#cuz yeah me too. And also cuz then they can try to teach you theirs with various degrees of success
oops-its-a-fanwork · 1 year
Borrowed the one piece pirate au from @mega-punani again, check 'm out! Part 2 of reader with different devil fruit abilities:
Reader with devil fruit: Communication fruit!
After eating the fruit, you have gained the ability to have some degree of communication with any other living being based on its intelligence/sentience, its needs and its ability to communicate. For example: you may communicate very simple concepts with plants (intelligence), like if they've gotten enough sunlight (the plant's needs), by touching or being near them, as plants don't communicate with body language or sound but with chemicals (their way of communicating). You can't ask a plant if they've seen a specific person though, because the plant can't see or hear, and likely wont recognize who walked past. A falcon, however, might be asked to look for someone with a certain description, and can communicate back with some details it's seen and the direction they're headed in, bc they're a hunter who uses sight to track prey!
Communicating with people is more like we're used to, but there's still some things to note. You can now communicate with anyone speaking any language, and you can hear the intention they speak with. The effect is not applicable to written text though, Cowabummer :( Additionally, you can't lie in languages you are not fluent in, since people will always hear the intention you're speaking with. You have adapted to this by being some definition of blunt, but since your intention can be felt when you speak, its rare for people to get mad at you for this: it always feels sincere, even if it would sound rough from someone else. However if you're mad at someone, its near impossible for them not to feel some of that spite.
On to the boys!
Lie detection? Is that supposed to intimidate you? Sorry Sans, but that's just your life. Your honesty is probably what got his attention in the first place, and even after learning the reason for it he still truly appreciates it. You talk and joke together all the time, and you're always bugging him about using his judgement on the flies and fish around the ship to see if it works. He tells you it wouldn't work because a fly doesn't need to lie. You agree but you pester him about it anyway. He's not a huge fan of you being able to detect his true feelings (how's your own power taste sucker!), but you always handle them with respect which he appreciates. In fact, being on the receiving end of something like this makes him a little bit more considerate towards the people he uses his judgement eye on. Mainly because you're right next to them giving him the stink eye, though.
Oh so refreshing, someone as genuine as Papyrus is like a breath of fresh air! He just says what he feels, and its usually positive too! You're a little less likely to become a blushing mess if he flirts with you while intending it platonically, but the amount of genuine positivity he showers you with may leave you flustered anyway. You help him out in the garden a lot, and he is very happy to have you tell him exactly what each plant needs. You both have, in the past, named some of the plants for fun. But you guys got attached... Now plants only get a name if they either live for a long time (like Patricia the grapevine) or if they can be named after the dish they will be used in (like Stir-Fry the cauliflower).
Blue often brings interesting plants and animals onto the ship to ask you what they're saying. It's usually something along the line of 'God help me I'm gonna get eaten by this big strong predator!-' but you can usually help ease the creature into relaxing. You both admire them for a bit and ask some questions, then put it back where you found it. ...Unless it says it wants to stay here, where it feels safe and protected. The both of you are softies, and Edge has had to chase both of you quite a few times in order to stop the ship from turning into the ark of Noah. Although the time you guys managed to sneak in a pair of ostriches and their young and hide them away for 2 days was admittedly quite impressive!
Stretch doesn't believe you when you say you can't lie. That would be awfully convenient wouldn't it? He won't fall for those kinds of lies, no matter how charming you are. And then Sans has to ruin it by saying you're not lying when you say that. That being said… Please stop giving him genuine compliments. He can feel how true they are to you and how is he supposed to respond to that?? He's gonna damage his banjo with how hard he grips it when you do that, give a guy a break! He kinda wishes he could make you feel his true intentions when he sings to you… Well, here's to trying right? At some point he might try to play and sing songs in different languages for you, just to see when you can or can't understand the lyrics. It's a fun little experiment for you both, and it makes him try way more different genres and cultural classics than before. It's a real win-win!
Hey another blunt person! Welcome to the club darlin'. Oh you didn't intend to be? That's still hilarious love. Red can really appreciate both someone who's very honest and clear, and someone he can tease. So whether you're a blunt hard worker who doesn't take shit, or a slightly bashful person who just can't lie even if they wanted to, this is a great deal for him. When he tells you you're cute he means it and he thrives of of your flustered reactions. He asks you to tell the rats to fuck off not chew on important stuff on the ship, and to tell Doomfanger to stop snitching on him to Edge when she catches him lazing about. Which leads to him being effectively extorted into giving her some of his dinner every day. Edge is gonna notice eventually anyway, either because he realizes she does it less, or because he notices her getting chubby.
I think that since Edge loves archeology, he might be interested in different cultures as well as their histories. That being said, you have some stories to tell him about different places you have visited and the stories people told, and the both of you ask locals about interesting historical events and myths from the area when you get the chance to. You even share a little notebook you write these down in, and you only occasionally doodle little drawings next to the texts. He loves tolerates them, and only nags about them when they bleed onto the next page. Speaking of which, Edge's nagging is incredibly endearing when you can feel how sweet his intentions are. There's no intimidation factor left to be honest. You make sure to treat him sweetly in response, resulting in a slightly confused, but pleased (and bright red) skeleton.
Razz thinks your skills could make communicating with the locals about the surrounding area much easier! Not that he wants to talk to anyone mind you, but he'll have you act as an interpreter for him when necessary. Not to mention you being able to talk to fish and other water creatures makes mapping underwater areas interesting option too! It's never been done before, which sounds like a challenge for someone magnificent~ ! Boasting aside, it truly is a genuinely good and helpful idea! Locating jagged rocks for boats to avoid could make areas much safer to navigate and could open up new trade routes for locals in rough territory. Not to mention locating sunken ships full of treasure sounds like a real adventure!
You can immediately pick up on it if Cash wants something for suspicious reasons, (and, more rarely, for non-suspicious reasons,) which makes you one of the very few people able to understand his reasoning and intentions pretty quickly (not as good as Razz, but pretty close in such a short time). This makes him... awkward, for a while. He can't even hide behind a mischievous mask with you when his intentions change from "bothering you because he's bored" to "bothering you because he wants your affection attention". He comes around after you insist on being around him and treating him kindly even after, well, everything, and it makes him especially soft on you. He's still a mischievous dork, of course, but he's very relaxed with you, to the point where you could even nap in the same room as him and not get pranked!! ...occasionally ;3
…oh no.... You're talking to the herbs in Paps' garden again. You do realize we're gonna eat that right?? Do you really want to become friends with it??? Bear actually isn't entirely wrong there: you can't join him when he's preparing fresh food, but luckily most fruits and veggies are not an entire plant, but only a part of one. You have also assured him that you have come to terms with the fact that something has to die in order for you to eat: that's just nature, you see it around you all the time. He actually really appreciates that sentiment more than you may have realized, given what he and Cinnamon went through. He may not tell you that, but you can feel the relief in his sigh. This also makes him feel more at ease creating vegetarian dishes just for you if you'd prefer them: you're not judging anyone on the ship for choosing otherwise.
Welcome to the extra senses club!! You and Cinnamon talk and relate a lot about the ways you perceive the world, and the way the world perceives the both of you. Actually, Cinnamon turns into a bit of a philosopher when you talk about yourself and about the life experiences of different creatures. You two have long conversations about the importance of intentions, the way different experiences can shape someones life and other such topics. These conversations are surprisingly positive for someone who has been through so much, but you suppose you couldn't expect anything less from a sweetheart like him. Don't tell him you think that though, for the moment you do (or give him any other kind of compliment) the conversation is cut short by him furiously trying to hide blushing face.
Sometimes the boys will have the interesting experience of finding you talking to the air below deck, only to find that you're actually talking to an insect or another little critter. Or to Doomfanger, since you two hang out a lot.
Edge and Razz are a little disappointed you cant actually speak a 100 different languages (cuz that'd be hot), however they would scream in delight if they found out you could talk to ancient creatures and mythical beings should you ever encounter them. What are they saying??? Secret knowledge about days long past, cities lost to the sea ages ago?? The answer to questions about the universe? The meaning of life itself-- "The weather is nice today isn't it?" "Yes, truly! This sun feels marvelous on my scales." "Oh they look amazing in this light, is that iridescence? That's so cool-"
You can actually get a free pass through certain sea monsters'/creatures' areas if you play your cards right (and if the boys don't immediately do something stupid). Perks of being able to talk to huge terrifying creatures! They tend to be of somewhat similar intelligence to humans/monsters, they just communicate differently.
Papyrus will sometimes help you and blue hide another creature on the ship, however Edge has implored him to tell him immediately if you guys have a creature and he's very conflicted about who to be loyal to… you guys just don't tell him unless you have to now, to save him the stress. (and to avoid Edges wrath)
Same thing for Cinnamon, except instead of it being a loyalty problem, he just can't lie to safe his life. If its a small animal however, he's your man. He's the only one actually allowed to keep a pet, since he actually takes care of them well and since they behave really well when they are with him. He'll keep the little critter with him until you guys can find them a good home on another island.
Sometimes, when you've talked to the sea dwellers of the area for a while while sailing through, they might help you out when you fall overboard. Everyone is very surprised when you fall overboard, only to be brought back up by a group of dolphins! You did promise them lunch for their little rescue though, so the rest of the day is spent fishing for them. Opinions on that are mixed.
You and Cash overhear someone telling the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin and immediately decide to bother stretch about it. Surprisingly, he was bored and amused enough to go along with it, and it actually somewhat worked? With a combination of bargaining and convincing using your translation skills, you manage to recreate the scene with stretch playing his banjo (since he refused to use the flute Cash "grabbed" for him) and a row of dancing rats following behind. In the aftermath there's a lot of startled cries and laughing from the witnesses, but also an unexpected information network of rats, communicating through interpretive-rat-dance and banjo music when you're not around... What an interesting day!
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fatuismooches · 2 years
Compilation of Anon Asks (Part 1)
I have a BUNCH of sweet anons in my ask box frequently but I usually don't have the time to answer everyone so in this post I'm just going to be screenshotting the asks and putting my responses underneath. Not every ask is here since it'll get too long but yeah I'll make other parts soon. Kind of long, but may be worth it since I ramble a lot about cute Harbinger stuff and personal hcs so yea :)
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As someone who also headcanons Childe to be cuddly af as well, this hurts me to my core😭 Like I just know this man would not give you a break you'd be trying to do literally anything and his arms would be snug around your waist, and he would not let go for anything 💀
As such, you are very correct when you say he'd have a hard time with a nontouchy lover. Childe's pretty disheartened at first. But is there a specific reason you don't like being touched? Maybe he can get you to explain? Maybe you can at least link pinkies with him? He's starving over here. Of course, he would 100% respect your boundaries, but he'd be very sad :( Boy would have to get real creative with his love otherwise he might explode.
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♿️🛐 That's what I think. More seriously though, this idea has a lot of cute fluffy potential, thinking about how this would be nice in maybe an olden times AU (pls idk the names) 💓 I'm thinking that they hid their true identity from you for a long time - you looked so fragile and helpless, and lived all alone - perhaps they were eyeing you up because your blood seemed so sweet, more than the average person even.
But even though they have much opportunities to take you, they don't. It seems that they have fallen in love with you somehow, and they can't bear to reveal their true form to you now. Until you somehow stumble upon them dizzy, completely needy for your blood. No matter how much they feasted on others, their throats still burned for your blood. Some would be more resistant and tell you to get away from them now. But all of them in the end, are clinging desperately to your shoulders, begging you for your blood and love otherwise they may go mad. If you accept, well... you'll belong to them forever👀
(Would they turn you into a vampire?? Some of them definitely would I think, like Scaramouche and Dottore who want you to be with them for all eternity. Others would be conflicted over you keeping your precious humanity vs wanting to claim you as theirs.. :()
(I don't know much about vampires other than that I played Ikemen Vampire before so excuse me😭)
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PLEASE I love this! At first you have no idea whether Capitano is unamused or unaffected by you cuz all you can see is the pitch darkness of his helmet covering his face so you end up dying a little inside cuz you don't really know how to act now. But little do you know internally he's wondering how it's possible for one person to be so sweet and cute. Poor man doesn't know how to express his feelings in any other way besides unintentionally staring at you menacingly and then patting you awkwardly.
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This is fiction, anytime is possible 🛐🛐 He gets embarrassed when his kid makes fun of him for his first meeting with you 😭 (Would he let his kid meet Ei?😭 She would probably feed them sweets behind his back </3 Yae teaches his kid how to be mischievous)
Ngl, Scara as a dad is very interesting :( I feel as though he'd want to give his kid a lot of attention due to how much he suffered from feeling as though he was abandoned by his creator, but at the same time the only person who taught him how to love is reader so he isn't sure how to properly express his feelings to his kid and might end up staying away for a bit :( </3
Scara fic is on the backburner for now, I think I will wait until 3.2/3.3 to finish it, or when I have a long slot of free time💀 But I love my boy sm <33
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Your Capitano brainrot always amuses me, I love to see it 😭💓 I can't wait for solid info on him to come out, bc you deserve accurate fanfics with your man
You know, I always wonder how you and other Harbinger lovers survive with such little content on most of them😭 This includes me but are y'all doing ok?
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The way you are so right 🥝 anon... Maybe he'd been conditioned for years to keep a poker face and be trained for war and negotiation so he's always like😐😕, a sharp contrast from your wide variety of emotions.
Even with the mask on you can sense sometimes his emotions, it's not too bad when you get to know him because in the presence of others, you know it's just his usual face. But with you it can either be - a weird form of smiling, a downward mouth due to concern for you, or his usual face.
Seeing him watch you without his helmet on for the first time is such an experience😭 He be looking at you and you're a bit scared cuz his face is not very inviting and you question him and he's like ? in his head he thinks that he's looking at you affectionately and you're like THATS UR FACIAL EXPRESSION FOR AFFECTION??
Imagine taking your hands and pulling up his lips to form a smile and his mouth droops immediately lol
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Pink Floyd - Learning To Fly (Official Music Video HD)
YouTube · Pink Floyd
Jul 18, 2014
There a couple main reasons for doing the gameplay a parachuting machine with blowers machine and and buildings it's because of training. In the tunnels you need to know how to fly and with wings usually if you don't train you'll never know we've decided to make a few and we're going to we're going to train and people can join us as I want to you people are too damn slow for us and you more luck need to do it because you need to pick people who can fly a lot of people can't do it they don't have the hand eye coordination they don't have the stamina or the physiology that can withstand it and you need to weed people out and you need to find them fast you really need this group and you're wasting a lot of hardware and people don't know anything about it and can't stand it either it's a very simple process they want to try out for it and they try out if they wash out they wash out is less ancillary jobs it is also great for training for different types of hardware and but if you need an emergency the only way out is to Coast out and this will teach you how to do it
Thor Freya
We're building ours in a few States and we're doing it now half of them are inside
We have approved it and we need contractors to bid and some are volunteering now
I'm going to fund these seven and others can find theirs so looking for a company that I'm involved in and he has several and others do too so it's good and we're going to bid against yourself so what he's going to put together a few now too and people will see what it's valuable for and then Harry Potter will begin
Thor Freya
Help discover this idea and I hope everybody's listening I really need to have 20 of them and my husband is going to build five I guess he's going to combine it with mine which is good I need the help and we're going to go ahead and start to try and get them going cuz it's hard to get them going there's a few areas who are calling for them and in and around DC and New York City I'll probably put one or two in DC area and Max will have a ton and we're going to be in the New York City area I'm so going to talk to them today I'm going to show them what they are how big they are and we have one built and we're going to take them to it and they can test it out and yeah it happens to be in Utah
We saw them putting it together we can't believe it this is the best thing I've ever seen I haven't been on it but I'm going to and it says it'll be great if I could test it we could start races and time people it's kind of a complicated racing so I'm going to go ahead and do that that sounds awesome
John Gallagher
And you could do it okay you've been doing stuff but you haven't done anything I'll give me a break so I'm going to join the rescue rangers and try and find Mom and Dad it says finally I don't have any money I can't do anything but you can donate and you can get equipment and you can get part of a station and going and we're going to go ahead and do that we need to find them and there's stuff here we need to question
Ellie gallheger
0 notes
You didn’t have to give me that much of a compliment, gosh. Thank you though! Being able to share my ideas is one of my favorite things, and I’m glad you enjoy writing them!
This time I’ve got a normal Hermitcraft suggestion for you. It’s sewer cats (and bird) time!
The sewer society of hermits (Grain, Imp, Mr. Goodtimes, Bdoobs, and RenCat lol) is about to have another meeting to judge points and maybe do a big group prank. They’re happily chatting when they hear sniffling in the corner behind Scar’s spoiler wall. They check behind it to find a cam account that went missing at the beginning of the season (in this AU of mine), BadTimesWithScar. The group takes to comforting him, and also recruiting him into the sewer cats. Impulse gives him the nickname “Scap” based on Tango’s typo during the boomers job, and Bdubs decides to call him pancakes. (I’m a huge softie for BadTimes tbh, he’s just so angst-able and I will protect him with my life)
Hot take: the “Bad” in BadTimesWithScar’s name doesn’t mean evil, it means just generally bad at life. Poor Mr BadTimes :( Thanks for another great ask! Feel free to send more than one at a time if you have more than one idea! The more the merrier lol
  “So we’re all in agreement with the points?” Grian asks, standing at the points board. 
  Everyone nods, but Bdubs mutters, “Still can’t believe I only got one point.”
  “Bdubs, my dude, you’re lucky got ANY,” Ren snickers. “You literally moved six blocks.”
  “She’s not gonna notice, though!” protests Bdubs. “You coulda given me a COUPLE more.”
  “Bro, if you keep complaining, we’re gonna knock it down to three,” Grian says amusedly. “Anyway, now that the points are sorted, let’s discuss what our next big thing is. I think it’d be great if we could-.”
  “Wait, wait, shh!” hisses Ren suddenly.
  Everyone falls silent, their eyes fixed on Ren, who is looking sharply around the room, ears pricked. 
  “What is it?” Grian whispers. 
  Ren gestures for them to stay there while he creeps towards the giant wall of dirt that Scar has erected as a spoiler wall. He creeps closer, in the direction of the noise he heard earlier, and carefully peeks around the dirt wall.
  He freezes as he spots what made the noise.
  “S-Scar?” he calls shakily. “You’d better get over here. Quick.”
  Frowning, Scar hops down from the table and rushes over to join Ren, closely followed by Bdubs, Grian, and Impulse. 
  They find a dishevelled figure wearing clothes very similar to one of their members huddled between the spoiler wall and the thing behind it. Tear tracks streak down his pale face, but there’s no mistaking the scar on his face.
 “Oh my god,” breathes Scar. “B-BadTimes? How…? How did you get down here?”
  BadTimes buries his face in his hands and lets out another whimper, the noise Ren heard earlier.
  “Who is BadTimes?” asks Bdubs.
  “My cam account.” Scar looks away guiltily. “I haven’t seen him since the very start of the season.”
  “Hey, buddy,” says Impulse softly, kneeling down to BadTimes’s level. He reaches out his hand, as if trying to tame a scared cat. “Hey. Are you okay? Can you talk to me?”
  After a moment, BadTimes lowers his hands slightly and stares at Impulse with frightened eyes. “Y-Yes.” His eyes flicker up to Scar. “P-Please don’t lock me up again.”
  Grian immediately glares at Scar. “What did you do to him?”
  “Nothing!” Scar says defensively. “Well, I-I may have… shut him away in a closet and forgotten about him for a few… ah… months.”
  “What?!” Grian yelps. “Dude, locking your sentient creations in closets is a REALLY bad idea. Trust me; I found that out the hard way.”
  “Okay, okay, I won’t put him back in there! But he’s gotta go SOMEWHERE.”
  “Let’s adopt him!” says Bdubs, wrapping his arms around BadTimes. “He can be a Sewer Cat like us! We could even build him a little house down here or he can build it himself, whatever he wants to do.”
  “I-I… um…” BadTimes hesitates. “Scar says I’m not very good at building.”
  Scar hurriedly holds up his hands as he realises his friends are very close to kicking his butt. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! You’re not bad at building, BadTimes; you just need more practise, that’s all.” 
  “Did you never teach him?” demands Grian. “He’s not gonna magically get better on his own, you know.”
  Scar sighs quietly. “I know… I’ve made a lot of mistakes with him.”
  Grian’s glare melts into a sympathetic look. “I get that.” 
  “Hey, if we’re adopting you, maybe you wanna choose a new name?” Bdubs suggests. “Unless you’re happy with BadTimesWithScar.”
  BadTimes shakes his head immediately. “I-I want to change it.” 
  “Do you wanna come up with a new name?” asks Impulse kindly. “Or would you like me to?”
  After a moment, BadTimes says, “P-Please can you?”
  “Of course.” Impulse thinks for a few seconds. “I wanna call you Scap.”
  “What?” Bdubs frowns, confused, until realisation finally dawns on him. “Wait, are you referring to that time the Boomers blasted Scar’s name into stone but Tango made a mistake with the ‘r’?”
  Impulse grins and nods. “Yeah! What do you think, buddy?”
  BadTimes takes a moment to think about this. Then he gives a small smile. “I like Scap. It’s a lot better than my old name.”
  “Thanks,” Scar sighs. “I was the one who named you BadTimes.”
  “Bro, who exactly would want to be named that?” Grian scoffs. “It’s a good name for a simple cam account but not for a sentient being.”
  “I guess.” 
  “I’m gonna call you Pancakes,” Bdubs declares out of the blue. “Is that okay?”
  “Um…” Scap gives a quiet laugh. “Y-Yeah, definitely. Why?”
  “Dunno, just suits you. Plus it seems like the kind of nickname Keralis would give you. Ah, I can’t wait for you to meet the other Hermits!”
  Noticing the slightly panicked look on Scap’s face, Grian laughs and nudges Bdubs aside. “Let’s start with getting him settled down here before we go crazy, okay? Scap, what kind of place would you like to live in? Let us know and we’ll help you build it.”
  Scap stares at him in surprise. “You will?”
  “‘Course. We want you to get better at building but we’re not just gonna shove you out the nest and make you do it on your own. Just let us know what you want and we’ll help you.”
  Scap hesitates, unsure exactly how to react. He’s never been shown such kindness before by anyone, not even by his own creator. “I… I’ve always liked the idea of living in an underground mushroom house.”
  “Ooh, I can help you there,” says Impulse excitedly. “I’ve been studying Stress’s mushroom houses and I think I can replicate the style. You wanna go get some blocks to start building? See if you can get more than Bdubs.”
  “What?” Bdubs scowls. “Do you really have to make everything into a competition?”
  Impulse smirks back. “Oh, yeah, you’re right. Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed you’d have a chance at winning.”
  As he hoped, a spark ignites in Bdubs’s eyes. “Oh, just you wait! I’m gonna get ALL the blocks!”
  With that, he dashes off towards the exit, closely followed by Ren. 
  Grinning, Impulse takes off after him, beckoning to Scap. “C’mon, Mr Pancakes!”
  Scap lets out a giggle and runs to catch up with his new friends. “Wait for me!”
  As the four disappear through the tunnel, Grian glances sideways at Scar, who is gazing after them with a mixed expression. “You alright, Scar?”
  “How did you handle this with your creations?” Scar asks quietly. “When they turned out to be… not what you expected or wanted them to be.”
  Grian pauses for a moment. “You’d think making creations is a lot like building a house: it turns out exactly the way you envision it and you have full control over every aspect. But it’s not. It’s way more like having an actual child. You can teach them, help them grow and develop, be there for them when they need you, but ultimately, you can’t control who they are. All you can do is support them and make sure they become the best version of themselves that they can possibly be. Even if that’s far removed from what you originally wanted. Cuz it’s not up to us, is it? It’s not our lives, it’s theirs.” 
  Grian places his hand on Scar’s shoulder. “Scap needs you, dude. Please don’t give up on him the way I gave up on my ch- my creations.” 
  After a long pause, Scar nods. “You’re right, Grian. You’re always right. I gotta be there for him.”
  “Yeah.” Grian smiles and pats his friend on the shoulder. “And I’ll help you out too. We Sewer Cats look after each other, don’t we?”
  Scar laughs. “I keep forgetting I came up with that name. But yeah, we do. And I guess that includes BadTimes now.”
  “Scap,” corrects Grian. 
  “Oh! Yes, yeah.” Scar shakes his head. “Oh man, it’s gonna take a while to get used to this.” 
  As Grian opens his mouth to reply, they hear Bdubs’s voice angrily screaming through the tunnel.
  “Better go rescue Bdubs,” laughs Grian. “Come on, Scar.”
  “Right behind you.”
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jtsfavslut · 4 years
hiii im sorry idk if ur taking requests but i feel like this would b so cute. so y/n is gray’s girlfriend n she’s latina. when juanpa starts hanging w the twins again, she meets him and rly ~vibes~ w him cuz they both speak spanish, like- they’d prank them or talk shit (or pretend to talk shit) abt them etc and gray would get kinda jealous and would try to learn more spanish? no se si tiene sentido sjdjsdjsj btw soy argentina <33 pd: sería re divertido si y/n fuera argentina solo porque nunca vi un fic con una argentina jajja pero como vos quieras <3 (i LOVE ur writing)
Hola Amor!!! That’s actually really cute, omg, like he would get so jealous, but not even of Juanpa, just of your relationship with him, and the fact that Juanpa speaks Spanish and he doesn’t!!! But Yo amo cuando la gente tiene acento de Argentina, porque me quedo media boba, cuz it 's like so satisfying omg!!!! Also, I love you!!!!
“Juanpa, he’s the Mexican guy right?” you asked and Grayson nodded his head. He was telling you how an old friend of theirs, who also speaks Spanish was coming over, and you were honestly excited. 
“Yeah, he’s really funny too. Juanpa is built differently,” he replied, making you chuckle as you shook your head. 
But when you finally met him, Grayson was right. Juanpa was built differently. And it was hard to tell whether he was joking about something or not.
“Hey, y/n,” he whispered when he noticed neither of the twins were paying attention. You were currently in the backyard, the twins eating something vegan that Grayson cooked, while you and Juanpa made something that you made.
“Dime,” you replied, turning to look at him, he had a weird look on his face, like he was planning something, but you didn’t really know why.
“Vamos, a hacerle una broma,” he whispered and you shook your head, widening your eyes. 
“Vos esta loco, oh que? La ultima ves que yo y E, le hicimos una broma, no me hablo por todo el dia,” you replied, and turned to look towards Grayson who was already looking at you. 
‘Y/N, no es nada malo, solamente pretendemos que estamos hablando de él. Como ahora,” he shrugged, you sighed but agreed after a couple of seconds. 
“Que quieres que yo haga?” 
“Solo sigue mirándolo y conversado conmigo,” he replied and you nodded your head, carrying on with Juanpa’s simple but funny plan. 
After a couple of minutes of wondering what was so interesting about you and Juanpa’s conversation, Grayson got up from his seat, walking towards you as you tried to hold in your giggles. 
“What are we talking about?” he casually asked, even if deep down he was about to combust. 
“Nothing. You wouldn’t understand anyways,” Juanpa sighed and you had to turn the other way in order to not laugh. 
“Oh,” Grayson let out, making you feel bad. 
“It was nothing Amor, just some tea he was spilling,” you said as he sat down next to you, placing a quick kiss on your forehead. 
He was jealous. Grayson got extremely touchy when he was jealous. He was normally touchy, but when he felt ‘threatened’ he would touch you more, hug you more, kiss you more, and not leave your side until he felt that his message got across. 
That was just the first time, the second time Grayson felt jealous was when you and Juanpa were vibing to spanish music. Horribly singing along to the music, while Grayson had no clue on what was even going on. 
“I’m so done with this,” he scoffed towards Ethan and he scrunched his face up in confusion. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean them, just look at them. When they talk, it’s always in Spanish and it looks suspicious, they have inside jokes, when he’s around she barely talks to me, they’re singing songs to each other which I don’t even know the meaning of. I mean it’s clear she likes him more than me,” he sighed, feeling a mixture of hurt and anger while Ethan shook his head.
“Grayson, how many of our friends speak Spanish?” 
“Just him, and Mando, plus her,” Grayson sighed.
“How many of her friends speak Spanish?” Ethan asked and Grayson shrugged. 
“I don’t know, just Mando and now him,”
“See, it’s not that she likes him  more, she just found someone that she can talk to in her own language. And Grayson, Juanpa’s here like twice a week, it’s not that deep,” Ethan replied, making Grayson let out a loud sigh, that you heard, making you turn to look at him. You quickly excused yourself before walking over to him. 
“Amor, what’s wrong?” you asked, a slight pout on your concern filled face.
“Nothing, I’m fine,” he sighed and you shook your head knowing he was lying. 
“Bullshit. I’m not going to push you, but if you wanna talk, please talk to me,” you softly spoke and he nodded his head. 
Over the course of a week, Grayson spent all his free time attempting to learn Spanish, just so that he could feel closer to you. He barely learned anything. Maybe just a few phrases and words. He couldn't expect more, after it all it was just one week and a shitty youtube video.
“Amor, pasarme mi botella,” he randomly said as you were both sitting on the couch, taking in the peacefulness of having the house to yourselves. 
“I- umm sure,” you replied, not wanting to question his random and incorrect use of the Spanish language, so you leaned down to pick up his water bottle and handing it to him.
“Was that good? Or like was it bad?” He asked and you looked at him with confusion, “My Spanish, was it good?” 
“It was okay, you used the wrong verb but it’s okay,” you smiled and he nodded his head. 
“Well, what’s the correct verb?” 
“Well, if you wanna get it over with you can just say ‘pasamé la botella’ or if you wanna be polite you can say ‘me puedes pasar la botella?’ you can use both, it doesn’t matter,” you replied and he nodded his head, whispering the sentences a few times so that he could remember them. 
The second time, he said something so random and incorrect that you don’t even remember what it was, but you were starting to notice that he was acting weird, and decided to finally question him. 
“Alright, what’s going on?” you asked sitting up straight and he shook his head. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean you. You’re acting weird. Suddenly wanting to speak Spanish, not leaving my side when another male is around. Did I do something?” You asked and he shook his head letting out a sigh. 
“No, it’s just that you and Juanpa. You understand each other so well, and I don’t. When you speak Spanish, and I have no idea of what you’re saying, I feel like you’re planning something against me. And your inside jokes, I don’t know. I just feel like he understands you more than I do, so I tried to learn Spanish, but that clearly didn’t work out,” he replied making you pout. 
“Amor, you know none of that is true. Yes, me and Juanpa are good friends, but that doesn’t mean he understands me more, I mean in Spanish he does, but he doesn’t understand me as a person, only you do. And I only like him as a friend. I like and love you as a boyfriend. And the inside jokes, don’t even make sense. But Gray, you should’ve told me this, because we purposely made it seem like we were talking about you,” you replied making him chuckle. 
“I love you,” he sighed, pulling you over so that you were straddling him. 
“I love you more,” you placed a quick kiss on his nose before he pulled you down, connecting his lips with yours. 
“Do you think you can teach me Spanish?” 
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stunudo · 6 years
BAU Prep School AU: 2018
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Welcome to the Frederick Buchanan Institute located in scenic Quantico, Virginia, a senior high academy that shapes the best and brightest minds. Its motto is “Behavior, Analysis, Unity,” the mascot the Submariners, colloquially “the Unsubs”. The small school supports the most accomplished faculty from across the country. (image link)  2016-2017 school year  Class of 18
Let’s Try This Again
August 21, 2017 12:47pm
The dampness of the air lingered on every blade of perfectly shorn grass. The mud and chalk melded into a homelike aroma, welcoming JJ back, as she strolled from her car in flipflops and oversized sunglasses. She wrinkled her nose; those boys were going to be a smelly mess in this heat. As she crossed the football field, she spotted him taking shots at the goal, bouncing the balls at all angles and doing bicycle kicks and generally goofing around. He was in his element, his grin wide across his features, which was understandable; he still believed himself alone.
JJ burst into a comical round of applause as he hit the turf hard, after an overly ambitious kick forced him into something resembling a snowboarding move.
“Need a hand?” JJ peered down as he lay with his chest heaving.
“Nah, I’m good. The grass will bury me by next week.” Luke Alvez waved off her outstretched hand. “What are you doing here Jareau?”
“Had to make sure my boys were on their best behavior,” She kneeled beside him, now lounging on his side.
“So, you’re not checking up on me?” Luke teased, balancing his forearms on his knees, unable to settle the excitement within himself. “Cuz I’d say you have enough to worry about right now.” She leaned back, rubbing her perfect baby belly affectionately. “What’s the countdown to now?”
“29 days, but who’s counting?” JJ glanced down her nose. “Come on, humor me with some drills. I need to move.”
“Whatever you say, boss.” Luke rolled a nearby ball her way before dramatically flipping back upright.
That’s how the students found them, their new coach playing goalie as their overly pregnant coach kept him dodging for every corner of the box with her pristine aim. The upperclassmen suffered through tryouts before school began each year as their games started the second week of September, freshmen rarely made starter squad anyhow. If the boys wanted to learn something about grit, these were the best teachers they could have asked for. Not that teenagers ask for things so freely given.
Friday September 1 10:32am
It was as if no time had passed, they filed into the Delaney Owens Memorial Library with casual conversation spilling over the meeting’s set start time. The faculty of the Frederick Buchanan Institute gathered for their annual staff pop-wow. Penelope Garcia sat straight backed at Headmaster Hotchner’s left as her boyfriend and football coach, Derek Morgan leaned casually beside her, making small talk with veteran math teacher, Jordan Todd.
“Alright, everyone, let’s make it official. Welcome to the new school year, for those of you unable to attend our little development weekend in July, we have two new staff members this Fall.” Hotch gestured to the middle of the table to his right. “Luke? Would you like to introduce yourself?”
Luke nodded and held up his hand in a short wave, “Luke Alvez, your new Foreign Language teacher and interim soccer coach. Originally from the Bronx, played professionally after college and have been teaching in California and most recently the Carolinas for eight years.”
“Thanks, alright, now the other new face. Matt?” Hotch looked to the far end of the table, the statuesque Asian man smiled slyly with only one cheek.
“I’m Matt Simmons. I’m filling in for Coach Jareau’s classes while she is on leave. I am currently taking a leave of absence, myself, as foreign correspondent for Al Jazeera, but before that I was on the D.C. political scene.”
“Oh, the girls are going to eat you boys up!” Mrs. Todd teased the pair of attractive new teachers.
“Jordan.” Hotch chuckled.
“Oh, who am I kidding, this day and age, everyone is going to love you.” She sighed, spinning back to the headmaster in her seat.
“Right, anyway, welcome, to you both. Penelope?” Hotch kept the meeting succinct.
Ms. Garcia squealed quietly as she spun to address the whole faculty. “Friends, teachers, countrymeh- peoples. Hi!” The meeting continued, Penelope and Hotch covering the new schedules and upcoming events. Something in the air felt more relaxed than years past, as if the summer had yet to release the staff of her transfixing spell. They made their way to the cafeteria, Chef David Rossi’s delights tantalizing their noses from halls away.
“I’ve got to be honest, I am surprised Jareau didn’t make it today,” Luke confided to Emily and Hotch.
“I was surprised I got her to stay home,” Emily deadpanned. “I’m sorry about tryouts, she really doesn’t listen to reason.”
“No, it was fine. Besides, kept the guys on their toes, her shooting past me even with that big belly.” Luke smirked, Hotch sighed as Emily’s face fell.
“She was playing?!”
“What?” Luke froze. “Uh, no, not really.” His face a mask of fear and inability to lie. They had arrived to find their meals waiting. Two tables set equally for seven, saving Luke from the awkward explanation, he quickly followed Spencer, who was chatting with Alex and Stephen animatedly.
“Smooth, Alvez.” Derek patted him on the shoulder as Emily stepped passed them, anxiously checking her phone. Matt Simmons was the last one to join his coworkers, Rossi had already served everyone and had sat himself between Kate and Tara. This left the last free seat next to Alex Blake. He slipped between the Drama and Debate teacher and the ever-bubbly Guidance Counselor. “Ladies, how are we doing this afternoon?”
Alex didn’t respond but held his curious gaze as Penelope began excitedly chippering away to his right.
Tuesday Sept. 5 10am
The summer heat hadn’t relented for two weeks, leaving the players exhausted and desperate after only an hour of running drills. The linemen had the field while the quarterbacks and wide receivers were working through their flexibility drills inside. May Howard never wanted to tackle her own teammates as badly as when they were able to walk back into the airconditioned school.
“Submariners! Positions!” Coach Morgan barked from his perch on the sled. “That means you too, Turner!”
Lucas filled in beside May as their hands and heads fell into line across the turf. Their lungs strained as they waited for the starting whistle. Their coach eyed them, leaving the moment lingering; training their reflexes as much as trying their patience. Then the blast, a jolt of force pushed the large metal framework.
“Don’t stop, get it,” Derek pushed his team. “You go until the play ends. You go until their line breaks and then you take them down!”
May hated being shorter than the guys in moments like this, her legs crossing twice as many steps to keep up with theirs. Lucas laughed as the Coach drew out his ending whistle. Their bodies burning hotter than the midday sun.
“Shower up. We hit the playbook tomorrow. Hard.”
Azalene Curtis could not believe this is where they had been enrolled for the new school year. The place was a freaking castle, she gawked out of the driver’s side as pulled up to the parking lot nearest the Rothschild Auditorium. Her little brother, Jackson, was running late for Freshman Orientation and of course she had to be the one to drop him off. Her hair was braided and wrapped around her head to keep its weight back and off her neck. She helped her brother out of his side of the car and walked him to the doors that had been propped open.
“Lena, you can go now.” Jackson grunted, his elbow crutches easily maneuvered over the lip of the door frame.
“Are you sure? This is an old building, make sure you ask for help if there are too many stairs.” She always worried he would be too pig-headed and miss a class, something their parents tended to ignore when it did happen.
“Are you going to be like this all year?”
“What? Looking out for you? Hell yeah, high school is vicious.”
“You said the same thing about middle school.”
“And I was right, wasn’t I?”
“Whatever, loser, see you later.”
“Have fun, Jax!” Lena turned to descend the slightly inclined walking path. A sleek red convertible came to a screeching halt at the sidewalk. A tiny Hispanic girl nearly jumped from the passenger’s seat as her older brother called from the driver’s side.
“Don’t be rude, Rita. It looks bad on all of us!” Ignacio Cruz reprimanded his freshman sister.
“Go to Hell, Iggy. I’m only rude when you make me late!” And she ran past the Curtis siblings as if they weren’t even there.
Wed. Sept. 6  7:31am
“Good morning everybody. My name is Matt Simmons and I will be filling in for Coach Jareau this fall. I know formality is expected here, but I believe in mutual respect. If you can act in an appropriate manner, you get to call me by my first name.” He stood at the front of his first hour Journalism class in a fresh gray button down matched with a black and white paisley tie. He read the crowd easily, from the overly attentive girl in the front row to the completely disinterested guys in the back.
“You’re actually the Matt Simmons.” Sacha Kane took a quick picture of him. “Best first day of school. Ever.” She read her caption to her Instagram post barely beneath her breath.
“Guys? No pictures, this is a classroom.” Matt sighed. “For those of you who don’t know me, I am a reporter with Al Jazeera. I have a bachelor’s degree from NYU and a master’s from GW.”
“You’re also Hannah’s uncle.” Iggy Cruz added from his perch in the last row, attempting to bring the new teacher down a peg.
“That is correct, Hannah Chang is my sister’s daughter.” Matt smiled easily, arrogant senior guys weren’t really that intimidating after reporting in conflict zones for the past ten years. “And your father is on the Board of Regents and Maya here is Mr. Walker’s daughter. It’s really cozy here at F.B.I., isn’t it?”
“We’re all about getting cozy, handsome.” Sacha leaned back, biting her lip.
“Ms. Kane?” Mr. Simmons raised his eyebrows. “Are we going to have a problem?”
She rolled her eyes and sat up straight, his voice switched from sultry to commanding in an instant. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting from his first day teaching, but this certainly hadn’t been it. Mr. Simmons turned down the lights and began his opening presentation. He left the class with reading assignments and to bring in a print media example of a current events opinion piece for the next day.
“Way to piss off the new teacher, Sacha. Since when do we have homework on the first day?” Jake sassed down at his flirtatious classmate on the way to his second period.
“Jakey, come on. He had that ready before I even snapped a pic.” She grinned confidently. “This semester is going to get me past ten thousand followers.”
Luke Alvez’s throat hurt from talking during his morning classes. He started the semester with simple conversations, introductions and asking about the students. Second period was the beginners, but most of the teens had some knowledge of the language as their household staff or nannies may have spoken it around them. There was only one crack about tequila or cerveza, which he chalked up as a win. Now that he was done with his long stretch of classes, he realized how early in the day it was to have lunch.
“I feel like I just had breakfast.” Luke admitted as he grabbed his plate from the cart that Rossi had wheeled in to the staff dining hall, before ducking back to the cafeteria.
“You’re telling me, man. But if you don’t eat now, you’re going to regret it.” Derek shared from experience.
“How’s your first day going, teach?” Kate teased as she dug into her perfectly prepared meal.
“Pretty good, all things considered. I guess Penelope was teaching them at the end of last semester, so I can’t really win any popularity contests.”
“Yeah, don’t sweat it, man. My girl has these kids by the heartstrings and their parents by their wallets, but she was not meant to be teaching. Trust me.” Derek Morgan chuckled.
“We’re just glad you’re here now. Let the craziness of last year be left in the past.” Tara added in her comforting voice.
“Funny the history teacher is talking about leaving things in the past,” Alvez chided.
“Oh, watch out, he’s got the comeback.” Derek egged his coworkers on.
They continued like that up until the bell rattled them back to reality. The easy banter hinting that perhaps this team was going to work out while past line ups had left people slipping between the cracks.
Spencer had been to the principal’s office numerous times over his academic career. Usually as the victim of some sort of bullying, the bruises hidden beneath his oversized clothing. Once it was because he had explained something during a biology lesson and his lab partner thought he was sexually harassing her. And another had been because his history teacher deemed him a distraction to other students and he had to remain in the principal’s office for the remainder of the quarter during that class period. The principal promptly retired the following summer.
These experiences were racing through his thoughts as he knocked on Hotch’s office door after the first day of the new school year. Clammy hands betraying his nerves.
“Come in,” the headmaster’s voice genial. “Reid? Everything okay?”
“You tell me,” Spencer didn’t sit but stood with one hand in his pocket to hide the tension it held. “I have fewer classes on my schedule this year and you gave Sociology to a glorified cameraman.”
“Matt Simmons has an undergraduate degree in Sociology, Reid. He is more than qualified to teach an introductory class on it.”
“As do I. In addition to my three doctorates in other fields.”
Hotch eyed the younger man. “Reid! What is this really about?”
“Do you think I can’t handle the course load? Did I somehow lower the standards with a full schedule?”
“Last year I lost two qualified educators, one to a personal vendetta of a student and one to trauma from the hands of another student. I cannot put my faculty at risk of burn out or exhaustion when the very people we are charged with nurturing could, rather poetically, bite the hand that feeds them.”
“This isn’t about my curriculum?”
“Or my attempt at a stargazing club?”
“Not at all, though that really was just asking for kids to sneak off and neck.”
“Neck?” Spencer rubbed his absentmindedly, not getting the reference.
“Spencer,” Hotch leaned on his desk top, signaling the science teacher to sit as well. “I purposely gave you a prep period this year. I don’t want you to work yourself sick. We need to all be on our A game. That means accepting a break, even if we think we’re invincible.”
Spencer’s lips curled into a blushing smirk. “Clever word choice, Hotch. Invincible is late Middle English but has Latinate roots; ‘in’ and ‘vincibilis’ respectably.”
“I asked a lot of you, and even more so of Penelope, last term. This is my way of trying to remedy that.”
“Oh.” Spencer caught on. “Well, it was my pleasure. Besides, I kind of owed it to her, too.”
“No, you didn’t, but that’s what makes you a great teacher, Reid. You care so deeply, you take on the burdens of other’s growth. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself too, yeah?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Friday Sept 8 6:12pm
Maya Walker scrambled through loading the dishwasher, causing both her parents to glance between themselves. She had three different chapters to read, a dozen geometry problems to proof out and a trumpet solo to prepare for seating auditions next week. The pressure was starting to sink in. She gave up snapping Meg Callahan and just called her on speaker.
“This is only the first week of the next four years of my life and I am DROWNING, girl.”
“Hey, Maya.” Meg’s voice sounded overly cheerful.
“Did you just answer the phone at the dinner table? Nu-uh, Kate is going to kill you!”
“Rough week? That sucks,” The line became muffled as Meg clearly played on her aunt’s sympathies to get excused early from the family meal. “Okay, I have ten, twelve minutes tops before she is going to call your mom and check on you.”
“You didn’t have to answer, dork!”
“I couldn’t stand it! Chris was doing light saber noises while trying to convince Kit to eat his Brussel sprouts. They’re Brussel sprouts! It is physically impossible to like them until you’re at least twenty-five!”
“Preach!” Maya filled in. “But seriously, I am dying. Do you have homework? Maybe we can hit the bookstore tomorrow or Sunday. I am going to lose it if I am stuck in my room all weekend.”
“It’s the first week of school, I have like one page of Algebra homework.”
“Which could take hours.”
“Mrrrrrrp. Nope, sorry. I can’t draw it out that long.”
“Please? Because you value me as a friend and person?”
“Maya Walker, don’t go begging now!” Meg cackled. “But seriously, I am sorry you have so much work. And I am slightly terrified for next year. Hey, you said you signed up for Journalism, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Is Mr. Simmons as hot as Kate is saying he is?”
“Whoa, go Kate!” Maya cheered on the nurse’s taste. “Yes, he is built like a Greek god, with all the ageless beauty of his Asian roots.”
“Ugh, I wish my teachers were hot.”
“Okay, well, like, not our parents, obviously.”
“I should hope so!” Mara shuddered. “But seriously, Journalism is first hour, he already knows my name and who I am. It’s going to be a long year.”
“Still a great view to wake up for every morning.”
“Whatever, traitor. So no study sesh this weekend?”
“Nah, sorry. I am babysitting and then we have something on Sunday.”
“You owe me!”
“Yeah, yeah, well I better scram. Hugs!”
“Thanks, Meg. Talk later.”
Maya hung up the phone and fell dramatically into the mound of quilts atop her bed. She was procrastinating, but something about two days and four assignments felt daunting. After twenty minutes on her favorite puzzle game, she gave in. She got out her trumpet and got to work.
Next Chapter: Uphill
@mentallydatingspencerreid @dontshootmespence @ultrarebelheart @lyrasilverroseelizabethamanti @cynbx @rikersgirl22 @pllfrommars @wheresthewater  @darknesstoglowing @adropintheocean1234567 @tleighstone12 @unitchiefwives @sam-carter-in-training @prettyboysjello @ddreammcatcher @thegirlinflames  @night--hawk @t25luver @onlyalittleteenwolfobsessed @thismiss02 @unitchiefwives
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evakviigmohns · 7 years
punk chick [richie tozier]
request: hey could I request an aged up Richie x reader where Richie is transitioning into his bad boy style because of the reader because to impress her because she's a badass punk chick.
A/N: i!! had!! so!! much!! fun!! writing!! this!! I hope that the anon who sent this doesn’t mind that these are headcannons¿¿¿ cuz I just thought it was easier & im trying to get my shit done LMAO,,,,, soooooo hope u guys enjoy this!! don’t forget to send me request or such cuz i still have time until school begins & I want to write as much as I can before it does. i hope u have a great day!
 -okay so let’s say you are the new girl in school at 11th grade (i would say freshman sophomore or whatever it is but I have no fucking idea how that works lol) & u came in with all of this bad punk chick vibe and everyone just went nuts
-bc its fucking derry, here everyone is just kind of average and the cliques are not really empathized or anything so seeing someone just look so much like a character from a movie and all of that is just different, u know what I mean?
-soooooooooooooooo, it’s your first day at school, you walk in and you literally feel how everyone turns around to look at you, which you just kind of brush off cuz just fuck it, you know what I mean?
-okay so you go into your first class and you just sit like in the middle of the classroom cause even though you are interested in this subject, you are not interested enough to sit in the front seats and wait to until the class starts; everyone is sitting with friends or such and you are still alone but you really don’t care cause you might as well just turn around and make a lil chit chat with the people sitting behind you because for fuck’s sake if you aren’t charming
-sOooOo as I was saying, people keep walking into the room and you see a guy with such an adorable smile and just looks like a real-life bunny and he gets closer to the seat where you at and he just smiles directly at you and nicely asks if he can sit next to you and you reply yes.
-It turns out that his name is Ben Hanscom and he is the nicest boy you’ve ever met. The conversation between you two floats easily and right before the ring bells, he invites to hang out after school with his friends and you immediately agree; everyone could use some new friends and even more when you are the new girl at school/now.
-your day just floats normally, until you reach your final period, but you decide to skip it because who fucking needs to P.E
-so you are just hanging out behind your school, smoking a cigarette as you just look around waiting for the final ring to make its appearance and you see a couple of boys who are walking around and you just follow them with your eyes as you keep inhaling and exhaling smoke (out of context but if u smoke pls be careful bc of fucking cancer) apparently one of them notices you.
-and they just pull the shirt of the other as they keep staring, talking about being lowkey, the other guy who is wearing glasses and is just fucking tall smirks at your direction and tells something to the smaller one and he just starts walking in your direction as his friends follows him.
-once they reach you, your halfway trough your cigarette and you just look at him until he says something.
-“well, hello there” the glass-wearing boy tells you and you just nod your head at his direction “uhm, my name is Richie and this is Eddie” he said as he looked at his friend next to him “and I was just wondering what is doing a lady like you out here all by herself” “what you think im doing?” you say as you put the cigarette in your lips “to smoke? Yeah, well, im here to take a smoke too.” As soon as he said that, eddie looked at him just shocked bc for fucks sake Richie doesn’t smoke¿ wth is he doing¿
-but you have no fucking idea and you just take the cigarette off your lips and give it to him, so he can take a hint of it, to which he just opens his eyes and grabs it and puts it in his to give a big blow of smock and not even five seconds in he just starts coughing
-you just start laughing and so does eddie, you look up to Richie and he is still coughing a little bit and he is just blushing like a bastard
-you quickly look at the watch in your wrist to see how much time you had left until you and ben were going to meet up, 2:55 pm; since your school day ends at 3 pm you just grab your backpack from the floor and start walking away
- “bye eddie, see you later smoker-boy” you say as you leave bc yeah you might a badass chick, but you are also really fricking polite so
-you walk slowly and once you reach the entrance of your school, ben is already there with his friends and he just waves at you as he smiled bc ben is a fucking ray of sunshine
-so, you stand next to him and all of his friends just stare you, maybe because you are wearing all black, maybe because of your eyeline or probably just because ben aka cutie managed to talk to you aka punk chick
-ben clears his throat and starts introducing you to his friends: bill, stan, mike and bev, his eyes showed such an adoration as he introduced Beverly and you immediately realized how lovestruck he was for her, and he introduces as (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the girl on his history class who is super sweet when she wants to
-hardie outside softie inside TM
-but it turns out that they still have to wait for 2 other guys, so they can go to a little forest that it’s pretty much theirs by now
-the conversation between all of you floats so fucking easy that you are shocked like ??¿¿ beverly even asked you if you can give her tips on how to do her make up and you immediately agree bc she is just so great smh
-just imagine punk chick!reader and softie!beverly teaching each other to do their make up JNKJVDNVKDFNVKJFNKD, im so fucking gay im SORRY
-let’s get back to it
-so, you hear stan say that the guys who you were expecting are already coming and you turn around to see the infamous smoker-boy and eddie getting closer.
-once they’ve settled in, ben goes “okay, (Y/N) these are-“ “Richie and Eddie, I’ve met them before” you interrupt him “and Richie trying to make himself look cool or something just chocked in my cigarettes smoke” you say with a little smirk as the rest of the group just starts laughing at the brown-eyed boy.
-“well thank you for embarrassing me, princess” “suck it up, dickhead”
-also, you swear like a freaking sailor and literally 20 minutes in, everyone already knows it
-so you and your new gals are walking towards the forest and you are just amazed because everyone is just so nice¿¿
-you feel really welcomed and you are happy that ben spoke to you in the first place
-OKAY SO, the weeks pass by and you keep hanging out with them and you’ve gotten insanely close to ben, bev, mike and richie
-you keep showing Richie your favorite bands and you just kind of ignore the fact that he gets really fucking red when you get close to him
-because he is really fucking cute when he wants so he get’s a free pass at being lowkey flustered around you
-so, one day you are all hanging out waiting for classes to start but Richie hasn’t arrived yet, which is not weird because he is usually  late
-but then he does, and he is not wearing his usual stuff, but he is wearing a sex pistols shirt and you are like ?? since when does Richie like sex pistols??
-and he is just smirking like an asshole and just winks at you when he realizes you are staring him and you just reply by flipping him off and then the bell rings
- so, you have physics now and you share this class with Richie, and you just walk to the classroom together and he keeps making remarks about how cool you two look all punkie and stuff and you just wink at him and all of his coolness is long gone bc you never wink at him????????
-physics just go by very lowkey because you really like this class and in middle of it you feel Richie pull your arm
-“hey, (YN), look down” “for what” “just do it for fuck’s sake”  and you do it, and guess what
-Richie Fucking Tozier is holding a box of cigarettes under the table and you are just shocketh
-because like two months ago he almost chocked to death for smoking and now he does it
-like what the fuck Richard
-and you ask him what the hell is up with him
-and his explication was that it looked fun
-but in reality it was just because he had a silly crush in you. I mean, he is Richie fucking tozier, he doesn’t need to change to be liked by girls but he wants to be liked this girl.
-he even asked bev about it
-because he realized that you two became really close
-and she explained to him that you never really spoke about boys and such but that you were single but not lonely
-u know what I mean 😉
-SOOOOOOOOO, he is like fuckfuck what do I do now, so his best idea is to turn into a bad boy version of himself
-cuz that’s what all punk chicks want, right? -in reality, you knew about richie’s plans and you found it adorable and you also didn’t really have a type bc life’s too short to think about having types so
-but you also had a crush on him HDFJHFKJDJN, ben, bev & mike were the only ones who knew about it because even though you liked all the losers you trusted them the most
-soooooooooo, let’s say its Christmas break or something
-and there’s a party where everyone is invited but you reach there earlier because you weren’t in the mood to wait and you just wanted some alcohol because life is stressing oKAy
-and it’s like 11 pm when you see the rest of your friends getting to the party and you are really happy bc you were tipsy, not drunk, tipsy
-everything is going super great and then you hear someone say something about Beverly and you are like ??? protective gf activated
-it turns out someone was calling her a whore bc apparently she slept with someone named Patrick
-but you know it aint true and you also know that the girl who is talking trash about Beverly has done it for some time
-so you walk up to her and you ask her what did she say
-she says without looking ashamed any second that Beverly was a disgusting slut and that  it made sense that you were her friend
-and wait?? Is that your fist against her cheek?? What is she doing on the floor?? Yeah you just punched her cause she deserved it
-so, you kneel down next to her and softly say: “say anything about Beverly or my friends ever again and I will make your life fucking impossible, understood?” the girl just nods, and you go to your group of friends and everyone is just in shook and bev just hugs you and you just hug her back bc awe <3
-richie’s brain kind of stopped working and it’s insanely cute
-like, he is just staring at you, with his lips partly opened and his hair is just a big mess and wow, is he wearing a leather jacket??
-“Richie, can we go to talk outside?” “what? Oh, okay, yeah, sure” talking about being flustered
-the moment of shook is long gone and as soon as you walk off with Richie everyone is just freaking out because you two have been pinning for the each for a long ass time now and everyone knows it except you two, like how stupid is that?
-they had bets and all of that going on to see how long it took you two to date LMAO
-so you and Richie are outside of the house and you just look at him and he looks like a damn mess but you need to get this out of your chest
-also Richie + leather jacket is a combination made by the gods
-“Richie, I like you” and before you even manage to say something else, his lips are already on top of yours, his hands are on your waist and at first you are kind of shocked
-but a few seconds in and one of your hands was on his chest and the other one was in his hair and if this wasn’t one of the greatest kisses you’ve gotten in a while
-so after a while you pull away from each and you just smile at him and he just smiles back nsjkfd
-“I like you too, princess.”
-“yeah, you’ve kind of made it clear” you say scrunching your nose a little bit
-“I’m trying to have a moment, for fuck’s sake YN”
-you just laugh at him and kiss him again and he doesn’t complain
-because your lips are really fucking soft and he just wants more
-so by the end of the party you two are officially A Thing and everyone is really happy for you
-also make out sessions as you listen to The Ramones? SING ME UP
-so yeah, lol, you and Richie re just a happy punk couple who smoke together and are just really fucking happy with each other
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