#cuz that rule does clearly impact his play in the first ten or so minutes
hekettled · 2 years
It’s fascinating listening to dream talk about manhunt tbh. Like…it really is so incredibly calculated and produced. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I think it makes them better. Like obviously he has a lot of skills and puts a lot of research and practice into them, but also of course they’re em heavily edited and carefully put together. That’s why they’re good.
Like it took me a while to watch them and I think I only started because I saw people taking about how sweet and nostalgic the early ones were with just Dream and George were, but then I got hooked and started tearing through them, and at certain points my wife saw me watching one and always got hooked and wound up finishing those with me even when they were like an hour. They are very engrossing. They are like a Minecraft action movie. Like yeah the music is easy to make fun of (and often too loud Dream please it is hard to understand the dialogue), but it adds to the emotional investment/suspense whatever. I have heard him talk about liking to pick music in the editing process and even if it’s a little much I do think it’s such a big part of their success.
And then he talked about editing in audio from other manhunt videos (old ones/failed ones), and my first reaction was you sneaky little bastard, but yeah. Of course. They’re not scripted, their reactions are not always gonna be compelling, that’s smart and also wow, these editing jobs must be so much work. And as much as the yelling is sometimes a lot for my ears, yeah in the moment of watching the video I’d rather hear a reaction that carries my excitement.
And he also mentioned the rules thing and making your video as accessible as possible to the widest audience, and like yeah. He’s very strategic and smart about all this. I already knew this, from stuff he’s said and just from how fast he grew. I mean obviously a lot of it’s luck and algorithm, but certainly not all of it. It’s just cool to hear more insight into his process.
And the manhunt series continues to really impress me, in lots of different ways.
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