#daku matsumaru
butterfly-buck · 2 years
back on OC bullshit and that means making ✨much needed edits!!✨
(aka i’m ranting about self indulgent stuff for a while)
including, unfortunately, a lot of name changesssss
(so sorry mutuals but some of these characters were named when i was in the third grade they need to go-)
there are a handful of these OCs (chris, ethan, tony, etc.) who are part of the main canon of this Currently Unnamed story, but had originally been created in a modern au *COUGH NINJAGO COUGH*
their names were fine in that context. however, the world that this story takes place in is drastically different from the semi-modern setting of ninjago cough ergo…. they no longer sit right
daku is definitely getting a whole new name. guranteed, at some point that’s gonna happen
i don’t know what it’s gonna be at ALL
but he was my first oc ever thus i have zero confidence that it wasn’t at least a little bit racist in its origin (i’m like 88% positive that name was pulled from google translate’s asscrack),
no matter how much i like the meanings of the name ‘daku’ in other languages i can’t ignore my sad little third grader attempt to sound japanese,
the sound of it does not suit his character at all, i can’t even come up with a face for him because of it,
i’m tired of it being compared to deku, shall i go on,
chrisanth, or chris, is getting only a minor name adjustment i say before rambling for a thousand years
because i love the idea of naming him after the chrysanthemum flower (i’ve seen too many of those this autumn)
AND the meaning of the particular name ‘chrysanth’ is fucking gorgeous (“golden flower, brilliant and precious flower like gold that glitters in the light” according to one (1) single webbed site) but the step between that name, ‘chrisanth’, and ‘chris’ feels too,,,, shhhhort????
and tbh i’m not sold on the nickname ‘chris’ anyway given the whole. weird japanese/middle eastern vibe-mashup that he has,
neither of which match a name that could be used for a white plumber—
ALTHOUGH, although although i did happen to stumble upon the name CHRYZANT which GREATLY appealed to my fondness for bizarrely-spelled names,
however i did not see any sources that said it meant the same thing as ‘chrysanth’, that it was a literal translation to the chrysanthemum flower,, it’s. not a problem at all rlly, that is what his name is literally based on like i said but i. i just like the other definition that one website gave me so much i don’t care if it’s bullshit i have to stick w/ it for now
so officially his tag has been changed to the weirdly-spelled ‘khrisanth’ for now-
i don’t feel like iiiiiii have to change his all that much???
considering his full name is anthony and that’s a pretty ‘culturally flexible’ (i say with a HEAVY grain of salt) name??????
but it is weird now because that’s the name of my aunts weird boyfriend and apparently he’s sticking around now SO LIKE—
because i fuuuuuckingggg loooooove that name…
and he lives in a region with fashion that is heavily northeastern european-inspired, & as far as i know that name is pretty popular around that region?? i’ve yet to double check on that from reliable sources don’t quote me on that please fjfjfkfh
and then there’s my poor baby oc, ink, who was created in a very half-assed way, uhh fjfjkdhd so far it’s the only ‘officially’ human oc i have in this world?? there are other humans but it’s just. the only one i got? i’m so sorry sweetie werewolves are just hotter than humans—
it uses it/its pronouns, which. i have never done. i want to be careful with this one, not only is it human but it uses pronouns i have never met anyone with before fjfjdkhd i know they’re out there but i just. don’t know any of them, so this character just feels like an egg from some strange bird that i don’t know how to handle at all and i’m just tryina handle it veeeery caaarefully—
ANYWAY OFF TOPIC- i want to give it a name that REALLY suits them. ‘ink’ does not. feel like that. fjhfkdhdjdbdjb
iiii don’t really have any ideas at the moment, but this is one that i’d love feedback on please help me properly care for this bean,,, name suggestions would be great, literally any, i mean it
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butterfly-buck · 2 years
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been awhile since i just drew my boys, good god
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butterfly-buck · 3 years
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infodump under cut
by infodump, i’d like to add, i mean that it’s still an actual dump, it’s an intense work in progress & if i don’t pin the post rn then i’ll never work on it dkfbkdnd
bios -
Daku Matsumaru
werewolf, born in Varryk. resides east of the Northern Territory with his wife and kids.
Twin to Kaykye. trans male
subj. pn. - he, they
obj. pn. - him, them
poss. det. - his, their
poss. pn. - his, theirs
rflx. pn. - himself, themself
age 37.
asexual panromantic. married to Cheie Kaiju, father to twins Arin and Afton.
Daku is a gentle giant of sorts. He adores his partner and would steal the stars from the sky for his kids.
Due to inflicted emotional trauma, his anxiety is quite severe, though despite which, he is notably determined and resilient and will go to great lengths to assure his loved ones’ safeties.
Cheie Kaiju
demon, birthplace unknown. currently lives in Varryk east of the Northern Territory with their husband and kids.
Single child. sex varies, gender varies
subj. pn. - they, she
obj. pn. - them, her
poss. det. - their, her
poss. pn. - theirs, hers
rflx. pn. - themself, herself
age unknown.
omnisexual. married to Daku Matsumaru, mother to twins Arin and Afton.
Cheie is a kind, playful soul what cherishes the small, happy memories they make with their new family. They do most of the social interacting for their family, taking care of business and keeping them all safe. Like their husband, they would go to any length to protect their loved ones, especially their little ones.
Arin Kaijatsu
garmr, born in Varryk. Resides with his sister and his parents.
Twin to Afton. male, genderfaun
subj. pn. - he, they
obj. pn. - him, them
poss. det. - his, their
poss. pn. - his, theirs
rflx. pn. - himself, themself
age 12.
Arin is a quiet little boy who takes after his father in thoughtfulness and polite nature. He is a little worrier and is constantly looking out for his twin to make sure they don’t get into too much trouble.
Afton Kaijatsu
garmr, born in Varryk. Resides with their brother and their parents.
Twin to Arin. female, genderfluid
subj. pn. - they, she, he
obj. pn. - them, her, him
poss. det. - their, her, his
poss. pn. - theirs, hers, his
rflx. pn. - themself, herself, himself
age 12.
Afton is a bright-eyed adventurous young lad. They grew up with stories from collectively both parents and have been inspired to go out and create their own with their brother by their side.
Kaykye “Kade” Matsumaru
werewolf, born in Varryk, currently lives in Amarrin.
twin to Daku. male, genderflux
subj. pn. - he
obj. pn. - him
poss. det. - his
poss. pn. - his
rflx. pn. - himself
age 35, younger due to interdimensional space-time conflicts.
demiromantic polyamorous bisexual homoromantic. textbook bachelor, unmarried.
Kade tends to be brash and significantly swayed by his emotions. With quite a long past of traumatizing (and being traumatized), his cap on what he’d like to say is relatively loose. He grows attached to people quickly yet does not trust easily.
He would sooner drink himself into a stupor to deal with his past than spill his guts to someone he’d like to make a good impression on… However, influences from the mages have convinced him to confront his trauma in healthier ways, even if he does sometimes slip up.
half merman half human. amateur street magician in Amarrin.
Orphan, owns a tiny pet dragon named Bishop. trans male
subj. pn. - he
obj. pn. - him
poss. det. - his
poss. pn. - his
rflx. pn. - himself
age 14.
aromantic asexual.
Anthony “Tony” Yana
werewolf, born in Varryk. deputy in Northern Territory pack. raising adopted gargoyle son.
No siblings. male
subj. pn. - he, ze
obj. pn. - him, zem
poss. det. - his, zeir
poss. pn. - his, zeirs
rflx. pn. - himself, zemself
age 38.
demisexual biromantic. bachelor. status of his love life is moot.
Though much of a “react now, think later” person, Anthony is a valuable man to know. A fiercely loyal protector, Yana is. He will retain a commanding, stoic demeanor until someone so much as hint that their intentions are less than friendly. A true mother friend and the best hugger.
Theodore “Theo” Yana
gargoyle, created in the Galene Empire. lives with adopted werewolf father in Varryk.
Single child. female
subj. pn. - he
obj. pn. - him
poss. det. - his
poss. pn. - his
rflx. pn. - himself
age physically 20+. acts & appears 13.
Theo is a bright young boy with an eye for the wonder of the world, and a heart for adventure. He has a heart for injustices and every word that leaves his lips is filled to the brim with passion and enthusiasm. Having been developed as a thirteen year old since the day he was created, he has become very wise for his age, even if a bit brash. He can be headstrong but he always has good intentions at heart.
Montgomery “Monty” Aurelius
hybrid elf, mage. birthplace unknown, currently lives in Amarrin kingdom.
sibling to Alice. genderless
subj. pn. - he, they
obj. pn. - him, them
poss. det. - his, their
poss. pn. - his, theirs
rflx. pn. - himself, themself
age 34 (probably).
polyamorous bisexual. married.
Ryne “Princey” Selevican
zombified former prince of the Galene Empire.
No siblings. bigender male
subj. pn. - he, she
obj. pn. - him, her
poss. det. - his, her
poss. pn. - his, hers
rflx. pn. - himself, herself
age (at time of death) 27 (current age 62).
omnisexual abroromantic. widowed.
Ryne can be a very quiet individual. After being resurrected ten years after his murder, he often finds himself in reflection. He’s become a calm fellow who’s taken it upon himself to be noble about his undead situation… even if that means physically deteriorating over immortality at the expense of others.
human, birthplace unknown. currently resides in Amarrin. adopted into noble heritage.
Single child. genderless
subj. pn. - it, they
obj. pn. - it, them
poss. det. - its, their
poss. pn. - its, theirs
rflx. pn. - itself, themself
age 24.
asexual demi-biromantic. uninterested in committed relationships.
Ink is reserved and polite, with a air about them that demands respect despite their small stature. Although they are more on the quiet side, they take it upon themself to care for their village and lead to the best of their abilities. Their stoic, well-mannered presentation is very hard to break, though there have been… moments.
Khrisanth “Chris” Vixantosh
kitsune mage, birthplace unknown. resides in Amarrin among mage tribe.
No siblings. male
subj. pn. - he
obj. pn. - him
poss. det. - his
poss. pn. - his
rflx. pn. - himself
age 323.
aromantic omnisexual. uninterested in long-term romantic relationships.
Chris never second-guesses himself. This is both his best and his most damning quality. He does not come to build trust easily and would sooner give you an ice cold shoulder than admit that you were right about something. He struggles to process emotions and is quite quick to anger, though he finds he is best able to work around this when he is far from people.
Serena “Sarr” Cawlli
werewolf, born in Varryk. Current head of the Cawlli pack and lives with her girlfriend, Ethan.
Only child. Female
subj. pn. - she, zey, they
obj. pn. - her, zem, them
poss. det. - her, zeir, their
poss. pn. - hers, zeirs, theirs
age 29. polyamorous bisexual.
Ethan Suil
neko, born in Varryk to a clan of their own race, currently lives with their girlfriend, Sarr.
Oldest to several (currently unnamed) siblings. Genderfae trans female.
subj. pn. - they, she, it
obj. pn. - them, her, it
poss. det. - their, her, its
poss. pn. - theirs, hers, its
rflx. pn. - themself, herself, itself
age 28
demon, operates primarily in Varryk but has worked in other realms before.
No siblings. xenogender, uses exclusively neopronouns
subj. pn. - xe
obj. pn. - xim
poss. det. - xer
poss. pn. - xers
rflx. pn. - xemself
age unknown.
Nirim is a sadistic creature who exists only to entertain xer own twisted fantasies. Xe has a very grand outlook on the existence of life in the sense that it is so fleeting that it is irrelevant. To xim, living creatures are a mere speck of dust on the cosmic bookshelf.
At first, xe can be a difficult entity to predict. Although it has been done, Nirim will not make it easy, until you grasp that xe will only ever act with xer own interest in mind, and such interest is usually established on the suffering of others.
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places (chances are I’ll pick at these pretty gradually,,, stay tuned ig) -
Frozen Beyond: a world of icy danger beyond the Northern Territory. During the winter, the temperatures can drop to well below freezing. It is a world where light is a rarity and darkness is a forgotten memory. The Beyond is a world where nothing matters but the survival of you and your companions and the ever-present need to keep a steady body temperature.
Northern Territory: An expansive werewolf territory that lies beyond the northern mountains and spans across a huge forest of redwood trees. It is one of the few regions with four seasons. The werewolves that inhabit it are difficult to reach to trade with due to the extreme terrain, however there are many willing to make the journey regardless, primarily by boat, because of the Matsumaru Pack’s steady supply of lumber and tools.
North Alps: a range of high peaks that rise from the surface of the world. They are home to very few villages, but the ones that do exist live in the lowlands. The mountains are rich in ore, and a few orc clans have been able to establish themselves in the mountains, mining and smithing to put food on the table. The mountains are cold, snowy, and most of the year they are covered in a thick fog.
Grasslands: A vast plain spanning across much of the central continent. It is home to centaurs and farmers and mages passing through. Though at first glance it may look barren, but the plains are home to much wildlife, including rabbits, hawks, harpies, deer creatures and coyotes. To the north of the grasslands looms the mountain range, while the south holds the merciless desert. Those looking for a peaceful, quiet life often find it here.
Desert: The desert resides in the south. It is a place of heat, sand, and arcane. The desert has long been a place of strife. It is difficult for the inexperienced to traverse, and can be lethal to those who are caught in sandstorms or floods, or who are endlessly wandering the dunes in search of water. On the other hand, there are many towns. Bazaars and markets are a common sight and the practice of magic and the study of arcane flourishes among its inhabitants due to the mystical resources of the jungle to the west.
Jungle: a sprawling, seemingly endless forest of enormous trees, strange vibrant plants, and unimaginable creatures. The jungles are hot, humid, and filled with a variety of predators (most notably, the giant spider-like creatures known as driders.) It’s home to many hidden temples and ancient ruins and items of magical significance and it is a common sight to see adventurers lose their way in the jungles trying to find these things. It is unwise to venture in without a guide who knows the way.
Southern Territory: A large werewolf territory that encases a good portion of both the desert and jungle. The Cawlli Pack regulates traffic within their borders, and sometimes outside of it, assuring that travelers both reach their destinations safely.. and avoid the ancient ruins that the pack has so devotedly protected for centuries.
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butterfly-buck · 3 years
angsty collection o’ ocs :)
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the c̷̬͕͕̙̭̎̅͗̓̑͘͜ḫ̷͈͙̠̻̿̃̐̀̒̎͌i̶̬̔̋l̷̢̬̲̬̥̯̫͉̓͒̒̇̕d̶͚̩̗̽͑ͅr̵͈̣͝͝ę̵̣̯̗̼̦̂̈́̅n̵͈̠̳̑̉͑̽̾͘̚
y̶̧͇͚̤͔͒͝ẹ̶̱̹̈ṡ̵̻͙͍́ ̴̙̖̘̗̩͖͘ͅt̵̝̄͊̀̓͘͘h̶̛̖̤͔̻̠͔̃͐̂͝r̸̻̱̗̻͛ͅͅi̸̢͍͉̟̫̰̥͂ͅṽ̷̙̠̥̖̺̌é̷̡̧̧̜͕̜͔̌͝͝
infodump under cut
phobias listed
ocs involved
img 1: kaykye matsu
img 2: daku matsu
img 3: sarr cawlii
img 4: ethan suil
img 5: anthony yana
img 6: theo yana
img 7: ink
img 8: ryne selvick
img 9: christopher jones
img 10: shojol
img 11: ilatt
img 12: do’kika
Basic Character Cards*
*note that these are all the human versions of my ocs. when i talk about them, usually i’m talking about the fantasy versions of them
name - Kaykye “Kade” Matsu
pronouns - he/him
orientation - polyamorous demiromantic, homoromantic bisexual
age - 25
name - Daku Matsu
pronouns - he/him, they/them, she/her
orientation - demisexual, pansexual
age - 25
name - Sarr Cawlii
pronouns - she/her, xey/xem, they/them
orientation - omnisexual
age - 25
name - Ethan Suil
pronouns - he/him, trying out they/them
orientation - bisexual
age - 23
name - Anthony “Tony” Yana
pronouns - he/him, ze/zim
orientation - demiromantic homosexual
age - 27
name - Theodore “Theo” Yana
pronouns - he/him, she/her
orientation - panromantic asexual
age - 15
name - Ink
pronouns - they/them
orientation - aromantic asexual
age - 22
name - Ryne “Ry” Selvick
pronouns - he/him
orientation - polyamorous abroromantic bisexual
age - 24
name - Christopher “Chris” Jones
pronouns - he/him
orientation - aromantic pansexual
age - 27
name - Do’kika
pronouns - they/them
orientation - aromantic asexual
age - 12
name - Ilatt
pronouns - ze/zim, he/him
orientation - demiromantic heterosexual
age - 35
name - Shojol
pronouns - it/its, she/her, they/them
orientation - omniromantic asexual
age - 10
relationship dynamics
Ilatt (fathering Shojol & Do’kika. Poorly.)
Tony (fathering Theo)
Daku (fathering/mothering(??) Shojol)
Kaykye & Daku (fraternal twins)
Shojol & Do’kika (two years apart with Shojol being the younger)
Chris & Ink (nonbiological, five years apart with Ink being the younger)
romantically involved:
Sarr & Ethan (engaged)
Kade & Ryne (???????) & Tony (???????)
sharing living spaces:
Kade, Daku
Tony, Theo
Sarr, Ethan, Chris, Ink
Ilatt, Do’kika (technically ig)
general friend group:
Kade, Sarr, Ethan, Ryne, Chris, Tony, Ink(?)
(all of the above prolly kiss each other too idk)
Shojol, Theo, Do’kika, Chris (wait the ratty asshole is good with kids? oh my god the ratty asshole is good with kids,,,,,,,)
prolly gonna add more later idk
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butterfly-buck · 2 years
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messin around w/ shading,,, mostly practicing w/ colored pencils
did not photograph well so have a shitton of dumb edits on top of it—
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butterfly-buck · 2 years
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hol on- i actually adore this one i-
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i’m having way too much fun fkjfkfjf
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butterfly-buck · 3 years
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i love my dumbass sons.
redraw of this doodle of the boys that i found in one of my old journals from forever ago
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i’d like to think i improved fkfjkdbdkd
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butterfly-buck · 3 years
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oc-tober day 1 (a little late) - Journey
we’ve come so far. the future finally looks bright. just don’t look back.
click for better quality:)
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butterfly-buck · 3 years
The Oracle
summery: Kaykye recounts a time in his childhood when he was warned very explicitly of what his future held.
word count: 2229
warnings: mentions of blood
No one ever believes they deserve forgiveness.
I certainly don’t. And I know that my brother certainly did.
But most times, it doesn’t matter what you think you deserve. Karma is a merciless beast. It does not sleep. It does not have a deadline.
I wish I’d gotten mine sooner. Perhaps then there wouldn’t have been so much bloodshed. Maybe I wouldn’t have been able to eventually trick myself into believing I could get away with anything.
Maybe the repercussions would have been easier to take. Even if they were inhumane. I deserved every moment.
What I put my pack through. My home. My origins. My family. My brother.
From the very moment I chose anger over support.
There were signs, and I refused to listen.
The first was when I was just boy.
When we were small, my brother and I would spend all our days together. Climbing trees, catching minnows in the streams, laughing and playing. But we had our differences. I would hunt rabbits. He would pick flowers. It didn’t matter to us.
The world felt so big, and it felt as though we owned all of it.
Of course, we never did stray far enough to see the borders of our territory until we were becoming young men. It was never on our minds. To us, it simply made sense that the world was like those linen maps our warriors stretched over pinewood tables, surely if we walked far enough we would careen off the edge. But it was of no consequence to us anyway. Children were as children would always be, all we that we knew was all that mattered.
That was not to say we were completely sheltered from the outside world in our youth, however.
Merchants, hawkers, mercenaries, even entire caravans and traveling bazaars were allowed to pass through our land. It was an unspoken agreement, they would sell us goods from faraway places and in exchange, we would keep them safe from animals and bandits. But this agreement mattered little to me, I’d only known what I’d seen through my lens of youthful ignorance: strange, wonderful creatures of all shapes and sizes.
Such things fascinated my brother and I, yet we had only been allowed to visit a bazaar once, with, to my discontent, our mother in tow.
I recall the day was fine. The sun shone, not a cloud in the sky, it was pleasantly warm. A minor detail but one prevalent only because such days were rare in our northern territory, even in the summer seasons. I wanted to speak with the strangers, hear their tales from faraway lands, I was certain such days were common where they were from. The grass is always greener on the other side and all that.
But when we were so small, Mother acted as though she never wanted to let go of our hands. She loved us, truly, a remarkable woman. I remember her eyes, always full of care and tenderness. Eos rest her kind soul. She deserved much better than the fate she received, and there is not a day that passes that I wish I had not taken her for granted. Though, I digress.
Despite Mother’s bearlike protectiveness, I was rather overjoyed at the prospect of seeing the foreigners for myself instead of simply listening to stories the full-growns shared of their time in the bazaars.
It was truly the first time I’d realized perhaps our world was bigger than I could imagine, that what I knew was only a small corner of it. Though my brother was not as pleased with this discovery as I was.
Daku had always been a shy sort of character, and unlike myself, likely would not have enjoyed the bazaar without someone else’s hand in his.
I recall with a smile that, with the promise of keeping him safe from the strangers, I convinced him to exchange holding Mother’s hand for mine. After all, we were the alpha’s boys, we were unstoppable together.
It’s fascinating, I think, to look back and realize that a silver tongue was something I’d always had. Even if, at the time, convincing Mother that we could handle ourselves if we stayed with each other while we wandered off seemed like a grand feat.
Daku was skeptical to leave her behind. But he conceded as she did. He trusted her judgments. She trusted mine.
We’d seen all sorts of oddities that day. Strange foods, objects, relics. Strange people, with feathers, or scales, or bare skin instead of fur. With more or less than than one tail. With more or less than for arms. With magic, without. With tools, weapons. With stories.
That was the day my brother and I were first introduced to different types of magic. Ones that did not only empower the body, but the mind.
The oracle was the first I’d seen, and I was not inclined to believe her, or care about what she had to say.
Daku was the one who’d taken an interest in her tent. It looked scary, and I’d thought, this is the sort of adventure that costed the hero more than they had been willing to lose. But it was the one thing my brother had shown genuine interest in, so I agreed to follow him inside. We would stick together, I promised him, after all.
The tent seemed darker the first moments we stepped in, as our eyes had to adjust to the candle-lit setting after being outside in the sunlight all morning. The woman inside had greeted us in a language that we could not understand. Suddenly Daku was not as daring as he had been a moment ago, hiding behind me.
I responded to her first, with a meager, “Uhm.. Hello…”
“Welcome, wolf cubs.” She spoke with an accent. I’d had to take a moment to understand her. “You have come to know what is to come.”
“..You.. can read the future?” Daku had asked, sheepishly peering over my shoulder.
“It is your fortune that I can see, little pup,” the old woman responded. The golden light of the candles illuminated the wrinkles that creased her face when she smiled.
It sounded like nonsense to me. I wanted to go see the men juggling the jewel-studded scimitars again, not listen to some furless old lady spin some story about something that could easily be faked.
I started to shake my head and turn to leave, but Daku tugged at my cloak, his way of silently pleading with me for just one more minute to see what the woman was about. I agreed with reluctance. My brother flashed me a happy smile and inquired, “How does it work?”
“With some assistance from a friend.” Her hands formed a ball, and within them an orb appeared seemingly out of cloud and sun.
Daku’s eyes filled with wonder. I thought it must have been a clever act of misdirection, a trick of the light, but I had to admit I was a little won over by it. Maybe this wouldn’t be so boring.
“Woah… C-can you tell us our fortune?” Daku asked, bouncing on his toes.
“Hm.. Most often, I require coin..”
My brother deflated a little. He turned to me. “We didn’t bring any coin, did we?”
I shook my head. Coin was for the full-growns, it was something we used only for trade. We had not planned to trade for anything.
“But..” Her velvety eyes twinkled. “There is a special aura about you two. I will serve for free, if you are still willing.”
Daku gave me another pleading look. I could not keep my smile contained.
“Wonderful. Approach, little ones.”
We did so. She ushered Daku closer first with the twitch of her finger, and as he stood before her, she hovered her palm over the orb of light.
“Young wolf, what is your name?”
“..D-Daku..” he answered, shifting his weight between his feet in anticipation. “..Of the Matsumaru Pack.”
The candles seemed to dim and flicker. I watched them with mild curiosity as the oracle’s eyes closed.
“You.. Daku Matsumaru, you have a long life ahead of you. Sorrow and fortune await you.”
This time I had to force myself to contain my smirk. The old bat probably said the same to all of her clients. But it seemed to make Daku happy, so I didn’t wish to break the illusion. She continued on.
“A great hardship, but you will be rewarded in the end. Your journey will not be in vain. Remember that there are more people by your side than you allow yourself to perceive.
“…What… What kind of hardship?” Daku asked. I’d noticed he’d started to wring his hands.
“A long, lonely one.”
At that, I did scoff.
“Now I know you’re making stuff up. He’ll never be lonely because he’ll always have me.” I’d slung my arm around my brother’s shoulders. Daku gave me a smile, nerves eased.
“Will he?”
The look the oracle gave me was unreadable. I didn’t know what she could be thinking but something about her expression sent a shiver slithering down my spine.
“What else can you tell me? B-besides the.. hardship.. part..,” Daku stammered, likely sensing my discomfort.
Her eyes softened when the attention was directed back to him. Something churned in my stomach. What was with this lady? I wondered, one of my ears flicking in annoyance, if it was because I’d wanted to leave. A dismissal for a dismissal. It seemed petty to me.
“I see admiration. A great hero not only to the Matsumaru Pack, but all of its neighbors.”
“What?” I couldn’t help but burst out. “But he’s so timid! He doesn’t even handle a sword!”
If I’d bothered to look, I would have seen Daku’s gaze fall to the floor.
The old woman did not grace my exclamation with a response. Instead, she asked me, “What is your name?”
“…Kaykye, of the Matsumaru Pack,” I responded, puffing out my chest. Daku was not a proud entity, but our pack certainly was. He does not display such in his greetings, so I would be proud for him.
“…Kaykye Matsumaru.”
Again, I felt my fur stand on end. She didn’t say my name like she had Daku’s. She’d spoken it like the name of a deadly poison. As though she were a mother warning her pups of a plant that they should avoid eating, or a dangerous creature they needed to watch out for.
I was frowning now. My brother wrapped his arm around my shoulders too for a moment, though backed away when the oracle’s hands slammed down on the table with a mighty thud. He backed away and hid behind me.
Again, she placed her hand over the orb. I didn’t want her to read my fortune, but she was speaking before I could protest. I would not soon forget what I would hear.
“Kaykye Matsumaru will be a disease to his kin! Blood flows like a lethal flood on the path he walks, a monster will grow within you for all eternity, and until Kaykye perishes, for what you have done you will know no peace for the rest of your days!”
The candles blew out and my legs gave way. I may have acted tough when I was a boy, but I was still just that: a young boy. I had not been prepared to hear such a thing and neither had my brother. I barely recognized the terrified shriek as his. My head was swimming and all I could hear was the screams of my pack, the images flashing in my mind of swords and blood and war, and some monster that bore my face.
I had been staring at my hands when the tent flap was thrown open.
“Daku! Kaykye!” my mother had cried, alerted by the sound of my brother’s shriek. She’d rushed to our sides, lifted me to my feet and held me close. I had not embraced her back.
She threatened the old woman and told her never to go near her boys again.
The oracle merely replied that it wouldn’t be a concern. That she was fleeing this dimension while she could. That I hadn’t a clue of the storm awaiting me.
Sometimes I wonder, if her boys hadn’t been watching, if she would have spilled the oracle’s blood then and there, and that would have been the first time a life was taken because of me.
We went home early. Mother had told me that she would not let that happen, that there was nothing bad coming. Father told me to stop listening to such lies from a foreigner, that the sun would not set on us, that my potential was for greatness, not destruction. The elders had shared similar opinions.
Daku tried to tell me he didn’t really believe the old woman was telling the truth. She was only saying that to scare me, and she was cruel for doing so.
I thought it unlikely. She did not receive any coin from us. She risked the anger of the wolves by frightening the Matsumaru alpha’s youngest son.
There would be no benefit in lying, other than to stir up chaos.
I did not utter a word to anyone.
I did not believe them.
And I did not sleep that night.
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butterfly-buck · 3 years
thinking aloud here, i’m running into some design issues 😔
im kinda outgrowing some of my ocs’ designs, kade and daku’s face structures and yin yang hair colors in particular,,, and some things with the werewolf designs, like the manes, just aren’t working the way i was hoping, they’ve needed quite a lot of tweaking for awhile and i just.. haven’t done it yet
i think those two ocs are gonna undergo some pretty heavy appearance construction while i do this dkdhdjjd
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butterfly-buck · 3 years
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butterfly-buck · 3 years
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butterfly-buck · 3 years
oh boy, oc tag game-
bring it on
(at least) four songs that fit your ocs (spoiler alert there will be more than four)
(i’m terrible with tagging so this is a free ticket for anyone who wants to gush abt their ocs to do so-)
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
Hey Brother - Jakob Samuel
Nothing’s Fair in Love and War - Three Days Grace
Everybody Gets High - MISSIO
Bottom of The Deep Blue Sea - MISSIO
Dead Pirates - UGO
Bust Your Kneecaps (but something is terribly wrong) - pomplamoose (edited by mackrat)
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery
Burning Pile - Mother Mother
Other Side of Paradise - Glass Animals
Little Dark Age - MGMT
Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant
DOOM - Calivania
Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
Devil Like You - Gareth Dunlop
Alrighty Aphrodite - peach pit
505 - Arctic Monkeys
Please Set Me On Fire - Estelle
Stolen Dance - Milky Chance
To The Moon - Phora
Weight In Gold - Gallant
baby you’re worth it - kina (the old version)
mars - beauvois
Fallout - Young Summer
It Took Me By Surprise - Maria Mena
Maybe - The Ink Spots
Pinky Promise - Jake Daniels
Pork Soda - Glass Animals
That Man He’s A Monster - Adam Jensen
Give and Take - PoorMansPoison
Hazy - Sleepy Soul
The Villain I Appear To Be - Connor Spiotto (annapantsu cover)
Feed The Machine - PoorMansPoison
For The Departed - Shayfer James
The Hearse Song - Rusty Cage
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butterfly-buck · 2 years
the more i draw daku the more he looks like wolf from the tenth kingdom and i’m not sure how to feel abt that
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butterfly-buck · 3 years
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“Much like the laws of conservation…, power cannot be created or destroyed. Only converted from one form to another.
“It has to come from somewhere.
“It has to go somewhere.”
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