tscticyber · 8 months
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driventosucceed-llc · 2 years
Driven to Succeed, LLC
Driven to Succeed is an award-winning global market research and consulting firm that compliments data (the “what”) with empathetic research and conversations (the “why”). We help brands uncover insights to innovate and grow sales, profit & share, from mid-market companies to Fortune 500 brands.
Imaginologie, the market research division, specializes in qualitative and quantitative research, analysis, and evaluation, voice of the customer surveys, brainstorming ideation for new products and services, and brand marketing strategy. We Translate Insights into So What and Now What™ to help brands innovate and increase sales, profit, and market share.
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Kristin Harper & The Expert Collective, the learning and development division, provides access to a variety of diverse business owners and experts in leadership, employee wellness and engagement, Human Resources, and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging under one diverse supplier MSA. Services include keynotes, training, executive advisory and consultancy, and voice of the employee surveys. We work from both the head and heart to help brands grow, and people thrive.
Driven to Succeed is a minority woman owned and operated WBENC-certified WBE and NMSDC-certified MBE. We hold an NMSDC CyberReady MBE designation, are committed to ESG and aligned to SASB and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Driven to Succeed offers four core services:
EthnoGraphics™ Insights: Uncover meaningful and empathetic market research with consumers
Better Ideaz™ Brainstorming: Leading high-impact ideation through a quantum leap in innovative thinking
The Collaboratory Concept Lab: Turning product and service ideas into test-ready concepts
Speaking, Training & Consulting: Aligning business strategy, organizational values, and human capital to accelerate performance
To learn more, DM us or visit www.DriventoSucceedLLC.com
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jenaspacio · 5 years
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The Philippine Information Agency (PIA) rallies the Filipino #youth to be responsible online users by promoting its nationwide #cyberwellness #cyberREADI campaign. 💻📱 #cyberREADI stands for the 5 ASEAN Core Values on #DigitalLiteracy R-esponsonility E-mpathy A-uthenticity D-iscernment and I-ntegrity The campaign is designed to guide teens on how to act and interact online, specially on social media. ✅ (at Philippine Information Agency) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4kLzc6njbx/?igshid=58uenaaaxuw7
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miongplus · 5 years
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Early Call time on Saturday. Also sharing Philippine Information Agency's (PIA) #cyberREADI campaign, and information literacy for the youth, promoting cyber wellness. READI = Responsibility, Empathy, Authenticity, Discernment and Integrity #CebuCityfied #beyondblogging (at Starbucks - Axis Entertainment) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1P8HKnglYC/?igshid=nvvhymmxwyth
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kalilinux4u · 3 years
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Looking for a fun cyber challenge? Check out @questacon new Cyber Ready Program via Zoom webinar this Friday and learn more about how to improve your cyber security awareness and skills! #CyberReady #AuCyberWeek2021 https://t.co/hRyJatJaF3 (via Twitter https://twitter.com/CyberGovAU/status/1452881363976089601)
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phgq · 4 years
PIA launches short video contest highlighting role of PH youth
#PHnews: PIA launches short video contest highlighting role of PH youth
MANILA – The Philippine Information Agency (PIA), one of the agencies under the Presidential Communications Operations Office, has announced the conduct of a short video online contest as part of #cyberREADI, a national campaign towards cyber wellness targeting the Filipino youth.
“#cyberREADI is based on the Asean Core Values on Digital Literacy: Responsibility, Empathy, Authenticity, Discernment, and Integrity,” the PIA said in a news release issued on Wednesday.
The #cyberREADI, it added, is a product of the Asean-Japan Media and Information Literacy (MIL) for the Youth Project which the PIA spearheaded in partnership with the InfoComm Media Development Authority of Singapore and with funding support from the Japan-Asean Integration Fund (JAIF).
The overarching theme for the contest is “#cyberREADI: The Role of the Filipino Youth in Cyber Wellness in the time of COVID-19,” in recognition of the youth's role in observing positive values, discernment, and responsible behaviors online amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Participants are enjoined to depict only one from the following topics: --Developing healthy digital habits; --Preventing and building resilience against cyberbullying and other negativities in the online environment; --Embracing a secured digital learning; --Inculcating the responsible and discerning use of online/social media, including the consumption and sharing of online content; or --Keeping safe online.
The contest is open from Nov. 10 to 30, 2020. Late submissions will not be considered, and winners will be announced on Dec. 15, 2020.
The PIA said the short video contest is open to all young Filipinos residing in the Philippines and must be aged 15-24 at the time of submission of their entry.
“Participation may be on an individual basis or group basis with maximum of three members per group. Each participating individual or group is allowed to submit only one entry,” it added.
The must showcase the #cyberREADI’s theme through their chosen topic: developing healthy digital habits; preventing and building resilience against cyberbullying and other negativities in the online environment; embracing a secured digital learning; inculcating the responsible and discerning use of online/social media, including the consumption, and sharing of online content; or keeping safe online.
The maximum length of the video is only one minute and must be in MP4, MOV, or WMV format only, the PIA said.
The winner and the runners-up in each category will receive the following prizes: 1st prize – USD500 (PHP24,000), 2nd prize – USD300 PHP14,000, and 3rd prize – USD200 (PHP9,600).
For more details: http://bit.ly/cyberREADIVideoContestDetails. (PIA PR)
* Philippine News Agency. "PIA launches short video contest highlighting role of PH youth." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1121521 (accessed November 12, 2020 at 01:06AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PIA launches short video contest highlighting role of PH youth." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1121521 (archived).
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patrickcmiller · 6 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/PatrickCMiller
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italianaradio · 5 years
Cybersecurity un ecosistema fatto di persone
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/cybersecurity-un-ecosistema-fatto-di-persone/
Cybersecurity un ecosistema fatto di persone
Cybersecurity un ecosistema fatto di persone
La Cybersecurity è una priorità.
Mentre i reati in Italia diminuiscono (-2,4% nel 2019 rispetto al 2018, secondo i dati del Sole24Ore), le frodi informatiche e gli attacchi cyber continuano ad aumentare e ne vengono rilevati, in media, 518 al giorno. A livello globale il 2017, decretato come l’annus horribilis della cybersecurity, in realtà è stato superato dal 2018, e il 2019 vede il trend in ulteriore aumento.
Questo è lo stato dell’arte nel nostro Paese, dove la sicurezza informatica è un tema che negli ultimi anni ha giustamente guadagnato l’attenzione generale di istituzioni e aziende, come la rilevanza e l’urgenza del problema richiedevano e impongono, a maggior ragione oggi.
Istituzioni e aziende in dialogo sulle sfide crescenti della sicurezza informatica per le infrastrutture critiche, interesse nazionale e sicurezza internazionale, eccellenza italiana ed esperienze modello, nuove sfide cyberchallenge e cyberreadiness: sono questi i temi che verranno affrontati
Venerdì 29 novembre a Firenze nel corso della nuova tappa del roadshow “CyberSecurity – Un ecosistema fatto di persone” organizzato da Nòva 24 – Il Sole 24 Ore in collaborazione con Confindustria Firenze e CINI.
I lavori, che si svolgeranno a partire dalle ore 9:30 presso  Palazzo Gualfonda, via Valfonda 9/11, si apriranno con i saluti di Fabrizio Monsani, Presidente di Confindustria Firenze, a cui farà seguito l’intervento di Rocco De Nicola, Direttore del Centro regionale toscano per la cybersecurity e di Luigi Martino, Docente dell’Università di Firenze, che discuteranno in aula dell’importanza da parte di Paesi ed imprese, di strutturarsi attivamente attraverso la Cyberchallenge e la Cyber readiness.
La cybersecurity infatti è più forte a livello nazionale – e quindi su larga scala – là dove ci sia un circuito aperto di aziende che investono puntualmente in sicurezza, in un ecosistema fatto di persone e ‘attori’ competenti. Ecco il perché della scelta di un sottotitolo come questo per la tappa toscana del road show del Sole 24 Ore, ormai giunto alla sua nona tappa negli ultimi tre anni.
L’eccellenza italiana. Il McKinsey Global Institute, appena eletto miglior think tank mondiale, ha mostrato che il 75% dei Ceo mondiali considera la sicurezza informatica una priorità, e appena il 16% ha dichiarato di pensare di essere ben protetto. Le aziende italiane investono da anni e sono all’avanguardia nella sfida della sicurezza. Lo dimostrano gli esempi che vedremo il 29 novembre.
La forza del nostro sistema arriva infatti sia da un ottimo background scientifico, come dimostra l’esperienza del CINI, sia dalle alte competenze di grandi Gruppi come Leonardo, che porterà la sua esperienza con l’intervento di Germano Matteuzzi, Head of Cyber Security Competence Center, Divisione Cyber Security Leonardo; sia dalle realtà locali, forti sul loro territorio ma capaci di varcarne i confini, come  il caso studio della ‘fiorentina’ Nana Bianca, uno dei più importanti startup studio italiani: dall’esperienza di Dada, dal 2012 i fondatori aiutano le startup a trovare la strada giusta. In sala interverrà Per Nana Bianca Paolo Barberis.
Si rimane dunque in tema di eccellenze toscane e di stato dell’arte della regione con l’intervento di Angelo Marcotulli, del Servizio infrastrutture informative e Tecnologie della Regione Toscana.
La sfida però continua. Bisogna proseguire a investire in competenze e infrastrutture, come racconterà il focus di Var Group, leader nei servizi per l’innovazione ICT delle imprese italiane, con Mirko Gatto – Head Digital Security Division. Chiuderà il focus toscano sulla CyberSecurity l’esempio di un’altra startup toscana, Resiltech, raccontata al pubblico dal suo co-fondatore, Lorenzo Falai.
La partecipazione è libera e gratuita previa registrazione su:
  La Cybersecurity è una priorità. Mentre i reati in Italia diminuiscono (-2,4% nel 2019 rispetto al 2018, secondo i dati […]
Elena Luviè
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securitynewswire · 7 years
Visayas seen to be cyberready region SunStar Sun.Star
SNPX.com : http://dlvr.it/PRWlPS
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phgq · 5 years
PIA promotes gov’t programs in a forum in Vigan City
#PHinfo: PIA promotes gov’t programs in a forum in Vigan City
VIGAN CITY, Ilocos Sur, Dec. 5 (PIA) – The Philippine Information Agency (PIA)-Ilocos Sur Information Center conducted a barangay forum on November 27 at Brgy. Ayusan Norte in this city to bring government closer to the people by disseminating the programs and services of the state to the public.     Over 80 residents from the villages of Ayusan Norte and Pantay Fatima attended the forum which seeks to provide timely, accurate and relevant information to enlighten the citizenry and empower them to improve their quality of life.   Topics discussed during the forum include rabies prevention, 18-day campaign to end violence against women (VAW), Constitutional Reform (CoRe) of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), and PIA's CyberREADI campaign.   PIA-Ilocos Sur Information Officer Imelda Rivero presented basic information on how to prevent and control rabies as well as the things that we can do to help end VAW.   The 18-day campaign to end VAW, observed annually from November 25 to December 12, supports the Philippine government’s goal to protect human rights of women and its commitment to address all forms of gender-based violence against women and children.   In observance of the event, the Philippine Commission on Women enjoined PIA to help raise public awareness on the problem of violence, and the elimination of all forms of violence against women and children.   Meanwhile, Vigan City Local Government Operations Officer Andres Vendiola, Jr. shared DILG’s CoRe campaign by presenting the four major objectives or pillars of messaging.   These are Pagyamanin ang probinsya, paluwagin ang Metro Manila (Enriching the province, outspan Metro Manila); Gobyerno para sa tao, hindi para sa trapo (Government for the people, not for the traditional politician); Bukas na ekonomiya nang lahat ay may pag-asa (Hope for open economy for all); and Bagong konstitusyon para sa bagong henerasyon (New constitution for the new generation).  
CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM. Vigan City Local Government Operations Officer Andres Vendiola, Jr. shares the Department of the Interior and Local Government's Constitutional Reform (CoRe) campaign by presenting the four major objectives or pillars of messaging during the barangay forum organized by the Philippine Information Agency-Ilocos Sur Information Center on November 27 at Brgy. Ayusan Norte in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. (photo by April M. Montes-Bravo/PIA Ilocos Sur)
The regional offices of the DILG are tasked to implement the massive information and dissemination of the project with the assistance of the regional and provincial offices of PIA nationwide.   Recently, the DILG-Ilocos Sur provincial office spearheaded the conduct of the CoRe Youth Congress at the Vigan City Convention Center to encourage the involvement of the youth in understanding the general principles of federalism and enlighten them about their significant role in nation-building.   Further, PIA-Ilocos Sur Information Officer April Bravo treated the residents with a talk on cyber wellness promotion dubbed as “CyberREADI”.   CyberREADI advocates positive use of technology for the good of the community by aiding the people to practice safe and responsible use of mobile and internet technologies. (JCR/AMB/PIA Ilocos Sur)
* Philippine Information Agency. "PIA promotes gov’t programs in a forum in Vigan City." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1031218 (accessed December 06, 2019 at 10:24AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "PIA promotes gov’t programs in a forum in Vigan City." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1031218 (archived).
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phgq · 5 years
CavSU flexes convergence in Journalism
#PHinfo: CavSU flexes convergence in Journalism
PIA IV-A discusses the #CyberREADi campaign to students of the Cavite State University Main Campus during the journalism seminar themed "Internet Generation: Flexing Convergence in Journalism". (PIA4A)
INDANG, Cavite, Dec. 5 (PIA) – The Journalism Guild, the official academic organization of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism in Cavite State University (CavSU) Main Campus organized a seminar entitled Internet Generation: Flexing Convergence in Journalism this November 8, 2019.   The seminar aimed to showcase the usage of the internet in the conduct of journalistic endeavor. Internet Generation represents the producers and consumers of online or digitized content. The theme banks on “flexing” also means “showing off’ the rise of convergence journalism that goes beyond traditional photos and text, but rather includes videos, audio, and animation. The seminar emphasized that the skill of a journalist no longer focuses on writing and interviewing but also on video- and photo-editing.   CavSU Journalism students, particularly graduating batches, regularly hold yearly seminars on journalism and communication to provide students with additional knowledge and information from experienced media practitioners.   One of the topics discussed by various media practitioners included CyberREADI, a campaign advocated by the Philippine Information Agency as part of the ASEAN-Japan Media and Information Literacy (MIL) for the Youth Project.   In line with the CyberREADI campaign, Kier Gideon Paolo Gapayao, Information Officer II of Philippine Information Agency IV-A engaged the youth on proper online etiquette and safety and showed short videos focusing on Cyberbullying, Online gaming, Online dating, Online scam, Online privacy and Internet addiction.    The CyberREADI and MIL campaign spreads cyber wellness among the Filipino youth and pushes for four critical things online: developing healthy digital habits; preventing and building resilience against cyberbullying and other negativities in the online environment; inculcating the responsible and discerning use of online/social media, including the consumption and sharing of online content; and keeping safe online. (MBLito, PIA4A)
* Philippine Information Agency. "CavSU flexes convergence in Journalism." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1031108 (accessed December 05, 2019 at 10:38AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "CavSU flexes convergence in Journalism." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1031108 (archived).
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phgq · 5 years
PIA barangay forum rolls out in Batac City
#PHinfo: PIA barangay forum rolls out in Batac City
BATAC CITY, Ilocos Norte, Dec. 2 (PIA) – In its pursuit to bring government closer to the people, the Philippine Information Agency (PIA)-Ilocos Norte Information Center, in partnership with the City Government of Batac and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), conducted a PIA Barangay Forum in Barangay 4 Nalupta in this city on November 28.
With more than 50 participants from the barangay, the forum aims to disseminate information and services of the government down to the grassroots level.
The participants are composed of barangay officials headed by Punong Barangay Jose Quimoyog, Barangay Health Workers (BHW), Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS), Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) beneficiaries, Lupon ng mga Tagapamayapa, and some Nalupta residents.
Topics discussed during the forum are the core services of PIA, Constitutional Reform of DILG, CyberReadi campaign, responsible social media use during disasters, and 18-day campaign to end violence against women (VAW).
Representing Batac City Mayor Albert Chua, Councilor Bismark Quidang welcomed the participants and opened the program by presenting the significance of information.
“Information is really vital in the society, especially if it’s not fake news,” Quidang said.
PIA BARANGAY FORUM. Batac City Councilor Bismark Quidang welcomes more than 50 participants of the PIA Barangay Forum held at Brgy. Nalupta in Batac City on November 28. (photo by Roland Naoe/PIA Region 1)
Punong Bayan Quimoyog also delivered his welcome address to his constituents.
“We thank the PIA-Ilocos Norte for choosing Barangay Nalupta as their venue for the barangay forum in Batac City for this will surely help in the progress of our dear barangay,” Quimoyog stated.
PIA-Ilocos Norte Information Officer Ma. Joreina Therese Blanco discussed the core services of the Agency, highlighting its function to raise awareness on the government’s programs and services to empower the whole citizenry.
She also introduced the 18-day campaign to end violence against women (VAW) to engage the support of the residents in protecting the rights of women in the community.
City Local Government Operations Officer (CLGOO) Rodel Hilario shared DILG’s drive for the Constitutional Reform (CoRe) by presenting the program’s four pillars.
CoRe IN BARANGAY. Batac City Local Government Operations Officer Rodel Hilario discusses the Constitutional Reform (CoRe) during the PIA Barangay Forum held at Brgy. Nalupta in Batac City, Ilocos Norte on November 28. (photo by Ma. Joreina Therese A. Blanco/PIA Ilocos Norte)
Meanwhile, PIA-Ilocos Sur Information Center Manager April Montes-Bravo treated the residents with a talk on cyber wellness promotion dubbed as “CyberReadi” and responsible use of social media during disasters.
In her closing message, Barangay Kagawad Jayne Flojo shared the efforts and support of the village in protecting women’s rights in their community through the establishment of a functional women’s desk.
Flojo believes the lectures given by PIA will help the Nalupta residents in becoming responsible social media user and VAW supporter. (AMB/MJTAB/PIA Ilocos Norte)
* Philippine Information Agency. "PIA barangay forum rolls out in Batac City." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1030989 (accessed December 02, 2019 at 06:07PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "PIA barangay forum rolls out in Batac City." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1030989 (archived).
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phgq · 5 years
Asean info ministers tackle fake news in Bohol meet
#PHnews: Asean info ministers tackle fake news in Bohol meet
CEBU CITY -- Information ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian (Asean) have successfully tackled national initiatives in addressing the proliferation of fake news in the region.
During the 5th Meeting of the Asean Senior Officials Meeting Responsible for Information (SOMRI) – Working Group on Information, Media, and Training (WG-IMT) held in Panglao, Bohol from Nov. 19-22, information executives discussed regional cooperation and member states’ initiatives in addressing disinformation campaigns.
Undersecretary Lorraine Marie T. Badoy, head of the new media and external affairs of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), said in her remarks during the Asean awareness forum at Bellevue Pavilion in the resort island that discussions on fake news took center stage in the working group’s meeting.
“One of our biggest aims in the information sector is to create a cyber ecology that is more in keeping with who we are, our nobility and all these great traits about humans rather than the dark side of humanity because we cannot anymore stop it because the age of information is upon us,” Badoy said.
She warned about the ill effects of the internet in the lives of the Asean people when it is being used to propagate fake news.
“The internet is the new fire of humanity and we need to use it ably well and together with the age of information, the shadow side of it is. With us in the Asean, (in) the age of information, lives can be destroyed, governments can be toppled, and you have heard of suicide because of cyber-bullying. This is the kind of world that’s being created and those of us who are here, those of us who can push back should push back,” Badoy said.
As the senior official representing the Philippines to the meeting, she underscored the need “to create a world that is more in keeping with our values” and respectful, smart and safe to the netizens.
Apart from the Asean regional cooperation and member states’ national initiatives in addressing fake news, three more important subjects were successfully tackled during the meeting.
Rhea Kristine Cy, focal person for Asean of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), told the Philippine News Agency (PNA) on the sidelines of the awareness forum that the working group on information, media and training also discussed the progress of implementation of the Asean Strategic Plan for Information and Media 2016-2025 and the Asean Communication Master Plan 2 (2018-2025).
Cy said updates on promotion of media and information literacy in the region, including the ASEAN #cyberREADI campaign (Asean Core Values on Digital Literacy – Responsibility, Empathy, Authenticity, Discernment, and Integrity) were also tackled.
The information officials also agreed on salient points on cooperation in information and media with dialogue partner-countries including China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.
Meanwhile, Badoy also warned about the exploitation of Filipino children using the internet.
“The Philippines, our country, is the global epicenter for online sexual exploitation of children, which means that we are number one in the world. Our children are preferred sexual toys of these predators across halfway around the world,” she said. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Asean info ministers tackle fake news in Bohol meet." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1086887 (accessed November 24, 2019 at 09:05PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Asean info ministers tackle fake news in Bohol meet." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1086887 (archived).
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phgq · 5 years
WV campus journalists briefed on #cyberREADi campaign
#PHinfo: WV campus journalists briefed on #cyberREADi campaign
ILOILO CITY, Oct. 25 (PIA-6) -- Over 350 campus journalists from all over Western Visayas were introduced to the #cyberREADI campaign that aims to promote cyber wellness among the youth.
PIA-6 OIC Regional Head Jaime S. Cabag, Jr. said that the annual campus journalism seminar-workshop is one of the better avenues to promote cyber wellness and responsible use of the Internet and social media platforms.
The acronym “READi” stands for Responsibility, Empathy, Authenticity, Discernment, and Integrity and has been incorporated into the #cyberREADi campaign branding and video concepts.
During the two batches of training held recently in Iloilo City, Leonard Pineda I, PIA-6 regional training officer, discussed the importance of this initiative and presented the characteristics of a “cyberREADI youth".
Likewise, video materials which tackled cyberbullying and online privacy were shown to the participants.
Meanwhile, student writers also had the opportunity to compose articles regarding the #cyberREADi campaign.
In the story he wrote, Francis Mission, staff of the Prism publication of the University of Antique, said that cyber wellness is vital nowadays, with the proliferation of fake information online.
“Campus journalists should be responsible in sharing information online,” he said.
Kalanie Saldajeno, literary editor of the Central Echo publication of Central Philippine University, said there is immense utilization of social media platforms which allow users to distribute and produce media content.
“There is a need to raise awareness on the proper use of social media and the promotion of cyber wellness,” she said.
The #CyberREADi campaign, which is under the ASEAN and Japan Media and Information Literacy for the Youth project, is spearheaded by PIA and InfoComm Media Development Authority of Singapore and financed by the ASEAN-Japan Integrated Fund.
The PIA has also partnered with the University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication Foundation Inc. for the development of multimedia materials. (JBG/LTP/PIA-Iloilo)
* Philippine Information Agency. "WV campus journalists briefed on #cyberREADi campaign." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1029246 (accessed October 25, 2019 at 04:22PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "WV campus journalists briefed on #cyberREADi campaign." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1029246 (archived).
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phgq · 5 years
Regional Line Agencies engage OFs in regional consultation forum
#PHinfo: Regional Line Agencies engage OFs in regional consultation forum
CALAMBA CITY, Laguna, Oct. 14 (PIA) – In the aim to converge government initiatives to assist and respond to the needs of Overseas Filipinos (OFs), DSWD 4A provided a venue for Regional Line Agencies (RLAs) to engage with OFs in a consultation forum.   The Department Social Welfare and Development Region 4A (DSWD 4A) organized the Regional Consultation Forum with Overseas Filipinos and their Familiesthat gathered over 40 OFs and 30 Regional Inter-Agencies with DSWD Field Offices and Central Office within the Luzon Cluster at the Riverview Resort and Conference Center in Calamba City on September 26 to 27, 2019.   Part of the activity convened representatives from RLAs who shared about their programs and projects that the OFs may avail and imparted information that these OFs should know.   RLAs present in the event include the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), Bureau of Immigration (BOI), Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) Calabarzon.   OWWA 4A Overseas Workers Welfare Officer Maricynne Peneiro of explained their agency offers livelihood and other assistance to active or documented OFs, and shared about the National Reintegration Centers for OFWs (NRCO) which could provide aid to the undocumented ones.   “As Secretariat of Regional Committee on Migration of Development, we are monitoring reports of our provincial committees and one-stop migration resource center,” NEDA 4A OIC Supervising Economic Development Specialist Lovely Mores explained.   She said, part of their tasks as Secretariat of said committee is to monitor what assistance and services are being provided to the OFs.   Meanwhile, DILG 4A LGOO V Franz Allen C. Adel said DILG has an important role in monitoring the performance of LGUs in the delivery of services to its constituents including OFs, although this monitoring function have limitations considering the local autonomy vested with LGUs.   PIA 4A Information Officer Rachel Joy C. Gabrido shared about PIA’s advocacy that recently had a regional launch called the #CyberREADi campaign.   This campaign fosters media and information literacy and responsible use of the digital technology particularly social media. This is applicable to the situation of both the OFs and their families since they communicate most of the time through the internet.   Finally, Bureau of Immigrtion (BOI) Sr. Immigration Officer Dennis U. Opiña advised the OFs to practice compliance on legal processing of their documents to avoid dilemmas. (Joy Gabrido/PIA4A)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Regional Line Agencies engage OFs in regional consultation forum." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1028542 (accessed October 14, 2019 at 08:52AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Regional Line Agencies engage OFs in regional consultation forum." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1028542 (archived).
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phgq · 5 years
#CyberREADi rolls out in Region 9
#PHinfo: #CyberREADi rolls out in Region 9
PAGADIAN CITY, Zamboanga del Sur, Oct. 03 (PIA)- With the youth as the main focus of concern, the state’s information agency rolled out in Region 9 the #cyberREADi national campaign, the government’s response on the need for media and information literacy on cyber wellness.
Targeting the youths who are considered the largest and most active users of the internet and social media, the campaign was recently launched in Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur and Zamboanga Sibugay with high school and college students from various schools and the out of school youth. CyberREADi activities are also set for Zamboanga del Norte and Basilan soon.
The campaign highlighted the importance of cyber wellness, like how to protect oneself from cyber bullying, online dating, online privacy and sharing, online shopping, online gaming and online addiction. It seeks to raise the youths' level of awareness on how to properly use information acquired from and shared in social media sites.
The Philippine Information Agency (PIA) is leading the #cyberREADi campaign in partnership with the ASEAN and Japan Media and Information Literacy for the Youth Project.
“With this campaign, we hope to be able to contribute and impart to our digitally engaged youth on how to become more responsible producers and sharers of online content and information,” PIA9 Regional Director Noemi B. Edaga said.
Edaga said, the campaign approach is through #cyberREADi campaign branding and video concepts /multimedia materials distributed to schools and shown in huge gatherings of students and OSYs.
The acronym READi stands for Responsibility, Empathy, Authenticity, Discernment, and Integrity. (RVC/JPA/PIA9-Zamboanga del Sur)
* Philippine Information Agency. "#CyberREADi rolls out in Region 9." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1028105 (accessed October 03, 2019 at 06:32PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "#CyberREADi rolls out in Region 9." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1028105 (archived).
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