#daddy eriwn
nyxerebus · 3 years
okay but imagine if Erwin had a child and never told anyone in the survey corps about it
They're 16 and just joined the regiment
Armin and some of the others start to catch feelings and then they find out about their relationship with Erwin-
(I hope that made sense)
This is soo cute! i treid my best, but i am very tired so it might be shit, hehe.
“Commander!” The four year old saluted at their father. “Very Good (Y/N)! rember what we say?”
“Offer up our heawrts” (Y/N) had a stern look on their face, but with their little baby eyes and baby fists, they didn't look that serious. “You look like a born soldier! You might outrank me one day” A deep belly chuckle came from Erwin. He picked them up. “Make me fly Dada!”
Giggles filled the room as Erwin held them above his head and moved her around.
“Commander!” This time, it wasn't his cute four year old that saluted him, it was his beautiful 16 year old. He tried to hide his smile, but he couldn't start showing favorites. “Listen up Cadets-” He continued with his speech about honor and the glory of humanity. “Now Cadets, follow Squad Leader Hange and she will show you your new sleeping quarters!”
“Name and Business” Erwin was nose deep in paperwork, but a smile made its ways to his lips when he heard it was his child. “Come inn”
“hey dad” They closed the door before they addressed him. “What can i do for you sweetheart?” He was leaning back in his chair, giving them his full attention. “Just wanted to check up on you! Didn't see you at lunch”
“Im fine, just a lot of paperwork” He was preparing for the next expedition outside the walls. “You know, we need some people back here to make things run when we are gone. And I took the liberty to sign you up” Erwin didn't meet their gaze, knowing they were pissed off. “What!?”
“It's for your own good (Y/N)! It's dangerous out there!” (Y/N) rubbed their temples and paced around the room. “I know that dad! But you can't keep me here forever, he had this fight when i decided to join, i won't have it again. You can't baby me around here and keep me back. I joined to save humanity, just like you, just like everyone else! And i won't let you give me special treatment” Erwin took a deep sigh, knowing he was wrong. “Fine, I’ll take you off”
“Thanks dad, i gotta go. Connie wants to introduce me to his friends” This made Erwins 'protective dad senses’ tingle. “Connie Spring? That boy is nothing but a troublemaker, i don't want you hanging around them” (Y/N) just chuckled, “Of course you don't, but luckily for me, thats not up to you!” Before he could protest. they shouted out a ‘See ya tomorrow!’ and left the room.
“Hey guys! This is (Y/N) Smith! This is Sasha, Jean, Armin and Reiner! And of course you already know about Eren”
“Yes, but its good to meet you all” They smiled at them. They began chatting with the group learning about them, and joking with them
“(Y/N) Smith? As inn Erwin Smith?” Jean asked when they started to walk back to the sleeping area, night time getting closer and closer. “Hehe, yes. thats my dad”
“Your dad is the commander!” Sasha freaked out, but most of the boys started to sweat. Especially Armin, who had taken a bit of a fancy of her. Now he had to get the commander's blessing! Wanting to make a good impression on them ,Armin asked if he could walk them back to their room. “Of course! Thank you” They both started to walk and chatted. They shared a love for books and could discuss them all night. “well this is me, it was really good getting to know you!”
Armin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “No problem! Want to eat breakfast together tomorrow?” (Y/N) nodded and opened the bedroom door, but before they walked inn, they leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “See you later Armin” And with that the door closed behind them, leaving a blushing Armin.
“So, Cadet Arlert” A deep voice scared Armin and made him jump around. He met the commander's icy blue eyes. “Your fooling around with my daughter, are you?”
“N-no Sir!”
“Dont lie to me Alert! I saw you eye ogling her” Erwin leaned down so he was at eye level with the poor boy. “If i ever see you close to her, i will feed you to the nearest titan myself” And with that, Erwin walked off.
The next day Armin was avoiding (Y/N) the whole day. He didn't show up for breakfast, and when they were training their ODM gear, he wouldn't even look at them. “What is up with you!” (Y/N) finally confronted Armin after dinner. “Nothing”
“Than why are you avoiding me!” Armin didn't meet her eyes, to ashamed. “Your dad told me to back of, so that is what I’m doing” This shocked (Y/N). “I should go”
“No! Wait! Please let me talk to my father. He will back off if i tell him to, i don't want to loose you” Tears were building up in their eyes. Because of their fathers position, everybody had avoided them growing up. Too scared of their dad. Armin was the closest they had gotten to a friend, to a crush. They didn't want to lose that. Armin just nodded, but when he saw the commander approaching he ‘eeked’ and tried to run off. “Hold it right there Arlet, don't you remember what i said?”
“W-w-well-” Armin started to stutter out some excuse, but (Y/N) took the word. “No dad! You don't get to dictate who I am seeing or talking too! I like Armin, a lot and I won't let you scare him off like you scared every friend i had off!” Erwin was taken back by his child's outbreak, but that didn't stop guilt from taking its hold on him.
“I am sorry (Y/N), i haven't been thinking about your feelings. Its just hard watching my little child grow up”
“I get that dad, but please, i need you to back off”
“I will” (Y/N) hugged Erwin. “Okay, i will let you two alone” He smiled down at them, but turned to Armin with a stern look. “But if you hurt them, i will kill you”
“Y-yes sir!” And with that Erwin walked off. “Want to hang out!” (Y/N) tried to lighten the mood, poor Armin was terrified. “S-sure!” And with that they walked off to the library, (Y/N) was finally getting their first friend, and maybe, first boyfriend.
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