#d20 wank
Sorry for bringing discourse onto your blog but your post just reminded me of when I saw an unhinged rant abt how “if they have a senior year all the parents of the rat grinders should try and violently murder the bad kids and when tbk ask for redemption instead it isn’t given to them.” And I get that like you wanted your thematic bullshit or whatever but you LITERALLY just advocated for a munch of adults to kill teenagers without mercy bc of tbk not thinking twice when they need to save the ENTIRE world. Idk maybe we’ve lost the plot a little.
OH BABY! We've lost the plot in Costco and need to find a responsible grown-up to help us find it again.
Anon, that's the funniest thing I've seen in a while because... didn't the Bad Kids just take down Oisin's Grandma not one episode ago? I'm sorry, what are the Copperkettles gonna do? Bobby Dawn (to quote Gorgug) is a regular freak. Henry can get someone to cast Plane Shift and go get Ruben back. Like, damn, I WISH the Ratgrinders' parents would show up so they can come get their kids, the fuck?
Also... The Bad Kids would never beg for anything not even redemption. Especially not from some adults who were about to kill them. They'd flip them off and insult them on a deep level only teenagers can before dying glorious deaths. And then they'd find each other across afterlives, figure out how to get back to the Material Plane and get revenge. Because what does death mean to the kids who died on the first day of school?
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lamortwrites · 2 years
SICK of people referring to fully professionally filmed ttrpg shows as podcasts. Taking the audio from a video episode and uploading it as a separate file is NOT the same as producing a podcast and we all know it!
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corruptedhellbait · 2 years
What dice you rolling? And will you be rolling a dice say a d20 for how many edges you should do before a orgasm or how many minutes of overstimulation after the orgasm on a d12 ?
I do this to my sub. Depending on her punishment/ funishment or ever how good she has been we bring the dnd dice out and she gets to roll the dice a could times and choose what she likes.
So for example we use the d20 and the d12
The d20 could be for how many spanks she gets, that d20 would get rolled 10 times and then we agree 6 or 7 of the numbers and thats how many she gets (just depends on her mood some times. But when she stores the spanks she takes the full number from the 10 roll of the d20. which her and i agreeded on and plus means she enjoys it more since she loves it when her bum gets a bruise 😊 ) Other days the d20 could be how many minutes she has to edge every hour with the wand maximum 6 times. That dice would get rolled 6 times.
The d12 could be how many extra jobs she has to do around the house for the week that she doesn't like doing. Or it could be how many times she has to watch me wank and cum into a towel and she can't be creampie (which she loves! Hehe.
Alot of the things we do with the dice can and do change so what I've used as an example was last months one. We skipped this month due to being busy and will resume next month well try to. But we also use the dice for good things like if she has been a good girl if she can get a certain number with in say 10 rolls she can have as many orgasms as she wants when she wants with 3 days (that's an example.)
just a regular dice and it was just a thought, it's more likely that it won't happen
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