#dagasi qestir
Wolmeric Week Day 4: Nameday
Aymeric frets over Dagasi's nameday. SFW with some bare hint of spice towards the end.
Everything must be perfect.
Aymeric pulled the list out of his pants pocket and stared at it.
Cake (chocolate cake with snurlberry mousse and cream cheese frosting)
Dagasi’s gift (a necklace with sapphire pendant)
Remind Estinien to pick up flowers
Give Marceline list of ingredients for Dagasi’s nameday dinner (lobster ravioli in a cream sauce)
He cleared his throat and glanced down at the woman standing next to him. Ah, the woman in question! “Dearest, is ought the matter? Is there anything you need?” He brushed a lock of red hair out of her face.
There was a hint of mischief in her eyes as she smiled. “What are you up to, Lord Speaker? I know when you have a list, it must be serious.” Dagasi wrinkled her nose and giggled, hugging Aymeric.
Oh shit. Oh fuck. She never notices anything but of course she notices this. Of course she does. He bent down to place a kiss on her head. “You needn’t worry about a thing, darling. All is well.” Aymeric used his smoothest, most birch syrup-y voice, knowing she’ll be putty in my hands. Same as Estinien, loathe as he is to admit it.
To Aymeric’s disappointment, Dagasi did not fall for it. She raised an eyebrow, eyed the list, and before he could do anything about it, she took the list from his hand. “Oooh, that cake sounds amazing! So does the gift!” She wrinkled her nose and giggled. “Is that our grumpy dragon’s only contribution to what I assume is my nameday list?”
“He volunteered for that task---you know how much he loves getting us flowers.” When I asked him why he insists on us having bouquets every day, he shrugged and said, “Because I love you.”
In a move that did not surprise him, she sighed, closing her eyes and placing a hand over her heart, a small smile tugging on her lips. “You and Estinien don’t have to do all this for my nameday, you know.”
Like hells I…we…don’t.
Aymeric made an executive decision.
He scooped her into his arms and held her bridal style, earning him the most adorable squeak. His lips grazed her forehead as he murmured, “And you know, my dear, that we want to do this for you.” How could we not do the bare minimum when you mean the world to us? Everything to us. To me. “To celebrate you, sweet lady, I would do anything.”
For you and Estinien, I would crawl through the depths of every hell I can think of, fight off any fiends, weather any storm—
His thoughts were interrupted by Dagasi caressing his cheek. “Aym, stay with me.”
He rested his forehead against hers. “Forgive me.” Thinking for a moment, he kissed her softly on her nose. “I think I shall forget my list and do as you do, my love---whatever it is you feel is right in the moment.”
She bit her lip. “Well, they say variety is the spice of life, and perhaps that’s the only spice you can handle as an Ishga—AYMERIC!” Dagasi screamed as he quickly carried her into his office at home and kicked the door shut.
I think someone is due for an impromptu pre-nameday ravishing.
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umbralsound-xiv · 3 years
Prompt #21 - Feckless
Character: Od
The aetheryite glimmers between sturdy, well kept Yurts; the bustle of commerce carrying across the wind despite the silence of those who kept watch.
As a girl of fourteen summers, it was the first time she’d ever seen it.
Regardless, her Mother clutched her hand tightly as though she were a toddler; and judging by Od’s lack of contest, she was more than used to it. A sigh is drawn and heaved from her nose, as she gives a small, testing tug.
“Od, do not wander far ♪ I need to see where you are ♪”
Her mother’s words were melodic, yet stern. For a Qalli who sang every word that left her lips; and even in rhyming pairs, no less, it might sound even comical to those unused to it. But to Od, it was a warning. Her hand is released, and she keeps close to her Mother’s side as they enter the market.
A wash of colour fills Od’s gaze; the myriad standards and garb of so many different Tribes she’d only heard of, and never met. She had, of course, met precious few when they had opted to visit her people for one reason or another, but never able to speak to them of her own volition.
Od’s mother moves to a waiting woman clad in black and red; lengths of long, braided hair at her shoulders.
The scents and sights were almost overwhelming. Rich stews were being peddled as much as hides and horns of the various animals that roamed the land, as well as weapons, fabric; more than she’d ever seen in her life. As her eyes wander, her feet follow.
The first to some floral, Eastern styled dresses. A Raen woman sits with a needle, embroidering the hem of one yet unfinished, and looks up with a smile. Her horns are long and curved, almost obstructing her vision; she is long aged in years.
“A beautiful dress for a beautiful girl, perhaps? Springs colours would suit you most wonderfully, i do think!”
The aged woman smiles to Od, whose cheeks colour as she gives a small gasp. She was not... Shy. But her lack of interaction outside the Qalli was certainly limited. She beams.
“They look lovely, and beautifully made! ♪ But i am here to visit, and have nothing to trade ♪”
The elder chuckles; amused by the singsong tone of Od’s voice. Her tail gives a slow thump against the rug she sat on, before reaching into a small box filled with small odds and scraps, and offering something out to her.
“Here, girl. Perhaps the next you visit, you will purchase something to match?”
A small flower. It is made from pale blue silk scraps, tiny white beads sewn into the middle to give it some structure. A small metal clasp allows it to be attached to something, to which Od immediately puts it into her hair.
“With your clothes, i am sure to impress! ♪ I will ask my parents for a dress! ♪ ”
She beams, and bows her head in a farewell response, as the woman does in kind. Her wide, dark eyes seek out her next location.
A group of children around her age. Some looked a little older, some younger; but all had weapons. A girl with verdant green hair offers a smile as she approaches.
“You’re new here, aren’t you? What tribe are you from?”
Before Od can respond, one of the boys turns his head. He’s already missing a horn, and at least two teeth.
“Huh? A new face?” He grins, wide and somewhat menacing, a well kept sword that seemed far older than he was at his hip. “Maybe she’ll put up more’ve a challenge than you two!”
Od stares, and pales as he approaches, before a small, fair haired girl steps in with nothing but silence and a scathing glare. Her clothes indicated she was a Qestir; judging by how they matched the colour of the guards.
“Alright, fine! I was only joking!” He replied, with a laugh that indicated he possibly wasn’t.
“You’re scaring her!” Says the first, who regards her with smile, and takes hold of a hand. “What’s your name? I am Enkh, of the Gharl!”
Od finally smiles, and responds with her usual cheer.
“I am Od of the Qalli, it’s nice to meet you all! ♪ Do you often come here to the market stalls? ♪”
There’s a little silence, before the response, as the group of mismatched children look between eachother. The boy is the first to offer his hand.
“I’m Ganbataar! Ganbataar of the Dotharl! And don’t you forget it! One day, i’m gonna be Khan, and i will be the one to sit on the Dawn Throne! I---Ow!”
His tirade is interrupted by a sharp elbow from the Qestiri girl, who simply offers a bow.
“And that’s Dagasi. Her dad is on guard, so we hang out here! Y’can join us, if you want to! We’re gonna go fishing later, wanna come?”
Before Od can even fill her lungs, the sound of her Mother’s voice splits the air.
“Od! Od! Where did you go ♪ Where is my daughter, does anyone know? ♪”
Od labours a sigh, and turns her head over her shoulder.
“I’d love to, but i don’t think i can... ♪ But next time, for sure! We’ll make it a plan! ♪”
Reluctantly, she runs back to her mother. Even if she did want to stay, she knows she’d never be allowed to. Mother never let her out on her own.
She was never allowed anywhere on her own.
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sterling-starlight · 3 years
Letisya Dagasi 2.0
Aka: Do you know how hard it is to find Au Ri and Isgardian lore? I never had 7this problem in ESO
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Name: Letisya Dagasi
Name day: 31st Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon (11/29)
Race & Clan: Au Ra, Xeala
Guardian: Halone, The Fury
City-State: Ul’dah
Grand Company: Order of the Twin Adder
Class: Lancer -> Dragoon
Background:  In roughly the 1553rd year of the Sixth Astral Era, Letisya was born into the Tumet Tribe of the Azim Steppe- although she was not given a name at that time. In keeping with tribal traditions, she was designated as “Nergui” -Nameless one- and would remain so unless she passed her Trial.  When she reached her tenth summer, she and two other children were bound to a sacred ash tree, with the expectation that they would be able to free themselves and track the tribe to their new location. 
On the second day, one of the children managed to escape. 
On the fourth day, the second child died of exposure.
On the fifth day, Nergui managed to free herself, starving and dehydrated but alive.  She wandered the Steppe for another five days, trying desperately to follow the trail left behind by her tribe, but the trail had gone cold. The winds had swept away any foot prints, and beasts that would have no qualms about eating her alive prowled the area.  On the morn of the fifth day, Nergui finally collapsed, not even having enough water in her body to cry about her pitiable state.  But fate was kind to this lost child, as she had collapsed just outside Reunion, where she was found by the lalafell, Nolulu Nolu, and her elezan lover,  Vallerin Dagasi.  An artesian and a healer respectfully, they were members of one of the foreign merchant caravans who made annual visits to Reunion to trade with the Xaela tribes.  That they had managed to find this tiny, emaciated girl before she died of exposure was nothing short of a miracle. 
Nergui rested in one of the yurts in Reunion for three days. The only timesshe was conscious was when the healers all but forced her to eat and drink. Nolulu, having studied multiple languages thanks to years working in the Sapphire Avenue Exchange, was able to piece together from one of the non- Qestir healers that the child was a Tumet-Khakhüü- a Lost Child of the Tumet Tribe.  Even if anyone knew where the Tumet tribe currently was, Nolulu would not stand for letting Nergui go back out to try and find them. 
“She’s a baby,” She said in between furious tears. “I’m not letting her back out there.” 
In contrast to Nolulu’s gentle altruism, Vallerin could only surmise that meeting a lost Xaela girl like this was The Fury’s way of offering him redemption. He had once counted himself among the Dragoon Knights of Ishgard, and served his homeland with pride and loyalty. He was also one of the soldiers responsible for the Crusade of Coerthas, wherein countless men, women, and even children died in agony on his lance. (Settlers. They had been Xaela settlers, not unholy abominations of men and dragons. Of course the truth came far too late; long after his lance was dyed red with their blood).  If he could save at least one life, then perhaps....
The choice was, ultimately, Nergui’s. She could either go with Nolulu and Vallerin and have a stable life, if not one disconnected from her Xaela heritage. On the other hand, she could regain her strength and continue her search for her tribe in earnest. She chose the former. She was, after all, still just a child. Rather than be given a name by someone else, she was allowed to choose her own name: Letisya (the name of one of the Xaela healers assisting Vellerin; it sounded pretty).  The three returned to Gridania as a new, mismatched family. 
The Calamity tore through their world and burned down everything around them. Nolulu had been rendered blind from the ash and cinders of Primal Bahamut’s wrath. Vallerin was caught underneath some burning rubble while trying to evacuate friends and neighbors, leaving the right side of his body horrifically scarred, and costing him that leg.  Bloodied, blind, and hopeless, the three of them clung to each other in the Twin Adder Barracks. Vellerin whispered prayers to Halone in between his sobs and gasps of pain. 
Somehow, they all survived the end of the world. 
Five years later, Letisya had continued her training as a lancer in earnest. She eventually resolved to become a mercenary, and set off for Ul’dah.
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“First Kiss”
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For Wolmeric Week 2023. Dagasi and Estinien await the return of their husband on a very special evening. SFW.
“Where the bloody hells is he?” Estinien grumbled, his countenance looking grumpier than usual. “He better not be late.”
Oh dear, my grumpy dragon is very, very grumpy today. Dagasi chuckled softly and laid her hand on his thigh. “I’m sure he’ll be home soon, love. He promised he wouldn’t be late, tonight of all nights.”
“Hmph.” He grunted and rolled his eyes. “We shall see about that. He can’t say no to those people and keeps us waiting—”
“Love please.” Dagasi sighed, now rubbing his thigh. “He’s an important man. The work he does is to make things better for Ishgard and for the future…” She glanced down at her swollen belly and smiled. “For our children.” Well, there’s one child in here at the moment but still! Hoping to have more!
“I know. I know.” Oh good, now he’s calming down. Estinien smiled ruefully at his wife and then kissed her head. “I simply want him here with us…he works far too hard…”
“Who works too hard, pray tell?” A smooth, deep voice boomed from the entrance of the sitting room.
“You bloody well know, Aymeric!” Estinien grumbled, rising to kiss him. “It’s our fucking anniversary and you’ve kept us waiting!”
Oh for fuck’s sake.
Aymeric chuckled. “I’ll have you know, ser that I told my squires and various assistants to keep any and all official business away from our home for the next two days. I will be home with the two of you as promised.” As he faced Dagasi, he smiled brightly. “Technically, three of you. How are you feeling, darling? No, no, don’t get up.” He hurried to the couch, sat next to her, and kissed her softly on the lips. “You’re both doing well today?”
Dagasi nodded. “Oh yes love, we’re fine. Our little girl is very active.” There he goes. Him and Estinien equally love touching my belly and talking to Esme. Estinien is her “father” but they both are her fathers. How lucky you are, little one.
“There she is. Hello my daughter! You seem to be doing well. I’ll tell you about my day later—”
“AYMERIC! DINNER! NOW!” Estinien shouted, hands on his narrow hips. Someone is very hangry, and thankfully it’s not me. This time. Most of the time it is me.
Dagasi laughed as Aymeric rolled his eyes. “Do you mind helping me up, Aymeric love?”
“Of course, my dear. Take my hand.” He rose and assisted his wife to her feet. “I believe we’re having a selection of our favorites for dinner, if I’m correct.” Aymeric held Dagasi’s hand as they walked to the dining room.
She wrinkled her nose and giggled. “Yes. I had wanted to do all the cooking, but a certain someone insisted the cooks do it instead.”
Aymeric’s sapphire eyes twinkled. “Oh ho, I wonder if this certain someone is our beloved grump?”
Estinien grunted as he pulled out a chair for Dagasi. “You damn well know it. She shouldn’t be on her feet so long. Esme will be here in less than a moon, and Dagasi needs rest.”
As her two husbands settled in their seats (Aymeric across from me and Estinien next to me), Dagasi raised a glass of my favorite snurlberry lemonade. “Happy Anniversary, my loves. May our next year together continue to be happy, joyous, and—”
“Fruitful.” Estinien said as he winked at Dagasi. NAUGHTY MAN!
“Here, here! Happy Anniversary, my dearest hearts.” Aymeric said with what Dagasi thought were tears in his eyes. “Both of you mean so very much to me.”
With Aymeric and Dagasi’s eyes on Estinien, his face turned crimson. “Happy Anniversary. I love you both…and I’m forever grateful for the two of you. I’ve never known such happiness and did not think myself worthy of it. But nevertheless, you love me as I am…as I was…” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Thank you.” Don’t start bawling at the table. Don’t start bawling at the table. Don’t start…
“Oh Estinien,” Aymeric smiled as tears rolled down his cheeks. “You never need to thank us. We adore you, husband. Cheers!”
Dagasi was too busy weeping into her napkin to toast. Fuck. Now I won’t hear the end of it from Estinien! But at least we’re home. Together. All of us. And I will beat the shit out of anyone who asks to see Aymeric. HE’S OUR FOR THE NEXT TWO DAYS, ASSHOLES!
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Dagasi (lizard!Agi) is on vacation in Costa del Sol with Aymeric...and Estinien lol
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March of the Tropes Day 30: Reincarnation
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"Have you ever felt that perhaps we loved each other in another life, Kei?"
"Dagasi, if we did know each other...loved each other...then perhaps it is fate that we are together now."
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