#damn now i’m thinking about the modern xiao i created
thank you so much ;^; i'm proud of myself too and i do hope to pass this last one too, otherwise it's a september matter lmao
i will make you accept compliments in a way or another 🤺 i'm sure i'm not the only one here, so it's an undefined number of people against you >:3 (also thanks for liking that awful pun, cyno got the better of me)
i think that, in a modern setting like your au, xiao would be one of those average tattooed people, they have their good bunch of drawings and writings but still got plenty of untouched skin, so the possibilities for tattooes are almost endless! but yeah arms and chest and back tattooes >>>>>>>>>> neck too ngl they're hot 👀
with scara is more of a "annoying x annoyed" trope (if it actually exists, otherwise i just invented it), but nonetheless even if he has good reflex one way or another he want flick my forehead unless he wants me to pinch his cheeks like a baby in exchange (or to offer me dinner)
anyway, just finished re-reading the piece cuz i needed the gut twisting feeling to sink just the right way and MAN HOW COULD YOU QwQ THE DESPAIR THE ANGER THE LONELINESS THE PAIN THE EVERYTHING GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH T-T kazuha the only one trying to cope in a decent way BUT TOMO QwQ
you're an amazing and cruel writer holly TvT
— ❄️
you can be proud!! and it’ll work out, i’m sure of it!! <3
too bad that i’m the sole authority on this blog and democracy means nothing to me /j; it’s not that i dislike receiving compliments, hell one of my receiving love languages is words of affirmation, i just don’t believe any of them are true and people are just being nice, bless their hearts i think i can go toe to toe with cyno on puns, albedo loves it
yeah i agree (again, i have my ideas that i will throw at people eventually, one of them is ofc angsty heheh just a smidge though) there’s still plenty of soft skin for me to touch doodle on; maybe i do have to write his second part next, i have some tasty ideas (i’m shooting myself in the foot with this bc how could anyone compare?? ㅠㅠ)
anyway speaking about neck tattoos, scara… every trope is valid as a trope even if it’s just made up but i think the “annoying (bc they care) x annoyed (but they actually care so much)” trope has been floating around; also let me tell you, scara already wants to buy you dinner, you’re just giving him excuses jshsh
HOW COULD YOU has got to be my favourite reaction to get on any kind of angst piece, it’s just funny; especially bc i can guarantee you that i was whining in my best friend’s chat about how none of the scenes are painful enough… oops (it happens every time)
xiao’s part is by far my favourite though, sorry blatant favouritism, but i had this very vivid scene in my mind for it + my two beta readers were yelling in the entire comment section which was very encouraging (also i hope we all caught that jade symbolises harmony, virtue and eternity, what a detail~ /lh); kazuha definitely copes the best but i think xiao is getting there, childe and aether on the other hand…
thank you, being a cruel writer means so much to me ^^ at least when it comes to angst what’s comfort?
“i promise, honey, i can feel your pain; and maybe i enjoy it just a little bit, does that make me insane?” me when someone says my angst hurt; sorry i have this song stuck in my head and i just kinda fits here hshsh
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
lei i'm mourning,,,, i saw the genshin livestream and it was so amazing and its clear how much work the developers put into the game the only thing is no scaramouche,,,, i don't know how but i've become a scaramouche yearner i want to kiss him so bad OTL we could have a melody n kuromi type of dynamic for modern clothes i could see him in a lotta black mayhaps a leather jacket and it would work well cause i dress soft irl the being soft for one person troupe is looking so tasty right now i bet they serve that stuff at five star restaurants,,,,,,,,, i bet when he kisses someone its kinda rough and he does that thing where he holds someone cheeks with one hand
putting aside how down Horrendous i am for scaramouche what/who are you most excited for in the new update? :0 the teashop dog is pretty high for me working for him doesn't sound too bad always having a job, the conditions seem pretty relaxed, you can never get yelled at i can't wait to visit him ^__^ ayaka's coming soon and i've been saving for her but its not enough for two pitys i won the 50/50 with childe now i have to win a second one if i loose it atleast means i have a confirmed baal i see why kazuha's friend wanted to see the sword i too would love to see the boobie blade i wonder if that means archon's bodys can act as a big pocket for them- 🍰
i also watched the livestream and HOT DAMN! ahahahahahahhaha im so hyped and i havent felt like this since 1.4/xiao banner! mhy has a lot of issues but i think that it's only fair to give them credit. the game they created is not a joke and the way the development team talked about it really made me feel their sincerity and dedication. big respect to them!
on a side note ahahahahahhahahahaha same bestie!! idk if you saw that post i made which literally just said 'Scaramouche.' like yes... i broke my lowercase aesthetic for this tiny shithead. i love him. i love evil gremlins. ngl i didnt understand a single thing u said but i'm assuming melody and kuromi are like the soft, cute s/o and edgy, evil other s/o? in any case, you have my full support! that sounds like a wild ride that i would certainly love to see. what about kaeya tho? 👀
I'M SO EXCITED TO GO TO THE SHRINE THING!! THE ONE WITH THE FOX??? TREE? oh and i'm pumped to visit ayaka's house too. i mean,, gotta scout my future residence 😭😭 ajsfajkflkaghanka— i've lost my mind fr. ngl tho, i'm most excited for the new lore. baal's v interesting and i wanna know how her mind works. the teahouse dog seems like he's a nice boss? ah well, as long as im fed and dressed, i'm not complaining. sign me the fuck up
i really, really wanna get ayaka but idk if i'd spend my entire primo savings on her yet 😭 i'm at 75 pity and i'm just hoping to god that she comes home in my 50/50. still need some to spare for bedo 😭
HAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH RMBER WHEN WE ALL CLOWNED KAZUHA'S BESTIE FOR WANTING TO FIGHT BAAL? well now... 🤡🤡 would literally put my entire life savings just to get her to step on me and stab me poor ol' heart.
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The forbidden crack! Untamed prompts: 14/?
MeetCute modern!AU [mianqing edition]: “Don’t Bother Looking Down”
[title is from the song “We Fell in Love in October” by Girl in Red]
[let me live vicariously through my baby girls ok?? let me have this]
Qingyang wishes she never moved in this damned country in the first place. Coach Nie followed her alright, so she should be fine and, really, she is thankful for this amazing opportunity. But now she kind of regrets giving up her Lanling citizenships in order to move back to her mother’s home country and fence for the Qishan national team. She understands the language to some extent, but the people there immediately notice her accent and they glare at her whenever she speaks.
Coach Nie moved country as well just to make a champion out of her and, although he respects her for the choice she made, Qingyang knows he misses Qinghe and the people he left behind.
Getting into the national team was nothing compared to the impossible task to fit in and live a normal life. Even her new teammates don’t talk to her unless it’s strictly necessary and they always speak in that quick dialect of theirs just to gossip behind her back. Some of the guys in the male team are actually friendly and manager Xiao Xingchen is always offering to help her with this or that. Meng Yao had to leave Lanling to make the team and even his mother is, coincidentally, from Nightless City just like hers. She doesn’t like Xue Yang: barely seventeen, never heard of manners in his life, but he’s a genius in his own way and Qingyang has a lot to learn from his swordsmanship. However, his younger step sister A-Qing is the loveliest girl and the foulest mouth on the planet whenever she begrudgingly cheers for him, so maybe Qingyang could, potentially, relax a bit and have some fun while training.
But no. Their respective teams captains are actually evil and want them to suffer through impossible training sessions just to let them bask in glory without doing much themselves. Wang Lingjiao especially hates Qingyang’s guts and does everything in her power to make her leave.
It’s not Qingyang’s fault if her disgusting boyfriend had tried to give her a lift home too many times already. She wouldn’t even accept a drink from Wen Chao, let alone a lift. But one day Qingyang has enough, honest to the gods she has.
So it’s with a hollow heart that she stumbles into a random library to check if they have something to consult for her anxiety... when she sees her.
The girl that lives above her in her new apartment complex with her Grandma and younger brother. The one who always scowls at her because she never gets the trash out in time. The one who their landlady refers to with the ever lovely title of “our little overachiever” and “med-school dropout” any chance she gets. The one who apparently went to Lanling University along with Qingyang’s cousin ZiXuan and was the top of their class. The one who always runs around with the child she babysits for the rich couple at the end of the street.
And fuck no, Luo Qingyang’s not gonna mess with that.
So when she readies herself for yet another awkward encounter with the angry looking woman, the last thing she expects is to be welcomed with a blinding smile.
“Welcome, how can I help you today?”
And if Qingyang has to rely on some forced pleasantries between retail worker and client just to experience some human connection... so be it. It may be sick to ask for kindness this way, but she’ll make do.
She has to.
[details underneath]
Wen Qing hates her job. Not because she hates books, although she’s not a great reader herself (save from poetry, but nobody needs to know that), but because her boss is the epitome of “welcoming host” and she’s suffering from a chronic case of resting bitch face and forcing smiles is the last thing she wants out of life.
She came back to Qishan to look after her grandma after she broke her femur and her brother Wen Ning is studying to become a teacher and the final exam is nearing. Wen Qing didn’t want him to drop out to look after their grandma, so she left her fancy scholarship behind and came back.
XiChen is her boss at the library and took her in after his brother WangJi asked him to: Wen Qing and A-Yuan are distant cousins, but she and her brother didn’t have a job by the time the child became an orphan and their grandma was too old to look after him; hence, WangJi and his husband Wei Ying adopted A-Yuan and didn’t want him to live separated from his original family, so they moved in Qishan and frequently meet with the Wen’s.
Wen Qing feels bad about dropping out of university, but she refuses to regret it since she’s more than happy to look after her grandma. ZiXuan is a pediatrician now and several years have passed since they were classmates and competing for grades, but he checks on her through video chats every once in a while.
(ZiXuan is -coincidentally- Qingyang’s cousin and they talk a lot more than what they used to do now that he’s married and his wife is waiting for their first child. Turns out, ZiXuan is a secret matchmaking mastermind now that he is happily married and has matured enough to want his dear ones to be happy as well. So he plants the seed of curiosity in Wen Qing’s head by talking about his “hot and exceptionally talented fencer cousin who could possibly bench press a grown man. have I mentioned she’s hot?”)
(“Ew, do you think your cousin is hot?” / “Hot as in... lesbian terms, you get me” / “No. I really don’t. I’m straight.” / “Sure Wen Qing. Sure.”)
Qingyang keeps going to the library after her practice, in full gear and with her hair messy and red cheeks just to see Wen Qing smile at her and being forced to be nice to her. She absolutely knows the other woman is forced to do so and so she annoys her with pleasantries and silly things, but she never outright flirts with her [the lesbian courtship prevents the subjects from using such direct and straight(pfffffft)forward ways of approach, obviously].
(“I’m so sorry for forgetting about the trash the other day” / “That’s [*clenches fists*] fine. Don’t worry about it” / “Will you forgive me, Miss Wen? Really? [*Qingyang used ‘Bambi eyes’. It’s very effective!*] / “Don’t worry, that’s fine [*Wen Qing wishes the ground could swallow her whole. The nerve!*])
Wei Ying obviously befriends Luo Qingyang: he has to. He’s never seen Wen Qing this flustered in his life and he needs something to entertain him while Lan Zhan is at work. So he meddles bc he’s a little shit, but we all love him for it anyway.
(“Did you make a library card yet or...?” / “I don’t want to give that woman my ID, she might call the police on me once she gets a hold on my name” / “You literally live in the same building” / “It’s a big building. And I always misplace the trash, I’m afraid she’ll call the police on me saying I’m actually hiding a corpse in my apartment. No thank you” / “It’s a library subscription, not a birth certificate for gods’ sake” / “I’m not risking it, Wei Ying” / “Then I’ll tell you what to do.......”)
The next day at the library...
(“I want to get a card” / [*internally screeching* “took you long enough, wasting my time”] “Name?” / “MianMian”)
Which is apparently the wrong thing to say, because Wen Qing loves poetry and goes ballistic for any reference she can pick in normal conversations. So when she hears ‘MianMian’ she immediately goes “Then my name is YuanDao” and it’s like a fucking switch has been pressed and now WEN QING IS THE ONE PURSUING but Qingyang doesn’t know anything about poetry and doesn’t know what to do. She’s created a butch monster who actually genuinely smiles at her now and that’s too powerful for a small femme like her holy fuck.
Additional content: Jiang Cheng goes to a million blind dates until he meets XiChen out of fucking nowhere and they move in together two days later + Meng Yao seduces Nie MingJue with hot fencing routines without even sparing a glance at the older man (his drive is focused only on the medal and... for NMJ that’s kind of hot) + Wen Ning is actually a heartthrob but he’s not interested and runs away from people actually swooning at his feet left and right + Xue Yang is not a criminal and only wants his sister to finally get the service dog of her dreams + Song Lan is a referee but he gets distracted by the Qishan team manager bc... boy is he fine
[I’m suffering. Can someone write this I do not have time to commit to my own writing and I don’t trust myself with the delivery.
I’m but a tiny prompt-machine help me D:]
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sablelab · 6 years
Covert Operations - Chapter 10
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DISCLAIMER: This is a modern AU crossover story with Outlander and La Femme Nikita. LFN and its characters do not belong to me nor do those from Outlander. This is a complete work of fiction and as such is an entirely fabricated tale created in my imagination.
These next few chapters follow Jamie and Claire as they travel first to Aberdeen and then other places across Hong Kong in search of members of the Rising Dragons’ Triad in the hope of locating the Dragon Head … Sun Yee Lok.  
*Manip - @artistsassenach
CHAPTER SYNOPSIS: Jamie and Claire’s reunion is unfortunately interrupted and Superintendent Zheng has reservations about James Fraser.
 CHAPTER 10 (S) Claire Beauchamp was frozen to the place where she stood … trapped with her back against the hallway table. She couldn’t move even if she wanted to for she was Jamie’s willing captive. Expelling a breath, she wished he would draw back a little since she was having difficulty in thinking coherently … but it was a double-edged sword because Claire also wanted him closer at the same time. James Fraser’s smell invaded her senses; her breathing was shallow and her heartbeats accelerated heightening her anticipation of what he would do next. As if hearing her silent plea, Jamie removed one hand from the table; but drew his fingers lightly down Claire’s thigh to her knee, then back up again. Struggling to ignore the heat building in her stomach, she tried to concentrate but was fighting a losing battle.  His eyes pierced her own in such an intense way that Claire could not look away.  All she could do was feel the delicious, tactile glide of Jamie’s hand across the fabric of her sweat pants but wishing it was against her naked skin.  A wry smirk slowly appeared on his mouth at her reaction to his touch for James Fraser knew exactly what he was doing. All of a sudden she felt some dampness in her panties when the heat of Jamie’s palm slid more boldly down her leg drawing enticing but distracting patterns along her thigh. Unable to fight the feelings exacerbated by his touch, she shifted, easing her legs slightly apart to give him plenty of room. Their eyes met and held. Claire had little trouble whatsoever discerning the meaning of his actions for James Fraser stared at her mouth like a starving man thirsting for water. So powerful was his hypnotic gaze, that she felt the caress of his lips even without any tangible connection. She’d fallen under his spell and although her thoughts were centred hopefully on what was to come, she muttered feebly, “Oh! … Umm … Thanks for the flowers Ja-mie … they … were beautiful.” “You’re beautiful, mo nighean donn,” he replied, as he dipped his head and nuzzled the side of Claire’s neck with intent. Jamie’s Scottish brogue was so much more apparent when they were alone like this than when he was in Section mode and his words washed over her like a caress. “What? ... What does that mean?”
“My brown haired lass,” Jamie replied splaying his fingers through her tresses.
Her heart suddenly accelerated. “O-oh,” she uttered loving the way those words rolled off his tongue.
However, in his mind’s eye, Jamie suddenly saw flashes of the dead body of Annalise de Marillac, and he couldn’t rid his mind of her disturbing likeness to Claire and the dead woman’s involvement with the Rising Dragons. This was a dangerous mission, for this Triad was cold-blooded and deadly. If the truth be known he was concerned for Claire’s safety even though he knew she could look after herself. 
With his thigh nestled between her legs, Jamie pulled her closer to his body and tightening his embrace began a slow seduction.
A rush of breath left Claire’s mouth when Jamie’s tongue nailed the sensitive spot between her shoulder and neck. She shivered with the sensation of his caress to her flushed skin and tipping her head to the side, gave him further access to her flesh. Jamie knew exactly where to touch her that would have the greatest effect on her sanity. Erotically nipping at her skin with his teeth he then soothed the spot with his tongue again and again. Claire sighed happily when Jamie’s determined fingers gently massaged her inner thigh while at the same time his addictive lips left wonderful little love nips along the column of her throat. Unable to resist the onslaught of Jamie Fraser’s attack, Claire tightened her grip on the edge of the table as her body began to fall apart. He tongued the hollow of her throat and lathed it sensually against her skin.  Moaning his name out loud, Claire tipped her head back and thrust her breasts forward willing Jamie to touch her, to cup the weight of her breasts in his palm and to take her in his mouth. Raising his head Jamie looked down at Claire’s flushed face with passion filled eyes now changed to a deep smoky hue. He pried her fingers from the table and lifted her arms over her head, but just as he was about to remove her tank top the ringing of the doorbell startled them halting his actions. “Damn!” Claire muttered disappointment dripping from her words and closing her eyes she nestled her head against Jamie’s chest willing whoever was at her door to beat a hasty retreat.
“Oh, no! Go away!” she admonished in her brain. 
Jamie pulled back to look down at her. “Expecting someone else?” he asked amusingly.
Managing a weak smile Claire shook her head. It was probably her dinner. She had completely forgotten about the pizza order from the down stairs Deli. “Pizza delivery I think.”
However, Jamie did not relinquish his hold on her straight away.  Capturing Claire’s hands once more, he pulled her away from the table and pressed his body flush against hers.  Going weak at the knees, her heart was pounding in her chest for Claire could feel Jamie’s arousal nestled against her.  Leaning her head against his chest she tried to calm her breathing then looking up at him, she saw the disappointment in his eyes that she too felt.  She didn’t want to move but with more reluctance than she would ever believe possible, Claire Beauchamp slipped out of James Fraser’s embrace and went to answer the door frustrated with the untimely interruption.
Gazing back at him, she managed to say huskily, “I’ll be right back.”
“Ahhh! Mei … what are you doing here?” Claire asked incredulously when she finally opened the door. “Superintendent Zheng sent me over here to keep you company.” “Oh! … I see.” “I’m here to take you out to dinner.” Mei cheerily replied waiting for Claire to invite her inside the apartment. “Hong Kong’s culinary delights are legendary. What would you like? Italian? Nepalese? Cantonese?” “Ahh! That’s very nice of you Mei … but …” “Hello,” sounded a male voice behind Claire as she stood at the open door. Looking up and seeing James Fraser standing there, Mei Ling looked at Claire apologetically and answered, “Oh. I’m sorry Claire; I didn’t know you had company. I’ll go.” “No … no … stay,” she answered Mei trying to allay her new friend’s perceived embarrassment at perhaps having disturbed her evening with a male guest.
However, it was Jamie’s words that eased the situation for the young police recruit.  “I’m just leaving anyway I’m afraid,” he stated matter of factually. “Miss Beauchamp and I were just getting … acquainted, but our business is concluded.”
With disappointment registering in her eyes, Claire glanced at Jamie. He was standing there as if the past few moments hadn’t occurred and was again wearing his leather jacket that she had dropped on the floor.  She gave him another quizzical glance then looking at Mei Ling said, “Why don’t you go into the lounge room Mei … I’ll just see Mr Fraser out.” ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Jamie’s voice echoed loud enough for Mei Ling to hear in the other room. “I look forward to working undercover with you Claire.” “Until tomorrow then …” she replied in a similar manner. James Fraser lightly brushed her arm and raised his eyes to hers. Claire saw the regret registered there also for the untimely interruption by the young lass. Keeping his gaze locked with hers, Jamie lifted Claire’s hand to gently cup her wrist, then bent his head and stroked his tongue across her palm. Straightening up, he let his fingers glide from her wrist, along her hand, then slowly over her fingertips. Claire felt his touch as if a bolt of lightning had struck her. She was melting on the spot as her eyes closed in lament of what might have been had they not been disturbed. Then … he was gone. Turning, James Fraser had walked out of the door, not looking back. Hearing the door shut quietly behind him, Claire opened her eyes. She looked at her hand and brought the area that Jamie had kissed to her mouth and nose. Nuzzling the spot he had caressed, a dreamy expression crossed her face.  She took a moment to compose herself before returning to the lounge room where Mei Ling was waiting for her.
“I’ve ordered pizza.  Why don’t you stay and share some with me instead of going out.”
  The next morning the mission begins...
Before departing for Aberdeen, Claire and Jamie had sat in Superintendent Zheng’s office being briefed on last minute details. Xiao Zheng was not at all happy with the fact that Claire Beauchamp was to go off with James Fraser to Aberdeen for he’d had reservations about him from the moment they had first met. However, Zheng was convinced that if all else failed, it was, after all, better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer … if … James Fraser was indeed an enemy. Claire though, had appeased his suspicions, convincing him that she could keep an eye on Mr Fraser while taking advantage of his connections to solve this case. She had argued the fact that being a couple would provide an excellent cover for them than if they were on their own. Zheng was under no illusion about what may lay ahead for these two. He was resolved to the fact that undercover work was covert but it appeared these two people were not new to this type of subterfuge. Both of their résumés had outlined the many times they had been on assignments such as this one. Nevertheless that still didn’t make his concern any the less. After all Claire Beauchamp was on exchange and under his protection. If anything should happen to her … well … he loathed thinking of the consequences. Xiao had his misgivings about the very plausible scenarios Claire had outlined, but he had reluctantly agreed to them travelling together stating that back up would be available if needed despite his orders from head office. On the other hand Superintendent Zheng was still at sixes and sevens about sending his exchange colleague on a mission with this private investigator, no matter how good was his or her résumé.  As a precaution he had checked out James Fraser’s credentials, and he had come up clean with a very impressive body of work as well. It appeared that Fraser was a former MI6 officer who had been seconded to work as a special agent for the FBI in his area of expertise … Organized Crime. He had travelled extensively throughout the United States and Europe while conducting investigations and interviewing difficult suspects, thus developing a network of investigative contacts nationwide. Moving into private investigating for a career change, James Fraser still was highly regarded and often worked in conjunction with the police in undercover work on sensitive cases. Fraser’s credentials had been categorically verified also when he had earlier contacted the Chief Commissioner to confirm his documentation. Zheng had been given the short shift by his commanding officer when they had spoken on the phone. It seemed that in matters of national security and diplomacy, pairing the two was a win-win situation for the Hong Kong police, and Zheng was reminded of this very succinctly. Without it being verbalized, he knew he was to “stay out of their way and under no circumstances was he to meddle or try to contact them whilst undercover.” Having been convinced from many quarters and given that the French Canadian ambassador Monsieur Alain de Marillac would not have engaged his services if the man wasn’t what he appeared to be, Zheng reluctantly saw James Fraser in a slightly different light. The man was very interesting and there was something in his eyes. He finally realised just what it was that he saw … it was power. James Fraser was a very foreboding individual who would not be crossed. Good … then he'll protect her, he’d thought optimistically. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
“Angus, show Mr Fraser and Claire their vehicle would you?” “Sure thing Boss,” he replied as he led the way to the elevators in the corridor. Looking at Claire, Zheng added, “And make sure there are no scratches or dents anywhere on the car while you’re at it …” he ordered, “… or it will come out of your wages!” “Yes sir!” As he observed James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp leave, his canny police eyes studied the couple once more. What he saw aroused his suspicions. Could it be that these two knew each other? No! … That was not possible! Zheng reflected on their meeting in his office. It had been quite aloof and even some antagonism was evident … a fact he had attributed to their pairing. In his experience undercover people liked to work alone and here they were with a sanctioned pairing at the request of the Chief Commissioner. He only hoped that they would get on together and achieve the end results for all of them. Zheng watched as they left the premises and entered the lift that would take them to their waiting car. Claire turned and gave him a cheeky smile and a wave as the doors closed behind them. James Fraser on the other hand stood resolutely … his face a blank mask. Returning to his desk, Xiao sat back in his chair lost in concentration. James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp appeared to be so in sync, so attuned to each other that there was an air of togetherness about the couple, as if they had worked together before. He knew that was not feasible but they certainly struck a chord with him in their demeanour. There was something about that Mr. Fraser that he couldn’t quite put his finger on also and it irked him. Dressed all in black he looked menacing, dangerous and the minimal movement of his gestures left him wondering. James Fraser was so difficult to read and … that blank stare of his was compelling. The man was too self-assured … possibly a legacy of his type of work. Perhaps I am just too distrustful, he thought. I’ve been on this job too long. Even the good guys are starting to look suspicious. Zheng laughed at his ramblings knowing that if he were a younger man, in similar circumstances, he too would have jumped at the chance of working with Claire Beauchamp undercover. However, if he had been left out of the loop and there was more going on than at first appearances then … he would not be happy. He would be demanding some explanations … from very high places.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~to be continued
Thank you everyone, I appreciate your support for my writing and hope that you are enjoying my crossover story.  Much appreciated. xox
Should you wish to access the other chapters of this story … https://sablelab.tumblr.com/covertoperations
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mihanada · 6 years
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
(back to masterpost)
I almost forgot to do this because I was busy trying to catch up on Legendary Master’s Wife lol.
Chapter 27: Malice (Part 5)
I still find it kind of funny that they keep the body parts in their little pouches under teacups in the room. I guess they do it so it doesn’t look tempting to steal or people don’t see the bags moving around, but it’s still kind of funny.
Also: just remember that these two dorks played a duet together every night to calm these things down.
Then: remember Wei Wuxian’s sad flute and how the sound literally roused Lan Qiren from a coma. xD
At least Lan Wangji finally fixed it for him. Haha, but to think Wei Wuxian didn’t even notice him remove it from his person...you’ve really gotten used to each other, huh.
“Has it gotten too used to the bad playing? I’m playing properly for once, and it doesn’t even like it.”
lol I forgot this part happened. The hand got used to his shitty playing.
Seems our “dear friend” was never a connoisseur of music. It didn’t seem to do him much good in life, either.
Interesting factoid I discovered in my travels on the internet: the guqin creates soft tunes, so it can’t be paired with all instruments or else it’ll get drowned out. classically, the xiao (the vertical flute that Lan Xichen owns) is paired with it since it has a deep, mellow sound, but in modern times the dizi (it has other names, but nowadays refers to a horizontal flute like the one Wei Wuxian is always depicted with) has also been used to duet with it.
the more you know
The curse mark hasn’t been brought up again in the latest chapters, but it was never removed, so I guess it hasn’t spread at all since.
Wei WuXian said in a voice filled with much empathy and a dash of timidity, “My apologies. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience, but you might need to build the wall again afterwards.”
Wei Wuxian is such a scoundrel sometimes lol. you’re not sorry at all
I can’t tell whether he’s a good actor, or a really bad one, sometimes...
poor Nie Huaisang though, these two just come barging in wrecking everything.
once again, I am reminded of how this novel is not cheap when it comes to descriptions of gross corpse things. not for the squeamish.
“Then, would it mean that the owner has three arms?!”
lol Wei Wuxian. but, you know, it’s a valid and ridiculously implausible thought. xD he really is a fun narrator to follow on this journey
suddenly shouting to take the pants off the corpses...ahh how does no one else figure out this is Wei Wuxian for 50 chapters??
“With a face full of tears, he thought that, for sure, after he died, he would be slapped once on the face by every ancestor in the QingheNie Sect and end up injured so badly that he’d be handicapped even after he reincarnated.”
the writing is so colorful. also, I’m really not used to the writing style of Chinese web novels which seem to have a lot of really exaggerated expressions
so this is hilarious. poor guy. If you think about it, after reading the flashbacks later on, poor Nie Huaisang was in for a real surprise when his brother died and he suddenly became sect leader. He had no clue about all this stuff before that.
“Just as Nie HuaiSang was about to praise how worthy of his title HanGuang-Jun was, he heard him speak, “I will do it.””
HAHA Lan Wangji how petty are you?? not wanting Wei Wuxian to do it, are you really jealous of dead guys. I mean. technically, Wei Wuxian is also a dead guy but...
“We can only hope that the pieces aren’t too tiny.”
I think I felt like that when I first read it lol.
and now we are off to the start of the Yi City arc! this one is really damn long, but it’s so good.
(quotes from ExR’s translations)
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