#débora nascimento edits
kiddressources · 10 months
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-ˏˋ   Débora Nascimento (1985) ˊˎ
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72  176gifs of Débora Nascimento in Olhar Indiscreto episode 1. Please do not use to write the actress herself or for taboo subjects. You may edit them for crackships, if you @ me. thank you and have a nice day! tw: flashing lights
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brhunts · 2 years
◜ ♡ ◞  by clicking the source link below you will be redirected to #254 gifs of débora nascimento as gisela in the soap opera verão 90 (2019). débora is a 36 years old brazilian actress with indigenous, black and italian ascent. all of these gifs were made from scratch by me, so please don't repost, claim as your own or add to other gif packs. if you want crop in gif icons or edit for personal use, contact me to permission. like or reblog if using. enjoy ♡
content warning: children, kissing, drinking, smoking
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this is a finished gif pack of débora nascimento in episode 1 of êta mundo bom. do not use for taboo things. if you use in crackship edits or gif icons please @ me, so i can see. annnnd have a great day!
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missameliep · 1 year
Hii 🥰
What is something you love about your MC / OC? You can create and share anything you’d like 😍 HC‘s, moodboards, edits or drabbles. Have fun and gush about your MC / OC 🥰
Also what made you create your MC /OC what was your inspiration?
thank you so much for the ask, dear! what a lovely idea 😍
I'll share about Elizabeth Foredale (f!OC / Desire and Decorum Modern AU!), who is my favorite character to write ever (I have so many stories and AUs in my drafts you wouldn't believe!), and Malia Jones (f!MC / Wake the Dead), who allows me to explore so many interesting themes.
First, what made me create my MC /OC and what was my inspiration?
The reason behind the creation of Elizabeth Foredale (OC) was the fact I was not pleased with PBs take on Brazilian characters (there was Marisa Pires and the whole party-girl vibe and then Rafael Aveiro). Back in 2018, I think, there were talks with a few of my mutuals about (mis)representation of non-USA characters in most books and it sparkled the idea to create an OC who was Brazilian like myself without the usual stereotypes seen in media: loud and sexy Latina, party-girl, always dancing samba or other sexy genre and overexposing her body and things like that. Elizabeth is the opposite of it all: she's shy and introverted, dresses more modestly and is not comfortable with partying and clubbing and prefers a nice walk at the park or a picnic... and her general development fits with the narrative in Desire & Decorum about the illegitimate daughter and other social issues that are superficially addressed in the narrative. With her character, I could talk about stereotypical things that obviously do not apply to an entire population of a country, and can be truly hurtful when reinforced, and racism, since she is the daughter of a black Brazilian woman. And it's always a pleasure to write stories about her and the way she's slowly growing into the woman she aspires to be.
For Malia Jones, she is not an OC, but a MC whose personality is closer to the book, but with a little more nuances and a backstory I have been crafting while writing the miniseries Safe and the one-shots I have posted so far. I really loved Wake the Dead and the post-apocalyptic world gave me so many ideas and themes to explore, so I'm just going along while developing many aspects about her backstory, especially after arriving with her sister at The Tower, and about her life after the end of the book. I recently decided on a FC for her: the actress Keke Palmer (specially in the images I've seen from her part in the movie Nope, her outfits would fit Malia very well). The actress has a beautiful smile, one that I think Troy Hassan would definitely fall in love with.
Why I love this MC / OC ?
Neither is a self insert, even though I see some aspects of myself in Elizabeth, but they are complex and nuanced characters. And even though Malia and Elizabeth seem so different at first, living in completely different worlds, in one Malia faces death, despair and zombies, while Elizabeth lives a privileged and sheltered life, however, in her sheltered life she's reached by tragedy - she loses in the spam of months her mother and brother and her life completely changes with going to a new country and starting a new life, which is also a sentiment familiar to Malia.
So, both of their stories have aspects in common, and it is a pleasure to explore them.
I'll share some edits for Elizabeth and of her friendship with Prince Hamid Second Chances that I have saved in my drafts forever and I think I've never posted before
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Elizabeth Foredale FC - Débora Nascimento Hamid Osmanoglu - Sukru Ozyildiz
Tagging a few of you who might enjoy reading this:
@princess-geek @noesapphic @lorirwritesfanfic @lilyoffandoms @aallotarenunelma @jerzwriter
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sbidey · 6 years
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Anonymous said: if they made a JLI movie/tv show (with barda, scott, booster, ted, fire, ice, guy, skip batman and j'onn if you want) who would you pick to play them?
i know i went way extra with this but i needed to get this outta my system
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anaamaraltarsi · 5 years
Prefeitura divulga lista dos aprovados para 13º Festival Gastronômico de Taquaruçu
Malena Mota
A Prefeitura Municipal de Palmas, por meio da Agência Municipal de Turismo (Agtur) divulgou na noite dessa segunda-feira, 15, no Diário Oficial do Município, os 56 pratos aprovados e demais classificados para o 13º Festival Gastronômico de Taquaruçu (FGT), que acontecerá entre os dias 04 a 08 de setembro, no distrito de Taquaruçu.
Os 145 inscritos foram avaliados pelos jurados técnicos, formado por profissionais das áreas de alimentos e bebidas de Palmas indicado pela Associação Brasileira de Bares e Restaurantes (Abrasel/Tocantins). Os pratos foram divididos em quatro categorias, distribuídas em 75 vagas, que são elas: Comidinhas Salgadas, Pratos Salgados, Pratos Doces e para Food Truck, no entanto, considerando a nota média de 70 pontos, nem todas as categorias os pratos atingiram esta nota, sendo assim, automaticamente desclassificados.
Após a fase da apresentação das preparações para degustação, os 56 melhores foram aprovados para disputa do melhor prato na sua respectiva categoria.
Para completar as 59 vagas disponibilizadas para a disputa gastronômica, sendo que apenas 56 foram aprovados, seguindo o que consta no item 4.2.1 do edital do FGT, das três vagas remanescente das cotas e/ou não atingiram o número de inscritos, ou nota suficientes para aprovação, três delas subirão para categoria aprovados por aproveitamento de notas. Após o prazo de recurso, que vai de 15 a 19 de julho, será publicado no Diário Oficial do Município, o resultado final da lista dos participantes.
O presidente da Agtur, Eudes Assis, ressalta a importância da próxima fase, que são os cursos de Higiene Pessoal e Manipulação de Alimentos e Empreendedorismo oferecidos pela Abrasel (TO) e Sebrae (TO).  “O Festival virou uma vitrine para os empreendedores da gastronomia na nossa cidade, por isso, é importante a análise rigorosa dos jurados, agora na próxima etapa, que estes estejam trabalhando dentro das normas sanitárias, e que possam ter sucesso nos seus empreendimentos, e é importante lembrar que todos os classificados devem obrigatoriamente passar pelos cursos qualificação”, ressaltou o gestor.
Assis também faz questão de lembrar aos participantes que os cursos de Higiene Pessoal e Manipulação de Alimentos e Empreendedorismo, acontecerão no mês de agosto, e terão data divulgada no Diário Oficial do Município. Ele explica que além de participar dos cursos de capacitação, os concorrentes devem apresentar o certificado de conclusão dos cursos, sob pena de desclassificação.
Quanto à premiação, neste ano houve acréscimo de mil reais aos primeiros colocados. A divisão ficou da seguinte forma para as quatro categorias:
1° lugar – R$ 6 mil,
2° lugar – R$ 2 mil,
3º lugar – R$ 1 mil
Este ano os pratos serão comercializados pelos seguintes valores, conforme suas categorias: as Comidinhas Salgadas poderão ser comercializadas de R$ 10 a R$ 12,00, os Pratos Salgados de R$ 10 a R$ 14,00, os Pratos Doces de R$ 8,00 a R$ 10,00, para Food Truck de R$ 10,00 a R$ 12,0, e para Restaurantes e Empreendimentos Turísticos de Taquaruçu/Taquaruçu Grande de R$ 10 a R$ 50,00.
Pratos aprovados
Ampla Concorrência
Categoria Prato Salgado
Nº           Nome                          Prato                           Resultado
1             Natália de Jesus Barbosa – Barca do Cerrado – Aprovado
2             Meire das Graças Giorni – Taquarachamba – Aprovado
3             Josany da Silva Sousa – Costelinha de Tambaqui a Dorê – Aprovado
4             Elisvaldo M. dos Santos – Peixe no Palito – Aprovado
5             Claisson Antonio Portilho – Sertanejo – Aprovado
6             Tallyta Silveria Martins – Barão da Serra – Aprovado
7             Jandira Aires Leide Marques – Surubim no Espeto – Aprovado
8             Débora Almeida Lima Oliveira – Nhoque Tocantinense – Aprovado
9             Heverton Marinho Lacerda -Jacada Tocantinense – Aprovado
10           Raphael Crisanto de Queiroz Franklin – Temaki de Pirarucu – Aprovado
11           Maria Helena Rodrigues Silva – Amor e Tempero – Aprovado
12           Nayara Gomes Costa Amorim – Risoto de Carne de Sol – Aprovado
Categoria Comidinha Salgada
Nº           Nome                                   Prato                    Resultado
1             Katia Cilene Pereira Silva – Taco tocantinense – Aprovado
2             Morgana Lima de Sousa Martins – Pastel Frangaçu do Cerrado -Aprovado
3             Ana Paula Tavares de Olivença – Buraco Negro –               Aprovado
4             Aline Angelica S. de Carvalho -Pastel de Strogonoff de Surubim – Aprovado
6             Noely Araújo de Deus – Costela Burguer – Aprovado
7             Pedro Araújo Rodrigues – Trem Bom do Cerrado -Aprovado
8             Mariangela Dal Ponte -Trintou Palmas Pastel – Aprovado
9             Tallyane Lima Vieira – Bamba Tocantinense – Aprovado
10           Iraci de Araújo Alves – Bolinho de Chambari – Aprovado
11           Luciele de Oliveira Silva – Namburguer – Aprovado
12           Glaci Maria Bernardes – Cestinha de Mandioca – Aprovado
13           Jaqueline Kerle – Pastel Chambarilove com Creme de Mandioca – Aprovado
14           Maria Ribeiro Lima – Cangaceiro do Norte – Aprovado
15           Maria Helena Rocha Nascimento -Bolinho de Pirarucu – Aprovado
16           Mateus Rodrigues – Dadinho de tapioca – Aprovado
Categoria Prato Doce
Nº           Nome                                   Prato                                    Resultado
1             Eliene Aguiar de Jesus – Cupuaçu Crocante – Aprovado
2             Lara Jordane Alves – Açaí Flambado – Aprovado
3             Patriciana Ferreira Alves -Torta Açaicupubaru – Aprovado
4             Jakeline Pereira Dias – Cream Cake do Cerrado – Aprovado
5             Vera Lucia de Melo – Torta de Banana com Creme Babaçu – Aprovado
6             Simone Reis da Silva -Cocada de Tabuleiro – Aprovado
6             Maria das Neves Sheila de Oliveira – Bolo Gelado Babacoco – Aprovado
7             Mirian M. S. Tavares -Cajáninho do Cerrado – Aprovado
8             Jõao Victor S. Rocha -Tudo de Bom – Aprovado
9             Marcos P. da Cruz -Pudim Crocante de Babaçu – Aprovado
Categoria Food Truck
Nº           Nome   Prato     Nota      Resultado
1             Jairo Mesquita Sousa – Big Max – Aprovado
2             Bruno Boaventura – Taquaruçuburguer – Aprovado
3             Thaynara Alves Luana – Hambúrguer Cangaceiro – Aprovado
4             Luiz Felipe Haddad Araújo -Cajueira Burguer- Aprovado
5             Suzana Lima Martins – Panqueca Ouro do Cerrado – Aprovado
Categoria Restaurantes e Empreendimentos Turísticos de Taquaruçu/T.Grande
Nº           Nome   Prato     Nota      Resultado
1             Sabor da Serra – Chambarilove  – Aprovado
2             Aldeia da Serra – Bobó de Camarão com Cupuaçu – Aprovado
3             Celias Restaurante – Maria Isabel de Pirarucu – Aprovado
4             Rota dos Sabores – Tudo de Bom – Aprovado
5             Casa das Flores – Risoto Savana – Aprovado
6             Vila dos Sabores – Tucunaré da Vila – Aprovado
7             Cachoeira do Roncadeira – Tapiocafé – Aprovado
8             Estância Machado – Frango Caipira à Moda Goiana – Aprovado
9             Pote de Ouro – Beiju de Ouro – Aprovado
Cota de Taquaruçu
  Categoria Prato Salgado
Nº           Nome   Prato     Nota      Resultado
1             Mário Benício dos Santos – Kabaçu – Aprovado
2             André Adriano de Lima – Sabor da Massa – Aprovado
3             Maria do Socorro N. Cavalcante – Arrumadinho da Help -Aprovado
Categoria Comidinha Salgada
Nº           Nome   Prato     Nota      Resultado
1             Andréa  Pereira da Silva Costa -Acarajé Tocantinense – Aprovado
2             Maria José Fernandes de Souza – Taboquinha Surpresa – Aprovado
Categoria Prato Doce
Não houve aprovado
Categoria Food Truck
Não houve aprovado
Confira a lista completa das avaliações no Diário Oficial.
O post Prefeitura divulga lista dos aprovados para 13º Festival Gastronômico de Taquaruçu apareceu primeiro em Gospel Geral.
Prefeitura divulga lista dos aprovados para 13º Festival Gastronômico de Taquaruçu publicado primeiro em https://www.gospelgeral.com.br
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kiddressources · 10 months
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-ˏˋ   Débora Nascimento (1985) ˊˎ
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107 gifs of Débora Nascimento in Olhar Indiscreto episode 2. This episode pack is complete. Please do not use to write the actress herself or for taboo subjects. You may edit them for crackships, if you @ me. thank you and have a nice day!
triggers: hospital setting, kissing. 
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brhunts · 2 years
◜ e como quem é vivo sempre aparece... ◞
◜olá  pessoal, tudo bem com vocês? me chamo day e há quase 9 anos decidi criar o brasil-fchelp, um tumblr totalmente dedicado a fcs brasileiros. na época eu não sabia fazer gifs e catava uns e outros por aí e juntava em um post só (não façam isso crianças!) e por esse motivo acabei desanimando e abandonando o blog. long story short: a última vez que estive em um rpg foi em 2020 e não sei como vai a tag, mas mesmo assim alguns meses atrás decidi reviver esse projeto, começando por refazer os meus gif packs postados. até eu finalizar eles e os pedidos que estão na inbox desde 2014, pedidos estarão fechados. abaixo do read more está a lista de gif packs prontos e minha to do list. espero que vocês gostem do meu conteúdo ♡
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◜ gif packs refeitos ◞
na lista abaixo todos os fcs já tem pelo menos uma parte com +100 gifs feitos 
fernanda vasconcellos
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alice wegmann  
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sophie charlotte
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kéfera buchmann
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isis valverde
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humberto carrão
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tatá werneck
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marco pigossi
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sophia abrahão
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mateus solano
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chay suede
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isabelle drummond
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◜ to-do list ◞
os nomes que estiverem marcados com ‘***’ significa que já tem pelo menos uma parte com +100 gifs feitos, os que não tiver nada, significa que ainda estão sendo feitos  
débora nascimento ***
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taís araujo  ***
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bruna linzmeyer  ***
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bruna marquezine
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anajú dorigon
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patricia pillar
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mauricio destri
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bia arantes
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◜ lista pessoal ◞
ninguém pediu, mas eu quis fazer :) os nomes que estiverem marcados com ‘***’ significa que já tem pelo menos uma parte com +100 gifs feitos, os que não tiver nada, significa que ainda estão sendo feitos
david junior
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rômulo estrela  ***
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grazi massafera 
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valentina herszage *** 
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bianca bin  *** 
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andré luiz frambach ***
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larissa manoela *** 
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marjorie estiano *** 
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thiago lacerda *** 
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nathalia dill *** 
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nathalia dill ***
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agatha moreira *** 
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paolla oliveira *** 
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monica iozzi *** 
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rainer cadete *** 
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jacqueline sato ***
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eli ferreira
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adriana esteves
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alinne moraes ***
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vou começar a postar os gifs amanhã (05/05). eles vão ficar hospedados em páginas do meu sideblog @daygifs, o qual pretendo usar para postar meus gifs de fcs gringos. também criei um tumblr para postar gifsets/edits, quem quiser dá uma olhada é o @marjoriex​​ ♡
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97 gifs of débora nascimento in avenida brasil (eps 9-13). This episode pack is complete. I don’t know if these will be useful to anyone since she was in her early 20s in these but this was the first thing I saw her in and I love her look. So I decided to gif her in it. Please do not use these to write the actress herself or for taboo subjects. You may edit them for crackships, if you @ me. thank you and have a nice day!  
tw: flashing light, getting in one’s personal space, food.
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missameliep · 3 years
Second Chances - Faceclaims
@noesapphic asked me to share my fancast for my series Second Chances (a Modern Desire and Decorum AU), so I'm sharing the ones I have (I do not have one for every character and for some of them I have two or more faceclaims I draw inspiration from and use on the social media edits).
Since it will be a long post, there will be more after the cut, and a little explanation about my choices. Click the images for better resolution.
I'm starting with the main character Elizabeth and her romantic interest, sorry, I mean, her friend Hamid.
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Before I started writing Second Chances, I knew Débora Nascimento, a Brazilian actress, would be the faceclaim for the OC Elizabeth. She's got the right hair, the bright expressive eyes and her acting inspired me for this character.
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Hamid, on the other hand, was a tough choice. I had other faceclaims before, but since @princess-geek suggested Şükrü Özyıldız, I've found my perfect Hamid. This Turkish actor has got all the perfect smiles, nice hair and watching the him playing different parts has given me a lot of inspiration to write Hamid.
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For Ernest Sinclaire, I'm going with @princess-geek's choice. I considered Tom Hughes (and got pictures of him in my Pinterest folder) because of the hair and sideburns, and I keep hearing Sinclaire speaking with Collin Firth's voice, but this time I'm going with James Norton. He's got the hair and is the one who reminds me the most of him.
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For Annabelle Parsons, I have different faceclaims, but my favorites are Ella Balinska and Naomi Scott, the first matches the height and how strong and vibrant a woman Miss Parsons is, while the second also reminds me of her because of her looks and the fashionable way she dresses which matches my headcanons for Annabelle in the modern AU (and maybe her performance in Aladdin helped just a little).
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I also had other faceclaims for Luke Harper, but Ronald Epps just has the perfect smile and energy and there's no one else ever since I've found his picture while browsing Pinterest last year. He's the perfect Luke Harper for Second Chances.
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Briar Daly is also another character I have multiple faceclaims for. For social media because of the bangs and the sexy selfies, I sometimes use Cindy Kimberly as suggested by @noesapphic (even though she's not British), but my favorites are the Indian actress Banita Sandhu (we never got Briar's backstory, but her mother's name gives us a hint of their possible ancestors) and Jameela Jamil just inspires me for writing because of her energy and humor (she's my older version of Briar).
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And finally, Chambers and Konevi. Mathew Lewis just gives me the right energy, even though they do not look alike, and Barış Arduç is such a handsome Turkish actor, and has the perfect smile for Yusuf, and I've picked him ages ago. And I think they'd look awkward and awfully cute together.
That's the cast for now.
I must say I'm not very good at picking faceclaims for the side characters, and I'm truly undecided (and even to do this list I have changed more than once the ones I've picked) and for some I never found a perfect faceclaim.
For instance, I never found the perfect Edmund Marlcaster, though I do have a picture of a model from a 90s' advertising from glasses saved on his Pinterest folder. And for the others I have just random inspiration, like sometimes BIll Nighy just vibes with Professor Richards... sometimes he doesn't (and I find it hard to associate the actors I like to characters I dislike lol).
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