#czech castle
Once again thinking about the Buchlov castle. What the fuck is that place. If it was an English or a German castle I bet there would already be a two hour creepy history video on youtube. What the hell. It's got everything
- one of the owners, Jindřich Prakšický, was found stabbed with his own sword and the murderer never found, but it was probably his wife Kateřina Rájecká
- she may be the ghost "the Dark Lady" that haunts one of the rooms
- the Dark Lady might also be lady Hildegarde who murdered her sister so she could marry her husband. when he found out she was the murderer, he stabbed her to death
- the room also has a real Egyptian mummy that allegedly radiates extremely negative energy (I would too if someone robbed my grave and sold me to a different continent to some rich fuck as a wedding gift)
- it' said there is a ghost of a knight from a nearby castle who used to kidnap women. one day his castle suddenly exploded and they found several skeletons in the ruins. the ghost then apparently decided to move to Buchlov
- one of the owners, Leopold I Berchtold was obsessed with medicine because when he was young, his brother died of the plague and was buried, but when the tomb was reopened, they found his body by the entrance with chunks bitten out of the arm so they assumed he was buried alive. this traumatized him for life
- Leopold then established a "needle test" where a needle was driven through a corpse's heart before burial to make sure it's dead
- he also came up with several safety measures for various professions, established mandatory smallpox vaccines (in the 1800s) and founded a hospital free for all patients regardless of class. this nearly drove him bankrupt
- it is said there are three different treasures buried somewhere near or under the castle
- there is a room full of taxidermied animals, a specimen of a newborn pig with one head and two bodies, skeleton of a human fetus and several real human skulls. for some reason Leopold used one of these skulls as a note pad
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 2 months
I love czech castles because it’s just like
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Mozart’s piano
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A bed Napoleon Bonaparte had slept in for literally one (1) night in Vienna
Just chillin
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livesunique · 27 days
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Bouzov Castle, Bouzov, Olomouc Region, Czech Republic,
Photo by David Klouda
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allthingseurope · 8 months
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Karlstejn Castle, Czech Republic (by bialobrody)
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visitheworld · 11 months
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Hrad Hnevin / Czech Republic (by Ondrej Murcko).
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vestaignis · 4 months
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Замок «Соколиное гнездо».
Чешская Швейцария – это часть Эльбского Песчаникового горного массива, расположенная на территории Чехии. Здесь настолько невероятно красиво, что государство объявило в 2000 году это место национальным парком Чехии. Парк имеет много интересных мест, но самая интересная достопримечательность - это Правческая Брана или Правчицкие Ворота (Pravčická brána), которые  представляют собой самые большие естественные ворота в Европе, образованные из скалистого массива - пролет арки 26,5 м, высота - 16 м.
В 1881 году австрийский принц Эдмунд Клари-Альдринген решил создать на территории своего имения в непосредственной близости от Правчицких ворот одну из самых первых туристических достопримечательностей Европы. Он нанял итальянских мастеров для строительства внушительного замка под названием «Соколиное гнездо». В нынешнее время в замке на втором этаже расположился музей Национального парка Чешская Швейцария, кстати, единственный. На первом этаже есть ресторан с сохранившейся до сих пор оригинальной отделкой деревянных стен и такими же оригинальными потолочными росписями. Интерьер заведения выдержанн в стиле 100-летней давности.  С замковой площадки открываются чудесные виды на национальный парк.
The Falcon's Nest Castle.
Czech Switzerland is a part of the Elbe Sandstone Mountain range, located on the territory of the Czech Republic. It is so incredibly beautiful here that the state declared this place a national park of the Czech Republic in 2000. The park has many interesting places, but the most interesting attraction is The right Brane or Pravchicka Gate (Pravčická brána), which is the largest natural gate in Europe, formed from a rocky massif - arch span of 26.5 m, height - 16 m.
In 1881, Austrian Prince Edmund Clary-Aldringen decided to create one of the first tourist attractions in Europe on the territory of his estate in the immediate vicinity of the Pravchitsky Gate. He hired Italian craftsmen to build an impressive castle called the Falcon's Nest. At the present time, the museum of the Czech Switzerland National Park is located in the castle on the second floor, by the way, the only one. On the ground floor there is a restaurant with original wooden wall decoration and the same original ceiling paintings. The interior of the restaurant is designed in the style of 100 years ago. The castle grounds offer wonderful views of the national park.
Источник:/m-just-m.livejournal.com/246797.html, /www. tripadvisor . ru/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g274694-d4722298-i130392589-Czech_Saxon_Switzerland-Hrensko_Usti_ nad_Labem_ Region_ Bohemia.html,/pragagid.ru/letnij-zamok-sokolinoe-gnezdo-cheshskaya-shvejcariya-6157,/tired-tourist.livejournal.com/22927.html, /pbrana.cz/ru/,/gidpraga.eu/product/ceske-svycarsko-from-prague/.
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Bouzov Castle - CZECH REPUBLIC
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carmen-art · 23 days
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Statue of St. John the Baptist, Charles Bridge - Prague 2024
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idyllisk · 1 month
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Zámek v Novém Městě nad Metují is a castle in Nové Město nad Metují (roughly translated as New Town on the Metuja river), Czech Republic. It was built in the 16th century and has gone through many renevations. The most notable one was executed according to the plans of Dušan Jurkovič in 1909-1913 for the new owners. He also designed the original castle garden with a wooden covered bridge. In the 1920s and 1930s, some rooms were furnished in Art Deco and Functionalist styles under the supervision of architect Pavel Janák.
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vintageeurope · 4 days
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Karlštejn Castle, Czech Republic 1920s
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The average number of ghosts at Czech castles is zero. The Buchlov castle, which has Kateřina Rájecká, Hildegarde, Nefersobek, Marie Eleonora and the Dark Knight is an outlier and should not be counted
That was a lie, the average number of ghosts at Czech castles is one
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ilyaivanov · 2 years
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The Gothic Castle 🦇 🎃
📍 Czech Republic, Castle Vranov-Pantheon
© Ilya Ivanov, July 2022 📷 Photo by: @ilyaivan0v — instagram
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livesunique · 6 months
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Zamek Hrádek u Nechanic, Hrádek, Czech Republic
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allthingseurope · 8 months
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Pruhonice Castle, Czech Republic (by Kateryna)
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solcattus · 5 months
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Forst Castle on the Adige near Merano, 1873
By Alois Kirnig
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autistictortoise · 7 months
Your not so friendly reminder that 76 years ago Klement Gottwald "just returned from the Castle".
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