#czech wordlist
tatranky-n-chill · 1 year
My Sister's Crown Wordlist
Hello, I am still salty about yesterday so here's a fun lil wordlist for my soul.
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sestra (f.) – sister poslouchat – to obey/to listen srdce (n.) – heart divoký – wild/fierce cop (m.) – a braid zaplést – to braid nechat – to let koruna – crown krásný – beautiful schopný – capable královna – queen dokázat – to prove ruka (f.) – hand panenka (f.) – doll krev (f.) – blood God (m.) - Bůh ukrást – to steal duše (f.) – soul svět (m.) – world modlitba (f.) – prayer láska (f.) – love moc – power
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tatranky-n-chill · 2 years
Czech word list - emotions (adjectives)
happy - št´astný sad - smutný bored - znuděný tired - unavený sleepy - ospalý anxious - znepokojený/úzkostný nervous - nervózný angry - rozzlobený frustrated - frustrovaný calm - klidný relaxed - uvolněný in love - zamilovaný afraid - polekaný/poděšený surprised - překvapený cheerful - veselý proud - hrdý amused - pobavený
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tatranky-n-chill · 2 years
Czech wordlist - laboratory (part 1)
laboratory - laboratoř
Bunsen burner - Bunsenův kahan
microscope - mikroskop
beaker - kádinka
experiment - pokus
funnel - nálevka
scale - váha
test tube - zkumavka
burette - byreta
cuvette - kyveta
flask - (laboratorní) baňka
watch glass - sklíčko na hodinkách
thermometer - teploměr
pipette - pipeta
graduated cylinder - odměrný válec
Petri dish - Petriho miska
volumetric flask - odměrná baňka
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tatranky-n-chill · 2 years
Czech wordlist - laboratory (part 2)
centrifuge - laboratorní centrifuga/odstředivka
filter paper - filtrační papír
incubator - inkubátor
mortar and pestle - hmoždíř a tlouček
syringe - stříkačka
dropper - kapátko
wire gauze - drátěná podložka
safety goggles - ochranné brýle
forceps - kleště
barometer - barometr/tlakoměr
digestor - digestor
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tatranky-n-chill · 1 year
Czech grammar and vocabulary goals
I will update these as I learn, and once I'm done with either grammar or vocabulary, I will change my goals.
Nouns!! (Masculine, Feminine, Neuter)
Adjectives (Masculine, Feminine, Neuter)
NUMBERS, I cannot do number declension for shit
Learning some basic verb conjugation rules
After I am done with this, I should look into more "advanced" things (mainly sentence building)
This post won't contain a lot of grammar because the exam season is on, so I'd rather focus on the vocabulary, which I find more pleasing to learn
(aka the wordlists I plan to make)
Science topics (chemistry, physics, biology, microbiology, math, ecology, CS)
Everyday (restaurant, store, school, TV shows/movies, transportation, hospital/health, home, library, party)
Vacation <3
Seasons (obvious which ones)
The last two should probably be divided into way more parts but we'll see
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