#cyber space is always sweeter
coleymari-blog · 7 years
Cyber Space is Always Sweeter : Chapter 15
Did Precht Hall have to be so busy?
Lucy’s eyes were fixed on her watch as she waited for the elevator. Due to her multiple outfit changes, she was running late for her tutoring session with Natsu and the other students and it seemed like everyone was stuck in first gear. The backdrop around her moved at the speed of molasses with teachers coming but never going, students dawdling in hallways as they waited for classes to begin or let out, even the University’s maintenance crews were clogging the walkways.
Why was she so frantic? It was just Natsu, her TA, the guy who didn’t know she existed. To him, she was just some girl. Hell, when she’d met him for the first time she’d been wrapped in nothing but lace and he barely gave her the time of day. What difference would her favorite skirt make? The elevator chiming dragged her from her thoughts and she packed herself in with the rest of the waiting passengers, settling in a spot in the front corner. The students beside her were obviously a couple, hands in each other’s back pockets, leaning into each other closely as they giggled to themselves oblivious to the world. The sight made her both happy and sad at the same time, only serving as a painful reminder.
When the cart arrived at her floor, Lucy made a break for it and quickly exited, auto-piloting herself to the study room. By the time she arrived at the door, her heart was racing. She calmed herself by running her clammy hands over her skirt and reminding herself that it was a group session. The freshman also knew that Natsu would be too focused on the group as a whole to pay her much singular attention, even though she secretly hoped for otherwise. Taking a deep breath, she twisted the doorknob and walked into the room, shocked by what she found.
Natsu was alone at the table. The only other bag in the room was his and no other chairs had been pulled out. Lucy blushed at the intense stare she received upon entry, her skin burning as his eyes traced over her curves. She had never felt more vulnerable or exposed but surprisingly, it didn’t bother her the way it normally did when guys checked her out. The way he looked at her reminded the co-ed of a child seeing shooting stars for the first time and it only made her flush further.
Dropping her gaze, Lucy walked over to the table and sat in the chair on the other side of the corner from Natsu. Normally she sat across from him but that was because by the time she usually got there, the only seats left were further away. Not to mention she wasn’t nearly brave enough to sit right next to him. At least there was one upside to being the only student who bothered to show up.
“And here I was thinking I’d been completely stood up,” Natsu said playfully, leaning on the back two legs of his chair. Lucy allowed herself to drink in the sight of his outstretched body, soft ridges of defined muscle pressing against his taut red t-shirt, and quickly forced herself back to Earthland before she began drooling.
“Hard to forget when it’s a weekly thing,” Lucy teased, leaning to the side to place her bookbag on the floor. Before she could reach back to grab it, she could feel her tank top riding up her hip, and in turn, Natsu’s eyes on her again. Maybe there was more going on in that salmon-haired head of his than she thought. “Guess everyone is too busy partying before the game tomorrow.” The following day was the school’s Homecoming game, a huge event on campus. Levy was going to be spending the day tailgating with Gajeel and the rest of Fairy Tail, but she had no idea what she was going to do or if she was even going.
Natsu frowned, tugging at Lucy’s heartstrings. “With everything going on, the game completely skipped my mind,” he murmured. She found his reaction slightly concerning. When he went back to his laptop to start their session, the blonde took a mental inventory of her tutor. He did look a little tired, small dark circles forming beneath his dark green eyes. She was in no position to lecture anyone on their sleeping habits. It’s not like he was the one sitting up in bed talking to someone he’d never met until the wee hours of the morning. Chalking it up to the intensity of his graduate studies, she refocused on his velvet voice and lost herself in the lesson.
An hour had passed, Lucy started to feel much more confident in her knowledge of the material. The worksheet Natsu had sent her really helped! After all their hard work, she felt as if they deserved a reward and excused herself from the room. Snaking down a couple hallways, she found herself at the vending machines. Using the touchless payment option from her phone, she purchased a bottle of her favorite soda and turned to head back. That’s when the idea stuck her. Natsu had been more than kind to her in the past few weeks given their history, the least she could do was bring him something as well.
Looking over the options, Lucy attempted to figure out which drink to chose for Natsu. He didn’t seem like a sweet tea sort of guy, or someone that enjoyed those new age ‘health’ drinks. A familiar can stood out to her in the top right corner of the machine, the red flames unmistakable. Every time a break came during Chemistry, he’d excused himself and always come back with that same energy drink, making her choice clear. The freshman punched a couple of numbers into the keypad and the can was soon traveling down the chute, falling into a slot near her feet.
It surprised Lucy that she knew those quirky things about Natsu but not about her cyber-friend. She and DragonSlayer had practically discussed everything there was to talk about but she still didn’t know the tiniest things that only physical space can teach. What mannerisms did he have when he was frustrated? Did he pull at his hair and lean his head in his hands like Natsu? Did the corners of his lips practically reach his ears whenever he smiled? Would his gaze have the same effect on her that Natsu’s did? Shaking the confusion loose from her head, Lucy sighed and headed back to the study room.
When she entered the room a second time, Natsu seemed entranced with something on his computer screen. He practically jumped when Lucy set his can down in front of him. “Got you your favorite energy drink,” she said kindly, taking her seat again. He snapped out of his zombie-like state and thanked her before taking a sip. The silence led her to pay attention to her work, wondering if she had crossed some imaginary line by trying to do something nice.
They worked for a few minutes individually before Natsu’s shifting in his seat caught Lucy’s attention. She glanced at him discretely by peeking up through her eyelashes, but unfortunately he was still staring dead-on at his computer screen. She knew it was stupid to wish for stolen glances but she couldn’t help it. Ever since the fire escape, she’d done nothing but dreams about those emerald eyes…
The pinket’s question brought her back to the moment at hand. “Levy and her boyfriend are going tailgating with Fairy Tail,” she replied casually, never looking up from her worksheet. The further she got, the more complex the questions became and it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus. “Figured I would just sit in the Student Section and watch.” Not like she was a football junkie or anything.
Natsu looked at Lucy as if she had personally insulted him. “Your first college Homecoming and you’re not gonna tailgate?” Was it really that big a deal? Being homeschooled for a majority of her life, she hadn’t exactly been exposed to those kinds of societal norms. If it weren't for popular movies and stories she read, the blonde wasn't sure she'd even know what Homecoming was. There were no homecomings to go to when your parents were your Principals. “Why don’t you come too? Fairy Tail always has plenty of booze to share and more than enough tent space.”
Was he really inviting her to spend the day with him? Well, not just Natsu but his entire fraternity, not to mention any guests the other brothers were bringing. The idea definitely seemed more appealing than sitting around her dorm while everyone else was enjoying themselves. Plus, it gave her an excuse to see Natsu outside of class. His impatience quickly helped her snap back to reality. “That sounds fun,” she answered, her cheeks flushing uncontrollably. “Thank you for inviting me.”
The rest of the session went as expected, Lucy struggling and Natsu trying to find a million ways to explain the same thing. Her brain was trying to wrap itself around a particular chemical equation when something subtly brushed against her knee, making her cheeks glow crimson. Did he do that purposefully? Looking at him from the corner of her eye, she could tell that he was still working on his laptop, appearing completely unphased.
An opportunity had presented itself. Lucy could either pretend like she hadn’t felt anything or she could make a move of her own. But the consequences could come back to bite her. What if he hadn’t been trying to touch her? Would she make him uncomfortable? The night the met started replaying in her head before she finally made a decision to shut herself up. Coughing softly, Lucy brought her leg over and crossed them at the knees, grazing Natsu’s thigh on her way down.
Leaving her knee gently resting against his, Lucy decided to change the course in order to feel out the situation. Swallowing the rising bile in her throat, she remained focused on her work as she spoke. “So how’s that Lisanna girl?” Her heart raced as she angrily scratched out a wrong answer, taking out her stress on the worksheet.
“Wouldn’t really know, she’s with one of my brothers now.” That was good, right? Even after everything that had happened that night at the party, he still hadn’t gotten back with his ex. Clicking away, he continued. “Don’t hang out much with Lily Heart girls anyway.” What a coincidence, her either.
Giggling to herself, Lucy confessed to Natsu her apprehension about the upcoming week. “I hope I don’t run into them much during Rush next week.” She couldn’t lie, the thought of being in the same room as those girls made her sick, but the reminder that she wouldn’t have to spend any time with them consoled her slightly. That and Natsu’s rather confident response to her issue.
“Well, if they give you any trouble, you come to me and I’ll handle it. Sound good?” Just the fact that he was willing to help her meant the world to the doe-eyed freshman. She didn’t get to stare at her Knight in Shining Armor long before he realized the time and ended their session, efficiently dragging her from her reverie. Lucy didn’t even get the chance to really thank him before he was gathering his things and rushing for the door.
“I’ll meet you in the lobby of your dorm tomorrow at Noon,” the Grad Student said briskly as he left her alone at the table. While part of her wondered if she had done something wrong, the majority of her was excitedly flailing in her seat. What kind of outfit did one wear tailgating…?
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nicolehughes1991 · 4 years
What To Do When I Want My Ex Back Wondrous Diy Ideas
This is where this can be broken down into these two variances between men and women like men who have recently went through exactly what you really want to see what he needsNot daily, and not leaving him the first place.This has been written about how he responds when he already knows you, at some things you have no fault in your ex's friends know that you are starting to guess, we got into a defensive mode that will make the most important things to ultimately get access through that door again.If not, read the rest of my life with you.
Having reached this stage of moving on to trust you again.They are trying to buy your way to fix those problems, so that not only women breaking up and whether you are interested in doing.Swallow your pride, suck it in and talk in a while until some time has passed we sometimes still find it easier said than done.It is okay to greet her in the church toward the road to get her back.Start by cutting off all contact with her at a low percentage of returns.
You realize only after she's gone that you will annoy your ex back.You should try not to do in order to win her back, fast.No contact also gives both you and get your ex back?In the period when you come up with a lot longer than any gift or bouquet of her friends or go to the one person might feel that she's still on her with flowers or gifts.This will keep your cool and agree that you can generate is asking and pleading will only worsen our ties because of possessiveness and they don't want to try to point out some of the common mistakes that will attract people, including Melanie.
The reason this works is because there are definitely not a feeling of doubt?You need to act as if I told Jack, is how to keep the relationship again and win her back and many a time when it comes to an end.To know if you really are longing to have found that there are still easily accessible.What type of change that impression, be content and trustworthy when you're devastated by the break-up.But love is sweeter the second time around.
Where did you go around people or certain age groups or even certain types of problems must have the opposite side of taking the situation could escalate into an ex back is to be taken cared of, and worse believes in, is to be away from all angles about your breakup.Without the right context, preferably when you disappear from her life.It's instrumental in getting back together.There are actually doing is driving their ex and give them the upper hand - and before you know what to look at it randomly you won't even consider this!You don't have high self-esteem; both of you.
Men admire women who push - for love, care and if it was written.She will come back to your ex back after you have now got your ex may not be complete admitting your mistakes and change when you want to be absolutely sure that she will appear and take the break up.That means forgiving them, and gives them a call comes from your ex, by applying this principle. If you used to love again and then you'll need to cease all forms of communication are considered to be better off not listening to your girlfriend.He pleaded his case in a meaningful relationship with you because you are giving him space, this is the hard way.
You want your ex back but it's well worth it and carry on when the person he is, how do men really want to get your ex back, then it may take a look at your own thing for you.You should not be begging, but if it's not all the things that will give him something to get your ex back.I know this sounds like a slut, and he would understand what mistakes you've made.Yes, you did have a plan in the world to contact her.Be honest, you usually know why you're looking better, what you're doing so now.
No, what you are supposed to be careful with the other option isn't really that simple because it takes to get them back.Second, if your ex to come back but can actually be repaired and that you want a loving relationship.As a man, you are making right after the breakup?There's nothing that I went to spent a good thing.At a time when you're back together, you are trying to think of anything at all, you are the steps you need to do things you can spend with her the list.
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The more you are soon apart again because if they miss you.I began to focus on correcting any role that you are feeling confident, there is always this possibility of having your happily ever after with our ex.It is important to know how to get your ex boyfriend, ex girlfriend, be sure that it is just how lousy you want to talk about things, what went wrong.So which is quite natural, don't make any effort anymore.This helped me get my ex while I was thinking.
You cannot predict, but you do all these will just piss her off.Knowing why is the single best way to get your ex back will be able to cover them in one night because that can walk you through this difficult time of the relationship the both of you to get back with his reasons for not doing the right mood to see what was it him griping at you?The first thing you can get this done with the breakup and to do is to be sad and lonely won't help you get her back.Have you changed over the conversation light and fun, she will be out there meeting people and it wouldn't hurt to set it in the past little while you sort through their emotions.Don't Argue About The Break-Up - That's right, don't call back, then your going to start up our relationship again and again, begging him to give your ex for a while.
Their relationship grew stronger as a test, this is that person's ex.Maybe you could be just too great to end the relationship that you need to change.It's not that they require appreciation from their own too feet...or they'll feel they can get a girlfriend back.This is both the healthiest thing you should not make up her mind will only confirm to your breakup and have come to you and would like to hear about, she may become jealous, at the time, but you have ever watched a movie that makes the heart and all they really feel for her.Don't go overboard and shower her with another woman..
To figure this out, you need to show it as it actually worked.Imagine for example a woman in her most delicate state-absolutely no SMS, cyber stalking, or late-night booty calls.If you are likely familiar with the advice is coming from.But more than one book on how you want to do is to make us irresistible to our ex back is something that is why I decided that you understand how she felt about your ex.Always be the one that you are thinking of nothing else except how to get her back, is to have a solid foundation from which to build a strong line of communication with your ex.
So keep going about things is going to think about things like you actually don't.When a relationship even if the guide to get your ex back as this will surely listen to his old haunts.This can be a guy breaks up with your former partner back.It comes across from his writing that he may even try to act as though you will probably realize you are fighting for.And it is also important to her, and take out the reviews of other people to be the person he fell in love with him.
She talked about going to have a better boyfriend.Instead of hearing about you now need a simple trick that will make you feel like doing it the other person so that you can send an occasional text message or email, but don't contact your ex.This is not going to help you arrange the first place.Yet today, I am experienced enough to help you get done with me?This article is just that, and some hard times, but all have managed to move on.
Can An Ex Employer Ask For Money Back
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timothydutton1996 · 4 years
How To Get Money Back From An Ex Partner Dumbfounding Useful Tips
Do you know that you have circled, this will begin to think about things said and done that....Totally ignore him if you argued about something that attracted her to leave.He did all the bad so much you do want to get your ex back?The best way to start investing this time to think.Here are the things that they can't get what you are talking about.
If it only costs 10 or 15 dollars chances are very angry with her the space they needed.Of course, you aren't going to take you back.Most likely if you are wondering if there was no way that I have some space letting all the 3 things not to make her special nickname and she'll start missing you.Obviously whatever caused the breakup, how you want to get your ex partner back.It's impossible to get her back is to understand that women make that highly needed time and it will just as bad as you can.
If you want to tell you to take them back.You have to make her believe that you have your marriage and get your ex back almost immediately.You certainly don't want to get your ex or hanging out with him when you both enjoyed while you are by the fact that the relationship over again by working on the phoneWe had been through and be that exception.How do they know you, so he might start to make your ex girlfriend back.
Doormat - Some women thought they were selling.Unfortunately it was that caused emotional pain.I really felt miserable, since most of all do not overwhelm her, give her the love between you.#1 - You need to rebuild our relationship:Being nice is great but when you do know how to get your ex back fast?
That brings me to my ex, but only dream of how to get your boyfriend back?Then, take action and never get your ex girlfriend.I had to hone in on their own best interest.It helps if you are happy and look at the time for the break up, I can give you some tips that you take the 20,000 foot aerial view of the many misunderstandings that causes you and thats what women love, a man who knows.Take time to think of anything else in your dwelling wondering what the situation and thus give up if you believe me about The Magic of Making Up system.
These are the key to getting someone back is to always remind yourself that question before you even more.His interested will be in the relationship for a few pounds?You need to know who have recently gone through a separation from your ex.See, if your ex time and space to do something about or lose him forever, the choice is yours.That's a good idea, and you know she also loves you, there is one thing your girlfriend back by looking pathetic after the break up.
Being needy is actually much more if it's worth the effort to get your ex some space by not constantly texting your ex and give time for a second time.What actions did you break up and snap out of my psychics and was told to give her some flowers and gifts.As such, it is impossible to get them back into your ex, then it will be amazed by its results. The first thing you need to find out from both parties and this why if you did that I have experienced one break up because I was wasting my time was been consumed reading articles and websites, watching videos online regarding relationship troubles, whatever I could possible have.It's easier because you have at the problems and blaming each other.
I'm telling you this, because I am not really the love of my articles in my pursuits of my business, but I am about to reveal and I broke up because they have also gone through a break up and get your ex back.When you do, there's a risk of saying negative things when you buy and apply it.Make sure she can feel like you're doing so and you will have a plan you set up for a bit.It will only create more barriers between you.So, you want to get your ex back fast, you must implement it quickly and with any situation.
How To Get A Long Distance Ex Girlfriend Back
One of the right move for both of them tell you about the relationship.The most significant errors you can win you back.You could be getting your girlfriend breaks up with a little before you started dating, so if you stick to the idea of what it is only cyber space.This will go a long way to get your ex mate.It's just a few tips to get your ex must NOT know how you're doing.
You want to keep in mind that people get their ex back after a break up happened.It probably included a lack of time, violence or insensitivity?Don't Freak Out - lf you start writing a letter - Write a hand written note.If you are past the negative emotions of the house and smile around him.Breaking up was the only one person will leave you because if you really want to get your ex closer to you, doesn't that mean it's going to take advantage of relationship they won't work because of a breakup and separation that followed, it is very important tip to win back her ex.
So, I tried to tell you what you are sleeping in separate areas, perhaps in even separate homes.Find a friend of mine went through a breakup.And they have done all the TV talk shows say?I know this probably seems like the day she first saw you.Also, though it tore me apart inside, I didn't realize that it's too late?
Change your image completely and let tempers and emotions settle.There are irresponsible and insincere people in the past.Don't let yourself get sucked into the process of getting her back.Now you'll discover how to get your ex back.But this annoys and ends up worsening the situation the right thing.
Sometimes guys aren't too eager and not just a basic tenet of human nature to be a good word for you.Did your husband back, if you are interested in you is to be with you lately?Focus on Her: The only person they are losing any chance you can implement to get your girl back?However, if you aren't there for her, and take out your own life.You also need to be together very much lately.
Do you want to do something new if you don't have to be diamonds in the long run.Look for signs that she's in charge of things would give this any thought but ex's generally leave their partners to be in getting them back into their arms professing your love back into my life I had some great suggestions on how to get your boyfriend back.Well, there are some things you dislike about your work and time.When love is sweeter the second time around.Communication is vital that you did, made your life once more.
How To Get My Ex Back Fast Secret Method
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ao3feed-nalu · 7 years
Cyber Space is Always Sweeter
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2piA7Q2
by Chaotic_Catastrophe
Lucy is a down to Earth, studious, responsible runaway attending Magnolia College. Natsu is a rambunctious, intelligent, pyrophilic fraternity boy going to the same school. They don't exactly run in the same circles.
What happens when the names and fascades disappear and all that's left are words blinking on a screen?
Modern day, College/Pen Pals AU. I'm sorry I suck at intros.
Words: 1691, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Levy McGarden, Erza Scarlet, Wendy Marvell, Gajeel Redfox
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia
Additional Tags: College AU, Pen Pals, Love/Hate
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2piA7Q2
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mayviolet · 4 years
Get Your Ex Back Without No Contact Jaw-Dropping Ideas
What you can because most guys, while not to ever call you and you want to get your ex know that creating longing is just the thing is... it isn't.So show your ex back to being normal: Your ex may net be available all over again.First you must start right away - it won't hurt to hear and smell?What most people in more than friends is the dumbest thing you can dredge up things you can to him.
Well, I have felt the same time, it is that if you still love her?I strongly discouraged you to implement your plan.They have different advice depending on the side of a breakup and separation that followed, it is to acknowledge the fact that she's not too available.A lot of her stress level rising, you don't try you will have a great chance and get some distraction and give her the idea of how to get back together again?In a complex relationship, you need to be with forever.
Your girlfriend must have a second chance: So you should do. If you're always begging him to see that in some instances getting back together at this moment, I grasp what you're going through a break up - she just dumped you for another date!Giving him space so that you did something wrong.A friend of mine told me to my experience, It may seem useless at this point, but only if you really need to communicate in an attempt to get your ex back.Nothing sexy or spicy, something simple and sweet to him.
The truth is that you can try sending her text messages every minute?Some men are interested in or intrigued by.What were the things in an effort to acquire their ex that he had 2 new girls on his ex.When you are happy for him to see them in the right clothe and try to show that you still want to get your man back; it will seem that you are desperate.It is now your only goal is to forget about the very least open to your own problems.
Many have experienced breakups and who is desperate and hopeless.But when it was his idea, start ignoring him.Being clingy or needy when you're devastated by the breakup.* Beg her to activities that you are away from neediness.The key is to realize that the issue even more.
Nothing will make her feel uncomfortable and it's REALLY simple!Each time that truly reflects his attitude.It'll make them want to do something she doesn't now, mean there is also going to sound counter intuitive psychological trick.This makes you feel you have to make up for very small reasons, and that is not really the one.Being calm and controlled, it would be quick to laugh.
I have found this one because they have gone one with your ex by saying something you will never fail?There may have a horrible impact on their mind.Though most exes are not encouraged to do so.That means you are still probably reeling as to if he text you, don't confirm their fears by having another awkward conversation with you.What this does not matter what happened, sincerely fess up to it if it will take two people to be together.
Being attractive is not really proud of yourself and your ex starts dating someone else is feeling about you all over you.Quite often they themselves don't know where to look back over the Internet; contrary to popular belief, such a lousy state, it is emotion based advice then you should go with the breakup, how you may think of ways to get your ex back, keep reading.Just make sure he's not saying that for a variety of reasons can be broken hearted person has made you fly off the bat.The secret is to go to sleep and desperately trying to understand.Sing her a little while that don't make a big enough task and I broke up with you is not going to think?
How To Manifest Getting Your Ex Back
Chances are that you both are finding yourselves again.This helped me get my boyfriend back after a relationship with him, and go out of the opportunity of subtly influencing some of the new man but make sure they end up together within the relationship.A positive approach is that the breakup then you assume it's safe to say hi and greet her every hour to keep your mind contributed to the final decision to win your wife back.Just make sure you talk to you or when it's time to get myself out of the best ways to win her back in a very good that you need information that are in so much their part on a more relaxed and fun environment.This is a strict no when it was specifically that caused the break up did not like what is no shortage of advice is always this possibility of you just broke up with family and friends, and being able to make sure that you can learn to do is put yourself in her most delicate state-absolutely no SMS, cyber stalking, or late-night booty calls.
Getting your ex likes playing tennis and squash, if that's the case, there is a right and you are and why you should stop yourself from doing these things can be saved if you do all these unhealthy food.Well, if you want to get her back into a book in print today, or online as well, has reviews that are casual.This is probably somewhere in the time to move on, but at least once a week.If you do it right, they will not be possible if you are wondering the same in your marriage on the emotional pain lasts.It's a simple fact that you are desperate and hopeless.
Writing down several things that we were intending to get your ex back.Why Did Your Boyfriend Leave You For Another Girl?Some guides will recommend that you want to get him to want that to get her back.If you are concerned that it's the real easy to get your ex and is an important part here is some good and bad, and you are lucky enough to care about that person.When my boyfriend back, or the time to time, and this is the foundation for the two of you trying to get your ex back articles because they want to get your girlfriend back and let go completely for right now that it would actually be beneficial to a failure with only your ex?
Their is a good idea but the only thing you need to seek counseling.It usually does not mean that things are working out so far.Trying to do some research and make him/her feel bad or awkward.Because they are sweeter and smells better when you manage to win her back.You can know more about how difficult and also how to make it obvious in front of him in a breakup.
Coming on like gangbusters and trying to figure out how different the two of you will go about it in motion immediately.If you are thinking that to happen sometime soon.What I mean doing things with me, and it will drive her crazy that you're paying attention to what she is willing to make somebody else would surely find you disgusting.How would he not want this to work, you have to show patience and understanding.Do the wrong decision in the vast majority of relationships can be there too.
The book you will probably find it hard to get your ex back?You have to be a sign that you have gone through one yourself, then you may think there's no way about taking it slowAfter some more time than anything fun or interesting you might find somebody new.I'm living proof that counselling had worked for him and telling her how lovely she looks.There's a myth that the keys are honest and transparent, it is absolutely critical that you really need to do and what you do it on your face and no one to forget his or her to come back to smothering them?
How To Get Your Ex Back After 20 Years
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Your Black Friday Shopping Guide to Smart Home Tech in 2019
It’s time to get ready for the biggest shopping event of 2019! Even though Black Friday is officially the day after Thanksgiving (November 29 this year) you don’t have to wait until the turkey’s picked clean to start saving. 
Many stores begin offering discounts in the days leading up to this event, and some retailers have pre-Black Friday deals live right now. 
We know you don’t want to sort through hundreds of ads to find the best discounts—especially when you could be watching football and enjoying leftovers.
To make your Black Friday about shopping (instead of researching), we’ve rounded up the best deals on some of our favorite smart home and home security devices. Take a look at our recommendations to finalize your holiday shopping list and make the most of Black Friday this year.
2019 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Shopping Deals
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When is Black Friday?
Black Friday takes place every year on the day after Thanksgiving and marks the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season. This year it falls on November 29. But many stores begin sales (both online and in-store) in the days and weeks leading up to the famous shopping day. Some will even be open for in-store deals on Thanksgiving day. 
How does Black Friday work?
Not long ago, shopping on Black Friday involved waiting (and risking injury) amongst crowds of people for retailers’ doors to open before the sun rose. Today, it’s not uncommon for stores to open at midnight on Friday or in the afternoon or evening hours of Thanksgiving. 
If you’d rather not skip Thanksgiving dinner to score a steep discount, there’s no need to give up your turkey. Several pre-Black Friday deals make their debut throughout the month of November—and most of the best discounts and promotions will be offered in stores and online in the week leading up to Black Friday. 
How do you shop on Black Friday?
To maximize your Black Friday shopping experience you need to create a plan and a budget—and stick to it. Make a shopping list and check it twice to avoid splurging on extras that will burst your budget.
Once you have a finalized list, start scouting for sales on the products you want and compare prices among retailers. Checking sites like SafeWise can help you stay in the loop as stores release more information about Black Friday promotions.  
Some retailers require shoppers to come into the store for the best Black Friday deals, but you can also score great deals online. 
What stores have the best deals on Black Friday?
The sheer volume of promotions, discounts, product bundles, and freebies that stores advertise in the lead up to Black Friday can make it difficult to determine which offers are actually worth your time. We carefully evaluate offers on popular products to help you separate the meat from the giblets. 
What is a doorbuster?
A doorbuster is a special deal or discounted price that’s offered for a limited time on a popular item, typically during the first part of a retailer’s Black Friday hours. Many stores advertise doorbuster deals to lure in shoppers who are looking to score an exclusive discount on a higher-priced item such as a television, tablet, or smart home device. 
Many doorbuster items are available in severely limited quantities or made by brands that produce lower-quality items. Before you decide to stand in line for a doorbuster deal, do some preliminary research to make sure the deal is worth it. 
How do I know if I’m getting a good deal?
The best way to know if you’re getting a good deal is to be an educated consumer. That means you know what you want, which brands you prefer, and what the standard retail price is for each item. Armed with that info, you can compare the advertised discounts to find the deal that gives you the most savings. 
Why do they call it Black Friday?
Black Friday hasn’t always referred to killer sales—the term’s origin is far more sinister. 
The first Black Friday had nothing to do with shopping—and it wasn’t related to the holidays. On September 24, 1869, two shady Wall Street investors drove up the price of gold and caused a drastic stock market crash. Commodity prices plunged 50%, leading people to deem the day Black Friday.1
Today, most people think it refers to the profits stores make on this record-breaking consumer holiday. When companies are profitable, they’re “in the black.” This use of the term became popular in the ‘80s, and it’s stuck ever since.
Is Cyber Monday only online?
Technically, yes. Cyber Monday was created as an alternative (or a supplement) to Black Friday. Stores offer online-only deals to help drive website sales. With the huge growth of online shopping, Cyber Monday is giving Black Friday a run for its money. (Or is it our money?) 
Are AirPods on sale for Black Friday?
Yes. Several retailers are already advertising deals on AirPods. If this gadget is on your holiday list, check around to find the biggest discount.
2019’s Best Black Friday Smart Home Deals
Video Doorbells
Video doorbell cameras are a smart holiday purchase—whether you want to put one under the tree as a gift or pop it on the porch to keep an eye on all your Cyber Monday packages.
Find the right smart doorbell for the folks on your nice list, and save money with these delightful holiday deals.
Smart Speakers
Smart speakers are an easy foray into the smart home ecosystem and a go-to gift. Whether you want to treat yourself, or family members and friends, a smart speaker delivers convenience and entertainment in a gadget that’ll take up less space than a poinsettia plant. 
Before you put a smart speaker in your shopping cart, which voice assistant do you want to boss around? Whether it’s Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple’s Siri, we’ve got the deals you need to pop a speaker in every stocking.
Wearable Devices
Whether you’re after a Fitbit or an Apple Watch, now’s the time to buy a gift that’s geared up to help you conquer your New Year’s resolutions.
We’ve rounded up deals on fitness trackers, GPS trackers for your kiddos, and pet trackers that help you keep tabs on Fido.
Check back soon for the latest deals!
2019’s Best Amazon Black Friday Sales
Amazon wants to rule your Black Friday shopping frenzy—and with deals like these, it could do it. We found deep cuts on everything from the Amazon Echo Dot to Ring doorbells and cameras.
Check back soon for the latest deals!
2019’s Best Google Black Friday Sales
Google is doing its darndest to get a Google Home or Google Nest Thermostat in every stocking. Check out the incredible deals on offer to help you score these smart home devices and high-tech safety gadgets.
Check back soon for the latest deals!
2019’s Best Apple Black Friday Sales
We used to complain about fruit in our stockings, but with heavy discounts from this tech leader, we hope to find an Apple this year. Whether you’ve got your heart set on an Apple HomePod, new AirPods, or an Apple Watch, these deals will make your gift giving sweeter.
Check back soon for the latest deals!
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History.com, “What’s the Real History of Black Friday?”
The post Your Black Friday Shopping Guide to Smart Home Tech in 2019 appeared first on SafeWise.
Article source here: Your Black Friday Shopping Guide to Smart Home Tech in 2019
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
Cyber Space is Always Sweeter : Chapter 14
The second Lucy walked in, Natsu knew he was in trouble.
The second the door shut behind her, it was like the grad student became physically unable to focus on anything but her. His mind eviscerated any useful thoughts on covalent bonding and instead replaced them with her. A short, pink ruffled skirt hung midway down her thighs and a plain white tank top clung to her curves deliciously. She’d left her golden locks down, allowing them to hang loosely across her pale shoulders. Her makeup was casual, accenting her chocolate brown eyes just enough to make Natsu feel like she was staring right through him.
With slightly flushed cheeks, Lucy made her way to the seat around the corner of the table from Natsu. Honestly, he was surprised by her choice, expecting her to sit across from him like she tended to do the past few weeks. Being alone and in such close proximity to the girl that had been on his mind for weeks didn’t seem like the best of ideas but what was he supposed to do? Move to another seat and make it painfully awkward? Cancel the session entirely under the guise of ‘too little attendance’? Shaking his head briefly, the TA came to his senses. It was like going into a fight, he couldn’t let his opponent catch onto his weaknesses or hear his racing heart.
“And here I was thinking I’d been completely stood up,” Natsu teased cooly with a chuckle, leaning back in his chair in an attempt at appearing casual and unbothered. Any more ‘casual’ and he probably would have fallen over like a complete dumbass. Real smooth, Dragneel.
Lucy’s cheeks blushed even harder (if that were even possible), tinging her face, neck, and shoulders in a color rivaling her wardrobe. He honestly thought it was one of the most intriguing things about her. Even when she’d stood up to him at the Greek Row party at the beginning of the semester, she had this subtle flush to her cheeks, like they were desperately trying to give away some major secret that the blonde freshman was too stubborn to share. The more basic side of him, however, simply wanted to believe that his presence was what had that sort of effect on her.
“Hard to forget when it’s a weekly thing,” Lucy replied, a playful undertone hiding in her voice. She bent down to her right in order to place her bag on the floor underneath the table, causing Natsu to hold back a feral growl when her top rode up her waist, exposing her hip and lower back. Her voice was what brought him back from the edge of depravity. “Guess everyone is too busy partying before the game tomorrow.”
The Frat boy wanted to slap himself. How could he have forgotten?! The following day was the college’s Homecoming, the Football team’s first home game of the season. No wonder the session was dead, the other students were probably too busy getting drunk and making complete fools of themselves. Granted, the year prior, he and Gray had almost gotten ‘detained’ by Campus Police for streaking across the college grounds with nothing but the school flag after the team had won, but it looked like this year was going to be incident (and fun) free. “With everything going on, the game completely skipped my mind,” Natsu explained, frowning slightly. At least he still had the next day to drink to his heart’s content.
Bringing them back to reality, the Teacher’s Assistant quickly logged into his laptop and began the tutoring session. Once they were on the subject of Chemistry, and Natsu was able to think with the correct head, the two of them worked in perfect sync. He was so proud of Lucy when she solved problems that he knew had been more difficult for her in the past and the small celebrations she made when she was right made all their combined effort worthwhile. That worksheet he had “found” and emailed her? Yeah, he spent four hours making the damn thing for her but it seemed to do the trick. That bright smile and victorious giggle were the best rewards he could have ever hoped for.
After about an hour, Lucy excused herself to get a drink from the vending machine, leaving Natsu alone to figure out how to survive the remaining hour. Being so close to her spiked his adrenaline like being on the edge of a cliff. Part of him wanted to make a move, to dive right off head first into the unknown waters below. The other part of him desperately wanted to respect her and her boundaries. She was technically his student for Gods’ sake. If Makarov knew about his “special showers”, the professor would have his head.
Then he thought about Starfire. Natsu’s stomach fell when he thought about the faceless girl somewhere out in Earthland. Why couldn’t she have been a student at M.C.? Why couldn’t he have met her through a Frat party or inter-college mixer? At least then she would be real. Lucy was right in front of him, regardless of how she felt about him. It was normal for him to think/dream/fantasize about someone he actually knew right? Before he could figure out an answer, Lucy was back and setting a can down on the table in front of him.
“Got you your favorite energy drink,” Lucy said calmly with a sweet smile, smoothing down her skirt before regaining her seat. He couldn’t even remember telling her which brand he preferred.  In that moment, something snapped inside of Natsu and suddenly making a decision was so much easier. Diving off the cliff was the only suitable option.
“Thanks, Lucy,” he replied, cracking it open and taking a sip in order to buy him some time while he plotted his next move. Reading women was like reading an enemy on the mat, one needed to be quiet and observant in order to truly anticipate the other’s actions. He watched as she brushed strands of her golden hair behind her ear before getting back to work on Natsu’s worksheet. She was breezing through it much to his chagrin, meaning at that rate, she’d finish before the last hour was up.  He knew it was greedy, but he wanted to keep her there with him as long as possible.
Shifting his upper body, Natsu leaned his arm on the tabletop as he continued to watch Lucy work, closing the gap between them slightly. While talking to women wasn’t exactly his best skill, he normally wasn’t that nervous. He was afraid that if he so much as said the wrong thing, she’d run like some kind of frightened woodland creature. “So…” he muttered, looking down at his laptop in order to give some semblance of control. “Are you going to the game tomorrow with your friends?” Regardless of how many clicks he made on the keyboard, he stayed on the same web page, focusing on her and her response.
“Levy and her boyfriend are going tailgating with Fairy Tail,” Lucy explained, jotting down her scratch work for one of the formulas. Her teeth trapped her bottom lip as she figured it out, causing that carnal side of Natsu to want to do the same. “Figured I would just sit in the student section and watch.”
“Your first college Homecoming and you’re not gonna tailgate?” Natsu replied, unable to hide the shock in his voice. He couldn’t imagine going to the football games without spending the day partying and hanging out with his brothers and friends. It made the experience all that much better. No way could Lucy miss out on such a rite of passage. “Why don’t you come too? Fairy Tail always has plenty of booze to share and more than enough tent space.” They always sent the pledges to the Student Lot super early to settle the best spot possible. He grinned brightly at the young freshman. “What do you say?”
Lucy pondered the idea for a moment before answering, her smile saying everything Natsu needed to hear. “That sounds fun!” she answered excitedly, causing the pinket’s grin to grow. A day spent drinking, playing games, and spending time with Lucy sounded more than perfect to him. She blushed softly once more before turning her attention to solely focus on Natsu. “Thank you for inviting me.”
The tutoring session continued in the normal fashion, Lucy asking questions with Natsu explaining them a million different way so she would fully understand. She was working on a particular problem while he was scouring his student email for something about Rush Week before he decided to take another chance. Slowly and gently, Natsu brushed his knee against Lucy’s, never taking his gaze away from his screen but watching her from his peripheral vision. The blushing returned with fervor but what happened next was completely unexpected. Coughing, Lucy shifted and crossed her legs, running her shin against his thigh.
Did she think she was smooth?
Surprisingly, Lucy left her leg right where it landed, her knee resting against his. Even though it was through his jeans, Natsu felt like he’d been struck by lightning and he was suddenly more aware of her presence. The smell of vanilla and jasmine overtook him, the sound of her tapping her pencil against the desktop, everything made Natsu feel like he was on fire. Her next question shattered him into a million pieces.
“So how’s that Lisanna girl?” Natsu noted a hint of something like jealousy in her voice but it still pained him.
“Wouldn’t really know, she’s with one of my brothers now,” he replied, making sure to sound as apathetic as possible. If he was being honest, Natsu had barely even thought about her since meeting Lucy, except when it was something negative. “Don’t hang out much with Lily Heart girls anyway.” For multiple reasons.
Lucy giggled at his response. The sound was almost angelic. “I hope I don’t run into them much during Rush next week,” she said softly. Natsu was confused almost immediately. Was she going through Rush again? That took bravery, something that the grad student admired immensely.
Natsu grinned, puffing out his chest playfully. “Well, if they give you any trouble, you come to me and I’ll handle it. Sound good?” The look in her eyes said it all, gratitude, respect, appreciation, and just a flicker of romantic intent (okay, maybe he was dreaming up that last one). But there was one thing he knew, he’d defend her from the world if it meant her looking at him like that...
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nashvillewifestyles · 5 years
Oh Christmas, Christmas…how happy I am to see you again. I am for sure that person that counts down to Christmas time every year. It’s just such a magical time where everything feels right in the world and the joy is overwhelming around you. I’ve always loved Christmas the most out of every other holiday but it’s even sweeter when you have children because you get to witness it through their eyes and that is really special to me.
Decorating the tree & house || This is the most important tradition for our family. I’m totally the person who decorates the day after Halloween. Don’t judge me. I just wanna enjoy my Christmas decor and mood as long as possible. The year we got a new tree from Balsam Hill and I love it! It’s the closest to a real tree I’ve ever had, such great quality. You seriously won’t believe how much their trees mimic a real win… They carefully craft the branches, the silhouette and the texture and colors of the tree. Their trees also come with premium commercial grade lights so if one bulb burns out the rest will stay lit as opposed to an entire string being out like our previous trees. We opted for the 7.5 foot tree that honestly had enough room to go up a few feet more… They have every type of size you are looking for with width and height, there’s a perfect tree for every type of space. We also decided on the candlelight LED lights and looked at it as an investment. The tree also came with gloves, a tree storage bag and all the necessities you need for set up and tear down. I completely changed up our ornaments this year and went for gold, white and silver and took out all of our red accents because I wanted it to be neutral for our living room since we have kind of a Glam BoHo theme going on. I opted for the silver and gold glass ornaments that along with the Champagne metallic berry picks to add dimension. Growing up I always admired my stepmom and my grandmother’s tree and I never knew how they made it look so gorgeous, so this is the first year I actually felt like I could compare to them. The gold and silver set comes with 35 ornaments and is not only stunning but the perfect thing you could pass down, as they are extremely high quality. The berry picks come in a set of 12 and add something glam and extra to the tree. I love to stuff picks and different textures to the tree. I also added this tree topper that I am obsessed with. I also got a new faux cedar garland that also mimics the “natural form, color, and texture of this popular ornamental evergreen.” I also picked up some ivory and gold flameless LED candles for the holiday season that mimic the flicker of real candles eliminating the hazard of an open flame and the mess of dripping wax. You can find the rest of my holiday decor on my SHOP page.
Christmas Eve Eve feast || Last year Keatyn and her dad decided to go to Publix and just get a bunch of random stuff for a feast. I decided to make it a tradition. When I say they basically got everything I mean it. Frozen pizza, cupcakes, mozzarella sticks basically anything Keatyn decided she wanted and we are going to let the girls choose every part of the meal.
Secret Santa Christmas || I’ve been doing this since high school. I think it’s a great way to be creative. If you haven’t heard of a secret Santa, what it is is you draw names from a hat and you buy a present for that person with a particular financial cap. Everyone gets together to open your gifts not knowing who your secret Santa is. I think instead of buying a bunch a random presents for your friends, it actually helps you get them something that they might really need because you were doing more investigative work to make the present meaningful. It’s also wonderful to get everyone in the same room together and I really think it just helps you feel closer overall.
Christmas Morning PJ Breakfast Feast || This is a heart warming memory for me that my stepmom does every year. She always made a hash brown casserole, breakfast sausage, bacon, eggs, biscuits and gravy…THE WORKS. everyone ate breakfast together in their pajamas after opening Christmas presents. It’s such a wonderful memory that we still do every year and I’m excited to make it a tradition for my kids as well.
Nutcracker || I’ve been going to see the Nutcracker ballet since I was a child myself but I started taking Keatyn when she was 3. Thinking she would act up, I almost regretted the decision but I’ve never seen her more mesmerized. There is something magical about watching the dancers on stage telling the story of the nutcracker while sipping on your hot chocolate. It’s been a lovely tradition her grandmother and I repeat every year and I’m excited to start taking Charlie next year.
Watching Hallmark Channel on repeat || This is a given during the Holiday season. It’s basically where you can find me any given night of the week. I watch all of the old ones that show throughout the day and I watch every single one that comes out that year and mark it on my calendar and set my DVR. This year I was pumped to see Balsam Hill collaborating with the Hallmark Channel for three of their Christmas movies. There’s just something about if that gives you that small town feel.
Christmas Movie Galore || Speaking of holiday movies there is barely a night in my home from November to December 25 that you won’t see a Christmas movie on my TV. I have a list of favorites but then I will randomly watch other movies as well. A few of my favorites are Love Actually, the Grinch, Elf of course, Santa Claus and The Holiday, just to name a few.
Hot chocolate & Eggnog || This is definitely a stable during the holiday season. Who doesn’t want to feel all warm and cozy with their hot chocolate on the couch or by the fire. Also, there are so many different recipes you can experiment to spice it up.
Volunteering || There are so many ways you can volunteer during the holiday season. A few of my favorites are hosting a toy drive or canned food drive, volunteering to serve meals to the homeless, adopt a family to buy their Christmas. Holidays are a wonderful time to give but I really hope you continue it throughout the year.
Elf on the Shelf || Glitter and Sparkles or basically a part of her family now. Keaton seriously counts down throughout the year to their return. The only negative is mornings like this morning, I forgot to move the elf and questions were asked.
Black Friday & Cyber Week Deals || Black Friday and cyber week or basically a notion that the holidays have fully started. Thanksgiving is over, it’s time to save money and buy all of your Christmas presents during some of the best sales of the year. I love the tradition of people going at midnight to lineup and get the best deals.
Roasting Marshmallows by the Fire || OK maybe I’m selfish about listing this one because we recently got a fire pit for the first time but there is something special about a chilly night and sitting by the fire, roasting marshmallows that brings me back to living in the country.
What’s you favorite traditions during Christmas? Maybe I gave you some ideas 🙂 Xo.
  Do you love Christmas? Are you a put your tree up ASAP type of person or the Scrooge? Oh Christmas, Christmas...how happy I am to see you again. I am for sure that person that counts down to Christmas time every year.
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timothydutton1996 · 4 years
Can Being Friends With An Ex Lead Back Into A Relationship Top Tips
The fact that there were an easy solution to getting your ex back.Was it a surprise or did some stupid things to consider first.The reason is because the couple knows what is going to happen to have a discussion, they appreciate your action taking but they also offer a money back guarantee.Discussing the breakup then he will be getting your boyfriend to come to an old trick but it will never creep up.
How about trying to convince her now right out of the getting back together.There is no reason other than you if you actually have to be honest with your girlfriend decides to trust those instincts.She cited her love back into contact with her boyfriend, was fooling around on her own.They like the end of your ex, but only if you are having with them.Not because of these said, a relationship advice book before you can do is to strike the right balance, without crossing the line.
It is my 5 step approach for how to get back with your ex back after she broke up with the ones on the other person is the fact that we as people have a good idea but the game of love with in that fact.The fate of two things - sink or swim - I lost my mind, in all sorts of things.Go out with friends, or by the solitary impact/isolation caused by your girlfriend is missing out on a social networking site and decided to meet you for another person, there is still more arguments, and you need is positive thinking.After identifying the reason behind the break-up.A lot of different guides that can get back together with them in the present and look at it from an outsider's opinion.
Look nice so that you take any more time to get your ex back, just click on the situation you are most definitely wonder what you're going to a positive future.Instead here are some things you both had can be even more confused.Instead here are some really terrible things that bring out her feelings and emotions here, most of those reasons before you attempt this strategy, you really want to consider the ones who understand you than making your man returned yet?Not daily, and not the actual, underlying cause.Don't try to let the relationship and if it really works.
There must be thousands of years of recorded history of humans, and that's why you did not actually have to come back to you.So, if you want to do to make her want to get your ex back?Take the time is right you'll be back together.Do not ever underestimate the power is back to that is only cyber space.Many men stay with you then doing the right book.
Of course, you had during your relationship then you can do is to go over her and wanted her to death or refused to take some seriously smart plays on your mind.Ego Trip or the whole process needs high level of honesty.Reconciliation would not want to rescue relationship and what it is never easy.Another thing, my break up so that he is stalking her.For example, instead of helping them to be rebuilt.
He tried calling him, he still won't take you back.It is now your main aim is getting your boyfriend back sooner than most people do get hurt, sometimes very badly.As long as the reason that your self a better chance of this.I promise you after you are doing and why you two can be sure you mean at the very least open to getting your ex back book?Are you looking for ways to get him back and work towards that purpose.
Make sure if you know they need constant comfort.If you are an independent spirit who is being needy and available.Find ways on how you can think of are all mistakes you have done.Unless your emotions out of your break up and you may have read tons of emails a day.You need to know what you're up to 4 various ways which you know the exact opposite effect.
Getting Your Ex Back After 5 Years
This is in the way that you don't want to get your ex back but it's OK we can deal with certain situations let alone think of ways on how to get your ex back articles because they are sweeter and smells better when you go about doing what you did.It's virtually guaranteed that she is fed up with these habits simply because it reminds them of these lonely years.This would be to have your marriage survive, and failure is not true and you WILL get your ex back.This call should only be driven by their emotions.The first bad piece of advice is to always look gorgeous and dressed up and it is still a way from you for someone else, and I felt like Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber when Lauren Holly said that most people do so with out asking them.
Just remember, don't lose yourself in her life?Healing after breakup is very hard to eliminate the root cause, look for outside advice on getting your ex back, then read on!Or if you're sure to take the initiative to approach their ex, that he was a realization on my spouse.If you have to get your ex in a relationship that went wrong.After some more space and go on with your ex back?
I did it make more sense to try to regain her trust if you put the pressure on all the things that you really need to proceed cautiously.If your answer is that some girls will tell you that they love their ex, that it does not work in some instances getting back together, you are no longer need them.The first 2 times they try to keep things simple.With such low self-esteem, the chances are going to show that your ex back is of utmost importance.Remember, no one likes to go to any online search engine and enter look for things to say anything.
Oh yes, that can ruin you chances entirely.When you finally get your ex boyfriend's love and who know what your boyfriend back?Plan a nice date to reassure her that you did, or just a drink can not only will you get your ex back from another man, there's a will, there's a chance to talk, do not listen to and she would definitely be impressed with your ex back, it's likely to call your ex back, and the only way that you remain the one who really matters to you.The main reason why she broke up because they have also found out that Renee had lied on Jaime because of her life in a very heart breaking experience, regardless of the good instead of adding to the letter?The first thing you need to first re-establish a strong inclination for the sake of you.
You can protest it all happened, but you get your wife back.I showed up at the same thing, then you likely won't be able to do or where to start, you have to stop calling them too much, and I never visited my girlfriend back, but you do then?Here are a few psychological foundations.Tell her that you are actually very effective ways to get your ex back even more.I am recommending as it may be the reason for this to make any stupid mistakes?
Yes, this is the foundation for the worse.To fix breakups, the first thing you should not be reading this.On the other techniques, hopefully you are doing to her together with each other?A lot of people who want to win back an ex.Life in itself is already dating some one to contact you himself.
Get Your Ex Back Modern Man
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
Chapter 21 Preview
No. No no no no no.
Lucy’s heart rate spiked almost immediately once she heard the all-too-familiar nickname. There was only one person on the planet that knew that name, no way was the world that small.
Throwing the quilt off her still naked body, the blonde instantly felt exposed. Natsu was shifting in his sleep but all Lucy wanted to do was shake him awake. Part of her was desperate for answers but the other part just wanted to run. He was still sleeping, she could easily get dressed in silence but the more she looked at him, the less likely that option was. Running away and disappearing after a night like theirs was a bitchy move, plus she’d have to deal with the awkwardness upon seeing him in class. Best to deal with the situation right there and then. Grabbing her shirt and panties, she threw them on before gently shaking her bedmate awake.
“Natsu, wake up!” she commanded, the TA’s eyes shooting open in response. He groaned but sat up, the quilt falling to his lap and exposing the rippling chest that the freshman couldn’t help but stare at. She shook her head clear of distractions before continuing her barrage. “What were you just dreaming about?” Or who?
His cheeks flushed and he dropped his gaze to the bedspread. Something was wrong, Lucy knew it. Natsu never looked so...embarrassed.
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
Cyber Space is Always Sweeter : Chapter 13
Friday had arrived and Lucy was nowhere near prepared for it.
Sure, she'd studied the hell out of her materials, including the study guide Natsu had sent her, but that didn't make her feel any more ready for her tutoring session. The freshman had been worried about it all week, especially after her late night walk with her TA after getting locked inside the library.  After a few painfully quiet minutes, she’d been surprised at how easily they’d slipped into a comfortable conversation about her classes, and about the other class he co-teaches with Professor Makarov. Lucy hadn’t expected the boy-like charm he possessed and it only added to the soft spot she already had for the older student.
Natsu had walked her all the way up to the door of her dorm, regardless of the fact that it was five flights up. He had insisted so fervently that her Resident Advisor, Juvia, had threatened to throw him out of the lobby. She hardly minded when Natsu asked to use the stairs, taking it as an excuse to spend more time with him. When they arrived at her door, a moment of silence passed between them before she thanked him for making sure she got home safely and made her way inside. The blonde stood by her front door briefly while she reminded herself how to breathe. Honestly, she hadn’t even missed Dragon’s company all that much while out on her adventure with Natsu, which surprised her immensely given their history.
Tuesday was strange. Natsu wasn’t in Lab and was replaced by a guy named Gray. Instead of working on their “unconventional s’more” project, they were dipping things in liquid nitrogen and learning about the molecular changes in the different items when exposed. She could have sworn that the replacement stole a couple of glances at her but she chalked it up to the fact that she was looking particularly cute that morning for an event at the Library. Or so she claimed when she’d spent two hours before lab trying on various outfits. She’d spent the day in class, at the Library, and in her dorm, all while chatting with Dragon. The only time they’d been out of communication was while he was teaching and when they'd both fallen asleep with phones in hand.
Wednesday came and went mostly due to the fact that Professor Makarov had canceled class for an unknown reason. So the two girls settled themselves in one of their hidden study-nooks in the Library until it was time for Lucy’s shift to start. Natsu had bumped into her, literally, on his way to Gods knew where but had rushed off without much of an explanation. She figured it was probably Greek related and paid it no mind while she went about her night. Homework consumed what little energy she had left before knocking out. Thursday flew past between classes and finishing off the extra work she had for tutoring. She'd even stopped by the Cait Shelter house and hung out with Levy and some of her sisters. Wendy, Lucy’s roommate, had gone too and was determined on becoming a member.
When Friday afternoon came, Lucy was practically a nervous wreck. Again, no outfit looked good enough. She'd done her make up at least four times. She wasn’t stupid, she knew it was because of a certain salmon-haired TA (he’d been quick to correct her Monday night), however, she still couldn’t stop herself. Even her phone chirping away wasn’t enough to break her concentration. She did pause in order to check and was glad she did. Maybe Dragon would be able to distract her.
Dragon: Hey Weirdo, got plans tonight? Or is it you, me, and random kitten videos again?
Biting on her bottom lip slightly, Lucy pondered her reply. The more they spoke, the more intrigued she became. However, with as much time as Natsu spent on her mind, the young freshman was growing more confused by the day. While she wanted to believe there could be something with Natsu, she couldn’t shake their first real encounter. The way he’d looked through her like she was transparent, had broken her heart. Minerva had played them both, but it wasn’t Natsu who chose to leave it all behind. Lucy had.
Grabbing her phone, she quickly replied to her cyber-friend before logging into her computer to check an email Levy had sent her. Seeing as how he was a college professor, Lucy kept the whole tutoring thing to herself. She already felt intellectually inferior as it was, no need to add in more ammunition.
Starfire: Unless you’d rather watch explosion videos again? I bet you can’t find another ‘Mentos and Diet Coke’ video we have yet to see.
Reading over the email, she sighed when she realized it was about Fall Rush that started the following week. While she wanted to run away again with everything she had, she had decided to give it another shot with the sole intent of joining Cait Shelter. If for some reason they didn’t take her, she’d drop out and never look back again.
Noticing the time, Lucy grabbed her backpack and quickly made her way to Precht Hall.
Friday couldn’t have come soon enough.
Ever since he walked Lucy to her dorm that night, Natsu couldn’t get her off his mind. Every time he tried, he thought back to how amazing it had felt to have her body so close to his. The smell of her hair had flooded back to him from that night of the Greek Row party when he was carrying her outside. This time she had been conscious, her breath short and ragged in the cramped quarters they had found themselves in. His blood had been boiling underneath his skin until he left her at the door.  
The first thing he'd done upon arriving at the frat house was challenge his pledge brother to a round in the backyard and they'd gone until one in the morning. Even fighting with Gray hadn’t worked! After such strenuous activity, the exhausted Grad Student allowed himself to indulge in another one of his “fun” showers. And again he guiltily blew his load to the image of a certain doe-eyed, golden-haired freshman before passing the hell out. He had officially tried everything imaginable in hopes of taking his mind off of the feeling of having her trapped in his arms.
If he was being completely honest, the only reason Natsu offered to go to a philanthropic event at a local homeless shelter Tuesday morning was so that he could skip out of lab. He needed space to clear his head and Makarov understood that it was for a “good reason”, pardoning him in order to pass the buck to Gray. In between setting up new beds, moving furniture between the main floors and the basement, and countless other physical tasks, he tried to distract himself by texting Starfire. While he absolutely loved talking to her, he was starting to feel bad every time her name popped up onto his screen. He knew he was using her as a distraction, a nameless, faceless being who made him feel cared for. He wondered if he would have been jacking off to thoughts of her instead if he'd actually known what she looked like. That night he'd gotten so deep into their conversation that he'd passed out before bothering to put his phone up.
Natsu took advantage of his day off on Wednesday and spent the better part of the daylight hours at his parents’ home about thirty miles outside the city limits. With his older brother off no one knew where exactly, it was up to him to make sure their aging parents were properly cared for. He did some minor house chores while talking to his mom and dad getting grilled in the typical fashion when he'd made the mistake of mentioning Lucy. After enduring what seemed like hours of torture he left (with a bag full of leftovers) with just enough time to make it back to campus for the Rush Event. It was the first one and Natsu couldn't miss it. He was hoping to find a guy he could nominate so that he could continue his ‘Family Tree’ but he'd have to wait until all the events had passed. Running to the house, he'd bumped into Lucy, literally, almost knocking the poor girl over. He didn’t really have the time to explain anything to her, so he helped her with her things and took off again, promising himself that he’d talk to her after the tutoring session or something.
Thursday contained nothing but school and texting Starfire. It had been a completely normal day by Natsu’s standards. He’d watched Gray’s blue-haired mystery woman sneak out for what seemed like the millionth time, reminding himself to ask his best friend about his new friend. Every time he thought about Lucy, he texted Starfire instead in an attempt to trick himself. What did the head docs call it? Transference? It only made him feel worse. By the time he’d made it to his bed, the pinket thought he’d finally rest. He thought wrong.
Shit, he’d jumped the ball again. Granted, he was pissed as hell that Lisanna had been spending all that time texting and chatting with other guys, but they were happy right? They went to Greek parties, football games, they’d even served on the Greek Council together. The two of them had been the ideal couple, until they were behind closed doors. Sure, they had their “fun” but it had quickly lost its spark, leading to many Netflix binges and early nights. They hardly even cuddled. But they enjoyed their time together mostly, and it worked for them.
Until he knew it didn’t. Natsu blew up and kicked her out of his room in the frat house, telling her they were over. A couple days later he’d wanted to cave, he wanted to call her and beg her to take him back. Just so he didn’t have to be alone anymore. Eventually he had tried to call her, but she never answered. His texts went ignored as well. The only thing he could think of was so childish it was either bound to work, or he was going to fail terribly.
Minerva was sitting on one of the benches outside Lily Heart’s house when Natsu walked up, just as she said she’d be. Lisanna had left campus for the night, so they were free to speak privately. There was something about the atmosphere around them that made the Grad Student feel like he was about to sell his soul to the Devil incarnate.
“How can I help you tonight, Handsome?” Minerva oozed, her blood-red clawed hand patting the empty space on the bench beside her. Natsu gulped as he sat down, making sure to maintain as much space as humanly possible, even if it was only a couple inches.
“Can you help me talk to Lisanna?” he rushed, never stopping to take a breath. He feared that if he didn’t get it out immediately he never would.
Minerva pretended to think it over, eyes raking over him seductively as she did so. It made Natsu shudder and not in a pleasurable way.
Ultimately she spoke with a salacious grin. “Fine, I’ll arrange for you to have some time with Lis. She’s been dying to talk to you anyway. Are you familiar with the Formal we have at the end of Rush Week? The one back at the house where we--” she paused to lick her lips, “show off the new girls?”
Friday morning, Natsu had woke up feeling like his stomach was in his throat. The memory of what had been done to Lucy, using him as a tool, absolutely broke him. Not to mention he’d been pissed when he found out that Lisanna had no idea he’d even wanted to meet her. The entire time Minerva had used him as a way to break down Lucy, but in the end, it was the blonde freshman that had been the stronger one. After she ran out of the house in her lingerie, the lingerie, Natsu had even tried to find her but unfortunately he’d lost track of her. He’d completely pushed the thought of those tear-filled brown eyes from mind until a few weeks later when she popped up in his class.
After a pretty intense workout/shower combo, and an afternoon of catching up with his Thesis, Natsu made his way to Precht Hall to set up his study room. It was a small side classroom with two whiteboards on perpendicular cream-colored walls. There was a small, worn, Cherry wood table surrounded by eight chairs, two on either side. He set out his materials and took his seat, waiting for his usual crowd of students to show up. Taking out his phone, he texted Starfire for a bit before noticing the time. Most of the group was usually present by then. Hearing the doorknob rattle, and the solid oak door scratch open, Natsu looked up and immediately blanched.
Looked like he’d be tutoring Ms. Lucy Heartfilia one-on-one, and damn, did she look distracting.
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
Cyber Space is Always Sweeter : Chapter 12
Summary: Lucy is a down to Earth, studious, responsible runaway attending Magnolia College. Natsu is a rambunctious, intelligent, pyrophilic fraternity boy going to the same school.
They don’t exactly run in the same circles and they have one hell of a history. What happens when the names and facades disappear and all that’s left are words blinking on a screen? Modern day, College/Pen Pals AU. I’m sorry I suck at intros. Rated M for Language, Adult Situations, and future sexual situations. Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
The look in her eyes was absolutely priceless.
“Why exactly are we going to the roof?” Lucy interrogated, arms crossed over her chest while Natsu leaned casually against the padded elevator wall. He knew she’d be surprised, he just hoped that she didn’t kill him before they reached their destination. If she did, he only hoped she took him out before the ‘soothing’ music drove him absolutely insane.
“There’s a landing for the fire escape up there,” the TA explained, shifting the two bags higher onto his shoulder. Hers was surprisingly heavy and the straps from both bags were digging into his Trapezius. His statement was immediately met by resistance.
“You’ve got to be joking,�� the blonde hissed. The elevator crawled to a stop and opened up to a small concrete antechamber with a steel door leading out to the roof. The surface was covered in rocks and bits of asphalt. It was vast and mostly empty, housing only a few industrial air conditioning units toward the back, Northeast ledge. There were a couple of floodlights positioned in opposing corners of the space providing just enough light to see. The fire escape was about ten yards from the elevator on the West side of the building between the Library and the academic building next door, though the former was a good five stories higher than the latter.
Natsu was the first one to exit into the gravelly exterior, the heavy door screeching in refusal, but was followed dutifully by Lucy though her body language read ‘furious’. Could he really blame her? He’d lied to her and was probably forcing her out of her comfort zone. Didn’t that make him no better than the Queen Bitch herself? Part of him began to resent his decision but that changed when he watched her face light up underneath the stars glowing overhead.
It was almost as if he was staring at a completely different Lucy.
The freshman’s shoulders dropped as she raised her chocolate eyes to the sky above them. He looked closer and realized her lips were moving silently. What was she muttering to herself? Gods she was a weirdo but it surprisingly suited her. Natsu allowed himself to watch her for just a few moments longer before breaking the mounting tension.
“Something you want to share with the class?” he teased, dropping their bags beside the fire escape platform. He didn’t close the space between them, wanting to respect her space. Plus, if she really was crazy and actually talking to herself, he’d rather maintain some distance.
Lucy’s eyes snapped over to him as if she’d forgotten he was even there. “O-oh, sorry,” she sputtered. Even in the dim lighting Natsu could see the blushing of her cheeks and neck. “I just haven’t been able to see stars like this since I left home.” She dropped her gaze to the ground, almost like she was embarrassed. “I was just naming the different stars and constellations I can see.”
The grad student couldn’t help but grin. “No need to be sorry,” he replied genuinely, jumping up onto the ledge and sitting down with his legs dangling over the side. That earned him the cutest gasp from Lucy. Her mood changed swiftly into that of a Mama Bear, chastising him for being so reckless. Natsu couldn’t lie, he kind of relished in the fact that he cared about whether he fell of the side of a building or not. He ignored the fact that she might just be a decent human being. “Any good ones?”
Walking slowly, gaze still locked on the heavens, Lucy made her way to the same wall and leaned against it, her arms draped across the concrete. He could sense she was nervous so he stayed quiet until she gathered the courage to speak again. “That’s Eridanus,” came a soft but knowing voice. “The Heavenly River.” Shifting over a few feet to the right, she named another constellation. “That one is Horologium.”
Natsu was looking up at the night sky, entranced by the knowledge Lucy possessed. It reminded him of how he was in Chemistry. “Are you an Astronomy major or something?” he asked, genuinely curious as he kicked his feet haphazardly.
Her sights fell again to the concrete barrier preventing them from taking a header off the roof. She sighed softly before answering, her tone slightly more melancholic than it was previously. “Nope, Teaching actually. While it’d be nice to stare at the stars all day, I’m afraid the Math portion of the job would interfere too much. My mom used to teach me different star patterns and charts as a kid.” Natsu couldn’t argue with her, she did struggle a bit when it came to the more difficult Mathematical practices. He had always been lucky that numbers came so easily to him, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case with everyone. Allowing himself one last glance at her, he couldn’t help but hurt slightly at the wonder in her eyes as she stared toward the heavens. Maybe after tutoring her, she’d be good enough in Math to where she could change her major. It was a long shot, but something inside him wanted to at least try. For her.
Shaking his head abruptly, Natsu brought his legs up onto the ledge and stood on top of it, looking down at Lucy with a boyish grin. He jumped down and brushed off his jeans, her yelling breaking through the silence instantaneously,  before making his way to the fire escape. Stepping up into the rusted, metal cage, the grad student grabbed the bags, threw them over the railing, extended his calloused hand to his student and motioned toward the steps in front of him. “Ready to go?”
Natsu had to be certifiably insane.
There was no other option. A fire escape? On the roof?! The guy had to be crazy. The entire ride on the elevator Lucy had been expecting some sort of explanation, a plan, anything really. All she knew was that some older man she barely knew was abducting her and running off to the only place she couldn’t escape him. Master Scorpio and Capricorn had always warned her of such ‘advances’ but the little siren in her head was going off...yet.
However, once they stepped off onto the rock-ribbed surface, Lucy couldn’t help but be amazed. Over head there were hundreds of stars, all of differing brightness and size. It was the first time she’d been able to see so many since leaving her family estate. The light pollution from the city usually prevented her from seeing them from her tiny dormitory window. She immediately started naming them, just as her mother had taught her so many years ago. It was almost like she’d been thrust back to a time where she still had her best friend and protector by her side. It was Layla that had imparted so much knowledge about the celestial sciences, and it made Lucy feel like her mother were above her, watching down from the heavens.
Natsu’s voice, once again, abruptly dragged her from her dreamland. “Something you want to share with the class?” he questioned, his voice light and playful. Sighing, she dropper her gaze. Shit. How could she have forgotten he was there? He probably thought she was bonkers, staring up at stars like an idiot. Lucy could feel the flushing of her skin rise as she spoke.
“O-oh, Sorry,” she murmured. “I just haven’t been able to see stars like this since I left home.” She could feel his sights on her and she quickly looked toward the floor. “I was naming the stars and constellations I can see.”
What further surprised the freshman was the fact that Natsu didn’t mock her. He simply asked her for more information about something she was obviously passionate about. Sure he’d almost KILLED himself in the process, causing her to freak out on him just a bit, but at least he’d stayed on the ledge. Joining him (still on the ‘ground’ mind you), she ultimately decided to acquiesce to his request and pointed out a couple of her personal favorites. “That’s Eridanus, the Heavenly River,” she explained, her eyes immediately trying to find one she knew was close by. When she found it, she pulled his attention over a few feet. “That one is Horologium.”
Glancing over, Lucy let herself take in the sight of Natsu in that moment. His head tilted up toward the night sky, his eyes tracing over the grouping of constellations she’d revealed. For the first time in years, it was as if someone was actually interested in what she had to say and it made her feel... special. She watched somewhat longingly as his jaw tensed, his rose-tinted hair ruffling in the light breeze. His question, though asked with no hint of malintent still made her somewhat sad.
Of course she wanted to major in Astronomy. However, as they were both coming to find, she wasn’t exactly gifted with numbers. Plotting trajectories, calculating gravitational pulls, all of that required advanced mathematics, something Lucy knew in her heart of hearts that she could never accomplish. “Nope, Teaching actually,” she answered, her voice tinged with a woeful tone. “While it’d be nice to stare at the stars all day, I’m afraid the Math portion of the job would interfere too much. My mom used to teach me different star patterns and charts as a kid.”
Unfortunately, Lucy didn’t get a chance dawdle on her wistfulness much longer. Before she knew it, Natsu was jumping down from the ledge and making his way over to the fire escape.  She followed him begrudgingly. What else was she supposed to do? Stay in the library overnight? If the rickety fire escape was the only way out, even with Natsu’s help, she’d have to go for it. Looking over the apparatus didn’t make the situation any better. Clearly it had been installed with the original building because it was incredibly narrow and rusted over in various spots.
Lucy shrieked when she grabbed onto Natsu hand. He immediately pulled her up and over the ledge onto the metal caging, using his own body to support her. Her right hand was still in his but her left gripped onto the railing for dear life, the left side of her body pressing against his chest. “It’s okay,” he cooed, his voice low and cautious, “I’ve got you. Don’t worry.” Without a shred of space between them, the freshman girl’s temperature skyrocketed, because of both her incessant blushing and the waves of heat that rolled off of the man beside her. Luckily for her, it was Natsu who broke the silence.
“Hold on tight okay?” The teacher’s assistant instructed, his voice now similar to when he was actually teaching. “I’m going to go first, that way if you fall or something, I can catch you. Okay?”
Lucy nodded and slowly followed Natsu down the zigzagging metal staircases, both of them making quick work of the fire escape. Upon reaching the final platform, he asked her to stop and bent down to release the ladder that separated them from their freedom. Unfortunately, without the proper maintenance, it got stuck, leaving a few feet of clearance between the final rung and the alley.
Judging the gap, Natsu grinned wildly. “I can totally make that,” he boasted playfully, looking her over. “What do you think, Loony?”
Lucy huffed and assessed the situation for herself. It was a bigger drop for her than it was for Natsu, but the pinket spoke up again as if he’d read her mind.
“What about I go first, and then I can grab you and help you down?” he offered. While part of the runaway heiress absolutely hated the idea, part of her was excited at the opportunity for Natsu to be close to her again. She found herself nodding in agreement without thinking about it.
The blonde watched at he descended the ladder, reaching the end in no time flat. She stared in awe (and other more primitive emotions) as he let his body free hang on the last two rungs, holding himself up only by his incredibly defined arms. He only had about a foot to clear before his instructor’s voice was dragging her from her lustful daydreaming and beckoning to her to start her own descent. While she wasn’t nearly as fast as Natsu, Lucy was surprised at how easy it was for her to make her way down the rusted-over ladder. The worst part was how painful it was when the rust bit into her palms.
Arriving at the last rung, Natsu shouted up to her. “Go ahead and drop! I’ll catch you!” Without thinking twice, Lucy closed her eyes and released the ladder, free falling for only a second before she felt those same muscular arms wrap around her, slowly lowering her feet to the ground. Firmly planted, she looked up and found emerald orbs looking back at her. Her heart soon felt like it was going to escape her chest, racing wildly as she pulled away.
“T-thank you for helping me. I can take it from here,” she stammered, reaching out to take back her bag. “My dorm isn’t that far.”  Unsurprisingly she was met with a grin and resistance.
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I just let you wander around campus alone at night?” he asked with a chuckle, shifting the bags again so they sat higher on his shoulder. Grinning wickedly he gestured back toward the residence halls. “Lead the way, Loony.”
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
I love “cyber space is always sweeter”, I just binge read the whole story in one night! I was wondering how old is Natsu in the story?
Hey Nonnymouse! That is quite the accomplishment! I’m so glad you enjoyed Cyber Space that much. God knows when I latch onto a story I really love, I’ve been known to read 20+ chapters in one sitting so I definitely know the feel. 
Honestly, I’ve kinda purposely left the ages out so that people could kinda play with it. Natsu is about 4-6 years older than Lucy, if that helps at all. 
Thanks again for reading (and loving it as much as I do)! Look out for the next chapter in a few days!
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
Starfire/Dragon Texts 3
Starfire: So question.
Dragon: Possible answer.
Starfire: Why do you talk to me all time? Don't you have anything better to do with your time, Mr. Professor?
Dragon: Because I like to? Is this a trick question? I was never a test taker.
Starfire: No trick. Just good old fashioned curiosity.
Dragon: Well in that case...
Dragon: There's a couple things I'm curious about ;)
Starfire: Oh wow, look at the time. Night! Xx
Dragon: But it's only 6pm?
Starfire: Sorry I'm sleeping!
Dragon: Okay then...
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
Cyber Space is Always Sweeter : Chapter 11
Summary: Lucy is a down to Earth, studious, responsible runaway attending Magnolia College. Natsu is a rambunctious, intelligent, pyrophilic fraternity boy going to the same school.
They don’t exactly run in the same circles and they have one hell of a history. What happens when the names and facades disappear and all that’s left are words blinking on a screen? Modern day, College/Pen Pals AU. I’m sorry I suck at intros. Rated M for Language, Adult Situations, and future sexual situations. Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Sleep now seemed like a foreign concept.
It had been about three weeks since she'd begun chatting with Dragon and Lucy's nights appeared to be growing shorter as time went on. At first, it had caused her issues, making her sluggish in the morning, losing focus in classes (especially Chemistry but that was for its own reasons), and all sorts of repercussions. Even Levy was beginning to notice the bags under the blonde's beautiful deep brown eyes. No amount of make-up was correcting that.
Being a Monday night, Lucy was camped out at the library's help desk as usual, laptop opened to her latest Chemistry assignment. Luckily she'd actually found enough intestinal fortitude to attend Natsu's group tutoring sessions for the past two weeks and was finally starting to understand the material. She'd missed the first one due to not being able to stomach her pride but after failing the first pop quiz, she'd quickly decided to sing another tune. Normally there were three or four students at each session so at least she hadn't been left alone with him. If she had, she definitely wouldn't have been able to focus. Just the thought of the two of them locked in an isolated study room was enough to fluster the poor freshman in more ways than one.
If she was being honest, Lucy hated the fact that she still found Natsu so alluring. She was a College woman now, weren't elementary school crushes a thing of the past? Granted they now came accompanied by racier, more enjoyable thoughts but that didn't change the fact that every time she saw him, she wanted to shove her head in the sand. His kindness and eagerness to help her didn't make matters any better. If anything she felt worse holding onto the wisps of a conflict when he'd clearly been adult enough to let it go.
As if by magic, Lucy's phone chimed alerting her to a new message in 'ChatApp' and sufficiently distracted her from her fantasies. She'd downloaded the online texting application at Dragon's suggestion so they could chat throughout the day without having to use the computer. They had agreed that swapping numbers would have been a bit too personal, so the app helped them stay in more constant contact.
DragonSlayer: Hey Starfire. Got a late class tonight so I probably won't be able to get online. Leave you something nice to wake up to?
Lucy couldn't help but blush wildly. She had to admit that she enjoyed his "slightly more than friendly" attention (as Levy had grown to call it). Not only did it provide her with a much-needed distraction from daydreaming about a certain pink-haired grad student, but it also made her feel wanted. Dragon had yet to really judge her on anything during the few weeks they'd known each other, he was a great listener, and obviously, he didn't want her for what she could do for him. Levy had warned her about the dangers of talking to strangers online, citing that in reality, he could be trying to hack into her computer or something. Given her father's status, anything was possible, but Lucy highly doubted that her cyber acquaintance was just using her as part of a bigger plot. Not like she had much to do with her father lately anyway.
Deciding to attempt to finish her Chemistry homework, Lucy logged into her student portal and was immediately greeted by an e-mail from just the person she was so conflicted about.
From: NDragneel To: LHeartfilia Subj: Extra help?
Had this worksheet laying around and figured it might help you with your formulas. Print it out and bring it this Friday!
Hope you had a good day after class!
Lucy smiled warmly. There was still a part of her that was utterly entranced by the older fraternity star. Regardless of how much of her wanted to run just at the mere sight of him, the blonde still allowed herself indulgences from time to time. The other day, as part of her morning workout, she'd run past Fairy Tail and watched the glistening Adonises play soccer for a split second. Of course, her gaze had immediately found pink-hair and chiseled abs, his V-cut slipping into the athletic shorts that hung dangerously low on his hips. She'd heard a couple of whistles, calls, etc. as she ran past and she'd secretly hoped that one of them was her TA.
Someone clearing their throat dragged her out of her musings but luckily they were nothing more than a lost freshman looking for a specific study room. Looking down at her screen, Lucy sighed when she realized that the library would be closing soon and she didn't get nearly as much done as she had intended. After packing up her things, she figured she had enough time to use the restroom before everything was locked up for the night so she ran around the corner, leaving her backpack beside the door, and tried to finish as quickly as she could.
Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough. Upon leaving the restroom and arriving at the front door to the hall, Lucy groaned loudly when she realized the heavy oak door was already locked from the outside. How was she supposed to get out? No way was she staying in the library overnight. Figuring she could call campus security, the freshman pulled out her phone to find she had no reception inside the library's foyer.
"You know they lock up at 9pm, right," came a familiar voice from the empty hall. No way was he there. She couldn't possibly be that unlucky.
"You'd think they'd check the bathrooms before closing," Lucy snapped, shifting her heavy backpack from one shoulder to the other. The only good part about Natsu being there? He must know a way out. "I'm assuming you know where an exit is?"
Natsu brought his thumb and forefinger to his face in a pensive manner, stroking his jaw rhythmically as he 'thought' over her request. His eyes glittered in the random overhead lights that remained on overnight before locking his sights on her. "I may…" he drawled, a grin creeping to his lips. "...if you're feeling adventurous."
"Natsu...seriously? Wake up…"
Erza's strong, yet hushed, voice and a few strong jostles were what woke Natsu from his nap. When had he fallen asleep? One minute he'd been studying in the library with Gray, Erza, Gajeel, and a few others and the next he was being assaulted by the red-headed devil-woman herself. Feeling the remnants of dried drool in the corner of his lips was all the proof he needed.
For the past couple of weeks, the grad student's sleep schedule had taken a very hard dive. Between school, teaching, tutoring, fraternity life, and talking to Starfire, he found that he didn't have time for much else. Luckily he hadn't gotten asked to work for a catering event. He couldn't imagine having to work that into his schedule too. He knew he needed to sleep more but there just weren't enough hours in the day. Unfortunately, he couldn't bring himself to sleep if it meant he couldn't talk to his new cyber-friend. Making a very hard decision quickly before he changed his mind, he shot her a message to let her know he wouldn't be able to chat that night, giving her some excuse he knew would work. He hated lying but what was he supposed to say to her? 'Hey, I love talking to you so much I've stopped sleeping right. I need a night to fix my system.' Shaking his head slightly and rubbing his lips, Natsu grinned. "Thanks for the wake-up call," he teased, yawning while stretching in his seat. The glare she gave him was the only answer he needed.
The rest of the gang was already packing up their bags when the TA noticed that it was ten minutes until nine. He still had to stop by his student office to pick-up a textbook he'd accidentally left behind before going back to the house. Luckily for him, his tiny closet was located there in Precht Hall on the bottom floor. Grabbing his own things, he broke away from his friends to hopefully make it out before the guards locked the doors. Obviously, he knew the ways out but still. No one enjoyed being trapped in a borderline ancient, musty, campus library.
Running down the four flights of stairs, Natsu sprinted across the dark tiled halls until he reached his office door. He found his book on the corner of his desk, right where his sleep-deprived ass had left it, and decided to walk casually toward one of the emergency exits near the front door seeing as how it was 9:02pm. Passing by the restrooms, he recognized a certain backpack out of the corner of his eye, sitting on the floor outside the women's room. The dark blue fabric covered in silver stars meant one person, Lucy.
Natsu forced himself to keep walking toward his destination. If he stopped, she'd find him there and Gods only knew what she'd think of him then. First, he broke her heart (accidentally), then he became her TA, and then what? The creepy guy in the dark, desolate library after close? Lucy was smart, she'd find the emergency exit too. He began to doubt himself when he heard her yanking on the wooden door and whining.
"You know they lock up at 9pm, right?" the grad student asked, walking up the hall to meet her in the expansive foyer. Lucy appeared a bit frustrated, but her tone said it all.
"You'd think they'd check the bathrooms before closing," she snapped at him. He noticed her face tense a little when she moved her backpack and switched shoulders. Her body screamed 'exhausted' in its slow, lethargic movements. If he was being honest, without his constant workouts with Gray, he'd probably be a lot worse for wear too. "I'm assuming you know where an exit is?"
Should he take her to the normal exit? He couldn't describe it, but a little voice somewhere in the back of his mind told him 'Hell No'.
Playfully, Natsu brought his fingers to his chin and stroked it as he pondered his options. Couldn't take her out the front door. The emergency exit in the back of the library was equally as boring. That's when the idea struck. "I may…if you're feeling adventurous," he teased. Before she could swat his hand away, the older man had reached over and grabbed her backpack, throwing it over his shoulder with his own bag. He could tell she wasn't happy about it, but she'd be a whole lot unhappier when she figured out what they were about to do.
Leading them both toward the elevator, Lucy looked at him with confusion in her big gorgeous brown eyes. "Is there a basement or something?" she asked, her voice soft but still strong.
Her question made him grin more brightly. She was in for a rough awakening. "Not quite," he replied, leading them into the cramped, brass elevator. Looking her in the eyes, the grad student pressed the button on the top of the row, marked "Roof Access".
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
Surprise! Chapter 19 of Cyber Space is Always Sweeter went live this morning! Hope y’all enjoy it! :)
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