#cybertube Oc
upsett-spaghett · 8 years
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Ok here we go. Sorry I haven’t been able to get this done sooner, I’ve been studying my ass off for finals. But, after too long, here is my official bio for Nath. (Plus some extra sketchbook doodles, sorry for the messy writing)
Name: Nathan Dushlan
Nicknames: Nath, Nate
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Born in: Michigan, USA
Currently lives in: Ohio, USA(he goes to collage at Ohio State)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 173 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Light Brown
Family: Natalie(Mother-51), Evan(Brother-24), Matt(Brother-26)
Power: Can generate electricity from his body and use it in various ways(charge arrows, send power to machinery, this is mainly machinery based, with Nate being able to control the electrical current and therefore a machine, as well as generate sparks from his fingertips or other parts of his body. He could probably do natural electricity(lightning, etc) if he really tried but the effort would probably kill him so he doesn’t. Combined with Jason, they can create an electricity Bomb of sorts, similar to a bolt of lightning striking a tree.) He’s also not sure if he’s found a “glitch” or not, but after battle he’s discovered he can help teammates slowly recover PP by “charging” their weapons with his powers. It does take quite an amount of time and energy though.
 (Fun extra tidbit- when working with others w/ weather/storm powers he can sometimes throw them off a bit by accident. His body naturally conducts electricity and sometimes it can cause lightning to strike him or things near him. Luckily it doesn’t hurt him, he just describes it as a “slightly tinglily and jumpy feeling” and in larger doses “like I just drank 6 monsters in a row”)
Weapon: For ranged, he uses a Bow and arrow, which transfers over well from IRL. The arrows he shoots are automatically generated thanks to being in Cybertube, so he doesn’t carry a quiver. He can charge the arrows he shoots with his electricity power and shoot them while they are still being effected by it. Different types of arrows can be shot(but only two, including the normal ones)Though, he often prefers to just shoot normal arrows and charge them up. For melee/close ranged, he uses his body. Luckily, he knows how to throw a good punch thanks to Matt, and the “punch”(haha no pun intended) of it is amplified by his powers. He fights with his own style, using dodging and snarky remarks often to tire out the enemy/make them mad then take them out. He uses the small things to his advantage, and is very quick on his feet. He uses his wit in every fight, in order to give him a better chance to win/get out of the fight alive. Appearance: (See above. Civilian clothing will be drawn later.)
Accessories: - He wears gloves that cut off at the knuckle closest to the fingernail, and they’d normally go to just below his shoulder but he rolls them down for convince purposes. The gloves are padded on the inside, and act as arm guards, an essential thing for archers to have. - His goggles help him in multiple ways. From protecting his eyes, helping him see(both because he needs glasses and because they give him night vision), to locating targets and pinpointing their weak spots. Personality: Nathan is super competitive, though not always very forward about it. In a fight he can hold well on his own, but would usually prefer to have backup, mainly someone he can trust and knows will be able to take care of themselves. This is useful for the times when he sometimes bites off more than he can chew. In battle he’ll often snack talk to stall for time to come up with a strategy, and often uses the opponents rage against them. He can mask his emotions well, but doesn’t really like to unless it’s to help the team out or something like that(For example- acting confident when he’s scared enough to puke to give his other teammates confidence and hope, cracking a joke to lighten the mood even if he doesn’t wanna say anything, etc). He’s not the most open person out there, but generally if you ask something he’ll tell it if he knows the person well enough. He’s pretty good at coming up with solutions on the spot, but not as good at sticking to a set and timely plan. He values brains over brawn, and that’s how he’s gotten through life. He’s learned to never underestimate anybody and how to use humor as both a coping and defense mechanism. Backstory: Nath grew up with his parents, two older brothers, and his dog, Collie, in Northern Michigan, on a beach town connected to Lake Michigan. He would always roughhouse with his two older brothers, but being the youngest and smallest he was always the wimpiest of the three. So instead of using brute force and power, he was forced to make do with his natural speed and acquired wit to hold his own against them(sometimes he’d get his dog to help him- but that’s totally not cheating ok!!). His life got turned around when his Dad got diagnosed with stage IIB colon cancer in the summer of when Nathan turned 13. The next few months were filled with hospital visits and helping his Dad make paper boats and planes from his bedside table, until finally, his dad’s condition started to get better. He was released with medication and was able to do everything again, which his childish dad took advantage of as soon as he was able to. Everything was going fine until winter Of when Nate was 15, when his dad’s condition suddenly got bad. He was bedridden pretty quickly, and the cycle of hospital visits started once again. But this time, only a month later, his condition greatly dropped and he passed away within a week. After this, Nate had a really rough streak. He stopped caring about school, and got in fights so often that he’s almost daily come home hiding black eyes or a split lip. This lasted for about a year and a half, when Nathan stopped fighting so much and such after a close near death experience. He had the realization that this wasn’t what his dad would want for him after that. Instead, he now threw himself into his schoolwork and the sport he had been playing on and off since he was 11, archery. He brought up his grades and was able to graduate high school with good enough grades to make it into Ohio state. And this is where he is today. 
Extra: - His greatest fear is losing the ones he loves, especially due to some mistake on his part - Dog person - Loves storms, always has - He loves swimming, and knows how to handle jet-skis like another limb - He still has some of the paper airplanes and boats he and his dad made and wrote on from his dad’s first hospital stay - His dad’s death does not haunt him, and he’s come to terms with it. He’s moved past it, but still gets kinda sad and sentimental when talking about him - He’s p strong in his arms, due to archery - He’s more fast than strong
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sliding-into-space · 3 years
So more info dumping about my OC's, Slider's kids.
Astro is wearing Slider's old hoodie which does not help people telling him he looks exactly like his father. Poor Astro is a major introvert and could spend all day in the garage fixing things if his siblings left him alone for even five minutes. He is quiet but isn't afraid to mess someone up if they upset one of his siblings. Astro's middle name is Coopster named after coop. He is asexual and would love to one day take over the family business.
Lance could murder someone and be standing over the body with the murder weapon and all his siblings would go, GASP!!! WHAT?!? it's not LANCE!!! he's BABY! and they're right, he is. He runs the family's Cybertube page and uploads both their epic moves and epic fail videos much to his family's annoyance. He and Ivy share a room and they're both very messy so it usually looks like a whirlwind in there, much to Asher's annoyance. Although his first name is Lance, his siblings will call him Lace, Lancer, Dancer, Prancer- the list goes on.
Asher would skate up to a person, look them dead in the eyes with a smile, tell them their outfit is clashing, then try to skate away and trip, slamming into the ground, but then get up and pretend that never happened. They love stealing their sibling's clothes and mixing clothing. They have their own room which used to be a large closet that they transformed into a small bedroom. They're very neat and organized so that helps with the small space. They also usually always are wearing their favorite pair of hot pink rollarskates. This has led to them being both very skilled and very injured.
Ivy is the ring leader and comes up with plans that she ropes her siblings into, and is the major daredevil. She's always trying to one up Slider's old records but so far the only one she's getting close to is the concussions. Although outgoing and an extrovert, she is very shy in front of new people and clams up, she's most herself and relaxed when with her siblings.
They're a team and very close knit, they are very well known on Radopolis and Coop laughed the first time they got into trouble calling it karma on Slider. Coop also shuts down shortly after Lace is powered up because of the condition to his Hdrive. They have family movie nights on Fridays and take turns picking out the movies.
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irradiatedvulture · 8 years
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Jazz hands for Jaz
Main blog
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lowat-golden-tower · 8 years
A tall man walks through the forest of a computer world, he's looking for shelter from the ever growning storm clouds he cannot see. His black hood with glowing a mint stripe cover his head and blindfold. His head is pointed down to the ground.
“Ah, crap. All this glowing shit isn’t gonna electrocute me if it rains, is it? Damn... better find a spot to chill for the time being.” Ani squinted up at the thickening storm clouds and then scanned her surroundings for anything promising. There were some trees and rock piles but nothing that would provide adequate shelter from the rain.
However, she did spy something else, and her face lit up a bit. “Hey!!” Ani called out to the other player she could see shuffling a few yards away and immediately bounded towards them with the spring in her step the game had allotted her. She lifted up one of her hands in a wave. “Hey! Over here! Yo!!”
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purrtlepuff · 8 years
Hey neko, can you draw your cybertube sequel oc? Because he's freaking adorable
Perhaps. :)  I have a ton of other art stuff I want to do as well.
Plus I’m busy procrastinating and scrolling through Tumblr right now >w>
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itscalledsarcasm · 8 years
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For the Valentine's Day Cybertube event, I drew Jay, @nyetrussia's OC. Sorry I'm late .-.
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lissann-rp · 8 years
Cybertube Sequel Profile
And, every team needs a hot lesbian/bisexual fuckgirl to be complete. Fast And Furious proves it. So, here she is. My @cybertube-sequel OC. Name: Elisabeth Ann Holmes Nickname: Liss Age: 21 Eye color: silver Hair: Wavy, short, dark brown, dark blue at the ends   Height: 5'9" Weight: 68 kg Accessories: Wears black small obsidian earrings. Has a tattoo below her collarbone, in the shape of a rose. Weapon/Special Power: Possesion, telekinesis. Knows how to fight with throwing knives. Personality: She's quiet, but when she does talk, it's mostly sarcasm and irony. Only few people know who she really is, since she only reveals her true self to those she really trusts. Her past is pretty decent, although she was bullied a lot as a child. Nobody knows where she comes from, and her accent pretty much betrays her, as she wants to seem american. She loves video games, and that's what dragged her into this.
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upsett-spaghett · 8 years
LETS GO OHIO BUDDIES HIGH FIVE BRO(Well, technically from Michigan but he lives in Ohio now so it totally counts right?)
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upsett-spaghett · 8 years
Kinda wanna draw Nate(Cybertube Oc) rn but I've got lots of homework to do... screw it
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upsett-spaghett · 8 years
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Finally, Nathan, my Oc for the Cybertale Sequel Au! :3c @pinkiainfinity57477 @neko-puff @cybertube-sequel – Name: Nathan Dushlan Nicknames: Nath, Nate Gender: Male Age: 20 Born in: Michigan, USA Currently lives in: Ohio, USA(he goes to collage at Ohio State) Height: 5'8" Weight: 173 lbs Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Light Brown
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purrtlepuff · 7 years
To the anon wanting to design an oc for the cybertube au. If you would like to you can dm me and we can talk about our OC's. I wouldn't be able to let you into the sequel as that's something we would all probably have to discuss(idk tbh it's a mess). The thing for it died off a bit anyways. Sooo yeah, dm if you would like and we can talk and stuff I guess.
Signal boost to the cybertube design anon
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purrtlepuff · 7 years
Hey Cat, are you still accepting fan designs for CyberTube or has that like... faded off...?
If you want to create a design, go for it! I know the sequel featuring OCs is currently closed, but if you want to design yourself or another youtuber in the au, go for it :)
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lowat-golden-tower · 8 years
Hi there :> I wanted to ask if you're intrested in the CyberTube roleplay? Or do you have an sideblog for that?
Oh hello! Yes, I’ll do CybterTube sequel roleplay with my OC, Ani. :o No, I don’t have a sideblog or anything, I just tend to roleplay her through here since I don’t do much of it.
Feel free to shoot me a starter via ask! Oh, and put your blog name as well, if you do it on anon. So I can tag you in my answer and we can get a thread going! :D
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purrtlepuff · 8 years
Can we still give a youtuber a Cybertube design even if it's not an oc? There's someone that I watch a lot and I really wanna make them a Cybertube design
Of course! :D
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lowat-golden-tower · 8 years
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So I noticed @neko-puff posting links to a doll maker for @cybertube-sequel OC makers to possibly use and decided to give it a try! I think they came out pretty well, though the maker does pose a few limitations. (Primarily, there’s no gender swapping option, but Cody looks passable enough here with the suit and all.)
If you don’t mind fiddling with some of the colors and accessories, you can get some pretty neat results! I highly suggest giving it a go just to experiment with OC designs, especially if you’re still trying to figure yours out. :o
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purrtlepuff · 8 years
Are we allowed to make ocs for cybertube??? (also this has quickly become my favorite blog ^-^)
Oh my, thank you!
You can! In fact, @pinkiainfinity57477 is making a storyline just for Cybertube OCs, if you’re interested :D
Plus, OCs may show up in official works in the AU if I feel zealous enough :)
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