classichorrorblog · 2 months
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Tales From The Crypt - "Only Skin Deep" - (1994)
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Briar Collins
Age: 17
Birthday: March 22nd
Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: pansexual
Conditions: anxiety and ptsd
FC: Taissa Farmiga
Briar Collins was raised by her single father, the Chief of Police in Gravenhurt, California, with the help of his deputy, her godfather. Her mother had died under mysterious circumstances when she was young, circumstances that her dad kept investigating on his own long after the police formally had to close the case. Gravenhurst was a town where strange things occurred, where death was a little more normal, a part of everyday life. It brought up strong children, young people who didn’t fear things they maybe should have. Briar was one of those kids, one who learned to carry a switchblade, but not to be afraid of going out into the woods at night. She knew better than to answer calls of her name or whistle a tune to the trees. She knew not to step in mushroom rings. Most of all... she knew not to go to the old house on the hill.
She investigated a lot on her own, inspired by her dad’s work, but also the local legends. Her friends thought her silly to take stock in such things, even if they too were careful. They claimed it was different, that she took it seriously rather than tradition and being safe rather than sorry. Still, she got a few friends to go out on ghost hunts as she got older.
She was fifteen when she was approached on a sundown walk. Gravenhurst was a small town, and the boy she saw was no one she knew. He was her age, with golden skin and dark eyes that immediately enchanted her. He told her that it was dangerous to be alone, and he offered to walk her home. With a laugh, she agreed. She learned his name was Abschaum, but he was most of the time called Ab. He lived close by with his brother and his homebound father. He was homeschooled, and he didn’t get out much, partially because of his own chronic pain.
He wanted to see her again.
They agreed to meet a week later in the forest, in the same place they met. Briar was surprised that he was there, setting up what looked like a small, rummaged picnic off to the side of the trail. Ab said he couldn’t stay long, as his father would be angry that he left the house. She asked where he lived, so she could visit... and he told her the address of the foreclosed house on the hill.
Barring all she knew, she went there. Only some days did Ab show up, sometimes looking hurt and afraid. Other days the house looked truly deserted. She’d told her father about this, hoping that he could bring in the police to see if Abchaum was being abused. Her father assured her there was no one that lived in that house. ...if anything, her friend was a ghost. But she learned he wasn’t. His hugs were real and warm, and in time, she learned his lips were too. She learned that he was falling in love with her, just as she was falling in love with him. They were secretly together for months, not daring to bring this forward to his father or hers, for very different reasons. One night, in a master bedroom upstairs that looked barely touched, they’d even lost their virginities to one another.
Still, she loved her dad. She needed to tell him. So, Briar went over to the house to get Ab, to take him to the station to meet Officer Collins. But once again the house was empty. ...but she heard his voice? Behind a bookshelf, behind a secret door, downstairs into a crypt.
The next was a blur. All she knew for sure for... who knows how long was that some creature of rotted flesh was keeping her hostage, to torture her. She learned as it pulled the boy forward to look at her that it was Ab’s father. He’d found out and decided it was time to break up the lovebirds permanently. After that one meeting with a cage between them, she never saw her boyfriend again...
But she was a strong young woman. She was crafty. She was from Gravenhurst. Managing to escape her cage, she’d found an axe and buried it into the Cyrptkeeper’s head several times over.  She’d watched zombie movies. If you kill the brain, you kill the ghoul. She quickly began grabbing anything of value she could see, until she saw a figure with his eyes trained on her. Ab’s brother. The one who she’d seen kill before, under their father’s orders. Without a second thought, without even considering that her lover was still here, she ran.
She sold most of the trinkets in a pawn shop a few towns over, getting her enough money to buy an old green studebaker. What she kept was a book of stories. There were others like the Cryptkeeper. Other GhouLunatics, as they were called, that told stories, set moments in time of suffering for humans. Killed people. She couldn’t rest knowing there were at least two more. So, she left her life in Gravenhurst behind, following the trail of stories as they occurred, searching for supernatural activity... to find the other two and finish the job.
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mylivetube · 7 years
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#TheTruth #CyrptKeeper #LifeStuff 👿 🔥 (at Wells Fargo Bank)
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The long Absent from Tumblr
So once again I went poof to Tumblr, as there have been many things going on that seem the none stop paddling to keep my head afloat in the water was failing more than working. I needed to truly step back and pull my self back together while I work to get away from the chaos of life.
I have been a long-time player to the game known as World of Warcraft since pre-vanilla time and even though I have taken many breaks from the game. <which I am on one of those breaks right now> I still come back to it, a few pop in from time to time as well I am happy that we have Classic out but truth be told  I have not really put the heart into playing Classic right now yet do not worry I will get into it. I have characters on Bloodsail as well Grob and yes for the ones that know me I made it where that Forsaken Warlock ‘Cyrptkeeper’ is set on Bloodsail.
I just finish celebrating my little girl’s 14th birthday yesterday, she is my little ball of light and happy that she is not letting her disorder and disabilities holding her back from things. I gifted her a shadow box that has her 2nd place medal for the 15k mile run she won during the Special Olympics from the beginning of the year. She loves to run and because of that the middle school she attends to got first place in the overall events.  She got goodies from her grandparents, family and friends as well yet she has one gift that has not been given to her yet. It will come at the end of the year. I am planning a trip to Disney World ♥, it will just be a full day at the Magic Kingdom sadly. As I wanted to make it for the Very-Merry Christmas they do at night but will not have the funds or ability to do that this year yet that is in the motion for next year. 
So where have I been since I have been away from WoW, easy... back in playing one of my other long-standing games. Final Fantasy 14, I started out mainly on Balmung and my Elzan White mage is still there but a few years ago I started to play on the world known as Mateus and well that is where I mainly play on now. I have always been in a Free Company but never one of my very own, and because I tend to take long breaks from burn modes as well taking care of a little girl with special needs. I tend to worry that when I do get a chance to come back that I will no longer be in that Free Company so I made one myself. It’s small and I like it small, less of the panic attacks for this person. If you ever see a Free Company known as The Shadowcrest <Crest> that is my FC.
Well time to hop off of Tumblr, I have a life behind gaming you know. Loves all of you to bits. ♥
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