#daidukul buduga
sichingdraws · 7 months
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matcha-bnuuy · 4 months
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Aaaaa this has been a project I've been working on for ages, based on a super rough sketch I did FOREVER ago but I vowed one day I would finish it, and today is the day! I haven't done a full piece for a long time so I'm really happy I managed to do one!
Anyway here's my self indulgent OC x Canon ship + their little mottled star baby Hoshi hehe!
Fullview for best quality even tho the canvas is very small.. i forgot to size up the rough aaaaa👉👈
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headcanons-n-shit · 11 months
Sometimes you can talk out your problems with the very embodiment of the insecurity you can never seem to squash.
But sometimes? Sometimes you just gotta fuck real nasty about it.
(Fair warning: 18+/nsft)
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celestialmint · 11 months
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Frost getting inside to see Magnai, learning about his axe the Scale of the Father, meeting Daidukul, and learning about the Oronir and Buduga who live on the Dawn Throne. Magnai was eager to offer him a set of Oronir yellow robes so they know he is an honored guest
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umabbas · 1 year
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Probably my favourite screenshots as of late. I am not into posing and screengrabbing in FFXIV quite at all, but once in a blue moon, I’ll just play around a little for the fun of it.
I don’t use mods; these are only ReShade on my own gameplay preset and screenshot DoF added on, and Anamnesis that I use on a very occasion to spare money for fantasias (that money sink is real, y’all!). Nothing fancy.
Temporarily kidnapped Daidukul to our house for this occasion.
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nilboxes · 2 years
Updated with chapter 3 and 4
Really long personal ramblings regarding the writing of these two chapters below--
I basically did a lot of set up for these two chapters, hinting at a bunch of negative stuff the Buduga went through prior to Daidukul becoming khan. The idea about the necklace was something I came up with on the fly writing the backstory of Arkhai (Xaela Nil) and like, maybe trying to come up with some neat explanation of why Daidukul in game wears those.
I figure since it's been about sixty years since Arkhai died and became one of the Ruentides and he died when he was about late twenties, making it nearly a hundred years from that time to the Buduga tribe that Daidukul and the rest are in now.
I imagine the Buduga of Arkhai's time raided a lot, but also were more adept at taking care of whatever they raided for so their raids are less but more ferocious and more well planned, compared to Daidukul's time when I think they are less capable of taking care of their livestock because the khan before Daidukul was reckless and got the tribe their less than stellar reputation they have as canon.
I also had to infer a lot of Daidukul's personality and background since the writers in SE basically gave us nothing. Daidukul doesn't talk much except to spew facts at us (basically 0 personality) so I thought, idk, he looks like a happy-go-lucky kinda guy but that's just the surface. He probably liked Magnai from the get-go when they meet and I imagine he would not be exceptional to Magnai had he been just another Magnai Most Radiant Fanboy. Alongside some NPC talk I cannot currently locate, the Buduga tend to go for really prank-ish or really wild tactics, I imagine Daidukul has a bit of a jokester side of him. So, Daiduku—easy-going, level-headed, think first punch later kinda guy. A little bit of sarcastic humor. He is also not conceited about his abilities, so he can balance out Magnai, but I definitely think he can seriously throw down and likes to end the battle as fast as he could via limb breaking. I don't think he always necessarily fights fair either. I do strongly think he practices conjury, and is good at it, but he just prefers not to do it when there are others in the tribe who can do it a tad better. He likes to drink and can hold it well and gets himself bottles of foreign alcohol drinks if he comes by extra personal money.
From there I figure, he's a khan who leads with a gentler hand, but is not a pushover. He also values the input of others in his tribe, like elders and Hooshal, but isn't a pushover as to follow whatever he's told.
Funny bit about Hooshal I always thought he was such a debbie downer and wrote him like that lol but I got a little miffed this guy gets more personality than Daidukul's lines which was just "I like men" ya we get it SE.
Magnai is actually tough to write when he isn't putting on airs as I feel he is when he is shown in the game idk. I imagine him to have coped poorly with being put on a pedestal so young by the tribe's men from early childhood since the men heaped praises on him, while I think the women wrote him off because he's off to be one of the men.
So while Magnai doesn't lack for admiration and affirmation, I think he doesn't really get much real down to earth interactions, save maybe with Baatu but that man is to be married in this timeline and I hope to explore some more how sort of isolated Magnai feels to be so apart from everyone else because he is the oldest.
I brought Erdaa (his youngest older sister) in to kind of be able to explore how he'd be when someone who doesn't see him as a walking and breathing legend. I imagine to people he's comfortable with he's a bit of a grump, bratty, but ultimately has good intentions for those he cares about. The fact that he likes sweets is a headcanon of mine, idk, I think it's really funny if he was insecure about a really innocuous thing that doesn't fit in with the Oronir vision of their ideal man, which I think is some sort of ultimate warrior who eats his steak blue (not even rare lmao).
Now, getting the two main people in order, I had to go about writing the characters who support them, which comes to me more easily. I think of the ways in which supporting characters can do just that, support. Either they bring out something in the main characters, act as a foil or a parallel. I had a lot of fun writing and thinking about Erdaa, who I feel is hard on Magnai so he doesn't forget to pull his head out of his ass once in awhile. I bet she teased the hell out of Magnai after the gathering of the women and the 3 day fight with Sadu as told in the official short story and Magnai probably will think 3x before listening to his Oronir Brothers' wild suggestions lmao
For the next chapter, I think it'll be a focus on how well Daidukul and Magnai work together and possibly solidify a friendship. Nothing fast tracks that more than spilling a bunch of blood and stopping some Garleans I bet.
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one-winged-dreams · 8 months
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galianbeast · 1 year
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forgor i drew crackship daidukul/esugen like a year ago just cuz i thought aww what if the the khan of the buduga ended up fancying the oronir cook after finding out he healed someone with his meals and was impressed by it
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khepri-sunscale · 22 days
Leaving already?
Khepri and Magnai had a rough start to their relationship in Stormblood. There was a lot of fighting and hurt before they found their peace and honesty. Brain decided it wanted to output this convo tonight, blaming the angry music playlist.
"You're leaving already? I thought we talked about this…"
"No, you demanded it! I'm the Warrior of Light Magnai, my time ceased to be my own many years ago. …And apparently I'm the only one powerful enough to take on that obsessive Garlean freak."
"You know he thrives on this, your time would be better spent here with your people. With me."
"Does that include time outside of the walls of this bedroom and the hidden corners of your throne room?"
"Khepri…what we do is not done in the daylight of Azim. It is not accepted among the Oronir, and I am their leader."
"Well it sure seems to be working with whatever you have going on with Daidukul. Azim above, even Zenos is happy to profess his feelings to me for everyone to hear, twisted as they may be!"
"What Daidukul and I have is a tradition of brotherhood, a pact of the leaders between the Oronir and the Buduga. It is different than what we have, is it not?"
"Of course it is! But can you even bring yourself to say the words I've said to you? Here, where no one else can hear, with just the two of us."
"Like I've said before, it is not so easily said for me. Khepri -"
"NO! I can't - I won't be what this place wants me to be. I left this behind -"
" - and me, you left ME!"
"I can't apologize for that enough Magnai, but that doesn't change the now. I have to go, before Zenos finds more people to hurt. We can talk about this when I get back."
Khepri slams the door heavy door behind him and sprints towards the aetheryte and Yanxia, holding tears at bay. Magnai is left with the defeaning silence of his bedroom and a lot to think about.
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myrfing · 1 year
were the buduga extremely homophobic in concept. yes. did daidukul rock his cock. yes
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sichingdraws · 1 month
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mlem mlem
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matcha-bnuuy · 6 months
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They're gay and also married your honour
Bonus Toto serving at the Fall Guys Event for your dash
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futuresuntocrystal · 1 year
    I keep saying, “I’ll go to bed,” and then needing to remind myself... Bedtime after ship-list. Since it’s a long list, but simplified, and that works out, I’d think.
    Anyways-! Not all of my characters have a long ship list. Rhela overtakes bc Main + WoL... I’m a firm believer in multi-ship + polyam (cause I am one), so that explains the rest. LMAO
    That said, have lists!
Ah'dan Khonturr [ WoL + boyf’s chara]
I'karus Tia [OC]
Valmir [ OC ]
Altan [ OC ]
G'raha Tia [main ship w/ Ah’dan]
Haurchefant Greystone
Zenos viator Galvus
Estinien Varlineau
Hades/Emet-Selch (+ Hythlodaeus)
U'odh Nunh
Feo Ul
Foulques of the Mist
X'rhun Tia
Thancred Waters
Esugen Oronir + Mauci Dorthal
Daidukul Buduga
Leofard Myste
Riol Forrest
Nhaza'a Jaab
Sidurgu Orl
Cid Garlond
Magnai Oronir [main ship]
Aymeric de Borel
Artoriel de Fortemps
Sadu Dotharl
Yotsuyu goe Brutus
Asahi sas Brutus
Hermes [typically as Selene]
Thancred Waters + Urianger Augurelt
Ysayle Dangoulain
(?? I still don’t know yet)
Lyse Hext [main ship]
Haurchefant Greystone
Ysayle Dangoulain
Aymeric de Borel
Cirina Mol
Yugiri Mistwalker
Haurchefant Greystone
[unknown Amalj’aa]
U’odh Nunh
M’zhet Tia
Kai-Shirr [WoL AU]
Thancred Waters + Urianger Augurelt [crush]
Hades/Emet-Selch + Hythlodaeus [main ship]
(no ships yet! maybe an OC one, in the future)
Haurchefant Greystone
Estinien Varlineau
Zenos viator Galvus
Yugiri Mistwalker
G’raha Tia (?)
Cirina Mol (?)
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shirtlesslizard · 3 years
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thebmatt · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 Prompt #24: Illustrious
Illustrious - well known, respected, and admired for past achievements.
This takes place soon after the events written in Prompt 3: Scale
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Magnai sat on the dawn throne, groaning at the pain the action caused him.
Over at his usual post, he saw Daidukul limping and clutching hurt ribs.
He swore under his breath. He'd been humiliated by the khan, again. Word had reached him that he and that witch, Sadu, were once again engaged in a duel. Over what, his scouts had not been able to determine, but their fighting had been just as fierce as the last time they had dueled, so it must have been important. Important issues that concerned the Steppe were his to decide, the gods had spoken as much! He had grabbed his best warriors and mounted their yols to intervene.
What he had found was a trap. Their "duel" had been staged. As soon as he demanded they cease, they had both turned to him and issued a challenge to him. He'd let anger blind him into accepting, and as he and Daidukul lept into battle, he had not seen that they had been expecting him until after it was already over.
Sadu , though strong in her spellcasting, had not noticeably improved since they had last battled. The khan, however....the khan had wielded magics of earth and air, water and light, with deadly ease. He had no idea the Khan was so skilled in such magicks. What was it, some form of geomancy? Before they had only ever seen him wielding that massive slab of metal he called a sword, clad head to toe in black and red armor. This time he wore garb that was common enough among the Xaela of the drier parts of the steppe, though not in any tribal color he'd recognized. And that weapon....it seemed like a living tree branch, glowing with energy.
He'd underestimated the khan, again, and somehow seemed to be falling behind him. This would not stand.
Almost as if on cue, the doors to the Dawn Throne opened and in walked the very man who'd put him in this sorry state. He sat upright, trying to suppress the wince that his injured ribs induced. "Well, if it isn't our illustrious khan? Come to gloat, have you? To rub your tainted victory in my face? The Sun will not hear it. You lured him in with trickery and falsehood, you and that witch, do not deny it."
Dahkar barked a laugh. "First with Sadu, it's glorious khan, and now I'm the illustrious khan with you. I'd almost think you two were coordinating which backhanded compliments you're going to use on me."
"You dare accuse me of collusion when you are the one who-"
"Oh calm your spikey-haired arse down, Magnai. It was a joke." Dahkar interrupted. "As to our supposed 'collusion', yes we faked a fight to lure you out, but one: you could have simply said 'no', and two: it's not like we ambushed you, you came prepared to fight and we let you make the first move. Don't make excuses, it's beneath you.'
Magnai sneered as he stood, still clutching his ribs. "And what is your excuse for your continued disrespect of the rightful stewards of the Xaela, hrmm? Every week, without fail, you come here to the Steppe and speak with the Qestir, the Mol, even the Dotharl, but do you present yourself to the Dawn Throne? Do you show the Sun the respect he is owned? No. Thus are we shown to be last among the Xaela in your eyes! "
Dahkar crosses his arms. "I respect the Oronir plenty, Magnai. Or has it escaped the Sun's notice that one of his own just conveniently happens to be in Reunion at the same time I arrive there every week?
Shock registered on Magnai's face. He looked over to Daidukul, who shook his head, confusion in his own expression.
"I've made more than a few friends among the Oronir, Magnai. Or did you think I only did what you asked of me when you had us do your chores before the last Naadam. They let me know how the Oronir are doing. I bring them things the tribe needs, provide advice when they have problems. So  you see, brother Magnai, I respect your tribe perfectly well. I just don't like you."
"You dare-" Rage enveloped his countenance, but again the khan interrupted him.
"And don't get this wrong, I absolutely respect you. You're a great warrior. You're even a pretty good leader of the Oronir, most of the time. But this delusion you're under that you're somehow divine, calling yourself 'the Sun' and demanding tribute from everyone, that gets annoying real fast. So it's hardly a surprise that I'd rather deal with frankly any other Oronir than you. Take your ego down a few dozen notches and we can talk like two leaders who just want what's best for our people. Or don't, and I keep on as I have been. Your choice. Now, I actually do have a matter I need to discuss with you directly. Do you want to talk about it or do you still want to hurl accusations and threats at me?"
Magnai worked his jaw, glaring at Dahkar, before he finally exhaled and simply said "Speak."
"All right, then. I take it word has made it to you of these metal towers that have emerged seemingly out of nowhere. Nearest one to the Steppe is to the South, near Yangxia."
Magnai's expression changed to concern. "I have beheld it, yes. There are others?"
Dahkar nodded. "Dozens. They've appeared all over the star. Built by the Garleans, though not willingly. They emit some kind of magic that enslaves the minds of any who get near it, forcing them to worship Garlemald itself. They've been spitting out some powerful monsters that have required large numbers to kill."
"I have seen no signs of one in the Steppe. Nor has this 'Othard Alliance' asked for our aid against any such foes." Magnai offered.
"For the moment, the bulk of the activity involving them has been in Eorzea. The ones in Othard have been mostly quiet. I don't expect that to last, though. RIght now we're in a calm before a storm,  and when that storm hits, the people behind this...they're gonna strike all over the star.  So my question is this: when that happens, are you prepared to fight alongside not only all the tribes of the Steppe, but also the rest of the Othard Alliance?"
Magnai looked to Daidukul;. who asked "And you truly believe this threat will come all the way here?"
Dahkar nodded. "I truly do. The madman behind this has shown no hint of any kind of restraint. Myself and the other Warriors of Light are going to do our best to track him down, but we have no idea how long that will take nor what he'll do before we can get to him. So? What is your answer?"
Magnai considered, then nodded. "The Sun acknowledges that the Steppe can live apart no longer, and thanks to you, khan, we are in a better position to defend ourselves than before. We will stand together, as one people and with the Othard Alliance. This the Sun vows."
Dahkar nodded. He drew the cane from his back and weaved a wave of healing light that emanated from him. Magnai felt the wounds under his bandages close, the ache of his bruises fading. He saw Daidukul's own bruises fade as he stretched and tested his own limbs.
Dahkar grinned. "Rest well, khatuns. You'll need it. I'll see you both soon."
With that, he turned and walked out of the Dawn Throne, leaving both men to ponder their uncertain future.
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nilboxes · 2 years
Daidukul Buduga/Magnai Oronir, Slow Burn, Deep Dive A hunt for a lone mammoth and two tribes vying for the kill. Such an event marked the beginning of what would be an epic alliance between two tribes the Steppe had not seen in recent memory, and the beginning of the story of the tribes' khans.
Currently 2/? Chapters
Extended notes and more ramblings regarding the fic—
Can't believe I'm writing fic again. Much more comfortable playing with this level of established characters NGL lol Magnai is actually tough to write because he's arrogant and his dumbness is like a whole ass level. I hope I can fully grasp it in the fic, but it gets so cringe I can't handle it and have to reign it in a little myself idk
Daidukul is actually more fun to write and think about. He's not voiced and there's barely any NPC lines to work with. Kinda annoyed that even in the Encyclopaedia Eorzea his entry is more about the Buduga and not him. Literally blank slate man walking.
Sooo I crack my fists and get to work.
Which is funny expression to use because I seriously despaired over what kind of fighter he is only to realize he's a BARE HANDED puglist, which I thought was tad impractical for the roles I wanted to give him, but okay we'll make it work, we'll roll with it. It's not like these characters can't multiclass.
Aside from fighting with mostly just his fist (I gib him some actual puglist weapons like claws pls man you can't take on a mammoth bare handed) I also imagine him a little adept at conjury, if only because he was basically forced to get better it due to circumstance and perhaps something he picked up from his childhood, which makes the fact that all the Buduga, all of them, are not born into that tribe, kinda moving how they would form bonds and choose to be there, even if they end up there willingly or not.
Anyway I'm mostly a bit ??? if I can drag this slow burn out hard, the problem with this is that sure the UST is nice but when is it enough? Gotta think about it lmao
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