#daan auto milker saga
synvelesow · 1 year
Maybe God (perhaps even mutiple deities) caused your iPad to break specifically so you couldn't draw Daan getting milked. Maybe the world just isn't ready for it which is tragic because boy I sure was.
i think that's the only explanation because, behold-- it broke WHILE i was working on the sketch. BUT!! if anyone is interested in a bit of a personal update;;
my unemployed ass is actively searching for stocktaking work to get into and slowly raise enough money to invest in a new one. i'm trying my best 💪💪 or maybe i'll break and draw that traditionally. let's wait and see!
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synvelesow · 1 year
...so we getting a part two to that electric auto milker post?
(takes a long drag out of a cigarette)
approximately two dollars is needed for me to throw away my dignity and finally break enough to make a nsfw art twitter account. who gonna chip in so that this vision can come true
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synvelesow · 1 year
I absolutely adore that specific phenomenon of making a shitpost about a miserable man from a horror game and having people become feral and horny because of it don't you?
oh, i do too! and i absolutely don't blame the people for going feral and horny either. i get you, guys. there's just something about them Pathetic Horror Men™, am i right?? very happy i can fulfill your wildest dreams using daan like a puppet
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synvelesow · 1 year
wanting to see daan on the auto milker is about to be the final push it takes for me to make a twitter account
i haven't started the daan auto milker sketch yet, friend, so you still have at least a few more days to consider if it's really worth visiting twitter over. good luck!
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synvelesow · 1 year
i now know what to spend my two dollars on
genuinely had no idea how captivating, apparently, the image of daan getting auto milked is. you guys surprise me every day
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synvelesow · 1 year
I saw that last ask and lost my mind about what the hell it could've been about, just to actually see the milker post and. Its so god damn funny but I can't reblog that but I need you to know it's hilarious
absolutely LOSING MY MIND at all the anonymous asks i've gotten
i might not know your identity fellow tumblr user but i am SO happy you like my cursed shitpost era. god bless
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