#cyrus deals with the technical parts of socialization: what are they saying? how do they say it? are they uncomfortable or not?
autumnfangirler · 11 months
cyrus, fawn and river are all social people that deal with a different aspect of socialization and i think about that alot
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alessandra-mnl · 7 years
Post Scandal 714 and Pre-Finale Thoughts
Well that was surprising a really good episode after the filler we had prior. When Scandal delivers a good episode, well damn it can really deliver a good one from start to end. Ranking which episodes are the best in this show is a bit challenging to do so as it will tend to be subjective due to the different treatments they do (character centric, episodic, bottle) but 714 so far is my favorite for this season and probably the best “real time” episode that we’ve had in a really long time.
1. This is the second time in a row we hear Olivia stating the she is not here for forgiveness. Based on her track record it has me thinking that: a) Olivia is known for rarely apologizing because she is allergic to holding herself accountable (as that would require facing that she’s wrong). On the rare occasions that she does, it is still debatable if it is authentic because it feels like she’s also doing it while expecting something in return; b) Olivia has always been known to respond more through her actions over words. In any show the dialogue is always important but more so in Scandal. This is because a huge part of the text operates on half truths/projections and Olivia is an embodiment of that. How many times have we seen her ‘say one thing and then do another’ or ‘do as I say but not as I do’? All the time. Actions tend to bear more truth and substance compared to the monologues as seen over time in this show. Since the crossover I noticed Olivia is trying be a doer and interact with people instead of talking at them. However I still think a true apology and/or honesty from her in verbal form would play a huge significance to her character, relationships she ruined, and dreams she ended. 
2. For a high octane show, it is surprisingly in the muted and “normal” scenes where I tend to get a deeper insight. Here it’s when Olivia visits Marcus to see if he’s interested for dinner and for company. It is a very simple scene but it had me look at Olivia and the struggles she went through over the course of the series differently. A lot of the characters in this show are alone, at times lonely, or worst both and this happens to be a result of both circumstances and their own doing. However it is only in Olivia that I noticed who’s been repeatedly reminded that the life she lives is primarily a lonely one. This has been more so dragged on to her face since post 509 and during her stint as COS/Command. Instead of watching her life improves as thought so after ending a tumultous relationship and then achieving her ultimate goal, we ended up seeing her pursue a lonelier and more miserable path. Marcus remarks that she doesn’t have any other friends - a somewhat supposedly light moment between the two would still have to sting for someone who has abandonment issues, been constantly reminded that she’s alone, and is now facing the result of ruining the relationships in her life on top of all the other tragedies she experienced.
3. The case brought by Alisha’s father and how it resonated on him for me is one of the most insightful cases we’ve had and almost rivals with the Sully St. James case in the pilot. The father dragging Olivia and placing the blame of Alisha’s death on her was unnecessary but the scene was necessary. Me and @boombitxh​ were breaking down the case during one of our conversations because it served multiple purposes.
The father stressed on the value of having a daughter who’s alive as opposed to losing one who’s accomplished to the corrupt system of “power” and following the blueprint that Olivia sought out on.
Him going off on Olivia reminded me how she (and to an extent Fitz) is still a scandal. Olivia will always be remembered as a scandal ever since she outed herself in s5. It is a fact that is part of history and tied to Fitz’s legacy as reminded by Marcus in 703. It also reminds me of the question posed at the start of 703 regarding the deal with olitz and the lingering unclear fate between the two leaves the scandal as a scandal. Because of this it has me thinking how tricky it can be to leave olitz as open ended, both staying in DC, and remain as professional acquaintances. For personal reasons, boundaries will always be actively tested (especially Fitz’s because honestly it’s still to be seen if he can consistently have them intact) or we would just always be waiting for the other shoe to drop. The other reason is that there would always be speculation around them given their history and others can still paint her in a negative light because in the end the narrative about them never really changed. 
Picking up from the crossover is the return of the case format and @boombitxh shared with me something insightful which is how the purpose of the case now works in reverse. The cases have always been our gateway into Olivia’s headspace but this time it’s the client who’s doing the talking that gives us an inkling to Olivia’s unresolved internal conflict. It’s almost like this time around it is her who is now the client being fixed. We had Annalise showing the value of family in both the personal and professional space. Here it’s the father-daughter and in the upcoming episode it is technically Quinn so I wonder aside from the mission against Cyrus, what can be pick up here that ties to the personal?
4. This episode also had me realize that Fitz has been pretty much our tie to the past this season. There’s the obvious which is olitz as the scandal and how he keeps on taking about them in past tense form. Then Mellie still brings him up for comparison and we saw in 7A the similarities between her and him as POTUS. Lastly his institute is what’s being utilize for the return of the case format but with a different energy this time. However it’s also quite ironic because out of all the other characters, he’s the one that is operating in a new space and is supposed to be moving forward. After Olivia, Fitz is really the next one who’s ending is also unclear and let’s face it their character’s ending is somehow tied to one another. Is he still going to leave as he said early on when he sees an Olivia that he recognizes? Or was that just for the sake of answering?   
5. Other things to ponder on.
Props for incorporating a current social issue and movement while at the same time weaving it organically into the storyline and characters. That’s always a tricky technique with this show as seen especially over the recent seasons and exaggerated monologues. However how it was incorporated here reminded me of the Scandal of the early seasons - simple but significant.
What week between Fitz and Jake was Mellie referring to when she checked Jake? I’m definitely in the minority in saying this but the relationship between the two men always intrigued me and wished that their unclear Navy history was fleshed out more. I hope before the series wraps they get to interact for one last time because there’s always an underlying animosity between the two and yet when they talk it’s like they still have a weird understanding. 
Cyrus is the only one among the characters who can really pull of being the Big Bad and I hope that they go all out on this. We often hear that there are no good and bad guys because it’s all about the grey area. However I think that they can still play along the grey area and make a good villain out of him especially since he is the most unapologetic character since the s1.
6. Olivia’s mission to save Mellie’s presidency from Cryus has me thinking a myriad of her reasons for this: 
She still has guilt over the affair and feels like she still owes her.
Aside from her promise to Mellie of the oval which she did indeed deliver, she feels responsible to not have the first woman President (the candidate the she managed) be taken down
She was the one who brought Cyrus into the administration even after finding out that he is the indirect killer of Vargas so in a way she feels responsible for this.
This might be quite farfetched but in a way she’s fighting against the system (patriarchal system) that took over her life and she emulated on which tarnished her personal relationships and her ‘other goals and dreams’ (which are probably her personal dreams that she rejected for power).  
What I’m curious about is what will she gain out of this? There’s the obvious that this is a final test for her versus the oval power to see if she will still be lured by it. It’s also predictable that she will fix this and defeat cyrus but will it cost her something along the way? Then does this also reunite the gladiators to be OPA again in the end meaning Quinn is out as the head or will she build her own business? Aside from seeing this turn into another win for her, what I’m ultimately hoping to see in the end is an Olivia who’s not only defined by what career path she’ll take on and what her finite job role is. We spent so much of the series seeing her make her life be only about her career and her climb to power. Aside from that we hardly actually see her really enjoy what she’s doing. I’m hoping that my last look at Olivia will not be diluted to a corkboard that holds only of her WH accomplishments and cases she fixed. 
Perhaps my favorite part in this episode is it tackling that Olivia is and not a role model. Sometimes I feel like the writers screens our comments or tweets and fuses it into the show (Fitz asking if he ever was inappropriate has always been a criticism about olitz). This episode definitely feels like it and considering Olivia as a role model could be one of Scandal’s legacy as she is after all one of the most iconic tv characters. However I like that it showed that she is not and that it was never really the intent for her character because it is really us the audience who gave that association. When I started watching Scandal, I like the rest immediately fell in love with the Olivia Pope character. I basically wanted to be like her, dress like her, and present this strong and independent persona especially at work. Throughout the seasons and just like the many, the harder it became to continue liking her character and I always felt this notion that you are doing a disservice as a fan to openly dislike about her actions and choices. Eventually I realized that Scandal is really not about this strong and powerful female character because then that’s also implying that there is no room for her to be weak. Ultimately this is really simply telling a story of this woman during a specific period in her life and personally when I started to openly interrogate her character the more then I became compelled to further analyze her. When I look back at this show I will appreciate that it showed and recognized a messy, complicated, and at times terrible woman (even on times that it doesn't make sense) because that’s very human and real. 
side note: I didn’t include the Olitz scene/s because I feel like that would already take up too much space in this already lengthy post. I’m thinking of doing a solely and overall Olitz thoughts post after this week’s episode. 
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zw-gia-to-xamogelo · 5 years
Content Marketing Tips to Make You Win
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While searching the internet, I was presented to a great deal of content and conversation programs. I read the ideas of some fantastic Content Marketing professionals who have shared their insights and experiences.
Since I think of discovering by collaboration, I raked up a few of my knowledge from this article with my experience.
There is a lot to find out as you attempt to scale up your blog, and it is not going to be simple. What I have carried out in this post is to verify my experience and knowings with the viewpoints and learnings of other specialists from the Content Marketing Industry.
Following this guide will suffice to get your Content Marketing Technique to start showing amazing ROI.
1. Explain 'How Search Results Page Work' to Your Writers
How you frame the content, identifies the type of search engine result it will yield, states Matthew Brown, Content Method for Publishers.
It is useful to provide writers a perspective on the kind of results pages that are going to work to a specific style rather than relying on keyword tools and sorting through large details.
As content creators begin discovering to compare different kinds of outcomes Google offers for a search, they establish a sense of how best to adjust their content to higher natural rankings.
Rather of letting his writers build their piece around featured bits or response box information, he would inform his group, "Let's take a look at what Google is doing today and how it alters how you view a topic."
2. How does Panda Study assist?
Tom Critchlow of Enterprise Content Marketing finds that the Panda survey is, after all this time, still beneficial for validating a site's efficiency and that it can be used to small sample groups.
When he utilized it just recently for a customer with 3 websites and one big competitor, he could represent the actions on a graph which revealed that users had quantifiably greater trust levels for their competitor.
The numbers persuaded the client of the requirement to strengthen its brand perception by users.
This technique provides the customer with a concrete basis for actionable strategy, instead of excellent advice which is dubious by information.
3. Lengthy Videos Can Be Provided a Miss
. According to Brian Dean, YouTube SEO, "The big feature of YouTube or any platform, you want to be the exception, not the guideline.".
Current trends favor short videos but bucking the trend to make longer ones is arguable. Longer videos, however easier to make, require technical proficiency and even so, keeping viewers for a longer period is challenging.
4. Looking Beyond Comparisons.
Referring to the endless rounds of PPC propositions gathering, Jonathan Dane, Content Marketing for Agencies says, "The drawback of PPC, specifically on Google Search, is that it's a contrast engine.".
According to him, such comparison channels are a drain on the process of business building and thought leadership.
He prefers dealing with the next brand-new action of business technique and thinks conferences provide far much better chances than PPC for his organisation.
5. Keep It Relevant.
Britney Muller, In-House Content Marketing, restates the worth of knowing which content has relevance and advises versus 'transforming the wheel.'.
He illustrates this by mentioning how the outstanding quality of Siege Media's video series, thumbnails, impactful font styles, and colors made them a success on YouTube.
What is very important is to examine the nature of the content that exists and take a look at methods for making it more amazing using audio and/or video.
6. Keep Your Content Fresh.
Cyrus Shepard, Google Ranking Elements, finds that many people resort to merely altering dates on their posts in the name of upgrading.
Instead, they must frequently modify their content to keep their pages updated. This is where a content composing service can help organizations. There is significance to every part of the page that is updated; the same opts for links supplied in it.
Regularly modifying and/or updating pages helps retain the freshness of the content and indicates ongoing interest in keeping them.
7. Lead the Search With the Problem.
Kevin Indig, Start-up Content Marketing thinks that keyword research focuses more on solution type inquiries which altering tack by leading with the problem is a lot more effective.
He offers an example of foul breath as an issue to a company that makes toothbrushes. In regards to keyword research study, those dots might not get quickly linked. However, when thought about in reverse, it is sensible.
This strategy enables you to word your searches more artistically and be rewarded with hitherto unidentified, even inspiring findings, which can then be transformed into brand-new content.
8. Tap Sources of Inspiration.
According to Rand Fishkin, "This is a harder method to carry out" for those who wish to route their brand-building through content and links.
He remembers Hamburger King's advertisement copy on net neutrality sending the web into a tizzy, which showed a sizeable people with that mindset.
Observing the rise in engagement with social and political concerns, he recommends the sites Memeorandum and Twitter to gauge the patterns for possible content.
9. Different the Analysts and Content Marketers.
According to Ashley Ward, Content Analytics, it is vital to have a devoted team of experts. For them, envisioning data as stories comes naturally.
From a content marketer's viewpoint, that correspondence does not always provide itself to content creation.
Medium to large business is particularly susceptible to the existence of analysts and their direct exposure to all that is produced. For this factor, she chooses analytics to be separated from content online marketers.
10. Never Mind the Yoast SEO Greenlight.
Joel Klettke, SEO Copywriting, would like nothing much better than to eradicate the idea that getting that green bullet on Yoast SEO is the reason d'être of all content.
He shares the issues of copywriters who are required to revise their content since of some SEOs' severe dependence on this metric.
In his viewpoint, it must be done away with, as it is not a precise procedure of the quality of content developed by an author and making use of focus keywords in it.
11. The More Your Brand is Mentioned ...
Sujan Patel, B2B Content Marketing, securely thinks in the power of brand name mentions as versus link building.
It is fundamental to his method and gets the bulk of his efforts, be it on links or otherwise.
It is a dependable indicator for him, of the potential for new relationships and business prospects that can be taken up.
The resultant boost in the number of relationships, or the volume of content published, enhances the success of that strategy.
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webbygraphic001 · 6 years
7 Ways to Sell Words Online
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a lot of photographers aren’t getting paid enough. When a writer actually manages to build a business for themselves…well let’s just say we do okay. Most of us don’t get rich, but we do okay. WDD and others are good to me. I’ve been lucky enough that I’ve been able to sell my words online, and make a living from it.
I recently re-designed my online writer’s portfolio (well, I’m still iterating), and it’s gotten me to think real hard about that: selling words online. Almost any other product can be sold with imagery, and some of them pretty much couldn’t be sold without some photos in the equation. But words? Words can be sold with just words; though images are often included.
I thought it could be useful to other designers and writers out there to see how some of the successful writers do it, so I went looking for examples. Here they are.
Note: I’m more interested in their strategy than I am in the originality or technical side of their site design, so this isn’t much of a web design showcase. You will see more than a few themes in here.
Nicole Fenton
Nicole Fenton seems to believe as much as I do that, ideally, words should sell themselves. Typography is the clear focus of the layout, with only a couple of light stylistic flourishes by way of distraction.
The sales strategy follows the design: less is more. There are perhaps four whole paragraphs on the entire site that you could classify as “sales copy”, and the rest just shows off her work.
Shawn Graham
Shawn Graham’s site, on the other hand, will remind you of every marketer who ever annoyed you, and it probably works for him. The design looks like a WordPress theme, with a logo ripped straight from Web 2.0 (the design style, not the social networking).
The strategy is a classic: the blog. It’s filled with helpful advice about a variety of marketing-related topics, and strives to educate its users while showing off Shawn’s expertise.
Sally Bacchetta
Sally Bacchetta’s site looks as corporate as they come, right down to the cut-out picture of her with the faint white glow around the edges. It could not possibly look any more plain and businesslike.
This actually is the idea, here. She writes and designs instructional and training materials for corporate clients, and so both the site’s design and her copy reflect this unerringly. It might look dull to some, but it will look comfortable and familiar to her ideal clients.
Michael Petrov
Michael Petrov’s site is quite minimalist, but makes use of heavy, and almost heavy-handed animation. At this point, though, that’s par for the course with portfolio-style sites, and we’ll see that style leak from the web design industry to every other industry where making an online portfolio might be appropriate.
Now I can’t read French, but imagery is clearly a part of the sales process, here. It’s all custom illustration with light animation, so it’s designed to fit the theme of the author’s work, and many of the illustrations seem to be paired with a quote. It seems the book being promoted is itself a fusion of both literary and visual art, so the site follows its lead.
Clare Barry
Clare Barry’s site is built with Squarespace, so it looks predictably modern, clean, and generally pleasing to the eye. There’s decent typography, a solid grid-based layout, everything you’d expect.
Clare Barry, it seems, has opted for a fairly classic approach: sell via personality. Where many sites on this list have a picture of the author somewhere, this one puts her front and center, smiling for the world to see.
Much of her work seems to stem from her own experience, and deals with personal issues like work/life balance, burnout, and wellbeing. Personal subject matter means you have to put some effort into selling the person, so it makes sense, and she hired a good photographer.
Cyrus Vanover
Cyrus Vanover’s site is built with Divi, and is very clearly targeted at fairly traditional clients. The design itself isn’t going to blow any minds, but it’s clearly designed to make you start reading, already.
You see, the idea here is to show you how persuasive the author’s writing is by exposing you to that persuasiveness first hand. I wouldn’t call it a hard sell so much as simply putting the proof out where you can see it. The writing samples are almost incidental: the portfolio site is the portfolio piece.
Kristi Hines
Kristi Hines’ writing portfolio uses a pre-made WordPress theme that has a flair for the dramatic. There’s the color palette that makes full use of almost-harsh contrast, combined with a clean and modern style. Even so, it’s nice and readable.
The sales tactics used are actually a bit of a hybrid system. There’s the blog, the “what-I-do” copy, and so on. But the home page really doubles down on the social proof. There are prominently featured testimonials, a huge collection of famous brands she’s worked for, the works. She’s not just a writer, she’s a social marketer, and she can prove it.
She’s also a photographer, and she includes her photos on her site, though I don’t think that’s a part of the service. Just an interesting tidbit.
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source from Webdesigner Depot http://bit.ly/2FLLARq from Blogger http://bit.ly/2CHlXxd
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iyarpage · 6 years
7 Ways to Sell Words Online
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a lot of photographers aren’t getting paid enough. When a writer actually manages to build a business for themselves…well let’s just say we do okay. Most of us don’t get rich, but we do okay. WDD and others are good to me. I’ve been lucky enough that I’ve been able to sell my words online, and make a living from it.
I recently re-designed my online writer’s portfolio (well, I’m still iterating), and it’s gotten me to think real hard about that: selling words online. Almost any other product can be sold with imagery, and some of them pretty much couldn’t be sold without some photos in the equation. But words? Words can be sold with just words; though images are often included.
I thought it could be useful to other designers and writers out there to see how some of the successful writers do it, so I went looking for examples. Here they are.
Note: I’m more interested in their strategy than I am in the originality or technical side of their site design, so this isn’t much of a web design showcase. You will see more than a few themes in here.
Nicole Fenton
Nicole Fenton seems to believe as much as I do that, ideally, words should sell themselves. Typography is the clear focus of the layout, with only a couple of light stylistic flourishes by way of distraction.
The sales strategy follows the design: less is more. There are perhaps four whole paragraphs on the entire site that you could classify as “sales copy”, and the rest just shows off her work.
Shawn Graham
Shawn Graham’s site, on the other hand, will remind you of every marketer who ever annoyed you, and it probably works for him. The design looks like a WordPress theme, with a logo ripped straight from Web 2.0 (the design style, not the social networking).
The strategy is a classic: the blog. It’s filled with helpful advice about a variety of marketing-related topics, and strives to educate its users while showing off Shawn’s expertise.
Sally Bacchetta
Sally Bacchetta’s site looks as corporate as they come, right down to the cut-out picture of her with the faint white glow around the edges. It could not possibly look any more plain and businesslike.
This actually is the idea, here. She writes and designs instructional and training materials for corporate clients, and so both the site’s design and her copy reflect this unerringly. It might look dull to some, but it will look comfortable and familiar to her ideal clients.
Michael Petrov
Michael Petrov’s site is quite minimalist, but makes use of heavy, and almost heavy-handed animation. At this point, though, that’s par for the course with portfolio-style sites, and we’ll see that style leak from the web design industry to every other industry where making an online portfolio might be appropriate.
Now I can’t read French, but imagery is clearly a part of the sales process, here. It’s all custom illustration with light animation, so it’s designed to fit the theme of the author’s work, and many of the illustrations seem to be paired with a quote. It seems the book being promoted is itself a fusion of both literary and visual art, so the site follows its lead.
Clare Barry
Clare Barry’s site is built with Squarespace, so it looks predictably modern, clean, and generally pleasing to the eye. There’s decent typography, a solid grid-based layout, everything you���d expect.
Clare Barry, it seems, has opted for a fairly classic approach: sell via personality. Where many sites on this list have a picture of the author somewhere, this one puts her front and center, smiling for the world to see.
Much of her work seems to stem from her own experience, and deals with personal issues like work/life balance, burnout, and wellbeing. Personal subject matter means you have to put some effort into selling the person, so it makes sense, and she hired a good photographer.
Cyrus Vanover
Cyrus Vanover’s site is built with Divi, and is very clearly targeted at fairly traditional clients. The design itself isn’t going to blow any minds, but it’s clearly designed to make you start reading, already.
You see, the idea here is to show you how persuasive the author’s writing is by exposing you to that persuasiveness first hand. I wouldn’t call it a hard sell so much as simply putting the proof out where you can see it. The writing samples are almost incidental: the portfolio site is the portfolio piece.
Kristi Hines
Kristi Hines’ writing portfolio uses a pre-made WordPress theme that has a flair for the dramatic. There’s the color palette that makes full use of almost-harsh contrast, combined with a clean and modern style. Even so, it’s nice and readable.
The sales tactics used are actually a bit of a hybrid system. There’s the blog, the “what-I-do” copy, and so on. But the home page really doubles down on the social proof. There are prominently featured testimonials, a huge collection of famous brands she’s worked for, the works. She’s not just a writer, she’s a social marketer, and she can prove it.
She’s also a photographer, and she includes her photos on her site, though I don’t think that’s a part of the service. Just an interesting tidbit.
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} 7 Ways to Sell Words Online published first on https://medium.com/@koresol
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wjwilliams29 · 6 years
Google Update Survival Guide: What To Do When Google Updates Its Algorithm
Google Updates. We’ve all heard about them and, to some extent, we all fear them. Even if you’re 100% clean and always follow the Google guidelines, you can still suffer from the dirty work of others.
  But what do you do when a new Google Update arises? How do you know it’s the cause of a traffic drop on your website? What are the steps you need to take in order to determine that?
  Well, keep reading, because in this article we’ll discuss the steps you should take when a new Google Update is announced.
Follow the Right Sources
Check Your Traffic & Positions
Check Again & Don’t Rush to Take Action
Get in Touch with an Expert
Audit Your Website
Exclude Other Penalty Possibilities
Develop a Strategy for Recovery and Execute It Step by Step
Keep Doing the Good Type of SEO
  1. Follow the Right Sources
  As soon as a new Google Update kicks in, thousands of bloggers start writing about it. Not all resources, however, are trustworthy.
  I’m not saying that people have bad intentions, but they might be uninformed or might have ran the wrong tests to determine the effects of the update.
  Just a couple of weeks ago, someone in an SEO Facebook group ‘analyzed’ the last August Google Update and pulled out some pretty sketchy conclusions.
  Luckily, people figured it out pretty quick and started complaining in the comments. It wasn’t necessarily bad advice, but it didn’t really have anything to do with the update.
  Ok, you’re probably wondering what sources you should follow by now. Well, they’re a handful, to be honest.
  There are four main sources where usually all the news come from:
  First, we have Google’s Official Webmaster Blog. Here is where Google officials will compile an official statement when they want to publicly announce something. You can also follow them on Twitter at @googlewmc and on their YouTube Channel. However, Google will rarely share any specifics about any update, other than the fact that it has been implemented.
    Then, there are the three big news portals in the Search Engine industry which are Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land and Search Engine Roundtable. This is where journalists and experts in the industry post the freshest news about Google and search engines in general, which means it includes Bing, Yandex and others.
  Obviously, sources don’t stop here. You can also follow blogs such as Moz and Backlinko. Blogs such as these will provide the information with a delay but will also often compile it into step by step, very actionable advice and guides.
  Last but not least, you should obviously follow our blog. Subscribe to cognitiveSEO and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get the lastest news regarding what’s happening in the SEO field.
  There are also some very interesting people on Twitter that you can follow which will always share the fresh stuff as soon as they find out about it.
  Here are their names and Twitter profiles: Barry Schwartz, Bill Slawski, Gary Illyes, Aleyda Solis, Cyrus Shepard, Rand Fishkin, Danny Sullivan and probably many others, but I don’t want to fill your Twitter feed too much. Following these people will guarantee you’ll hear the news pretty soon.
  2. Check Your Traffic & Positions
  The fastest way to know if you’ve been penalized (and probably the only one as well) is to check your traffic.
  You can also take a look at the Search Visibility widget from the cognitiveSEO Tool. If you see a drop there, that could be the sign of a penalty. In some cases, it can also be more relevant than other analytic tools.
  For example, if most of your affected pages are on position 40+, you might not see a big change in traffic, as those pages rarely get any traffic. However, if the positions decrease, you should notice a drop in the Search Visibility metric.
    You can also use the Rank Tracker to monitor your most important keywords. You can even set notifications that will let you know via e-mail anytime there are changes in the positions of your keywords.
  Make sure you’re checking only the organic traffic and not the general traffic. Google Update penalties apply only to organic search results, so PPC and Social Media traffic must be excluded.
  You can also check the Google Search Console for the average position of keywords instead of using the Rank Tracker. If it has dropped dramatically, you might have been penalized.
  However, if you’ve dropped only a couple of positions, it’s possible that the update just pushed up other competitors. And this takes us to the next step, which isn’t very different…
  3. Check Again & Don’t Rush to Take Action
  Haste makes waste. We’ve all experienced it. No matter how dramatic things might look, make sure you do a thorough analysis before you proceed with any action.
  A big rule of thumb is to check the traffic again after some time. It could be one week, it could be one month, but make sure you keep an eye on that traffic. If the traffic and positions haven’t dropped at all, give it some time and check them again.
  You never know, things might initially look good. This was the case for CognitiveSEO some time ago, when an update initially boosted us up in March 2018.
    After some time, however, the traffic went down again, making the boost look less significant.
  If you take a look at the spikes in the graph above, you can see that they match the following graph from the cognitiveSEO Signals tool.
    We’ve heard about and seen other similar examples. However, it can always go the other way around, when you have a slight push down, but then things start to get back to normal. That’s why you don’t  want to make any hasty, poorly calculated decisions.
  Worst thing to do is, however, to start changing things when the traffic hasn’t changed at all and your positions are good, based on what you’ve read on the internet.
  You’ve read that the update possibly targets websites with 5% greater keyword density? Don’t rush in starting to remove keywords or rephrase articles, especially if you’re still ranking high with them.
  Why? Well, it’s because:
  Changes in your pages might actually attract Google’s bot to crawl and reconsider your website.
  Even what you consider to be improvements to your content/page can sometimes result in ranking drops. That’s why you should do your best to avoid any changes to your content as long as you’re ranking high and are ‘content’ (bad SEO joke) with your positions.
  For example, we have an article that ranks very well and has ranked very well for years now. The thing about it is that we don’t consider it to be one of our best. It has been written many years ago and competitors have since improved a lot, pumping big pieces of very detailed content. However, our article still ranks very well.
  When we launched our Content Tool, we started an optimization campaign to improve all our articles. However, we skipped that article. We don’t want to make any changes to it and risk making it drop. Once it will start dropping on its own or, better said, our competitors will outrank us, we will consider updating it and transforming it into a better piece of content to try and get it back at the top.
  4. Get in Touch with an Expert
  I’m not going to list anyone here, nor will this be a guide on how to pick a good expert. You’re going to have to do that research on your own. The only advice I will give in this direction is to follow step number 3. Double check and don’t rush to make a choice.
  What I will say however, is why you need an expert when dealing with a penalty.
  First of all, you will save time. An expert will always know what to look for and will also be able to prioritize issues. Second, you won’t have to worry about making any mistakes or taking any unnecessary action that could potentially do more harm. This, of course, is if you choose the right expert, so make sure you do your research well. Third but not least, the more you stay penalized, the more money you lose! Even if you have to pay someone to help you, in the end you’ll be better off.
  Having an expert help you is the best and most efficient way of dealing with a Google Penalty.
  If you have enough experience with SEO and want to deal with a penalty yourself, everything must have a beginning. Good luck and be brave! However, it’s still a good idea to have a second opinion from another expert before you start implementing any major changes.
  5. Audit Your Website
  Every penalty fix should start with a website audit.
  Whenever you notice some significant changes in traffic, it’s good to audit your website, even if it’s the 5th time this year. You never know what plugin caused an issue or what the dev team missed out on.
  There are 4 main areas where you should take a look:
  When Google launches new updates, it can go through websites again and reconsider them. Old issues that Google might have overlooked on purpose might now be a reason for concern.
  Are you confusing Google with bad hreflang or canonical tags implementation? Not a problem if your site loads in 3 seconds and all the others load in 10. However, if a new crawl reveals that other, better structured, sites start loading in 3 seconds as well, you’d better get to work.
  This is a very broad subject, but our colleague Andreea has a great article on how to fix technical SEO issues.
  Backlinks can always be an issue. Even if Google said that Penguin 4.0 ignores spammy links, we’ve heard recent stories of websites getting penalized after a negative SEO attack.
  You can always use the cognitiveSEO link analysis toolset to audit your link profile. The tool makes it easy to spot and sort out spammy links with the Unnatural Link Detection feature.
  Content is a very important part of your website. Make sure you’re not disrupting Google with duplicate content, meta descriptions and titles.
  Also, it’s a good idea to compare your content with the content your competitors have. Is there any particular area that you could improve on? Are there any topics that are searched but haven’t been covered?
  User experience (UX):
  Many recent updates and algorithms (such as RankBrain) focus a lot on user experience and how the users interact with your website.
  You can start off by asking some friends to interact with your website. Give them specific tasks, but don’t tell them the steps. For example, ask them to contact you, find your number, send a message through the form, purchase a product or enroll in a newsletter.
  Just give them the homepage and ask them to take notes on issues that they might find. Make sure to do this on both Desktop and Mobile Devices, with an emphasis on mobile devices, because it’s a growing market.
  You can also use tools such as UserTesting to get your input, or ask a UX expert to have a look at your website and give some advice.
  6. Exclude Other Penalty Possibilities
  Even if a traffic drop shows up right after an update is announced, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the update is the cause of the drop.
  As mentioned before, during a new update, Google might take a look at your website and find some undealt with issues. 
  It can also be a manual penalty, so check your Search Console. You’ll usually get a message there announcing your penalty, the reason for it and some steps to have it fixed. You can submit your website for reconsideration after dealing with the issue. More details about this can be found at this link.
  There’s also the possibility that you are the recent victim of a negative SEO attack. You never know what really takes you down until you audit, so that’s why we have step 5 in place.
  Make sure you exclude any other updates or issues before you start trying to fix the problem.
  7. Develop a Strategy for Recovery and Execute It Step by Step
  Once you have everything in line, it’s finally time to outline the plan. The secret to a successful recovery plan is prioritization. You might find a dozen of issues, but if you start fixing the minor, most insignificant ones first, you’ll lose money because they won’t have an effect on the penalty and your rankings will still be low.
  A plan will not only help you execute everything faster, but it will also help you keep track and monitor your results. If you don’t monitor the results of your actions, you won’t know what caused the penalty.
  Once you’ve finished one step, give it a rest to see if it has any effect. Doing everything at the same time won’t help you figure out the cause of the penalty, so you won’t be able to know what to avoid in the future.
  8. Keep Doing the Good Type of SEO
  Most of the time (as long as your website is not completely deindexed), the best way of getting out of a penalty is to keep doing the good things.
  Getting penalized is similar to gaining weight. You add a little bit every day, but you don’t really notice it, until one day the mirror finally ‘breaks’ it to you. The probability of you losing weight very quickly is low. If you’ve gained 25 pounds in one year, expect to take it around 1 year to lose it!
  Trying to run 5 hours per day won’t work because, generally, you won’t be able to sustain it. Trying any shortcuts, such as pills and very restrictive diets, can get you into more trouble.
  The best solution is to keep doing the right things over a long period of time and results will come. If you’ve followed our blog for a while, you should definitely know what the right things are. If you haven’t followed us… Well, now it’s the right time to start!
  Just as a general outline, great content mixed up with great distribution result in great backlinks, which result in great rankings.
  Brace yourself:
  As for the ending, unfortunately you never know if you’ll ever recover from a penalty. It could take 2 weeks or it could take 2 years. That’s why it’s a good idea to always follow the rules and also never put all your eggs into one basket. Go take a look at the advantages of PPC, for example. It can come in handy during a Google penalty.
  What are your experiences with Google Updates? Do you always see traffic fluctuations on your website? Have you ever been massively penalized? And… more importantly, have you ever recovered from a penalty? What were the steps you took? Maybe we can gather some more detailed steps for specific types of penalties in the comments section.
    The post Google Update Survival Guide: What To Do When Google Updates Its Algorithm appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
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philipfloyd · 6 years
Google Update Survival Guide: What To Do When Google Updates Its Algorithm
Google Updates. We’ve all heard about them and, to some extent, we all fear them. Even if you’re 100% clean and always follow the Google guidelines, you can still suffer from the dirty work of others.
  But what do you do when a new Google Update arises? How do you know it’s the cause of a traffic drop on your website? What are the steps you need to take in order to determine that?
  Well, keep reading, because in this article we’ll discuss the steps you should take when a new Google Update is announced.
Follow the Right Sources
Check Your Traffic & Positions
Check Again & Don’t Rush to Take Action
Get in Touch with an Expert
Audit Your Website
Exclude Other Penalty Possibilities
Develop a Strategy for Recovery and Execute It Step by Step
Keep Doing the Good Type of SEO
  1. Follow the Right Sources
  As soon as a new Google Update kicks in, thousands of bloggers start writing about it. Not all resources, however, are trustworthy.
  I’m not saying that people have bad intentions, but they might be uninformed or might have ran the wrong tests to determine the effects of the update.
  Just a couple of weeks ago, someone in an SEO Facebook group ‘analyzed’ the last August Google Update and pulled out some pretty sketchy conclusions.
  Luckily, people figured it out pretty quick and started complaining in the comments. It wasn’t necessarily bad advice, but it didn’t really have anything to do with the update.
  Ok, you’re probably wondering what sources you should follow by now. Well, they’re a handful, to be honest.
  There are four main sources where usually all the news come from:
  First, we have Google’s Official Webmaster Blog. Here is where Google officials will compile an official statement when they want to publicly announce something. You can also follow them on Twitter at @googlewmc and on their YouTube Channel. However, Google will rarely share any specifics about any update, other than the fact that it has been implemented.
    Then, there are the three big news portals in the Search Engine industry which are Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land and Search Engine Roundtable. This is where journalists and experts in the industry post the freshest news about Google and search engines in general, which means it includes Bing, Yandex and others.
  Obviously, sources don’t stop here. You can also follow blogs such as Moz and Backlinko. Blogs such as these will provide the information with a delay but will also often compile it into step by step, very actionable advice and guides.
  Last but not least, you should obviously follow our blog. Subscribe to cognitiveSEO and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get the lastest news regarding what’s happening in the SEO field.
  There are also some very interesting people on Twitter that you can follow which will always share the fresh stuff as soon as they find out about it.
  Here are their names and Twitter profiles: Barry Schwartz, Bill Slawski, Gary Illyes, Aleyda Solis, Cyrus Shepard, Rand Fishkin, Danny Sullivan and probably many others, but I don’t want to fill your Twitter feed too much. Following these people will guarantee you’ll hear the news pretty soon.
  2. Check Your Traffic & Positions
  The fastest way to know if you’ve been penalized (and probably the only one as well) is to check your traffic.
  You can also take a look at the Search Visibility widget from the cognitiveSEO Tool. If you see a drop there, that could be the sign of a penalty. In some cases, it can also be more relevant than other analytic tools.
  For example, if most of your affected pages are on position 40+, you might not see a big change in traffic, as those pages rarely get any traffic. However, if the positions decrease, you should notice a drop in the Search Visibility metric.
    You can also use the Rank Tracker to monitor your most important keywords. You can even set notifications that will let you know via e-mail anytime there are changes in the positions of your keywords.
  Make sure you’re checking only the organic traffic and not the general traffic. Google Update penalties apply only to organic search results, so PPC and Social Media traffic must be excluded.
  You can also check the Google Search Console for the average position of keywords instead of using the Rank Tracker. If it has dropped dramatically, you might have been penalized.
  However, if you’ve dropped only a couple of positions, it’s possible that the update just pushed up other competitors. And this takes us to the next step, which isn’t very different…
  3. Check Again & Don’t Rush to Take Action
  Haste makes waste. We’ve all experienced it. No matter how dramatic things might look, make sure you do a thorough analysis before you proceed with any action.
  A big rule of thumb is to check the traffic again after some time. It could be one week, it could be one month, but make sure you keep an eye on that traffic. If the traffic and positions haven’t dropped at all, give it some time and check them again.
  You never know, things might initially look good. This was the case for CognitiveSEO some time ago, when an update initially boosted us up in March 2018.
    After some time, however, the traffic went down again, making the boost look less significant.
  If you take a look at the spikes in the graph above, you can see that they match the following graph from the cognitiveSEO Signals tool.
    We’ve heard about and seen other similar examples. However, it can always go the other way around, when you have a slight push down, but then things start to get back to normal. That’s why you don’t  want to make any hasty, poorly calculated decisions.
  Worst thing to do is, however, to start changing things when the traffic hasn’t changed at all and your positions are good, based on what you’ve read on the internet.
  You’ve read that the update possibly targets websites with 5% greater keyword density? Don’t rush in starting to remove keywords or rephrase articles, especially if you’re still ranking high with them.
  Why? Well, it’s because:
  Changes in your pages might actually attract Google’s bot to crawl and reconsider your website.
  Even what you consider to be improvements to your content/page can sometimes result in ranking drops. That’s why you should do your best to avoid any changes to your content as long as you’re ranking high and are ‘content’ (bad SEO joke) with your positions.
  For example, we have an article that ranks very well and has ranked very well for years now. The thing about it is that we don’t consider it to be one of our best. It has been written many years ago and competitors have since improved a lot, pumping big pieces of very detailed content. However, our article still ranks very well.
  When we launched our Content Tool, we started an optimization campaign to improve all our articles. However, we skipped that article. We don’t want to make any changes to it and risk making it drop. Once it will start dropping on its own or, better said, our competitors will outrank us, we will consider updating it and transforming it into a better piece of content to try and get it back at the top.
  4. Get in Touch with an Expert
  I’m not going to list anyone here, nor will this be a guide on how to pick a good expert. You’re going to have to do that research on your own. The only advice I will give in this direction is to follow step number 3. Double check and don’t rush to make a choice.
  What I will say however, is why you need an expert when dealing with a penalty.
  First of all, you will save time. An expert will always know what to look for and will also be able to prioritize issues. Second, you won’t have to worry about making any mistakes or taking any unnecessary action that could potentially do more harm. This, of course, is if you choose the right expert, so make sure you do your research well. Third but not least, the more you stay penalized, the more money you lose! Even if you have to pay someone to help you, in the end you’ll be better off.
  Having an expert help you is the best and most efficient way of dealing with a Google Penalty.
  If you have enough experience with SEO and want to deal with a penalty yourself, everything must have a beginning. Good luck and be brave! However, it’s still a good idea to have a second opinion from another expert before you start implementing any major changes.
  5. Audit Your Website
  Every penalty fix should start with a website audit.
  Whenever you notice some significant changes in traffic, it’s good to audit your website, even if it’s the 5th time this year. You never know what plugin caused an issue or what the dev team missed out on.
  There are 4 main areas where you should take a look:
  When Google launches new updates, it can go through websites again and reconsider them. Old issues that Google might have overlooked on purpose might now be a reason for concern.
  Are you confusing Google with bad hreflang or canonical tags implementation? Not a problem if your site loads in 3 seconds and all the others load in 10. However, if a new crawl reveals that other, better structured, sites start loading in 3 seconds as well, you’d better get to work.
  This is a very broad subject, but our colleague Andreea has a great article on how to fix technical SEO issues.
  Backlinks can always be an issue. Even if Google said that Penguin 4.0 ignores spammy links, we’ve heard recent stories of websites getting penalized after a negative SEO attack.
  You can always use the cognitiveSEO link analysis toolset to audit your link profile. The tool makes it easy to spot and sort out spammy links with the Unnatural Link Detection feature.
  Content is a very important part of your website. Make sure you’re not disrupting Google with duplicate content, meta descriptions and titles.
  Also, it’s a good idea to compare your content with the content your competitors have. Is there any particular area that you could improve on? Are there any topics that are searched but haven’t been covered?
  User experience (UX):
  Many recent updates and algorithms (such as RankBrain) focus a lot on user experience and how the users interact with your website.
  You can start off by asking some friends to interact with your website. Give them specific tasks, but don’t tell them the steps. For example, ask them to contact you, find your number, send a message through the form, purchase a product or enroll in a newsletter.
  Just give them the homepage and ask them to take notes on issues that they might find. Make sure to do this on both Desktop and Mobile Devices, with an emphasis on mobile devices, because it’s a growing market.
  You can also use tools such as UserTesting to get your input, or ask a UX expert to have a look at your website and give some advice.
  6. Exclude Other Penalty Possibilities
  Even if a traffic drop shows up right after an update is announced, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the update is the cause of the drop.
  As mentioned before, during a new update, Google might take a look at your website and find some undealt with issues. 
  It can also be a manual penalty, so check your Search Console. You’ll usually get a message there announcing your penalty, the reason for it and some steps to have it fixed. You can submit your website for reconsideration after dealing with the issue. More details about this can be found at this link.
  There’s also the possibility that you are the recent victim of a negative SEO attack. You never know what really takes you down until you audit, so that’s why we have step 5 in place.
  Make sure you exclude any other updates or issues before you start trying to fix the problem.
  7. Develop a Strategy for Recovery and Execute It Step by Step
  Once you have everything in line, it’s finally time to outline the plan. The secret to a successful recovery plan is prioritization. You might find a dozen of issues, but if you start fixing the minor, most insignificant ones first, you’ll lose money because they won’t have an effect on the penalty and your rankings will still be low.
  A plan will not only help you execute everything faster, but it will also help you keep track and monitor your results. If you don’t monitor the results of your actions, you won’t know what caused the penalty.
  Once you’ve finished one step, give it a rest to see if it has any effect. Doing everything at the same time won’t help you figure out the cause of the penalty, so you won’t be able to know what to avoid in the future.
  8. Keep Doing the Good Type of SEO
  Most of the time (as long as your website is not completely deindexed), the best way of getting out of a penalty is to keep doing the good things.
  Getting penalized is similar to gaining weight. You add a little bit every day, but you don’t really notice it, until one day the mirror finally ‘breaks’ it to you. The probability of you losing weight very quickly is low. If you’ve gained 25 pounds in one year, expect to take it around 1 year to lose it!
  Trying to run 5 hours per day won’t work because, generally, you won’t be able to sustain it. Trying any shortcuts, such as pills and very restrictive diets, can get you into more trouble.
  The best solution is to keep doing the right things over a long period of time and results will come. If you’ve followed our blog for a while, you should definitely know what the right things are. If you haven’t followed us… Well, now it’s the right time to start!
  Just as a general outline, great content mixed up with great distribution result in great backlinks, which result in great rankings.
  Brace yourself:
  As for the ending, unfortunately you never know if you’ll ever recover from a penalty. It could take 2 weeks or it could take 2 years. That’s why it’s a good idea to always follow the rules and also never put all your eggs into one basket. Go take a look at the advantages of PPC, for example. It can come in handy during a Google penalty.
  What are your experiences with Google Updates? Do you always see traffic fluctuations on your website? Have you ever been massively penalized? And… more importantly, have you ever recovered from a penalty? What were the steps you took? Maybe we can gather some more detailed steps for specific types of penalties in the comments section.
    The post Google Update Survival Guide: What To Do When Google Updates Its Algorithm appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
from Marketing https://cognitiveseo.com/blog/20135/google-algorithm-update-guide/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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emmacannoncop3 · 7 years
Interview with Zara Khalique
What was it that first inspired you to set up your brand Keep It Bright?
 I’ve always been making clothes since I was a toddler and to become a fashion designer was literally all I wanted to do. Then when I was 13/ 14 and going through difficult times, I probably wasn’t the most positive person back then. Like many young people that age, you struggle to deal with things that have never happened before. A friend of mine who I met online, was so positive and helped me to think about things in a more positive light and from this I started to change my life through the way I was thinking. I then wanted to be that person for other people, by sharing what I’ve learned and that’s how Keep It Bright came about as I was already doing the clothes part. My mission became to try and help people learn to love themselves. Why wouldn’t you want to share something so important to you like that? Clothing then just became the vehicle in order to communicate that, instead of just becoming a fashion designer like I always wanted to, I thought why not make clothing with a purpose? 
What were your first steps in setting up your brand? 
I’m not from a privileged background so I’ve always just done what I could with what I have. I was only 15 when I started. I guess I just started out with my own clothes at first and started painting and writing messages on them, I then moved on to selling to friends at school with buying blank clothes and customising them and it just grew from there. Word of mouth has been key to the development of my brand, no social media such as Instagram has a big influence also but word of mouth is still a big contributor. I’ve never studied anything technical, the most I ever did was Textiles at GCSE, practice is key.
Did you ever expect that your brand would gather the following it has today of 66.4K followers?
I did expect that it would be good and people would like it, yes, I mean you’ve got to have faith in what you do or else no one will! 
How did you discover that celebrities such as Miley Cyrus and Ed Sheeran were wearing your products? And how did it make you feel?
It’s great, its really great and I did expect it because they’ve got good taste. Miley was great, she pretty much is a Keep It bright girl as she stands up for what she believes in, she helps people through her fortunate life but doesn’t care what people thinks about her. I can see why she would wear my stuff though as it resonates with her beliefs, she must of worn at least 100 things from my brand. I only send people stuff that I know they’ll wear, like if I’m sending stuff to Ariana Grande, I wouldn’t give her the same garments as Miley because they don’t dress the same. Ed has been great, he’s worn some of my stuff on tour and obviously I’m so grateful but they’re such down to earth humans that it doesn’t come as a surprise they like my stuff.
Whats your relationship with your customers like?
I love to receive feedback on products that I have sent out, I especially love it when someone messages me saying, “Ordered this yesterday, received it today!”, it makes me feel so good and keeps assuring me that what I’m doing is the right thing for me. I even get messages from people who say how some of my products have even saved them which is just so heart warming as this kind of attitude to life is what saved me so being able to do the same thing for other people is just priceless.
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aeheck-blog1 · 8 years
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