#d | 25.06.1984
asphodelroot · 2 years
Prewett Estate, Infirmary June 25th, 1984, a little after midnight @ofemmevance
The heaviness came first; bone deep and reluctant to budge, the weight of sleep that didn’t want to be shifted. An sense of dread came next, disjointed and all encompassing, yet without any context to it. Through the fog of grogginess, Lily grasped at the first thought that broke through, and it was a simple one—she was late! What for, that could come later, after the all consuming panic of being off-footed had been assuaged.
Opening her eyes didn’t immediately provide any answers—if anything, it threw up more confusion because it wasn’t very bright out, so she couldn’t be so late. The world came into focus after a second, revealing an unfamiliar ceiling that seemed to swim before her eyes, not even steadying after a few blinks. Lily frowned and started to sit up, only to have the pain slam into her.
Whimpering, she dropped back against the pillow, eyes squeezing shut as if that would help keep the hurt at bay. It didn’t, and it didn’t help with the growing panic either. Unsure of where she was, when she was, what was happening, with what felt like a troll banging on the inside of her head and another sitting on her chest. Even shifting her neck to try and look to her side sparked another burst of agony and got another whimper from her, audible despite her best efforts to bite it back and keep quiet.
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