#daeup is so real
bap-ftw · 1 year
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DH: This is how we joke around. ↳ This is how real siblings joke around 😂
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Title: When Vampires Clean Houses
Characters: Daehyun, Jongup, Youngjae
Genre: Humor
Length: 1.4K
Summary: Daehyun should know better than to make bets with Youngjae, especially when Jongup’s also involved.  Or: Daeup wanders through a haunted house, featuring a not-so-terrifying vampire!jae
“Listen.” Daehyun turned to Jongup, who raised a calm eyebrow.  “There’s nothing scary here.  It’s totally fine.”  Jongup nodded, continuing to look relaxed.  Daehyun frowned at his lack of response.  Not acceptable in a haunted house – not when things were a-creaking and a-squeaking and holy fuck – was that a shadow walking down the hallway?
“Did you see that?” he asked Jongup, his eyes widening as he glanced all around them.  Daehyun looked behind them, glancing down the where they’d already walked to ensure no shadow-figures lurked in the depths.  “I hate Youngjae.”
Jongup chuckled, slipping a hand into Daehyun’s.  “I don’t know, this is kinda fun.”
“He said it was ‘slightly haunted.’  This-” Daehyun waved a wild arm to encompass everything around them. “-is more than slightly haunted.”
“We haven’t seen anything.” Jongup looked thoroughly unimpressed with him.  Daehyun shoved him with his shoulder, which only made Jongup giggle again.  Fuck.  Daehyun hated him.
“I hate you.” There may come a day Daehyun decided to keep his thoughts to himself around Jongup, but that day was not today.  Jongup made an agreeing sound, which Daehyun prepared to counter, but a loud creak from behind them interrupting him.
Mouth already open to speak, Daehyun let out a loud squeak, throwing himself up against Jongup as he spun around.  “Did you hear that?” he hissed, wide eyes trying to absorb the entire hallway so he’d see anything coming for them.
Daehyun didn’t know what was out there, but he was not about to fucking let it sneak up on him, thank you very, very much.  
“Can we start moving again?” Though he didn’t glance at Jongup, Daehyun could fucking hear the smile on his face as he spoke.
Normally he liked to look at Jongup’s smiles, but not when it meant losing focus.  Eternal vigilance – that was how he’d make it through this god-awful place.  He pulled away from Jongup just enough so they could walk again, arms brushing as Daehyun squeezed the ever living Hell (or hopefully ever dead hell cause Daehyun was not in the mood to meet it today) out of Jongup’s hand.
“This as fun as you thought it would be?” Jongup asked, looking all innocent and acting as though Daehyun didn’t let out a small whimper every time something creaked.  
“Listen –” A loud groaning interrupting him, followed by a bang.  “Did you hear that?”
“I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“It’s not fucking nothing.” Daehyun squeezed Jongup’s hand tighter. “I can’t believe I took that bet.”
“That was a stupid idea.” Jongup’s voice remained that mild, calm tone he used most of the time.  Daehyun pouted.
“You’re not supposed to agree with me.”  He risked a glance at Jongup, seeing him raise an eyebrow before looking back to ensure nothing popped up around them.  “Youngjae said he’d clean the entire apartment.  Do you have any idea how long it’s been since that’s happened?”
Jongup said nothing, even when Daehyun sacrificed their safety to stare at him and huff.  
“I don’t even know how long it’s been since he cleaned it.  Do you know why?”  Jongup remained silent.  “It’s because it’s never fucking happened before.  I couldn’t waste this opportunity.”
“If you say so,” Jongup said, as though that was a good enough reply to Daehyun’s impassioned argument. He huffed again, totally angry over Jongup’s lack of response.
Perhaps Jongup underestimated his fury because Daehyun refused to let go of his hand.  Possible.  That didn’t mean he’d let go of it though.  
He shivered as another creak echoed above their heads.
“This is the last room,” Jongup said.  “And we haven’t seen anything. You’ll be fine.”
“Okay, but you’re opening the door.”  Daehyun figured it was now or never.  He’d lived a good life.   If it was time, then who was he to fight it?  
Clutching Jongup’s hand, Daehyun hid behind him, putting his other hand on Jongup’s shoulder as he reached for the doorknob.
As Jongup pulled it open, Daehyun hid his face in Jongup’s neck, refusing to peek out.  “Anything there?”
“Nothing.”  He could hear Jongup’s smile again.  Screw him.  
He peered over Jongup’s shoulder, relieved to see the room really did appear empty.  “Oh!  That’s not too bad then.”  Daehyun grinned, finally letting go of Jongup’s hand and stepping inside.  “This actually is kinda cool.”
Jongup followed him in, watching as Daehyun managed to touch everything in the room.  Grinning like mad, Daehyun turned towards the closet. “Hah, Youngjae’s gonna be so pissed when he –”
The closet doors flung open, and Daehyun got a brief glimpse of something black as his heart jumped so high it fucking ascended out of his body.  Oh hell no.  He turned and ran, tripping over the rug and throwing himself out the door and halfway down the hallway.
Gasping, he paused at the end of the hall, eyes widening when he realized Jongup hadn’t followed him out. For the briefest moment, which Daehyun would never admit he experienced, he considered leaving Jongup in the hands of whatever demon-spirit-monster-thing had him.
Then he heard laughter. And not just any laughter. Daehyun could recognize both those laughs, no matter how far away they were.  No.  There was no way –
Steeling himself, he walked back down the hallway, one hand against his chest to ensure he wasn’t about to have a heart attack.  The laughter grew more and more obvious as he neared, until he poked his head through the open door to see both Jongup and the figure that took several years off his life collapsed on the floor.
They were tangled into a pile, something clearly initiated by the one whose laugh pissed Daehyun off more than Jongup’s.
“Youngjae?” His voice crackled with disbelief.  The figure shifted, flipping a large black cape over his head to reveal his (ex) best friend.  Youngjae had a small trail of fake blood running down his chin, which looked ridiculous as he gasped out helpless, hiccupping laughs.  
He blinked up at Daehyun with bright red eyes, only to laugh harder at his expression and slap Jongup a few more times for good measure.
“You – you were?  It was –?”
“Hah, I made him speechless!” Youngjae crowed, grinning like mad.  Jongup gave him a high-five as Daehyun sputtered harder.
“You –” Daehyun cut himself off, taking a deep breath and gathering his thoughts.  “I want a new best friend.  And a new person to live with.  I’m moving out – this is the last straw, Yoo Youngjae –”
The threats only made Youngjae laugh harder.  If Daehyun wasn’t so pissed, he’d be a little concerned about how red Youngjae’s face had become.
“He totally left you,” Youngjae said, nudging Jongup again.  He giggled more and looked up at Daehyun again.  “You abandoned Jonguppie to die!”
“I thought he would follow me out!  He was closer to the door than me.”  There was no reason for Youngjae – or Jongup, for that matter – to ever find out Daehyun considered leaving him.  Daehyun frowned.  “Why the fuck didn’t you run?”
Jongup grinned up at him, and Daehyun instantly became wary.  He knew that smile and knew the mischievous light in his eyes too.  The last time Daehyun saw it, he’d been beside a pool. Jongup had waltzed up, asked to borrow his phone with that stupid smile stuck on his face.
Then he’d taken Daehyun’s phone and shoved him into the water, clothes and all.
“What did you do?” He crossed his arms over his chest.  Jongup’s grin intensified.  Daehyun had flashbacks to cold pool water.
Jongup stood, untangling himself from Youngjae and slipping an arm around Daehyun’s waist.  “This may have been my idea,” he admitted.
Daehyun huffed, moving out of his grasp and glaring.  Maybe he should have abandoned Jongup’s traitor-ass in there to die after all.  
As he glowered, a new thought occurred to him.  He grinned, looking back at Youngjae.  “I still won,” Daehyun said.  “The bet.”
“No, you –”
“I just had to make it through the whole thing.”  Daehyun grinned harder as Youngjae pulled himself to his feet, nearly getting tangled in his cape.  “And I did.”
Youngjae pouted, running a hand through his hair as he tried to form a solid counterargument.
“But don’t worry,” Daehyun continued, his voice bright and enthusiastic.  “You won’t clean it alone.  Jongup’s gonna help you.”  He stuck his tongue out at both of them, turning and wishing he too had a cape, just to increase the dramatic effect.  
Daehyun managed to control his giggles until he got about halfway down the hallway.  He was okay with that.  It was the last laugh, after all.
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b-ap · 5 years
[181117] B.A.P Forever Tour in Philadelphia - Highlight of my Life
This was really one of the best concerts I’ve ever gone to. Despite being skeptical of JSJ from the beginning, I was still willing to risk it and buy the tickets. I was debating for a while to drop $400 or not for m&g but when you think about it, it was only $30 per photo with each of the boys (+ a hat, hoodie, and whistle) so that’s HELLA worth it.  So I dropped nearly $600 for this concert but for real it was SO worth it. I was even willing to go down by bus all by myself and possibly wandering the streets of philly late at night for it but luckily was able to catch a ride! 
These two BABYz gave out numbers from the very beginning like they marked down if you were plat or baby package and in the end JSJ and fans actually honored them! It was really great cuz we were able to leave the line to go to the bathroom or get food! BABYz around me were so nice and friendly too ;u; When it was time to go in to soundcheck and for the concert, we all actually got in order! It was REALLY nice like wow thank you philly babyz!! We were let in a little late for soundcheck cuz apparently bap was doing some kind of interview?? As for soundcheck, it was sooOOOoooOOO good!!! They kinda mixed up plat and baby but oh well whatever I still got like 3rd row so *^* WOOHOO! The stage was up really high and the venue was quite small, but philly crowd’s passion was explosive and powerful!! At the beginning of soundcheck Zelo kept like peeking out from the backstage door *^* they were ODing the fog machine so you could only see silhouettes at the door sometimes OTL. Daehyun was the first to come out! He came in this big puffer jacket and had earphones and and was smiling so cutely!! That wonderful wonderful kitty smile!! OH MY HEART PLEASE HAVE MERCY!! And then the others came out! <3 Zelo was wearing like PJ pants lmao the same one he wore in that IG pic of him in the truck, jongup was wearing leather (i think.....), himchan wore the tour hoodie, and youngjae wore a long coat. BUT YEAH the first song they did was TMJ and the crowd was hella LIT!!! Like everyone was singing their lungs out and jumping and being really really excited! We all started jamming out hardcore at the very first note of TMJ and I just knew it was about to be epic. BAP was sooo happy!! They really enjoyed it as well!  And then they did DWIF and omfg daehyun was soooo cute cuz we were so loud during the OH!! part that he was like :O!!!!! and gave us two thumbs up!! The others were really happy too!! And then Zelo was controlling the crowd with his hands LOL like he was making us go side to side like a wave and then jongup was doing this weird dance too lmaooo we hyped up each other so much! It was soo much fun ;A; too bad we couldn’t record but JSJ got a ( video )~!! Like just listen to BABYz singing along at the beginning!! ( dh shocked at 0:41, thumbs up at 0:51)
We had to go back outside again after the concert and that’s when the line got a little messy since now there was also GA peeps and the sidewalk is only so big to fit like 3 different lines. But it worked out in the end and we got in order!! AND YA GIRL GOT FCKN 2ND ROW HEEEEEEEEELLLL YEAHH!! I had a GREAT view!! There was actually quite a lot of space and like NO pushing!! (except this one bishhhh but whatever that’s another story -.- i’ll delete her from my memory) But wow pit was fCKN great like wow the fanchants!! The whistles!! NO PUSHING!! LIKE WHAT WOOOW I LOVE YOU (this was an all standing venue btw). When we were waiting for the concert to start, they played a bunch of their songs and everyone was scream-singing the lyrics (well more like trying to LOL we can’t korean) We had our own bap concert with an empty stage lmaooo 
AND AHHHH BAP WAS SOOOO GOOD AT FANSERVICE!!! Himchan noticed me like several times i fucking cRy!! He looked and waved at mee TWICE and like gestured to focus on zelo for recording and taking pics when it was his part AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Like last year he saw me struggling in pit (cuz that was HELL) and looked worried I CRY and he smiled at me too huuuhuuu himchan youre a fckn angel I LOVE YOU!!! I made a half heart at daehyun and hE FCKN COMPLETED IT I WAS ABOUT TO FCKN DIE RIGHT THEN AND THERE LIKE !!!!!!!!!!!! JOngup threw so many hearts and kisses at the crowd and youngjae blew so many kisses!! They were waving as much as possible to fans and daehyun, bless his heart, kept saying thank you!!thank you!! at any chance he could get!
During Q&A, bap spent the longest time arguing about harry potter houses pmsl and then yj was just like idk i never watched it (shame on you bro) and then himchan was like EXPECTRO PATRONUM!! (nerrRRRddddd). Jongup said he was fckn Dobby like bruH thats not even a house!!! YJ was like forget this!! and said, “PASS!!” Himchan said that he was Slytherin and then jongup said that Himchan would be fkcn Snape and did this dramatic coat sweeping straightening up his back thing LOL so himchan said Jongup would be a muggle pmsl Zelo did like a broom riding imitation??? irdk.... Next question was what was your favorite song that you’ve ever made. Jongup answered Photo and sang a little of it (so then where is the studio version biiSHHHhh) but lol BABYz were like SEXY CLAP!!!!!! Youngjae pulled out a question, looked at it and was like NOPE! and put it back pmsl! The next question was what tricks can Mochii do and then youngjae was frckn like body slamming zelo and jongup lmaooo. Zelo was sooooo cute he was telling the story of how Mochii bit in all in English!! He said how he was eating and was struggling to explain that Mochii was under the table so BABYz were helping him! He said that he dropped cheese and then Mochii went to eat it but Zelo tried to stop him. Mochii bit and and then Zelo was like “ooh! bloood! my dog is ...wildlife” but the way he said blood was soo cute like the oo in moon instead of “blud���  This sweet precious boy!! His English was so good!!!! The next question was to sing happy birthday to a BABY named Jenny (wow you LUCKY girl im sooo jelly omfg). So Zelo sings her hbd really dramatically lmao and they give her their sweaty towel and Zelo gave her a water bottle too!! They’re so sweet!!!!!!! 
During their other talk segment, Youngjae was like since our tour in america, philly has been the most passionate! So we all SCREAMED and cheered like crazy! Daehyun was like hold up!! AGAIN! and went to grab a phone. He made us all scream and cheer again so he could record it. The boys kept gesturing to scream louder and more and were totally enjoying the cheers! I hope we conveyed our love for them well enough!! Also Daehyun release that footage soon pls!!! He told us we did a good job screaming lmaoo! Youngjae kept making sounds for us to repeat lmao like ooOOoooo (idk how to describe it LOL) and then was like “maestro!” when trying to silence us with his fingers like a conductor LOL but we kept screaming things LOL someone was like “this is my first kpop concert!!” so youngjae was like “sounds good!” and gave a thumbs up. Jongup also did the conductor thing hahahah Daehyun promised to come back again next year and I REALLY REALLY hope that they do!!!! 
The solos were beyond amazing. Like rewatching youngjae and daehyun’s solos made me tear up like how do such beautiful voices exist in this world? Did I really hear those ethereal voices in real life? It was sooo mesmerizing and breathtaking! Youngjae’s gorgeous baritone voice singing that smooth ballad huuuhuuu my heEArt!!! Daehyun’s heartwrenchingly beautiful voice, song, and lyrics wow let me just lie down and drown in my tears rn bYE! DaeUp’s duet was so cool, Jongup’s TML was perfect as usual, Zelo’s solo was sinful oh my those hip and that peach *blushes* it was suuuper fun and Zelo enjoyed it a LOT too!!! He lifted up his shirt!! 
THEN IT WAS M&G TIME!!! They set up the background right in front of the stage. We lined up to go in and bap was standing like: jongup, youngjae, daehyun, himchan, zelo! It was plat individual photos first, then baby group + hi-touch, then plat group + hi-touch. BABYz really went for it!! Like a lot of us got hugs! We were able to watch the whole m&g but they didnt let us have our phones out ;A; (and I also had used up all 6.5 GB of space on my phone OTL) BAP were SOOOOOOOO sweet UGH we stan literal ANGELS!! They love BABYz so fricken much!! JSJ was sooo nice to allow a lot of fan interactions AHHHHHHHH BAP did a lot of cute poses and played around with BABYz! LEt mE TELL YOU THAT BAP IS SERIOUSLY SOOOO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL, HANDSOME, GORGEOUS, STUNNING, MESMERIZING, UP CLOSE HOW DID MY HEART EVEN SURVIVE?????? I GOT TO BEAR HUG EVERYONEEEE THEYRE ALL SO TALL AND IM HELLA SMOL SO THEY HAD TO SQUAT DOWN FOR ME HUUHUU THYE LIKE PATTED MY BACK DURING THE HUGS TOO AHHHHHH WE HAD A DECENT AMOUNT OF TIME WITH ALL OF THEM!!! I TOLD DAEHYUN I SAW HIM IN KOREA IN ASU AND HE WAS LIKE OOOOOH THANK YOU!!! CURSES TO MY TINY AF VOICE CUZ I DONT THINK THEY ALL EVEN REALLY HEARD WHAT I SAID SOMETIMES!!! I told Zelo he was too tall for me lmaooo I really wanna see how much he had to bend down for me! I seriously wished that my m&g was recorded but :((((((((((( After my m&g I legit squealed and hugged my friend lmao but the staff yelled at us for being too loud LMAO BUT GIRL WE JUST HUGGED FCKN KINGS LIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We tried to contain ourselves as much as possible LOL Daehyun said thank you out loud to a lot of BABYz after their m&g! Zelo kept dabbing at BABYz lmaooo a lot of them didnt notice tho cuz he would do it after they had already passed him HAHAHA when it was my hi-touch I dabbed at Zelo hahah and he dabbed back :D I wanted to get a group hug from them but i got too excited and FUCKING FORGOT to ask for a group hug *kicks myself* Now I wish I had written my name on a name tag (like “HI I’M JUNIE”) and hope they wouldve said “HI JUNIE”  but I didnt OTL 
I really wish I could relive the whole day. I wish I was able to record my m&g and got a group hug or them to say my name or I had said something more to them but it’s ok my heart is very very happy and I love bap soo much. My 7 year love for them continues and I will really love them forever. Let’s meet again soon, my loves! I’m looking forward to then~! 
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thediebutterfly · 7 years
B.A.P Stan-cyclopedia
Yongguk stans: Calm, strong and steady, they hardly ever waver from Bbang. Despite the truly harrowing times they’ve experienced - they, like their bias, can always be counted on to be sage, positive and mostly relaxed. They give great advice and are fun, and even giddy, once you crack them open. Also, watching the YAMAZAKI-meltdown of 2017 was downright hilarious. Yongguk stans are loyal, talented and truly good people. The glue that holds the fandom together.
Majority ship: Banghim or Banglo. But arguments can be made for Bangdae and Bangjae. Strong arguments. Also Tigguk, obviously.
Majority bias-wrecker: Himchan, Daehyun and Youngjae. The other two are their babies, and always will be. 
Hicmhan stans: They will defend and protect Himchan to their very last breath. And quite rightly so. No one has gotten more industry and fandom crap than him. While the rest of us are watching Himchan glide along like the swan he is, all beautiful and elegant, slightly goofy (in the neck), they are underwater, watching as his legs work furiously and without end as they propel him along. Don’t mess with Himchan stans. But love them, cause they’re great. And would probably defend you, if you ever needed it. 
Majority ship: Himup. Duh. 
Majority bias-wrecker: Youngjae. But they love Daehyun too.
Daehyun stans: Very active. Very sociable. Extremely vocal. Always screaming about Daehyun, thinking about screaming about Daehyun, dreaming about thinking about screaming about Daehyun. They admire Daehyun’s many talents but they are also the among the first ones to admire all the members for their numerous talents. If BABYz were a cake, they’d be the rainbow sprinkles on top, i.e they’re delightful and there are a million of them.
Majority ship: All Daehyun ships are evenly represented (more opportunity to scream about Daehyun)
Majority bias-wrecker: None. Unless you count blonde Daehyun. AND THEY DO.
Youngjae stans: Hyper-aware that they are a slightly smaller group. Painfully aware that Yoo Youngjae is everyone's bias-wrecker as opposed to straight-up bias. Furiously aware that sometimes ‘jae’ is seen as just a part of ‘daejae’..... But, if anyone can clue in the clueless, it’s Youngjae stans. Blessed with real, farm-to-table talent, the artists that stan Youngjae know he’s on the cusp of true greatness, and that it’s only a matter of time. He’ll get everyone in the end. 
Majority ship: Younglo and Daejae (although Bangjae, Himjae and Youngup are all on the rise. Seriously, everyone loves Youngjae) 
Majority bias-wrecker: They love everyone. But they are in love with Youngjae. Tbh, that face/shoulder combo would leave anyone destroyed. 
Jongup stans: Like the man they stan, they’re a quirky bunch. Quietly, yet constantly, supportive of the whole group, they spend their time lolling about, not afraid to gush over another member or gently rib Uppie for his more gobbish ways. And then stage-Jongup appears. Mr. Moon pulls one pose, and they all lose their collective shit. Screaming, weeping and in various stages of dying, the cry often heard is ‘i can’t, I can’t, I CAN’T’. It’s down to a science. 
Majority ship: Daeup (Daejong?). Either way they love it. Also Himup, because even his stans accept that no one will ever love Jongup as much as Himchan does. No one. Ever.
Majority bias-wrecker: Daehyun or Yongguk. The two extremes.
Zelo stans: Creative, sweet and kind. The kindest of kind. Their blogs are truly refreshing, drama-free spaces. Their total care and adoration of our youngest sometimes seems beyond words, like they’ve wrapped him up in fluffy clouds and quietly watch over him as he sleeps. So instead of loud flailing, we are blessed with beautiful edits and gifsets. And Mochii. Lots and lots of Mochii.
Majority ship: Banglo or Younglo (although Daelo is always hovering) Most likely due to the fact that although he’s everyone's little brother, Yongguk and Youngjae are clearly his primary caregivers.
Majority bias-wrecker: Daehyun, Jongup or Mochii (the bae)
#StanBAP #SupportBABYz
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