troubledconstellations 5 months
" it's not creepy. " he paused, tilting his head slightly, before amending: " okay, so it's a little creepy, but i believe you when you say you know me. that's something that seems to be happening a lot around here, lately. not the worst thing to be known by a pretty girl. " luka could tell something was off. he wasn't sure what, or how he knew, but he just did. " are you alright, marinette? "
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"oh... thank you." mari replies, feeling awkward beyond belief at trying to speak to this version of luka that has no idea who she is. for a long time, he'd been one of the only people to know the full truth of her identity, and now he didn't even know her name? it was so weird. "yeah, i did know that. does that sound creepy? sorry."
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troubledconstellations 5 months
send LOST for a scene from my muse's past in which they felt lost, literally or figuratively ( for luka )
Boats creak. A lot. That's just something that they do, and Luka knows that about as well as any four year old can know something. But he also knows what a boat creak sounds like versus a person creak, which is why he's climbing out of his bed at three in the morning and standing in the living room and watching his father move around and pick things up. " What are you doing? " His dad half-jumps, cursing, hand over his heart as he turns around and stares at his son in the dark. Luka briefly thinks about the way the fading moonlight through the window makes his dad look sad. There's a long moment of nothing, before he says, " Go back to bed, kiddo. It's alright. " He frowns, because no one ever said that it wasn't. His dad sighs, running a hand over his face and setting down all the things he'd be carrying, before swooping down and lifting Luka from the floor, carrying him all the way back to his bed and tucking hum back in. He says something, but he's already too asleep to hear it. His dad isn't there when he wakes up. He's not quite sure what to do about that.
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troubledconstellations 5 months
" not very long? a few months, maybe? i was... " she racked her brain, taking a few moments to remember what she'd been doing back home before she'd ended up here. " we were working on the ziggeraut, i think. or, gilmore and allura and the realmseer were. i wasn't being much help. but i'm alright now, i'm safe. safer, now that you're here, i guess. " cass shook her head, dispelling the thoughts. she'd gotten a lot better at that recently. " when did you get here, percy? are you alright? you look... well, you look like shit, to be honest. "
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Percy kept a tight hold on his little sister. Last time he had seen her was before they went to find Ripley and his death. Even if he survived like Vax said, to him he hadn't seen her again. He let go, hands on her cheeks and smiling at her.
"Hi to you too, Cass." His little sister was everything to him. Having lost her a few times he couldn't do it again. "Its so good to see you too. You're safe right? How long have you been here?" His brow furrowing.
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troubledconstellations 5 months
something about the man screamed familiar to them, but vesper quickly shook off the feeling. people looked weirdly familiar all the time, there was no rhyme or reason to it. they'd probably just passed in the street before or something. " are you percival? i'm with the college paper. they sent me to write an article about your clocks... " a slight pause, as vesper tilted their head back to peer at the gun on the wall. " what's with the rifle? "
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Percy was in the back working on fixing diplomacy on his hand. It needed constant maintenance being on his hand and he was using his hands all the time. He heard a hell and stood up, exiting his office and putting his gloves back on. "Hello." He nodded in greeting. It was almost like for a moment he was looking at a young Vex. It threw him for a moment. "How can I help?"
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troubledconstellations 5 months
omg silly memes?? drop a heart a get some memes (specify who you want memes for if you want a specific character pls)
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troubledconstellations 5 months
GLIMPSES OF THE PAST: a headcanon / prompt collection because sometimes it's not enough to write about your muse's past and how it affects them, you just gotta write a little scene. these prompts are designed to be a little writing prompt related to your character's past, essentially!
send FORGED for a scene from my muse's past that they think made them stronger in the long run
send REMINDED for a scene from my muse's past in which they encountered something that reminded them of a difficult experience / trauma
send CONFESSED for a scene from my muse's past in which they revealed a secret about themselves to someone
send TRICKED for a scene from my muse's past in which they misled, tricked, or lied to someone
send IMPRESSED for a scene from my muse's past in which they tried to impress someone, successfully or not
send ACHIEVED for a scene from my muse's past in which they completed / achieved something they were proud of
send CHANGED for a scene from my muse's past that represented a turning point in their life
send DIFFERENT for a scene from my muse's past that they feel changed their outlook / personality / etc, for the better or worse
send CRITICAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they thought about / were reminded of something they're insecure about
send SCOLDED for a scene from my muse's past in which someone told them off, justifiably or not
send STRAINED for a scene from my muse's past in which they interact with someone they have a difficult relationship with
send SOBBED for a scene from my muse's past in which they broke down in tears
send LOST for a scene from my muse's past in which they felt lost, literally or figuratively
send BLINDSIDED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were betrayed or shocked by what someone did
send INJURED for a scene from my muse's past in which they sustained a significant injury
send AFRAID for a scene from my muse's past in which they were scared / under threat
send HELPED for a scene from my muse's past in which someone helped / saved them
send CAUGHT for a scene from my muse's past in which they were caught doing something they shouldn't
send BLUSHED for a scene from my muse's past in which they received a compliment that really got to them
send VICIOUS for a scene from my muse's past in which someone said something cruel that really got to them
send SWOONED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were infatuated with someone
send PINNED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were stuck somewhere, literally or figuratively
send GRIEVED for a scene from my muse's past in which they had recently lost someone / something
send MORTAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they had a brush with death, either themselves or someone close to them
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troubledconstellations 5 months
@rainbowmuses for thorin / vesper blinked, slowly. they were fairly certain that whatever the man was doing was far above their own pay grade, but they were getting paid to hang out with dogs today so who, really, were they to complain? stepping into the shelter, they wandered over to thorin and reached out to tap him on the shoulder. " hi, are you... " vesper glanced down at their phone, checking, " ... thorin? "
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troubledconstellations 5 months
for a moment, cassandra felt a little bit like she couldn't breathe. percy was here, he remembered, and he was hugging her the same he'd hugged her when the party had found her back in whitestone. a half-startled laugh broke from her lips as she hugged him right back, almost as tightly. " hi... " they whispered against his chest, screwing their eyes shut for a moment to resist the urge to cry (from relief, cass was pretty sure, though they couldn't be certain). " gods, percy, it's good to see you. "
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Percy had just left his shop, heading home. He was used to going through the motions these days. He wasn't sure if he missed the adventures from back home. The last one had got him killed. Though apparently he came back according to Vax. His mind drifted to Vex, and her memories. Then drifting to Cass. He wished he could let her know that he was okay. The sudden collision made him stumble just a little, catching himself but catching the girl as well.
"Cass?" His eyes went wide. Before his arms wrapped around her and hugged her close.
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troubledconstellations 5 months
@mischiefxmuses for percy / they really weren't awake enough for this; like, they needed at least two more cups of coffee in their system before they had the energy to do anything regarding this exact assignment. why should they care about watches? if weren't considered to be unprofessional, vesper was pretty sure that, as they got up and began making their way to this watch shop, that they would be dragging their feet. taking a moment to compose themselves and pretend like this wasnt the most boring thing they'd done all week, they went inside - and was immediately greeted with the sight of a large gun hanging on the wall. okay. weird. were they in the right place? " um. hello? "
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troubledconstellations 5 months
@lcngliive for keyleth / " excuse me? " the little bell above the door rung out as they pushed it open, glancing briefly around the interior of the shop as to figure out where any of the workers were. they'd gotten to actually pick their own assignment this go around, not being forced to wait until the very end and getting the worst ones, and they'd wanted to write about plants. ... plus all the house plants in their apartment were standing on their last legs and they maybe needed to get something easier to take care of. wandering further into the store, they called out again, " hello? does anyone work here? "
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troubledconstellations 5 months
@wvsteria for mia / they tapped their pen against their the edge of their journal rhythmically, a pattern that only they could hear. this article simply wasn't speaking to them, but they had to write it - there was genuinely nothing vesper could do but write it, at this point... but why, of all things, did they have to write about the fact that the humane society had won a world record for the number of dogs in bandanas gathered in one place? did anyone actually care about that? vesper sighed, tossing their pen and journal onto the table in front of them. glancing up, they blink in surprise at the sudden presence of someone at the end of their table. " uh, can i help you? "
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troubledconstellations 5 months
marinette. he felt as though that name should have rung a bell somewhere in his subconscious, like there was something they were supposed to know but he was hitting a solid wall in his efforts to get there. luka blinked, watching the way her expression shifted so dramatically in a span of only a few seconds. " pretty, " it was the first word he could think of. they cocked their head to the side, struggling to place where they could possibly have met her and not remember. " i'm luka. " a pause. " though, i guess if we know each other, you already know that. "
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she'd been ready to greet the other immediately, excitement crossing her face with a wide grin, though it immediately dropped. "i... yeah, we do know each other." it was going to be hard to explain the truth of the entire thing. "i'm marinette."
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troubledconstellations 5 months
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vesper elania de rolo from critical role!
was that LOLA TUNG? oh no no, that was just VESPER ELANIA DE ROLO, a CANON CHARACTER from CRITICAL ROLE. they are TWENTY-ONE years old, use THEY/THEM, and ARE NOT aware that they are not actually from washington dc. too bad they can鈥檛 stray from this city for long...
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how long has your character been here: several years according to their fake life, though in their real life it's about the same span of time.
what is your character's聽job: journalist
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom: at least two decades post campaign
has any magic affected your character: well, they're like a full human now so unfortunately not :(
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bullet point bio:
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troubledconstellations 5 months
@ofxscavengcrs for wanda / damian had seen a lot of weird things in his life - his father dressed up like a bat and stalked criminals in the night, he himself was literally raised to be the next body of his grandfather and continue ra's al ghul's wish for immortality, he used to regularly fight villians while dressed in a condiment-colored skin-tight costume. damian's threshold for weird was personally unmatched. so, the fact that he was now just watching a woman casually do actual real-life magic probably should have made him question something, but instead. he simply filed it away in his brain to think about later. he'd certainly seen weirder; his best friend was half-alien, after all. " so, " he started, " can you do more than just move stuff around or is that it? "
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troubledconstellations 5 months
@wvsteria for judith / damian closed his eyes, mostly in an attempt to hide the amusement flickering in them - not that that did anything to hide the slight upward turn of his mouth. when he'd been invited to a study session, the man honestly shouldn't have expected to actually study, but sue him. he was hopeful, alright? this is what he gets for trusting that judith had his best interests at heart. opening his eyes, damian deadpanned, " remind me again why i am friends with you? i'm nearly positive i lose braincells every time you open your mouth... "
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troubledconstellations 5 months
@lavendaers for vex / she was pretty sure she was dreaming. cassandra had just briefly glanced up from her laptop, considering ordering another coffee - as though the two they'd already finished weren't enough (they weren't, if she planned on finishing this chapter today) - when she spotted vex'ahlia. the blond nearly tripped in her rush to get up, moving across the coffee shop to reach over and tap vex on the shoulder. " vex'ahlia? " it occurred to them maybe a moment too late that perhaps vex'ahlia was not one of those whose memories had returned yet.
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troubledconstellations 5 months
@ofxscavengcrs for scanlan / this day could not get any weirder. cassandra blinked, as though that would make the sight in front of her any less of an oddity. not, really, that she believed scanlan shorthalt could be anything but an oddity where ever he went, but this was a bit too much for her today. " gods, shorthalt. i didn't think you gnomes got any taller. " half a pause, as cass tilted her head a bit and smiled. " hi. cassandra de rolo. do you know who i am or is this just a really weird introduction? "
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