#daily kichik
daily-kichik · 6 months
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26. Sandcastle
(Featuring @bildit & @daily-axolati)
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daily-axolati · 1 month
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day 200!
200 days of axolati! (ft. @bildit, @daily-kichik, @sometimes-sprecko)
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bildit · 3 months
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Bilditpost 200!
That’s a lot of Bildit!
(ft. @daily-axolati @daily-sprecko @daily-kichik in the bg)
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sometimes-sprecko · 6 months
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Day 15 - Sticky
Inspired by this post from daily-kichik
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mishatrades · 10 months
Dealing Range
Dealing range o'zi nima?
Dealing range qisqa qilib aytganda A nuqtadan (misol uchun swing low) B nuqtagacha (misol uchun swing high) bo'lgan oraliqdagi o'lchangan masofa.
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Dealing range 3 ta asosiy oraliqqa ega. Bular: Premium Discount Equilibrium
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Equilibrium Equilibrium dealing range'ni 50% ga teng bo'lgan joyi.
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Premium Premium equilibrium'ning tepa oralig'i hisoblanadi. Swing high yangilangandan keyin narx premiumga yetti deb hisoblanadi. Narx premiumga yetgandan keyin Discount oraliqqa intilishni boshlaydi. Premium oralig'i sotish uchun eng qulay bo'lgan joy hisoblanadi.
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Discount Discount equilibrium'ning pastki oralig'i hisoblanadi. Swing low yangilangandan keyin narx Discount'ga yetti deb hisoblanadi. Narx Discountga yetgandan keyin Premium oraliqqa intilishni boshlaydi. Discount oralig'i olish uchun eng qulay bo'lgan joy hisoblanadi.
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Dealing range nima uchun ishlatiladi?
Dealing rang'ni ko'p maqsadlarda ishlatsa bo'ladi. Biz uni eng asosiylarini ko'rib chiqamiz. Bular: 🔴 Daily bias'ni aniqlash uchun (kunlik asosiy yurish tarafi) 🟡 Narrative qurish uchun (bozor nimalardan hikoya qilayabdi) 🟢 Internal va External range liquidity'ni topish uchun (ichki va tashqi likvidnost) 🔵 Kichik timeframe'larda kirish uchun
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🔴 Daily bias'ni aniqlash: Daily bias'ni aniqlash bizga bozorni qayeridaligimizni tushunishga yordam beradi, ayniqsa katta timeframe'larda. Xozirgi kunda treyderlar yo'l qo'yayotgan xatolardan biri kunlik bias'ning yo'nalishi bo'yicha harakat kutayotganda noto'g'ri oraliqdan sotish/olish. Premium/Discount oraliqlaridan foydalanib qachon va qayerda sotib olishni bilish juda muhim.
🟡 Narrative qurish uchun: Narrative o'zi nima? Narrative (hikoya) bozorni yo'nalishini va qayerda to'xtashini plani/hikoyasi. Agar biz range'ga (narx siqilib qolgan joyga) qayta urilish kutadigan bo'lsak, Dealing range'mizni belgilab olamiz va Premiumga qayta urilishini kutamiz, shundaham narx o'suvchi bo'lsa.
🟢 Internal va External range liquidity'ni topish uchun: Internal(Ichki) short-term(qisqa muddatli) low va short-term high'lar. Bular harakatni ichida uchraydigan qarshilik hududlari, jumladan imbalance'lar ham kiradi. External(Tashqi) esa Dealing range'ni high'lari va low'lari.Bu high'lar va low'ar ERL(External Range Liquidity), uni orasidagi hududlar IRL(Internal Range Liquidity) hisoblanadi. Narx ko'p holatda ichki likvidnostdan tashqi likvidnostga qarab intiladi.
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🔵 Kichik timeframe'larda kirish uchun: ICT bizga ko'rsatganidek ideal holatda biz Dicount'da long'ga(sotib olishga), Premium'da short'ga(sotishga) kiramiz.
Dealing range juda aniq bo'lgan konseptsiya. Nimaga biz qimmatroq narxda olishimiz kerak agar uni arzonroqqa ola olishimizni bilsak va teskarisi. Bilamiz BSL(Buy Side Liquidity) high'larda va SSL(Sell Side Liquidity) low'larda uchridi.
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Foydalanilgan manbaalar: https://x.com/silkyfx/status/1689985036148154368?s=20 https://x.com/silkyfx/status/1683205142076612609?s=20
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tripsterguru · 5 years
What to see in Baku in 1 day - 18 most interesting places
New Post has been published on https://tripsterguru.com/what-to-see-in-baku-in-1-day-18-most-interesting-places/
What to see in Baku in 1 day - 18 most interesting places
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Baku, preserving traditions, confidently looks to the future and, changing its appearance with each new era, carefully preserves the heritage of past centuries. Modern architecture here is harmoniously combined with medieval fortresses and towers, ancient mosques – with cutting-edge concert halls, and oriental flavor – with the latest Western trends. Go to the capital of the Land of Lights, and we will tell you what to see in Baku for 1 day on your own, in order to fall in love with him forever and be sure to return.
How to get from the airport to the center
From G. Ailiev Airport, the center can be reached in various ways. Shuttle H1 goes directly to the center. You can buy a ticket for it at the exit from the terminal building in the machine. The ticket costs 90 cents, the journey takes approximately 40 minutes.
Another way is to use the city bus of route 116. He leaves from the airport and goes directly to the center with an interval of 30 minutes. Without traffic jams, the travel time is 1 hour. A ticket costs 20 cents, the driver sells them.
If you do not want to use public transport, you can take a taxi. Book it better in advance using any of the online taxi services. The trip will cost about $ 25 or more, depending on the class of car, and take 35 minutes.
Workshop Ali Shamsi
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In the Old Town, on Kichik Kala Street (Malaya Krepostnaya), an unusual house will surely attract your attention. Its facade is hung with many amulets, signs and symbols, decorated with installations depicting a huge lion with unusual eyes, aliens, native oilmen. Opposite the tree grows, the trunk of which is painted with three female faces. Tourists always gather around it to take pictures. In front of the house, two artistic brushes “grow” directly from the ground.
This is the workshop of the famous Baku artist Ali Shamsi. He himself can also be found next to the house. The artist often works in the studio and invites everyone to visit his house with pleasure. Inside the house is no less interesting than outside. There are two rooms in the workshop. The first houses art objects collected by the master, brought by him from other countries or collected here in his homeland, including during excavations in the Old Town.
Subscribe to our channel in Telegram, where we daily post the most last-minute tours and flights. And in the second – the work of the artist himself. Most of them are dedicated to the nature of Azerbaijan, their hometown and, of course, women. He paints flowers, the sea, mountains, portraits of beautiful women – everything that he loves and does not get tired of admiring. His paintings, bright, joyful, very kind, will certainly find a response in your heart. The workshop is located at: Icheri Sheher, st. Kichik Kala, 84.
Museum of miniature books
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On April 23, 2002, a unique museum was opened in the Old Town, not far from the Maiden’s Tower, which has no analogues anywhere in the world — it is a Museum of Miniature Books. Here are the smallest books in the world. These are rare editions of Russian classics, Azerbaijani poets and writers (including the great oriental poets – Nizami and Fizuli), books published during the Soviet years in different republics of the Soviet Union and in Europe. There is even a miniature edition of “Criminal Jokes” by Yu. Nikulin.
The exposition presents not only fiction, but also philosophical and spiritual books – for example, miniature Bible and Quran. And in contrast to them – the collected works of V. Lenin. Zarif Salakhov, the sister of the artist Tahir Salakhov, began to collect her collection many years ago, in the Soviet years. And this she began with a collection of fables by I. A. Krylov, published back in 1835.
The museum’s most valuable exhibit is one of the smallest books in the world. Its dimensions are 2 x 2 mm, but at the same time the book contains not only text, but also illustrations. True, to make out them, as well as read its contents, is possible only with the help of a magnifying glass. The museum is open every day, except Monday and Thursday from 11 to 17 hours. Free admission.
Governor’s Garden
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The Governor’s Garden is the oldest in the city. It was laid back in 1830. By the decree of Roman von der Hoven, commandant of the Baku fortress, all ship owners and their captains had to bring several bags of black soil from the south so that even crops that do not like the arid climate could be grown. They planted acacia, mulberry, conifers, broke flower beds, and some exotic plants.
The result was a unique garden in which even rare, including subtropical, plants grew. It began at the walls of Icheri Sheher, and when in 1865 the outer wall of the fortress was removed, the garden expanded significantly. For a long time it was the only garden in the city. For ordinary people, entry here was allowed only once a week.
By the end of the 19th century, arbors and terraces for relaxation appeared in the park. The garden was renamed many times, it bore the names of Mikhailovsky, Revolution, im. Aliaga Wahid, but the old name – Gubernatorial – has taken root best of all. Now adjacent to the garden adjacent to the building of the Philharmonic. M. Magomayev, therefore, it is often called the garden of the Philharmonic. It stretches along the fortress wall from Azneft Avenue to the Icheri Sheher metro station.
Kichik-Gala Street, 8 – place from the movie “Diamond Hand”
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In our country, the old city is familiar to everyone, even to a person who has never been to the Azerbaijani capital. Legendary Soviet films were shot here: Aibolit 66, Tehran 43, Do not be afraid, I’m with you. But, of course, the most recognizable views of Icheri Sheher are in frames from the films Amphibian Man and The Diamond Arm. Almost all overseas in the film “Diamond Arm” was shot in the Old Town. Soviet Baku at the time of filming becomes Istanbul.
Walking through the narrow streets of Icheri Sheher, you will surely find out where the sultry beauty is trying to seduce Semyon Semenych (“Tsigel, tsigel ai-lu-lu!”), You will see the walls of the Shirvanshahs Palace, against which Soviet tourists are given an excursion. And of course, no one can pass by the famous place next to the Chikanuk pharmacy, in which the main character was smuggled in plaster.
Tourists here are photographed in the same pose and with the famous phrase “Cheort beat!”. The exact address of this place is Kichik Kala, 8 (Malaya Krepostnaya, 8). Of course, now there is not a pharmacy, but an ordinary courtyard of a residential building with its measured life. To find this place, you can navigate by the nearby Thunder cafe at the intersection with Veli Mammadova Street.
Shamakhi Gate
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Icheri Sheher (Old Town) is not a millet a piece of the preserved ancient city. This is a unique architectural reserve, protected by UNESCO. The fortress with 25 towers and 5 gates rises above the sea and is surrounded on all sides by strong stone walls up to 8 m high, and their thickness reaches 3 m. Today you can get to the Old Town through the Shemakha Gate. For a long time they were practically the only gates of the fortress. In another way they were called the gates of Shah Abbas.
Once in the fortress there were two tiers of defensive walls. In the XIX century, when the city grew significantly and went far beyond the borders of Icheri Sheher, the governor proposed to remove the inner walls. In 1886 a decision was made, the wall was demolished, and the gates of the inner walls, called the Gate of Zulfikar (named after the shah who erected the inner walls), were moved to the Shemakhinsky.
As a result, the gates now have two arches and are often called the Twin Gates. Through the Shemakha gate you can enter the Old Town by car. But at the entrance you will need to pay 2 manat, and for each next hour to pay 1 manat.
Maiden’s Tower
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In the southeast of Icheri Sheher the famous Maiden Tower (Giz Galasy) rises, which has long become a symbol of the city. The thickness of its walls at the base is 5 m, and at the top 4 m. The height of the tower is 28 m. It is divided into 8 tiers, a spiral staircase leads to the very top. In the tower itself in the rock a well is arranged, 21 m deep. For what this tower was erected, historians still argue. According to many, it did not have a defensive function, but rather a cult function, associated with pagan times and, in particular, with worship of the Sun. The time of its construction, too, until the end is still unknown.
According to archaeologists who investigated the mortar and masonry, it could be built in the 1st century. or in the IX century. For a long time the tower served as a lighthouse. Until the 19th century, a flag fluttered at its top, which served as a guide for sailors, and from the middle of the 19th century the lighthouse began to shine. There are many legends associated with the tower. The heroine of each of them is necessarily a girl who, because of unhappy love, rushes from a tower into the sea and smashes into stones.
One of the stones in the sea at the foot of the tower is still called the stone of the virgin. This plot inspired many poets and artists to create their own works related to the legends of the Maiden Tower. Her image has become a symbol of the city. Now there is a museum in the tower, and at the very top there is an observation deck from where you can see the city. The museum is open every day, except Mondays from 10:00 to 18:00. A ticket costs 2 manat.
Shirvanshahs Palace
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The Shirvanshahs palace ensemble is the former residence of the Shirvan shahs, a unique architectural and historical monument that was built over several centuries from the 13th to the 16th centuries. It is located on a hilltop in the center of Icheri Sheher fortress (Old Town). In addition to the rulers’ palace itself, the complex includes a tomb, a bathhouse, a mosque of the 15th century, a mausoleum of a Baku scientist Seyid Yahya Bakuvi and a courtyard Divan Khan. Despite the fact that the entire complex was not built at the same time, it is a complete, harmonious ensemble, designed in unified architectural forms and combinations of decorative elements.
Spiral staircases and the main hall are preserved in the palace, which now presents an exposition consisting of archaeological excavations – dishes, jewelry, household items, musical instruments, weapons and the famous Shemakha carpets. Household items can be considered in the remaining 52 chambers of the palace. In the courtyard – Divan Khan – there is an octagonal rotunda with columns. Her appointment is still unknown.
It is assumed that this could be the tomb or the building in which the state council was sitting. The mausoleum of Seyyid Yahya Bakuvi, the scientist who worked here under the rule of the Shirvanshah Khalil-ulla I, was connected with an arch to the old Kay-Kubad mosque, which burned down in 1918 year. In the tomb, the remains of tombstones and 14 crypts of members of the Shirvanshah Khalil-Ulla family were preserved. The complex is located in Ichera Sheher, in Palace Lane, it is open daily from 10:00 to 18:00. An adult ticket costs 2 manat, For students – 60 qepiks (kopecks), for students – 20 qepiks.
Monument to the poet Aliaga Wahid
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Aliaga Vahid (Aliaga Mammadkul-oglu Iskander) – Azerbaijani poet, satirist, friend of Sergei Yesenin. Very popular among the people were not only his satirical poems, but also lyrical gazelles. A very unusual monument to the poet stands in the Azerbaijani capital in Icheri Shaher (Old Town) on Kichik Kala Street (Malaya Krepostnaya). Its authors are sculptors Rahib Hasanov and Natik Aliyev.
The monument is the poet’s huge head, which grows directly from the ground – his neck, torso and hair represent the trunk and branches of trees and at the same time the interweaving of human bodies. The monument is very interesting to consider – all the cycles of our life are presented here: birth, love, separation, wedding, funeral. According to the sculptors, all our ideas live in our heads, they decided to “pull” them out.
The monument was opened on October 27, 1990. It was built almost entirely at the expense of ordinary people, admirers of the talent of Aliaga Wahid. The idea to perpetuate the image of the poet belongs to the architect, journalist and writer Arif Mansurov. He also sponsored the installation of the monument.
Market Square
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One of the oldest places in the city, Market Square, has always been indicated on ancient maps, but was discovered as a result of excavations in Ichera Sheher only in 1964. Once there was a large eastern bazaar. Gradually, the square began to carry not only trade functions, but also was the center of political and public life. Here the most important decrees of the rulers were read, court hearings were held and their decisions were announced.
However, during one of the enemy attacks, the square was destroyed. After that, it was no longer used for its intended purpose and eventually was used as a cemetery. Here archaeologists found 52 graves. On the top of the hill, under which the market square was buried, the townspeople gradually began to build houses. After archaeologists discovered and examined it, the area was cleared and landscaped. Archaeologists and restorers completely liberated it, restored the arcade, which rests on stone columns with a capital.
Mohammed Mosque
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In Icheri Sheher there is also another iconic structure – the mosque of Mohammed, or the Son of Kala, which translates as a broken fortress or tower. The mosque was erected in the XI century. Here, the date of construction of the mosque was even preserved. An inscription on one of the walls says that the mosque was built by ustad-rais Muhammad, the son of Abu Bekr in 471 (approximately in 1079). It was built on the site of an even more ancient structure.
During the assault on the city by the Russian fleet in 1723, shelling of the Icheri Sheher fortress was carried out. One of the shells damaged the tower of the minaret. At that very moment a strong wind rose and carried the ships back. Defenders of the city regarded this as a sign of God. For a very long time the tower was not restored, it became a symbol of resistance and then it got its second name. The minaret is adjacent to the main building of the mosque. Its upper part was restored only in the 19th century.
Haji Gaib’s Bath
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As in any eastern city, there are many baths. In the East, a hamam is not just a place intended for hygienic procedures, a visit to the bath was accompanied by a special ritual. And here they often gathered for negotiations and transactions. The bath of Haji Gaib was built in the 15th century in a very convenient location. Trade routes crossed here, and merchants from different countries gathered for ablution and business negotiations. Archaeologists discovered hammam only in the 60s of the last century.
Today, the bath of Haji Gaib, of course, is no longer used for its intended purpose. But tourists can see what a traditional hamam building was like in the Middle Ages. It consists of three rooms. The dressing room has rectangular shapes, and then follows a large central hall in the form of an octagon. It housed two pools with hot and cold water.
Under the stone tile floor, steam passed through the canals, which heated the room. Ceramic pipes also served for this. In the third room, in the locker room, they had tea after bathing, negotiations were held here, cheerful conversations and deals were made. Haji Gaib’s bathhouse is easy to find, it is located next to the Maiden’s Tower, on 5 Boyuk Kala Street.
Park “Little Venice”
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Seaside Boulevard is one of the most beloved places in the city not only for tourists, but also for the Baku people themselves. Here, back in 1960, a park was built, which is a network of islands and channels connecting them. It was called Baku Venice, or Lesser Venice. In the post-Soviet years, over time, this park became desolate. Restored it and upgraded only in 2011.
Now cafes and restaurants have opened along the banks of the canals. Here appeared small green areas, flower beds, fountains and openwork bridges. On the channels of tourists carry gondolas. Special marinas were equipped for them. The length of all channels of Little Venice is 1350 m, and the depth is 1.3 m.
Azerbaijan Carpet Museum
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In 1967, the National Carpet Museum was opened in the building of the Juma Mosque in Icheri Sheher. In 1992, the mosque was returned to believers, and for some time the museum’s exposition moved to the Museum Center. From 2008 to 2014, the construction of a new museum building was in progress. In August 2014, its grand opening took place. The shape of the building resembles a rolled up huge rug.
The museum has a large collection of not only carpets, but also ceramics, metal products, jewelry, national clothes and embroidery. The most valuable exhibits are a fragment of the Tabriz carpet and the 18th-century carpet “Hila Afshan”. The museum presents carpets from all regions of the country, you can see the most diverse embodiment of traditional national ornaments.
The museum has its own training center where you can learn about the main schools of carpet weaving, their features, the history of the emergence and development of this type of decorative art in Azerbaijan. The museum is located on 28 M. Useynova Avenue. It is open every day except Monday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., but the entrance for visitors starts and ends one hour earlier. Adult ticket costs 7 manats, for pupils and students – 3 manats
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In any city built on the hills, a funicular is a must. In Baku, the first lift appeared in 1960. By the Eurovision in 2012, it was not just repaired, but completely modernized: the old cabs were replaced with new, modern ones, which operate completely silently. Now from the Bahram Gur station to the Flaming Towers can be reached in just 4 minutes. And this way only 1 minute passes through the tunnel, and the rest of the time – along the hills of the Green Theater, covered with coniferous trees.
The trailer overlooks the Caspian Sea, towers and green slopes. In the evenings you can see fantastic panoramas of the city flooded with lights, glowing oil derricks and lights in the sea. A staircase also runs along the paths – in order to return to the embankment it is not necessary to use the funicular again, you can go down on foot.
The funicular is located near the Icheri Sheher metro station. It works every day except Monday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The fare is 1 manat one way. Payment is only for cash. The cars depart every 10 minutes.
Flaming towers
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Since Zoroastrian times, Azerbaijan has been called the Land of Fires and the place of storage of the sacred fire. And the matter is not only in the oil and gas rich bowels of this land. This fire burns in the heart of every resident of this hospitable country. This is exactly what the creators of the modern architectural ensemble Flame Towers – Flaming (Burning) Towers – tried to embody in their work.
These are three tall buildings shaped like flames. The towers are considered the tallest buildings in Azerbaijan and are visible from all over the capital. When the lights turn on in the evenings in the towers, the lights turn on, and the movement of fire is shown on the monitors, from afar it seems that a fire is really blazing in the distance. They built towers for 5 years.
All buildings have different heights. The tallest tower is 190 m, the rest are 140 and 160. The towers house offices and accommodations, as well as the Fairmont Baku at the Flame Towers Hotel. It is most convenient to get to the towers from the Icheri Sheher metro station on the city funicular. It is best to view them from the waterfront.
Ferris wheel
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The wheel makes a full revolution at different times – from 10 to 30 minutes, because the landing takes place in 5 booths at a time. Therefore, sometimes the wheel freezes and freezes while moving – do not be afraid, after a while it will continue to move. The cabins are completely closed, air conditioners work in them, a video showing the construction of the wheel is shown on the monitor, information about the height at which it is located and the temperature “overboard” appears.
The wheel is located at the end of Primorsky Boulevard, on Neftyanikov Avenue, next to the National Flag Square. It works every day from 10:00 to 23:00. A ticket costs 5 manat, for children under 6 years old – free of charge, from 6 to 12 years old – 3 manat.
Baku “Crystal Hall”
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When the duet Ell & Nikki from Azerbaijan won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2011, the country began to prepare to host the festival. For this, in less than a year, a new concert hall was built. For its unique form, this concert venue was called the Crystal Hall, or Crystal Hall. The external building of the hall consists of light metal structures.
They have built a huge number of LED bulbs. With the onset of dusk, the hall begins to glow with multi-colored lights. Thanks to special spotlights, thin strings-rays stretch out from the roof of the arena, which are clearly visible from all over the city. The hall seats up to 27 thousand spectators. Its equipment allows you to realize any visual intentions.
After Eurovision, the hall remained operational. World stars (Rihanna, Shakira, D. Lopez, etc.) often perform here, events are held as part of major sports competitions, for example, the 1st European Games, the Chess Olympiad. The hall is located on National Flag Square, next to the Icheri Sheher metro station.
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daily-kichik · 2 months
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159. Guests
Featuring @daily-axolati, @bildit, @sometimes-sprecko, & coach Ace.
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daily-kichik · 3 months
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107. More Pride
Featuring @daily-sprecko, @daily-axolati, & @bildit
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daily-kichik · 3 months
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123. Lucky Charms
(Text transcription: Beastie Charms)
Featuring @daily-axolati & @bildit
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daily-kichik · 10 days
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200. Breakdance
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daily-kichik · 15 days
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195. Spike
Featuring @bildit, @sometimes-sprecko, & @daily-axolati.
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daily-kichik · 2 months
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164. Boots with straps
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daily-kichik · 6 months
42. VS Marlin
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Featuring @sometimes-sprecko, coach Ace, Diggum, Servace, & ranked coach Marlin.
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daily-kichik · 5 days
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205. No Shoes, No Service
Featuring Riley.
(Text transcription: Olive Garden. No Shoes, No Service.)
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daily-kichik · 12 days
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198. Band
Featuring @sometimes-sprecko, @daily-axolati, & @bildit.
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daily-kichik · 2 months
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153. Driving Featuring Riley & coach Ace. (Text Transcription: Riley: Wait. If I'm in the back, and you're in the back, then who's driving the car?)
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