calmdownaesthetic · 23 days
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wilsonneate · 7 months
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Daejeon, South Korea. September 2023.
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agingerwithaseoul · 1 year
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cafe hopping in a lil city outside of seoul! (youtube) 
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cctvarchive · 7 months
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I've got tickets for both pusan and daejeon friendly matches!!!!
My heart is about to explode that I'm about to see Sonny and Kangin with my bare eyes😳😳😳
Ticketing was hell but I'm so proud that I was able to get 6 (I'm bringing my sister& mom with me)
I'm so thrilled but Pusan is so far from Seoul that I'll be back home at 4am next day is so crazyyy like 🤯🤯🤯
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02nd · 2 years
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frdaejeon · 8 days
충남대학교 국제언어교육원 : 프랑스어 수업 / Cours de français
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충남대학교 국제 언어교육원에서 제공되는 불어 수업시간표입니다.
충남대학생뿐만아니라 고등학생, 공무원, 주부등 일반인 누구나 수강할 수 있는 수업입니다. 정규시간표 시간을 맞추기 어려운 분들이나 제시된 수업이외의 수업을 듣고 싶은 분들을 위해을 1:1 맞춤형 수업(소수정예수업)도 있습니다. 언제든 궁금한 사항이 있을 시 국제 언어교육원 및 프랑스어 강사에게 직접 문의주세요. Vous pouvez suivre des cours de français à l’Institut des langues étrangères de l’université Chungnam (Daejeon). 부담스럽지 않은 가격으로 수준높은 교육을 경험해보세요. 기초 회화에서 문법, 델프자격증반까지 다양한 수업이 열려있습니다.
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• 강의 : 2024.04.29 ~ 06.13 / 6주과정
• 수강신청방법 : https://dream.cnu.ac.kr/bbs/view.php?wnum=739&wcode=01&page=1&searchcolumn=&searchvalue=&wcatag=
• 홈페이지 : http://dream.cnu.ac.kr • 전화 : 접수실 : 042-821-8805             외국어 : 042-821-8803          
4월 29일부터 6주동안 이루이지는 프랑스어 수업에 여러분의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 또한 소수 정예 맞춤 교육을 통해서 정규강좌 이외의 다른 수업도 받아 보실 수 있으니 망설이지 마시고 이제라도 프랑스어 공부를 시작해 보세요.
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부가 정보 / Plus d’informations ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- 국제 언어교육원 외국어 담당: 042-821-8803 - 충남대학교 국제언어교육원 http://dream.cnu.ac.kr/
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derearchiviatoria · 2 months
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City walls / A grammar for the city Daejeon, Korea 2005 Dogma (2002–), architect Office KGDVS (2002–), architect
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loenadiary · 2 months
📍Taegi's Shellfish Hot Pot Oryu Branch - 택이네 조개전골 오류점
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giachirosete · 9 months
In the In-Between
The first semester was very busy, especially with the short-term intern from Germany I was tasked to oversee aside from teaching work.
However, by the grace of God, not only was I able to supervise the intern well, but I was also able to the extra admin load after one of the staff had to leave for the mission field.
Two of our students graduated recently, Calvin in December, and Seajin in June. Calvin is now back in South Africa and doing well with his college work, and Seajin is getting ready to go back with her family to their mission in Turkiye, where she will continue to prepare for university admissions in the us.
Ruth went back to Senegal as her family continues god's mission there.
Seyoon and He yoon are now in the Philippines to start their new mission in Cebu.
I didn't want to say much in this update; rather I wanted you to hear updates of the school from the students themselves. I was blessed to oversee the newspaper club, and am beyond excited to share to you the wonderful newsletter we prepared. Some of things included share the students' honest opinions, so it is refreshing to see how the new generation thinks.
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Summer classes are open! I opened summer classes to help students prepare for the next semester. The music teachers are also meeting with the students so that their progress in their chosen instruments will continue during the break. Please pray that the students will continue to give their best this summer, while still being able to enjoy their vacation.
Please pray for financial support. The average cost of living in Korea KRW 1,600,000 (around $1,400). Since majority of the students' tuition go to administration fees, it has barely been able to give KRW 500,000 to each staff in the recent years.
Pray for my visa situation. In order to extend my visa, I have opted to start a consulting business. I need to plan out this business and be able to earn KRW 2,000,000 a month (including support raised) in order to extend my visa.
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etakorea1 · 1 year
Was ist eine ETA?
Was ist eine ETA? Touristen, die Korea kurzfristig besuchen, können eine ETA für Korea beantragen. Das neue koreanische elektronische System für die Reisegenehmigung steht jetzt Staatsangehörigen von 112 teilnahmeberechtigten Ländern zur Verfügung. Ab September 2021 müssen sich alle visumfreien und visumfreien ausländischen Besucher registrieren, bevor sie nach Korea reisen. Sie können eine ETA für Korea ganz einfach online beantragen. Das Ausfüllen des K-ETA-Antrags ist schnell und einfach. Die meisten Bewerber werden innerhalb von 2 Tagen genehmigt. K-ETAs sind für Besichtigungen, Familienbesuche, die Teilnahme an Meetings und Veranstaltungen sowie Geschäftsreisen vorgesehen.
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So beantragen Sie eine ETA für Korea online Qualifizierte Reisende können eine K-ETA erhalten, indem sie ein einfaches Formular ausfüllen. Der Bewerbungsprozess ist zu 100% online und dauert nur wenige Minuten.
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Korea ETA-Informationen Die Korea ETA ist eine elektronische Reisegenehmigung für kurzfristige Besuche in Korea. Berechtigte Passinhaber bewerben sich online und erhalten eine genehmigte K-ETA per E-Mail.
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Länder, die der koreanischen ETA unterliegen Die Korea ETA steht Passinhabern aus vielen Ländern zur Verfügung.
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Maximale Aufenthaltsdauer für Korea ETA Wie lange Sie mit K-ETA in Korea bleiben können, hängt von Ihrer Nationalität ab. Bürger der meisten teilnahmeberechtigten Länder können mit einer ETA bis zu 90 Tage in Korea verbringen. Für einige Nationalitäten beträgt die maximale Aufenthaltsdauer 30 Tage.
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Dokumentenanforderungen für Korea ETA Alles, was Sie brauchen, ist ein gültiger Reisepass aus einem der berechtigten Länder, um mit Ihrem K-ETA-Antrag zu beginnen.
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Korea ETA-Statusprüfung Sie erhalten Benachrichtigungen und Updates zum Status Ihres K-ETA-Antrags per E-Mail.
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Korea ETA Online-Antrag Das Ausfüllen des Online-K-ETA-Antrags ist schnell und einfach.
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Länder, in denen eine ETA in Korea ausgestellt werden kann Korea ETA (K-ETA) ermöglicht die visumfreie Einreise nach Korea. Reisende aus 112 teilnahmeberechtigten Ländern können sich jetzt online bewerben.
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Von der koreanischen ETA ausgestellte Dokumente Da K-ETA kein Visum ist, sind nur wenige Dokumente erforderlich.
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So beantragen Sie eine ETA für Korea Reisende müssen das Korea ETA-Antragsformular mit den folgenden Informationen ausfüllen:
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Voraussetzungen für die Berechtigung zur Befreiung von der Visumpflicht für die Republik Korea Die K-ETA ist eine Kurzaufenthaltserlaubnis für die mehrfache Einreise, die nach Ausstellung zwei Jahre gültig ist. Die maximale Aufenthaltsdauer hängt von der Nationalität des Besuchers ab. Wie oben angegeben, reicht die aktuelle visumfreie Zeit für Südkorea mit einer ETA von 30 bis 180 Tagen.
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Dokumente, die für die visumfreie Einreise nach Korea erforderlich sind Um ohne Visum nach Korea einzureisen, müssen ausländische Besucher über Folgendes verfügen:
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ETA-Antragsverfahren Sie können Ihren Antrag in 5 Minuten stellen und erhalten Ihr Visum in 48 Stunden.
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wilsonneate · 7 months
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Daejeon, South Korea. September 2023.
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busanienne · 1 year
[Boulangerie/Daejeon] Pèlerinage du pain à / Bread Pilgrimage Trip to « 성심당 Sungsimdang » - Jung-gu
[Boulangerie/Daejeon] Pèlerinage du pain à / Bread Pilgrimage Trip to « 성심당 Sungsimdang » – Jung-gu
Coucou, tout le monde !J’espère que vous passez tous du bon temps avec votre famille et vos amis. 🙂 Moi, je me suis bien amusée la veille de Noël ! héhéParfois, c’est beau, la vie ! 😛Je garderai cette histoire pour un autre jour. 🙂 ✼ •�� ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ Hello, everybody!I hope you’ve all enjoyed this holiday with your family and friends. 🙂I had fun on Christmas Eve, too! hehe Sometimes, life…
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mmrmorning · 1 year
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한때 대전의 중심지 역할을 했었던 대전의 자치구. @officialmidmorning 대전광역시 중구 휘장, 대전 중구는 대전광역시 남부에 위치한 자치구로 이름은 중구지만 실제로는 남부로 더 치우쳐져 있는데,대전 동구와 함께 구도심 지역 중 하나로 대전의 지리적 중심이자 행정적 중심이었으나, 대전 시역의 확장으로 교외 지역인 대덕군 지역이 차례로 편입되자, 대전의 중앙이었던 중구의 위치가 상대적으로 남쪽으로 치우쳐져버린것이다, 1977년에 대전시의 구제 시행과 동시에 동구와 함께 신설되었으며 초기에는 대전부청과 이후 대전광역시청, 충청남도청이 이곳에 있었으나 각각 서구 둔산동과 홍성군과 예산군 내포신도시 가장자리에 이전하면서 중심지 역할을 잃으면서 변방지역으로 전락해 상당히 안습해져버렸다, 그래도 다른 중구들에 비하면 인구랑 면적은 상당히 많고 큰편이고 충청남도 금산군과 접하기도 한다, 대덕군의 일부지역을 편입했을때 꽤나 방대한 면적을 지녔었으나 1988년에 서구가 분구되면서 지금의 면적이 갖춰졌다, 여담으로 오류동에는 서대전역이 있는데 지금은 남쪽으로 치우쳐져있지만 서대전역이 처음 지어졌을 당시에는 진짜 대전 서부 지역이였었다. . #대전광역시 #대전 #중구 #대전중구 #휘장 #엠블럼 #Daejeon #JungGu #DaejeonJungGu #Emblem #그림 #Drawing #낙서 #Doodle https://www.instagram.com/p/CmFsFGahoX9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abidurrahmanabid · 1 year
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@cnu_now organised #cnuinternationalday 2022. I hope @cnu_now inteenstional day exchanges can break walls down between us, we all students will together prepare by creativity, development and service to our community. #cnuinternationalday #chungnamnationaluniversity #CNU #Internationalaffaircnu #daejeon #internationalstudents (at Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmDvi2_yBJG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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daejeonbillionaire · 1 year
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daejeon billionaire, daejeon millionaire, daejeon billionaires, daejeon millionaires, millionaireceoclub.com, https://www.MillionaireCEOclub.com
daejeon billionaire, daejeon millionaire, daejeon billionaires, daejeon millionaires, millionaireceoclub.com, https://www.MillionaireCEOclub.com
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