Aphrodite: my character falls in love with yours.
To this day, she wasn’t sure what she was thinking when she told her brother that Derek Hale was off limits. She barely knew the werewolf, barely knew anything about him, but when she’d offered her protection, she’d done so because he’d been Hadley’s friend. She’d helped him with the Nexus because she wanted to, because she knew that he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. And if Rebekah could help shoulder that burden, she certainly would. She knew what it was like to shoulder it with no one to lean on.
It takes a few weeks before she realizes that he’s alone. When she sees him, he’s by himself and on the off chance she stops by to visit, the loft is empty. When she broaches the subject, his eyes light up dangerously and she knows not to mention what he’s lost again. She settles for rubbing out the knots in his shoulders and he settles for biting his tongue when he wants to tell her to leave. She returns each day. 
He says he’s fine, but he looks lost, bereft without his pack. The blonde will never admit what makes her do it, but when she sees the look in his eyes on a cold night in late September, she pulls him close to her and kisses him. They fight for dominance, but in the end, Rebekah gets what she wanted anyway. She gets him.
It starts both slow and quick at the same time. They’re cohabitating almost instantaneously, though it takes time before they become truly open with one another. Rebekah makes the loft feel a little less empty, a little more full of life, and between the regular food, regular sex, and fewer amounts of alcohol, Derek even begins to smile without prompting. It’s weird and if he didn’t like the feeling so much, he’d probably do his best to suppress it. She drags him shopping, drags him to wine bars where he orders beer, and on one particular weekend, she is able to convince him to go antiquing.
They fight a lot, of course, because they’re both stubborn and they both hate relying on anyone else for anything. Derek hates that Rebekah will fresh feed with her brothers and Rebekah hates that Derek refuses to let her in. But they don’t withhold affection from each other even when they’re fighting and Rebekah’s lived long enough to know that going to bed angry is a recipe for disaster. They work their way through five beds this way. 
It’s easy to pretend Derek doesn’t need her. But he does. What Rebekah gives him is a protection and a tenderness he has never known. She takes care of him in the way he took care of everyone else. She doesn’t think about the big picture, she doesn’t think about the greater good, she doesn’t think about what everyone else wants, she thinks about him. She doesn’t hesitate to put Derek first. And that makes all the difference.
His uncle treats him abysmally, showing up whenever he wants something. He’ll say that he wants a relationship with his nephew, but neither of them believes him. Still, he’s family and they can’t kick him out when he comes around. Peter learns to live with Rebekah’s judgmental looks and she learns to hold her tongue, squeezing Derek’s hand when he needs the support. And on a stormy afternoon in mid-May, when Cora turns up alive, Rebekah’s the one holding Derek in the middle of the night as he shakes, refusing to acknowledge his tears, unable to understand the loss that’s no longer one. She rubs circles on his back.
They don’t speak of love, or of affection, though it’s freely given. They’re too possessive for that, too distrusting even though they know the other won’t be leaving. Rebekah tells him he is hers and he glares at any man that looks at her in a way he doesn’t like. This is how they define their relationship and show their love. They don’t need the words and Rebekah wonders if they’re happier without them. 
When Derek finally realizes that she’s not going anywhere, he wonders if he shouldn’t make a respectable woman out of her. And so, he picks himself up and buys a ring, putting it on her finger in her sleep so he can avoid the actual proposal of it all. Over Skype, Stiles tells him he’s a coward, but Derek isn’t persuaded. The wake-up she gives him convinces him that he’s right. It is only later that she looks at what he’s inscribed on the inside. The two words are enough. 
Love, Derek.
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thekingofwolves-blog · 11 years
Unbind Me
Deucalion let out a sigh before moving swiftly to undo the cuffs on Derek’s hands. The other alpha collapsed to the ground in exhaustion, breathing heavily as Duke reached down to do the same to his ankles.
“Go, before I change my mind.”
Derek’s face was twisted in utter confusion. “What?” He rasped out, voice raw from his days of screaming in agony through his torture.
“Go. Leave. I don’t want to see or hear from you again.” With those words, Deucalion strode out of the room, trying not to think of how Erica compares the two Alphas as being the exact same. 
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