#cuz we all know how that went for star wars and it is horrendous behavior
fellow-nerd · 4 months
Before I dive into the abyss of everyone else's thoughts on the new avatar series, let me start by saying it wasn't THAT bad.
Don't get me wrong they've definitely changed a lot and it feels strange to watch after living off the original for literally my whole life.
But there was oddly enough, a lot of things I did like.
I will say that the first episode was absolute painful to watch. I despise the fact that they made kyoshi and gran gran give the opening monologue. Like that is Kataras role. It's our first introduction to her and it sets her character up, shes hopeful for the future, she's spent time learning the past, but most importantly she believes whole heartedly in Aang.
I'm not sure why there's so much kyoshi going on. I know she's really popular but it feels off to me. I think they made that change since this show is way more heavily focused on it be A WAR. rather than a feel good action adventure. In the og, roku serves to tell Aang why the war happened and gently guides him along. This works because Aang is a gentle kid, let me say it again, A KID. And everyone is so aware of this in the original. There's no forced heavy dialougue or such a deep sense of solemness, Aang is a kid and he wants to have and slowly learns to take on more responsibility, it a huge part of his arc that I feel is integral to the show. It's not just "oh well time to win this war, time to fight" it takes time and this show is not doing that.
I'm also concerned about the frontloading of all the backstory for Sozin, Iroh, and Aang. We don't learn of these thing until farther in the series for a reason. It's built up to to make it feel more rewarding for the audience. U cant just go well here u go have fun. It's gonna bite them later on when they have to think of something else to fill that narrative gap, and knowing netflix it probably won't go well.
That being said, however, i did find myself really enjoying the interactions between Aang and Gyatso and Iroh and Zuko in the flashbacks. It's something new and it's probably the most in character things we've seen so far.
BTW I'm only half way through so I'll make more updates when I finish.
Overall, I feel like there's a lot this show is doing right but a lot that is definitely gonna drag it down. No one asked for this show. The funding should've gone towards new animated projects, but it's here anyways and hopefully it doesn't go crazy downhill in the later half or I'll be taking back all the good things I just said.
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