#dad Noah has be in a deadly chokehold
starsomens · 8 months
warnings: some postpartum, being overwhelmed after a baby with noah helping you, I have no kids and no super solid knowledge of how it feel postpartum this is all an estimate
“She’s beautiful man” jolly compliments as he holds you newborn daughter “luckily she took more of Y/N’s genes”
Everyone in the room chuckles at Jolly’s joke. You had given birth about 10 hours ago and the boys has stopped by to visit the small family. Eden met all of her uncles. With Noah’s lightly hovering making sure she was alright.
“Noah didn’t pass out?” Ruffilo asked looking at his best friend
“Oh no, he was a champ,” you compliment him with a pat to his leg as he stood at you bedside. Eden started to fuss a bit with a small whimper and jolly rocks her
“Awh what happened precious girl? Uncle jolly not comfy for ya?” Jolly pouts at the baby as Noah went to tend to her “wow, he’s a natural. We’ll be going then, give you two some time.”
The boys gather themselves, saying their goodbyes to you three.
“Call us if you guys need anything!”
“Well being some food later!”
The all gave their promises before leaving the room. Noah continues to rock Eden
“Give her babe, I think she’s hungry” you adjust your hospital gown, and try to get her to attach. She was healthy, had a good weight in at 8 lbs and 5 ounces. You’ve only been having issues with latching when it was time for her to eat. You eventually get her to latch it could take up to 10 minutes. Only making her more fussy, and you more overwhelmed with your baby in distress.
You sigh as your eyebrows knit together. You become slightly frustrated when she cannot latch but it’s not her fault you feel like it’s your fault for not having a better way to feed her. Noah could see how you were feeling and how you were struggling.
"Baby?" he said is a soft tone, and brings a chair close to your bed and sits down with you "You pumped some milk, do you want to bottle feed her or do you want to keep trying to breast feed her?" Noah always make sure to ground you knowing you'd want the pregnancy and parenthood to flawlessly. But this being your first baby, he knew there would be a few hiccups.
"I want to breastfeed her...." you pout slightly
"Okay, let me help," he takes hold Of Eden's head and helps to guide her to your nipple. He did as the nurse showed him to help Eden latch on better. She finally latches on and you let out a sigh of relief as she eats. You watch her carefully making sure she was eating properly
Noah was watching in the mean time. Of course he wanted to help with Eden but he knows you're under a lot of new stress too "you're doing great you know..."
"Hm?" you look up form Eden
"I know this is hard, and you're tired and overwhelmed, but you're doing amazing. Eden has the best mother taking care of her..." he smiles at you while he strokes your hair. After Eden was done feeding, Noah takes her and gently burps her
"After I put Eden down I'll help you get to the bathroom alright?" he kisses the top of your head as his large hand continues to gently burp Eden. He puts her down in her bassinet and goes over to help you out of bed slowly. He stands you up slowly and helps you to walks you over to the bathroom slowly.
"Okay baby, what do you need?"
"Um....the bottle, and a pad please, I also want to brush my teeth"
"Okay, do you need help sitting or standing?" he asks you being cautious of letting you go
"I...*sigh* yeah...can you help me sit on the toilet?"
"Of course baby," he helps you to get down, slowly but surely. He gets your supplies and helps you in anyway he can. Afterwards you brush your teeth while he brushes your hair and ties it up in a night little bun. He helps you back into the bed, with a kiss to your lips as he admires you
"What is it?" you asked
"Just looking at the mother of my daughter and my beautiful wife," he smiles at you "you're my pretty girl, and you made another pretty girl. I have a gorgeous queen and beautiful princess now"
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starsomens · 4 months
We LOVE dad Noah here!
How about ummm, oh! A quick lil bubble of Noah going with reader and Eden to get her ears pierced? I know my parents took me as a baby maybe like 8-9 months? Ik some people have feelings about it but I personally am happy there did!
Anyway thank you start love you❤️❤️
A/N: omg so cute!! I know my mom had my ears pierced when I was around 6 to 7 months or so. Maybe a little bit younger, but my dad was definitely very upset I was crying when it happened.😭😭
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Noah was holding Eden in his lap and bouncing his knee. The month old, simply just enjoying being held by her father. Noah was internally freaking out about her ears being pierced. Of course you’re both OK with her. Having earrings and logically speaking doing it now will be better for her since she won’t remember the pain. Either way it was a quick pinch and should be over in just 10 minutes.
However, on the way over to the establishment started to freak out a little bit. Knowing that the piercing would make her cry. So no he was giving options about waiting until next week or trying to find a place that numb her ear and pierce it instead.
But you were reassuring him that she would be fine and she wouldn’t even remember it after five minutes. So now you had a pouty husband to try and comfort while he was waiting in the chair as the employee was readying the needle and earrings. Of course Noah being who he was for his princess got her only the nicest and highest quality earing and piercer. Making sure to look into reviews on how they are with kids.
"Alright are we ready?" the young girl asked. Her bright smile such a contrast to her piercings and tattoos. She was just lovely to speak with as she explained the process "Alright dad, we're going to try and pierce her ears nice and quick. So I'll need to you to hold her head and make sure she doesn't move,"
Noah take the deep breath while he faces his large hand on Eden small head. Her face still not knowing what is to come and knows how was jumping out of his chest. The piercer mark a single dot on each of her loans sure that they both look even before she grabbed the needle gun. Aligning the tip of the needle on her earlobe, she says,
“ oh right, we’re gonna try to make this really fast really quick so once I’m done with this year, I’m moving right to the second one,” she reiterates she had said before “ ready? 1…..2…..3,”
And in the blink of an eye, the gun clicks as appears through her ear. It takes a second for Eden to react actually, trying to understand what had just happened as her lips starts to pout. Her little nose sniffling as a wine, and a cry starts to escape her lips. Noah’s heart broke hearing her starts to cry.
On top of that he was the one holding her head in place so that she wouldn’t move and all he wanted to do was to comfort her. And at the same time he’s never felt more rage towards someone who essentially he was paying to do this
The piercer quickly moves to the other side and pierces her ear quickly. “ Okay she’s all done, no more. I’m sorry princess” she gives an apologetic look to Noah and Eden we all know it does is turn Eden into him and comfort her. He had his signature mug shot face very upset. His baby was uncomfortable and hurting.
No one stand up from the sea, and he walks around the room, bouncing her to try and calm her down. His large hand no longer holding your head in place, but caressing the soft hair on her head as his lips kiss her forehead.
“I’m so sorry baby. I know Mommy so mean for letting the lady do that” he whispers to her and all you could do was go at him as he blamed you partially for it. Luckily you both know was Eden’s main source of calm and comfort. Now you moved to the front desk to pay for the service, eden has calmed down and her crush were reduced to small sniffles as she sucked on her finger to also calm her down.
While your card was being charged, you take a look at her earring and you were very happy with the service. She did great in Eden seem to be dealing with him much better than you had anticipated. On the other hand was still very upset.
“Babe why are you still pouting? She’s just fine”
“ Because look at her face, her nose is all red and look at her cheeks. Her eyes are red and watery still” no it was very emotional when it came to his precious little princess. He couldn’t blame him since he felt the same way. But you knew that the pain for this was temporary and she wouldn’t remember it at all by the next day. Just like when you had taken her to the doctor to get her shot after she was born.
While you walk to the car hand-in-hand, no scene to forgive you a bit more as Eden returns to her normal self. As he put her into the car seat, he takes a look at her earrings and tilts his head a bit.
“Look at my princess. Did daddy get you was pretty earrings?” he uses his baby voice with her. “Looking so beautiful, just like Mama”
He then turned to you planted a kiss on your nose. As he closes the door, he opens the passenger door for you to get into
“Oh? I thought it was my fault for letting the mean, lady pierce her ears,” you pouted at him as he crossed your arms, reiterating his own words back to him
“ maybe it wasn’t completely your fault you were right she did calm down after a while. And I guess…. You’re right she won’t remember it later on in life.”
You take a hold of his jaw gently and shake his head slightly “AWWHH look at my man admitting that he’s wrong,”
“Wrong? No, I did not say I was wrong. I still think that piercer was a bitch for making her cry,”
“Noah that’s her job, Eden was going to cry either way!” You giggle as you climb into the car
“Yeah yeah, I won’t leave a bad review” he chuckled closing the door
“Noah don’t you dare!” your muffled voice, comes from inside the car as he rounds the front and gets into the driver seat. He completely ignores what you say turns to Eden and put his hand into her car seat and tickles her little belly
“Now who wants ice cream?!” Wanting to reward her for being such a brave girl
“ oh yeah, that’s right just change the subject,” crossing your arms
“ keep that attitude up and I’ll make sure to use my ice cream for something else” he smirks at you as he turns on the car and scans your body from top to bottom
“…..fine I want my usual order and you better know it or you won’t be using your ice cream for anything” she knew what you were talking about you hear Eden giggle in the back of the car
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starsomens · 11 months
You had been gone for 30 minutes already, the baby was still crying, and Noah kept checking in through the monitor. You told him stay in bed because he had lots of work tomorrow but he couldn't sleep knowing you were struggling
He gets up finally when he hears something other than the baby crying. You were quietly wiping tears away bouncing around trying to get your baby to sleep. He hops out of bed and down the hall to the baby's room. You back was facing the door as quiet cried slip past your lips, trying your best to calm the infant down. He come to you and places his hand on your shoulder
"babe," he said softly "Come on,"
"Noah? Noah you should be asleep, I got this-"
"Baby, give her to me come on," he said gently taking the baby from your grasp "Come on you're exhausted" he said wiping your tears away
"No buts. You're tired and the baby is fussy, now get into bed," he walks with you until you reach the door way and watches you get into bed "Now go to sleep, I'll deal with the baby okay?"
He closes the door and heads down the hall to his studio office. Your baby was still fussy and crying, her eyes and cheeks pink and puffed. He sits in his chair and cradles her tiny body in his hands
"Oh I know, I know," He whispered as he gathers her limbs and holds her snugly and rocks her slowly, her crying come down to whines and hiccups. "That's it, you're okay princess" he lays her on his chest and he begins to work on some music. She was the kind of baby to really enjoy her fathers music and would calm her down a lot. He had taken off her onesie and his shirt for skin to skin, he felt it was something that would make her more comfortable and calm to feel his warmth and heartbeat. His large tattooed hand rubbed small circles on her back as she finally calmed down and tiny breaths could be heard in the quiet house.
Looking at his computer he read
"4:36...alright let's get you back in bed," he shuts things down there and goes to put her back in her bassinet. Her diaper was fine and she wasn't hungry so she should sleep through until later. Coming back to bed he half expected you to be awake knowing you well enough but you were absolutely knocked out. He shuffles to bed and gets in making sure not to wake you up. He pulls you in under his chin and kisses the top off your head
"I know you're asleep, but you gotta let me help you," he whispered completely unaware of you being awake "we had her together so we gotta do it together, sweet dreams Y/N"
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