#cyjm ep 3
coffeeandritalin · 1 year
Reactions and questions as I watch episode 3 of Cang Yue Jin Ming/Till the End of the Moon. (Possibility of spoilers ahead)
What... how is a frog alive and hopping around in the dead of winter? Actually, now that we mention it... how are all these birds alive in winter? Like I'll give that one crow a pass because it's a magical telepathic crow, but the frog??
He's basically an evil Disney princess
Can you even feel someone's temperature through their bangs?
X-D she absolutely should never ever work for a spy agency
Are they not cold!? I mean IRL, they're probably not... but look how heavily it's "snowing"!
I'm glad she's coming around to the "maybe treating people like absolute sh** will make them build resentment and cause them to lash out" idea...
I mean... sir, you do act very strangely... sigh. But I guess it's fair that he's super jaded and traumatized.
Oh dear... does she actually know what she's doing with those sewing supplies?
Sir! Sir! You are letting all the heat out! What is wrong with you people?
I like how she's trying to be kind to him, and he just thinks she's gone off the bender X-D
Oh no! The older brother is going to be a d*ck!
Awwwww the first time he's speaking up about being bullied is because someone f*cked up the pretty new coat his wife bought him <3
What's with the dramatic camera shot of his hand? What does this mean??
I like that the guys get some pretty, dangly hair accessories, too. Still not as elaborate and large as the ladies, but still - exciting stuff for me *kira eyes*
Sigh why do emperors always need to weaken their strongest military generals -_- (I mean... I get why... but these emperors need to watch more cdramas. Those ploys never end up well.)
Wtf. Who this? Shouldn't the maid have warned LSS/YXW that there was still a person living here?
D*** this nanny looks super young too. Just... everyone in Sheng Guo found the fountain of youth I guess.
The question still stands. Everyone seems to approve of Sixth Prince with YBC. Why aren't they already married? Oh I guess the emperor is hesitant because he's playing the paranoid emperor trope.
TTJ sweetie... how about we lie for now and then just not report anything -_-. TTJ too honesty for his own good. No wonder he didn't survive the palace.
I agree... Steward Wu does indeed talk too much.
But also, how did they get TTJ's level of volume back in the day? DId they have an ancient form of a blow dryer or hair spray? It looks fabulous.
Lol Steward Wu is a caricature of a bad guy and it's mildly amusing (for now... I'll probably get tired of it in 5 min)
ooooh no..... i needed trigger warning for that... warning for others that don't like bugs... a wasp flies into Steward Wu's ear >.< eeeuuughhhhh.... nuuuuuu (like it was fake looking, but it still freaks me out... nuuu why....)
oh.... well... guess I won't be getting tired of Steward Wu anymore...
oooh nooo.... another warning... they showed the wasp crawling back out T.T
I guess there were TTJ has been getting little moments of revenge before now. Or maybe he's only just started. Not clear. but d***.
Oh... Xiao Lin has been cultivating... so is he the shixiong????
Junior Martial Uncle is from Xiaoyao sect, but LSS called GYJW shixiong which would imply he's from the Hengyang sect... I'm so confused about the relationship of these two sects and also who is from what sect... Also, is Xiao Lin (sorry I can't use XL for anyone except Xie Lian) GYJW or not?? THE MYSTERIES!
LMAO junior martial uncle's face... he's like... "son... you are such a killjoy" X-D
Oooh... YBC being kind of shady here... why not announce yourself? (Like I wouldn't either... but in cdramas this is usually sus)
I bet this an intentional misunderstanding. Like that magical crow ordered the wasp to attack Steward Wu and it wasn't actually TTJ's doing.
Nuuuuu he was just starting to build a little bit of trust toward her T.T.
Yeah... again... what's going on with that right hand of his. OH! Is that where the evil bone is!?
Oh. Previous theory canceled. TTJ did order the wasp. Womp womp.
YXW (thinking): gotta trick the truth out of him... YXW (speaking): you know anything about the dude dropping dead in the palace today?
Again... warning to all spy agencies throughout the universe... do not hire this woman X-D
Wow! She just outs herself. *face palms* This woman is on another level.
LMAO X-D. She's just sits and gets ready to enjoy his strip show X-D.
*watches as lady demon just clouds into the palace* But for real... what were they expecting regular mortal humans to do against a demon? *smh*
Oh no! The nanny!
hmmm... "This was mine to begin with" - what was?
OH! She's actually in PJs! And her hair accessory is out! Hurrah! But also at what point did she change/undress? She definitely got under the covers fully clothed and accessorized. Does Chuntao come in at night to get her into jammies?
Oh! There's something demonic inside her? The plot clumpens...
Oh my bad. This is Ye Bingchang. Huh! Even more sus and interesting.... The plot clumpens further...
X-D There's a minimum of 6 buns in that bowl. And then that's 7 lol.
I love that he just thinks she's off her rocker and has gone crazy X-D.
Omg I love Pang Ziyi.
Hmmm... he doesn't seem all that worried about rescuing YBC... was he just faking liking her? Or does he simply just prefer keeping his secret safe over liking her?
She stole his cat! X-D
Is this lady demon going to try and pick up TTJ for her garden and get caught or something as a result?
Wait... why would the nanny have memories of him eating that pastry? She wasn't there. ALso, why would she have memories of him kneeling on ice in Ye Manor? She def wasn't there... mentally or physically...
Really? She's afraid of a crow? Well... i guess they are bad omens and harbingers of evil...
It's kind of sweet that he has the crow keep its distance away from YXW.
Ooooh... he writes with his left hand eh? Oh... no. he was just disguising his handwriting. Fair... But... that lefthanded calligraphy is ridiculously good. Like does he practice on the reg for just in case moments like this??
Hmmm she's grabbing his right hand. Is that going to be a problem for him?
Now kith.
Pang Ziyi. Sir, you are perfectly useless, and I love you for it. His biggest contribution thus far was saving YXW from a crow. What a king. Lmao he's even acknowledging that his junior is more competent than him. All of this is excellent.
Lmao hilarious. Xiao Lin ends up actually getting the secret note from TTJ. (Side note, Xiao Lin's hair and accessories are so pretty <3)
Hm. Was his hair piece always this elaborate and fancy? I mean he looks very good. But... he's gone from a single hairpin to this fancy hair crown.
What. He caught her and they fell together. Why are they so far apart now and facing opposite directions. Did they horizontally ballerina twirl away from each other as they fell?
Ooooh his telepathy with creature comes from his tribe/mama... not from the evil bone.
I really like this song.
Huh... i really had a lot of reactions and thoughts today... Hope that kitty is ok!
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loomiblade · 1 year
alright started love is sweet, on ep 3 now
lyx and bl's character bickering at this stage is giving me early post-dream-arc/boat arc/early cultivation arc vibes
you know im really in it for the actor chemistry when im here watching a pure romance without any action elements and tbh the finance aspects go over my head (other than wow i am correct to never want to work in fiance, even as a software dev) but the chemistry? top notch nice seeing them in something so lighthearted after getting my feels destroyed by cyjm earlier
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deng-yi-deng · 1 year
Wtf is going on in ep 33? its 3 episodes crammed into one with almost no transitions. Like a cliffs notes of a drama. Who's dreaming? There is no visual context. 😖. Each scene makes sense of itself but together they're a hodgepodge.
I really like cyjm but some eps are just a hot mess because of editing. The story is suffering - you can tell there is a decent plot, and the acting is good but the story is incomplete. It's like a f'ing c-web novel with jumps and tell dont show to fill in the big gaps.
So many people worked so hard on this and it could be so much better.
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