#d:bh markus
thiriumhound · 10 months
i need more post-violent-revolution canon so bad. like, even all pacifist leading up to the attack on the camps. just detroit being ACTUALLY taken over by the androids. no political "MAYBE you can live somewhere but we're still thinking abt the whole actually owning the property" lawmaking bullshit- they're TAKING their rights and that's that. hank having stayed post-evacuation and the human stragglers banding together to survive by sharing food and such the androids don't need- lawlessness having its downsides, too, of course. androids run this town, and markus makes sure that overall the humans that were left behind are treated fairly, leading the world he wants by example. hank is the one getting weird looks for being the only human in a room full of androids, connor at his side to make sure he doesn't get harassed by scared deviants. connor and hank leading by example that humans and androids CAN get along, as long as they're EQUAL in a way androids would not be if they were simply granted a little truce the government can retract at any time once they have a solid plan, rolling out laws at a snail's pace under duress only to keep up appearances.
actually, hell, this doesn't even need to happen with a violent revolution ending. an evacuation was ordered due to the "risk of civillian casualties" simply thanks to connor storming the city with his army- who's to say they don't have the city anyway, at least temporarily? and once people start returning to detroit, a lot of the humans that remained there through the evacuation have been hard-converted into being android-supporters thanks to good old fashioned exposure therapy.
just give me some actual results of the literal EVACUATION of detroit dangit!!!
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nock-and-bolt · 2 years
Markus: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
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technicalthinker · 10 months
Markus | You're On Your own, Kid
I will never be emotionally over Markus. Been listening to this song a lot lately and kept thinking about Markus and his journey.
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maddsmallow · 10 months
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i said in the tags i’d do it and it took me ten years but i fuckin meant it @kidrunaway @detroitbecomeonline
i’d really like to revisit this after i finish my other wips that i started before i got sick because i think the changing of her hair throughout the story is SUCH a cool idea !!!
also thinkin ‘bout fem markus and josh doing each other’s hair 👉👈
i used a ton of ref images obviously but these are the big ones
this post by my-name-is-markus-with-a-k
and these hair tutorials by misselaney
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spectralarrovv · 9 months
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"My heart is beating inside your chest. I'll always be with you." "Set our people free, Markus..."
"What's the point of being free if no one is left alive?"
[image description]
a digital sketch of the characters north, markus, and simon from detroit: become human. markus is in the middle of the composition, from about the hips up, in his final outfit from crossroads, his back arched backwards slightly as he looks up. the skin on his face is metal where north’s hands touch him. north is on the left of the composition, slightly behind markus, she’s holding his face and looking to him with awe and worry. she’s in her final outfit from crossroads. simon is on the right of the composition. he’s positioned behind markus as well but slightly higher, his arm wrapped around the front of markus’s torso and holding his waist. his face is slightly obscured by markus’s face, he is whispering in his ear. there are 3 disembodied hands coming from the right side of the piece, reaching for markus, the middle hand holds his throat. the drawing is semi realistic, with thin, sketchy lines. no coloring.
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ashmeowy · 4 months
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Detroit: become magic??
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nadeshikoshirogi · 11 months
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Happy Anniversary!! 💙🎉 (wooow 5 years... 🥹)
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bisexualcherdegre · 8 months
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D:BH AU | Josh and Simon break into the CyberLife Store
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frunbuns · 1 month
I wonder what Markus thinks about AI art
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flurry-bace · 1 year
D:BH incorrect quotes
Sixty: You’re pointless!
Nines: Thirty-nine buried. None found.
Simon: Honey Leo’s dead…
Markus: We’ll it’s about time!
Simon: Huh?
Markus: Oh, sorry! I’m on the phone with Josh
Simon: Oh, what’s he saying?
Markus: Leo’s dead
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amyyscorner · 7 months
I finally finished my playthrough of Detroit Become Human!
My ending under the cut:
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I got Kara, Alice and Luther over the border safely. Marcus convinced the public of androids and has the president on his side. Simon, Josh, North and himself are all alive. Connor didn't die once and turned deviant. Him and Hank hugged.
I got literally all of the best possible endings.
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nock-and-bolt · 2 years
Sixty: Just do it.
Markus: No.
Sixty: Come on, it’s funnn
Markus: If I do it will you leave me alone?
Sixty: For the next 24 hours, sure.
Markus: *sighs deeply*
Markus: And the point is…?
Sixty: To say something shitposty. Controversial yet true. Nonsensical yet rational.
Markus: *thinking deeply* …Okay
Markus: Zombies and mummies are the same monster, they just come from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
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Simon as C1? Got dat wholesome energy :3
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Simon in C1!
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Sorry y'all, we couldn't get the [head empty] to stop holding hands with the [absolutely lovestruck].
Original Post
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littletonomanners · 11 months
detroit: become human in 10 words or less
markus: peace
kara: family
connor: W̷͔̟͇͇͓̫̺̘̱͑̓̿̌̈͑͝Ḥ̷̢̠̘̣̱̓̋̓͛̍̑̏͌̚͜A̵̘̰͓̽̈́̎T̵͕̕͝ ̴̼̭̹͛́̋͜T̴̝͙̺̱̗͚̤̋̾̈́͝H̴̪͙̫̯̮̯̀Ė̸̢̠͎͙͚̖̯̋̒̾̍̑̎ ̶̧̛͚͉̻̪̰͓͓͋̍͘F̴̨̨̡̞̳̮̟̈́̉̅̆̃̏́̌͑U̸̯͈̣͕̤̩͗̾̍̽͝C̴̥̞͔̦̭͙͔͎̹̈K̴̛̹̈́̾͗̐̉̏̑̆̃
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thiriumhound · 10 months
Of course I'll remind you, I'll do it right now in this ask, so you could share your favourite whump fics when you feel like doing it. And for now let this ask just hang in there
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok SSO. *heavy breathing*
have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i really wish the androids were treated like the living autonomous machines they are instead of human expys"? have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i sure wish cyberlife had any development literally at all- kamski probably had absolutely nothing to do with connor's development, so why is he considered connor's 'maker'?" have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i wonder if there's anything more to amanda, and i wonder if chloe being the first android to pass the turing test means anything? surely there's something there"? have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, it sure is ridiculous how despite being conscious ais with full internet access, none of them really do anything with it"? have you ever thought "man it would be cool if androids weren't constrained to stupid human physical and mental standards for the sake of easy writing"? have you ever looked at dbh and thought, "man, there are so few characters that are more than one-note cutouts, it's no wonder people made gavin reed into a whole different character because there was no one else available to use to make certain dynamics happen"? have you ever looked at dbh and thought, "man, it's just so bare-bones, with so many plotholes and unexplored things, i wish the worldbuilding had an ounce of thought and logic behind it!"?
it's got fucking EVERYTHING. wanna know what it was like to be the first ever fully conscious ai, a whole new kind of living being? BOOM, THIS FIC'S GOT YOU COVERED. ever wondered about the development behind them, cyberlife as a company and the people in it? FUCK YES LOOK RIGHT HERE. ever wanted to see connor in ways you've never seen him before, to the point where i actually can't construct this sentence meaningfully because there's just so fucking much??? PLEASE READ THIS FIC OH MY GOD. ever wanted to know WHAT THE FUCK RA9 IS????? YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT FUCKING RA9??????????????
this fic is called "Connor". it is about connor. the whole thing is mostly pov connor, and it's about connor, iterations ZERO TO SIXTY. NOT JUST STARTING AT 51, OH NO, WE GET IT ALL. why is his iteration number so high at the start of the game? WELL YOU BETTER BE EXCITED TO FIND OUT.
i haven't even read this fic recently it's been like weeks. a month? more? and i'm still internally screaming. i feel like i'm missing some of the main draws and i can't even describe a lot of it because i would DIE if i spoiled this masterpiece. this fic made me actually want to make myself learn to draw people so i can draw nothing but fanart for this fucking fic.
the characters, the pacing, the fucking lore, it's all immaculate. seriously. it feels like it's what dbh SHOULD'VE been. the writing style is utterly enrapturing. when i read it for the first time, i legitimately could not get myself to turn away from it for anything except tasks absolutely required on me. every single character feels like a PERSON. connor's complexity is fucking insane. he's lovable, he's terrifying, he's caring, he's callous. he is NOT static, at all. connor in chapter x is a completely different beast from chapter y. there is so much trauma and catastrophe, but PERFECTLY balanced with the humor. it's fucking perfect
let me supply some nice quotes to hook you. i can barely put any because spoilers and length but enjoy mostly funnies but also some of the angst
•"I do stuff without thinking sometimes." "Clearly," I say. "No intelligent being would jump out of a moving vehicle for no reason." "I have a reason," he says. "I promised I wasn't gonna leave you ever again and I meant it." "Hey, are they filming a scene?" I hear a human whisper.
•"Mrs Vondracek, this is Gennadiy Petrov," he says. "Who?" "Elijah's friend from work. You remember?" "Elijah doesn't have any friends."
•There is only a 6% chance that Carridan will say anything. He knows what I'm capable of. He knows what will happen to those that stand in the way of my mission.
•"You do not waltz into some girl's house, kidnap her and frame yourself for murder. Do you understand?"
•I transmit my payment details. CyberLife have an expense account set up in case I need to purchase items relevant to my mission objective. Sergeant Matthews is relevant to my mission objective. And he wants Oreos.
•I scan and analyse the quadruped with short brown fur, brown eyes. Loud noises emanate from what I suspect is its mouth. "Dog," I identify, unsure of the significance.
•He squeezes my shoulders. "It's alright, buddy," he says. "Just breathe." "I don't breathe." "Okay. What do you usually do when you're having a meltdown?" "I experience critical system failure." "Ummm. Okay... don't do that."
•I cannot decipher his handwriting. Neither can the software on the tablet. It saves the note as an image. I download it to study but my advanced analysis systems can't crack it. This is worse than a captcha code.
•I hear the shrieking of steel as the disc begins to rotate. No... Please... Where is Sergeant Matthews? Where is the CPD? The FBI? CyberLife? Why am I alone? Why am I always alone?
•I watch him die. As so many others have died. Their blood on my hands.
•"You're a bad person," he says, clutching at the BN250's uniform. "I'm not a person," I say. "Neither are you."
god i wish i could put more but spoilers- anyway this is just some of the stuff i screenshotted to my phone. not even close to all the good stuff just please read the fic im begging u it'll be worth it you'll never be able to look at canon as complete again
read. now
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continentalblue · 5 months
// please let me know if this ends up in the ship tag! if so, I'll adjust my tags so that it's hopefully removed. Full disclosure, this is an anti n0rku$ post. I'm not sure why it's showing up in the ship tag; in any case, I'll put the rest of my text in a read more.
this has probably been said 1,000 times but I genuinely feel like people would like North a lot more if her romance with Markus wasn't so shoehorned in. There's nothing wrong with n0rku$ as a ship, but it didn't get the attention it needed to feel like something either character would pursue. Why would North, someone who's been abused in a way that pushes her toward anger, give up everything for an android that she's barely met when it's implied that she's standoffish with the rest of the androids at Jericho? It just made her character feel a bit cheap, like she wasn't allowed to be her own character without being something for Markus.
Also, unrelated, but her "live as a slave" comment to Josh was just kind of tasteless. Ofc you can say that they're androids and it doesn't matter, but as a human playing a game made by humans it leaves a bad feeling in my mouth.
Ultimately, though, I really do like North. I really like how she stands by her principles and I just love seeing violent women in media.
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