theoreticaldoctor · 12 hours
My Top 5 Grocery Store Items
A short blog regarding my top 5 Grocery Store items amidst working as a House Officer. - #writing #write #article #articles #grocery #work #working #workinglife #medical #hospital #busy
Click here for more articles & daily dose. Daily writing promptList your top 5 grocery store items.View all responses Working as a House Officer, I do not go out to eat much. Mainly because our days are mainly occupied with work and after work, we would be drained. Well, most of the time. Thus, if I were to really go out, it would be during my long breaks which is when I apply for leaves. In…
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candidchronicles6 · 24 days
Githeri Yum 😋
What’s your favorite recipe? “My Favorite Recipe: Githeri, the Heartwarming Kikuyu Dish My Grandmother Made Perfectly”There’s something magical about the meals we grew up with, the ones that fill our hearts with warmth and take us back to a time when life was simpler and love was served on a plate. For me, that dish is *Githeri*—a traditional Kikuyu meal that my grandmother made like no one…
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mangus-khan-blog · 10 months
Who Knows?
What will your life be like in three years? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE If I’ve learned anything as of late, it is life is the uncertainty of life. However, if things go as planned, I will be retired in decent health. Decent health because good health left a few years back. It didn’t even leave a note. I think I feel some sort of way about the whole affair. Often, I wonder what I will do with myself…
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psychologistmimi · 11 months
Three Years from Now: A Dance with Destiny
What will your life be like in three years? Ah, the classic “where do you see yourself in five years” question – once an irritating job interview staple, now a relic of pre-pandemic innocence. This I noted three years ago. The last few years have been a rollercoaster of unpredictability, turning our once-confident over-rehearsed predictions into humble whispers of uncertainty. As I reflect on…
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shortstories4al · 11 months
What will your life be like in three years?
Assuming this world survives the next three years and is not destroyed in World War III, I do have some ideas.In three years, I expect to say goodbye to Mumbai and move permanently to my home in Kerala. Hopefully, my son will be married and settled by then. I wish most of my nasty old relatives would have moved on to wherever it is nasty old people go or would be too old and feeble to trouble me.…
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disasterartist80 · 11 months
What will your life be like in three years? Well ♟️ Did you know ? Prompts can be also defined as a research ? Hello planet Greeting humans My followers I love you ❤️ There is weird feel universal energy I think , there a lot of humans right now thinking more than usual ? It’s like there is a big question mark cloud . We wake up we see it in the skies , things happen around we look again…
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albeo · 11 months
Une nouvelle vie
¿Cómo crees que será tu vida de aquí a tres años? Yo no me imagino como será mi vida en tres años a veces solo quisiera tener muchas oportunidades y el tiempo de realizarlas. Actualmente estoy estudiando la maestría en Física Médica y Biológica, se espera que escojamos de alguna de tres ramas de aplicación en el campo, aún no lo se, afortunadamente existen las residencias médicas, espero que…
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What will your life be like in three years? I see myself sitting at a table for two in my dining room, enjoying a home-cooked meal with the love of my life. A lot of my life I spent time trying to escape a “normal life.” Marriage, mortgage, and inlaws. No, that was a hard no. It wasn’t until I was older that I understood that a man’s life is what he believes it to be. Some people may say “Of…
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dee2822 · 11 months
What will
What will your life be like in three years? My life be like in three years? I will spend more time traveling on my days off and enjoying life. I will successfully make a difference with my books, and it will be a success as my side hustle. I will probably have left my job and do my creative stuff on the side to be happier and less stressed out. Also, I see myself being a confidence coach and…
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angel-c-28 · 11 months
Pennies For Prompts
What will your life be like in three years? Only God knows, I just have goals and follow.
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petra-kolossa · 11 months
Weißt Du es?
Wie wird dein Leben in drei Jahren aussehen? Keine Ahnung! Weißt Du es? Ich weiß es nicht, wie mein Leben in drei, fünf oder zehn Jahren aussehen wird. Wäre die Frage im Konjunktiv gestellt, also wie ich es mir vorstellen würde, wie ich mir mein Leben wünsche, wie es irgendwann einmal sein möge … Aber das ist nicht die Frage. Die Frage ist, wie es tatsächlich aussehen wird. Die deutsche Sprache…
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akille15 · 11 months
Migliora .
Come sarà la tua vita tra tre anni? Tre anni da raccontare.Tre anni da vivere in famiglia .Niente di ambizioso e lussuoso.Preferisco avere spazi per le mie passioni libri cinema sport musica meditazione 🧘‍♂️ e veggente spirituale .Questo mi auguro cresca sempre di più nei prossimi 3 anni.Salute 👍 ok
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homestylealchemy · 11 months
Forest Bathing: Older, Wiser, and Healthier
What will your life be like in three years? This reminds me of the age-old question teachers and employers ask the eager youth as they strut, prance, or tiptoe through the doors of adulthood. People respond with the typical answers: money, family, business, career, success, six figure salaries, house…. The material desires roll off the tongue, regurgitated from generations before. I am still…
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itssaraaltafkhan · 11 months
What will your life be like in three years? I think mine will be stuck in the same gear.
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buchstabennetzwerk · 11 months
Wie wird dein Leben in drei Jahren sein?
What will your life be like in three years? Wenn ich davon träumen könnte, dann würde meine Familie gesund sein. Wir würden genügend Zeit und Geld haben, um das Leben zu genießen, zu schlemmen, kleine Ausflüge zu machen. Ich würde mit meinem Schreiben vielen Menschen helfen können und Geld verdienen, dass wir davon leben können. Die Welt wäre dieselbe und doch nicht die Gleiche. Die Welt hätte…
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karasexplores · 11 months
My Life in Three Years??
What will your life be like in three years? If one were to ask me, “What would your life be like in three years?” I really don’t know what I’d say. I know what I would want, and, yes, I work towards those goals. Yet, my destiny has never been determined by me. But, anyways, these are my desires. I want to write…period. Freelance, steady newsroom work…it doesn’t matter. I just want to form words…
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