honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
What’s this order for?
Dad!Hoshiumi x Pregnant Mom!Reader
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Requested by~ @leuyen2004
Tw~pregnancy, pregnant reader, reader doesn’t know how to tell hoshiumi she’s pregnant, idk if there’s anything else let me know if I missed anything pls!!
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When you first took the pregnancy test you were in shock, you hadn’t really talked with Korai about having kids, you knew he at least liked children based on how he’d interact with all your friends and families children.
But still you we’re nervous with telling him, you’d decided that you wanted to make sure that everything was ok before telling your husband, so you went to your first appointment by yourself, you found out that you were somewhere around 11 weeks pregnant, that the baby was perfectly fine, healthy and they were growing perfectly. So that began your three week journey of trying to plan on how you should tell Hoshiumi you were pregnant.
Should you put a pair of baby shoes and the test in a bag and throw it at him, bake a cake and write on it? All of those were very real possibilities that you wanted to take into consideration.
But eventually as you were beginning to realize it wasn’t fair for you to continue hiding your pregnancy, you decided to simply order a few baby items to take your mind off of things.
How ever you definitely didn’t take into consideration that Korai would open the door when the bell rang.
“Baby?” He yelled out confused as you sat in the living room.
“Why have we got baby stuff at our door?”
“Because we’re going to need it?” You ask confused as you forgot you didn’t tell him yet, “for the baby Korai” you say as if it was obvious and he practically drops the box of baby supplies along with the bags.
“You’re pregnant?” He asks practically running over as he drops to his knees looking up at your through his lashes with the most hopeful eyes in the world.
You nod a little nervously before he’s plastering his hands on your belly before he’s crouching down a little further before whispering to your belly.
“Hi baby,” he whispers sweetly, “I’m your dada” and you’re almost certain you can see the faintest amount of tears that brim his eyelashes.
And six months into your pregnancy, you’re sat on the same couch as Korai is in the kitchen, the baby, who you’d found out was a boy had been kicking you a lot so he agreed to make dinner…or at least attempt to before ordering in.
He quickly came back to the living room sitting beside you as he smiles before handing you you’re favorite order laughing fondly as you set it on top of your belly as you used it as a little table.
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Let me know if you guys want to see anything else from this or just want me to write anything else because pls I love writing requests so much it brings me so much joy omg😭😭
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fushiguromi · 4 years
little bundle of sunshine — ushijima wakatoshi
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synopsis: you and your daughter surprised ushijima by watching his volleyball game
pairing: dad!ushijima x f!reader
genre: fluff!! timeskip :))
word count: 1.4k
a/n: ahHhHhh i’m sorry if this is like ?? because it is my first time posting this kind of fic, so pls don’t judge me HAHAHHAHAHAHA
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“Hello! Good morning.” You greeted the guard before walking to the daycare that was near your workplace.
You walked into your daughter’s classroom and you see her sitting quietly on a chair, observing her other classmates.
She’s just quiet while swinging her little legs because her feet don't reach the floor. She hugs her backpack closely to her lap and put her head on top of it.
You knocked on the door to excused your daughter and just smiled at the teacher and greeted her.
The five-year-old who looked more like her father glanced up to you, and a huge smile plastered on her face.
“Mommy! Mommy!” She called running towards you with a piece of paper in her hand. She presented it to you as you knelt to be on her height.
“Wook! I drew dada!” She excitedly said while swaying her body left to right and you take the paper from her hands and rubbed her head with your other hand.
“You’re good! It’s amazing, baby.” You looked over her with her big dark olive-brown eyes looking up to you. “Want to go watch daddy play?” You asked, already knowing her answer.
A big smile came onto her face as she jumped up and down, “Yes!” She always loves watching her father play and cheering for him.
Ushijima often jokes about having another one soon, so he can have a whole cheering team because you both get always baby fever whenever she’s around which is always.
You stood up and put out your hand for her to reach, “let’s get changed first, and then we’ll go.” She grabbed your hand as you got her backpack and headed to the bathroom to change.
You changed her school uniform to a volleyball jersey with Ushijima’s number on it and some shorts, fixing her hair to make it pigtails. You then changed quickly into jeans and a t-shirt with his number too.
You walked out and headed to your car. She easily goes to her car seat with excitement and because of your busy schedule, you don’t get to watch every game, so Ushijima would be surprised to see you and your daughter watch his game today.
You pulled into the parking lot of the venue, you made sure to look out for your daughter so she wouldn't run across the street because sometimes her excitements overboard.
As you walked in, the venue was already filled with many fans and visitors as the teams were about to play. You held your daughter firmly on your hip so you wouldn't lose her as you walked to find a seat in the front.
When you already settled on the front row, your daughter looked around for her dad and you pointed him out to her as they were all on the side, warming up and doing their drills.
“Daddy!” She screamed, waving up her two hands.
Ushijima stopped warming up and looked around, recognizing his daughter's voice. He didn’t know you were coming today and it was kind of a surprise. “Daddy!” She yelled again, this time he glanced towards you with wide eyes and smiled.
Standing up and walking over, “Dad! Wook!” She pulled out her jersey to show him. He smiled and pinched her cheek and kissed her forehead before reaching over to pick her up from you.
“My cheerleaders came here to support me?” he asked and looked at you.
She giggled and leaned more into him. You always wonder why she’s more a daddy’s girl when she always spends time with you.
“I got off early and we couldn’t waste this because everyone is looking forward to this game and we wanted to be here to support you.” You reached over and ran your fingers to your daughter's hair as she snuggled to her dad.
You felt almost everyone's eyes are on your family, “plus, she loves watching you play.” As you converse with Ushijima, many flashing lights are directed to you and your daughter.
Ushijima put her head on his chest to shield her from the cameras, he looked up over to you and smiled.
“What about you?” He teased, looking at your shirt because of his jersey number.
You smiled and moved closer to him, “you know that I have admired watching you play since you’re in high school. That's why we have this ray of sunshine.” He smirked, recalling what it would do to you to watch him play.
“Besides, it's been a while. I must show everyone this beautiful baby.” He chuckled and kissed your forehead.
“I have to go now. Cheer for me okay?” He asked and you and your daughter nodded.
You took her back in your hands as she held on to you, “wuv you daddy. Play well..” she blew a kiss with her free hand.
You could see how his heart melted because of his expression. Your daughter has that effect on everyone she meets.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He replied, smiling before walking back to his teammates.
The game went on and intense. Schweiden Adlers had no problem beating their opponent and watching your husband play gives you different feelings and emotions. Every time you see him play, you fall in love all over again.
That’s the reason why your daughter was brought up to this world so soon. You just have no self-control when it comes to Ushijima.
After the game, you walked down the stairs, getting the usual looks of awe for being the wife of the one and only Ushijima Wakatoshi, you just smiled at them, and your daughter waves and smiles at them confidently. Some people noticed your daughter and look at her with amusement because of her cuteness.
Once you were downstairs of the gym, she wiggled her way out of your arms and ran towards her dad with open arms. He didn't notice her coming until she hugged his legs.
Some of the other players were looked so confused, except for Ushijima’s teammates as to why a child was hugging his legs.
He turned around and picked her up, getting her to giggle as Hosiumi tickled her. “Daddy did good right?” You asked, letting everyone hear as you walked over to your family. Almost everyone gasped and looked shocked.
Being a private person, Ushijima doesn’t bring it up unless you ask or talk it about him. “Yeah! Dada did so well!” Reaching up to pinch his cheeks and hugged his neck.
“I’ve never seen Ushijima-san being like that.” You heard a player whispered to his teammate.
“Uncle Yama and Iumi..” she tried to reach out for Kageyama but he just smiled and pointed to Hosiumi who looks excited to take her.
Your daughter reached for Hosiumi who happily took her. Once she was on his arms, Ushijima pulled you close to him.
“How was my performance, love?” He said softly for you as you smiled, moving closer to his arms.
“Hmm.. perfect as usual.” You replied, hugging him as he kissed you softly.
“Of course, you were watching and our ball of sunshine.” You felt your heart being contented to have this kind of life.
Ushijima’s arms snaked on your waist, closing your eyes, he kissed your forehead.
“I’m so happy today...” he trailed off and smiled. You felt your heart racing, it feels like you’re in high school again.
“Uh, Ushijima-san,” Hosiumi came up to you both with your daughter sitting on his shoulder, holding his hair up.
You laughed because her hands are playing with Hosiumi’s hair. Carefully, Hosiumi handed her to you as he also went to leave with his other teammates.
You put her on the ground and play with her for a little bit. Ushijima went to his locker and someone came up to you, he’s someone who kept looking at you earlier from the stands.
“Hi! Are you supporting someone?” He looked at your daughter as she plays with the volleyball.
“Yeah, Schweiden Adlers.” You replied and then smile over your daughter who’s now trying to dribble the volleyball.
“You look very pretty. Is she your sister?” You stayed quiet, thinking if he doesn’t know about you being married to Ushijima.
“No, she’s our daughter.” You didn’t notice Ushijima walking over to your daughter to pick her up before he came up to you.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.” The guy cowers away and just walked away.
Ushijima turned towards you, “I’m sorry.” You smiled and hold on to his arm.
“It’s okay.” You took your daughter from Ushijima’s arms and she snuggled on your neck.
He leaned over to kiss your daughter’s forehead, “let’s go home.” He gently said and kissed your lips.
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a/n (take 2): if you read this, i just wanted to say congrats!! HAHAHAHA jk but thank you for reaching at the end of the story <3 i hope you liked it 🥺
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