit ashamed, but continued on. “Okay, that’s not so bad then, huh? You can just go back and finish up, it’s still early in the day, plenty of time to relax,” Bucky assured you, thinking he’d figured this out pretty easily.
“Easy for you to say,” you grumbled. “You weren’t the one humiliated in front of multiple people thinking you couldn’t pay. I mean I basically ran out of there, Bucky. Why am I so - UGHHH.”
He very nearly laughed, covering himself by clearing his throat - now that you were talking to him and his dumb brain was letting him be nice to you, he wasn’t about to ruin things by upsetting you again. He wasn’t going to push you away. He found it endearing how open you were with your emotions, wishing he could be more like you some days when his melancholy got the best of him. Maybe then he wouldn’t have to suffer alone.
“I see…well I’m real sorry you had to face that. I’ve been there a time or two, it’s no fun. But it ain’t bad as all that - they weren’t paying you that much attention. It’s New York City, everyone is so self-absorbed I bet they didn’t even notice. That’s not to say you don’t deserve attention ‘cause you do - I mean - that’s not - …yea,” he trailed off, cutting his rambling before he really embarrassed himself. He met your eyes sheepishly, surprised to see a small smile there. His heart soared knowing he was the one to put it there, even at the cost of some embarrassment himself.
“Well, I don’t have much of a choice, I need the prescription today. And - fuck! Whyyyyyyy,” you groaned, your face scrunching as you whined. And damn if that wasn’t just the cutest thing, Bucky couldn’t help but think.
The lilting, light tone returned to his voice as he gently laughed at your groaning. “What is it now, then?”
You moaned, blood rushing to your face as you admitted the silly annoyance, “I forgot my drink at Starbucks. I ordered it while I was in line at the pharmacy, I was gonna grab it on my way back. God, it’ll be warm now - or gone. Icing on the cake, just what I needed,” you sighed, resigned to the wasted money.
Bucky smiled genially as he reached over to ruffle your hair, tucking a stray lock behind your ear with surprising softness. You weren’t sure you’d ever gotten this close to his metal appendage. Something deep inside you fluttered at the prospect of more gentle touches, exploring each other and - now where the hell did that come from? You were beginning to think this morning’s commotion had somehow addled your brain. You shook your head at yourself, emptying those thoughts and Bucky chuckled. This time, though, it felt like he was laughing with you rather than at you. That was….refreshing. Nice, even. You yearned to make him laugh more.
“Alright. It’s no big deal,” Bucky calmly spoke, again determined to bring that smile back to your face and maybe, just maybe, get to know you as a friend. Something about how you’d opened up to him gave him hope he hadn’t ruined things beyond repair with his boyish taunting. He’d treat you like you deserved, be a good man to you, if he could take this chance.
“How about this - you go back, get that paid for, and I’ll go get your drink. If it’s warm or gone, I’ll make them make you a new one. Then you can get on with your day, and I’ll, uh…get out of your hair, I guess,” Bucky trailed off, suddenly unsure. Would this truce be short lived, lasting only until you resolved your dilemma? He guessed he’d deserve it if so, but he couldn’t help but hope you’d stick around him. He’d just have to give it his best shot.
“That’s - wow Buck, you don’t have to go to all that trouble. It’s nothing, silly really, I told you,” you scuffed your feet along the floor, suddenly feeling burdensome. A fearful voice in the back of your head wondered if you were just giving him more ammunition for future joking.
“It’s no trouble darlin’. It’s…it’s the least I can do for ya. I guess I know it’s a miracle you even talk to me. I don’t know why I’m so..” he cut off again, still not sure how to explain without exposing his inner thoughts. “Now, what’s the order?”
“Oh, uhm…,” you balked, disbelieving at what you were about to have to say to Bucky. “It’s, uh, called a Pink Drink?” you let the name escape your lips uncertainly, waiting for the inevitable mocking. But to your surprise, the sweetest smile graced Bucky’s face, lighting up his eyes.
“Well, if that ain’t just adorable,” he gently joked to you as you gave a grudging smile. “One Pink Drink it is, honey.”
And wow, these sudden sweet names were getting to you. You felt your heart flutter as he winked at you before sending you on your way down the hall to your room, finally about to clean up the mess you’d made this morning. He even waited for you to get your wallet, escorting you back to the elevator and riding down to street level with you.
“Go on then,” he encouraged, seeing you hesitate again. “I’ll meet you back up there,” he nodded back towards the Tower.
You smiled softly, half at him and half at the ground you were once more staring at, before making your way back to the pharmacy.
You supposed the second trip was actually rather painless. Not a big deal at all, just as Bucky had assured you. Perhaps you could salvage your afternoon indeed, let the sun burn the frustration and embarrassment out of you. Though something told you your newfound confusion at Bucky’s kindness would soon take hold. You still couldn’t believe the gentleness with which he handled you, the kind softness of his words as he comforted you - was this really the same man who spared few words for you but for jokes and laughter at your expense? Something had…shifted. You pushed the uneasy, yet warm feeling away. No time to dissect that right now, you scolded yourself as you headed up the elevator once more, this time for good. You were determined to put this morning behind you and enjoy your rare sunny day off.
As you stepped off the elevator to head to your room, you absently wondered where Bucky was. Surely he had made it back before you - the Starbucks was much closer than the pharmacy. Yet he was nowhere to be found. You weren’t sure if you were bothered or relieved about that. Bothered that he might have abandoned his mission to help you, relieved you might not have to face him again. At least before, his unkindness was certain. You had learned to deal with it. Now, this new kind, gentle Bucky? Just what in the hell were you supposed to do with that? You didn’t know what to think.
These swirling thoughts stuck with you as you walked into your room; you were so distracted by your own internal monologue that the open door didn’t phase you, nor did the breeze coming in from the now ajar balcony door catch your eye. Absentmindedly you flitted around the room, putting away your wallet and goods. When the breeze coming in from the balcony caught a lock of your hair, blowing it across your face, you froze. Why was the balcony door open? You certainly hadn’t left it that way.
Peering out to investigate, you stopped right in your tracks at the sight that met your eyes. Your lounge chair was covered in one of your beach towels, bluetooth speaker already gently playing your sunshine playlist. And there on the table was your Pink Drink. You were flabbergasted - had Bucky come in and done this? For…you? The mere thought of him taking the time to set this up sent your heart soaring. But where was he? Perhaps your earlier thoughts were right - his sudden kindness had run out, and he was tired of being your friend already. Somehow, you couldn’t quite believe that to be the truth.
Determined not to let this chance go, because now that you’d had a taste of Bucky’s sweet side you would be damned if you couldn’t sink your teeth in, you set off in search of the brooding man. Wandering down the hallway, you steeled your resolve - you were going to thank him, and you weren’t going to get flustered this time. Maybe this could be a new start for both of you. Maybe he was more than you thought.
The door to Bucky’s room was open, and you heard the soft notes of Billie Holiday float into the corridor. You pushed your hesitation aside and walked in, not seeing him anywhere until your gaze fell upon a brunette head just peaking over the top of a chair on his balcony. Walking towards the glinting sunlight outside, you lightly knocked on the doorjamb to alert him to your presence, knowing he had probably heard you come in anyways.
“Hey,” he exclaimed softly, rolling his head to the side to glance at you. He seemed less…pompous than earlier, at least, but less energetic too. Like something had popped his bubble.
You stepped gingerly out onto the balcony, as if you were wary of startling him. As if you even could. Suddenly you were lost for words, the atmosphere awkward in a soft way. Unspoken words flitted between the two of you, both lost as to how to approach the new dynamic that crash landed in your laps earlier.
“Uh,” you started, lapsing into a giggle. “Thanks for the uh, for my drink. And stuff,” you finished uneasily, letting out a sharp laugh at your inability to articulate your appreciation for his earlier kindness. You still weren’t sure if there would be more where that came from, or if you had simply taken him aback with your tears and his sudden gentility was a stress reaction. You steeled yourself to be laughed out of his room, just in case.
“My pleasure, sweet girl,” he sighed, gazing out over the city. “Least I could do, really.”
“I - Bucky,” you heaved a deep breath and continued, “thank you, you really didn’t have to be so….sweet.”
He didn’t respond immediately and you wondered if you’d taken it too far, but before you could get too worried he spoke again.
“Darlin,” he started, the term of endearment dripping from his lips sweet like honey, “I owe ya a real apology. I never wanted to be unkind to you, but it felt like I couldn’t stop it. Whenever I see you I just…forget myself. It’s like I don’t know how to act, you scare the decency right outta me.”
Was this really happening? You gaped, “wha - Bucky, what?”
He held up a hand to stop you as he kept speaking, his words further shocking you yet sending a warm buzz up your spine at the same time. “I’m sorry I’ve treated you the way I have. I like joking with people but it’s not right that it hurt you and I kept on. I’m sorry I made ya cry. It ain’t an excuse but girl, you really terrify me. In a good way, I think, but I didn’t let myself see that. I hope it ain’t too late, you know…to be friendly?”
You were sure he could see the astonishment clear as day on your face, and you watched as his own expression contorted with unease. It wasn’t hard to see this admission was uncomfortable for him. But why? Because it pained him to admit he was wrong, or because…he was as afraid of rejection as you were?
“It’s not!” you blurted before you realized you had even spoken. ‘“It’s not too late.”
Bucky looked at you with a small smile, hope blooming in his eyes. You couldn’t believe your shit day had turned into this - who would have ever thought Bucky Barnes, the asshole next door, could be nice. Could apologize, even.
An idea struck you and before you could lose your confidence, you spoke, “Do you wanna come sit out with me?”
You left the invitation hanging desperately in the air as you shifted from one foot to the other, hoping he would accept.
“Only if you let me have some of that drink,” he laughed as he got up and ushered you back inside, through to your own room and balcony. You smiled to yourself but stayed quiet as you sat down on your chair; Bucky got comfortable in the chair next to you as the tune of a love song permeated the thick, warm air around you.
Silently grasping your drink, you handed it to him. It felt like a peace offering.
His rosy lips wrapping around the edge of the cup mesmerized you, a rivulet of condensation dripping from the cup down his arm as he swallowed.
His low laugh snapped you out of your reverie. “Well?” you inquired.
His lips stretched into a smile, “sweet drink. Perfect for a sweet girl,” a husky tone to his voice as he handed the drink back to you, your mouth agape once more.
A laugh ripped its way out of your throat, loud and boisterous and before you knew it you gasped out, “who are you and what have you done with Bucky? So charming, jesus.”
“Guess I have my moments. Gonna try harder to have them around you,” he let out a breathy laugh, still unsure how to act around you. But this felt better, lighter. For the first time in a while, he felt at ease within himself.
“I think I’d like that,” you spoke surely. Then a streak of courage hit you and you went on, “maybe next time, I could go with you? I mean, you could go with me - together, uh..”
Bucky smiled then, wide, “you askin’ me on a date there honey?” he cooed, joking but in kindness.
This time, you were ready to dish it back. “If you think one drink and some sweet talking is enough to get a date with me you got another thing coming, Barnes!” you jibed. “I was merely offering to return the favor,” you turned your face up with false haughtiness, but your laughter and the way you averted your eyes told him the truth. Turning over a new leaf and all that, he guessed.
“Well, I suppose that’s a start,” he laughed, hope bubbling in his chest. “That’s a start.”
As you watched the sun reach its midday summit, your mind wandered. What a day it had been already. You never thought you’d share such emotion with Bucky, that he’d be capable of handling it, or even sharing some in return. Maybe there was some truth to his words - you wouldn’t let the pain of his mocking slide so easily, but you felt he deserved the second chance he was craving. You deserved it, too.
You stole a quiet glance at him, your cheeks warming as you realize he’d been staring at you. He looked away quickly, but not before you caught a blush spreading across his cheeks. Perhaps, you thought, bad mornings weren’t so awful if they ended with afternoons like this.
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riverpatel · 2 years
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notable lyrics.
1.  There is a house way down in New Orleans / They call the Rising Sun/And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy / And God I know I'm one 2.  Future outcasts and they don't last / And, today, the people dress the way that they please/ The way they tried to do in the last centuries 3.  And you'll ask yourself / Where is my mind? / Where is my mind? 4. Ask me if I'm happy / I don't care / Maybe I'd be happy if you give me drugs / Ask me if I'm happy / What does it mean? 5. "Run, run, Lost Boy", they say to me / "Away from all of reality" / Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me 6. And the boys always call, and the girls do too / Because in my world, I'm constantly, constantly havin' a breakthrough / Or a breakdown, or a blackout / Would you make out with me underneath the shelter of the balcony? /  'Cause I don't need anyone, I don't need anyone / I just need everyone and then some 7.  Dreamers are selfish / When it all comes down to it / I hope one of you come back to remind me of who I was / When I go disappearing / Into that good night 8.  I feel like no one wants me/ And I hate the way I'm perceived / I only have two real friends / And lately, I'm a nervous wreck /  'Cause I love people I don't like / And I hate every song I write / And I'm not cool and I'm not smart 9. Don't let those demons in again / I fill the void up with polished doubt, fake sentiment / Surrender yourself 10. Drunken in Seattle / Two more Xans and without a paddle / I don't remember your face / Or your hair, or your name, or your smile  11. The world is a curse, it'll kill if you let it / I know they got pills that can help you forget it / They bottle it, call it medicine 12. Memories tend to just pop up / Drunk pre-meds and some rubber gloves / Five thousand people with designer drugs / Don't think I'll ever get enough 13. I wanna prove my love before I leave / I wanna make you come and scrape my knees / Want you to bite my tongue until I bleed / And you can put these fucking words in my obituary 14. Maybe I need therapy / Maybe we need less of me / I will make myself smaller before / Completely Exploding / Maybe I should get some sleep / Cause i’m Godless Lawless & non-monogamous 15. Just take my hand and we'll abandon this world / We'll wash those tears away / You're young and beautiful, and I'll love you always / We got no time for pain / When it's just you and me in ecstasy 16. Don't want cash, don't want card / Want it fast, want it hard / Don't need money, don't need fame / I just want to make a change / I just wanna change 17. The happiest I've been's at a party / Wasted with my friends and why not / We die, then it's over / So fuck being sober 18. Oh, you clever little things / The sycophantic teens / What a precious basket case / Now shut your dirty mouth / If I could burn this town / I wouldn't hesitate 19. To the ones who never left me, we've been down this road before / I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore 20. I'll stay in the pool and drown / So I don't have to watch you leave / I put on Survivor just to watch somebody suffer / Maybe I should get some sleep 21. The truth is I am a toy that people enjoy / 'Til all of the tricks don't work anymore / And then they are bored of me  22. I caught a fleeting glimpse / Out of the corner of my eye / I turned to look but it was gone / I cannot put my finger on it now / The child is grown / The dream is gone / I have become comfortably numb
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blurglesmurfklaine · 3 years
Omg hi!
Oof there are quite a few, but I’m going with the Together Together AU that lives in my read rent free but doesn’t need to live there because it kinda comes and goes and I fortgot about it??? But it’s nice to visit!
It’s based on the movie “Together Together” with Ed Helms, but focused a smidge more on romance obvs lol and basically Blaine is in his late 30s/early 40s and decides to have a baby on his own. He is newly divorced (haven’t decided from whomst; so like it could have been he married Rachel who was his best friend and then somewhere along the line realized he was gay OR if he was married to another man and it just didn’t work out) and single, so he decides to hire a surrogate.
Enter Quinn. Because I am a fucking SLUT for Quaine friendship. Quinn is mid to late twenties, working at a covfefe shop with her friend (in some versions the friend is Kurt, and in some versions it’s a random canon character) and is trying to save up to go back to college
Over the course of the story, Blaine and Quinn explore their relationship and walk the boundaries between a professional one—surrogate and father—and a real one; being legitimate friends.
Neither of them really have anyone else (Quinn got pregnant in high school, gave Beth away, and now has shame over her family finding out she’s a surrogate because she doesn’t want them to think that the only thing she’s good at is being pregnant) so they spend most of their time together and Quinn moves in bc the baby and also bc friends. There’s funny generational stuff like Quinn helping Blaine set up a tinder, or Quinn never having seen Boy Meets World.
There’s also a ton of Klaine in there I’m just mot exactly sure how, but I do know that Kurt and Blaine go on a date and then like the next day, Kurt runs in to Quinn and Blaine and Kurt’s like 👁 👄 👁 “is this your……. daughter?? wife??”
This exchange is from the movie but I think it’s so funny
Quinn: I think I love you
Blaine: uuuuhhhhh
Quinn: not like that, don’t be weird. I’m just pretty sure you’re my best friend
My favorite scene to “imagine” is the dramatic part of it where Blaine and Kurt become closer (and Quinn was the one who set them up ofc) and Kurt plans a baby shower, Quinn wants to help but Kurt’s like “are you joking? Stay off your feet, you rest, I got this” trying to be nice
Hohohoooooo but Quinn? She’s havin this fuckin internal breakdown and gets overwhelmed at the party when she sees Blaine open a onesie Kurt bought for him. So afterwards they get into a tiff that escalates because neither of them will talk about their feelings and Quinn either: leaves to go stay with Kurt OR starts crying in front of Blaine and admits that she’s scared of what happens after the baby comes. “You’ll have Kurt. And lamp (the gender neutral name they came up with to call the baby before it’s born). I’ll move out, and you’ll move on.”
That conversation happens, but sometimes it’s immediately and sometimes it’s after Quinn goes to Kurt’s
Eventually the baby comes though, and the movie ends there but in MY version Quinn goes back to college and becomes a columnist or a journalist or something cool and gets to travel and sends postcards tk Blaine and Kurt and the baby all the time.
OOF THAT GOT LONG???? So yeah I really haven’t started writing it because although it’s a Klaine AU, it’s reeeeeaaaaally Quaine friendship centric and I just don’t know if it would land with the fandom, but who knows I might write it on a whim one day. It do be rattling around my brain!
Thanks for sending this!!
send me a 📓 emoji and I’ll tell you a fic idea I haven’t written but like to imagine
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Gravity | JJ Maybank (Outer Banks, Season 1)
Pairing: JJ x fem!reader
Wordcount: 2100 words
Warnings: swearing, mentioning of underaged drinking/smoking
a/n: English is not my native language, so there might be spelling/grammar mistakes. Also, this is just a simple oneshot, so don't expect a great plot or anything. Have fun!
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“because in my world, i'm constantly havin' a breakthrough or a breakdown, or a blackout, would you make out with me underneath the shelter of the balcony?”
─ clementine by halsey
[ Clementine, better known as Clem by the Pouges, lived on the southside of Outer Banks with her mum, near John B's home. Her mum worked pretty hard and was often out of town, so Clem was usually to herself. Since she began to work for Kiara’s dad two years ago, she sort of grew on the chaotic group and got involved in a lot more shit than expected. Besides serving tables at the restaurant, hanging out in the hammocks or on John B’s boat and handling the one or other mystery on the island, Clementines mind was occupied by a certain blonde guy. ]
The sun was nearly unberable, making me fan myself with my book. Summer had arrived, in full glory and a lot of hot air. I relaxed in my hammock behind our small bungalow and swung from side to side to keep myself from falling asleep, one foot on the dry grass.
Summer break just started two days ago and it was already boiling outside.
My hammock was placed between two thick trees, right beside the water and the wooden dock. Small waves sloshed against it from time to time and seabirds squealed above my head. I felt at peace and my body nearly forgot it already had more than ten hours of sleep last night as my phone vibrated. A new message from JJ lit up on its screen.
get urself ready
5 min.
A smile spread across my face. Within seconds I was back in my room, putting on my bathing suit, a pair of shorts and an open shirt with hawaiian flowers. I packed some drinks into my small cooling bag, slipped into my flip flops and wrote my mum a message in case she would be home before me.
With a towel over my shoulder and the cooling bag in my hand I walked outside again and onto the dock. John B was already steering his white boat towards the wooden planks as I reached the front.
“Aloha boys,” I greeted them with a big smile, and JJ held out his hand so I could easily jump on board.
“Hi Clem.”
“Aloha, darling. Watcha got there?” JJ asked, peeking over his sunglasses.
Once in a while, when I hadn't seen JJ for a day or two, I thought I wasn't completely head over heals for the sunkissed boy anymore and my heart had settled. But then he had the nerve to smile at me again and my whole body began to tingle.
“One for you.” I handed John B a cooled beer bottle which he thanked me for with a fast kiss onto my tempel. He was at least two feet taller than me. “And one for you.”
I threw another one in JJ's direction before getting myself one, placing my stuff under the bench seat and sitting down beside him.
“That just saved my day,” JJ answered and gave the cold glass a kiss, then he kissed me on my cheek. I hid my smile by taking a sip of beer.
“Don't lie, you already had two,” John B said grinning while he navigated the ship to where Pope lived. The boy was standing outside, helping his dad by cleaning some empty, second-hand boxes as usually.
“Hey, Pope, get your ass in here!”
“I told you yesterday, I can't!”
His dad came outside, a broom in his hands as if he wanted to chase us away. It wasn't a secret his dad disliked us.
“Oh, come on, it's summer vacation,” I interfered and waved him. Pope was already putting down the water hose and giving his dad an excusing look.
“I'll do it tomorrow. I promise!”
“Hell nah, you're stayin'!”
“I’ll be back for dinner!” Pope laid the pipe down and snatched a towel from the railing.
“Get in the boat, get in the boat,” John B whispered, whereupon Pope jumped onto the deck of the ship.
“Pope! Get back here right now!”
“We're getting him back safe, promise!” JJ yelled as John B turned the speed back up and we rushed through the waves up to Kie's house.
“Man, your dad is so unrelaxed. He should try one of my joints.”
“Don't you dare. He'll get us all killed.”
I laughed at the boys conversation. Such idiots. But I loved them nonetheless. They were my family.
Kie lived on the rich northside of Outer Banks, even though she hated it with nearly every fiber of her heart. The darkhaired girl was casually walking up to us, in her hand a bag fully of snacks ─ at least I hoped so.
“Morning y'all.”
“Welcome on board, pretty. Are those snacks?”
JJ got up to give Kie a hand, just like he did with me. Her hair was in a messy pointail, held together by a green cloth.
“Oh, you know. Some watermelon slices, stuff like that,” She joked, smiling.
Kiara was pretty. And not just that, she was smart and knew how to handle things. That didn't stay unnoticed by the guys. They were practically all into her, even if they weren't admitting it. Which wouldn't have been a problem if I was that confident in myself too. Or a bit more adventurous, inventive, whatever.
I wasn't jealous of her. In fact, she was one of my best friends, the only female one I may add. She made sure I got a job at her father’s restaurant, for which I couldn't be more thankful.
“Hey Kie.”
“Hey,” She greeted me, hugging me tightly before sitting down next to me. We provided everyone with drinks so we could touch glasses.
“Salud, guys. To the best summer of all times,” JJ announced, holding up his bottle.
“To the best summer of all times,” We echoed him and clinked our bottles together.
John B turned up the speed and the volume of the stereo as the waves splashed against the boat. I closed my eyes, smelling the salty water, my coconut sunscreen and the beer. I had missed summer.
We stayed out all day long on the water, sunbathing and diving in the ocean. Kie connected her phone with the stereo and put on some of our favourite songs. As the sun was slowly going to set, we all laid in the front of the white varnished boat, sandy and drained from all the sun. Within five minutes, we infested Kie's brought snacks and finished the beers.
JJ was passing around a joint he made himself. His skin glowed orange in the evening sun, even though there were some light bruises on his rips. His head was resting on my tanned legs.
After everyone had taken one or two drags, my body didn't feel as tired anymore. Kie started some more upbeat songs and while Pope navigated the boat back to John B's place, we danced. It probably looked horrible, but it was fun.
First, I was just dancing with Kie. Spinning her around and stuff, but she knew about my feelings for JJ. She was the only one I had told, ever. She was also the only one who believed JJ was interested in me too, as much as I tried to talk her out of it.
So, of course she used my blurry state to get me to dance with JJ. To make it less awkward, I stole his sunglasses and put them on, stupidly smiling at him.
“We dancin' now?”
Grinning, he grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him. Kie winked at me.
JJ put one of his hands on my hips, swaying me around in the front of the boat.
The sun was melting into the water and gave everything an orange touch. My body was glowing because of the heat, my heartbeat was going way too fast. JJ's blond hairstrands fell into his eyes and I couldn't stop laughing. Then he let me make a twist so my back was pressed against his belly and our hands were intertwined. Once he had unknotted us, he dipped me before pulling me up again. We were so close, our noses nearly touched.
“You look good with my glasses.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Then I might keep it.”
I grinned and bit my bottom lip. His eyes looked so pretty. Blue like the ocean.
“Hey guys, not on my boat, okay?” John B reminded us that we still had company around us.
I rolled my eyes and ─ as much as I didn't want to ─ let go of JJ. My hand slipped out of his and it felt like I was suddenly bound to gravity again.
Pope and Kie attached the rope of the boat with the hook on the dock, and I grabbed my stuff and followed the others to John B's house. I placed the now empty cooling box and my towel on the porch. My body felt like the alcohol and weed had left out of nowhere. The sun was barely seeable by now and the wind was colder than expected.
Inside, I put my clothes back over my swimwear and tamed my frizzy hair in a loose bun.
“That. Was. So. Much. Flirting.” Kie bumped her ellbow into rips with a knowing smile on her lips.
“Shut up. That was nothing.”
“Are you kidding me? Have you seen the way he looks at you?”
I crossed my arms, eyeing her in disbelief. My head just couldn't comprehend the idea of someone liking me like that. Especially not JJ.
“He likes you. A lot. Trust me.”
“Come on, Kie. Just because he flirts with me once doesn't mean he has feelings for me. You know how many girls want him.”
She scoffed. “Okay, fine. I'm gonna ask him.”
“Wha─ No. No, Kie!” I whisper-screamed at her and tried to grab her arm, but she escaped my grasp and jogged into the kitchen where the boys probably looted John's fridge. Fuck.
“Uh, guys, my mum texted me. I'm gonna go now, see ya tomorrow!” I yelled and quickly escaping onto the porch. The warmth seemed to have disappeared, thick rain drops where pouring down onto the shelter of the porch.
There was no way I would just let Kie embarrass me because ─ surprise ─ JJ wasn't actually flirting with me. Absolutely not.
I was already on the last step and out in the rain, as someone called me.
“Clem? Wait.” JJ. Goddamnit. I shut my eyes for a second before facing him.
“Yup?” I asked, trying to sound casual.
He scratched the back of his neck. “You─ uh... You still have my sunglasses.”
My heart dropped. Had I honestly expected something else?
“Yes, right. Sorry.”
I shook my head, scoffing as I took them off and went up the stairs again. I left my stuff down on the paveway. Internally, I was shaking like hell. My heart was a wreck. Utterly nervous. Maybe Kie hadn’t said anything, maybe he hadn’t heard her, I thought.
I stood infront of him again, not as close as before though. Without thinking and instead of just handing the stupid glasses over like a normal person, I put them on his face. He didn't need them, the sun had already vanished beneath the ocean. I did it anyway.
JJ pushed them up in his hair.
And then we were just looking at each other and I hade to pull myself together so I wouldn't faint. I gulped and tugged at my own shirt, that ridiculous hawaiian shirt.
“So,” JJ spoke under his breath. The rain was still pouring down onto the plastic shelter. My heart beat felt louder, and I wondered if he could hear it. I was so scared.
“Goodnight, J.”
With that, I turned around and wanted to leave, like I always did when I was too afraid to face the truth.
“I like you too.”
Everything in me froze just to melt in the next second. My heart stumbled. So Kie did tell him.
Slowly, I turned back around.
JJ just stood there, hands in his pockets and sunglasses in his hair, chewing unsurely on his bottom lip. He seemed vulnerable. No smug grin, no stupid joke on the tip of his tongue.
“I mean I really, really like you, Clementine. More than that.”
For once, I didn't want to be afraid. If he could be brave, I could too. Within a second, I was back in front of him, though way closer. Even closer than on the boat.
And this time, I kissed him.
My hands grabbed his hair, pulling his face down to mine, and once he had understood, I felt his arms wrap around my waist. There was no gravity pulling me down when we were this close.
“I really like you, too,” I mumbled between two kisses. I could feel his lips forming a smile as he pressed them onto mine again.
“"I thought you'd never admit it,” He said, grinning.
“Don't get used to it,” I answered, grinning just as wide as he did.
And then he kissed me again under the shelter of the balcony, surrounded by the heavy sound of the rain, while I buried my hands in his hair and he pulled me off the ground.
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So I recently went a little... Red-string-cork-board-wild for a very minuscule reason. Namely, I wanted to try and figure out if there was any evidence to back up the fanon of whether or not Graham Folger & Oliver Banks had ever been in a relationship for... Reasons.
To start with, I decided to relisten to MAG 003 just for a lil refresher on who the hell Graham even was (emphasis on the was, lmao). Now, the statement was first catalogued in 2007, but the actual events of the statement take place on 2005; first possible hole in the theory, because, in MAG 011, Oliver, under the alias of Antonio Blake, states that his relationship with "Graham" ended 8 years previous to when he gave his statement to the Magnus Institute, which was given in 2015; which means Oliver's relationship would've ended in 2007.
Why do I point this out though?
Mostly because during MAG 003, when Amy Patel has to chill in Graham Folger's flat due to being concussed, and in an attempt to reassure her, all Graham Folger says is "no worries, I'm gay ✌️" which, okay, that's reassuring, sure... But wouldn't it have been more reassuring to say, "Not only am I hella gay, but I'm also seeing someone." Now, sure, maybe because this is '05 and they don't really know each other that well, he probably thought that would be a little TMI, but then again I feel like "oh I'm seeing someone" is significantly less TMI then just flat-out coming out to someone. Either way, later Amy spends essentially weeks or months watching this dude, and he's always. Alone.
And when she described Graham Folger's flat, it didn't sound like a place TWO (2) people were sharing, it barely sounded like there was one person living there. (And Oliver mentions that he'd been in a SIX (6) YEAR relationship, with a shared living space). A little sus, but... Amy does also say that Mr. Folger spends an awful lot of time outside of his apartment so... Double life maybe? Perhaps.
-- Impromptu read more because this got longer than I intended! So the rest is under the cut --
But now let's take a long look at MAG 011, where Oliver, or Antonio if that's easier for anyone? Nah, let's keep it as Oliver— anyways, MAG 011 takes place in 2015, 8 years prior is 2007; but then.. 6 years prior to that, when Oliver's relationship with "Graham" would’ve started... That would've been in 2001 🤔 now why does that particular year ring a bell? Well, that's because in 2001 is when Graham Folger's parents passed away; which would MEAN THAT, if these two had ever dated, then either it would've been just after Graham Folger had lost his parents, OR, the accident would have happened during the start of their relationship. And I do hear that stuff like that either makes or breaks a relationship, so; hey, maybe they would've had problems from the start. Doomed to end before it began, y'know.
But this is what actually made me go back and relisten in MAG 003, again; because I wasn't 100% on that because for whatever reason I had the year 2003 stuck in my head, IDK. Anyways, it was while I was relistening to MAG 003, again, that I realized my timeline... Wasn't entirely correct. Because Amy Patel, yes she first met Graham Folger in 2005; but it was in September 2005; and the real meat of the statement doesn't start until about 4 months after that initial encounter— which means Amy would've started Graham-watching in Dec. 2005 or Jan. 2006.
You know what else I found rather interesting? In the closing comments for this statement that the Archivist gives us, the apartment under Graham Folger's name was sold in... Early 2007. I wonder... How closely that might actually line up with whenever Oliver Banks apparently ended his relationship with "Graham".
But let's loop back to the "Dec. 2005 or Jan. 2006" bit, because in the supposed timeline given to us in Oliver's statement (MAG 011), he and his "Graham" started having issues a year prior to the official break-up. Maybe that's why Amy never would've seen Graham Folger's partner, in the assumption that he had one, because they was havin' issues, so if Graham Folger had a partner, maybe they weren't hanging about too much.
Alternatively, maybe the real kicker, the Real end to this, alleged, relationship, was because things just started being Different around the start of 2006; say maybe around April? April 7th of 2006 if we want to get real specific. Maybe it was after that day that the relationship got just a bit too much.
Maybe, in the last year of this alleged relationship between Oliver Banks and Graham Folger, maybe Oliver tried to make things work, but there was just something so off about "Graham" so... Not-him, and yet this is still the man that Oliver looks at and remembers spending almost 6 years of his life with. But maybe things get just weird enough that, Oliver just does some digging, maybe he's looking for some excuse some reason for why Graham seems so different but so familiar. Maybe there was an update on the accident that happened (either before or after they got together) and it's having an affect on "Graham". Let's say he does this little research deep-dive while at work too. So he's just sitting at his desk, scrolling through old news, etc. etc, maybe checking new stuff, who knows. (And assuming that even digital scans of polaroids are also untampered) He comes across an old picture that, sure enough those are the Folger Parents, but who the hell is that dark haired teenager in the picture?
Now why would this be happening why Oliver is at work? Well, because in MAG 011, Oliver states that he had a breakdown at work that required him to take leave and supposedly helped to fuel his breakup which then left him on a friend's couch. Obviously it could actually be the other way around; that the break-up was the catalyst for the breakdown at work, but this is no longer a post about why Graham Folger and Oliver Banks weren't a thing, but rather a post on why it would hurt so much if they had been.
Because we're gonna switch gears now and take a peek from Not-Graham's perspective. Because what does Not-Graham, the Not-Them, want? Well, we know they like scaring and upsetting people, but Graham Folger isn't exactly a socialite and apparently didn't have enough of an outstanding presence that made him particularly rememberable. But you know what he did have? The table. The same table that the Not-Them really wanted to have smashed up in... MAG 039, I think (IDK main plot is just an entrée for me right now, not super important y'know). So, sure Graham Folger doesn't have a lot of people in his life, but he's got this partner that he was already having a rocky relationship with, so why not make that relationship even more unbearable on the other party? Just make it absolutely intolerable, in the hopes that the partner might just get fed up enough to do something irrational, like smash a table that apparently means just so, so much to "Graham". But in the end that doesn't work, because the partner just ends up dippin' out (side note: love the idea that Oliver is petty in the way that instead of destroying something that he knows his partner is fond of, he just like, sells the fucking table off instead, send the Not-Them on another wild goose chase to find it again, because that would be funny as fuck).
Regardless, around the beginning of 2007, the two will have broken up, and Not-Graham no longer has a reason to keep that flat so it gets sold, because the Not-Them either has the table and fucks off after that, or they gotta start all over again trying to find it, and Oliver cuts ties and starts crashing on a friend's couch.
It's circumstantial, sure. But when you really look at it... The timeline does actually match up pretty well, and I think that's pretty cool.
Anyways, that's all for now. Whether or not Graham Folger & Oliver Banks ever actually had a relationship in canon, who can say.
But if Oliver's "Graham" isn't Graham Folger, then who is it? Well, not to mix podcasts, but anyone here ever listen to The White Vault?
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jamie-leah · 6 years
Dancing Shadows- Part 3
Bucky x Reader 
Summary:  You’re a fire elemental that has been in love with Bucky for a long time. He doesn’t know and you can’t tell him because of his girlfriend. And with an enemy threatening you and everything you love, will you and Bucky find each other before its too late?
Word Count: 2325
Warnings: Violence, a breakdown, swearing 
A/N: Here’s another part! Please remember to give some feedback, I write for you and it really motivates me! Thank you for reading and enjoy Lovelies! Permanent tags are OPEN and series tags are OPEN 
Dancing Shadows Masterlist   Series Masterlist   One Shot Masterlist 
You knew Steve would fill everyone in on the information you just shared so you decided to go for a walk. Even though your body hurt your mind was wandering too much cooped up in your room. You put shoes on and enter the elevator where F.R.I.D.A.Y. asks which floor. For a few seconds you long to be in Bucky’s presence, to talk through all the thoughts in your head but you knew it was a bad idea. Still you found yourself asking, “where’s Bucky? What is he doing?”.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies, “he is in his room, would you like me to get him for you?”
“Is he with Jessica?”.
You sigh, “don’t bother him. Just take me to the exit F.R.I.D.A.Y. I’m going for a walk”. The elevator makes its way down while you try and figure out where you’re going to walk to.
When you exit the tower, your feet do the thinking for you as you get lost in different thoughts. Bucky was lingering above all else, not having the heart think about your parents. Steve always thought you should tell him. He always said Bucky has feelings for you, but its hard to see when Jess is around which is most of the time. You wouldn’t want to complicate his life anymore than it is, but if you were going to tell him there just never seemed to be the right time between missions and Jess being there.
Before you knew it, you were in the heart of the city. The skies darken as the clouds let the first drops of rain loose. Despite your powers you loved the rain and it matched your mood perfectly. You felt a vibration in your pocket, so you fished it out with your hand. When you looked you saw you had a few missed calls from Steve and one from Bucky. Looking at the time you realise you had been walking for a few hours. Your phone vibrates again, a picture of Bucky lighting up the screen. You don’t answer for a few seconds, admiring one of the only photos you have of him. He isn’t fond of pictures but the one on the screen was of Bucky laughing, eyes closed with crinkles on the side. His hair framing his face like a make-up artist had just done it.
You answer it, “hey, what’s wrong?”.
You hear Bucky sigh in relief, “nothing now. F.R.I.D.A.Y. had said you had gone for a walk but that was hours ago, and Steve and I was worried you had over done it”.
You smile at their concern, “well I’m alive, so no need to worry. Did you and Jess make up?”. You carry on walking through the streets, the rain coming down harder.
“Yes, we did eventually. I’m sorry for bailing, Steve said he had to go and help you-“.
“You have nothing to be sorry for Buck. I told you to go, and you’ve sorted it all out with Jessica”. The name tasted bad in your mouth.
Bucky makes a noise of agreement, “I just think it’s harder than its supposed to be sometimes. Its not as easy as when I’m with-“. He never gets to finish that sentence when a scream pierces through the street, swiftly followed by more and people running. Bucky instantly goes on high alert, “what was that? What’s going on?”.
You look around confused not seeing the danger everyone is running from. You step in front of someone and catch them as they bump into you, “what’s going on?”.
The woman looks frantic to get away, “I don’t know, it happened a few blocks away”. You don’t waste time as you take off in the opposite way to everyone else. You hear Bucky talk again, “where are you Y/N? I’m on my way”.
You manage to talk around the breaths you’re heaving in, “remember where we went for that coffee and you spilt some on me, so I tipped mine on you? It’s a few blocks north of that. Get Tony to track my phone”.
You hear him talking to someone else, you think its Tony and Steve and Sam, but their voices fall away when you reach the scene. You come across a few rows of apartment blocks, some on fire, some ripped in half and bodies everywhere. You spot three people in the middle of it all, elementals by the looks of it. They’re killing people left and right. To stop the fire elemental from killing another you drop your phone, sending a ball of fire that knocks him back into the apartment blocks.
The other two notice you, leaving the people they were about to pray on. You roll your shoulders back, trying to look more confident and ready than you felt. The water elemental spoke, “He requires your allegiance to his cause”.
You try to stall them, so the others can get here, “why didn’t he ask me himself?”. The two steps forward, the water elemental a woman, the air a man. The man speaks next, “he had other commitments”.  
You can feel your insides shake at taking on all three elementals by yourself, “and if I say no?”.
They both smile, the woman speaking again, “I’m sure you’re old enough to have heard the stories”. You roll your eyes at their cryptic bullshit, “okay, you may think you’re coming across all cool and evil but you seriously sound dumb”.
They look at each other and you feel your heart rate pick up. They look back at you throwing their power at you. You dodge the water not wanting it to hinder your fire, but you get hit with a burst of air. You get knocked back impossibly far, across the street and into the windows of an abandoned coffee shop. You crash into some tables and chairs and land on the floor.
Your spine feels like its on fire and you groan as you try to get up. When you turn around you’re met with the three of them standing there watching you. Your stomach flips, and you had the faint feeling that you may die today.
The fire elemental you knocked over stepped forward, “He has allowed you time to think, to join willingly, but he will come whether you’re ready or not”. He strikes suddenly, his own fire hitting you. You crash into more tables as you slide across the room and into the back wall. You can’t help but cry out at the pain.
It takes you a few moments to recover, but when you do the three are gone. You know you have to get up to help people, to put the fire out in the apartment buildings, but everything hurts too much. A few seconds later you hear Bucky calling out your name, along with Sam and Steve.
You shout out, “in here!”. Bucky reaches you first, worry all over his face so you try to lighten the mood, “just thought I’d grab a cup of coffee, being a superhero is thirsty work”. He gives you a glare, telling you he doesn’t think it was funny. Steve comes running in, “Y/N, I know you’re hurt, but do you think you can put out the fires, it’s starting to spread to other buildings. You nod your head but cry out when Bucky allows you to stand on your own.
He reaches out to you and turns to Steve, “no, we’ll have to think of something else, she’s too hurt”. Bucky proceeds to pick you up bridal style and starts to leave the coffee shop. You pat him on the shoulder, “I know you’re worried Buck, but it’s my job. Let me do that and then you can take me home”. His eyes search yours for a few moments before carrying you over to the buildings. Its not long before you’ve put out all the fires. Steve tells Bucky to take me back while he and Sam stay to help out.
Bucky carries you all the way back to the tower. When you get into the elevator you ask Bucky a question that has been playing on your mind since Bucky picked you up, “so, you never did finish that sentence from the conversation we had earlier”. He looks down at you with a half-smile. He takes a few moments to answer, “after everything that just happened you’re still concerned with our conversation from earlier?”.
You raise your eyebrows in a ‘yes, but please answer my question’. He sighs, but it comes across as a nervous sigh, “I was going to say that it’s not as easy as when I’m with you. I was going to say you”. Your heart stops and yet beats faster all at once. You had hoped it would be you, but you never thought that he would actual say that.
Then the doors to the elevator chimes open with Jess standing on the order side. You know what she’s seeing, you in Bucky’s arms lovingly looking up at him as he looks back. Bucky steps forward, but Jess steps back looking hurt. She takes the stairs next to the elevator instead, the door banging shut behind her. Bucky calls out to her, looking down at you and back at the door. You make the choice easier for him, “put me down Bucky”.
He looks at you confused, “what?”.
“Put me down, I can walk from here. You obviously need to go after her”.
“Go Buck. I’ll be fine”. He takes another few seconds before he sets you down gently. He kisses your cheek before running through the door and down the stairs. Before you know it you’ve sunk to the floor with F.R.I.D.A.Y. asking if you need assistance. You ignore her, not having the energy to say anything as you lay back on the floor.
You can feel your body shutting down, wanting to rest, to sleep. You weren’t sure if it was from the beating you’ve taken over the last two days or the heart ache that never seems to go away, but you don’t care. You let the cool tiles seep into your back as you close your eyes to the harsh light in the hall. There’s a roaring in your ears, like the ocean on a stormy day, and every cut and bruise pulses with pain to the time of your heartbeat. You find that it doesn’t quite hurt as much as the ache in your chest. You can’t help that small part of you that wonders about the day that he’ll stay.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the feeling of footsteps approaching, Tony’s face coming into focus followed by Thor’s. You give a small smile to Thor having not seen him for a few months, but you see his lips moving and no sound coming out. Tony goes to touch you but pulls his hand away like he’s been burnt. You try to focus more on what your body is doing and that’s when you realise your fingertips are on fire. You make out Tony saying, “F.R.I.D.A.Y. turn the sprinklers on”. They come on immediately, water raining down on all three of you. The fire sputters out, partly from the water and from your efforts.
You’re still not cool enough to be touched yet, but you can hear Tony speak now, “Y/N, are you okay? You need to tell me what’s going on”. You get a flash back to the words the elemental said earlier, “he will come whether you’re ready or not”, and suddenly you begin to cry. Your tears mix with the water raining down, but Tony still notices. Shock over takes his features for a split second. He’s only ever seen you cry once before.
Thor manages to pick you up and you vaguely hear Tony tell him to take you to med bay. You don’t argue as you close your eyes and let your body succumb to sleep.
When you wake up, you don’t open your eyes, wanting to remain in the land of nothing for a few moments more. You know you’re in med bay by the sounds, the smells, the feel of the bed. You can feel someone in the room, but you don’t have the heart to say anything.
It wasn’t long before you hear the door open and Steve’s voice breaks the silence softly, “how is she?”.
Tony’s voice comes from beside you, “still no change”. He sounded tired.
You hear Steve walk into the room, “he really wants to see her Tony”.
Tony’s voice comes out laced with anger, “and I’ve already said I don’t care. He left her in the middle of the hallway. Just to chase after his arse of a girlfriend while Y/N was injured”.
Steve sighs, you can feel the weight of it on your chest, “I know. He messed up and I’ve already given him a hard time about it-“.
Tony cuts him off, “not hard enough. When we found her Steve at the start, she was in a bad place. I’ve grown closer to her than I expected, and I see her like a daughter and I know you see her as your sister. Now if someone left her in the state that she was in as her father I’d kill that person…she cried Steve”.
You could hear the shock in Steve’s voice. He’s seen you cry a few times but not many, “you never told me that”.
The room is silent for a few moments before Tony speaks again, “what happened Steve? I know she’s in love with Bucky, but I think that was just the cherry on top of the shitty cake life made for her. What happened in the city?”.
Steve sounds tired when he answers, “I don’t know. I pulled some footage from cameras but there wasn’t any sound. They definitely said something to her though…whatever it is we’ll fix it, its what we do”.
Permanent Tags: @glimmering-darling-dolly , @justakpopfan4 , @overlywhelmedfangirl
Dancing Shadows Tags: @imeannooffensebabybut , @wandressfox , @animegirlgeeky , @writing-for-a-chance , @damnbuckyishot
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lokiarsene · 7 years
yesss i love seeing all these song recs and seeing you analyze them. my fave songs that i associate with akeshu are poison by vultures (akira to akechi), outta touch by hall & oates (i just love the lines 'smoking guns hot to the touch/would cool down if we didn't use them so much), from eden by hozier (i think the opening lines are SO fitting for akechi), and madness by muse (akechi to akira)
ye ye ye lets do dis
(for some reason i’m having trouble finding poison–is it by vaults? if so:)
oh shit, that BEAT. one of these days i’ll find a witchhouse song and use it for my sad boys, but until then–
Take it strength by strengthI want you to show me weak“Hold your pretty head high”You’ll hear me whisperingWon’t you let me poison your heart?PoisonWon’t you let me poison your heart?Poison 
I… can’t decide if I want this to be the interrogation room scene’s anthem, or something more soppy soft and angsty. It works for both–and that’s the magic of this ship. It works for both.
And that echo-y background vocals? Let me fall in / under your skin / Won’t you let me in? Ouch. Sad boy Goro asking for Akira to let him into his life so he can do as ordered and tear down the life of the only person to show him genuine affection and acceptance. Man that’s… that’s something to think about.
ooh this is an old one–from three years before i was born, even. I always kinda giggle at this song because it was used to mock Vince McMahon in the WWE and it was perfect there. It’s definitely good here too, though!
Other good lines (because that smoking gun one is ACES):
And times that are brokenCan often be one again
Reaching out for something to holdLooking for a loveWhere the climate is coldManic moves and drowsy dreamsOr living in the middleBetween the two extremes
But I’m out of my headWhen you’re not around
I kinda feel like the song speaks (sings?) for itself, so I don’t want to tear into it too much. Plus I just love 80s goodness.
This… this is it, y’all.
This is the song Joker uses to serenade Akechi.
And Akechi ain’t havin’ it but boy does he wanna.
It’s been a hot minute since I last listened to Muse, but I absolutely loved this song from The 2nd Law.
This is another one where I can’t even analyze the lyrics because they’re just…. they just say it all.
But now I have finally seen the end(finally seen the end)And I’m not expecting you to care, no(expecting you to care)That I have finally seen the light(finally seen the light)And I have finally realized(realized)I need to loveI need to love
This absolutely mirrors Akechi’s state of mind in the precious few seconds between his boss fight and when his Cognition self showed up. Which only highlights how gutting that moment was, because it was literally only a few seconds long, and didn’t get a chance to mean anything in the long run (not yet, anyway).
And this hurts especially more because of the song using these words as the ascending emotional release. It’s not a breakdown, it’s a battle cry, a declaration–and for Akechi, it’s strangled in seconds after he realizes it.
My favorite bit, though?
Come to me, trust in a dreamCome on and rescue meYes I know I can be wrongAnd maybe you’re too headstrongOur love is…
Excellent contributions! Thanks very much for sharing :D
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angel-nero · 7 years
11 questions...
I was tagged by @pureren @zaevran @glaspaladin @z-ayauitl and @kcgane ty so much !!! ♥
RULES: 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
my questions…
1. what’s the worst piece of clothing you own?
2. what’s the coolest piece of uh fashion that is so cool you can’t even wear to go out? lol
3.- what book have you read that you feel it has been the worst?
4.- What’s the healthiest meal you actually like?
5.- do you love keith kogane? (or vld keith lmfao what u prefer to use)
6.- something paranormal ever happened to you? if yea, what?
7.- do you get jealous easily? with who? (friends, popular ppl, talented ppl, the s/m)
8.- what’s the cutest thing you own?
9.- what are your favorite crisps?
10.- do you have a favourite drink?
11.- can you tell im hungry? what hobby you wish you liked or wish you did?
i tag: @kukinta​ @kittyr0se​ @heirith​ @liesfromsatansbuttcheeks​ @sheith-love-always​ @acequeenm​ @blessedkeith​ @lukaspatel​ @ke1th​ @ace-pidge​ @keith8​ but only if you want to!
1.  Do you connect with people easily?
mmm, I don’t becos im a very quiet person and can be w u w/o talking at all and I get overwhelmed by convos I don’t care about also it’s kinda hard to win my trust and also interest lol. I’m nice tho, i mite not be enjoying myself but i’ll forev b nice w u.  
2. Did something good happen to you this week?
uH yeah, i’m doing things to improve my health, i did my uni exam, im frEE, i finally don’t have to go to rEliGIoUs classes aNYMORE and UH,,, i got a diet to win weight and its cool i get to eat ESQUITE LMFAO. i will see my bffs in friday and i have browney mix there i should bake but im lazy
3. What’s the personality trait that annoys you most in other people?
When people pretend to like something just 2 b friends w someone or ME, do you know we can be total dif and maybe still b friends if u cOOL. Ass kissers, hypocrisy, LIES LOL. I don’t like fake ppl at all.
4. If you could participate in any existing tv reality show, which one would you choose?
The ones where they change ur style and buy clothes for u 2 love urself and do ur hair and make up and buy u xpensive undies. I loved that crap when i was in secondary school lmao
5. What’s something you’re insecure about?
That I can’t be in one place without wanting tofuckin run, the fact that i can’t eat w ppl at all, that i have to go to the fucken gYM
6. What’s your favourite way to hang out with friends?
:’)) well,,, i go to my bff’s house or they come. If im fine then walk around my neighborhood cus it’s nice ahaha anxiety am i rite. oKAY, even if i get anxiety i like ice skating, or roller skating, i have a lot of fun. My friend want us to go to this pixies concert and im like :(( boo i love u
7. What’s your favourite fic trope?
lol idk,,,,, pining? mutual pining? no pining and they getting to know therngs im melttin sTOP idk…… it depends on whAT shIP. I just know i’ll read any fake dating of my otp. idk idk duuuude i legit don kno. It’s not a trope but i love crunchy feelings, showefjsid fksjnj its hard to talk about this im sOrry
8. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve liked in the past?
hahahahahaha my crush
9. What do you consider to be the best period of your life?
When I was 14. I went to parties more than i go to them now lol, i drank and smokkd w who where my best friends back theN i know it’s whack. we used to go to roller skate? all the damn time and did sleepovers and everything was funny, we practically lived together and my friend that was 16 drove us to places lmao,, everything was so good. but like, dont imagine me too wild i only smokd like 5 cigs in my life and hookah and we even broke one.
10. What do you consider to be the worst period of your life?
mpghgg, when i turned 15,,, in the middle of it everythin went to shit to the actual date. But im trying to change that
11. How did you meet your best friend?
I met her,,,, 11 years ago. Look, I usually have best friends in pack. I have 3 bffs at the moment, one of them sat next to me in 2nd year of primary school. IDK how i got to actually know my absolute bff tho but we did a lot of weird shit. we also met in the same classroom and she was my bff back then. The third one was also a frind but not so much during those years. Later i changed of classrooms and shit and bonded more when I was 14 w 6 friends and those r i did crazy shit w but we got separated and stopped talkin and they invited me to the club a week before my uni exam but i was high on meds and sick af. and never replied also going to meet em again at the club makes me nervous af tbH…. I have had a lot of super close friends in my life wTf. In my new school i have also 7 friends that r super close.And we’re also a pack of bffs. I actually had a hard time to use the word bestfriend lol, not bc of me havin a lot or anythin, i was just emo i guess
1. What’s the strangest nickname you’ve ever been given?
:))))))))))))))))))))))))) gabhole, gabaloney, TETI THAT SOUNDS LIKE TITTY. now ft Aztec secret 
2. Do you like to gossip?
UMMMMMM,, i dont like to listen to another ppl judging someone, I hate it and i normally tell them to stop. it depends i guess
3. Are you afraid of the dark? um,,, no but i dont like it lol
4.Have you ever been stung by a bee?
no, but i steppeddd on one. I also was pickin a tree and till this day i dont knoW wTF it was but i had something big in my middle finger and it fucken hurt like a bitch and i had A BALL on it UGHHHHH I HATE BUGS
Bigfoot or mothman? fucking none
Do you trust anyone with your life? i mean, idk
Do you have any habits you wish you could break? yEAH, to stop tweeting my mental breakdowns is one lmao. 
Would you go ghost/alien hunting? 
both tbh, who wants to break into abandoned houses w me, i live in front of one,,, i mean not so infront but in the row of houses infront of me lmao english whO? dude rosetta stoned by tool is my aesthetic, alien stuff. bex listen to it pls
Best pickup line? (you’ve heard or used on you/you’ve used)
u r the best chair *proceeds to sit on em* keith to shiro probably
Mint or fruit gum?
I dont like gum much cos it makes me hungry or thirsty. I also drink too much soda to fuck w mint stuff :(( say that to the mints i bought lol :( i only eat halls or gum bc im nerves w ppl so they stopped bein a thing i enjoy for me lol. i do that since im like,,, uh,,, idK 15. it fuckd my stomach
What do you want to be remembered for?
I mean if I have to pick and b unrealistic, for art maybe,,, or for the thing i end up working with, like architecture or somethin. Art, def art cus i like art so much
1.-if you had to chose one thing to eat for the rest of your life what would it be? 
2.- what are you most afraid of? Mental illnes and being ill and living 
3.- do you have a favorite place to visit?
I mean,,,, i love walking in the center? centre? of my city bc is like going to another place. Is also fucking Cuba in there. Everyone says that, my dad asked a cuban marine he met if it was true and he said it was ‘’ the fackin same’’ So its like,,, travelling in time and places. also the beach and the port.
4.- what type of weather you enjoy the most?
I need the sun, otherwise i get sad… i like cloudy w sun. I just like to go out in the afternoon tho lol so like,,, sun pls so the sky can turn pinkish
5.- do you have a rare ability like dislocating your thumb or moving your eyes really fast?
i move my tongue real real fast and also can do the cherry knot thing and uh i can like, be aberrantly stupid too. hey but dont fuk w me and bother me 4 bein stupid, i will fist fite u and i mite b stupid but i will also mite think u r stupid if i don like u so fuk off. Dam,,, i get like, bothered so easy LOL like, think u r better than me and i’ll fist fite u LMFAO WHY THO I SUK, but like, if not bothered, i think of everyone as my equal… wow this was not the question
6.- do you think it would be easier to create one universal lenguage or an accurate translator? nO… dont delete culture like that,,, an accurate translator mite come in handy u kno but like, some languages have words that don’t exist in others so like :-/
7.- is there something that soothes you no matter what? um no i wish
8.- favorite piece of clothing? boots and thights
9.- is there a song stuck in your head right now? YEAH dig down by muse i love it, every1 says it sUCLks but i can’t stop listenin to it
10.- why is your favorite animal your favorite animal? i don play favs but i love the honey badger bc of this pleas fuckin watch it and THIS
11.- morning person or late riser? Oh,, i cant wake up to save my life so late riser
1. do you have any plushies? a LOT but im like,,, they r in my wardrobe and i luv em but like,,, they’re all gifts,,, did u kno one of my past bffs bought me a dino for christmas?
2. have you ever walked out the cinema before? 
Yeah, i love drive’s aesthetic and Ryan gosling a lot but is SO boring so idk if my friends and I got kicked out or we prefered to get out to talk haha. 
3. if you could have a mascot what would it be and why?
A CHINCHILLA, they’re a irl pokemon and they r so cUTE
4. what would your theme song be? kool thing, sonic youth maybe or is she weird by pixies. All Over the world by pixies too lol
5. do you have any phrases or sayings you find yourself coming back to often? not really, im so bad at remembering sayings and quotes
6what’s the nearest object to your right? a book called azul by ruben dario
7. would you rather live in the big city or out in the middle of nature? 
Big city forever. I love high? buildings a lot. I dont do that well in the rural life lmao 
8. are you working on any creative projects right now (fic/art/music/photography/ect) Nope at all and das sad cus i should b doing art lmao
9. what’s your favourite movie score? idk what is score… but the soundtrack of trainspotting is one of my favs… oh but score… aghgsdhaj any tarantino movie tbh or wes anderson movie… or before I disappear or demolition oR southpaw or the girl w the dragon tattoo
10. i say vol you say….? uuhhhhh,,,,,  vol….tron??? (ICONIC, I MELT, I LVOE HIM)
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tonguetiedmag · 6 years
music: weekly roundup (our favorite submissions of the week)
Lost - Dennis Hollstrom & the Ponies 
Dennis Hollstrom identifies his sound as “Scandicana,” a mix of his Scandinavian roots and favor for Americana music. In “Lost,” Dennis & the Ponies exude said blend with lush dreamy guitar over soft, occasionally arch vocals. Hollstrom begins the song, “Under the stars, under the Milky Way.” Later, “Maybe it’s for the better,” Hollstrom sings. “Lost. Lost. Lost.” It’s refreshing feeling of wanderlust for nowhere in particular, but skews to romanticizing small towns and living life in the road.
GreenHouse- One Thing
Hailing from Hartford, Connecticut, GreenHouse bring all the Southern California reggae rock vibes in “One Thing.” It’s easy to hear the influence of the likes of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and 311. The alt rock group peppers in tropical bass lines to add a particular funk, but begins with a classic rock n roll “1, 2, 3, 4,” with some echo. The center of the song is a moment of self assurance: “You are the one thing that’ll hold you back.”
 The Demos- If You Only Knew
New York natives The Demos worked on “If You Only Knew” with fellow New Yorker Daniel Ambruster of Joywave. What they produced is a chilled out power pop track over jumpy guitar and a chorus of oohs. The song begins, vocals at the forefront, “Pretend I’m an actor. What I’m after, the line that’s gonna win your heart.” The song then kicks in, drums and all, and they wonder“If you could imagine the life that we’d be havin’.” By the time The Demos reach the bridge, it’s a radiating bridge of “Love you like no one else” on repeat.
Mike Liegel- Headrush
“Headrush” is funked our indie pop— all the catchiness with a touch of groove. In the chorus, Mike Leigel sing, “I’m addicted to this feeling that I’m holding onto you.” Infatuation or real connection? Who is to say. Leigel describes it as being addicted to the high of a woman he can’t get enough of. In the song, he compares her to a sin and drug, singing “my vision’s getting blurry. She says, ‘let me lay you down. Don’t worry.’”
Graduation- Double Vision
In “Double Vison,” Graduation keep things simple and straightforward. In the chorus, they repeat four times over, “I’ve got double vision.” It’s hypnotic and successful in captivating the listener to also feel the same sense of fuzzy wooziness that’s warm and welcome. “Double Vision” is an inherently indie pop track that would probably find brethren in the likes of Phoenix. Things get interesting just before the bridge with a semi-breakdown of slowed 80s keyboard pop, but jumps right back in for the final chorus.
Grand Canyon- Standing in the Shadows 
“Standing in the Shadows” is a testament to Grand Canyon’s aim to focus on classic sounds and pull from the music catalog of the 70s. The track would def I Italy fit better on Spotify’s Fleetwood Mac Radio than most modern playlists. It evokes a sense of nostalgia, the babies of the 90s and new millennium never really had, though probably heard growing up from their parent. In the chorus, vocalists Casey Shea and Amy Wilcox harmonize: “Baby come with me. Everything’s gonna be alright. Baby come with me. Let’s run away tonight.” It’s nearly four minutes of lovely, fun campfire rock.
Tularosa- If You Love Me
It’s a god sign for Tularosa that the first song they wrote and released as a band turned out as “If You Love Me.” They explain the track is about finding a new love that satisfies your soul. It’s a song for easy listening, translating such honeymoon feelings into the song’s main line: “If you love me I might run around signing Motown baby.” It’s a romantic sentiment that side steps possible cheesiness by honing in on a soulful instrumental.
FAIX- Why You Wouldn’t
“Why You Wouldn’t” is best described as a hodgepodge. Lyrically, FAIX says the song it’s about love, longing and loss. He denotes his music as converging the world of digital and analog, which can be heard in “Why You Wouldn’t’s” mix of electro pop, hip hop and R&B. In the chorus, he repeats in a dripping falsetto, “Why You would t let me down.” It’s cool like a 70s funk slow jam and has the swagger of mellowed 90s hip hop. What seals is is FAIX’s knowledge that electronics rules the earworm.
Stray Fossa- Bear the Waves
Stray Fossa offer alt rock masked in a sheet of haziness in “Bear the Waves.” They say the song is about challenging yourself while also searching for connection. “Bear the Waves” finds solitude in the shower (“washing off the pain”) each time a search for connection has come to be too much. In the chorus, Nick Evans sings, “Its true, I left the sand to bear the waves for you, but socialites and masquerades got me.” “Bear the Waves” is a true 2018 moment of anxiety, hope and effort.
Ghost Lab- Don’t Wanna Be in Love
Ghost Lab revel in clichés in the beginning of “Dont Wanna Be in Love.” They start “In the dead of night you and I face the sun and then we uncrossed our hearts. Hoped to die. Forever young.”  It’s the beginning to a fun song that coldly declares (and repeats), “I don’t wanna be in love with you” over a wonked, dancey beat for the kids intent on having a good time. There’s no time to worry about the long term. Ghost Lab say this song is about choosing to fall out of love. They sing, “There’s no way I can wait for you to set me free.”
Listen to all these songs on our playlist! 
Article by: Haley Bosselman 
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