#cyrus henrin
eliza-writes-stuff · 5 years
Popular tropes in fanfics or at least bbs fanfics
just an excuse to write and trying to be consisitent
Sharing a bed
“Oh no.” Scotty said. He stared at the king’s size bed.
Mini clicked his tongue, “Indeed.”
“It appears that are two of us.”
“That is correct.”
“AND ONLY ONE BED!” They both yelled in sync.
Hanahaki Disease
“So there’s a guy I liked.” Smiity twiddled his thumbs. “And I think I might have a-” Before he could say anything, he cough, really hard. Then he coughed out a bunch of petals.
“What the fuck is this?!” Cyrus yelled. His hand on his forehead to grasped any of his brain cells.
“So, according to my diagnose, you have hanahaki disease, which means there are flowers growing in your lungs and you’ll hack them up. Until the person accepts yer feelings.” Dr. Brian Hanby explained the problem.
“No way borther!” Then Smiity coughed up another petal.
“Yep, there’s a possibly of suffocating, choking and/or dying because of this.”
“Wait, what?!”
High School AU
“Your favorite banana bus boy?” Maeve flipped up their hoodie. “Now, they’re in high school.” Then they point at two people.
“Hey nerd!” Kryoz pinned Brock against the wall.
“What?” Brock is confused about this situation.
“I have self-esteem issues and at the end of this fic, I’ll be hopelessly in love with you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Kiss me!”
University AU
“Your favorite banana bus boy?” Arcia flipped up her pink hoodie. “Now, they’re in University. See Evan over there? Yeah, he’s roommates with Brian Michael Handjob and a major crush on him.”
“It’s Hanby, you dumb bitch!” Brian yelled across the yard. But his anger is quickly resolved when Evan put his arms around him.
“Don’t mind her. Hey, wanna study and make out? Your name is Handjob.” He wiggles his eyebrows.
Brian is red in his face, “Shut up, you Canadian fuck.”
And that’s it!
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book-of-my-ocs · 5 years
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I use this picrew maker by @sangled
I have so many ocs, but I'm going with my Practice ocs. Now, I'm going through the names and their orientations.
Cyrus (aromantic agender), Arcia (genderfluid), and Victor (gay ftm)
Neilo (gay), Maeve (nonbinary), and Lily (panromantic asexual)
Mary (lesbian), Ashley (bisexual demigirl), and Winnie (bisexual).
If you want to know more about them, ask me!
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boredfaneliza · 5 years
Libahunt 3.0 Alfori: 666 Shades of Purple Part 3
That’s the end of this series! It was fun! Hope ya enjoy! :D
Maeve’s heart shrink three times. Arcia’s body was in front of them, bleeding and holding her sides. They tighten their grip on the morning before glaring at Grigori, but their friend’s body is right front of them. Maeve took off one gem and throws it on the ground, it sprouts out a huge wall. They carried her bod bride-style and run away from the scene.
“I’ll kill you!” Maeve yelled. Their tears were pouring and kept on running. “I hate you and this world!”
Footsteps can be heard across the field. The words are repeating of the song “I’m ready”. Alfa held her warhammer up high. Cyrus is crowded by a group of people who either injured from the mini battle. He hasn’t this kind of battle since Lucifer decides to go full on war. This is similar to Lucifer going up against The Creator.
They should go on a date soon.
Cyrus bumps into the person in front of him. The person stop including everyone else and Alfa. He had to stand on his tippy-toes and Alfa is approaching a still body on the ground. There’s blood around it. She held up the body in her arms. It was Grigori!
“I’m sorry Alfa.” He coughs out blood and almost hit her paper bag face. “I wish i could take everything back and earn your forgiveness, but I know you won’t do it. That’s fine by me. I love you” His hands were on her cheek and his thumb rubbed against it. He makes her lean forward and close the distance between them under the paper bag.
“What a gigolo.” Cyrus commented. He groaned at the scene despite the cheers roared more than him.
Grigori’s hand slides down before it flops on the ground. The cheering and groaning stopped. It was quiet as a mouse. Alfa dropped him before standing up.
“I hate you too.”
Maeve almost stumble while running, but they kept their grip on Arcia. Blood soaked through clothes and it’s wet on their hands, but they don’t care. They have to get away far as possible and at least find a safe place to heal her. Maeve dragged their feet up on the hill before stops at the top. They gently put their friend and reach something in their bag. Maeve pulled out a potion with red liquid and the smell of mint.
“Mae,” Arcia coughs and breathes in heavily. “Ya don’t have to do this.”
“Please let me. You’re my friend and I can’t lose you in this dumb dimension.” Maeve lifts the shirt, a big open wound and some blood are coming out. Maeve pulled out a small towel, which they stole from the bar, and pour water on it from the water bottle. They dabbed the wound that makes Arcia hiss in pain. “I’m making sure your dumbass gets out of this dimension alive.” then they put the potion on the rag and dabbed it on the wound.
“It’s not a big deal-”
“Not a big deal?! Not a big deal?!” Maeve yelled. “You’re my friend since middle school! You taught me things that I never knew. You comforted me when both of my friends decide to died and my hatred of cigarettes. You were there for me when Mary and Neilo couldn’t be there. I cared about you as much as I care about my friends.”
“Mae,” Arcia’s hand touch their pale cheeks. “How am I supposed to tell you my confession when if I die like this?” Before Maeve could question, her lips were on them. It’s chapped, but soft at the same time. Their eyes are close and the world disappeared around them. When they opened their eyes.
There’s nothing, but white space.
The wound is healed, but it leaves a huge scar.
Thank god, they are home.
Yay, they’re finally home! But will they talk about the kiss scene? Who knows?
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book-of-my-ocs · 5 years
Practice Incorrect Quotes: (8/???)
Cyrus: Here is my wall of inspirational men.
Arcia: Is that a picture of you?
Cyrus: Yes, I am big enough to admit that I am always inspired by myself.
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book-of-my-ocs · 5 years
Practice Ocs: Sexual/Romantic Orientation and Genders
Cyrus: A snarky pansexual man from hell.
Neilo: A gay man with a heart of gold.
Arcia: A flirty abrosexual genderfluid witch who uses she/her and they/them pronouns.
Victor: A gay trans man who is mute, but he has cute expressions according to his boyfriend, Neilo.
Maeve: A biromantic demisexual nonbinary who doused on sarcasm and bluntness. There's no in between.
Lily: A sweet panromantic asexual woman that is in a wheelchair, but it doesn't stop her.
Mary: A lesbian woman who loves inventing and her girlfriend, Lily.
Winnie: A bisexual man who is a werewolf.
Ashley: A fierce bisexual woman who will fite.
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book-of-my-ocs · 5 years
Practice OCs as background characters in a fanfic
Cyrus: He will flirt with person A to make them uncomfortable as possible because they can be closer to person B and jealousy equals tension. ;) Known as the creepy dude.
Arcia: Same as above. She's the blonde bitch because she wants to see her otp being funky. ;)
Victor: He definitely will play a song for his otp at a fancy restaurant. Known as the violin guy.
Neilo: Probably that guy to yell out "KISS KISS KISS". What? He doesn't like pinning. :P
Maeve: They will make sure that person A, B, or both to get their shit together. The advice person, but won't hesitate to kick your ass in gear.
Lily: She gives person A or B a treat, so they can give it to each other. Also, has good advice.
Mary: Same as Neilo, but will try to help her otp out despite Maeve holding her back.
Winnie: Doesn't want to get involved, but he gives good advice from time to time.
Ashley: Same as Winnie, but she will put a "Do Not Disturb" sign on one of otps apartment room.
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book-of-my-ocs · 5 years
Things I say/do are now my Practice OCs quotes (1/???)
Cyrus: Why does Death look like a twink?
Arcia: You either clench or clap your booty.
Victor: *eats popcorn*
Neilo : It's good to be gay!
Maeve: What are you gonna do, smile at me?
Lily: *plays piano intensely*
Mary: *sips on a tall straw that is put in a small box of chocolate milk* Yeet
Winnie: I don't like being intense because that makes me being even more intense than before.
Ashley: I have the power of God and Google on my side! AGGGHHHHH-
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