Preceding Reputations | cyclonesliam
Peter gave a content sigh as he did one final walkthrough of the bar. Everything was set, after three weeks of near twenty-four hour work, the bar to be known as Halefire was opening its doors. He walked up to the front doors, boots tapping in the few wide steps to unlock the door. He made sure the doubles doors both opened before returning to the main bar, setting up. Four hours later, Peter was listening to a solid hum of talking, glasses clinking, music and pool balls knocking around on velvet. As expected, the bar was a hit, crowded but not overly busy, and Peter was super proud of this accomplishment. He hoped Colin or Chris came by; or perhaps he'd finally meet the one Colin was so taken with. Either way, he would be glad to see a familiar face to celebrate with.
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startbyleaving-blog · 9 years
Run Away [Into My Arms]
Colin was enjoying his day off. He did a lot of work for the gang, though thankfully it was nothing that stretched his moral line. He wasn’t the most moral man and so it was hard to do, but he had worked for people who wanted to fuck him up. Make him do things he didn’t want and piss him off. He had run a few times, started fresh. But not these guys. 
The blonde man sat at the table, feet propped up as he smoked outside some shitty little cafe he didn’t care about. He was bored, in need of something new, something interesting. He stirred a cup of coffee with nothing but his powers, still growing his control over them. He enjoyed the learning attempts and the ability to stretch his talent. 
He sighed, sipping at his coffee, making a disgusted noise. It tasted like sludge and he didn’t want to keep drinking it, but for some reason he just kept on. Groaning he slammed the cup down, surprised it didn’t crack. 
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