#c | e. vance
centuriesrpg · 2 years
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I'm pretty sure you have stardust
running through those veins
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princeheir · 1 year
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˙    🐍     This thread takes place in 1976, on that year's Yulle Ball! @fidemaledicta and Snape decided (logically) to go together and are now trying to enjoy their night.
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    Oh, the Yule Ball. If a social event could be a personal purgatory, Severus was sure that one would be his.      There was nothing more terrifying than a bunch of boring rich kids dancing in unison. Nothing against pure-bloods, — as he desperately wanted to be one of them —, but their music fucking sucked, man. It was either weirdly classical or just a downright terrible version of something Severus did enjoy.      But he wouldn’t let Emmeline stand there looking stupid all night. He couldn’t, really. He’d never hear the end of it. So he took a step forward, offering her his hand with the best smile he could possibly render. “I know the band sucks, but I bet I can sing us something better.” He, himself, didn’t quite know if that was an offering or a threat.      Guiding her to the dancefloor, he held her hand tightly, as if afraid she’d walk away from him. “Do you know Suzi Quatro?” 
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thewritersofdeceased · 11 months
✩ "what are you doing?" "looking at you." "okay, but why?" "because you're gorgeous."
Pronouns : They / Them
Short Story, sorry y'all :(
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"𝑽𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬, 𝑾𝑯𝑨𝑻 𝑨𝑹𝑬 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑫𝑶𝑰𝑵𝑮?"A voice questioned their boyfriend, feeling a pair of arms wrap around their waist. Y/N stared into the mirror, looking at themself and the outfit they chose for the day. Vance stood behind, his arms wrapped around his partner as he admired them. A small smile slowly began to form on the blonde's face before he spoke. "Looking at you." Was how the blonde responded, resting his head on his partners shoulder. 
Y/N raised a brow towards Vance's response, seeming confused by the way he was acting. With how long they've been dating, Y/N knew Vance wasn't used to showing love or even expressing his emotions well. He was a hotheaded kid, someone who hadn't had much love in his life besides when he was super young. And recently, the blonde had slowly been getting more... affectionate. Or at least he was trying his hardest to. The blonde had a shitty home life once he hit the age of 10, his father leaving and his mother having to take care of the two of them. 
Taking a breath, Y/N would hum out something under their breath, shaking their head towards Vance's comment. Taking a second, they soon spoke again. "Okay... But why?" They questioned, looking into Vance's eyes whilst staring at the mirror. The boys blue eyes were closed before opening again and looked right back into his partners (e/c) eyes. His eyes were narrowed slightly, as if he was confused about why exactly the other had questioned why he was admiring them. "Because you're gorgeous." He replied right back, keeping his arms wrapped around the others waste. Of course he thought Y/N was gorgeous. Look at them! How Vance pulled them was a huge surprise. After all, it was usually emos or people who tried to act "tough" that would try and hook up with him. But Y/N didn't. 
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katscloudy · 11 days
this is gonna be short but this is also my first ever fic.. if you want to i need tips in the comments 😞😞 ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes, i wrote this right after school and didn’t check to see if it was good 🤫
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When Vance first met her, he was playing pinball at the grab ‘n go, focused until someone bumped into him from behind, causing him to lose. He turned around looking for a fight, only to see a girl wearing white and pink, soft makeup, and an apologetic look on her face.
Normally, he would’ve ignored that it was a girl and he would punch her, but.. this was different. She apologized immediately, smiled, and walked away. And for weeks after, that smile was stuck in Vance’s mind, no matter how hard he tried to get rid of it. It annoyed him, but his thoughts only led to him finding the same girl again three weeks later at school.
The school year just started, so naturally kids were bound to get lost trying to find their classes. Vance walked past maybe twelve kids walking around confused, until he saw her again, dressed in a knee-length white skirt, and a baby pink cardigan over a white blouse. She was looking around, wandering up and down hallways trying to find her classes. Without thinking, Vance walked up to her, taking a peek at the paper in her hands containing all her classes.
“Art is over there, dipshit.” He muttered over her shoulder, pointing down the hall.
What Vance didn’t expect, was for the girl to turn her head back, and stare at him with big e/c eyes. They were beautiful, but as she said thank you, Vance only scoffed and walked away. That was the start of their weird relationship.
During the two classes Vance had with the girl, he would catch himself staring at her, or accidentally make eye contact with the girl, then he would immediately look away and pretend that he wasn’t just staring at her. In their french class, their teacher assigned partners for a project. And surprisingly for Vance, he got partnered with the girl.
Luckily for Vance, the girl was smart. They went to her house after school, and in her room is where they worked on the project. It was nothing too hard, just a poster on a french-speaking country. The girl and Vance talked for a little while, as they she did most of the work.
Then, for months, Vance would continue to talk to the same girl. It took him a while to really realize and accept that he had a thing for the girl. But the day he was finally going to ask her out, a black van started to follow him.
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necroixe · 5 months
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Js realized I never posted this guy but I have ocs other than Nico I swear lmaoo
This is Noah, formerly known as Micah Vance before he got fucked over by slender man as they all do and ws hit with a healthy dose of cloud strife style retrograde amnesia + identity theft.
Full character file and details under the cut! Be warned– it’s LONG:
‘ ‘ did you say something, what’d you say?... ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ was that your voice, or was that me? ‘ ‘
Noah Rivers
The ghost
Male, he/him
Noah is a human operator proxy.
"I've never been fucking scared of you," He snapped, and Noah grabbed his jaw.
"I've always hated that."
"How often you lie through your fucking teeth."
The most notable thing about Noah is his mask. It's drawn over crudely with charcoal, smudged all over, black around the eyes, the nose, the mouth. But the features are visible. The nose is sharp and angular, and the lips are drawn in a thin line. He wears it so often it's more like his face than his actual face. The only time he takes it off is when he's asleep, and sometimes not even then. His actual face, the one under the mask, has a scar that drags from above his right eyebrow down across his nose to his left jawline. His face is slim, angular, edges hazy against a monochromatic color scheme. The structure of his face is proportionate but it’s usually frowning, brows furrowed, mouth cut into a scowl. His features look like they were cut from alabaster or marble. Would’ve been pretty, maybe, in another universe. His eyes should've been black, but one of them is blinded, grayed over, and the other seems perpetually suited for low light. They are upturned, half lidded at a default and followed by bags, lines, and dark circles. They look bruised or dusky in color. He's bad with bright lights. He has black hair, cut choppy and messy, like he did it himself. His skin is so pale it's almost a sort of gray, the kind that suggests he doesn't see sun often. Lips chapped and dry, always cracked and bleeding, same with his hands, long black nails he likes painting for a reason he can't fully explain. They make his already slender fingers appear longer than they are. Almost clawlike. Noah is thin. He's tall, taller than he remembers, standing at 5’11”. He's built like an alley cat, all sinew and muscle, sharp shoulders, sharp bones. Scars all over his body. Some are new, from fights, other's he's had before he can remember in odd, purposeful places.
Rough, and unused. When speaking his voice is barely above a whisper. He’s one of those people with a voice so low you have to lean in to listen. There’s an edge to his tone, a slight southern drawl. Sometimes the things he says sound more like they’re coming from a machine than a person. His voice is muffled when it’s under the mask, he compensates by being slightly louder.
His scent isn’t something that’s easy to pinpoint. It’s almost sterile, but not hospital sterile. He kind of smells like the woods.
‘ ‘ how many times did i tell you
before it finally got through? ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ you lose. ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ you lose. ‘ ‘
Noah has heightened strength and speed, but he’s still human. A human that ignores the capabilities of his own body, but human nonetheless. He’s a skilled fighter, can hold his own against nearly anyone when weapons aren’t involved. He doesn’t like knives. Helpless with them, helpless against them. Noah is a firearms sort of guy. Always has a gun on him, either a pistol, or when he’s hunting he has a rifle. He’s interesting during fights. A textbook masochist. Pain doesn’t elicit the same reaction from him as it would for most other people. At best, he’ll ignore it, at worst, he’s drunk on it.
Noah doesn’t remember much about his life before meeting the operator, if anything. There are glimpses of a history that doesn’t feel like his in the back of his mind, or when he’s half asleep, or when his brain turns off and he isn’t really thinking. Those are his favorite moments. Where he can pretend he isn’t himself. He’s a murderer. He’s quiet, and secretive, and temperamental. What might’ve at one point been a charming persona, dulled and narrowed itself down to a chassis unrecognizable to people who knew him when he was younger. He’s quick to anger. Restless when things are calm, and when he feels alright. He’s never actively antagonistic, but he doesn’t like other people, and his skin itches for instability. He can never hold down a relationship. Of any kind, platonic, romantic. Always ends up ruining it somehow. And he likes it that way. He doesn’t even know why he’s so angry, he just is. His internal world is indecipherable, even to him. He’s constantly mixing things up, getting things wrong, getting distracted, forgetting things. Which is strange, because in the abstract he’s intelligent. There are moments where it seems like he’s lucid, and he’s calm, easy going, likable, even. He has a dry sense of humor that on boys like him feel more charismatic than it actually is. But the neuroticism always comes back eventually. He isn’t Noah without the neuroticism. Maybe he isn’t Noah at all.
He isn't. He grew up as a boy named Micah. A different person, honestly. Relatively normal, all things considered. Had parents, friends, a boyfriend, people that cared about him. A trajectory that should’ve been normal. He would’ve graduated highschool, gone to college, him and his boyfriend would break up and he’d marry a girl, or they wouldn’t and they’d end up together only to divorce later, or something. He thought domestic bliss was a stupid concept. Would give anything for it now.
The operator in his hometown was a story you told to kids. They called him the thin man. Micah and his friends would play in the woods on the outskirts of Haven, hunt for bird eggs, mark fake trails, the woods were sparse enough to not really worry about getting lost or losing each other, you could walk in any direction and reach a clearing in half an hour, or so, until you reached the deepwood, but no one went in there. Not even him. Haven was famous for having people go into that part of the woods and never come out. They said it’s because it was so disorienting, that you could walk in without even realizing it, and before you know it all the branches look the same and you can’t see a path. But when he was nineteen he went in. And he met the reason why no one ever really left those woods.
The concept of a proxy was weird to him. Someone that worked for an invisible force of nature you couldn’t see, but you could feel, and Micah felt him in the form of thick static at the back of his neck. Then again, he was drugged the entire time. It might’ve been that. The man who’d kidnapped him was named Noah. He was older, had a limp, a face he covered up by some sort of mask. Micah couldn’t remember. But he remembered his hands. They were unstable, shook constantly, leathery skin, or maybe gloves. Felt like fire. He remembered the way they’d palpitate when he took a blade, dragged it down his face, or somewhere else on his body. And this man, Micah would think to himself in a sedated haze, would use those hands to kill him. There was no universe where he got out of here in one piece.
The brain does fascinating things under extreme trauma. Noah would’ve made a brilliant psychiatrist in the 50s, because he’d triggered an artificial disassociation in Micah that helped him survive the ordeal at all. Mind over matter, he’d think, over, and over, and over, mind over matter. If he liked how much it hurt it wouldn’t be so bad. He’d make himself like it. If he missed home, his boyfriend’s stupid face so much he wanted to die, he’d tell himself he didn’t miss any of it at all. Where was he now? They’d gotten into a fight the last time he remembered, he wasn’t looking for him, wouldn’t save him, it was a waste of energy he didn’t have the luxury to sacrifice. The sedative helped. He didn’t know what it was. Some sort of depressant. His mind reeled, ran, sludged, brain into liquid. He wondered if Noah did this to everyone. Whatever that static was, it never shut up. A constant, ear grating buzz. Red noise. He’d get sick, Noah would laugh at him. He hated Noah. Hated Noah’s voice, his shaking hands, the smug sort of way he’d talk to him like he’d already won, like he’d already killed him. And he really should’ve. Noah was arrogant. Didn’t think he needed a gun for him, even though he had dozens lining the wall of his basement, an arsenal. And he didn’t. It wouldn’t have been difficult to kill someone locked to a chair and half awake. He was just an idiot. Let Micah slip out, let him kill him. His death was anticlimactic. A face pumped full of lead, features torn asunder. But the static was too loud all of a sudden, and he was nauseous, and his vision dimmed.
The amnesia paired itself with some delusion disorder, courtesy of the operator, he’d realize. He didn’t recognize his face, or his body, a perpetual state of psychosis, of dysphoria. Noah was the strongest thing in his mind. The last thing he really remembered. Maybe that’s why he latched onto the name. The memory of him. Or a voice he didn’t recognize told him it was him, that it was the only thing he made sense. This was Noah’s cabin, he recognized it, recognized the rooms, the temperature, the basement, the bloody, empty spot on the floor where something should’ve been. And then Noah’s cabin turned into his cabin. Noah’s mind turned into his mind. Some things scared him. He didn’t understand why his hands didn’t shake anymore, why he couldn’t stand to see his own face. But he clings to anything familiar. The thin man is familiar. He does what it tells him to.
“you had no right to kill him.”
A voice said, from nowhere and everywhere all at once, register so alien and low it made his heart flatten to the pit of his stomach.
“a life for a life. your kind values equivocal exchange, no?”
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star122234 · 2 years
Yandere alphabet Vance Hopper
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-[A]ffection- How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it be?
°Vance is a super protective yandere so expect him to protect you from everything and everyone even if there is no real danger
°he always has an arm around your shoulder or a hand on your waist or starts a make-out session just to show others that you are his
° and you can be sure that Vance is very intense
-[B]lood- How confused are they willing to be when it comes to their sweetheart?
°vance literally almost killed a kid for making him lose at pinball. do you really have doubts that he would kill a person just because they looked at you in a strange way
° it is obvious that he would not kill the person in front of him or other people he would wait until his victim was alone so he could beat him to death
-[C]ruelty How would they treat their girlfriend once kidnapped? Would they mock them?
°Vance will try to be kind and patient with you, even if you yell at him Vance will just take a deep breath and try to calm you down, but if you annoy him Vance may not hurt you but he will yell at you
° he feeds you and makes sure you are clean
° he also tries to make sure that the place you are stuck in is as comfortable as possible
° he gives you some gifts to distract you when he is not with you
° physical touch will be very common in your relationship even if you don't like
-[D]arling- Besides kidnapping, would they do anything against their sweetheart's wishes?
°touching you
°he always hugs you or kisses you or holds your hand even if you don't want to
-[E]xpose- How much of your heart do they lay bare for your darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to your sweetheart?
° he is not vulnerable at first but the more you gain his trust the more vulnerable he becomes
-[F]ight- How would they feel if their sweetheart fought back?
°Vance would feel hurt and angry
° you can try to fight Vance but he is stronger than you so he would take you down quickly
°he would lock you up or tie you up somewhere and leave you alone until you calm down
-[G]ame- Is this a game for them? When would they like to see their darling try to escape?
°this is definitely not a game for Vance
°he would hate for you to try to escape
-[H]ell- What would be your sweetheart's worst experience with them?
°probably when he kills a person in front of you
-[I]business- What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their sweetheart?
°Vance dreams of taking you to live in a house in the middle of the forest where no one can bother you two
°maybe have two kids and a dog
°and about marriage Vance doesn't give a damn he thinks the two of you are already committed to being together forever and that he doesn't need marriage
-[J]ealousy- Are they jealous? Do they attack or find a way to deal?
° a normal Vance is already quite jealous a yandere Vance is extremely possessive
°at the first opportunity he kills the person he thinks is trying to take you away from him
-[K]isses- How do they act around or with their sweetheart?
° he acts like a guard dog around you, he is always behind you and looking fiercely at everyone and growling at anyone who gets close to you
° when you think you are alone you can be sure that Vance is watching you
°when you're not paying attention Vance takes pictures of you so he can admire you when you're not with him
° wherever you go he goes along with you
° when you go to the bathroom, he will wait for you outside the door
-[L]ove letters- How would they go about wooing or approaching their sweetheart?
° he would first be your friend, he wouldn't realize that he likes you in a romantic way at first but when he does he starts flirting with you all the time and at some point he would ask you on a date
°Vance also likes to buy gifts for you, gifts are not expensive or anything like that but they are things you told him you liked like books, clothes, accessories, etc…
-[M]ask- Are your true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
° to tell the truth yes
° I mean he would still be that kid with anger issues who gets into fights all the time
° but with you he would be more affectionate and gentle
-[N]aughty- How would they punish their darling?
°Vance would punish you by hurting someone you love
°he would hurt a friend or a member of your family and then he would take a picture of them and show you just to show you what happens when you don't behave
-[O]ppression- How many rights would they take away from their darling?
°he would take away your right to socialize
°Vance doesn't like you being around or talking to other people he wants you to talk and be around only him
°it will isolate you from the rest of the world
°And why would you want to be around other people when you already have him?
-[P]atience- How patient are they with their sweetheart?
°compared to the patience he has with other people he is quite patient with you
-[Q]uit- If their sweetheart dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, will they be able to move on?
° good depends
°If you escape Vance he will hunt you down like a wolf hunting a sheep
°but if you died Vance will be crazier than ever anything annoys him, and he would also isolate himself from the rest of the world
Would they feel guilty about kidnapping their sweetheart? Would they let their darling go?
°no he wouldn't regret it, he wouldn't regret it at all
-[S]tigma- What brought out this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
°Vance's childhood probably brought out this yandere side of him
-[T]ears- How do they feel when they see their loved one screaming, crying and/or isolating themselves?
°he feels a sense of guilt but even with that feeling he wouldn't release you
°he would try to comfort you by hugging you and telling you how he's just trying to keep you safe and how he loves you
° maybe he would leave you alone for a few hours but only for a few hours
Would they do anything other than classic yandere?
°he is certainly not as sweet as a classic yandere
-[V]ice- What weakness can your darling exploit to escape?
°The more you convince Vance that you really love him, the more manipulable he becomes.
-[W]is the end- Would they ever hurt your darling?
° Vance could never hurt you at least not on purpose
°maybe he hurts you unintentionally
° if he hurts you by accident he will feel extreme guilt maybe he doesn't show much but you can be sure he feels guilty
-[X]oanon- How much would they revere or adore their darling? How far would they go to win their sweetheart?
°Vance thinks you are an innocent angel who needs to be protected and he will protect you
°he will kill anyone who dares to threaten you or threaten your relationship
How long do they crave their sweetheart before they snap?
°it will probably take about five months before he decides to kidnap you
-[Zenith- Would they break your darling?
°I would say yes
°bom he literally threatens you saying he will kill friends and family if you don't behave and he's probably already killed some people in front of you
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gryffindorkxdraws · 6 months
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Jack Frost x Rapunzel Corona
Oh, Saturday Sun I met someone Out on the West Coast I gotta get back, I can't let this go Oh, Saturday Sun I met someone Don't care what it costs No ray of sunlight's ever lost Ever lost - Saturday Sun by Vance Joy
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hyerinrose · 1 year
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《Onesided! M Yandere X Yandere! GN Reader》
A/N : its been a while since i last wrote a long fic. Might be crusty but hope you like it! Also i gave reader's obsession name, darling based on an utau.
T/W : Obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, stalking, implied murder, implied harm done towards reader's darling, blood, threats (made towards reader's darling and yan)
•┈••✦ 🖤✦••┈•🖤•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•
[Name] were perched ontop of a tree, dressed in all black outfit with a camera in hand. The absence of a street light causes them to blend into the night. They are what a text book definition of a stalker, in which they are.
Despite it being late at midnight, [Name] were not once exhausted and kept their eye trailed onto the figure across them. The person was sleeping soundly in their bed, blissfully unaware of a stalker watching them.
This obsession they have with Darling had been going on for a few month. They were the longest one so far out of the many obsession [Name] have. What is it the way the look, act or their personality? They don't know what gravitate them towards Darling so much.
Click. Clack. Click.
"That's another one for the collection of Darling sleeping, perfection as always" [Name] sighed lovingly while caressing the polaroid picture they just took.
"[Name] is that you?" Their head snapped so fast towards the sound of their name, it could give them whiplash.
Their previous alertness fades away and replaced with annoyance once they saw who it was. The male who called out to them grinned as he saw [Name].
"What do you want, Vance. I told you to piss off and leave me alone before didn't I?" The [H/C] coloured person scoffed and turned their attention back to Darling's slumbering form.
They're so perfect. I love them so much-
"Dude what the hell?!" They whispered yelled as Vance suddenly took a seat beside them on the tree. It sound less romantic considering the animosity [Name] had towards the other.
Vance shrugged them off and proceed to snuggled up beside them, causing [Name]'s fight or flight mode to be activated and pushes him off the tree. They really don't like to be touched.
"You're cruel as always, love" Vance laughed breathily, pain coursing through his body from the fall.
As he stared up at [Name] he was reminded of how he fell in love with them. The day he met the love of his life.
•┈••✦ 🖤✦••┈•🖤•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•
"Oi, what are you doing there, huh?"
Vance were slacking off his class again, he rather had an earful lecture from his parents than rot in that class. He'd usually would laze around at the back of the school but today he saw someone following another in a rather suspicious way.
The person tensed up at Vance's voice. They stopped in their track and the ginger eventually caught up to them.
"Hey I asked you-"
Suddenly the [H/C]-nette pinned him onto the wall, catching him off guard. Then, he felt the sharp tip of a blade pointed at his neck, ready to slit his throat with a swift move.
The two were in an isolated area of the school, no one goes here unless they wanted to do shady business. Vance felt sweat rolled down his body from fear but along with that something else was brewing up.
"Never heard of a saying to not stick your nose in people's business?" They spoke with an icy tone, their [E/C] glinted menacingly.
"N-no.." he weakly muttered, his legs feels like jello with how much it shook.
"No? Well let this be a lesson for you.. that is if you're still alive after this" The person smiled, pressing the knife on his skin and drawing bits of blood.
Mustering up whatever foolish courage he had, he spoke.
"P-please spare me" Vance gasped in between his words, eyes glossy with unshed tears.
The [H/C]-nette hums, considering his words in their thoughts before finally releasing him. Vance fell on the floor immediately, his legs giving up.
"Very well then, I'll spare you this once since I don't want to get myself dirty, I have a meeting with my beloved later on. Under one condition, never speak of this to anyone" they tucked their knife back into their pocket, fixing themselves up.
Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the person faced him with the same murderous look. It sent shivers down his spine.
"Or I'll finish you off myself" with that they left him shaken on the ground, his heart thundering in his chest.
It was not out of fear, It was of excitement.
"I think.. I'm in love with them"
•┈••✦ 🖤✦••┈•🖤•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•
"Vance? I didn't kill you did I? I hope I did" [Name]'s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
Picking himself up, he brushes the leaves off of him and proceed to climb the tree again as if he hadn't been pushed off the first time.
"Fucking hell.. you're still alive. I should've killed you before" They uttered out exhasperately, stunned to see the ginger beside them again.
"Told you ya can't get rid of me that easy, love" He said with a shit eating grin on his face.
[Name] sighed and focuses their attention on Darling again. They're not going to let this bastard stopped them from their nightly routine of observing Darling.
Darling, their darling and only theirs. Their sweet ol' Darling.
Those that dared to get close to [Name]'s beloved had been dealed accordingly. "I don't get what you see in them honestly. They're plain, average and boring. Undeservingly of your love and attention-" the grating voice of Vance reminded them of the company they have.
"One more word, Vance. I swear one more fucking word and I'll kill you for real this time"
There it was the side of them he had been trying to coax out. He meant those words though, every single one of them. Oh how Vance long to be the center of their attention, the root of their obsession.
Instead it was wasted on this thing. What did they do to captivate [Name] like they did him?! With each day his patience with them grows thinner as his desire to be theirs and make them his consumed his mind.
"I don't care. I don't care anymore! When will you look at me like you did with that bitch? I love you so much when they don't even know you existed, I'm willing to kill for you, die for you and yet you're still in love with them!" Vance yelled, his feelings for them bleeding out on the open.
"What do I need to do- to make you love me? Do I need to kill them for you to see how devoted I am to you?" At this point, Vance had jumped off the tree before [Name] had the chance to attack him. His blue irises were manic as a smile curled upon his lips.
I guess it's time for him to get rid of the one who's in his way of getting [Name]. He'll pay them a visit after school tomorrow when he knew that [Name] couldn't be there.
One way or another, he will make [Name] his.
"You will learn how to love me [Name]"
•┈••✦ 🖤✦••┈•🖤•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•
Reblogs and notes are appreciated!
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dufferpuffer · 2 months
Order member ages
Just wanted to post this as its own thing for future reference. People often say Dumbledore recruits directly from Hogwarts, but it never seemed to line up with how old most of the members were...? So - I looked up who all the known members are! :)
First War:
Order was founded 1970 at the earliest - dissolved 1981. Earliest birthday possible: 1953, graduating 1970
S. Black, class of 78. R. Lupin, class of 78. P. Pettigrew, class of 78. J.+ L. Potter, class of 78. S. Snape, class of 78 E. Bones - Murdered w. wife + kids. Brother of the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones. M. Fletcher - already well integrated in Wizarding crime world. A.+ F. Longbottom - They would have been OLDER than the Potters as they were 'Prominent Aurors' and Auror training takes years to complete. A. Moody - Legendary Auror. Retired after this war. S. Podmore - Born 1956/1957, apparently…? G.+ F. Prewitt - Molly Weasley's brothers. E. Doge - Albus' schoolmate. Ab. Dumbledore - His brother. A. Figg - old Squib. R. Hagrid - He was 51 when Harry was born Unknown age estimate: C. Dearborn - Missing. D. Diggle. B. Fenwick - 'bits of him' were discovered. D. Meadowes - Personally killed by Voldemort, might mean he is a skilled adult. M. McKinnon - Killed 'with her whole family' E. Vance - 'stately looking with a green shawl' in the the 90s.
Note with the Longbottoms: They were 'Prominent Aurors' - which means they worked for the Ministry for some time. If they were born 1953, and thus graduated 1970 - they would only be 27 when Neville was born... giving them a little time to have built their careers while still being a younger couple. But was the Order formed right at the crack of the war...?
Second War:
F. Delacour - 95/96 at Gringotts, joined the order through Bill. H. Jones - Unknown age. Never mentioned to be at Hogwarts while Harry is there. N. Tonks - Adult, well into Auror training. C + B Weasley - Adult, well into their own careers. A + M Weasley - Born 1949/1950. M. McGonagall - I mean I suppose she was recruited from Hogwarts hey haha K. Shacklebolt - An Auror; my man became Minister of Magic F + G Weasley - 'Graduated' 95/96 - opened store H. Granger; R. Weasley - First mission seems to be when 17 H. Potter - Did some things with Albus at 16...? Unclear.
If I am missing anyone please add B^)
- Harry was doomed to face Voldemort anyway. Does he really count as an Order member...? He's more the reason the order exists. - Ron and Hermione are there in support of Harry - and only do things for the Order after Albus' death, when they are 17 and don't have much choice, they are hunted. Is it really 'joining the Order' when the order barely exists anymore...? - Fred and George... did they do any Order things before Albus' death...? Were they just running their shop, with their Mum breathing down their backs to not get involved? Unclear.
Notes to do with the second Order: Molly is against the children participating. Sirius, Lupin, probably some others but I can't remember are in support of it.
Albus Dumbledore was also against the children participating - especially in 95/96, where his whole deal was trying to keep them at school, safe - even though they weren't learning jack shit. It takes Harry having a meltdown, Sirius dying - and Dumbledore being cursed - for him to go "Fuck it... Harry, you should help. I gotta teach you before I die."
Observations about both Orders:
They both have a large group that come from one source. In the First War it was the Marauders, in the second the Weasleys.
They also share an 'Auror talent' that seem more affiliated with Moody than they do Albus: Tonks and the Longbottoms.
It makes sense that when one person joins others are likely to follow. The Weasley parents -> the Weasley kids -> Fleur. James, Sirius -> Peter, Remus, Lily -> Severus.
That's not really recruitment from school.
If I personally were to use the school to groom/recruit children to fight for me in a war: I would be trying to get the best from every year. I would be heavily encouraging kids from all year levels that show promise to take certain classes and learn certain spells... Then, I would assess them when they graduate: '71, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76, '77, '78 was a big year. '79, '80... A constant trickle. A couple of new people this year, one the next - and they are all likely to bring at least a friend along, too - right...?
Yet we don't really see that happen. It's just that one bumper crop from 78, that one friend group. Were there NO talented graduates in any other year...? Was ONLY Griffindor considered...?
There isn't exactly a 'skill requirement' to join the Order. You had people there just to source information. Remus did werewolf jobs. Peter Pete'd all over the place. There were min. 2 pregnancies...
They were losing people - if they needed quantity over quality, if they only really needed base loyalty and a good heart... why NOT recruit more students? And yet there's just one blip in 78.
That doesn't particularly scream 'groomed child soldiers' to me. BUT - there are 6 people from the first Order whose ages can't be estimated. Are they the missing child soldiers from the years before/after the Marauders? Dunno.
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transmascsnearyou · 5 months
Username Song Game
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag as many people as there are letters
Thanks @starlonkedd for tagging me
T - True Trans Soul Rebel, Against Me!
R - Riptide, Vance Joy
A - Alles Neu, Peter Fox
N - Narben, Alligatoah
S - Sexist, Yu
M - Movement, Hozier
A - Apathy is Boring, Bears In Trees
S - Smells Like Teen Spirit, Nirvana
C - Charity, Yungblud
S - Seven Nation Army, The White Stripes
N - Nothings New, Rio Romeo
E - Einmal um die Welt, Cro
A - A Punk Song About How Law Enforcement Ruins Everything, (Person) (Noun)
R - Rock Me Amadeus, Falco
Y - You're Gonna Go Far Kid, The Offspring
O - Ohne Mein Team, Bonez MC, RAF Camora, Maxwell
U - Unique, Yu
Tagging: @veradragonjedi @thesomewhereperhapsarchives @p-trichor @factuallyferal @zack-the-robot @vampirerex @megalomartus and anyone who wants to
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tsunreleased · 2 years
Song Master List, dm for links
[last updated 06/19/24]
(note 02/22/24: songs that have been crossed out are temporarily unavailable but will be restored as soon as possible 🙏)
(additional note 06/19/24: if there’s a song you want that’s been crossed out, message me about it anyway and i’ll see what i can do even if i have to like. personally email you the file or something)
Ain’t Nothin’ ‘Bout You LIVE (Brooks & Dunn Cover)
A Little More Like You ACOUSTIC
All Night Diner ACOUSTIC
All Of The Girls (Lover Unreleased) STUDIO
American Boy ACOUSTIC
American Girl STUDIO (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Cover)
Am I Ready For Love STUDIO
A Place In This World (demo) STUDIO
Baby Don’t You Break My Heart Slow ACOUSTIC (Vonda Shepard cover)
Barnyard Song STUDIO
Beautiful Days ACOUSTIC
Beautiful Eyes STUDIO
Being With My Baby ACOUSTIC
Better Man (original demo) STUDIO
Better Off STUDIO
Brand New World ACOUSTIC
Breathless STUDIO (Better Than Ezra cover)
Brought Up That Way STUDIO
Can I Go With You STUDIO
Cannonball ft. Justin Beiber STUDIO
Can’t Stop Loving You LIVE (Phil Collins cover)
Check Out This View ACOUSTIC
Closest To A Cowboy ACOUSTIC
Cold As You (demo) STUDIO
Come In With The Rain (demo) STUDIO
Crazier STUDIO
Crazier (alternate demo) STUDIO
Cross My Heart ACOUSTIC
Dark Blue Tennessee STUDIO
Dark Blue Tennessee (piano) STUDIO
Diary Of Me STUDIO
Didn’t They ACOUSTIC
Don’t Hate Me For Loving You ACOUSTIC
Down Came The Rain Deric Ruttan (Taylor is just backing vocals on this one) ACOUSTIC
Drama Queen STUDIO
Drive (For Daddy Gene) LIVE (Alan Jackson cover)
Drive All Night (Just South of Knowing Why) STUDIO
Fall Back On You ACOUSTIC
Fearless (demo) ACOUSTIC
Forever Winter (original demo) STUDIO
Half-Way To Texas ACOUSTIC
Here You Come Again STUDIO (Dolly Parton Cover)
Hopelessly Devoted To You STUDIO (?) (Olivia Newton-John Cover)
Houston Rodeo ACOUSTIC
I Heart ? STUDIO
I Know What I Want STUDIO(?)
I’m Every Woman STUDIO (Whitney Houston cover)
I’m Only Me When I’m With You (demo) STUDIO
In The Pouring Rain ACOUSTIC
Invisible (demo) STUDIO
I Wished On A Plane ACOUSTIC
Just South Of Knowing Why (Drive All Night) STUDIO
Kid In The Crowd ACOUSTIC
Leavin’ LIVE (Jesse McCartney cover)
Let’s Go (Battle) STUDIO
Live For The Little Things ACOUSTIC
Long Time Coming STUDIO
Look At You Like That ACOUSTIC
Love They Haven’t Thought of Yet ACOUSTIC
Lucky You STUDIO
Making Up For Lost Love STUDIO
Me And Britney ACOUSTIC
Missing You LIVE ft Tyler Hilton (Tyler Hilton cover)
My Cure (alternate lyrics) ACOUSTIC
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark LIVE ft. Fall Out (Fall Out Boy cover)
Nashville LIVE (David Mead cover)
Need You Now STUDIO
Need (Lover Unreleased) STUDIO
Never Mind STUDIO
Never Mind (Country Version) STUDIO
Oh My My My (Mary’s Song demo) STUDIO
One-Sided Goodbye ACOUSTIC
One Thing (Bye Bye Baby original demo) STUDIO
One Way Ticket (LeAnn Rimes cover) STUDIO
Our Last Night (Better Than Ezra cover) ACOUSTIC
Our Song (demo) STUDIO
Perfect Have I Loved ACOUSTIC
Perfectly Good Heart (demo) STUDIO
Permanent Marker STUDIO
Picture to Burn (original demo) STUDIO
Picture to Burn 2006 original (homophobic version) STUDIO
Picture to Burn (alternate production w/ extended outro) (demo) STUDIO
Picture To Burn LIVE ft Def Leppard
Picture to Burn (war cry demo) ACOUSTIC
Point Of View ACOUSTIC
Pour Some Sugar On Me LIVE ft. Def Leppard (Def Leppard cover)
Red (demo) STUDIO
Riptide LIVE from BBC Studios (Vance Joy cover)
Run LIVE (George Strait cover)
Run (original demo) (clip) ACOUSTIC
Shake It Off (demo) STUDIO
“Slut!” Acoustic Version STUDIO
Smokey Black Nights STUDIO
Songs About You STUDIO
Sparks Fly original lyrics LIVE
Spinning Around ACOUSTIC
Superstar (demo) ACOUSTIC
Superstar (demo) STUDIO
Sweet Escape LIVE (Gwen Stefani cover)
Sweet Nothing (piano remix) STUDIO
Sweet Tea And Gods Graces STUDIO
Sweet Tea And Gods Graces (acoustic) ACOUSTIC
Teardrops On My Guitar (demo) STUDIO
Ten Dollars And A Six Pack ACOUSTIC
Tennessee ACOUSTIC
That’s Life ACOUSTIC
That’s When (original demo) ACOUSTIC
The Diary Of Me STUDIO
The Other Side Of The Door (demo) STUDIO
The Outside (demo) STUDIO
There’s Your Trouble (Dixie Chicks cover) STUDIO
Thinking About You ACOUSTIC
Thirteen Blocks STUDIO
This Here Guitar ACOUSTIC
This Is Really Happening STUDIO
This Is What You Came For (possibly ai) (demo) STUDIO
Tied Together With A Smile (demo) ACOUSTIC
‘Til Brad Pitt Comes Along ACOUSTIC
Tim Mcgraw (piano demo) ACOUSTIC
Tim Mcgraw (guitar demo) ACOUSTIC
Tim Mcgraw (byron gallimore demo) STUDIO
Umbrella LIVE (Rihanna cover)
Under My Head ACOUSTIC
Wait For Me STUDIO
Welcome Distraction STUDIO
We Were Happy (piano demo) ACOUSTIC
We Were Happy (original demo) STUDIO
What Do You Say STUDIO
What To Wear STUDIO
White Horse (piano demo) STUDIO
Who I’ve Always Been STUDIO
You All Over Me (original demo) STUDIO
You Don’t Have To Call ACOUSTIC
Your Anything LIVE
Your Face STUDIO
You’re Losing Me STUDIO
You’re On Your Own Kid (strings remix) STUDIO
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: TBP
Title: Jealous Much?
Character(s):Vance Hopper, Matty, Matt, Buzz, and Moose
Request: No
Genre: fluff,
TW: Use of the f-slur
A/N: Reader is Buzz’s older brother
Moose lightly shoved (M/N), which earned him a shove back. But instead of lightly shoving him like Moose had done to him, he shoved him so hard he ended up on the floor. Which caused Matt, Matty, Buzz, and (M/N) all to laugh.
Moose glared at (M/N) as he pulled himself up and back into his seat. “Asshole,” Moose mumbled but it was just loud enough for (M/N) to hear.
The boy in question but on a fake look of offense, “Wow, Moose and thought we were friends.”
“Well after that stunt were definitely not friends anyone,” Moose replied.
“Damn!” (M/N) exclaimed, “well guess I gotta send Vance after you.”
Moose laughed, “Like i’m scared of Vance.”
“Mhm, sure you aren’t,” (M/N) replied.
“Speaking of Vance, Moose what did you do to piss him off today?” Matt asked.
Moose looked at Brunette confused, “What did you mean? I haven’t seen or talked to Vance since fifth period.”
Now it was Matt’s turn to look confused, “What do you mean? He’s glaring at you right now and Robin’s whispering something to him.” Moose along with Matty and Buzz turned to around to see Matt was telling the truth.
Though once Vance’s baby blue eyes locked with (E/C) ones his expression softened. (M/N) smiled at Vance and Vance smiled back. Buzz rolled his eyes, “Oh my god, can’t you two be fags somewhere else?” The ginger asked.
(M/N) quickly turned around to face his brother, “Oh I know you aren’t talking,” The (H/C) boy told his brother, “Because I think we all know what you and Matty are actually doing when you say your studying.”
(M/N) smirked as both boys turned a flushed pink color. “Yeah that’s what I thought.” Before either Buzz or Matty could reply the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. (M/N) quickly said goodbye to friends before making his way over to Vance.
The two walked side-by-side with each other, as they made their way to the cafeteria doors. Neither of them saying a thing until they were outside of the cafeteria, “Why was Moose sitting with you guys?” Vance asked.
(M/N) couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “Is that seriously the first thing you say to me?” The (H/C) boy asked, “Wheres the ‘Hello, (M/N). How are you?’ or ‘Hey babe’?”
“Sorry. Hello (M/N), how are you?” Vance asked.
(M/N) smiled, “I’m good, how are you?”
“I’m good,” Vance replied.
“Good, now what did you wanna ask me?”
“Why was Moose sitting with you guys?” Vance repeated his question from earlier.
“Because he’s friends with Buzz, Matt, and Matty,” (M/N) simply replied.
“Well, I don’t like him being so close to you,” Vance told him.
That’s when hit (M/N) causing him to stop dead in his tracks and turn towards Vance. “You’re jealous!” (M/N) exclaimed.
Vance scoffed, “I am not jealous, I just don’t like Moose,”
“Mhm, sure you aren’t,” (M/N) replied as he started walking again.
“I’m not!” Vance insisted.
“Okay, so you wouldn’t mind the fact that i’m hanging out with Moose after school?” (M/N) asked.
Yes, Vance thought to himself, he would mind. He knew the (TALLER/SHORTER) male wasn’t going to drop it until he admitted so he sighed in defeat, “Fine, I’m jealous,” Vance admitted.
(M/N) smiled at Vance before taking there hands and locking them together, “Firstly, I knew it,” the (H/C) boy smiled at his little victory, “Secondly, you have nothing to be worried about. Nothing is going on between me and Moose, besides your the only guy for me.”
“Good,” Vance replied, “because how imagine how pathetic that would be going from me, a wonderful masterpiece, to whatever the fuck Moose is,”
(M/N) couldn’t help but laughed, “it would be a very extreme downgrade,” (M/N) eyes went wide as they landed on a clock, “shit! We need to hurry up we third seconds to get to the other side of building,”
“Do we really?” Vance asked.
“Yep, all race you there,” (M/N) told him, but before Vance could reply he took off.
Vance shook his head, “Asshole,” he shouted. One of these days that boy was gonna be the death of him.
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solar-collector · 4 months
Griffin: I hate studying with Vance and Robin.
Billy: Why?
Griffin: They treat me like a five year old.
Vance: Okay Griffin, let's go through the ABC's.
Griffin: I'm in the same grade as you-
Robin: A- Asshole
Vance: B - Bitch
Robin: C - Cunt
Vance: D - Dick
Robin: E - Edgy
Vance: F - Faggot
Robin: You mean you?
Vance:.. B - 𝘴𝘭𝘶𝘳
Robin:.. Griffin don't say that.
Vance: Griffin say it.
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forevernxghtfall · 2 years
Say what you want, but Vance is not like Billy from Stranger Things. Here's some examples.
A ) He didn't show signs of racism! That's really good and I believe that his mother taught him better than that.
B ) If he had a younger sibling he would love them to the ends of the earth, you can't tell me otherwise. He would definitely fight for them and would be very protective, though he would back off (with a glare) if asked.
C ) He's not a cocky narcissistic sociopath who tries to beat up children, considering he is also a child but its the thought. He typically fights people similar to his age or somewhat older. He would not try to fight a group of elementary school kids. (Because Billy is a highschooler who has beef with middle schoolers, it'd be logical to compare it to middle & elementary because Vance is in Middle School.)
D ) Vance would not care about being "popular", he just wants to survive school and then leave that godforsaken town and paint.
E ) He is an artist, you can not tell me otherwise. (I will cry.) He mainly dabbles in charcoal but he does use paint from time to time.
F ) He would rather kill himself than have his friends be hurt by or because of him.
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helloiamadrawer · 8 months
Class 1-A Girls + music they listen to hcs 🎧🎵
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Mina and Hagakure would definitely listen to early 2000's pop/dance music and blast it in either Mina's room on her bluetooth speaker and be dancing until curfew..and even by then they just plug their headphones in and be ✨v i b i n g✨ at 3am I think the song they would most love to listen to is Super Bass by Nicki Minaj or Starships either her or Pitbull aka Mr. Worldwide 😜 (headcanon: Mina got Hagakure into nicki cause she's needs 'some bad b-tch vibes in her life'
Okay hear me out but Momo to me would listen to classical music when she's either reading or studying. Imagine just entering her room and then The Waltz Of the Flowers is softly playing in her room, a calm smile on her face while she reads,slowly swaying to the orchestral piece. But, when she is out and about with the 1-A girls (let's say she already has her liscense in the prior future), she'll put on some Ariana Grande cause she IS a Ariana stan PERIOD.
She definitely give the vibe of 'Yes, And?' (her latest song, it's really good). Would have a whole stan playlist of JUST Ariana and she might sing one or two of them if she's driving by herself. She would not dare be singing when all the others are literally SHOUTING the songs in the back of the car 😂
Now, Ochaco (I KNOW SHE HAS A FLIP PHONE POOR GIRL 😭 BUT LETS SAY MOMO GAVE HER A TOUCHSCREEN FOR XMAS CAUSE SHE WANTED ALL THE GIRLS TO HAVE A LINE SERVICE WITH HER). So when she learned how to work the contraption, she got the hang of it instantly and starts listening to what yt music gave her until there was one day where she was heading to her class and she saw Deku leaning against the classroom doorway talking to Iida, conversing about whatever and then the p e r f e c t song came on: ⬇️
THIS ONE, THIS ONE RIGHT HERE! It literally gives her feelings to Deku and how she is so afraid to confesses her feelings to him and ahhhhh
She starts to smile as she starts to get closer to him and then waves at him for the first time not ever taking her eyes off him. And ever since she listens to it she became more confident in herself, she loved the music even more so just wanted do a wholesome story for that. So yeah, she likes any songs that involve the ukelele or anything like lofi style cause it calms her down.
Tsuyu..hmm..she listens to lofi too same reason as Ochaco but mainly for the relaxation instead of morale boost. If she's not listening to that in her earbuds thennnn it'll have to be Clairo or Vance Joy anytime of day wether working on schoolwork or the latter.
HEADCANON: Tsu listens to rainforest sounds to go to sleep you cannot change my mind!!
And I saved Jirou for last (cause she is my first favorite aside from Ochaco) she's comfortable with any genre of music i mean come on..she's a musician for god's sake! Japanese metal is her all time favorite and this band i feel would be perfect for her (link below)
It GIVES Jirou instantly!
She would be the person who would say she likes only one type of music but then has a playlist of songs outside of that like pop, lofi, classic rock you name it. As for chill time or when she's bored she'll vibe to some chill-techno music while hanging out with the class and such in the dorms.
Class A BOYS WILL BE POSTED SOON! Hope y'all enjoyed these
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fistosmechanicaldong · 8 months
Vance NSFW alphabet
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Warnings: Biting, bloodplay, slight knifeplay
Authors note: There is literally nothing made of this guy and it is my quest to fix that (Also, I know he's married, let's pretend hes poly or in an open relationship)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He takes aftercare seriously, specially if he's bitten you. He'll bring you something to drink and eat, will help you get yourself cleaned up and will absolutely cuddle you. He specially likes tracing patterns on your back with his fingertips.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Obviously his favorite body part of yours is your delicious neck. As for himself, he really likes his hands and the way they look when gently gripping your throat or caressing your face.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He will always pull out as he believes any offspring he has will be cursed to follow the same path as him, there's no arguing with him on this. If you're unable to carry, he might still pull out out of habit, but can be convinced to cum inside. He prefers seeing his cum staining your stomach or ass anyway.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes bandage, both being on the giving and receiving end.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's experienced enough to know what he's doing but, as you can expect, cannibals aren't really a popular choice for sexual partners (even if he says he doesn't count as a cannibal). Most of his experiences have been with Holly.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any where he can see your face and that delicious neck of yours, he likes to nibble on it as you have sex.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He tends to be more serious in the act, but will gladly humor you if you're not the serious type.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He tries his best to stay as presentable as possible. Let's be real here, he lives in an abandoned underground metro station in a post apocalypse, there aren't much resources to get himself fully shaved down there. However, he does trim it down to a point where he thinks it's presentable.
He loves praising you, and will do lengthy foreplay, making sure to kiss every inch of your skin, all while telling you how beautiful you are.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't do it that often. He's usually preoccupied with leading his gang of "vampires" and it's hard for him to get a moment where he's fully alone to do so.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He really likes bloodplay and will bite you hard enough to draw blood if given permission, though he won't sink his teeth too deep since he doesn't want to cause serious harm to you. He will also use a knife to make shallow cuts and marks on your skin that he will lick until they stop bleeding.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Outdoors under the moonlight, he likes to find safe places outdoors where he can fuck you while seeing your face illuminated by the moon.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The fact that you're willing to accept him really gets him going. And though he says he doesn't feed for pleasure, he'd be lying if he said that the sight and taste of your blood doesn't do something for him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will never have sex for reproductive purposes (it's against the laws The Family follows). He also will never do anything that could pose serious harm to you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves giving oral sex. He will spread your legs and go down on you pretty much every time you have sex. He's not opposed to being on the receiving end, but really enjoys giving head.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He's more of a slow an sensual type, taking his time to make sure you're enjoying yourself, and will usually only get rougher if you ask him to.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn't really like them. He likes to take his time and enjoy you properly. He might agree to a quickie from time to time, but that'd be rare for him.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Some risk and experimentation is fine as long as neither him nor you get seriously hurt.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He usually only goes for one round, but he makes it last, making sure to leave you satisfied by the end of it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Some ropes and scarves to either tie you up or get him tied up, but that's about it. It's not that he's opposed to using toys, it's that they're hard to come by.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's a big tease. He will deny you orgasms if he thinks you're not being loud enough and prompt you to beg for his touch. He will also sometimes barely hover his hands over your skin, barely touching you, and only proceed to touch you properly once you start asking for it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not very loud. He grunts and sometimes moans a bit. He mostly just talks to you while having sex, praising and encouraging you, but isn't one to make much sounds.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
The guy acts like a vampire at 41 years of age, so of course he's an absolute nerd and will love it if you do some kinky vampire/hunter themed roleplay.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's muscular, hes used to fighting both humans and the wildlife of the wasteland with melee weapons, so of course he's built muscle. How does he manage to be muscular while surviving exclusively on blood? I don't know, but it somehow works for him.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is not that high. He will sometimes initiate, but often times it will be up to you to ask to have sex.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He rarely falls asleep, he's on alert most of the time, and specially if you're having sex outdoors, so he will stay awake guarding you until you're fine enough to return to his "lair".
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