#dairy entry 12: random
I GOT THE POLLS AFTER I LOGGED OUT OF TUMBLR, BEFORE LOGGING IN AGAIN. @that-was-a-bit-stupid-of-you did you try that?
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I've been repeating these numbers for the past 15 seconds so 8, 12, 23 and 27 for the ask game <3
heyy! thanks for asking, i was literally dying of boredom here, and you came to the rescue.
8. What’s your favorite band/artist?
My favorite band would be ABBA and my favorite artist is Billie Eilish. Considering that I grew up with my dad's music, it's no surprise that i love ABBA.
12. Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
My aunt, cause she just gave birth, but I can't go meet her or the baby cause she can't come to london, and i can't go to another country right now due to medical school.
My mother, cause she ordered and send a few books to me. The thing is, when i asked her why she send those, she just said it was cause she knew i've wanted those books for a long time. (It was the Young Elites Series by Marie Lu)
My best friend, cause i still haven't properly thanked her for looking after me when i was sick.
My study buddy at school, cause he took the time to make detailed notes for the lectures i missed, when i had to skip cause i was sick.
You, Ava, for sending me an ask and chasing my boredom away!
23. Do you believe in aliens? 
I mean, as of now, there is no scientific evidence to see if aliens do exist. As long as scientific evidence is not given to prove this, then I don't believe in aliens.
27. What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
There are so many! Butttttt:
The Book Thief
The Hunger Games series
Every Percy Jackson book out there
Harry Potter (Just to confirm, I hate the author. She's a bitch)
The Legend Series
The Hobbit
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im so nosy you should get freaked out by me but since you have given me this wonderful opportunity...
1, 2, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24, 26, 41, 46, 55, 62, 71, 72, 74, 77
(I'd say more but let's see whether you can survive this much first)
you nosy little cutie patootie <33 i freaked out seeing these many numbers i gotta add a read more
1. The last person you kissed screams they love you, you say…
The last person I kissed on the lips was one of my two childhood friends and if she screamed that she loved me, I'd just scream that i love her too because she'd probably be freaking out about that new keychain i gave her. it's completely platonic, no strings attached. we're just really close that we peck each other on the lips when we're excited.
2. Did you get to sleep in today?
I normally wake up at around 8 because morning lectures start at around 10, so I need time for my morning run and breakfast. Today I woke up at 10, because I didn't have to wake up early. So yes, I got to sleep in.
7. Did you stand on your tippy-toes for your last kiss?
Nope! I'm the tallest of my little friend group (I'm not tall, I just have short friends) so that friend i mentioned in the first answer had to stand on her tippy toes, while i had to bend down a little.
9. Last person to talk on the phone?
My mum. She was a little pissed off because of some family problems (which i try to stay out of) but then she gave me this whole summary or smth about what happened and who did what and then asked for my opinion, which is something i never thought would happen, and then i gave her my opinion and she just sighed and said bye to me. honestly, the problem itself is something about my dad and my aunt having this big fight involving my dad's brother in law who decided to do some stupid shit. i dunno the rest.
14. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
Jeans. Those little shits who I consider my closest, childhood friends decided to take me to a movie. So one of them, Amy told me "it's the best movie i've EVER seen" and then the second one, Manjita was like "It's only January and this is the second movie you've seen since 2023 started." and Amy is all "Do you want Hannah to come or what?" and Manjita is like "Oh yeah. Change quickly, we're coming to get you in 2 hours" so now i'm all ready and waiting for them to pick me up.
15. Are you a different person now than you were 5 years ago?
I think so. I mean, when I was 14, I was basically the same version of myself but emo-er. I had my goth phase, which my mother discouraged. I'm not THAT goth now, but half my wardrobe is still black and my friends (read: little shits) never lets me forget that phase of mine.
16. What were you doing at 4 am?
I was actually in the bathroom, at 4:17 in the morning, sniffing the candle that sits near the sink while I was peeing.
17. Would you rather write a paper or give a speech?
I would rather give a speech. But, I'm pretty good at writing a paper too. Writing a paper is easier, but speaking actually makes me feel good, for some reason. Especially if I'm speaking about something I'm really passionate about. I give guest speeches at schools sometimes.
21. Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but when somewhere different?
I am what, people might consider, the 'goody two shoes child' but once when I went out with my friend (yk amy from the previous stories) I told my parents I would be going to Cold Stone (a coffeshop/ice cream place) but then I went to Baskin Robbins instead.
24. What did you get your last bruise from?
I hit my hip on my desk cause my desk just decided to move 5 inches forward on its own.
26. Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?
One less question to answer. I was getting tired with all the typing that I switched to my desktop.
41. Have you had your birthday this year?
My birthday's on August 5. So, no, I have not had my birthday this year.
46. Is it hard to make you laugh?
Never! I can laugh at the stupidest of jokes. A person can just look at me and I can laugh. Like, there's this joke in malayalam and its not even supposed to be funny but i still laugh at it. people say that joke whenever they want to say an unfunny joke. i'll translate it the best I can:
"So there's this old man who's really hungry and he stops by this hair saloon and walks in. He sits on one of the chairs there and asks the barber "what do you have?" and the barber says "hair cut and shaving" and the old guy replies "then i'll have two plates of those"
AND Y'ALL DONT KNOW HOW MUCH I LAUGH AT THIS. ONCE I FELL OFF THE CHAIR LAUGHING. ONCE I ALMOST PUKED. ONCE I CHOKED ON MY CHICKEN. (no but this isnt even supposed to be funny. i just laugh at it cause its funny to me idk)
55. How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?
indian parents smh
62. Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car?
$40,000. I have no need for a car. I would rather buy books or other house essentials.
71. Does it bother you when someone hides things from you?
No. I mean, if someone doesn't want to tell me something, I understand. But if they hide some THING from me, I would pester them until they return what they hid.
72. What’s your favorite color?
I love all pastel colors + black <3
74. Have you ever been looking for something and it was already in your hand?
Another question I don't have to answer cause i've already answered it before.
77. Do you have a person of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to?
Remember Amy and Manjita? There's an addition to that pair of little shits. He is someone I can tell anything to. Literally. These 3 pieces of shit know everything about me. We call eachother pieces of shit. Literally the most affectionate thing ever. He complains about having 3 girl best friends but as he grew older, we all grew more mature. Sometimes i trust him more than the other two because they tend to tease me more if its embarassing.
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omg i'm so excited!!! it's friday and i have loads of free time today! lectures finished early, i reached home at 12, finished reading a book (which was great btw) and now i'm finished making @vespersposts desktop wallpaper for my event!! i'm done with her drabble too! now should i post all the event requests on 25th or just post as i finish??
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sometimes, when i go out with my friends or something, I always buy coffee if there's a cafe nearby. i drink coffee almost as much as water. and mine is pretty normal, a honey almond milk flat white will do the trick. except, i always add 1 or 2 extra shots of espresso. and AFTER those two shots, I put in 2 more packets of sugar and mix it all up. when i get this, people normally except a very sweet honey almond milk flat white, but sometimes, they don't hear me putting my order. so they dont know i have 2 shots of espresso in it. they come up to me and ask, "can i have a sip?" and i always say "yeah sure" and i never tell them about the espresso part. if they ask me what it is, i just tell them its a honey almond milk flat white with extra sugar and something else. and they drink it, and the face they make when they take a sip is always nice to see.
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I'm nosy babe!
Please tell me numbers:
26, 34, 40 , 74,
thanks for the ask, vesper baby <333
26. Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?
I've never "fell hard" for someone before, but if I ever did and they called me, I would probably answer the call and talk to them. I honestly don't even know what to say to this question cause i've never been in this situation before 😂
34. What is the last thing you said out loud?
when i was chatting with @/eunoiaaaivy, and i was telling her about how sakura and sasuke have an awkward tension, and then she said ino and sakura have like an "enemies to lovers" trope and i was like "YES THEY TOTALLY WOULD" except i said it, but forgot to type it.
40. Where do you want to live when your older?
I want to live here with my family, but I want an option to go back to my apartment whenever things get a little too hectic with family.
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If not this, then I want to live in like a modern villa or something.
74. Have you ever been looking for something and it was already in your hand?
Yes! just today i was walking around looking for my glasses and airpods and it took me 10 whole minutes to notice that i was holding it. i can be very observant, but sometimes i just become this clueless penguin.
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can i thank @karma-is-a-queen because girl i've been listening to this song on repeat for so long now i love this sm <333
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Hi baby! 💙
Im giving you some numbers for the ask game and a lot of kisses!
34, 41,48, 49, 50 (wildcard so I'm gonna put the question here feel free to skip if too personal)
50. Let's talk about love. What are the things (character and body) that attract you in a person? Do you have a type?
Hi <33
34. What’s your favorite flower? 
Hyacinths. I actually learned flower language for fun and even though i'm not an expert, I know the basic meaning of general flowers. Hyacinths represent prayers for a loved one or loneliness. I don't know why but I love the flower, both the meaning and how it looks.
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41. What’s your favorite cartoon? 
I really loved this question! I'm actually from Kerala, but the amount of malayalam cartoons are dangerously low (according to my grandaunt smh) but there's Kathu which is the best (and only) malayalam cartoon I watched. it's about this cat and her family and her best friend who's a squirrel. There's also another cat who always wants to eat kathu or smth which i dont get why. But if you're looking for english cartoons, it's gonna be my little pony. I've religiously watched my little pony on ejunior everyday at 5 p.m. (TLDR; my little pony or kathu (which is a malayalam cartoon) Tell me yours too, Vesper!
48. Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
My grandma or my parents. Leaning more towards my grandma. She would do anything for me. Anything. I can't give you examples because there's too much, but I remember she stayed up for 48 whole hours when my mum and dad were out so that i was fine (i had a bad fever). it may not seem like much, but its not an easy feat to stay up for 48 hours without rest just to make sure your granddaughter's temperature doesn't go up.
49. What does your last text say? 
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it was to my friend manjita. she's reading one of our fav series ever, percy jackson and she's on the heroes of olympus so we geek out about it. the downside is, she's a slower reader than me, so I have to wait or else i'll accidentally give spoilers. this is the text i sent her when she said she was on the house of hades (the 4th book of the 5 book series)
50. Let's talk about love. What are the things (character and body) that attract you in a person? Do you have a type?
I'm not sure if i'll ever seriously pursue a romantic relationship. it's not that i don't love, but i've never felt those 'love at first sight' or 'oh my god i love them so much' feelings. ever. sure i would say stuff like '(fictional character) is the best i love them so much' but im not crazy. like many people, i know we can't exactly have a relationship with people who are not real. i dont think i have a type. when it comes to personality, i dont know what i want. i want a polite person. but then again, there are times when someone is too polite. ughhhh i dont knowwww im so clueless
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My lovely Hannah,
there's no way im gonna leave you without some asks!
My numbers are: 17, 26, 30, 48
Lots of love,
Hey vesper!! Thanks for the ask!
17. Want any piercings? Where?
I already have one on both my earlobes, and I don't really want any, but IF i were to get any, I would want them like this:
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26. What are some seemingly childish things you like?
I really like reading those children poem books. Like the ones by Dr. Seuss. I have some at my apartment, and i get 'the looks' whenever someone sees them. Like one part of my bookshelves are dedicated to these kinda books. They're my go-to when im not upto reading longer, emotionally draining books.
30. What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
Going back home for the holidays and season 2 of jujutsu kaisen and tokyo revengers.
48. Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
My parents. I don't think i need to explain.
Thanks so much for the ask, love. I was really happy to see this!
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I’m still working on all the requests for the Christmas event, but rn I’m down with the stupid flu. I’ll still be continuing the event, but y’all will get your durables and wallpaper by 25th December
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at med school rn, my last lecture will be in a while, but doing a tag game by @/shakethatsassyass helped calm my nerves a bit! tell you more stories soon!
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Baby Hannah,
Im gonna scold you! Yours aren't crappy fics at all and i know you are an amazing author so here you are my requests:
❌, 💖, 💋.
lots of love,
Hey Vesper, lovely! Thanks for the ask!
❌ - What's a trope you'll never write?
Honestly, I dunno if this is a trope but I would never write historical au. It's just something I so love yet I so hate when it comes to fanfics. I would love like novels but fanfics just doesn't seem right. So no historical au. I'm not a fan of fake relationships either.
💖 -What made you start writing?
I have loved writing stories from a veryyy young age. My love for certain fandoms and my passion for writing fueled me to go forward. However, most stories I have written are actually big ass chapter stories focusing on a murder and the investigation that follows it. Im not done writing it yet.
💋 -First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
Not on the top of my list. Certainly a cute one! So, I love em!
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💕💕💕
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💕💕💕
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ok so im not taking anymore requests for my christmas event. IF you send any in...
sorry i'll i just delete it.
thank you and have a good day my fellow tumblr comradesha
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for the ask game!! 2, 3 and 40 ♡♡
thank you so much for the ask, rekha!
2. Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
I am a coffee lover. in fact, a day without coffee is a day filled headaches. i love coffee. i can't express how much i love it. my coffee order has changed a lot. as of now, when im making it at home, i have 2 teaspoons of coffee powder and 1 teaspoon of sugar. and no, i do not have a coffee maker, my mum does and whenever im at home, i need my mum to make my coffee because i've never learned how to use a coffee maker. I also like milk coffee, but with almond milk. when i go to starbucks, during winter times, i get toffee nut latte with almond milk. I add 2 sugar packet thingies after i get it. or i go for (almost) everyone's favorite honey almond milk flat white with an extra shot of espresso. during summer, i get a normal iced coffee with one pump of caramel. at mcdonalds, i get an americano with 3 milks and 2 sugars.
3. What was the last song you listened to? 
40. Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
Weirdly enough, I don't like both, beause I don't like going to the beach during the day. I love the beach at night. Sometimes I go with my family and cousins and we have a campfire and everything. But if I were forced to go during the day (yes, you would have to force me) then I would choose sunny.
I enjoyed answering these!! thanks so much for the ask <3
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