How to get pregnant?
Being an infertile man in a hetro relationship I’ve asked myself this question a lot, and the answer has always been hidden by a veil of expense and inaccessibility. Being on a low budget my fiancée and I couldn’t afford to go to a clinic and get a donor, and we are too young to legally adopt, but we are desperate to have a baby. So how would we ever get pregnant?
I spent many nights trying to find a way to raise the funds for us to conceive, even considering loans, and it was a very hard period for both me and Liv. I felt awful that it was ‘my fault’ that we couldn’t naturally have our baby, she felt bad that there was nothing she could do to help.
We have been trying and trying to figure out how we can get the family we’ve been longing. How could I get the pure happiness you get when you look at your child for the first time?
And luckily we found a cheap(-ish) clinic and we are now in the process of noting ovulation dates and waiting for the day we can try the first insemination! It’s been a long wait but we know it will be worth it to have our family at last.
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