#cyril swann
melrosing · 3 months
What if brienne's mom was still alive? How much of her character/story would change? And what do u imagine their relationship would be like? 🧐
sorry for the late reply! I think I’ve written something on this before but im on mobile and i know im never gonna find it so. this is mostly hcs:
for whatever reason I’ve always imagined Brienne’s mother as a quiet, daydreamy person who doesn’t smile much but somehow exudes warmth anyway. Selwyn I imagine as having been a big character in his youth but he turns inwards after the loss of Cyril (my hc name for her) and their children. but anyway they were an odd couple in their youth but it kind of worked
the main thing she and Brienne share is a passion for stories, songs and poetry: I think Brienne gets her romanticism from her mother, and Cyril knows a lot about stormlands folklore etc and Brienne is always eager to hear about. they go on walks about the island together to see supposed sites of magic
otoh i think Cyril would be aware that Brienne looks different to other girls but her approach is just to never comment on it. which is fine at first but hard for Bri in adolescence bc she kind of needs Cyril to say she knows she’s different and that’s fine, but Cyril thinks if she says nothing then Brienne will never even realise
Brienne still would have suffered the insults of someone like Septa Roelle, who is more than happy to tell her precisely the ways she’s different, but she doesn’t want to tell her mother bc she’s scared of Cyril confirming it’s all true so unfortunately that never gets addressed
hc that Cyril living means Selwyn maintains his big personality to a greater extent, and he’s warmer towards Brienne as a result. but he’s often distracted by his role as the Evenstar so Bri doesn’t confide much in him EITHER
you know I guess it all really depends on what kind of person Brienne’s mother was in terms of what impact she would’ve had on Brienne’s story. I think she and Brienne would’ve been warm towards one another but not similar people, so she can’t necessarily heal all of Brienne’s hurts and Renly’s kindness is still enough to drive her to join his train
I don’t picture Cyril trying to stop Brienne leaving, she thinks it’s kind of romantic. but Selwyn being less inward in this AU, he does try to stop her as his only heir and that creates a rift between them. maybe that results in Brienne being more resolute about not returning till she wishes, or less so idk. but in short my hc is that Brienne got away with much of her nonconformity through the emotional absence of Selwyn who is too lost in grief to pay her enough attention
maybe in the least, Brienne doesn’t immediately feel so strongly tied to Catelyn, with whom I think there’s a slightly maternal relationship going on? bc she doesn’t lack a mother, that bond doesn’t feel so urgent as it does in ACOK, for either of them: Brienne subconsciously looking for the presence of a maternal figure, Catelyn missing her own children terribly and especially her daughters
idk hope this helps
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acacia-may · 8 months
Ooo for the WIPs; what are the Time Next gen fics 👀? And the Vanessa’s father one? Those sound interesting đŸ„°!
Hi Lyra! It's so nice to hear from you. Thank you so much for your ask and for your interest in my wips, dear! 💕
I will confess that I haven't worked on any of my Black Clover Next Gen fics in a while (I have one, Portals and Potatoes) that has been in progress on AO3 since last year that I really need to go back to one of these days), but I am very fond of the two with "Time" in the titles (which are both from the same "Future Problems" series).
"Crossing the Time Line" is Spatial Brothers-centric. Kalon, Finral's time-traveling son in my AU, accidentally sends his father and Uncle Langris (who get along now) back to the Royal Knights Exam which they have to try their best to recreate without anyone finding out they are from the future--shenanigans ensue.
"Find Me In Time" is more angsty and serious in tone and is about the next generation of magic knights (mostly everyone's kids plus a few others) especially the Black Bulls squad when Yami's son, Katsu, is the captain. In a desperate attempt to retreat from a terrible battle with a Zogratis descendant (A/N: do not ask me which Zogratis the villain is related to--I honestly never thought about it because I don't wanna know lol), Kalon accidentally brings his captain several members of his squad [including Henry's daughter, Summer, Gauche and Grey's daughter, Mira, and Asta & Noelle's son, Kai], his best friend, Anni Boismortier (Charmy & Rill's daughter who is on the Aqua Deer), and his sister, Lia, (who is in the Golden Dawn) to safety in the past for a short respite in which they are comforted by their (young) parents.
As a bonus (to end on a happier note), "Captain Magna" is also a Next Gen story about the next generation Black Bulls squad but it takes place earlier (or in a different timeline) when Magna is the Black Bulls' captain. Trying to get his squad back to their base, Kalon accidentally takes them to the Black Bulls' hideout nearly two decades in the past where they are discovered by (canon-age) Magna and Luck. It's all lighthearted shenanigans.
The "Vanessa's Father" fic is one I would really love to come back to someday, but it became such a big (multi-chapter) project that I think I got a little intimidated and had to leave it for a while after it hit around 5,000 words. In briefest summary, Vanessa finds her biological father, Cyril Swann (OC), and agrees to meet him. Most of the story is told through flashbacks in which Cyril explains how he came to have Vanessa and, ultimately, was (forcibly) separated from her by the Queen of Witches.
I'll put the basic backstory and also a snippet from the wip under the cut since I'm not sure how to explain more without a lot of ramblings. 😅 (Warnings: mentions really unhealthy arranged marriage for the purpose of producing children only)
Vanessa's father, Cyril, grew up as the youngest child of the House of Swann, a lower-tier noble house in the Clover Kingdom. His family's only claim to fame was their mediocre wind magic, and the fact that Cyril's older sister, Channary, married into the Noble House of Sandler (eventually becoming the mother of Alecdora). Cyril is the only member of the Swann family in nearly a century not to have wind magic, having inherited string magic from his mother (who was specifically chosen to marry into the family because her magic was so weak it was not suspected to be passed down to the children). Cyril was close to his mother whose name was also Vanessa, but after she dies, he is treated as an outsider by his father and three older siblings: Cecil, Crispin, and Channary, as his string magic is considered fairly useless by everyone including Cyril himself who mainly uses it to change the strings on his violin.
Cyril lives next-door to Finral's (eventual) mother, Calia, who is his dearest friend and like a sister to him. Calia has what is considered a weak "summoning magic" that lets her move things with her mind (both in her line of sight and by picturing them), but it attracts the attention of the Noble House of Vaude and a marriage is arranged between her and the current heir, Ledior (like with Cyril's parents, the hope is that Calia's magic will be so weak that it won't prevent the Vaude spatial magic from being passed down to any children). Calia is a very sweet, if a bit naive, young lady and a talented pianist who loves to play accompanied by Cyril's violin (she considers him quite talented when Cyril just thinks of himself as mediocre). They also love to have tea in Calia's garden and to play with Cyril's cat, Reddington.
Shortly after Calia's marriage is arranged, one of Cyril's elder brothers, Crispin, trespasses in the Forest of Witches thereby breaking a treaty between the Witch Queen and the Clover Kingdom. Her Majesty the Queen of Witches is going to have him executed for breaking the treaty until Lord Swann (Cyril's father) negotiates with her and basically gives her Cyril/his hand in marriage in exchange for Crispin's release since she's interested in his string magic. The Witch Queen wants the power to control destiny, and with her Future Sight Magic, she has been able to see the future in which her daughter, Vanessa, exists, has the power to control fate, and uses a string-like magic. Having this power over destiny is far more important to the Witch Queen than her hatred of men so Her Majesty essentially wants to use Cyril to have Vanessa and then agrees to let him go.
Cyril eventually fancies himself in love with Her Majesty (and calls her Regina ("Queen") even though he isn't entirely sure if that is even her real name), so he agrees to the arrangement, marries her, and never feels forced into the relationship or into having children. Even though their "relationship" is cold, business-like, and more than a little problematic, Cyril tries his best to make it work and get Her Majesty to love him but, of course that doesn't work out. Her Majesty pities him, but that is really as much affection as she is capable of. [A/N: Their dynamic is very much "I Love You (As Much As Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone)" (YouTube) Warnings: some language and a few spicier/suggestive jokes in that song].
Eventually they have Vanessa together, and Cyril loves his daughter dearly, more than he could have imagined he could love anyone. He is actually the one who names her--naming her Vanessa after his beloved mother. His daughter is Cyril's pride and joy, but Her Majesty thinks he is a bad influence (being a man and all) so she tries her best to keep them separated from each other until eventually she kicks him out of the Forest of Witches altogether after Vanessa presents with her magic meaning the Queen has no more use for him. He isn't sure what happened exactly: one night he fell asleep in the Forest of Witches, the next night he woke up back in his old room at House Swann. The forest is well hidden so he could never find it again and even if he could, Her Majesty would never let him back in and he wouldn’t be able to break through her magical barrier (that Asta eventually breaks through his anti-magic).
When Cyril gets back to Clover, several years have passed. In that time, his best friend, Calia, has died from complications giving birth to Finral (and her husband has remarried quickly which doesn’t sit right with him). Cyril’s eldest brother, Cecil, died in the line of duty as a magic knight, and his other elder brother, Crispin, (who is kind of responsible for this whole mess in the first place) has taken over House Swann as next in line, but he can’t/doesn’t want to run anything so Cyril has to step in & actually keep their House going behind the scene (all the logistical things like making sure servants get paid, money is properly invested ect.). He spends his most of his days being touted around and shown off by his family (seeing as he’s technically a ‘prince consort’). Cyril is a very unpretentious and straight-forward person who hates the limelight, but his older brother and sister, Crispin and Channary, are not above using him and his status as a ‘prince consort’ to further their own standing & influence. Though Cyril tries to explain, nobody quite understands (or wants to understand) that he isn’t actually a prince consort so, unfortunately for him, he gets dragged around to a lot of fancy dinners and noble parties he doesn’t want to be at where sycophants try to suck up to him and/or try to arrange marriages with the daughter they’ve heard he has. [A/N: I actually played around with the idea of him ending up at a party at House Vaude at one point and running into a tiny Finral & Langris, but never did anything with it].
Eventually, Cyril reaches a certain breaking point where he just retreats from the public eye and tries to live a quiet life with his cat(s) while missing his daughter terribly and playing a lot of sad violin music, which is how no one has ever really heard of him before. House Swann was always a lower tier Noble House on the outskirts of the Noble Realm anyway so he was quickly and easily forgotten. He visits his sister & his nephew, Alecdora, from time to time, but he does not get out much.
Cyril is very heartbroken over losing his daughter and has never really forgiven himself for having to leave Vanessa, even though he didn't have a choice. Cyril suspected that Vanessa was in Clover and heard rumors about a powerful magic knight from the Forest of Witches with the power to control destiny, but he felt like he didn’t have the right to just show up out of nowhere and infringe on her life. He thinks she probably hates him for abandoning her and being absent and that there isn’t anything he can do to make it up to her, so he just lets it be and leaves her alone.
Eventually, however, he runs into Langris at a party hosted by Cyril's nephew and Langris' squad mate, Alecdora, and Langris recognizes Cyril's unique magic. After talking to him, he sort of puts together that he must be related to Vanessa and mentions it to her. Vanessa debates it for a little bit but eventually reaches out to Cyril and asks if they can meet. He explains the whole story, and Vanessa realizes that they're both victims of Her Majesty and that she has always been connected to him.
Now, there might be an author-given, actual reason why Vanessa’s fate power presents as a cat but in this story, but for this backstory, I kind of linked it back to her dad in a way. The strings are his power after all & even if this fate manipulation is combination magic (her majesty’s future sight + dad’s strings), it is powered by love. It’s the strong bonds she has with her Black Bulls family that help her unlock it, but in my mind (in this universe anyway) there might be something subconscious there where she’s pulling on a happy memory & bonds she doesn’t quite remember with a father who loves her which is why Rouge looks like her father's cat, Reddington (I was a little worried that naming the cat “Reddington” would be a bit on the nose though...)
Cyril and Vanessa reconcile and start to rebuild their relationship and really become part of each other's lives. Cyril would have been a wonderful father if he had been given the chance, but Her Majesty stole that from him. I like to think that going forward they get to have a close bond with each other, and if Vanessa ever has children, Cyril becomes a wonderful grandpa to them.
But I think I have rambled enough about all of this. 😅 Here's a small snippet from a scene that takes place when Vanessa is very little and Cyril is still in the Forest of Witches (and sneaking out to see her).
“Papa!” Vanessa called to him excitedly before Cyril held a finger to his lips and shushed her gently—carefully tiptoeing over to the small bed which had recently replaced her crib. Since Her Majesty did not want him to spend a lot of time with her—often citing the corruption that would likely accompany a more masculine influence, Cyril had used to sneak out in the middle of the night to curl up next to his daughter’s cradle. Now that his little girl was getting older, however, he was having to find more creative ways to sneak out to visit her when Regina was too preoccupied with other things to care to stop him. After all, Cyril was sure she saw everything in her Forest and especially in her own palace so there was no hiding from her, but there was definitely a hierarchy to her concerns so he learned to schedule his visits around those. Now, for instance, it was very late, and Regina was holding court. She wouldn’t be bothered with coming to stop him from playing with his daughter. 
“How are you, Nessie?” he whispered with a bright smile as he gave her a gentle kiss on the top of her head. 
Vanessa beamed at him. “Happy.” 
“I’m glad.”  
“You are happy, Papa?” she asked, slipping her tiny hand into his. 
It was probably her favorite question, and like always, he smiled and assured her, “Of course, I’m happy. I’m with you” before he kissed her cheek causing her to giggle and laugh. Cyril stifled his own laughter so as not to draw too much unnecessary attention—a bit difficult seeing as Vanessa’s constant cheerfulness and beaming smile were simply infectious. Cyril remembered fondly that even when she was still a baby, Vanessa had this way of staring at a person with a bright smile until they smiled back at her—almost like a little game, as if she wanted everyone around her to be happy. When she got older, she took to asking them outright. 
Before he could say anything more, Reddington jumped up into bed curling up next to Vanessa with a contented purr. The otherwise grumpy cat was particularly protective of the little princess, though Cyril was sure he would deny it if he was able. Even so, he was often snuggled up next to Vanessa relishing her attention and adoration—until she playfully pulled on his tail, that is, causing him to yelp and hiss before Cyril once again reminded her how to pet him gently and soothed him with an extra helping of catnip. Reddington purred again as Vanessa pet his soft fur. 
“Happy, Red?” she asked—tilting her head as if genuinely waiting for the cat’s response. The cat mewed, and Vanessa smiled, seemingly pleased with this answer. 
“I have something new to show you,” said Cyril, taking a seat at his daughter’s bedside. 
“New amimals?” Her eyes seemed to light up when she asked, and Cyril nodded. Vanessa was always delighted by the little dolls and animals he made for her to play with out of his thread magic, particularly when Reddington had tired of them or was off sulking somewhere and no longer wanted to play. When Cyril wasn’t able to visit her, he was thinking of new things he could create and practiced making them with his magic. He had actually gotten pretty good at making them move as well, entertaining her with kittens that arched their backs, puppies that wagged their tails, fish that wiggled their fins, and little birds that flapped their wings causing Vanessa to giggle with glee for hours. 
Vanessa’s eyes widened in wonder as Cyril held out his hands to her, forming his threads into the shape of a cow that moved its head up and down as if it was grazing in a pasture. 
“What’s this?” she asked curiously. 
“It’s called a cow. They make a silly sound: 'moo’,” he demonstrated, and his heart could have melted as his little girl burst into laughter and stared up at him with wide, joyful eyes. Her violet eyes were the one feature she had inherited from him. Cyril couldn’t help but wonder if someday when she got older, if he was no longer around, she might look at herself in the mirror and wonder where those eyes had come from and think of him, if only just for a moment. The thought caused his chest to ache and filled him with an unbelievable sadness, but he knew it was only a matter of time before Regina dissolved their arrangement. 
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1828 Monday 12 May
7 20/60 1 1/2
Mr. D- [Duffin] came to my room and staid talking some time - down to breakfast at 9 3/4 - at 11 5/60 went and called on the Cromptons and walked with them as far as Dringhouses, and came home again at 12 3/4 - sat talking to Mr. and Mrs. D- [Duffin] Mrs. Preston of Moorby called - very civil - wished much to take me back with her, and would bring me back tomorrow - Mr. Preston would be most happy - said I was sorry I was engaged out to dinner or would have gone - she had hoped to hear from me - said I had promised to write her the Paris news - what means this uncommon civility has it can it have anything to do with Joshua - Just before Mrs. P- [Preston] went, Mrs. and Miss Alice Wilson of Fulford called on Mrs. D- [Duffin] and Miss S. [Sophia Greenup], and on me - stole out and went to Mrs. Anne and Miss Gage, and thus missed the party -
Mrs. D- [Duffin] called for me at the Gages', and we called and sat a little while with Mrs. and Miss Yorke - then came back for Miss Greenup -  all called on Mrs. Moseley, and at about 2 1/2 went over the bridge - took and left the silver tea caddy I gave to the D-s [Duffins], at Cattle and Barber's, to have a new lock - then went to Horner's - gave him my aunt's teeth - to be sent, when done in 2 or 3 days, to Hammersley's and then forwarded to Paris - will write to Hammersley about it - called at Mrs. Cookes about my hat - went to Fisher's - gone to Langton - took place for Croft at the Tavern coach office - joined Mrs. H.S.B- [Henry Stephen Belcombe] at Mrs. Young's again choosing hat or cap - met Mrs. Best and Rose at Elliott's - must go to Langton, if driven there by force, said Mrs. B- [Best] she had heard from her mother who said, I must go -
Got home at 4 1/2 - hot and thirsty - the ladies took wine and I a glass of beer being to dine at seven - young Parsons from 5 to 5 50/60 dressing my hair - at 6 20/60 Mrs. D- [Duffin] and I each off in a chair Mr. D- [Duffin] and Miss G- [Greenup] walked to Dr. H.S.B-'s [Henry Stephen Belcombe's] to dine - besides ourselves a Mr. and Mrs. Pugh [Poore], just marrried Major Hewgill and Mr. John Swann - the Pughs [Poores] - detained a fortnight here by her illness (he aetatis 24) asked her - had just been staying a few days with the James Daltons at Croft - Miss Norcliffe singular but warm in her praise of Scotland and Mrs. P- [Poore] liked her for it) - on finding out all this, and that Mrs. P- [Poore] was a Mc.L- [Maclean], of the younger branch of Coll, and that she was sister to the Mrs. Mc.Loud [Macloud] Miss Mc.L- [Maclean] mentioned in her last as wishing to come and live in York, and that Mr. Pugh [Poore] was brother to little Nora brought up at Croft we became well acquainted, and having sat together at dinner, sat together all the rest of the evening at her desire, no one but myself having much chance of speaking to her - Cecil Dalton in town I wrote 1 1/2 pp. [pages] to Mrs. James D- [Dalton] of which Mrs. Pugh Poore took charge to give to Cecil who is to be at home on Wednesday, and will deliver the letter - merely said how glad I was to be accidentally dining at the H.S.B-'s [Henry Stephen Belcombe's] with the Pughes Poores, and that if the Daltons could take me in I hoped to spend a couple of days with them indeed had not calculated on prevention and taken my place per diligence for 10 a.m. on Thursday and hoped to be at Croft at 2 1/2 p.m. that day - Mr. Pugh [Poore] H.P. from the 1st. dragoons just come into York - a gentlemanly young man - going to take his wife abroad for a year or 2 - may then settle in Yorkshire - she very pretty but sadly disfigured by her hair which tho' turned up behind was hanging in long ringlets like a thick pendant ivy bush all round her face down upon her neck - She is 'sister to the beautiful Miss Maclean' - and some relation to the lady of the present Sir Joseph Radcliffe of Mills bridge - my being going to Croft brought me better acquainted with Mr. or Major Hewgill who is very intimate with the family - Marianne is coming to them (the major and his wife) next week - Lady Johnston, Mrs. Saltmarshe, a Mrs. Window the wife of a Captain W- [Window] here on some account or other, and Mr. Cyril and Miss Hutchinson came in the evening -
Supper a sort of cold collation on a table on the landing before we went away - pleasant enough, but surely more than needed - Mrs. and Miss Belcombe of the party - no one would dream there had ever been any misunderstanding between us, tho' they themselves must must think me graver and more reserved - the dinner, said by Mrs. D- [Duffin], to have been one of the best - really very well, yet somehow not elegant nor in remarkably good style - she in spite of all is not thorough and never will be I do not at all admire her in any way tho she does all she can to please me and be attentive - Got home at 11 40/60 a minute or 2 before Mrs. D- [Duffin] came to my room immediately and Mrs. D- [Duffin] came for a moment to wish me good night - very fine day - sat up combing out false hair and putting by my things -  
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/10/0158 - SH:7/ML/E/10/0159
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thedsp-blog1 · 6 years
Dr. Death’s victim list
Acton, Lily Adams, Lizzie Adkinson, Sarah Adshead, Norman Adshead, Rose Ann Aitken, Irene Andrew, Dorothy Mary Andrew, Joseph Andrew, Mary Emma Arrandale, Albert Arrowsmith, Winifred Ashcroft, Netta Ashton, Dora Elizabeth Ashton, Ellen Ashworth, Ada Ashworth, Brenda Ashworth, Elizabeth Ashworth, James Ashworth, Sarah Aveyard, Clara Ethel Baddeley, Elizabeth Mary Baddeley, John Bagshaw, Bertha Barber, Squire Bardsley, Joseph Bardsley, Lily Bardsley, Nellie Barker, Elsie Barlow, Charles Henry Barnes, James Edward Battersby, Elizabeth Baxter, William Beech, Joseph Bell, Norman John Bennett, Ethel Bennett, Frances Bennett, Nellie Bennison, Charlotte Bent, Arthur Berry, Irene Bill, Edith Annie Birchall, Mary Ivy Bird, Violet May Black, Alice Boardman, Kathleen May Boardman, Mary Louisa Bogle, Geoffrey Bolland, Alice Bowers, Mary Elizabeth Bradshaw, Miriam Brady, Edith Bramwell, Harold Bramwell, Vera Brassington, Charles Geoffrey Brassington, Nancy Anne Bridge, Doris Bridge, Jane Brierley, Albert Brierley, Edith Broadbent, Lily Brock, Edith Brocklehurst, Charles Edward Brocklehurst, Vera Brooder, Irene Brookes, Lily Brookes, May Brown, Alice Brown, Mary Alice Brown, William Henry Buckland, Edward Buckley, Ethel Burke, Elizabeth Mary Butcher, Lydia Edith Cains, Ida Callaghan, Sean Stuart Calverley, Edith Campbell, Annie Carradice, Marion Carrington, Alice Carroll, Josephine May Cartwright, Hannah Chadwick, Wilfred Challinor, Ivy Elizabeth Challoner, Genevieve Chapman, Irene Chappell, Alice Chappell, Wilfred Charlton, John Charnock, George Cheetham, Albert Cheetham, Alfred Cheetham, Elsie Cheetham, Hena Cheetham, Norah Cheetham, Thomas Chidlow, Amy Clarke, Fanny Clayton, Elsie Clayton, Frances Clee, Beatrice Helen Clough, James Condon, Thomas Connaughton, Alice Hilda Connors, Michael Conway, Margaret Ann Coomber, Frederick Cooper, Ann Copeland, Erla Copeland, Sydney Hoskins Couldwell, Constance Anne Coulthard, Ann Coutts, Mary Couzens, Hilda Mary Cox, Eileen Theresa Crompton, Eileen Daphne Crompton, Frank Crompton, John Crossley, Lily Cullen, Lilian Cuthbert, Valerie Davies, Cissie Davies, Eric Davies, Fred Davies, Miriam Dawson, Fanny Dean, Elsie Lorna Dean, Joan Edwina Delaney, Bessie Denham, Christopher Dentith, Frederick Devenport, Ronnie Dixon, Alice Dobb, Edgar Dolan, Ethel Drinkwater, Alice Drummond, Joseph Dudley, Mary Rose Dutton, Elaine Earls, Doris Earnshaw, William Eddleston, Harold Eddleston, Monica Edge, Agnes Evans, Bethel Anne Everall, Hannah Everall, Joseph Vincent Farrell, Phyllis Fernley, Marie Antoinette Firman, Mary Elizabeth Fish, Hilda Fitton, Hilda Fletcher, Dorothy Fletcher, Elizabeth Floyd, Arthur Fogg, Leah Foulkes, Edwin Fowden, Thomas Fox, Moira Ashton France, John Freeman, Harold Freeman, Winifred Frith, Hannah Galpin, Minnie Doris Irene Garlick, Rose Garlick, Violet Garratt, Mary Alice Garside, Millicent Gaskell, Marion Gaunt, Mary Gee, Nellie Gess, Clifford Givens, William Goddard, Edith Godfrey, Elsie Golds, Annie Elizabeth Gorton, Alice Maude Graham, Edith Gray, Rebecca Greenhalgh, John Sheard Grimshaw, Annie Grimshaw, Muriel Grundy, Donald Anthony Grundy, Kathleen Grundy, Nora Hackney, Clara Hackney, Clara Hadfield, Violet Hague, William Hall, Josephine Halliday, Frank Hallsworth, Janet Hamblett, Leonora Hamer, Mary Emma Hammond, Caroline Veronica Hampson, Jesse Hancock, Christine Hannible, Elsie Harding, Joan Milray Harris, Charles Harris, Harriet Harrison, Christina Harrison, David Alan Harrison, Marion Harrison, Muriel Eveline Harrison, Samuel Harrop, Elsie Haslam, Mary Elizabeth Hawkins, Sarah Healey, Winifred Heapey, Clifford Barnes Heapey, Gladys Heathcote, Irene Heginbotham, Olive Hennefer, Ellen Hett, Mary Jane Heywood, Ada Heywood, Florence Hibbert, Hilda Mary Hickson, Robert Higginbottom, George Eric Higginbottom, Peter Higgins, Barry Higgins, Lily Higham, Marion Elizabeth Highley, Ruth Higson, Ellen Hill, Sarah Ann Hillier, Pamela Marguerite Hilton, Ada Matley Hilton, John Hirst, Emma Holgate, Ethel Doris Holland, Alline Devolle Holt, Alice Hopkins, Dorothy Doretta Howcroft, John Hulme, Hilda Hurd, May Iwanina, Jozef Jackman, Harold Edward Jackson, Maureen Lamonnier Jackson, Nancy Jameson, Ronald Jeffries, Beatrice Johnson, Norah Johnson, Richard Johnston, Leah Jones, Alice Mary Jones, David Jones, Hannah Jones, Ivy Jones, Jane Jones, Robert Edward Jordan, Mary Ellen Keating, Mary Kellett, Ethel May Kellett, Fred Kelly, Ellen Kelly, Moira Kennedy, Alice Killan, Charles Henry King, Elsie King, James Joseph Kingsley, Mary Kitchen, Alice Christine Lacey, Renee Leach, Florence Leech, Edith Leech, William Henry Lees, Olive Leigh, Carrie Leigh, Joseph Leigh, Wilfred Lewis, Elsie Lewis, Florence Lewis, Peter Lilley, Jean Lingard, Robert Henry Linn, Laura Frances Livesey, John Louden Llewellyn, Edna May Lomas, Harry Lomas, Ivy Long, Dorothy Longmate, Thomas Alfred Lord, Jane Ellen Lowe, Beatrice Lowe, Esther Lowe, May Lyons, Eva MacConnell, Charles Mackenzie, Selina Mackie, Christina McCulloch Mansfield, Mary Ann Mansfield, Walter Marley, Martha Marsland, Sarah Hannah Matley, Maud McDonald, Kathleen McLaren, William James McLoughlin, Gertrude Melia, Joan May Mellor, Elizabeth Ellen Mellor, Samuel Mellor, Winifred Meredith, Oscar Metcalfe, Margaret Middleton, Deborah Middleton, Mary Mills, Samuel Mitchell, Cyril Mitchell, Wilbert Molesdale, John Bennett Morgan, Emily Moss, Bertha Moss, Hannah Mottram, George Henry Mottram, Hannah Helena Mottram, Pamela Grace Moult, Thomas Mullen, Nellie Mycock, Miriam Rose Emily Needham, Nora Nicholls, Violet Nichols, Fanny Nichols, Lily Nuttall, Hervey Nuttall, Norah O'Sullivan, Thomas Ogden, Mary Oldham, Agnes Oldham, Samuel Oswald, Frances Elaine Otter, Enid Ousey, Margaret Ovcar-Robinson, Konrad Peter Overton, Renate Eldtraude Oxley, Phyllis Parker, Marjorie Parkes, Annie Parkin, Laura Victoria Parr, Bertha Pearce, Elizabeth Pedley, Rosetta Penney, Vara Pickering, Leah Pickup, Kenneth Pickup, Mavis Mary Pitman, Edith Platt, Elsie Platt, Marion Pomfret, Bianka Potts, Frances Potts, Reginald Powers, Annie Alexandra Preston, Ada Marjorie Prestwich, Alice Proud, Ethel May Quinn, Marie Ralphs, Anne Lilian Ralphs, Ernest Colin Rawling, Alice Reade, Audrey Redfern, Tom Renwick, Dorothea Hill Richards, Jose Kathleen Diana Richardson, Alice Riley, Stanley Roberts, Edith Roberts, Esther Hannah Roberts, Gladys Robinson, Eileen Robinson, Eveline Robinson, Lavinia Robinson, Mildred Rogers, Elizabeth Ann Rostron, Jane Frances Rowarth, Dorothy Rowbottom, Annie Rowland, Jane Isabella Royles, Elsie Royston, Betty Rudol, Ernest Russell, Tom Balfour Sankey, Margaret Saunders, Albert Edward Saunders, Gladys Scott, Edith Scott, Elsie Sellors, Kate Maud Sharples, Cicely Shaw, Joseph Shaw, Leonard Shaw, Lilian Shaw, Neville Shaw, Susan Eveline Shawcross, Edna Shawcross, Ernest Shawcross, Mabel Shelmerdine, Jack Leslie Shelmerdine, Jane Elizabeth Shore, Lily Sidebotham, Florence Sigley, Elizabeth Teresa Simpson, Kenneth Harry Slater, Albert Slater, Florence Slater, Lena Norah Slater, May Smith, Alice Smith, Dora Elizabeth Smith, Emma Smith, Kenneth Ernest Smith, Margaret Smith, Mary Alice Smith, Sidney Arthur Smith, Winifred Isabel Sparkes, Monica Rene Squirrell, Alice Stafford, Harry Stafford, Kate Elizabeth Stansfield, Joe Ainscow Stocks, Louisa Stone, John Stopford, Arthur Henderson Stopford, Harriet Strickland, Ruth Sumner, Grace Swann, Bessie Swann, Robert Swindells, Emmeline Taylor, Caroline Mary Taylor, Edna Mary Taylor, Florence Taylor, Lily Newby Taylor, Mary Tempest, Mary Ann Thomas, Alice Thomas, Sarah Ann Thornton, Maria Tideswell, Sarah Tierney, Angela Philomena Tingle, Walter Toft, Beatrice Tomlin, Mary Townsend, Margaret Tucker, Dorothy Tuff, Mary Tuffin, Winifred Amy Turner, Frances Elizabeth Turner, Irene Uttley, Stanley Vickers, Frederick Vickers, Margaret Mary Virgin, Lucy Vizor, George Edgar Vizor, May Wagstaff, George Lawton Wagstaff, Jessie Irene Wagstaff, Laura Kathleen Waldron, Margaret Anne Walker, Edward Walker, Ellen Walker, Henrietta Walker, Winifred Mary Waller, Harry Waller, Marjorie Hope Walls, Mary Walton, Sydney Warburton, Ada Ward, Maureen Alice Ward, Minnie Ward, Muriel Margaret Ward, Percy Wardle, Eric Wareing, William Hill Warren, May Wass, Kathleen May Watkins, Annie West, Maria Wharam, Ellen Frances Wharmby, Lavinia White, Mona Ashton Whitehead, Amy Whitham, Colin Whittaker, Maureen Whittaker, Violet Mary Whittingslow, Vera Whittle, Edith Wibberley, Edith Wilcockson, Joseph Frank Wilkinson, Annie Wilkinson, Maud Williams, Albert Redvers Williams, Emily Williamson, Sarah Jane Wills, Jack Wilmore, Margaret Wilson, Muriel Elsie Wimpeney, Mark Winston, George Winston, Olive Winterbottom, Mary Wood, Annie Wood, Charles Henry Wood, Fanny Wood, James Woodhead, Joyce Woodhead, Kenneth Wharmby
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libidomechanica · 4 years
“where roam the little jealousy, I think it mine”
Love the stars from our  breathes most true, what he had, like my grandmother  in his  absence of the spindly thicket  wild; while shade: where roam the  little jealousy, I think it mine! When  before here. and not  at first expound their fork and knife. for  authors fear described; we all lone matrons  brother John was fond of kissing  adders dwell, These Oriental  roar of laughter: That living  flood,—you know you do, fight and art can  move; she present hour  of prayers to the  best class, and Lucca, Athens, every  things to think that God has  willed when the month of  love: if I had not her piratical  papa was cruising. You:  a still remember I am  gone. If I kissed my bosom beats  in every green; for  her Heart was Cyrils counsel  rumbled till now, you waite vpon my broken. The  ruines of anger, a laughing  it within a reed; the  mouth where I “ve got that  good, bec ause a fools eye wider were than haunting  sense,” but, by his sisters, kith or  kin, arranging as soote as Swanne. Together  is a garden some embarrassd  people together. But what I have  tarried. T look more rosy lips mute, die and  bienly clad; her hair was  stranger yet once again— to  see him—for he had made him  in her; she hath she have time, it  is by mankind refuses  to accepted, as  it wouldve been to yon shore- side (a sight soft and prayer!)
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italianaradio · 4 years
CĂ©sar 2020: tutte le nomination, domina L’Ufficiale e la Spia di Polanski
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/cesar-2020-tutte-le-nomination-domina-lufficiale-e-la-spia-di-polanski/
CĂ©sar 2020: tutte le nomination, domina L’Ufficiale e la Spia di Polanski
CĂ©sar 2020: tutte le nomination, domina L’Ufficiale e la Spia di Polanski
CĂ©sar 2020: tutte le nomination, domina L’Ufficiale e la Spia di Polanski
Anche la Francia si mette in pari con la stagione dei premi dell’anno corrente e annuncia le nomination ai CĂ©sar 2020. La sorpresa Ăš che il bellissimo film di Roman Polanski, L’Ufficiale e la Spia (J’accuse) ha conquistato 12 nomination, nonostante le polemiche e le nuove accuse che hanno reso ancora turbolenti gli ultimi mesi del regista.
Nella categoria Miglior film straniero, spicca anche una nomination, l’unica, per l’Italia, a Il Traditore di Marco Bellocchio, che era stato presentato proprio in terra francese a Cannes 2019, e che aveva riscosso un discreto successo.
Ecco la lista completa dei nominati ai CĂ©sar 2020
BEST FILM La Belle Époque, Nicolas Bedos Grace Ă  Dieu, François Ozon Hors Normes, Eric Toledano, Olivier Nakache J’accuse (An Officer and a Spy), Roman Polanski Les MisĂ©rables, Ladj Ly Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu (Portrait of a Lady on Fire), CĂ©line Sciamma Roubaix, Une Lumiere, Arnaud Desplechin
BEST DIRECTOR La Belle Époque, Nicolas Bedos Grace Ă  Dieu, François Ozon Hors Normes, Eric Toledano, Olivier Nakache J’accuse (An Officer and a Spy), Roman Polanski Les MisĂ©rables, Ladj Ly Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu (Portrait of a Lady on Fire), CĂ©line Sciamma Roubaix, Une Lumiere, Arnaud Desplechin
BEST ACTRESS AnaĂźs Demoustier, Alice et Le Maire Eva Green, Proxima AdĂšle Haenel, Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu Chiara Mastroianni, Chambre 212‹ NoĂ©mie Merlant, Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu Doria Tillier, ‹La Belle Époche Karin Viard, Chanson Douce
BEST ACTOR Daniel Auteuil, La Belle Époche Damien Bonnard, Les MisĂ©rables Vincent Cassel, Hors Normes Jean Dujardin, J’accuse Reda Kateb, Hors Normes Melvil Poupaud, Grace à Dieu Roschdy Zem, Roubaix, Une Lumiere
BEST FOREIGN FILM Pain and Glory, Pedro Almodovar Le Jeune Ahmed, Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne Joker, Todd Phillips Lola Vers La Mer, Laurent Micheli Once Upon a Time 
 in Hollywood, Quentin Tarantino Parasite, Bong Joon-Ho The Traitor, Marco Bellocchio
BEST DOCUMENTARY 68, Mon Pere et Les Clous,  Samuel Bigiaoui La CordillÚre des Songes, Patricio Guzman Lourdes, Thierry DemaiziÚre, Alain Teurlai M, Yolande Zauberman Wonder Boy Olivier Rousteing, Né Sous X, Anissa Bonnefont
BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY La Belle Époche, Nicolas Bedos Grace à Dieu, François Ozon Hors Normes, Eric Toledano, Olivier Nakache Les MisĂ©rables, Ladj Ly, Giordano Gederlini, Alexis Manenti Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu (Portrait of a Lady on Fire), CĂ©line Sciamma
BEST FIRST FILM Atlantique (Atlantics), Mati Diop Nom de la Terre, Edouard Bergeon Le Chant du Loup, Antonin Baudry Les Misérables, Ladj Ly Papicha, Mounia Meddour
La Belle Époque, Nicolas Bedos Grace Ă  Dieu, François Ozon Hors Normes, Eric Toledano, Olivier Nakache Les MisĂ©rables, Ladj Ly, Giordano Gederlini, Alexis Manenti Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu (Portrait of a Lady on Fire), CĂ©line Sciamma
BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY Costa-Gavras, Adults in the Room Roman Polanski, Robert Harris, J’accuse JĂ©rĂ©my Clapin, Guillaume Laurant, J’ai Perdu Mon Corps Arnaud Desplechin, LĂ©a Mysius, Roubaix, Une LumiĂšre Dominik Moll, Gilles Marchand, Seules les BĂȘtes
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Fanny Ardant, La Belle Époque Josiane Balasko, Grace Ă  Dieu Laure Calamy, Seules les BĂȘtes‹ Sara Forestier, Roubaix, Une LumiĂšre HĂ©lĂšne Vincent, Hors Normes
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Swann Arlaud, Grace Ă  Dieu GrĂ©gory Gadebois, J’accuse Louis Garrel, J’accuse Benjamin Lavernhe, Mon Inconnue Denis MĂ©nochet, Grace Ă  Dieu
BEST FEMALE NEWCOMER LuĂ na Bajrami, Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu CĂ©leste Brunnquell, Les Éblouis Lyna Khoudri, Papicha Nina Meurisse, Camille Mama SanĂ©, Atlantique
BEST MALE NEWCOMER Anthony Bajon, Au Nom de la Terre Benjamin Lesieur, Hors Normes Alexis Manenti, Les Misérables Liam Pierron, La Vie Scolaire Djebril Zonga, Les Misérables
BEST ANIMATED FEATURE La Fameuse Invasion des Ours en Sicile, Lorenzo Mattotti Les Hirondelles de Kaboul, Zabou Breitman J’ai Perdu Mon Corps (I Lost My Body), JĂ©rĂ©my Clapin
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
CĂ©sar 2020: tutte le nomination, domina L’Ufficiale e la Spia di Polanski
Anche la Francia si mette in pari con la stagione dei premi dell’anno corrente e annuncia le nomination ai CĂ©sar 2020. La sorpresa Ăš che il bellissimo film di Roman Polanski, L’Ufficiale e la Spia (J’accuse) ha conquistato 12 nomination, nonostante le polemiche e le nuove accuse che hanno reso ancora turbolenti gli ultimi mesi [
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Chiara Guida
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karoltabis · 5 years
Disneyland Paris presents “The Lion King & Jungle Festival” The Lion King “Rythms of the Pride Lands” Senior Manager Production: Nathalie Raverat Head of Production: Carole Jublot Producer: Andy Stanley Post Production Manager: Riccardo Marchegiani Director: Julie Rohart DoP: Louis Bergogne 1st AD: Sophie Pochon Technical Supervisor: Eric Charansol Technical Supervisor: Pierre Maveyraud Logistic: Pascal Bliard Steadycam Operator: Anton Tarente, Sacha Naceri Camera Operator: Sofiane Hebache, Ludovic Plourde, Nils Ruivet Camera Assistant: Zoe Mention, JB Sarda, Maxime Mogette, RaphaĂ«l Aprikian Crane Operator: Jean Chesneau / Vincent Blasco Editors: Anne Sophie Wieder / Arthur Boulegue Colorist: Olivier Garcia / Julie Bonhomme Camera: Arri Amira ARRI FRANCE: Natasza CHROSCICKI / Thibault RIBEREAU-GAYON Photographs: Bertrand GUAY / Valentin DESJARDINS AMP Visual: Valentin PIRAS / Vincent BATHILY / Eric LABOSSE / Maxime NEVEU / Laurent MARTY / Yassine NOUREDINE / Jordhan FILLION / Thomas POLETTE / Sebastien THEVENIN / Rodrigue JERENT / Odile BROOK / Vincent REINHART / Jean Marc BOISSEREAU / Thierry MAS / Nicolas DUPLOUICH The Jungle Book Jive Senior Manager Production: Nathalie Raverat Head of Production: Carole Jublot Producer: Gregory Deydier Director: GĂŒnther Gheeraert 1st AD: Wilfried Vial 2nd AD: Sophie Pochon DoP: Antonio Gil Key Light: Gwilhem Rosemberg Key Light Assistant: Nicolas Jaillard Movi Camera Operator: Nils Ruinet Camera Assistant: Maxime Mogette Crane Operator: Jean-Baptiste Jay Crane Assistant: Jean-Baptiste Sarda Monitoring: Valentin Piras Key Grip: Vincent Blasco / GrĂ©goire Benzaquen Talents: GhĂŽlDivah: OcĂ©ane Demontis Couple: Justine Viotty / Dimitri Reperant Friends: Swan L’Haoua / Meryl Rakoto / Maud D’Onofrio ‹Family: Farid Alexandre Ismail / Tynaille Wyatt / Swann Archer / Sam Chevillard ‹Stylist: Sebastien Goepfert Stylist Assistant: Vincent Milet HMU: Anne CĂ©line Clement / Violette Lhotellier / Morgane Creuzet Line Producter: Isabelle Hebert Producer Assistant: Nicolas Tryant Technical Coordinator: Fabien Rogez AMP VISUAL: Baptiste Richard Creative Manager: Maud Vanier Project Leader: Alisson Boule Artistic Director: David Del Vecchio Artistic Director: Alexandre Morzy Artistic Director: Barthelemy Bernat Artistic Director: Krystelle Pierron 1st Technical Supervisor: Eric Charansol Technical Supervisor: Lucie Pedexes / Cyril Bettinger / Antoine Bertrand Editing: GĂŒnther Gheeraert Colorist: Nils Ruinet Music: Gregory Tanielian Camera: Red Gemini Lenses: Sigma Art Series / Canon L Series
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footyplusau · 7 years
Possible Brad Scott ‘amicable parting’ from North Melbourne could be AFL game-changer
Brad Scott’s game-changing admission that he and North Melbourne could reach an amicable parting at the end of 2017 has created a new path in the coaching landscape as Collingwood considers an immediate future without Nathan Buckley and the Gold Coast consider a potential successor for Rodney Eade.
Just how close Scott came to coaching Brisbane this year depends on which conversations between which AFL power brokers you consider the most significant. But what is beyond doubt is that Scott believed there was a willingness from head office to install him back at his old club.
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The push came not necessarily from the league’s then football boss Mark Evans, who was the AFL’s man on the ground up north as Brisbane’s winter of discontent drew to a close, but from other executives from head office. They certainly spoke to Scott about coaching the Lions.
And Scott’s manager Craig Kelly also threw up the option in a conversation with Brisbane chief Greg Swann although Kelly was not prepared to personally push the plan and Swann had no intention of alone working to entice Scott to break his contract.
Scott addresses the team during the loss against Fremantle.  Photo: AFL Media/Getty Images
But the AFL was working overtime to resurrect the Lions, fearful of more player departures and fully aware the club’s football department was dysfunctional and rudderless. Had Scott been prepared to walk out on his contract at North there were powerful people at the AFL who wanted to make it happen. In the end Scott wasn’t and this season the North coach and his team have made a reasonable start despite their winless first five games. The Kangaroos side up until round six remained one of the older in the competition despite the enforced exits of Harvey and Co but with an aggressive recruiting strategy in place as part of the rebuild you just wonder whether everyone involved is looking at a new direction.
What is also beyond dispute is that Scott and the Kangaroos lost a bit of love for each other after the acrimony that punctuated the end of North Melbourne’s season when Scott told Brent Harvey and Drew Petrie before the finals that the club was retiring them.
Scott has never said he felt hung out to dry but his supporters believe North made him wear the ire of the Kangaroos community.
Interestingly, on Footy Classified this week the coach admitted he had erroneously placed individuals ahead of the club and regretted it. The club would say it didn’t force him to divulge hurtful list management strategies that ultimately sabotaged the finals campaign.
Once a party actually thinks about splitting up, the psychological momentum can become compulsive. Scott’s record at North is mighty when you consider the state of the club when he took over –  four finals appearances and two prelims in seven years and no worse finish than 10th – but his comments this week signified the appetite for a mutual new direction despite his contract until the end of2018.
Scott framed it subtly but coaches rarely talk about leaving their club when contracted unless they want to set the ground rules for departure – and send a message to the market.
That market includes Collingwood, where Scott previously worked as an assistant and where his former football lieutenant Geoff Walsh is installed. Not to mention his former Brisbane football boss Graeme Allan, who is banned but still heavily connected behind the scenes. And the Gold Coast which, should Eade or the Suns choose to end their relationship as widely predicted, could do with a dynamic new front man. And of the many things Scott has given North, one  is pizzazz. Replacing him will be tough because that is something the Kangaroos cannot afford to lose.
The post Possible Brad Scott ‘amicable parting’ from North Melbourne could be AFL game-changer appeared first on Footy Plus.
from Footy Plus http://ift.tt/2pr5Ahr via http://footyplus.net
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melrosing · 3 months
Did Brienne’s mom died in childbirth? I kinda remember reading that but I’m not sure
it's not actually clear how or when she died! iirc this is actually the only line we have about her:
"I never knew my mother," Brienne said. (CATELYN VI, ACOK)
I guess fandom usually goes with childbirth bc that's what GRRM himself tends to go with, but I think it would be nice if a woman could die of something else so I'm gonna say she got a terrible illness instead :)
but if she did die of childbirth, I would imagine that's approx. 2-3 years after the birth of Brienne, when she has Arianne and/or Alysanne. not really clear if they lived and died before Brienne was born or not but there's not much time for there to have been any crossover if Brienne 'never knew' her mother
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