#cyjm ep 1
coffeeandritalin · 1 year
What goes on in my head while I watch dramas. Does anyone else experience all this while watching tv? (Super long post warning)
Questions and intrusive thoughts I have as I watch the first episode of Till the End of the Moon (Cang Yue Jin Ming).
Wait, is he just now showing up to the slaughtering or has he been supervising this whole time?
Ok, but for real. Why do the demons get all the cool stuff? Look at those steeds. Look at that enormous... carriage? platform? dias? party float?
Oh... he's leaving. So, he was supervising the slaughter and now he's moving on to the next slaughter location? Or were they just slaughtering the people that were around their home? Or did he drop by just so that his soldiers could send him off? Also, aren't the people sending him off his soldiers too? Why aren't they participating in the next slaughter?
My dude, why are you so pretty?
My lord, we've arrived. - Where were y'all before?
Intrusive thought: peacock.
*Directing his attention to the only thing that is lit up with an enormous force field shield thing for miles around* My lord, the Xiaoyao Sect is right over there. - Did this man not know where he was going when he set out? Does he really need her to point out the glowing target in the landscape of dreary clouds? If so, I am concerned for him.
Is his left-hand man ever going speak??
Getting information straight for myself: ok. So Gods are separate from immortals. One of the differences is that immortals still have mortal bodies?
The Xiaoyao sect's light went out, indicating they've been invaded. So were all of these sects like all hooked up to some sort of energy grid where if their shield goes down, the light goes out?
We found the Mirror of the Past. *Teleports for seemingly no reason beyond wanting to be taller and wanting to show off* Really, my dude?
Why is one dude Immortal Zhaoyou and one dude is Sect Leader Qu? Like Immortal Zhaoyou is framed as being the leader of the Xiaoyao sect, so why isn't he sect leader? Or has Sect Leader Qu not achieved immortal status?
Wait. What. Where did he teleport them to? Why was it necessary to teleport them to a different location? He chained up Immortal Zhaoyou upon teleportation. Why didn't he just chain up the rest of them?
Intrusive thought: Sect Leader Qu looks mixed with that hair and makeup. I wonder if he's mixed *too lazy to look up*.
Why is it necessary to fake bravado and then telepathically tell the other person to save their own hide? Like... your fake bravado words don't indicate Sect Leader Qu has a chance of winning, so why not just... i dont... i don't get it... Is now really the time to show off your telepathy skills?
And we're no longer using telepathy. I just...
Oh. I think left-hand man just talked. Yay for him!
Okay, but it took like significant time and effort for Sect Leader Qu to remove the shackle on Immortal Zhaoyou's right hand. How did the left one just magically come off? Are they synced so that when one comes off, the other one automatically opens too? Because that seems like a design flaw...
Wtf... if Immortal Zhaoyou is this strong how... was having his entire sect get annihilated in front of him not enough to activate super saiyan mode? But apparently protecting his bro is enough to activate super saiyan mode... got it... Also, like... Sect Leader Qu... should you... should you not maybe combine attacks with your friend to take out the enemy? Gonna assume he exhausted his energy breaking the chains.
Hmm... why is his right-hand woman discouraging him from using the Bone Refining Seal? Is this going to become a plot point later?
Ok but what's the history between these two? Why is Sect Leader Qu straight up willing to stand in the line of fire for Immortal Zhaoyou? Or is Immortal Zhaoyou someone special in the Immortal Sect world?
Oop. Time for the lovers to meet.
Oh no! They got the mirror thing! Ok but why was it on left-hand man and not on demon god? Especially since demon god is the one who's standing far, far away. That was just bad decision making on their part.
Also, Immortal Zhaoyou is a pickpocket, and I find that hilarious.
Whop. Translation error on Viki. That should be niece, not daughter. Also... so that means these two dudes are brothers, but they're from different sects? Did they just each start a sect? Or was Immortal Zhaoyou actually from Hengyang sect and was just helping to protect Xiaoyao sect? (*Trying to look up some info without spoiling myself*) Ok... that didn't help much.
Where did she suddenly find a divine weapon? Why didn't Sect Leader Qu bring this with him knowing he was going to meet the demon god?
It's you. - what? who? how?
Like they really went their separate ways like it wasn't obvious that Tantai Jin would go after the one person who holds the one item he wants. Like... dad... uncle... y'all kind of fail... a lot.
Oh the cut on his face is already healed. Demon god magic.
Of course. She has some unknown power from within that protects her on the brink of death.
Wait. Her surname is Li. Sect Leader Qu's surname is Qu. So logically, Sect Leader Qu is not her dad. But Immortal Zhaoyou is for sure her uncle. So if Immortal Zhaoyou is from Xiaoyao Sect (and she has no blood relation with Sect Leader Qu), then Li Susu is from Xiaoyao sect. Since she was somewhere else, I assumed she was at Hengyang sect and therefore a Hengyang sect disciple. Maybe Immortal Zhaoyou just dropped her off there like daycare to keep her protected? Also, then what is the relationship between Immortal Zhaoyou and Sect Leader Qu?
Ok so the Mirror of the Past exists so that the Chosen One can go back and basically influence Tantai Jin toward light instead of darkness. But the concept of this story is that she influences him through their love for each other. So if Tantai Jin's story gets altered so that he becomes good, is there then a vacuum that gets created and filled by a different demon god candidate? If so, then does that person get a different Chosen One - like who the Chosen One is depends on who the Demon God is? (Because earlier they mentioned that all the gods died in order to kill the first Demon God and Tantai Jin came in and become the new Demon God, so one can assume that the Demon God position is one that will continue to be filled be other people.) OR! Is the Mirror of the Past thing something specific to Tantai Jin's edition of the Demon God? And other Demon Gods would require other methods to take down?
"But as the demon fetus, he was already accumulating strength of the demon god's revival." - So was he, in a way, destined to be bullied so that he can consume the resentment necessary to become the Demon God? That's sad. (Also, that kind of makes me think of Izark from From Far Away.)
Okay, but for real, disembodied voice. Who are you? Are you relevant to the ongoing plot? Are we going to find out who you are later?
"But if he fails to become a demon back then, today's destruction wouldn't happen." - So if we prevent Tantai Jin from becoming the Demon God, are there just no more demon gods from there on out? Are the demons unable to make another demon fetus? (Like, this aspect of the storyline very much gives me Antichrist vibes. Is there only one Antichrist? Like if you get rid of them, they're gone once and for all? No possibility of them being rebirthed again? (Note: I do not know much about the Antichrist beyond the Good Omens tv show.)) In which case, does this imply that the previous Demon God who was defeated by the gods created this demon fetus in preparation for his downfall/as he was dying?
Oh! Shixiong! Is there going to be a love vector here between these three? oh... he got stabbed... maybe not? oh but if she goes back in time, he would still be alive too. ... so yeah, is there going to be a love vector here between these three?
You... you... you jumped off... a... floating rock. To kill him. ... *pinches nose bridge*. One of you is an immortal. One of you is a demon god. Both of you are capable of floating and moving in air. I... just... Like does Gongye shixiong have a skill that allows him to just deadweight like Kirby does in Super Mario Bros? Otherwise, like... how is this going to work? HE CAN FLOAT/FLY!
Wait, Sect Leader Qu seemed very concerned for Li Susu and went to catch her. Why do they have different surnames? Do children take their mothers' surnames in this universe? Or how do names work in this universe?
I'm assuming Jiwu is Gongye shixiong.
Father confirmed. Questions about the surnames stand.
Did... did she just jedi mind-trick her father with her huadian? Or wtf just happened there?
Why... why do the "good guys" always attack the overpowered "bad guy" one by one?
"Today, each person of Hengyang Sect will defend Mingwu Hall to our deaths. The barrier won't be broken until the very last of us dies." *sets up extremely cool and impressive-looking barrier**barrier immediately gets broken* - ok... this is supposed to be a very serious and intense moment, but I laughed.
Look... I know we need to show all these deaths to make things sad and give her a strong reason for hating Tantai Jin, but... girl. get going!
Also, why did Immortal Zhaoyou suddenly keel over? Like if Tantai Jin was able to to target people inside the hall that he can't see, why didn't he also target Li Susu? Did he keel over from over-exhaustion from doing this time-traveling seal? Oh. He didn't target her because she has his mirror... probably.
Ok, so this seal apparently can still work and activate even though the person who cast it is dead.
Tantai Jin is repeatedly and hilariously passive when it comes to just observing what's going on around Li Susu instead of just taking her out. Like, he just watches as the Mirror activates from Li Susu's blood earlier. Now he just watches as this (as far as to him) mysterious seal surrounding her activates. Like... my man...
I can't believe they used this song X-D
It's not Tantai Jin is it?
Nope. It was not Tantai Jin. But why is Gongye Jiwu here now? oh... before he became an immortal... oooh so this would mean Gongye Jiwu knew Tantai Jin before Tantai Jin became the demon god.... interesting. Oooor maybe not. Man this show got me spinning in circles.
Wait... if she's already married, why is she still living with her parents?? Is she just visiting? Oh... question change. Why is he living with them?
Good thing there are these evil bones that prevent her from killing him immediately and instead give her time to get to know him and fall in love with him.
Why is everyone in love with the elder sister? Seems sus.
Oh. Tantai Jin backstory time. That's why he's living with them. But still... shouldn't her parents have gifted her a manor then? I guess maybe in case they're worried he'll attack her, or maybe she requested to stay home so she can keep an eye on her sister and her crush. Also strange that the younger one married before the older one... Also if the sixth prince likes the elder sister, what's stopping them from getting married unless the elder sister isn't interested in the sixth prince?
Guess we'll find out... iiiiiiin episode two!
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shijiujun · 1 year
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“When parents usually name their children, it conveys their blessing for the child, but with you... your name was a curse.”
⤠ TILL THE END OF THE MOON | 长月烬明 (2023) ⤟
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loomiblade · 1 year
related to last post (susu appreciation) i want to appreciate the writing for female characters in cyjm in general and I want to extend it to pianran and even bingchang
pianran got a much more elevated role from the novel and it's honestly the best decision the showrunners made because she is an absolute joy, the best gal, so fun to be around and her relationship with qingyu is incredibly well-developed, honestly I think she's my favorite after ttj himself she rules hard and 27 absolutely demolished me
and I absolutely understand the general vitriol toward bingchang but I do want to say that her writing is interesting--I had pity for her situation as a character who's in less-than-ideal situations between the dependency of women to men in ancient china (and fantasy not!china for that matter), being a concubine instead of wife's daughter and the clearly unfavored child. I am sympathetic toward her desire to survive and what truly pushed her into villainy for me was 1) actively betraying xiao lin, the one person who genuinely liked her for her and 2) everything she did after that and I think she isn't right think the world owes her for the slights she grew up with but it's a reasonable (writing/narrative-wise, not justification-wise) villain motivation
plus shoutout to her actress and makeup artists---im recently watching cyjm from the beginning bc i want my bf to watch it too i'm so used to bingchang having that smug punchable look on her now in the ep20s that looking back at her in the early eps in the simpler times, her actress also carried her in a more likeable way and her makeup reflected that and i appreciate that
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shijiujun · 1 year
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Murderous, flamey and evil Tantai Jin!!!! | EP. 1
➣ TILL THE END OF THE MOON 长月烬明 (2023)
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