#cwfkb round up
codywanfirstkissbingo · 6 months
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One, two, three, four-- cwfkb'ers oh we love you more with every week you lay more first kiss fills at our tumblr door.
You've done a feisty and phenomenal job of filling galaxies both near and really far, far away with first kisses of every feeling, flavor, and AU.
Did you know that the end of November through the end of January is a hard time of year for lots of folks?  It’s true– but there’s no bleak fan-winter this year, BECAUSE HOLY KRIFF IS THE CODYWAN FANDOM AMAZING. You have made such amazing art, and written so many fantastic fics, that you’ve made a hard time of year full of first kisses– chaste or sexy, angsty or fluffy– and your mods are amazed and grateful every day for all of your fills. 
As of this post, we have 101 kisses so far, and we’ve got until next Sunday, December 31, 12PM EST, to post the rest of your fills.  
Don’t forget to reblog and share this post to help spread the smooches, and take the time in the next few weeks to mark the fills in our AO3 collection for later– then you can catch up on the fills you missed and tell the authors and artists how much you want to peck them on the forehead in thanks!
The overall roundup post(s) tallying all the fills, the bingos, and the blackouts will be up within a week or two of the close of the event-- but in the mean time you can keep sharing the love and spreading all the great fills.
@coline7373 (on AO3) gave us a dip kiss, continuing the trend of Cody getting dipped, and a forehead kiss.  
@dontbelasagnax (on AO3) gave us an inevitable kiss and a chaste kiss.
@babygirlbridger (LothCatThree on AO3) gave us a fill for a rough kiss. 
@biscuityskies (on AO3) treated us to several longer fills for the following kisses: (spicy) angry kiss, lipstick kiss, thirsty kiss, & morning breath kiss, an accidental kiss.
@eloquent-apollo (Icarus_Falls on AO3) gave us a fill for a kiss on the corner of the mouth. 
@foreverchangingfandomsao3 (foreverchangingfandoms on AO3) continued their kiss marathon, with fills for:  hopeful kiss, Keldabe kiss, kissing through smiles, a painful kiss (and ANOTHER BINGO), a gross kiss (AND ANOTHER ANOTHER BINGO), a kiss on the corner of the mouth (ANOTHER BINGO THIS WRITER’S UNSTOPPABLE), and a messy kiss (ugh, yawn, another bingo? j/k AMAZING INCREDIBLE SHOWSTOPPING).
@forloveofcodywan (MiaSirtnev on AO3) gave us a fill for kiss on the corner of the mouth.
@inkformyblood (QuickSilverFox3 on AO3) gave us a fill for an uncertain kiss, an absentminded kiss, a lipstick kiss, a hand kiss, and kissing through smiles. 
@insertmeaningfulusername (InsertSthMeaningful on AO3) gave us a fill for a kiss of life, and a painful kiss.
@lttrsfrmlnrrgby (thosenearandfarwars on AO3) gave us a fill for a bloodsoaked kiss and a Keldabe kiss.
@meebles (Firelord_Zutara on AO3) gave us a fill for a nervous kiss. 
@michaelaariadne (on AO3) gave us a fill for nervous kiss & celebratory kiss and a kiss on the cheek & tender kiss.
@random-letters-i-just-thought-of (on AO3) gave us a fill for a hopeful kiss and got a BINGO with that fill as well!
@tesdragon (Shadowmatic on AO3) gave us a fill for a forehead kiss 
@wrennette (on AO3) gave us a very steamy, spicy fill for rough kiss, forehead kiss, thirsty kiss, kiss with tongue, morning breath kiss. 
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codywanfirstkissbingo · 6 months
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Round-Up Part Three!
As of this very posting, did you know that the Codywan Fandom is now 69 first kisses richer than they were at the start of the month?  It’s true!  Sixty-Nine new first kisses from newbies and veterans of fandom.  Your CWFKB mods been so impressed with everyone’s different takes on the prompts, but we would like to shout out everyone who’s filled the “dip kiss” prompt with Cody getting to be the one dipped– we think these fills very well may have quadrupled the number of “Cody is the one being dipped” works in fandom.  
If you haven’t posted yet or if you signed up for a card and haven’t been able to participate the way that you’d hoped, please accept our “don’t worry about it!” kiss on your forehead.  While the event itself is time-limited for the sake of counting up bingos and blackouts, we’d love to see your fills whenever you have the time and inspiration to share them– just tag the blog and we’ll share your first kiss whenever it’s ready– you can’t hurry love, after all!
And finally, please remember that comments and reblogs feed hungry authors and artists– we’re all already in love with codywan and smooshing their faces together to KISS, so please don’t feel shy about telling your fellow first kissers how much you love them, too, for helping to bring more codywan love into galaxies near and far, far away.  You can start with a reblog of this post to share all the fills for the week, and when you get a chance, drop your co-creators a smooch-moji, a keysmash, or an eloquent tag essay in appreciation.  
All our amazing fills are below the cut:
@dontbelasagnax (on AO3) posted art for a neck kiss. 
@coline7373 (on AO3) gave us two art pieces this week– an absentminded kiss and a chaste kiss.  
@anclastic-azurite (Saerus2665 on AO3) posted their first fill of the event with a sticky kiss and followed it up with a magical kiss.
@babygirlbridger (lothcatthree on AO3) gave us a fill for morning breath kiss.
@dontbelasagnax (on AO3) also wrote a fic fill for desperate kiss.
@foreverchangingfandomsao3 (on AO3) is really making a bid for a blackout, with fills for:  highly anticipated kiss, a dip kiss, an upside down kiss, a hand kiss, a kiss with tongue, an anticlimactic kiss, a BINGO with a chaste kiss. 
@inkformyblood (Quicksilverfox3 on AO3) gave us fills for true love’s kiss, and a morning breath kiss. 
@insertmeaningfulusername (InsertSthMeaningful on AO3) gave us a fill for a kiss on the cheek.
@itsgoldleaf (goldleaf1066 on AO3) posted a fill for hand kiss.
@lttrsfrmlnrrgby (thosenearandfarwars on AO3) had fills for gross kiss and true love’s kiss.
@meebles (firelord_zutara on AO3) had a fill for an anticlimactic kiss.
@michaelaariadne (on AO3) had a fill for a swapped prompt, using the shotgun kiss fill.
@phoneycam (camochofas2u2 on AO3) posted their very first fic on AO3 (CONGRATULATIONS!!!) with a fill for painful kiss and then filled another square for desperate kiss.
@podcasts-8-my-heart (ShadowNekoinaTardis on AO3) posted a fill for a neck kiss. 
@random-letters-i-just-thought-of (on AO3) posted a fill for kiss it better. 
@wrennette (on AO3) was the first BINGO of the entire event with a fill for highly-anticipated kiss.  
Thanks to everyone who posted this week, and thanks to everyone who's read, commented, kudos-ed, liked, and reblogged our first kissers' fills. If we missed a fill, missed a bingo count, or forgot your fill here, please inbox us here and we'll take a look.
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codywanfirstkissbingo · 6 months
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Codywan First Kiss Bingo, Week 2: Round-up Boogaloo
WHEW.  What a week.  Before diving in to the round-up of this week’s amazing fills, we wanted to take the time to thank all the folks who are following this blog not because they’re participating, but just because they’re liking and reblogging and sharing the work our first kissers are posting.   Please continue to be as awesome and generous as you’ve already been with your comments and kudos on the items in the AO3 collection, and remember that reblogs are love here on tumblr– help spread that love by reblogging this post and any other prompt fills you’ve enjoyed. 
And now, without further ado, this week’s splendiferous fills, which include first fills from some of our first kissers, and some fills from people posting fic they’ve written for the very first time.  Please make sure to wish them congratulations and many more fics to come!
@dontbelasagnax (AO3 profile) our mod lasagna posted two absolutely gorgeous pieces, one for a celebratory kiss, and another for kiss of life.  
@wrennette (AO3 profile) posted two beautiful fills, fic for kiss to the temple and kiss anywhere but on the lips, and art and fic for kissing through smiles & dip kiss.
@babygirlbridger (AO3 lothcatthree) had a fill for climactic kiss & a kiss on the corner of the mouth.
@biscuityskies (AO3 profile) was this week’s winner of the highly unofficial category of “most fills in one fic,” filling all of these squares: forehead kiss, kiss to the temple, kiss on the cheek, climactic kiss, neck kiss, kiss anywhere but on the lips, tender kiss, & kiss on the nose .
@drauthor (AO3 profile) fill for loving kiss.  
@eloquent-apollo (AO3 IcarusFalls) had a fill for drunk kiss.
@foreverchangingfandoms (AO3 profile) is really aiming for a blackout with fills for, nose kiss, sleepy kiss, nervous kiss, morning breath kiss, accidental kiss, kiss anywhere but on the lips, forehead kiss.  
@inkformyblood (AO3 quicksilverfox3) had a fill for sticky kiss.  
@insertmeaningfulusername (AO3 profile) had a fill for sticky kiss.
@lttrsfrmlnrrgby (AO3 thosenearandfarwars) our mod lttrs had a fill for dip kiss.  
@michaelaariadne (AO3 profile) had fills for desperate kiss, sleepy kiss, and temple kiss. 
@random-letters-i-just-thought-of (AO3 profile) had fills for keldabe kiss and kissing through smiles.
Our socks are permanently knocked off and in orbit with how impressed we are with everyone's fills and engagement-- please keep your enthusiasm for all our first kissers going!
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