#noah sebastian as a dad
starsomens · 8 months
warnings: some postpartum, being overwhelmed after a baby with noah helping you, I have no kids and no super solid knowledge of how it feel postpartum this is all an estimate
“She’s beautiful man” jolly compliments as he holds you newborn daughter “luckily she took more of Y/N’s genes”
Everyone in the room chuckles at Jolly’s joke. You had given birth about 10 hours ago and the boys has stopped by to visit the small family. Eden met all of her uncles. With Noah’s lightly hovering making sure she was alright.
“Noah didn’t pass out?” Ruffilo asked looking at his best friend
“Oh no, he was a champ,” you compliment him with a pat to his leg as he stood at you bedside. Eden started to fuss a bit with a small whimper and jolly rocks her
“Awh what happened precious girl? Uncle jolly not comfy for ya?” Jolly pouts at the baby as Noah went to tend to her “wow, he’s a natural. We’ll be going then, give you two some time.”
The boys gather themselves, saying their goodbyes to you three.
“Call us if you guys need anything!”
“Well being some food later!”
The all gave their promises before leaving the room. Noah continues to rock Eden
“Give her babe, I think she’s hungry” you adjust your hospital gown, and try to get her to attach. She was healthy, had a good weight in at 8 lbs and 5 ounces. You’ve only been having issues with latching when it was time for her to eat. You eventually get her to latch it could take up to 10 minutes. Only making her more fussy, and you more overwhelmed with your baby in distress.
You sigh as your eyebrows knit together. You become slightly frustrated when she cannot latch but it’s not her fault you feel like it’s your fault for not having a better way to feed her. Noah could see how you were feeling and how you were struggling.
"Baby?" he said is a soft tone, and brings a chair close to your bed and sits down with you "You pumped some milk, do you want to bottle feed her or do you want to keep trying to breast feed her?" Noah always make sure to ground you knowing you'd want the pregnancy and parenthood to flawlessly. But this being your first baby, he knew there would be a few hiccups.
"I want to breastfeed her...." you pout slightly
"Okay, let me help," he takes hold Of Eden's head and helps to guide her to your nipple. He did as the nurse showed him to help Eden latch on better. She finally latches on and you let out a sigh of relief as she eats. You watch her carefully making sure she was eating properly
Noah was watching in the mean time. Of course he wanted to help with Eden but he knows you're under a lot of new stress too "you're doing great you know..."
"Hm?" you look up form Eden
"I know this is hard, and you're tired and overwhelmed, but you're doing amazing. Eden has the best mother taking care of her..." he smiles at you while he strokes your hair. After Eden was done feeding, Noah takes her and gently burps her
"After I put Eden down I'll help you get to the bathroom alright?" he kisses the top of your head as his large hand continues to gently burp Eden. He puts her down in her bassinet and goes over to help you out of bed slowly. He stands you up slowly and helps you to walks you over to the bathroom slowly.
"Okay baby, what do you need?"
"Um....the bottle, and a pad please, I also want to brush my teeth"
"Okay, do you need help sitting or standing?" he asks you being cautious of letting you go
"I...*sigh* yeah...can you help me sit on the toilet?"
"Of course baby," he helps you to get down, slowly but surely. He gets your supplies and helps you in anyway he can. Afterwards you brush your teeth while he brushes your hair and ties it up in a night little bun. He helps you back into the bed, with a kiss to your lips as he admires you
"What is it?" you asked
"Just looking at the mother of my daughter and my beautiful wife," he smiles at you "you're my pretty girl, and you made another pretty girl. I have a gorgeous queen and beautiful princess now"
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flowery-mess · 19 days
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Just another dad Noah thought...
I have two ideas of this in my head...
1) Noah is away on tour and you and your toddler take lots of videos of things you do together to send him. Like you just put your phone somewhere, then forget it's even there and Noah then can watch what he's missing when he's away. So one day you sit your toddler down, put the phone on record and do 'interview about my daddy' where you ask toddlers things like 'how old is daddy? what's daddy's job?' and this is how it goes:
"What's daddy's name?"
"Noaaaaah." he yells, just like you do when Noah is in other room and you call out for him.
"How old is he?"
"Mhmm, 3."
"Oh okay. What's his job?"
"Screaming at people." your toddler says with a proud grin on his face and you try to hold your laugh, because he's kind of right.
"What's his favorite food?"
"Vegetable salad." you can't really remember the last time Noah would ate vegetable salad, but okey.
"What daddy's favorite thing to do with us?"
"Watch a movie and then fall asleep on the couch."
And this would go on for a few more questions and as a respond from Noah you'd get picture of his face with little sad pout and tears in his eyes, saying he misses you and can't wait to be home.
2) Sometimes kids do this at school, so your toddler would come home with two papers, one for you and one for Noah. When you read it for the first you try really hard to not laugh and make your baby sad. But later when the baby is asleep and Noah has some free time for a call, you pour yourself a glass of wine and put Noah on facetime as you read him the cards.
"What's mummy's name? And the answer is 'my love'" and you both make heart eyes at each other, knowing he got that answer from how Noah calls you.
"What's mummy's job?" and the answer would be 'cutting into peoples heads, and you'd be a hairdresser or 'she's selling people drugs' and you'd be a pharmacist.
"How tall is daddy?" and you could not get the answer out of you because you'd be laughing too much "Noah, the answer is 3 feet."
"What's daddy's favorite thing to do with me?" and the answer is 'buying me toys'"
"Oh, guilty." Would be Noah's answer.
"I told you you're spoiling him."
"But he's always so happy and then he's cute, you have to admit that love."
"What does mummy and daddy do after I go to sleep?"
"He doesn't know what we like to do when he's asleep, should I be scared for that answer?" Noah said over the phone.
"They clean after me and drink alcohol."
"Oh god we look like alcoholics."
"Well, I'm literally drinking wine now."
After that you'd fell into comfortable silence and just look at each other through the screen.
"I miss you, just one more week and I'm home with you." Noah said with sad smile on his face.
"Oh I can't wait to have my 3 feet tall husband back so we can drink alcohol together!"
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yarasdead · 2 months
dad!noah on tour.
cw. fem!reader, established relationship (married), children, fluff, angst, hurt & comfort, noah is a girl dad, baby's name is mallory, inaccurate talk of being a parent & touring
a/n. *cracks knuckles* making my writing return with a tear jerker :') i had a different thought with this one that involved less angst, but my mind just decided against it lolz!!! the ending is a little bad, but i hope everyone enjoys <3
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dad!noah being away on tour from you and your nine month old baby girl, mallory, for a few weeks now. and you can't lie it's hard, you love seeing noah pursue his dreams, he comes alive on stage performing in front of hundreds, thousands of people. but, he also comes alive when he's with his baby girl, doing the most mundane things with her, from starting solids a few months ago, reading her stories, singing to her around the house, taking her to the park, he just shines as dad. and you feel guilty for wanting him to just be a dad, not also a performer who's selling out venues.
you try not to replay the chaos scene of noah leaving for tour in your head over and over again.
"daddy misses you very much, baby girl." noah coos over over the face time. you propped your phone up with the pillows in the bed so it would be leveled with mallory's eye line. smiling softly at the interaction as she bounces happily at the sound of his voice. a far too energetic for a baby in the morning.
"i miss mama, too. where is she mal, where's mama?"
"i'm right here." picking up the phone from the spot to bring it in front of you, your tired grin matching noah's.
"how was the show last night?" a question that's asked without a fail after each show, partially because you love to here noah beam about the shows and the fans, and the other because you simply just love to hear him talk.
"talking about the show can wait. i want to know how you are, mama?" noah diverts.
you start to formulate an answer in your head when you get a baby's fist to the gut, groaning as mallory climbs her way on top of you. adjusting her in your arms so the both of you are in frame. noah's attention flipping from you to mallory for a second, cooing and smiling at her, enticing a string of giggles from her.
you can't ruin this by telling him about the day you had yesterday, from the fussiness of mallory of her denying any bottle you give her so you had to breast feed her despite you wanting to completely ween her off, to the crying fits of her in her crib anytime you set her down for her nap times, the clutter fuck of your work and the spilling your coffee on important papers. you'd much rather lie. "i'm okay." giving your best small smile you can.
noah's eyes flicker up from mallory to you, shifting in his seat while his gaze stays on you.
"you don't look okay."
"you know that isn't what i meant, baby. your eyes are puffy."
shit. you know exactly what he's insinuating at.
"it's my allergies." another lie.
fake gasping. "our daughter is right here, noah." you joke doing your best to cover her ears with just one hand, trying to worm your way out of noah's demand.
"the word bullshit from from out our daughters mouth is the least of my concerns. are you going to tell me what's up? please, baby?"
you bite down on your lip, gnawing at the plush skin as you look down at your daughter who looks up at you when you brush back her bed head. her big doe eyes looking up at you with nothing but wonder, while you look back with such adoration. motherhood never fails to amaze you at how some days make you want scream like you never have before while others fill you with such joy.
the both of you being up for barely an hour before noah called you. the time zone in the east being ahead than the west so noah already looks like he's put together for the day, while you contemplate even wanting to get ready for the day yourself after yesterday. caressing mallory's head as it falls into your chest from smoothing at her hair. looking back up at your phone you're met with noah's sweet gaze, it never fails to make your heart flutter. but you know you can't not tell him anything.
"it's hard." is all you say, but you see how those two words effect noah. a slight frown appearing on his face and his shoulders dropping.
"i know. and i'm sorry."
"don't be."
"but i am. i'm here across the country while you're at home with with mal. i should be home too."
"please, don't beat yourself up."
"how can i not when you say you're having a hard time?"
"i knew it was going to be hard regardless. but, i can't tell you to not do what you love, noah." you argue.
"if you told me not to do the tour i wouldn't have."
his words hit you like a truck, and they make you feel even worse for wanting to say them all those weeks ago. "that's selfish. not only to you, but the guys, and your fans."
"i don't care. i care about you and mallory. the guys would've understood, they were a little shocked that you were okay with it. and my love for the fans are immense, i'm grateful for them. but i'm forever grateful for you. i don't love anything more than i love you and mallory, and anyone who says shit about me wanting to be home with my girls can fuck off. don't ever feel selfish for wanting me."
you blink back the tears, wiping at a few that fell down your cheeks. a hand playing with the wisp of hair at the nape of mallory's neck, sitting on the new pile of confessions, not knowing what to say.
"next week we have two back to back shows at the same venue and then a day off, why don't you and mal fly out and it'll be a family day?"
you smile, a genuine one. "noah-" you start, a hand tiny hand clasping over your mouth, mallory making her presence known again between her parents as noah lets out a laugh from over the phone. taking her chubby hand in yours to raise it down from your mouth. "you'd love that too wouldn't you? you miss daddy just as much, huh?" your tone switching as you address mallory, bouncing her in your lap as she babbles out.
"i'd love family day."
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thecoyotescry · 2 months
Just a thought!
Waking up later than normal on a Saturday morning and hearing muffled voices in the other room. You smile to yourself, because you know your boys are up and waiting (impatiently) for you to come join them. You walk out of the room to find Noah and baby boy (who’s the spitting image of Noah, as previously established) sitting on the couch eating bowls of cereal together. Both are cross-legged with matching bed head and identical smiles and giggles as they watch the cartoons/anime on the tv. You can tell they’ve only been up a short amount of time, due to the soft sleepiness in their eyes. And your heart grows about 7 sizes because these are your boys, and nobody else gets to see big, buff, tatted, “I’m the fucking king,” Noah like this; so sweet and calm and domestic. It’s only for you! 🥺😩
Anyway, happy Saturday, gang! 🤭
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madomens · 9 months
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dad noah 😭😭
( @spicywhenspeaking )
i died making this thank you😩😩
(all found on Pinterest)
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omenscultie · 3 months
Oh Noah …😂😂😂
Actually this is me when someone cracks a joke ngl
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4rtificialfolio · 6 months
Girl Dad folio who gets her a little bike vest to match him so she can be like “dada”. Takes her on daddy daughter dates where they go fishing together; she has her own mini camping chair, a matching hat and a toy fishing rod and he sends you pics of him with his “mini me” telling you how much she loves her “fishies”. Lets her do “make-overs” where she raids your makeup bag and makes “dada look pretty” and he’d be so proud to show everyone his new style. Girl dad folio who sees her at the side of the stage, wearing big pink ear defenders, smiling and clapping for him. He buys her a custom little toy drum kit that’s the same colour as his so she can “play” just like her dada
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Ikigai-One Shot
Disclaimer: The content on this blog is entirely fictional and created for entertainment purposes. None of the scenarios depicted here are based on real-life occurrences. Enjoy the stories and let your imagination run wild!
pairing Noah Sebastian x reader
In the quiet, moonlit suburbs of a quaint town, a young couple named Noah Sebastian and y/n sat anxiously in their cozy living room, surrounded by the gentle whispers of anticipation. Noah, the charismatic singer of the rising rock band, Bad Omens, gently cradled y/n's hand, her eyes reflecting the excitement and nervousness that danced within her soul. The sound of their unborn daughter's heartbeat echoed through the room, a symphony of life growing stronger with each passing moment. They had chosen the name Ikigai, a Japanese concept that embodied the essence of their love and the purpose they had found in each other. As the clock chimed midnight, y/n's contractions grew closer, signaling the imminent arrival of their baby girl. With a mix of awe and apprehension, they looked into each other's eyes, ready to embark on the most profound journey of their lives together.
As the first light of dawn pierced through the curtains, y/n took a deep, steadying breath, her eyes meeting Noah's with a silent communication of love and determination. His gaze was filled with reassurance, a promise that together, they could conquer the world. Her contractions had become a rhythmic crescendo, and it was time to head to the hospital. Noah helped her to her feet, wrapping an arm around her waist to support her as they made their way to the car. The cool, early morning air washed over them, carrying with it the scent of dew kissed grass and the faint whispers of a new day beginning. He opened the car door with a gentle touch, helping her in before taking his place behind the wheel. As the engine roared to life, the reality of the moment sank in Ikigai was on her way, and their lives were about to change forever. With a firm grip on the steering wheel, Noah navigated the deserted streets, the headlights carving a path through the darkness. The world outside was still, yet within the confines of the car, a storm of emotions swirled, a potent mix of fear, excitement, and hope. Each mile brought them closer to the hospital, and with it, the culmination of nine long months of anticipation. Their hearts raced in sync with the growing intensity of y/n's contractions, counting down the moments until they would hold their daughter in their arms. The silence was broken only by the occasional murmur of comfort from Noah and the soft, persistent beat of the car stereo, playing the unreleased lullaby he had composed for Ikigai.
The hospital loomed ahead, a beacon of hope and comfort amidst the serene stillness of the early morning. Upon their arrival, the expectant couple was ushered into a warm, welcoming room, where the soft hum of machinery and the gentle footsteps of the nurses offered a soothing contrast to the urgency of the situation. Noah held y/n's hand tightly as she was wheeled into the delivery suite, the air thick with anticipation. The medical staff bustled around them, preparing for the miracle that was about to unfold. His voice, usually a powerful instrument on stage, was now a quiet pillar of strength, whispering words of encouragement into her ear as she focused on the task at hand. The doctor's calm demeanor filled the room with an air of competence and care, easing the tension that had been building for hours. With each contraction, y/n's resolve grew stronger, and Noah's eyes never left hers, a silent pact to conquer this challenge as they had done with every hurdle in their life as a united front. And as the first tender cries of their baby girl filled the air, the world outside seemed to pause, acknowledging the profound beauty of new life. With trembling hands, Noah cut the umbilical cord, and Ikigai was placed into her mother's loving embrace, their hearts forever entwined. The moment was pure, unfiltered joy a testament to the enduring bond of love and the incredible journey they had just begun.
The world outside the hospital room was a blur of pastel colors and muffled voices as the couple marveled at the perfection of their newborn daughter. Ikigai's tiny fingers curled around y/n's thumb, her eyes searching for familiarity in the sea of unexplored faces. Noah, unable to resist the magnetic pull, leaned in to press a soft, reverent kiss to her forehead, his heart swelling with an emotion so intense it threatened to consume him. The nurse, noticing the proud father's quivering lip, handed him a camera with a knowing smile. As he snapped the first of what would be countless photos, capturing the fleeting moments of their daughter's arrival, y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over her. Despite the exhaustion that clung to her like a second skin, she knew that in this moment, everything was exactly as it should be. Their little family of three had just begun their symphony of life together, and she couldn't wait for the melodies that were yet to unfold.
The days that followed Ikigai's birth were a whirlwind of sleepless nights and endless cuddles, as Noah and y/n navigated the uncharted waters of parenthood with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The rockstar lifestyle took a backseat as Noah traded his microphone for diaper changes and late-night feedings, his eyes never straying far from the tiny being who had so swiftly stolen his heart. The melodies of his band's hits were replaced by the sweet, soothing lullabies that filled their home, each note a declaration of love for their daughter. Y/n watched him with a quiet smile, her heart full as she saw him transform into a devoted father, the same passion that fueled his music now channeled into nurturing their child. Together, they learned the delicate dance of caring for their newborn, finding joy in the smallest of moments the way she cooed in her sleep, the softness of her skin, and the way she looked at them with an unspoken love that transcended words. The world outside continued to spin, but within the walls of their little sanctuary, time stood still, a gentle reminder that amidst the chaos, the true meaning of life had just begun.
The couple's bond grew stronger with each shared smile and giggle from their daughter. The rhythm of their lives shifted to match the tempo of Ikigai's needs, and amidst the chaos, a new harmony emerged. Noah found inspiration in his fatherhood, penning lyrics that reflected the profound love and responsibility that came with it. His music took on a deeper, more introspective tone, resonating with fans who could now see the softer side of the bad boy rockstar. Meanwhile, y/n discovered a newfound strength in herself, balancing her role as a mother with her own aspirations, her dedication to their family a testament to the power of a woman's heart. And in the quiet moments, when Ikigai slept peacefully in her crib, they would sit side by side, holding hands and whispering about their dreams for their daughter the adventures they would share, the lessons they would teach her, and the love that would guide her through the symphony of life. Their world had expanded in ways they never could have imagined, and as they watched her grow, they knew that their love for each other had grown even stronger, a foundation upon which their little girl would build her own life's masterpiece.
As the months rolled into a year, as the sun kissed the horizon with a gentle goodbye, Noah awoke to the sound of Ikigai's soft coos, her eyes fluttering open to meet his gaze. He picked her up, her warmth seeping into his soul as he cradled her close. The melody of her first giggles filled the room, a sweet reminder of the new chapter they had entered. y/n stirred, her eyes opening to the sight of her husband and daughter in a tender embrace. She couldn't help but feel a sense of completeness, a symphony of love playing in their little corner of the world. As they began their day, the rhythm of their lives with Ikigai grew stronger, each moment a verse in the ever evolving ballad of their shared journey. The house was alive with the music of their love, each day a new chorus in the grand symphony of their growing family.
The next evening, as the setting sun painted the sky with a warm embrace, Noah and y/n sat on the porch swing, Ikigai nestled between them. The air was filled with the sweet scent of jasmine, and a gentle breeze played with her hair as they watched the world slowly come alive with the whispers of twilight. Noah softly strummed his guitar, the melody of an unwritten song drifting through the air. It was in this tranquil moment that they felt the first whispers of a new tune, one that spoke of the uncharted territories of their future as a family.
"Hey, baby girl," Noah whispered, his voice as smooth as the melody he had composed for her. "You're going to love this one." He began to play a new tune, the strings of his guitar vibrating with the depth of his feelings.
Y/n leaned her head on his shoulder, her eyes closed in contentment. "It's beautiful," she murmured, feeling the music resonate within her.
"It's for you," Noah said, his eyes never leaving the fretboard. "For all of us, really. It's called 'Our Melody.' It's about the journey we've been on, and the one we're just beginning."
Ikigai stirred slightly in her sleep, a small smile playing on her lips as if she too could feel the love woven into the notes.
"Every beat, every chord," he continued, his voice a soft serenade. "It's all for you, Ikigai. You're the reason we're singing this song."
Y/n kissed his cheek, her eyes brimming with tears. "And we'll keep singing it," she said, her voice a soft crescendo of emotion. "Through every joy and challenge, we'll find our rhythm together."
Noah nodded, his eyes meeting hers with a silent promise. "Forever and ever," he said, his voice a gentle bass to the sweet lullaby of their lives.
The music continued to flow from his guitar, a testament to the love that surrounded them, a promise of a lifetime of harmony in the symphony of their shared existence.
The night grew cooler, wrapping them in a blanket of quiet companionship as the final notes of "Our Melody" faded into the twilight. Ikigai's breathing grew steady, a silent metronome to their whispers of hope and dreams. They watched as the stars above them winked into existence, each one a reminder of the constellation of moments that had led them to this very point. "Do you think she'll inherit your talent?" y/n asked, her voice a soft harmony to the night's serenade.
"I hope so," Noah said, his thumb gently stroking the strings of his guitar. "But more than anything, I want her to find her own tune, to live her life in a way that brings her happiness."
Y/n nodded, her gaze fixed on their sleeping daughter. "Together, we'll make sure she has all the notes she needs to compose her own masterpiece."
With that, they held each other closer, their hearts beating in time with the soft lullaby of the evening, ready to face whatever crescendos and decrescendos life had in store for them. For in the grand symphony of their love, Ikigai was their most precious composition, the melody that brought their hearts together in perfect harmony. Ikigai's eyes grew heavy, lulled by the music that had been her constant companion since conception. With a final yawn, she closed her eyes, her breathing deepening into the peaceful rhythm of sleep. They exchanged a knowing smile, their hearts in sync with the quiet symphony of their love. As the stars began their nightly performance, they rocked gently, the three of them bound by an unspoken promise to face the world's crescendos and silences together, their love the everlasting melody that would guide them through the symphony of life.
The days grew into weeks, and the weeks into months, each moment with Ikigai a new stanza in the love story of Noah and y/n. They watched her discover the world, her eyes lighting up with every new sound and sensation. Her first wobbly steps turned into confident strides, her babbling into words that grew into sentences, each one a note in the melody of their lives. And through it all, the music remained a constant, a thread that connected them as a family, weaving through the fabric of their days like a never ending chorus. Noah's career continued to flourish, but it was the concerts at home that truly brought him joy, his heart swelling with pride as Ikigai danced to the rhythm of his guitar. y/n's career blossomed alongside her role as a mother, her dedication to both a symphony of strength and grace. And as Ikigai grew, she began to show a natural affinity for music, her small hands plucking at the strings of her own miniature guitar, a mirror of her father's passion. The house was alive with the symphony of their love, each room a stage for the most important performance of their lives the raising of their daughter.
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f3ralbadomens · 8 months
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this sweatshirt goes so hard
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devilandacat · 27 days
here’s more matt dad shit bc it’s literally all i can think about
- bedtime stories!!! omfg bedtime stories with the little forehead kisses and tucking them in a little too tight so he gets a “daaadddd” that leads to both of them giggling and laughing
- always checking for monsters under the bed and in the closet! you three get a nightly routine together very quickly
- his outfits already scream dad but when he’s actually a dad.. (pls the fits r so interestingly man)
- as basic as this is he’s def always holding your kid on his hip (god it’s so cute tho, him super busy doing whatever while he has to keep hoisting them back up)
- your kid bothering him on his hip tho.. he’s busy trying to work on his sound shit and they keep reaching out trying to touch it all and you just watch him slowly get fed up lol
- this damn kid bothers him so much but you better believe he would drop anything and everything for either one of you!!
- him teaching them how to do what he does (i actually have no idea what it is lol, sound stuff ig..?) putting them on his lap and pointing at what button they have to push or slide up with a little high five or hair ruffle and a “good job!!”
- little family outings just in the backyard!! he’s cooking on the grill while you’re tanning or playing with your kid and the dogs! it’s just the perfect day, perfect weather with your favorite people (and animals)!
- OHHH you just know his grilling is so good i need one of his burgers oh so badly
- imagine him trying to put together a crib.. do with that as you will (lowkey hot bc he’d have his hair in that low bun and he’d be making occasional grunts and shit but also he’s a loser with his stupid little shorts and lotr shirt and the way he’d be sitting on his knees reading the instructions)
- waking up to see the two of them passed out next to you in the mornings (crying)
- seeing him get just as excited as you for literally any milestone in your kids life (first steps, first words, bike without training wheels you name it he’s got a fat smile on his face and clapping so hard)
- speaking of clapping hard.. he’s got those annoying loud ass dad claps, and sneezes, and snores, and grunts, and groans
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starsomens · 11 months
You had been gone for 30 minutes already, the baby was still crying, and Noah kept checking in through the monitor. You told him stay in bed because he had lots of work tomorrow but he couldn't sleep knowing you were struggling
He gets up finally when he hears something other than the baby crying. You were quietly wiping tears away bouncing around trying to get your baby to sleep. He hops out of bed and down the hall to the baby's room. You back was facing the door as quiet cried slip past your lips, trying your best to calm the infant down. He come to you and places his hand on your shoulder
"babe," he said softly "Come on,"
"Noah? Noah you should be asleep, I got this-"
"Baby, give her to me come on," he said gently taking the baby from your grasp "Come on you're exhausted" he said wiping your tears away
"No buts. You're tired and the baby is fussy, now get into bed," he walks with you until you reach the door way and watches you get into bed "Now go to sleep, I'll deal with the baby okay?"
He closes the door and heads down the hall to his studio office. Your baby was still fussy and crying, her eyes and cheeks pink and puffed. He sits in his chair and cradles her tiny body in his hands
"Oh I know, I know," He whispered as he gathers her limbs and holds her snugly and rocks her slowly, her crying come down to whines and hiccups. "That's it, you're okay princess" he lays her on his chest and he begins to work on some music. She was the kind of baby to really enjoy her fathers music and would calm her down a lot. He had taken off her onesie and his shirt for skin to skin, he felt it was something that would make her more comfortable and calm to feel his warmth and heartbeat. His large tattooed hand rubbed small circles on her back as she finally calmed down and tiny breaths could be heard in the quiet house.
Looking at his computer he read
"4:36...alright let's get you back in bed," he shuts things down there and goes to put her back in her bassinet. Her diaper was fine and she wasn't hungry so she should sleep through until later. Coming back to bed he half expected you to be awake knowing you well enough but you were absolutely knocked out. He shuffles to bed and gets in making sure not to wake you up. He pulls you in under his chin and kisses the top off your head
"I know you're asleep, but you gotta let me help you," he whispered completely unaware of you being awake "we had her together so we gotta do it together, sweet dreams Y/N"
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flowery-mess · 20 days
Dad Noah thoughts
Imagine when your little baby girl is first born, the skin to skin contact with Noah. He would just be spending quality time on the couch with her lying on his bare, tattooed chest. Her little legs and feet would be tucked underneath her body while he just holds and protects her from the world. One day while they both nap, you take a picture and end up settling as the wallpaper on your phone. It was just too cute of a moment.
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Oh my god I love skin to skin even as an adult lol
Noah as baby girl dad🥹
But this!! He wouldn't let her out of his hands, he'd walk around the place with her. He would let you hold her only for feeding. Going overprotective dad mood instantly. He'd let you rest, get some sleep, while he'd sit on the couch with baby girl sleeping on his chest and he'd watch anime on low volume on the TV. He'd glance every few minutes to check if she's okay.
I can imagine Noah doing the 'showing my baby places she's never seen before' trend and you coming to hang out with them after your nap just to see Noah holding her in the air showing her shelves with pictures of you two. So you decide to stand there quietly to watch what he's gonna do next. After a while you say "what are you two doing?" while holding a laugh and Noah just turns around with face of kid who got caught stealing a cookie. Safe to say you laugh at that situation for a while and make sure to tell all the boys too.
Actually, coming to the living room after your naps became your favorite thing because of the things you catch them do. Sometimes Noah is talking to her, other times they fall asleep in the big love seat couch you have. You have plenty of pictures of them like that, but this one time she fell asleep with her face facing Noah's neck and his cheek gently on her head, while his big hands cover almost her whole body, hiding her from the world and they both have little smile on their faces while sleeping. Noah might woke up to your phone in his face and tear falling from your eye, because your hormones are still all over the place and they look too cute.
In my head this is the ONLY way Noah holds baby girl while doing anything.
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v0rewhxre · 8 months
Could you write a little blurb about what Noah would be like while you are in labor at the hospital? (currently preggers myself lol)
I think Noah would be super in control of the situation, at least he thinks he is. Anytime a nurse comes in, he's asking a million questions. I think Noah thrives on knowing everything and having the knowledge, not in a bad way but in a protective way. He wants to know what that sound is, what that medication will do, how long until the baby comes, why you're in so much pain. He's attentive when the nurses check your cervix for dilation. He's making sure when you move positions that he's right there helping you.
I think he would hold your hand the entire time, rubbing his thumb over yours to let you know he's there.
When the baby comes, I think this man is squeamish. He wouldn't watch but he'd be actively helping you push. Looking into your eyes, letting you squeeze his hand when the pain is too much. He'd be extremely worried that something would happen, but wouldn't share that with you.
Once the baby is out he's balling his eyes out. He's so proud of you, you did that! He cannot believe he is a father, he would probably have to sit down to process this information so he didn't pass out.
I hope you enjoy :)
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thecoyotescry · 3 months
Here’s a thought!
Thinking about Dad!Noah today. I know there’s been lots of talk about him being a girl dad, but what if he was a boy dad instead? Like what if there was a little carbon copy of him running around? I’m talking like his mini me, who looks EXACTLY like him and wants to be just like him one day? He’s ALL Noah from the brown eyes all the way to his goofy facial expressions and sweet mannerisms, and he wants nothing more than to just hangout with his dad and his uncles and playing video games with them all the time. There’s a boys day? He’s there, by his dad the whole time! Noah’s making music in the studio? He asks if he can watch because he wants to learn since dad loves it so much!
He also stands backstage at shows by you with his lil headphones on singing all the lyrics to their songs and you can’t help but stand there and think “I carried you for 9 months and there is no resemblance, you are your dad’s child!” but you’re just so happy because you love your boys so much and seeing them together makes your heart soar because your little family is just the cutest. (like imagine this cutie little boy screaming along with his dad to their heaviest song at like 5 years old with the biggest grin ever 🥺)
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hedonists · 1 year
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📸 bryan kirks
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mysticdoodlez · 1 year
Won't go into details, but Noah gets called a brooding pretty boy in the comic, so all of our rpf's are correct.
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