#dad auron came out to give her a big hug with words
auronstory · 1 year
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Favorite character dynamics: Auron and Yuna & Auron and Tidus
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jace-the-writer-guy · 5 years
(WR) Jace and Alyss decide to adopt Ryder
"Jace, Alyss, I have to ask..." Ryder murmured as he marveled at the beautiful sight of the standing stone in the middle of the water at Heaven's Clearing, the water and the stone glowing softly in the evening light, "Why did you bring us here?"
Wynona looked around for a few moments in wonder at such a peaceful, serene, warm spot in the cold wilderness of Solitas. "How can a place like this exist? It's..."
"Like all your stress just washed away?" Alyss asked as Jace got down on his knees in front of the greatsword stuck in the ground at the water's edge, the sword standing between the two headstones of his family. She was holding onto Genesis while he stared at the standing stone, his eyes shining at the sight.
Wynona nodded a couple of times, her wolf tail slowly waving back and forth behind her. "Exactly. This place is amazing."
"It really is. I'm glad I found it," Jace said and gave a small smile as Alyss joined him on the ground, sitting at his left side, "And to answer your question, Ryder... I brought you both here to talk about something really important. Here, sit down with us."
Both the cloned siblings did so, Wynona sitting next to Alyss on her left side while Ryder sat next to Jace on his left. "There's nothing wrong, is there?" Ryder asked.
Jacw shook his head. "No, nothing like that," He reached over and gently scritched Genesis' ears with his prosthetic hand for a few moments, making him let out little purrs, "You both... were experiments. You were created in a lab and were supposed to be mindless super soldiers. Almost just like me, minus being a clone and being created in that lab..."
Jace closed his eyes for a few moments and opened them back up, and he looked at the headstones. "They kidnapped me and my brother, they experimented on us, they experimented on so many others, they nearly somehow put Grimm DNA in us both... they took my family away from me and left me alone with only one arm and dust inside me."
Ryder and Wynona both stayed silent as Jace told everything to the two, the first time Wynona had ever heard of it. She held her hand over her mouth and her eyes began to shine with tears from hearing it all, and then she felt Alyss' hand gently grasp her shoulder.
"I don't know how long I tried to walk for Vale, but I was saved by a One-Winged Angel. It turned out to be my adoptive father, Haile," Jace continued and his gaze turned to the brightening stars in the sky as the sun went down, "I was chosen by fate to be saved by him, and... maybe you both were chosen by one too that you couldn't see. No one can know."
"I had no family anymore. Not until I was accepted into Beacon mid semester and made the leader of my new team. They became my family, and Alyss became closer than that. After all of that, I found people to accept me for who I am, and love me as family, and you both have too."
Ryder's vision turned to the ground as he listened to everything Jace said. "Yeah, we have. I'm grateful for everyone that accepts me, especially everyone I love."
"I-I feel the same way, although I don't think i have anyone to love yet." Wynona murmured.
Jace smiled a bit and looked back down to the stone in the water. "Give it time, Wyn. I did. Alyss was who really saved my life after I met her. She gave me hope that it would get better when I wanted to just... give up."
"And you were the one who kept me okay during everything that happened with mom," Alyss said, and she felt Genesis shuffling in her arms, "Oh, getting restless, Gen?"
Genesis whined a bit in confusion. "What's papa talking about?" He asked Alyss
Alyss giggled softly. "He's getting to the point, Genny. Don't worry."
Jace took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I think I got a bit off topic... This is the place I brought Alex to a while after I was lucky enough to meet him. This is the place where he met my adoptive brother and father when they came down while we visited. This is the place where I welcomed him into our family and let him use my true father's last name like I did. This... is the place where we want to offer the same to you both."
Ryder and Wynona both looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" Ryder asked.
"What Jace means..." Alyss spoke up and smiled at them both, "is that we want to do what Haile did for both him and Genesis when they were children, and what he did with his brother. Jace and Alex are related by blood, and Jace welcomed him into a new family and leave his old, abusive family behind. Haile adopted Jace and Genesis, and Jace kind of adopted Alex in a way."
Wynona blinked a couple times. "Are... you saying that you want to..."
"Adopt us?" Ryder finished, a lump beginning to grow in his throat.
Jace and Alyss both nodded. "Yeah, we want to adopt you both into our family," Jace answered them both, "You've both been through so much, from the experiments to never knowing the love of a caring parent. We want to give you both a place in our family and be the parents you never had."
Genesis looked up at Alyss again. "Adopt?"
Alyss nodded and smiled at him. "Yes sweetie, adopt. That means if Wynona and Ryder want, then they'll be a part of our family. And that means that Ryder will really be your big brother and Wynona will be your big sister."
Genesis' eyes widened a bit and he smiled. "Yay!"
"But... what about Ebony?" Ryder asked as different emotions welled up inside him, "Wouldn't that make things with us... kinda weird?"
"To anyone outside of your harem and outside my family and friends that we we might tell about all this, then yes," Jace replied, "But that doesn't matter. You've done so much for Ebony. You've accepted her for who she is and everything she has to her, and she loves both you and Sakura unconditionally for it. You would technically be her brother, but nothing about this is weird at all."
Both Ryder and Wynona stayed silent for several long moments as everything Alyss and Jace said sunk in. Slowly, tears started to come from their eyes and they both looked to each other past the three between them. Both of them struggled to find any words to say and they just nodded once each, and they tried to work past their overflowing emotions to come up with words to give Jace and Alyss, who both waited patiently.
"Th-thank you both so much..." Ryder finally said to them, "U-umm... I th-think I'm gonna keep my last name now if that's alright. That would uh... just make people ask questions about me and Ebony."
Jace nodded. "That's your choice... son."
Ryder could feel his heart swell at hearing that. "Th-thanks, Jace..."
"But... what about me?" Wynona asked, "Y-you haven't even known me as long as Ryder, but..."
"You feel like you don't have the right to be a part of our family?" Jace asked her, and she slowly nodded, "You have every right to have a family that loves and cares for you, Wyn. Alex thought the same thing when I invited him into my family. It doesn't matter that I haven't known you as long. You've both been through nearly the same pain that I have, and I want to let you both have the family and parents you deserve to have."
Wynona let out a shuddering breath and clenched her eyes shut to try to keep more tears from flowing, but she couldn't stop them from coming. After a couple of moments, she felt the sleeve of her jacket being lightly tugged at and she opened her eyes to see Genesis staring up at her and he opened his arms. "Big sister!" He exclaimed, and she cried and pulled him up to hug him close.
Alyss smiled widely at that and she scooted over to put her arm around Wynona's shoulders. "You have a family with us, Wyn. Me, Jace, Raine, Vivi, Auron, Shyla, Alex, all of us. I'd be proud to call you both my daughter and my son, as proud as I am to call Ebony and Genesis that."
"Thank y-you, Alyss," Wynona said as she felt Genesis hug her as tight as he could, which was surprisingly strong for his age and size, "I-I don't know if I can ever thank you enough..."
Jace put his hand on Ryder's shoulder and he squeezed a bit. "I know dad and Gen are looking down on us right now, and I know that they would be happy to welcome you to our family too. Maybe one day, they can. And... maybe one day, we can find your mom."
Ryder looked up at Jace after he said that, and Wynona looked over at him as well. "I might be retired now, but I'll make it my mission to try to find Lucrecia. I know people in all the kingdoms, and we're very close with the Rangers. We can try to find her so you can both finally meet her."
The siblings' tails began to wag around from the possibility of them meeting their mother. "Th-that would be amazing..." Ryder said quietly, "Thank you so much, Jace. I... really should get used to calling you dad, huh?"
Jace laughed. "You can call me what you want, but I won't stop you from calling me that. That goes for both of you of course," He pulled Ryder close to him for a tight hug, placing one hand on the back of the wolf Faunus while he put his left hand on his head between his ears, making them twitch a bit, "Welcome to our family, kids."
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bound-by-devils · 8 years
Mostly Purified Youth
Anadecia's eyes fluttered open and she looked around, breathing before she gasped, lifting quickly to sit on the edge of the bed. The drinks from before swam in her head, or was it .....
She looked to Tristen, still out himself, staring a moment, swearing she could see him grow.
She looked back to Auron and she lifted, taking a hurried step. "Are you....are you okay?"
Auron had shifted to lay down, but he didn't sleep, he never does. When he heard movement on the bed he lifted to see Ana moving closer. “I'm fine. He was all bark and no bite. Full of himself like most of that family.” He lifts a brow, motioning to his goggles still resting around her neck. “Can I have those back by the way?”
She looked down,  grasping them and pulling them off as she moved to him, handing them over. "Sure.." She chuckled, shaking her head and looking down.
“I mean if you really want a pair I can probably find you some but.. these ones are mine.” He smirked, taking the goggles and putting them around his head to rest upon his forehead. “Thank you.” He said before stretching his arms above his head with a soft groan. “Bastard made me scale the building for nothin'.”
"Yeah..I mean, there really cool..." She trailed, watching him stretch before turning to the desk, a hand curling the bottle left behind earlier. "Did he say..." She left off once more, her head turned to the side to peer at him.
“He said you weren't his main priority.. his brother is. Which isn't surprising since he wanted you. He most likely wants to fuck over his brother while not only making you suffer but making the brother suffer... He said your time is running out which as long as I keep feeding my soul to you, it really isn't.”
She looked up at him, shaking her head. "No! You cant...its-its one thing for me to take, but Auron.." She stepped closer, meeting his eyes.
He perked a brow, shaking his head lightly with a small smirk. “I can..” He said stepping closer to her and reaching to press his thumb against the tip of the crystal. “And I am.. It's fine. Trust me. I wont die from it, not unless you take everything.”
Her hand lifted to curl around his wrist gently, her eyes still following his. " I still don't understand why?" It was a soft whisper, followed by her lifting his thumb when the vessel was full again, kissing the pinprick while still looking at him. "I have heard stories. I never thought they were true. What have I done to earn the protection of a demon? "
His head tilts slightly, chuckling softly before speaking in a quieter tone. “I have my reasons but.. maybe you should enlighten me on those stories. I don't think I've heard them. What happens for the demon to protect someone?”
She chuckled, her hand releasing his and lowering. "A pact. A bargain. Falling in love..." She trailed and laughed again. They say the soul of a demon who loves, is greater than legions of evil. "
“The demon that falls in love also is at risk of easily losing it.. more so than a demon who has friends.” He said with a small sigh before lightly shaking his head. “I don't think I've seen a demon like that.. not for a very long time anyway.”
"Bedtime stories." She smiled and looked back, moving to sit, cradling Tristens head in her lap. "I haven't even entertained the idea of love since Traian. " She laughed again, her fingers running through his hair lightly.
“Strange bedtime stories.” He smirked, slipping his hands into his pockets as he slowly moved over to look down at the sleeping child. “Why haven't you tried again?” He asked curiously. “Feel free to shut me up.. just curious.”
She shrugged, her eyes still on Tristen as she spoke quietly. "Sex was always easier. No worrying about giving everything, just to watch them disappear...."
“Emotionless sex gets you that ending but it's more meh.. a bit more feeling makes it that much bigger.. whether that feeling is happy.. or a bit rougher.” He shrugs lightly. “So I hear anyway..” He squints his eyes and stares to the side for a moment. “After seeing what was done to your kid.. do you have an answer to my question?”
"Yes. Leave him. He is my son, no matter what comes of Mikkeal's tampering. I love him as he is.".
“Even with the way he attacked you..? Alright.. if you're sure.” He shrugged though he knew in the back of his mind it wasn't the best idea to leave the boy the way Mikkeal had left him. “I guess we need to find his dad then.. the real one.”
She nodded, sliding from under Tristen and covering him back, lifting to stand just before him. "At least wait. If it happens again...." she sighed and looked down at the boy, before she looked back up. "I mean...well, will it hurt him? What will you do?"
“No it wouldn't hurt him. If he's awake for it he'd just get really tired. That's all.” He explained with a gentle nod. “I'd take out the part that Mikkeal gave to him and replace it. Might not be a shiny clean part but he wont just go and attack you.”
She looked back down at the boy, frowning slightly before she looked back up at Auron. "That means, you know whats there.." She met his eyes once more. "Tell me what he did to my son? "
“I don't know everything.. But I'm pretty sure he used the energy he's been taking from you to get him moving.. and either his blood or another demons to taint the rest of his body. There's also the chance he did something to his mind but I'm not a doctor so I really can't tell you on that part..”
She nodded, looking back down to Tristen before taking a breath, looking back up. "He is still asleep. The way he attacked, earlier...." She shuddered, hugging herself." Do it. Might be the easiest chance we get. No telling what Mikkeal might be able to trigger when he wakes."
“Are you sure? Because once I start this there is no stopping until it's done.. So you need to be sure.” He said before taking off his vest and shifting to pick up Tristen from the bed and move him over to the table.
"I-I'm sure..he shouldn't have to suffer for my mistakes..." She trailed and moved with him, moving the chairs out of the way before standing opposite him. "What can I do to help?"
“Be the first thing he sees when he wakes up?” He shrugged lightly, motioning her to go around the table towards the child's feet. “Not much you can do. It's all on me and him... Mostly me though.” Taking in a deep breath he tried to relax himself and with a long exhale he moved to find a big enough piece of cloth to fold over Tristen's eyes. “Are you ready?”
She moved to the end of the table, her hands resting gently on his legs and she looked up, nodding before she looked back down at Tristen. "Ready..."
Taking in another deep breath, Auron began rubbing his hands together before lowering them to rest against the table on both sides of Tristen as he leaned forward with his head hovering over the child's. “Nahop. Mnaa esaeun zith..” As the man spoke his breath became visible, a dark smoke flowing from his mouth into Tristen's and after a moment Auron's eyes closed.
Silence filled the room, and for a while it seemed nothing was happening.. that was until the lights dimmed, and even the light coming from the window seemed to fade out. The air around them grew thick and cold, both Tristen and Auron becoming ghost white as time passed. Tristen's body jerked up slightly as what looked like a small red light left the boys mouth and entered Auron's, seconds later a darker red light left Auron's mouth and descended into Tristen's.
“Iq's aewabbi..”
With Auron's last words the lights returned, as did the warmth of the room but something was still wrong. Slowly Auron lifted his head to look at Anadecia, blood slowly trickling from his nose and his eye sockets had darkened. Suddenly what sounded like two men screaming in pain echoed through the room and Auron's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fell to the floor.
She watched with morbid curiosity, holding her breath what seemed like forever,  looking between him and Tristen. She dared not  speak, just standing and holding Tristen's hand. Auron looked  at her and she gasped at the blood, moving quickly when she saw him start to fall. He landed on his knees first, her reaching to grab him before he slammed into the table, and she lowered with his head in her lap. "Auron!Auron!Come on, wake up..." She was shaking, patting his cheek and cleaning his face at the same time. Her eyes lifted to the table, checking on Tristen before she lifted the back of her trembling  hand to her mouth, whimpering softly. "Wake up dammit!" The frustration evident  along with her fear for him, crackling through her voice.
“What's wrong mommy?” Came the voice of her blue eyed baby boy who was now laying on his stomach watching her with a small smile. “Is he sleepin'?” He asked before inching further to the edge to look down at Auron who was still out cold.
She looked up, heaving a sigh of relief at the boy peering down, nodding and laughing through her anxiety.  "He fell..." She looked back down,  a hand gripping his shirt as she shook him again. "Auron, please...wake up...we have-Tristen...hes awake. " She was shaking herself, trembling as she moved to the side of him, hands cradling his face as she moved closer "Wake up..." The soft whisper close enough to brush his lips. "You're scaring his mom...Auron..." She breathed his name and watched, waiting for signs of him waking.
Gasping Auron arched up slightly, before coughing up what looked like very dark blood. “Shhhhhiit...” He groaned softly, keeping his eyes closed tightly for a moment before looking up at her. “Why the face?” He asked, taking in a deep breath before trying to get up only to stay in the same spot for another few minutes.
His lips brushed hers as he arched, sending a jolt right through her. She blinked and lifted, just in time for him to cough up the dark sputum,  reaching for a nearby kitchen towel to wipe his mouth gently.
"What look? " She spoke softly, now laying his head in her lap again. "Tris is awake..." She looked up at the boy still peering down, before looking back to Auron. "He says you are a sleepy head." She laughed, her hand smoothing his hair slightly.
“Good.. glad he woke up.. Not that he wasn't going to just.. it could have taken a day or two.” With several deep breaths he slowly rolled onto his hands and knees, taking him another minute before pushing himself up onto his feet. “I took out everything involving Mikkeal.. but there is still taint.. including mine now..”
She lifted with him, helping him up as her eyes went to the ceiling. She looked back, between him and Tristen. " He will know, won't he..." She trailed, fussing over Auron a second before she caught herself, pushing a hand through her hair then reaching for Tristen.
“He will.. But that's a good thing. More or less.. He'll know you have someone with you who is strong enough to take away a piece of him form whoever he tries to manipulate.. Doing that with the family of demons he's apart of.. even if its just a sliver.. is one hell of a feat that is near impossible to do. Unless you're in the family or learned from someone in it.”
She cradled Tristen to her, her hand resting at the back of his head, and she looked up at him, eyes narrowed slightly as she took in what he said. "I see...So,. How do you know this then?"
He looked between her and her child before slowly stepping over to sit on the sofa. “I know someone in the family.” He stated after a moment of silence. “Can't go around helping people with demon problems if you don't know how to handle one of the high ranking families.. That would get you killed.. if not worse.”
@soulsofthefallen | @bound-by-devils
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