blackwatch-cowboy · 3 years
@cybushin​ started following you
“Genji? That you, Sparrow?”
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“Well well well. Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes, ninja. It’s been too long since I’ve seen you stalkin’ ‘bout.” McCree grinned and lightly clapped his old comrade on the shoulder with a soft chuckle. 
“Missed you, partner.”
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burnlaws · 3 years
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08 . a kiss on an injury or bruise - for Blackwatch Ashe - @cybushin
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Unchecked bloodlust, they were allowed to do anything here. As long as it wasn’t against each other. They were bullets in a gun pointed forward and expected to clear the house. Take no prisoners. Reyes wouldn’t send Ashe and Genji in if he wanted survivors. They never planned on taking any prisoners. Moved together like water. Disabled, shoot, dead. Quick strikes with swords crippled and killed and Ashe made sure each one in the back line went down, then double tapped enemies as she followed in Genji’s wake. But even people got the drop on them. Fist connected with her face because she was the fragile backline. Not known for being physically strong and nearly tipped over from being attacked. She stumbled, putting the viper up to take another swing but it never came. She lowered the gun and frowned at the man piled on the floor in two halves and Genji standing next to her. She winced as he brushed blood from her cheek, plated face coming to rest cold metal against it and the soft sound of lips smacking together in a mock kiss, barely audible behind the metal. She huffed, a little soft for such a gesture, and nudged him forward.
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nochtsisin · 4 years
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its amazing how much rage can fill up in such a tiny body. calm yourself before you hurt yourself.
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quick-drawn-a · 4 years
Welcome to the correct side
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     don’t get too excited, Light-Bright.                only joinin’ your side outta spite...
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huckleberrytm-a2 · 4 years
💥 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 // @cybushin​
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                    𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐓   is just as pretty as he remembers. it pervades the cloth of terrible parting memories stretched over his consciousness, seeping into its own little corner. the entire ordeal is so BITTERSWEET; on one hand the familiarity of the watchpoint is comforting. it had been his home once, after all. but on the other hand exists his final experiences here ― all the changes made on a whim, as if the organization as a WHOLE had forgotten their calling  ( did they ever know at all ?? )  while his teammates, his family, FESTERED in the corruption. he has spent the last several years burying those memories in blood ... and yet, here he is.
          he’s seen a handful of his old comrades already, winston of course having greeted him at his arrival. jesse is a little LATE to the party, but that isn’t a new development and no one seems to be surprised. he’s met a few of the new recruits as well, many of them kids ― he aches for them, and wishes them the best. the jingle of his spurs turn just about every head in compound as he passes by; but the faces he misses the most are yet to be found, nor will they EVER be. his smile is forced, a taught pull of his lips around the cigar hanging from between his teeth. no one here ever KNEW him well enough to know better.
          he walks the length of the watchpoint for the first time in years. looking for something, hazel hues scanning every inch of this homely prison for something, ANYTHING, that will make it all worth it. with slow, sauntering steps, he doesn’t find it until he reaches the training grounds ― a flash of silver and green against all this orange and white stops him in his tracks, and he stares while his heart leaps into his throat. he’d recognize him anywhere, by the ribbon attached to his helmet lazily flowing in the breeze or the sound of his autonomously HUMAN voice, even by the glow of the mask he hides behind. chatting with another omnic fellow clad in aught but a loincloth ― jesse could care less. his mouth moves faster than his brain.
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❝ GENJI !!  ya missed the welcome committee, pal !! ❞
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demergeres · 4 years
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@cybushin​: “ i thought you said ‘us’. ” // half-life alyx starters .  
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      he hates this, he hates the fine line that they walk. precarious, they’re suddenly thousands of feet in the air on a tightrope made of spun glass. the slightest misstep will send one — or both — careening into the bottomless abyss below. gone , lost to the undertow , dark tendrils that pull and pull and pull  — until something gives , something breaks. the proverbial glass ceiling shatters , scatters itself like nightmare confetti into their skin. shredding because it can , unapologetic in the fall out. 
genji talks , and it sounds like hope , not that self-righteous kind that’s peddled as the better tomorrow propoganda on the holoscreens these days. too bright , the wrong shade of sunlight , all gossamer and not enough grit. pretty , palatable the way hallmark does valentines & christmas. it makes him want to gag. 
     it’s gentle , painfully so. not that anyone on the outside looking in would know , this is just another conversation between brothers. awkward maybe , if the viewer has an inclination to their unfortunate past. regardless , there’s no knowledge of nuance , of the subtletys each of them possess. vulnerability is unacceptable , a vulgar deviation from the projected path. in another life , it’d have been swiftly executed; ❛ again but better !  dragons have no weaknesses !  ❜ it’s gentle the way spring is persistent , all sudden verdant flourish , relieving winter of it’s icy grip upon the world.
so the winter yields to spring , so the elder relents to the younger.
      hanzo grits his teeth , a bad habit , a tell that wouldn’t do at a poker game. they’re stood on neutral ground , because hanzo cannot abide lapses of silence with his brother anymore. their shattered equilibrium is the sorest wound he has to bear { and then some , they link together upon his skin like permanent chains , marks of shame , permanent punishment diligently worked to the bone } & there’s nothing he can do to abate the feeling.
he trains to music with a beat , rattles ribcages & sets the heart pounding. you’d find it in clubs across tokyo’s districts , it offsets the potential intensity of the coversation, masking it with a false sense of casualness.
one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight — ❛ good hanzo , now again ! ❜ — repeat. repeat. repeat. until there’s blood on your teeth and your fingers rattle like a dead man’s knuckle bones. Gibraltar’s training simulations are paltry , but they do in a pinch. taking the edge off , little by little , scratching the itch that’s only ever satisfied truly by claws.
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      he pivots , brings genji into the forefront of his vision. puts him front and center , under the terrible blue lights of hanzo’s charged focus. around him the bots deactivate , cultivate the image of medusa’s stone garden , hanzo’s modern , minimalistic & humble imitation. he’ll never get used to it , he thinks with a sense of rising nausea , how different it all is now. genji is not genji , because of him & because of everyone else. clashing obscenely with the last images hanzo had held onto in the long years. dead sparrows in the fields , dead sparrows on the wind , dead sparrows weeping green.
but he is genji. he’s all those sparrows in green , he’s the stubborn persistence of spring , first monsoons and gale winds rolling off of the sea. it forces the great , delapadated carcass of all his instincts to take it’s first shuddering breath in an age , it’s exposed ribcage heaving with exertion. wanting to live again , after all this time.   
❝ so I did. ❞ finding it in himself to swallow whatever it is he can feel his insides twisting in. forces himself to relax , sets his hands over the top of his bo staff and feigns a semblance of togetherness when he’s anything but. ❝ isn’t that what you wanted ? ❞ isn’t that why i’m here , in this god awful place ?  becaise I’m your brother , and you wanted us here.
      ❝ have I said something wrong,  おとうと ? ❞ have I misjudged. 
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shikaal · 4 years
wait here .
even with her mask pulled up the biting wind still dug into her features , sharpening its claws against her bones . it was all well and good to be told to stand and wait until genji had secured the area , but what if she froze to death in the meantime  ?  she’d waited long enough letting her extremities go blue with cold , whatever lay inside had to be less painful than the harsh weather out here . from her boot she removed one of many concealed knives upon her person , scratching a simple message into the stonework to let her partner know that she’d moved from the agreed location :
         cold outside  :(  got bored of freezing
the inside hardly felt any better . with high ceilings and spacious halls , the air that swept across her cheeks was only a slight improvement from that outside . better keep moving . though unwise considering the uncertainty surrounding the area , akali decided to take her chances against whatever guards might still be roaming around . she kept to the shadows as she crept through the long , lonely hallways of the ancient site , eyeing the footprints in the dust beneath to determine whether or not genji had passed through this way . only a single pair repeated a dozen or so times upon the same track  --  a guard doing the rounds , undisturbed at any point as far as she could see . 
light work was made of searching the preliminary hallways , finding nothing but those same tracks working their way around the compound . onwards and upwards , she supposed . curiosity got the better of her when she heard what sounded like screams up ahead , stark in contrast to the silence that had befriended her on the ground floor . as she drew closer the screams only grew louder , though the voice began to twist into something less and less human as she approached .
in what appeared to be some kind of grand hall she could see a rather large mecha contraption , at the center of which a young woman seemed to be merging with the machinery around her . the cries of pain were undeniable by now , echoing around the room with growing frequency as sparks flew from the woman’s being . akali didn’t care for the context of the ordeal  --  she’d seen enough . 
smoke shrouded her entrance , knives flying through the mist to pierce the throats of those overseeing the experiment . hardly a sound was made as she cleared the area , ensuring that she wouldn’t be taken by surprise as she approached the horrific apparatus . eyes scanned the various screens and buttons , trying to search for something akin to an off switch in order to stop the poor subject’s suffering . 
that was a point  --  what happened to the screaming  ?
turning slowly , akali gasped as she noticed the new , terrifying presence looming over her . she’d been too late to save the young woman . before her stood an amalgam of human and machine parts , electricity running through what once had been veins with a deadly blue flicker . somehow , she didn’t think the cold was her greatest problem any more . 
@cybushin  .  plotted starter
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gentle clouds drifted across the midafternoon autumn sky; air crisp and cold, a contrast to the heated moment a mere minute before.
a light shot of spark and wires as zenyatta picked up his student; although danger was circumvented the damage had already been done.
so with a cyborg in his arms, as well as the leg that was no longer connected to him, it was time to take him to the closest mechanic around. 
「 ༀ - deep breaths, genji. 」
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criesformercy · 4 years
things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear
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things said; accepting @cybushin
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He scares me, Jack.
                     I help him and then what? He becomes a monster.
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savedgames · 4 years
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【 𝚀𝚄𝙴𝚂𝚃 𝙻𝙾𝙶: 𝚃𝚆𝙾 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳 𝚂𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴𝚂 】 :// @cybushin​ sent: "You alright?"
          ❝ I’ll be all right, Genji, ❞ she’s quick to brush off the concern with a wave of her hand, even if she doesn’t quite make eye contact as she says it. A moment passes, and then her hand shifts to gently pat his shoulder. ❝ I do, however, appreciate the concern. However minimal it may actually be. ❞
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blackwatch-cowboy · 3 years
@cybushin "You hold more resentment for my brother then I do at this point it seems"
     “Well here? It’s a cardinal sin to go against kin. The worse thing a man can do in the eyes of a former Deadlock member.” Jesse lit his cigar with an rumbled growl. “Bastard deserves a few rounds with Peacekeeper...”
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burnlaws · 4 years
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@cybushin​ asked;  “Hey!! What was that for?!”
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“You’re in my shot, kid.”
She wasn’t so gentle, shoving Genji out of her line of fire. “Shouldn’t you be in the middle of that and leave the snipin’ to us professionals.” she smirked at him, looking down the iron sights with a click of her tongue as she pulled the trigger and put another null sector bot down.                                   “Are we gettin him out or not?”
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nochtsisin · 4 years
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@cybushin​  open prompt.  /   ❝ i did not ask for this. ❞
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truly  ,  the  confession  itself  doesn’t  surprise  her  .  what  does  is  the  fact  that  he  shares  it  with  her  ,  of  all  people  .  even  though  their  conversations  in  the  kitchen  ,  one’s  that  last  until  the  early  birds  begin  to  rise  ,  are  a  regular  occurrence  ,  the  discussions  have  thus  far  been  rather  light  in  nature  ———  how  missions  went  ,  something  gabe  said  ,  something  mccree  did  .  he  may  have  mentioned  how  his  arm  felt  ,  how  the  tech  that  kept  him  alive  was  running  .  but  this  ?  this  admission  is  new  ,  the  territory  more  than  delicate  ,  and  with  her  unfounded  SECOND-HAND  GUILT  she  doesn’t  want  to  ruin  it  .
so  she  doesn’t  apply  pressure  ,  doesn’t  even  turn  to  face  him  ;  rather  ,  stays  focused  on  the  eggs  in  the  pan  before  her  ,  the  gentle  movement  of  the  spatula  in  hand  .  the  sizzling  of  food  is  all  that  fills  the  kitchen  for  a  few  moments  ,  the  rest  of  the  room  stilling  as  she  waits  to  see  if  he  will  elucidate  .  it’s  a  tactic  often  employed  by  the  geneticist  ———  many  are  uncomfortable  with  the  quiet  and  end  up  filling  it  by  giving  even  more  information  without  her  lifting  a  finger  .  it  works  well  ,  for  the  most  part  ,  though  she  has  no  faith  it  will  with  him  ;  she  suspects  he’s  feels  at  home  in  the  silence  .  granted  ,  she  already  knows  plenty  having  read  the  reports  on  all  her  coworkers  when  she  began  her  work  under  blackwatch  .  but  even  then  ,  those  reports  don’t  tell  the  full  story  ,  now  do  they  ?
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‘  i  know  ,  chicken  ,  ‘  her  voice  is  unusually  soft  ,  something  she  may  have  cursed  herself  for  if  around  anyone  else  .  a  sigh  as  she  goes  about  plating  their  breakfast  and  only  as  she  sits  down  with  him  does  her  gaze  find  his  .  ‘  but  i  am  glad  you  are  here  .  not  only  as  a  teammate  ,  but  additionally  . . .  i  find  your  company  agreeable  .  quite  frankly  ,  you’ve  astounded  me  with  how  far  you’ve  come  .  ‘
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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( 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄 ) ; one muse helps the other into a bath/shower after a traumatic event. or they bathe together. - @cybushin
      A voice of desperation calls out as her typing is interrupted by her sliding down the counter. Something wasn’t right. Her temperature was rising, and from the look of her vitals, the nanites were cranked up to ten. She was having problems keeping them stabilized, they were still so new to her body. She felt her legs give out and the lab echoed with a clatter. She dragged the entire table down with her as she nearly collapsed. Sweat sticking angelic blonde locks to her forehead. She whispered his name again, along with a slur of high german that didn’t get translated to the non-native speaker. She was breathing heavily. Finding him the moment he came to her. 
          “Ice--- I need to-- the nanites are too hot--”
Words came out as pants as the blood beneath her skin started heating. “Please-” she begged softly, feeling heavy, droopy. “Not like this...” she whispered. She was so easy to pick up, the armor was heavy, but the girl beneath was not. Easily taken to a room where they had done a lot of hydro therapy and turned the tub on, cold. He disappeared from her, and she started running the numbers, getting help maybe...? She reached critical in sixty seconds, she’d cook from the inside out, the nanites would canibalize her body for energy and then they’d die. She was barely conscious by the time he got back as she heard things clattering and splashing into the tub. Smart, ice. The pluge was only slightly bearable because someone had their arms wrapped up behind her to keep her head above the water. Laying against something even as her teeth began to chatter and her temperature dropped. She tilted her head back, looking at him with confusion, worry, concern. But if anyone could take the cold, it was him.
                   “Thank you...”
She whispered through chattering teeth.
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cybushin · 3 years
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*//(  I forgot I drew this a while ago and it pretty perfectly captures what Genji looks like atm with his greying temples and bit more tired look. 
My handsome nonbinary bastard look at them... )
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flashofyellowlights · 3 years
Tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Favourite colour: I live for greens. Especially when paired with pink!
Currently reading: Just finished Contagion and will be starting House of Leaves once it comes in the mail!!
Last song: The Search by NF
Last movie: Jurassic Park!
Last series watched: Invincible.
Currently craving: Spaghetti. 
Coffee or tea: Neither.
Currently working on: Homework!
Tagged by: @sixlaws
Tagging: @weroyals @dangercade @eitic @cybushin @inoccupes
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