bunjywunjy · 5 years
lace-trimmed socks make for a very fashionable dragon
very true! at some point they need to come out with a tert gene that makes the dragon just. wear socks. it would be great.
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cyaziris · 3 years
Chapter 4 is now available!
I’ve uploaded three chapters over the weekend, and I’ll be updating at a slower pace from now on.
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atosen · 6 years
cyaziris replied to your post: Catching up on TAZ. Just listened to the final...
oh man I know where you are… Prepare.
Griffin is great — it’s incredible how all these ridiculous story threads are coming back and being so important; the final Fantasy Costco scene really stood out — but Travis, oh man, Travis. His characterisation is so good. I got chills at the end of ep 58 when Magnus lay out his gear and started walking for the voidfish’s chambers.
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beafocal · 8 years
cyaziris replied to your post “raise your hand if you’re not secretly a porn spamblog I’m starting to...”
*raises had* I get like, one to three of them daily :/
I’m only getting one every week or so, but jeez, seriously
it’s frankly downright concerning that this is a thing that’s been happening so long and with such frequency
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Not currently writing any books, but I *am* working on my thesis now. Your posts remind me that I have or haven't worked on it each day, and it helps put me back on track every now and then. Maybe next year I'll be able to do the same with something that isn't for my study :)
Are you my Doppelgänger? I’m working on my thesis too and the posts Agent Black made for June helped me more than I thought. I needed someone practically yelling at me everyday to sit and make some progress. And just like you, I stopped the creative writing to focus on the thesis, but I’m saving energies to start and finally finish my ideas. All the points to AB to get all of us on track of our writing. L.-
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cyaziris · 3 years
The kingdom of Amur prospers. Its people are fed well, trade is booming, and the court schemes as it is wont to do. But there is movement in the shadows, and there have been several deaths among the nobility. Only one was proven to be murder, but it is clear something is coming and it won't end with simple deaths. At the queen's side stands the High Justiciar, clad in gilded steel and the magic of the goddess of truth. They are under pressure to take in a page, or at least an assistant, but with their job being rather more than it seems they can't afford to take any risk of betrayal. When they purchase a slave with a dark past and an unexpectedly fitting skill set, events are set in motion beyond even their wildest predictions...
I’ve finally taken my first step at sharing my writing! The first chapter is up now on AO3, with more coming soon.
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cyaziris · 5 years
I made a mastodon account now, you can find me @[email protected]
I haven’t really explored yet (it’s 2:30am on a weekday night lol) but I’ll see how that works out for me.
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atosen · 8 years
cyaziris replied to your post:[[MOR] See, I’m clearly ill this week. It’s not...
have you drank enough water? sounds like you might be running either on too little water or too little food/salt…
I don’t think that’s it... I get plenty of salt (too much?) and I keep a bottle of water with me at all times.
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atosen · 8 years
cyaziris replied to your post:I’ve tried adding things to my adblock blacklist....
aw, that sucks, did you get the anti-capitalism app? that worked for me, though I also added a custom filter to my adblocker.
Yeah, that’s the xkit extension I was referring to. :\
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atosen · 8 years
cyaziris replied to your post:[[MOR] It’s amazing, honestly. People will say...
wow seriously how does sense of smell even show up in this list…
I do not know. :|
Maybe it’s “girls are appearance-obsessed”/”boys are incapable of caring about appearances” taken to its sensory extreme?
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atosen · 8 years
Hope can drown, lost in thundrous soundGallant and righteous, eloquent and gorgeousThey say your friends will always help you throughA hundred thousand stories have filled my headOnce upon a time you came into my world and made the stars align
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atosen · 8 years
A gargoyle! Since you're always asleep during my daytime hours.
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atosen · 9 years
cyaziris replied to your post: Whee, my first Tumblr viral spam! I just deleted...
Was it a message saying something like “hey I have a game will you play it to see if it works”? Because I got one too, blocked and deleted it.
Yup, that’s the one.
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atosen · 9 years
The music list: 5, 11, 20, 27
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
“Leaving Colours" by Feather
11: A song that you never get tired of
“That Long Train Ride" by DJ Dain (remix of a track from Half Life 2)
20: A song that has many meanings to you
“Song of the Night" by MandoPony
27: A song that breaks your heart
“The Last Agni-Kai" from Avatar: The Last Airbender
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atosen · 10 years
kyronea replied to your post: This year’s probably the best NaNoWriM...
That’s about how I feel too.
derfurshur replied to your post: This year’s probably the best NaNoWriM...
Yeah I feel the same way
cyaziris replied to your post: This year’s probably the best NaNoWriM...
oh gods I am having the exact same feeling, let’s go sit in a corner together and growl in furstration
The first meeting of the Don't Feel Like NaNo Club is now in order. Ladies and gentleman, start your growling.
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atosen · 10 years
Fandoms ask! How about H, J, and S?
Oh! I got one! Hmm …
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
I don’t know if I have a preference per se. But, being a fan of sci fi and fantasy, most of what I watch is animated. Animation gives you a huge power for stylisation and special effects that isn’t easily accessible to live-action.
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
Oh, there’s a bunch… Let’s go with RWBY, an indie animated show about the four titular girls kicking butt. Which you can legally watch for free on the internet! There’s a second season coming out soon! Excite!
I haven’t even heard of it outside of Tumblr. Though, even here, only one of my followees talks about it, so I guess that doesn’t qualify for “all over tumblr”? Oh well. It deserves the advertisement.
S: What’s a headcanon you have?
Everyone is either aro or in reciprocated love with one or more of the other characters in their show, and they are all happy together ever after with no angst or death or anything.
… Does that not count?
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