milk--lizard · 9 years
ok I lied, I actually wanted this as my tumblr url but I had to figure out how to get it since it was taken like the three other ways I tried it. lol 
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crxw · 9 years
yoo you too buddy
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newenglandhardcore · 9 years
What’s your favorite season? Why?
Fall is my favorite season bc wtf do I even need to describe? (Ima still do it anyways)
Crew necks, pants, cocoa, cold cuddles, pumpkin spice latte, cool looking colors, cold temp
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r-verb · 9 years
6 & 15 & 49
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
I don’t like putting what I like in a defined box, but I really am attracted to anyone who is willing to open themselves up to the world, who wants to create, is passionate, and has an open-mind. Of course there are both things, but these are some things that are really attractive/important to me.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I actually became a member of the American Art Therapy Association for the first time and attended their national conference which was quite conveniently in Minneapolis this year. This experience just reaffirmed my excitement and desire to become an art therapist.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
I’m not good at keeping secrets and suprisingly I haven’t done anything embarassing enough that I haven’t shared with anyone recently.. so I’m just going to go with the fact that I got my car stuck yesterday trying to turn around and bumped into/scraped against some concrete.. which really just blends in with the damage I did to my car earlier this summer. So right now I just feel like a bad driver and don’t want other people to think the same. 
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dangernips · 9 years
A & B
A- 5 bands I LOVE
Fallujah, Lifeforms, Carach Angren, Expire & The Last Ten Seconds of Life
B- 5 bands I HATE
Of Mice and Men, Nickelback, Peirce the Veil, Attila (recently, I fucking hate them after they became swagcore), Neck Deep lol 
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exhaledoom · 9 years
I love you and I'm glad that we get along and that we agree on a lot of shit
You’re my favorite lady
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20 & 37
Twenty - Who do you trust 100% right now?
My friend Dante, and my girlfriend Amber. :3
Thirty seven - One thing you want right now?
To see her. Which I will soon, but I want her now. :(
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milk--lizard · 9 years
This is probably the first time and only time I’ll change my url, but d0wnt0wnbattlem0untain is dead, sorry all lol.
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sourviolence · 10 years
1 & 8
1. If you’ve ever tried drugs or alcohol, what was your reason for first trying it?
i'd prefer not to say 
8. Have you ever been in a relationship that was going great, and then suddenly something weird happened and you just KNEW it was going to be over soon?
yeah i've had plenty of friendships like this
thanks liz!
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newenglandhardcore · 9 years
What’s a song you recently discovered that you want to tell everyone about?
It's more of a band to check out! They're called Days 'N Daze. If you like crust punk/folk check them out. They're wicked good
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r-verb · 9 years
You're beautiful too
Thank you. :* I can’t wait until you can move to Minnesota.
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exhaledoom · 9 years
When I met you like everything stood out, idk I just thought you were a really cute person like overall, attitude, looks, and like how you move/present yourself/talk/etc c:
awhhhh Liz! you are the kindest soul I’ve met and I always freakin wish we were next door neighbors or somethin :( love you forever 
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crockpotmistress · 10 years
9:If you had to form a band what would it be called? : Yeah Girlzzz
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Happy Birthday :)
Thank youuuu! :3
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newenglandhardcore · 9 years
What’s something you have a very strong opinion about?
I've got two since these have been the main topic today.
1.) rapists do not deserve a defense attorney
2.) Donald trump is a fucking moron and should not be in office
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