#da iawn
mariocki · 3 months
ok, you know what, i may be done with Labour and i may be bitter and i may be scared about the future etc etc But (but) i have to say - waking up to find that, for the first time in my lifetime, Wales has zero tory mps is... it feels p good. the tories won nothing in Wales, Reform won nothing in Wales, and Plaid increased their vote share and all that despite the gerrymandering bullshit that saw the number of constituencies reduced and boundaries altered in a transparent (and failed) attempt to improve the conservative's hold on the seats they had.
idk. good work, Wales, im proud. stands to fucking reason it'd take me literally moving abroad for you to get your shit together
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vicstenius · 1 year
Ben Foster may have just won Wrexham the title 😳
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deathrox · 10 months
hwyl, nos da
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adlamu · 1 year
fi yn gweld y post na am 'rural north wales' a'r atab i op yn 10/10 tan ma'r atebwr yn dod at... glorifyo'r steddfod (sy'n bwynt o gontensiwn efo lot o'r pobl yn llefydd fatha eryri/gwynedd/eifionydd/etc piga un):
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llyfrenfys · 5 months
Disabled trans author (me) in financial worry zone
Prynhawn da pawb
I'm making this post to keep you all updated with what is happening in my life and where I'm at currently. There's no need for panic just yet, but things are more tenuous than they were before and I hope by explaining what has happened I can keep you all in the loop regarding everything.
So, first things first - I was in A&E last month due to suffering a shock (which I would prefer not to talk about at this time). Suffice to say, this shock was so intense that it caused the knock-on effect of my body entering a state of ketoacidosis caused by involuntary starvation. You can read more about what happened to me in this reblog which I posted earlier.
The ordeal caused me to need to take anti-nausea medication for a while before I ate in order to be able to stomach anything. Thankfully I am able to eat normally again now.
However, I didn't have long to recover from this ordeal before some more bad news came my way. Due to a change in circumstances, I will need to move house at some point this year (ideally as soon as is humanly achievable, which could still be several months) into a smaller flat than the one I'm currently living in. House moves are costly and to make matters worse, more bad news this week.
It looks like I will become unemployed by the end of the month. I'm already looking for some more part-time work, with a few options lined up. But none are guaranteed unless I am successful as a candidate for these jobs.
Which means I'm going to be living on remaining student loan funds in order to pay rent (hence the need to move to a cheaper flat as soon as humanly possible - which could be several months from now. My remaining student loan is *only just* enough to be able to cover this. I'm hopeful I will be able to find part-time employment somewhere - however, the jobs I am applying for don't quite offer enough hours to fully pay for rent as it stands, therefore I'm going to be promoting my patreon for creator support purposes a bit more in order to help me get through this difficult time.
I already can't thank patrons enough for helping me afford a dental mouthguard earlier this year to protect my teeth from my bruxism. If anyone has anything to spare - even in the short term, this will go directly to keeping a roof over my head and food in my fridge. Once I'm able to move house, costs should come right down and hopefully things will be much smoother sailing. But until then, please share this post or donate to my patreon or tip me on tumblr if you are able.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi gyd
Photo of the beach at Aberystwyth I took yesterday for tax:
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quidam-sirenae · 8 months
Favorite words: welsh edition
1. Caer- fortress- the first word you learn always has a special place in your heart. This was my first word in welsh.
2. Iawn-very- it palatalizes the word in front of it which is so fun. Da iawn is so fun to say. Fawr iawn. Hir iawn. Stormus iawn. Gwen iawn. You can’t go wrong.
3. Pili pala-butterfly- guys this is so cute it’s like butter fly. Yr pili pala? A butter fly? Wonderful. I did some research this word is probably a Latin borrowing.
4. Llyfrgell-library- this is so fun to say thats it.
5. Nghariad- lover, nasally mutated- this is the most wonderful word for a significant other it’s got everything. Possessive mutation. Comes from caru which is already one of my favorite words since it’s devoid from the Latin and Greek expectations of love words. Peredurs love is named the derivation of this in the mabinogi. It sounds fun. 10/10
6. Wledic- lord- this just comes up a lot in Middle Welsh texts. And I like it it sounds like lord so it’s easy for me to recognize and it also shows up as a descriptor in the triads and that’s fun.
7. Cerddoriath-music- find a prettier word for music I dare you. You can’t.
8. Pederfynu- decide- dude this one just shows up in o mi awn mi am dro by fleur de llys and I like that song a lot.
9. Cofia- remember- mostly this one has beautiful mutations. I love nghofia. Beautiful. Gofia? Graceful and wonderful. Chofia? She is my wife.
10. Goch- red, softly mutated- i am an anomaly in that i think the ch sound is so very very pretty. Also i like the way the coch verse sounds in cyfrif’r geifr.
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pinkestsorbet · 2 years
Its a delight to see my country following in Scotland's footsteps. Da iawn Cymru 🤍❤️💚
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meddwlyngymraeg · 5 months
Dwi'n dechrau deall mwy pam dwi'n gwrando ar y radio yn Gymraeg y dyddiau hyn. Dwi'n gwella yn araf, ond yn bendant. Ro'n i'n gwrando ar BBC Radio Cymru, ar y sioe Rhys Mwyn, cyflwynydd (wrth gwrs) a cerddor bwysig i'r sin roc Gymraeg o'r 80au a 90au.
Heddiw, wnes i ddysgu bod: Oedd Huw Williams, aka Hue Williams/Hue Pooh o'r band Pooh Sticks, y manager i fand Big Leaves am gyfnod. Oedd Huw ar y radio nawr achos ei fand newydd Swansea Sound yn rhyddau sengl newydd am recordiau a siopau record, enw Markin' It Down. Mae band yn cynnwys Huw, Amelia Fletcher (oedd yn y band 'c86' indie, Heavenly, a wnaeth hi ganu gyda Huw ar gyfer Pooh Sticks yn y 90au) a Rob Pursey (yn y band Catenary Wires gyda Amelia yn fwy ddiweddar), ac eu sengl newydd yn ddoniol iawn. Cwsmer mewn siop record yw Huw, a mae fe'n trio bod yn 'cwl' a 'hip' gyda blas miwsig da, yn chwilio am albwm ddiweddaraf Yard Act, ac mae fe'n siarad gyda gweithiwr yn y siop (Amelia) am y recordiau, ac mae hi'n ddweud bod mae recordiau yn y discount bin, mae hi'n 'marking it down to £11'. (Dwi'n gwirfoddoli ar radio cymunedol, so mae Amelia wedi anfon y sengl i fi hefyd eto, ro'n i'n hapus iawn amdano fe!)
Wnes i ddysgu bod 'cyhoedd' yw public, a cyhoeddiad yn announcement, hefyd.
A meddai Rhys, Cadwch yn saff, stay safe!
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Dyma fy ci ar y traeth. Freddie yw e. Sbaengi adara yw e. Mae e'n fachgen da iawn.
That's about the extent of my welsh abilities so far 😅
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Anhygoel. Prydferth. Perffaith. Dim nodau
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mewichie · 6 months
It's a Dance Off, Tuts!
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First time for everything! A new cast is here! Meet Impy Data and his friends, Cornetto, Gohma, Vixen and Daimaion! They may share the first names of another cast we know, but they're different!
Impy Data and his friends, "Cornetto Iawn", "Gohma Fitta", "Vixen Drago", "Daimaion Drago" all doing dance-like poses in stylish clothing. This is the first time where Gohma/Vixen/Daimaion are drawn.
Originally wanted a Rhythm Based Game of Impy Bota and friends, but didn't make much sense. However, since Impy Data and friends are in Uni, makes more sense for them to randomly start dancing out of the blue. I wanted this Sub-Story to be called "Dancin' Da' Night Away", but after showing my friends these sketches, she said "It's a Dance Off, Tuts!" and I thought that would stick better.
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scrumandf1 · 1 year
This is Welsh rugby. They told us we wouldn't get out of pools. And we did it with a game in hand. I could honestly cry. Da iawn Cymru ❤️❤️❤️
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mariocki · 2 years
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skaruresonic · 11 months
bore da, fy ffrawt θutérhakwahst, nyaʔnę̀·ruʔ
good morning, my friend
sut dych chi? sut = pronounced "sit"
teʔ tikayerhá·ʔnyeʔ héʔi·θ? ["what's going on with you?"] [deh. dee-guy-yess-HAA. nyeh.]
how are you?
good, thanks
[da] iawn, diolch - [die-yown, diolch] (very) well/good, thanks
wakwahsnęhá·ʔnyeʔ, nyà·węʔ ["things are going along good, thank you"]
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pontydd-a-choed · 7 months
Wythnos Chwech
Hwyr. Hwyr. Ond y tro 'ma, mae esboniad da gyda fi. Roedd cyfergyd bach gyda fi, dyma pam dim cyfryngau i fi. Mae fy ngwddf yn brifo tipyn bach o hyd ond mae fy mhen yn dda eto. Gobeithio. Dim cydbwyso i fi ar trawst gwlyb am ddau o'r gloch y bore.
Does dim byd arall i fi fy mod i'n gallu dweud. Roedd fy arholiadau yn mynd yn iawn (dw i wedi pasio pump o saith a dw i'n gobeithio mod i'n pasio'r chweched a seithfed hefyd) A dw i'n mynd i Awstria ddydd Sadwrn. (A Ljubljana am ddydd hefyd) Dw i erioed wedi bod yn Slofenia a dw i erioed wedi bod yn Awstria yn wir (dim ond hanner diwrnod unwaith neu ddwywaith) Dw i'n edrych ymlaen at hwn a dyma popeth. Diolch am ddarllen <3
Geiriau newydd:
esboniad, esboniadau, eg - explanation cyfergyd, cyfergydion, eg - concussion cyfringau - media gwddf, gyddfau, eg - neck brifo - hurt, ache cydbwyso - balance trawst, trawstiau, eg - beam (wood)
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llyfrenfys · 11 months
LHDTC+ : Acronym heb Q / LHDTC+ : Acronym without Q
P'nawn da pawb, Mae'r post hwn yw'r post cyntaf yn fy system ddwyeithog newydd. Mae'r Cymraeg sy'n dod yn gyntaf a Saesneg yn ail. Afternoon pawb, This post is the first post using my new bilingual system. Welsh is first and English is second.
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[Fersiwn pinc o'r ddraig yn y faner hon/Pink version of the dragon on this flag]
Mae'r acronym Saesneg LGBT fel arfer yn cael ei sgwennu fel LHDT yn Gymraeg. Ond beth am y Q+?
Fi'n gweld 'LHDTQ+' yn aml - ond does dim llythren Q yn yr alffabet Gymraeg. Felly beth am C+?
Mae'n amhosib siarad am yr acronym heb sôn am yr hanes yr acronym yn Gymraeg. Ar hyn o bryd, mae'r sôn cyntaf am yr acronym yn Gymraeg yn "Storïau sy'n rhoi siâp ar fywyd" gan West Rhyl Young People’s Project yn 1994. Ar dudalen 4 mae'n dweud "LHD" ar gyfer LGB. Ar ôl LHD, mae LHDT yn cyrraedd yn "Canllaw Cryno i Gymunedau LHDT: Ar Herio Adroddiadau Negyddol Yn Y Cyfryngau" gan y Comisiynydd Plant Cymru yn 2015.
Hefyd, mae'n amhosib siarad am yr acronym heb sôn am Q am 'Queer' neu Q am 'questioning'. Mae'r ddau, y ddau yn dda iawn. Ond yn y Gymraeg mae trydedd ongl: C am 'Cwiar' neu Cadi'?
Siaradodd Mihangel Morgan ar 'theori Cadi' yn Queer Wales (2016). Mae Morgan yn hoffi gwell Cadi na Cwiar fel term cymunedol ac mae yna rai sy'n cytuno ag e. Ar y llaw arall, mae rhai pobl yn hoffi Cwiar. Ac mae rhai pobl yn hoffi'r ddau. Fi'n hoffi'r ddau yn bersonol. Ond fi'n meddwl ei fod yn bwysig dangos y sgwrs o gwmpas y pethau 'ma.
Beth yw eich barn chi? Atebwch isod neu mewn neges neu drwy fy mocs gofyn!
The English acronym LGBT is usually written as LHDT in Welsh. But what about the Q+?
I see 'LHDTQ+' often - but there is no letter Q in the Welsh alphabet. So what about C+?
It is impossible to talk about the acronym without also mentioning the history of the acronym in Welsh. Currently, the first (known) mention of the acronym in Welsh is in "Stories which give shape to lives" by West Rhyl Young People's Project in 1994. On page 4 it has "LHD" for LGB. After LGB makes a debut, the acronym LGBT arrives in "A Brief Guide for LGBT Communities: Challenging Negative Media Reports" (tr.) by the Children's Commissioner for Wales in 2015.
It is also impossible to talk about the acronym without mentioning whether it is Q for 'Queer' or Q for 'questioning'. Both, both are good. But in Welsh there exists a third angle: Q for 'Cwiar' or Cadi'?
Mihangel Morgan has spoken about 'Cadi theory' in Queer Wales (2016). Morgan has established that he prefers Cadi to Cwiar as a community term and there are some who agree with him. On the other hand, other people prefer Cwiar. And some people just like both. I like both personally. But I do think it is important to show the conversation around these things on here.
What do you think? Reply below or in a message or an ask!
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marksandrec · 2 years
I'm not; I'm just super-interested in Wales~ I've been learning Welsh on duolingo for about three years now! Ond dw i ddim yn gallu siarad Cymraeg yn da iawn eto, lol. I love to try Welsh recipes and learn about the history and stories and everything; I'd love to visit one day, too. <3
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