thisbrilliantsky · 5 years
day 1 of period: this doesnt seem too bad
day 2:
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ellcrys · 5 years
just one more day... and then hell september/october will finally be over alfjalksdjksjd
september i expected bc september is always hell month due to conference season but i didn’t expect hell month to bleed into all of october. the culprit: a program review scheduled for this friday. the entire team’s been scrambling to fix bugs, squeeze in features, and make slides/perfect our soundtrack ahead of the program review, all while still staying on top our rather aggressive schedule. there’s been a lot of overtime on my part on top of all the D&I work I do for FREE... i’m not salty about that at all. anyways. i’m popping some champagne this friday. so close to work life balance again aflksdj
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